k circulation Gaaranteed.-si ' -- - -.. boro eras il vwuvwr ii a ii ii ii ii VOL. III. NO. 37 GREENSBORO, N.C.. MONDAY. SEPTFMRfr ,o .ooff rnue i wo LJPnts Circulation Growing Dally. Our New Fall Shoes For Men Are 8 k? fc i! 4' 4 fcl 4' 4' s s 49 jj weeks. 49 4? 4' 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 S 49 49 REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. Will Ready for Your Inspection. For Up-to-date Shoes at medium prices, we leal Over 50 dozen received in the last two J Rfl Hendrix & Co., 221 S. Elm St. m m m til Mi til ANNOUNCEMENT I beij to announce to the pub lic that Mr. W. G. Praiier has jii;t returned from New York Ci ty, where he has taken a thor ough course and graduated in (.plies under Dr. Julius King of that city, and will hereafter de vote his time to the Optical de partment of my business, and will bo jrlad to serve those suf fering: with defective vision. Examination Free. W. B. Farrar's Son. Inspector of Southern Railroad Watches. Established 1868 THE TEETH How to AND Preserve Them The object of brushing the teeth is "." remove the destructive particles of food which by their decomposition nei ate decay. To prevent this decay recommend a Good Bristle Brush and our Carbolic Mouth Wash. 25 cuts pvr bottle. Brushes from 5 to 50 cents. All 'rushes :io cents and over, guaranteed, HOWARD GARDNER. Druggist Corner Opposite .f ost Office. Temple, The Bicycle Man, has added to his business a Gun and Locksmith Department in addition to a full and corn- Addressed by Col. Boyd Q Armfleld Chairman. The county convention of the re publicans was held in the court house here today. The room was filled about 11:30, and on being called to order all who were not delegates were asked to leave the room, a9 a private caucus was to be held. AemM;n half an hour later the various com mittees were appointed, and while they were out Col. Jas. E. Boyd, who was present, was called on for a speech. He amused the crowd for a while, making some allusions to the color line-or white line, as he termed mxiKu. greany ucKiea ine negroes present. He said the people of North Caroli na were howling "white man and white metal," but what we want, said he, is "honest man and honest mon ey." Of course the genial colonel did not mean the white men were not hon esthe just said that because he was expected tosay something. A contest was reported from one township and a motion was made to give each delegation half representa tion. Lost. Motion to seat the netrro delegation was carried. A white man got up to speak, and Holley, a negro, called him down. saying he was not a delegate and had no right to talk on that floor. On the election of a permanent chairman being announced, Mr. Scott was placed in nomination, the motion put and carried. Walter Steele and others, through the negro Holley, here interposed acd """-j v. vv in Armneia in romination. Mr. Scott asked that his name come down, and Mr. Armfield was elected. R. D. Douglas and Mr. Starbuck were chosen as secretaries. A motion was here made to adjourn for dinner. It was opposed by a man from the couutry. He said: We peo ple who come sixteen or seventeen miles to attend a convention like this generally get in such condition we can't travel in the night. Let's go ahead and get through before night. His appeal carried things and the motion to adjourn was voted down. Nominations being in order, M. C. Holton, G. S. Bradshaw and B. M. Bridges were placed before the con vention for the senate. Bradshaw was nominated on the first ballot, though Bridges had a strong following, and one republican remarked that he could easily have won if he had wanted the place. The following is the ticket: Senate G. S. Bradshaw. House R. D. Douglas. House Left open. Clerk E. L. Ragan. Sheriff Jos. A. Hoskins. UNDER NEGRO MAGISTRATES FROM POINT. Unenviable Plight of The City Of Newbern THE NEGRO HIMSELF IS PILLAGED G. en- Register Left open. Treasurer John A. Hodgin. Surveyor J. S. Worth. Coroner Left open. Commissioners A. E. Horney, Will Armfield. The following populists were dorsed to complete the ticket. House Capt. J. W. Forbis. Register W. O. Stratford. Coroner R. E. Hodgin. Commissioner J. C. Browning. A flysterious Chase. There was a mysterious coon ch.s plete lime Of Bicycles and in town Saturday night. The chasers Bicycle Sundries, are keeping quiet and the chasee- wen, ne can't be found. The chase started on South Elm street, continued down Sycamore and ended about the corner of Sycamore and South For bis. The negro was about twenty knot speed and of heavy battery. He hurled several bricks back at his pur suers, but it is said that only one took effect. I r Repairing and Sundries. 115 East Market Street. Agents Wanted. The undersigned have been appoint ed General Agents for Guilfo d county and our wish is to establish a local a'jvnt, or canvasser, at each of the 47 post offices who will represent PERKINS' AMERICAN HERBS," Nature's System Regulator. A liberal commision will be allowed ar.d each agent will be protected from interference by any other agent. Hiis native herb medicine is Tir. .T. '! 1 erkms- improved compound. His ' was "Our Native Herbs," a med- u . well and favorably known in -' s district. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers, -south Elm Street Phone No. Attempted Burglary. Someone tried to break into the house of Mr. A. J. Golden, corner Edgeworth and Schenck streets last night, through a window., Mr. Golden was awakened by the noise and fright ened the would-be-burglar away, firing two shots at him as he ran. Sad to say, he was not hit and made good his escape. There have been several attempts at burglary here of late. Thereseemsto be 2 a "gaDg" of burglars around town. Whitsett Institute X X,,- I'-T. 1 . -l K... I....T.I-;.