9h 114 D New Shoes J for Men just Received AT J M Hendrix & Co., 221 S. Elm St. t ec i Repairing and Cleaning. I make a specialty of Watch Cleaning and Repairing of all kinds. Work intrusted to me is certain to receive careful and intelligent treatment from expert and skilled hands. A good timepiece should be in trusted only to a competent watchmaker. Clocks cleaned, repaired, regulated and set in fine running order. Jewelry and all small wares mended, cleaned and repolished. All work guaranteed. Prices always reasonable. m m m m m m m m m m m m m m W. B. farrar's Son. Inspector of Southern Railroad y Watches. jj Established 1868 Turnip Seed Just Received. If you want Good, Fresh Turnip Seed, buy of us. HOWARD GARDNER. Druggist Corner Opposite post Office. Bicycles TEMPLE Sundries The best equipped bicycle shop in North Carolina. Renting, repairing, and anything a cyclist wants. Double Tube Tires, guaranteed, per pair, $5, CO Sinirle Tube Tires, guaranteed, per pair, 14.60 Saddles were $3.60 now 50 Foot Pumps were 1.0J now 5Q Hand Pumps were 25 now 20 Toe Clips were 25 now 15 Handle Bars were 2 50 now 1.50 Otnent was 10 now 05 Tire Tape was 10 now 05 Trouper gaurds were 10 now 06 Pedals from 1 to 12 Cork Grips 20 cents pair Chains $1.25 These were the prices before I came to Greensboro. Mail orders filled promptly. For Repairing and Sundries. 115 East Market Street. For Flour, Feed, Best Grades of Lard, Meat ot all kinds, everything in Groceries, Pro duce and Vegetables. In fact everything you want. Our prices are the lowest for first class groceries. Come and see us and be convinced. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. South Elm Street Phone No. 2 Whitsett Institute Literary. Normal, Business, Art, Music, etc. 200 Students, representing 30 counties. Expe rienced Faculty, 25 Free Scholarships. New and Convenient Buildings. Location Noted for Health and Beauty. Fully Incor porated. Excellent Advantages, Reasonable Expenses. 31st term opens August 17th, Foj Illustrated 60 page catalogue, address, PROF. W. T. WHITSETT, PH. D., Whitsett, N. C. I NORTH OREENSBORO ON TOP. An Interesting Oamef Tennis Yes terday Afternoon." i The Southside "tennis team having defeated their opponents'. Tueaiay, Messrs. Wharton Bros, had : blood In their ejes yesterday afternoon and got revenge to their heart's content. - -1 The visitors were represented by Messrs. -Stephen and Robert Douglas, while the Northsiders werejchamplon ed by Messrs. H. W. and Lee Whar ton. ? - The first set was a walker-over for the -Wharton's, resulting. in a score of ft to 1 in their favor. The second set was more hotly eon tested, and the visitors secured three out of the nine. Tuesday evening both sides played with snap. The Douglas Bros, were not in their usual form .this being particularly the case with Ste phen A. Robert's service was very strong. L. G. Wharton did the brilliant work of the game, playing splendidly at the net, back line and in his ser vice. H. W. Wharton's work at the net was a noticeable feature of the game, being very strong. 1 Messrs. Donnell and Gales having won the first series of the tournament for the Southsiders, the tie will be played off at the Ballard court this afternoon. Whitsett Locals. Correspondence Telegram. Whitsett, N. C Aug. 18th. Prof. Canada, principal of Chapel Hill High School, spent Wednesday in town. Students . are coming in on every train from all sections of the state.- Albert Ingle has moved into the Mike Clapp house. F. H. Barber, of El6n College, en tered school Wednesday. : Prof. Hammer, of Jamestown, an old teacher at this Institute, is visit ing friends at this place. Miss Ida Winstead came in yester day from Nash county to enter school. B. S. Best and brother arrived last night from Pitt county to enter school. The July number of the Whitsett Student will be out in a few days, the delay is on account of being overrun by work of the printers. The seems to be much interest taken in the musical department this fall. Prof. Blagg is the right man in the right place, and will make this a noted music school in the future. Large crowds from around here are attending the protracted meeting at Bethel. They report much interest manifested. School opened Wednesday with a large attendance, mostly from the eastern part of the state and Virginia. There has been some much 'needed work done around the mineral springs, which help appearances considerably. This spring is one of the best mineral springs in the state, flowing sixty gal lons of pure mineral water per minute. Mr. George Bynum, of Chatham county, is expected here in a few days to take hold of the store formerly run by Oldham & Green. The firm will be run under the name of Bynum & Green. Much success to this new firm. CHARLES L. ANDREWS HURT. Injured by a Streat Car in Baltimore Yesterday. The many friends of Chas. L. An drews will be pained to learn that he was seriously hart in a collision with a street car yesterday in Baltimore. Mr. Andrews has been visiting in Baltimore for about a week and was to hrve returned to Norfolk yesterday to resume his woak. Late yesterday afternoon his father, Mr. L. W. Andrews, received a tele gram informing him of the accident and asking him to come to Baltimore at once. He was unable to go on ac count of sickness, so Mrs. Andrews went instead, leaving here on the 9:52 train last night A later telegram last night stated that Mr. Andrews was not so seriously hurt as was at first thought, and one this morning said that he was resting very easy. Spending The Afternoon Here. Rev. T. A. Smoot and bride, nee Miss Leila McGirt, arrived in the city on the noon train from Wilmington and are spending the afternoon in the city with Mrs. Dred Peacock. They were met at the train by a number of friends who were happy in their con gratulations to the newly married couple. Rev. and Mrs. Smoot will leave on the evening train for Salis bury to spend a few days before taking up their residence in this city. Smoke "Sweet Violet," 5c each, $5 I per nunarea. sou per wousana, as I Lindau's. - 7EBE:i Before . Tbe Last fight In The . -Philippines, . , -L' DEWEY AND MERRITT TOLD 'EM SO They , Were Cautioned as to the Suf fering of the Sick and NonCom ". batants In Case of a Fight. By Wir to Thb Tkudgram . , Washington, Aug. 18-The follow ing was received at the . war depart ment today: . Madrid, Aug. 13 On the 7th inst. Admiral Dewty joined me in notifica tion to the Spanish cammander to re move ..the non-combatants rom the city. On the same date a reply was received expressing thanks for the hu mane sentiments , stating that the Span ish were without places of refuge for the non-combatants outside of the city. On the 9th we sent a joint note in viting attention to the suffering in store for the sick and non-combatants in tbe event that it became our duty to reduce the defenses; also setting forth: the hopeless condition of the Spanish forces, which were surrounded on all sides, with the fleet in front and no prospects "for reinforcements, and de manded the surrender as a due consid eration for humanity. On the same date we reoeived a re ply admitting the situation, but stating that the council of the defense declared the request to surrender could not be granted, but offered to consult with the government if time was granted. This was answered by a joint note de clining. On the thirteenth the land forces joined with the navy in an attack with the following results: After about half an hour's accurate shelling the enemies lines, McCarthur'a brigade on the right and Green's brigade on the left under Anderson made a .vigorous attack, carrying the Spanish works. The loss is not accurately known but is thought to be about fifty. The behavior of the troops was ex cellent, and the co-operation of the navy was most valuable. The troops advanced on the walled city upon which the white flag was shown when tbe town capitulated. Troops occupy Malateand Binondo, the walled city San Miguel and all important centers are protected. The insurgents are kept out and there is no disorder or pillage. Signed Merritt. Young Thieves Caught. Officer Scott last night arrested and placed in the calaboose the four little coons who, a few days ago, stole the gas pipes, plates, etc,, from the acad emy of music. They went into the academy through a window and stole any little things they could find, one little fellow taking only a small tea pot for his trouble. They are aged 8, 9, 10 and 11 years, respectively, and some of them had already been placed in bed by the ten der hands of a loving mother when Officer Scott called for them at their different homes last night. Mad Dog Bites. Ex-Congressman W. H. H. Cowles and little daughter, of Wilkesboro, passed through last night enroute to New York to receive treatment for mad dog bites. Col. Cowles was bitten on the hand several days ago by a dog supposed to be rabid, while trying to prevent the dog from biting his wife and children. His daughter received several scars on the face. - Will Not Build. . i. We learn from Mr. E. P. Wharton that the warehouse which it was