-. X.irmal, Business, Art, Music, etc. representing 30 counties. Expe "ty, 25 Free Scholarships. mvunient Buildings. Location health and Beauty. Fully Incor-"J- ' xcelleiu Advantages, Reasonable "' SKtterm opens August 17th, Foj "'' catalogue, address. Whitsett, n. C. A Splendid Run. Engineer "Bud" Smith, one of the most popular railroad men in the ser vice of the Southern made one of the best runs from Salisbury to Charlotte that has been recorded lately. No 25 left Salisbury at 9:08 o'clock last night, stopped several minutes in Con cord and arrived at Charlotte at 10 o'clock "dead" on-time. The distance being about 45 miles it will be seen that Engineer Smith was spinning along at a mile a minute the entire distance. Charlotte News. .1.1 . seiner Age, sex, Color Nor Con dition Is Free From The Reign of Disgrace. iNewbern, N. C, Sept. 6. Newbern is cursed with negro magistrates. As Wilmington is in the hands of an in competent, Insolent police force, so Newbern is in the hands of incompe tent ana insolent negro magistrates Graven county is in a deplorable con dition. There are in the county about wu democrats and 2800 republicans; oi me latter number there are but 63 white men. So the countv at nroaAnt x seems doomed. The negroes can do as they please so far as numbers go. In this town there are ten negro jus tices of the peace. Four of them Douglas, Chapman, Green and Bry anare very active. They keep run ners out all the time to pick up every little case. No day passes that there are not at least a dozen trials in the town. It does not differ about the col or the parties in question in the least. The justices of the peace are after the money. Here are some samples of what the negro magistrates of Newbern are do ing. Some time about the middle of August two negro women, Lucile West- 1 1 -i . i orooK ana Lucy r'rancks, had a fight. No licks were passed. Two negro justices of the peace, Fred Douglas and M. W. Chapman, issued warrants independent of each other for both wo men. Fred Douglas, a former pension agent, but now debarred from prac ticing before the pension department on account of fraudulent practices, tried the cases against the women and convicted them. This was on the 11th of August. The judgement was simply an affray and the women satisfied it. Lucile Westbrook was required to give a $100 justified bond to appear before M. W. Chapman, justice of the peace. She appeared at the appointed time and informed him that she had been fined for the same offence before Doug las, but asked him to hear her case at once. Though it was the time set for the trial, the justice said he was not ready for trial, as the state's witness es were not all there. In a few min utes all witnesses named by Chapman were on the spot. The defendant de manded a trial but the court refused, saying she would have to wait till 2 o'clock p. m. It was then y a. m. Chapman required her to give a sec ond justified bond for her appearance at 2 o'clock. The warrant that she was arrested on did not show who was the inform ant on whom it was issued. The defendant and her counsel de manded the name of the person giving the information. Thereupon, the court said that he did not care to give the name of the informant, but that the information was given on oath by one of the state's witnesses. The defendant then tendered to the court an affidavit in due form for removal to another justice for trial and requested Chap man to swear her to the affidavit and remove the cause undr the statute to some other 'justice of the trial. The court refused to swear the de fendant to the affidavit and refused to remove the cause, but ordered the case continued till 2 p. m. The defendant went home without having given bond for her appearance in the afternoon. Shortly thereafter she was arrested by the negro consta ble, J. P. Stanley, of this, the eighth townsnip, ana brought before the magistrate. She was put in custody of a special officer appointed by Chapman and ordered to remain in custody of said officer until 2 o'clock, the time of the trial. She offered a recognizance with solvent security to appear at 2 o'clock, which was refused. The court finally accepted a justified bond for her appearance. At the ap pointed hour she appeared with her counsel and witnesses, and also an af fidavit for removal, duly justified be fore another magistrate. It appeared from the so-called ca pias, under which the defendant was arrested after the morning hour, that it was unsigned by the justice, but he signed it after the defendant had been in custody for hours. The defendant and counsel renewed their demand for the name of the per son that gave the information on oath Chapman refused to give the name of the informant, but said that he was among the state's witnesses. On fur ther demands for the name he went out The Local News From Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau, J High Point. N. C. Sept. 12, '98. John W. Marsh, manager of the Guilford Foundry and Maori? no has accepted a position as foreman of the finishing department of the Globe Furniture company. He will still be manager of the machine works. The greatest improvement that has 1 3 . jei, ueen maae on Mam street is the taking up the hitching posts and fill ing up the holes