an nounced would be built on the corner of North Greene and Clay streets, will not be built. Mr;.. ; Wharton has re-, ceived a letter from Capt. FiBher say ing that after careful consideration he had decided not to build but that he would lease the lot to any one wishing to build a warehouse there. The Allen to Move. Mr. W. B. Allen, proprietor of the Allen House, tells us he will move his place of business about the 'first of September to; the brick building how occupied as a" boarding house by Mrs. Ballard near the depot. This is a splendid location, a good house, and we predict that Mr. Alien will do well there. Although the Vaccine Institute in Cairo d'stributed lymph for 330,000 vaccinations in Egypt last year, the supply was not equal to the demand, and no less than 2057 cases of small pox were treated in the government hospitals. ' i - NOTES FROM' tftdtf TOINT; The Local News From 'Our Neighbor u - Brlefly-ToW, . jBxm point ;n: "Aug is&skv i Commenting on the item in 'jester ay's CHtixerircgardlri(C,tIie .opposi tion to - the hitching posts on JMain street by the Telegram- and sanctioned by the EnterHse wherifl'l ClUzen calls to miad a remark made by JaptJ Pnow" some years ago "that be wished that there weretwioa asmany hitching posts along, Main Street as ttere are nqw.'we beg to Inform the Citizen that" some years . ago,' - possibly , when the Capt. made tha remark that . chasing hares on Main street was an every day occurrence. . -!' ' ' " -It is nothing unusual - to see boys riding the rods of freight trains but now you can ' see J little "niggers"; riding the rods bl a bicycle, " , Vtl Capt. Rankin is still running a bob-tail", train: Jt Is a pity that a man of Captains i, length should have to run so short a train. . ' - The bear thicket on Greene street is being cut down by tbe street force. Why not wait until the hunting season fsaver.. . . ; ,' . ,,. .-. :,it,'..:: The force at work on. tho Archdale telephone line has been increased four fold. We expect to : be talking with Archdale by this time next week ' ( The buildings of the .High Point Coffin, and Casket -Co. are turning gray, but that is no sign of the busi ness getting old. ' . ' " " ;' ffCorporaL-J. Sydney Spencer and Private. George Barker, who have been spending a short ''furlough at hdme, returned, last nighty to, their company, stationed' at Land's End, near Port Royal. 51 - f 'Mrs. R. J. Lindsay returned last night, from Wilmington,', whither she went on the excursion Monday.' Miss Georgia Lindsay, who has been visit ing in Wilmington for several weeks, returned also. ' 1 Mrs. James Howard, Mrs. C. E. Foy and Miss Annie Foy went to Asheboro this morning to spend therday. - Mr. and Mrs. George Core returned to Charlotte this morning. . v A. Siherrard went tenth this mora-i ing on business. i' C. M. Crawford, Albion MiUis, F. G. Barbee and Clyde Caper went to Troy this morning to join the excur sionists from there to Wilmington. W. P. Fife, Jr., returned home this morning. R. McC. Bullington, a ."prominent young traveling of Richmond, is in the city on business. When we see " Wooly" in town we know the furni ture men are in need of oil. ' Mrs. Bezen8on. and. daughter, Nova, who has been visiting' the family of A. C. Dodamead, left this morning for their home in New Britlan, Conn. We are glad to know that Miss Nova, who has been confined to her bed with fever several weeks, has bo improved that she can return home. ,.-?- Trinity College Notes. The prospects for a fine opening in both college and fitting Bchool are very bright. The grading of the college grounds has been completed. It has wonder fully improved the appearance of the earn pus. The work on the buildings of the Trinity Park High School is being pushed with great rapidity. It is one of the most beautiful structures on the park and one of the most complete high school buildings in the south. The faculty of the Trinity Park High School consists . of J. F. Bivins, head master; W. K. Boyd, F. S. Aldridge, P. V. Anderson and D. W. Newsom, assistants. The first four mentioned young men are graduades of Trinity Colkge, and all are teachers of experience. Mr. Bivins was principal of Albemarle Academy last year; Mr. Boyd was in structor in history in Trinity College during the last session and has taken the Master of Arts degree; Mr. Ald ridge has been for two years one of the principals of Belwood Institute; Mr. Anderson was principal of the Wilson Graded Schools at the time of his election; Mr. Newsom has taught in Littleton Female College and Little ton Academy.- This .constitutes a strong teaching force. Ladies', oxford ties, regular $2.50 and $2.00 grade, to be sold from now on 'for 11.50 at Thacker' & Brock mann's; $1.25 quality at 95 cents. Also have a few dozen pairs infants and children's -sandals, .chocolate and black, that we will sell at factory cost, or less, rather than carry them over. Smoke "Sweet Violet," 5c each, at Lindau's. " - - WILL PBESIDE Over the .Cuban Local - Commission. Peace MERRITT ISSUES PROCLAMATION Suggests a Scheme for the Oovern- r ; ment of Manila and the Ter- s I -- ritory In Our Possession. By Cable to Thm Tbusgbax. j Manila, -Aug. 14 General Merritt has prepared a proclamation - to the natives which provides a scheme of government for Manila and the sur rounding territory; also the other is lands which are in our possession. .The jchlef points are: I Rigid protection to all personal, re ligious and municipal laws; tribunals and local institutions -for the punish ment of crime to remain until further notice, exoeyt where incompatible with military rule,' subject to supervision of the American general. Tlie provost marshall and sub-provosts are to be appointed with power to arrest civil as well as military of fenders. -Trade to be opened for neutral nations; public property to be vigorously protected, and there shall be no interference- with the people as long as they preserve peace. - General Merritt occupies the gover nor's palace and headquarters. : . BLANCO WILL PRESIDE. Madrid, Aug. 1. The council has cabled to Washington asking the gov ernment for 'the names of the peace commissioners; also cabled Generals Blanco and Macias, asking them for the names of the best men for appoint ment as local peace commissioners. General Blanco will preside over the Cuban commission and General Ma cias over the Porto Rican commission. YELLOW FEVER AT KEY WEST. Naval Stations Will Be Transferred t. to Hampton Roads. , Washington, Aug. 17 The naval station at Key - West will at once be practically abandoned on account of a threatened epidemic of yellow fever In the barracks and city. The naval base will be removed temporarily to Hampton -Roads" Three unmistak able cases of yellow jack have ap peared among the marines at the Key .West barracks,' and there are several suspicious 'cases. Rigid pre cautions have been prescribed and a quarantine will be established. Commodore Howell's blockading squadron will go to Hampton Roads, where the men will be given generous shore leave" To Be Greeted By a Holiday. By Wire to Ths Tkugram. New York, Aug. 18 The mayor proclaims a' holiday for Saturday in honor of the return of the American battleship from Santiago. All the de tails have been arranged for the naval part, which promises to be of national interest. Tar, Feathers and Dynamite. By Wire to Thb Tkugbam. Smlthfield, W. Va., Aug. 18. A coat of tar and feathers was applied to three men and six girls by vigilants early this morning at an objection able resort here. The house was af wards blown up by dynamite. Ambassador Succeeds Ambassador. By Cable to Ths Tilkbam London, Aug. 18. The Russian am bassador here will be shortly succeed ed by Count Cassini, the Russiam am bassador to the United States. A correspondent of a London paper asserts that no fatal results may be feared from yellow fever if the person attacked, as soon as the symptoms ap pear, take a tumbler full of olive oil with the juice of a lime squeezed into it. This dose should be repeated un til vomiting and purging ensue. "This is infallible in checking the virulence of the complaint," says the letter writer, "and a speedy convales cence invariably follows. I have not only approved its efficiency personally, but have witnessed its complete suc cess; in dozens of cases, both in Cuba and South America." Health Commissioner; Reynolds, of Chicago, has informed the fruit deal ers -of that city that the ordinnace'pro hlbiting the covering of fruit exposed for sale with colored . netting, or the use bf any other device ; which may tend to deceive purqhasersrwillhence- forth be enforced strictly and impar tially. The eity authorities tried to en force it last year and failed i j Smoke "Sweet Violet" 5c. at Lin- dan's. ". - , J : : - - A BRAVE ACT. Recalled and. Told at the Reunion In O "Chatham. In his short speech at the veterans reunion at Mt; Vernon Springs,W. P. Wood said there -i were just as -"brave men among his hearers as Bagley and Dewey and Hobson and the other he roes of our war with Spain.- . And to illustrate the truth of his statement he Cited an instance of the bravery of one of his hearers, which he had witnessed at the battle : of the -Wilderness; and pointed to Captain C. F. Siler, who was the captain of his "old com pany. He said that whea a charge was ordered the color-bearer of the regi ment .promptly started forward, but was ai once shot dead. One of the.color guard immediately seized the falling flag and he, too, fell dead. Another of the color guard grabbed the flag, but he also was instantly killed. And then, although three men had been so quickly jkiiled with thai fatal Jag. Capt. Siler rushed to the fallen flag and waving it aloft dashed toward the enemy, calling out "Follow me, my brave men!" And ' they Idid .' follow phim to victory. This was not the only instance of Capt. Siler's bravery, as is attested by the scars of five- wounds which he Btill bears on his body. No one would think that this battle scarred hero is the modest, quiet gentlemen who, ever since the war, has devoted his life to the great cause of education and for many years has been one of our state's foremost teachers. Smoke "Sweet "Violet," 5c each, at Lindau's. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W. A. Porterfleld & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with-the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota tions of the New York Stock Exchange: NEW York, Aug. 18, 1898 American tobacco. 137 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe . .: 36 m and o.:. . :: . .;..vi6 C. and O... ......... 241 Chic, Bur. and Quincy 118i Chic. Gas....... 1001 Del., LacK. and Western 151 Delaware and Hudson 108i Am. spirits 13 1 Erie...... General Electric. 40$ Jersey Central. 93 Louisville and Nashville .'.. 56 Lake Shore 193 Manhattan Elevated. 99i Missouri Pacific 37 Metropolitan and S. railway 157i Northwestern Northern Pacific Pr 75i National Lead New York Central 118 Pacific Mail . 34 Reading . : 191 Rock Island 1041 Southern Railway 9i Southern Railway Pr. ......... . 34 St. Paul 109 Sugar Trust : 138 Tenn. Coal & Iron.... 31i Texas Pacific. . . . D. S. Leather Preferred 741 Western Union Tel 94f Wabash Preferred 21i Chicago, Aug. 18, 1898. Wheat, Aug....... . " Dec " Sept. Corn, Dec " Apr " Sept................ " Oct.. " May " Aug Oats, Sept " Apr..... , " Dec " Aug.......... , Pork, Dee:. . . -. ... .... . " Apr " Sept.. " Aug....... Lard, Sept " Apr " Dec " Aug.... Ribs, Sept... . 691 631 66i 3H 3H 3H 20i 20i 20i 900 897 895 510 520 510 '-515 " Dec..... ' ' June ...................... " Aug........:.:...:....,.... 115 Cottonj Sept. . . . . . . . ... .... .561562 - " Dec . . . . . ... ........... .569570 1 Feb. ................. . .576(3578 " March.............. ,...580581 4 ' April. . ............... .583584 "May............ ...... ,586588 " June... . ; ; July . . August.......... ...... 560561 Oct .564565 Nov.. ...566567 Jan r, ..:....:. . 573574 f Spot cotton. .......51 Puts, 65$ ; Calls, 67 ; Curb 66i Today Full Cream Cheese Salted Wafers Orange Wafers Star Sliced Ham Star Sliced Bacon Finest Java Coffee in the South LB. Fariss Has It Soda Water and Iceberg? is a pleasant combination to have in mind during hot weather. : There is a" strong reminder of it - At our Fountain, Delicious, refreshing drinks, cold as Ice can make them. There's an antidote for fatigue in our Cherry. - Orange, Lemon and Pepsin Phos phates, and a big 5-cents-worth of cooling comfort in a glass of any one of them. ; JOHN B. FARISS, Dependable Drugs, ka st. Stamps, to oblige. vuwt vcicrv A ITtnA TXamra TVintn an1 tyirltrmmtM . Pineapple Pepsin Phosphate A delicious, refreshing, digest! re drink. Try a glass 5c, Stanley & Grisson, (Successors to-South SMe-Pbarmscy) J. K. M'lLMENNY, Dmgglst, 504 So. Elm. Manager. Hotel TROTECT YOUR PROPERTY - , by insuring in ,.; Southern Stoek Mutoal Ins. Co. or Umftrwriters if 6f1f tt:rtv These two Home Companies offer the best indemnity and are investing at home the premiums they collect, which, for years prior to the existence of these companies, has been flowing steadily to enrich foreign sections. See us before placing insurance. WHARTON 4k McAUSTESt. AGENTS. n WHILE THB-?- War Tax will Increase Prices on a few articles, there will be no increase in the price of prescriptions. We shall continue as heretofore, to use the utmost care, the purest drags, and charge the -same reasonable prices.. Uoltoa's DrcD Store. Lindau - ' i" - 3 Office m q Hours CO 2 8 io 12:30 2! 3 O 2to pz 5 -p. Opposite CO O O , -n McAdoo 33 v. ( rv . . '- -. - ---- ; - -i-

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