around them. W. H. Wilson, proprietor of Jar- rell's hotel, has had several rooms fit- ted with new furniture. The children's exercises at the M. P. Church last night were attended by a large and appreciative cone-rela tion. The singing and recitations were good. The solo by Mr. Joe Nowtn Throw out the Life Line," was very much enjoyed. The closing remarks by Rev. Mr. Loudermilk were very in teresting and appropriate. w. a. Jones, Sr., left on the train for Mt. Airy on business. Twelve delegates and alternates who were appointed at the primaries here Saturday went to the republican convention at Greensboro today. o. .L,. uavis -returned last nteht on tne Southbound train Miss Mamie Jordan is visiting rela tives and friends in Randolph S. H. Tomlinson went today. K. R. King, of Greensboro, passed tnro"gh today enroute to Concord. Assistant United States Marshal J M. Bailey, of Greensboro, was regis tered at Jarrell's yesterday. uub uiun improvement in the condition of Mr. R. L. Pickett.who is conhned to his room with fever. NO MERCY FOR ANARCHISTS, wai Is the Verdict of all England and t c Continent. Em- noon DRASTIC MEASURES ARE URGED To Stamp them Out Consternation and Indignation Grow as the Act Is Fully Realized. By Cable to Thb Telegram Shows that the Heart of the press was Pierced. By Cable to Thb Telegram. Geneva, Sept. 12 A post mortem examination of the body of the late Empress of Austria, who was assassi nated Saturday by an Italian anar chist, shows that the weapon com pletely transfixed her heart, penetra ting 3i inches and making a wound one-sixth of an inch- wide. The fact that the Empress walked fifty yards to the steamer is ascribed to her remark- T1 ill iuie win power. The body has been London, Sept. 12 The consternation which is felt throughout England and Placed in a triple coffin and transferred at the murder of the 10 tne mortuary chamber. The walls the Continent Empress of Austria, grow upon a bet ter realization of the full import of the act of the asassin. The newspapers this afternoon loin with those of this morning in a great outcro against anarchists, and point out the necessity of resorting to the most drastic measures to stamp them out of existence. All agree that thev should be shown no mercy. LIVELY TIMES Sugar Cured Hams 10 I -2c Per Lb. are veiled with black with silver stars. Several sisters of Don't Think this PnCC Will cuanty are continually on their toes beside the bier, praying for the soul of the departed. Nearby stands the prayer table of the Empress, bearing ner rosary and crucifix. Last Forever. At the fleeting of the French Cabinet this Morning. By Cable to Thb Telegram. Paris, Sept. 12 The cabinet had an extremely lively meeting this morning, make it and finally signalled for help Greensboro's Grades. One of the Southern's big Richmond locomotives came in this morning from the North, pulling a train of forty-seven freight cars. It was a heavy train and when the big engine stopped at the tank it was unable to pull off. Seve al times it caught the "slack" and strained but could not L B. Lindau to Asheboro The report that General Gurlinden had resigned, is spreading. It is 6tated that the evening: session will decide the question as to Gurlin den, and also as to the revision of the Dreyfus case. . Bound. Capt. Alex. Rankin spent yesterday ln.oreensboro. Miss Cora Pitts left last night for Reidsville to take charge of her class in the graded school there. Misa Ltta Mangum, of Chapel Hill, is visiting Miss Lizzie Dowd. Spaniards Homeward By Wire to Thb Telegram. Portsmouth, Sept. 12 Most of the Spanish soldiers and marines, who sur vived the destructio - vwVS.lW0 fleet, were taken aboard the Citv of Rome today to sail for home. Cer vera and his son bid farewell to the as . . . t-mcers at tne navy yard before they boarded the ship The admiral savs he will carry home many happy recol lections of the kindnesses and generos ity of the Americans. The shifting engine came to its aid and together they pulled the long train to the lower end of the yard. xne U. tr. & Y. V. through freight also stalled this morning as it came in and a shifting engine was sent out to help it. THE MARKETS. FARIS5 HAS IT Bedford Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is more effective than Quinine and is an antiperiodic, alterative tonic.ow ing to its pleasant and palatable taste, can be taken by the most delicate and sensitive stomach without any nause ating effect. Every bottle guaranteed to cure or your money back. Price 5fte. JOHN B. FARISS, WITH A FAKE SNAKE. an A South Qreensboro Boy Has Immense Amount of Fun. Saturday night a mischievous kid in South Greensboro made a tremendu ous snake of a piece of black oil cloth and set out t have some fun. He at tached a string to his fake snake, hid himself in the yard, placed the snake in the grass on the outside of the side walk and waited. People were pass ing close together and the kid's trick seldom failed to work. He frightened several men almost out of their wits and nobody caught on. He had been cautioned not to fright en women and for awhile he let them pass. But before long he sighted an o:d colored auntie whose avourdupoi is precious near 400, coming his way with a bucket on her head. It was too good to miss and as auntie approached the kid became more and more ner vous. When auntie reached the right place he pulled the string and the snake ran across right at her feet She saw it and with a yell that startled the residents of that community -1 1 3J 1 1 ... aim uuuuueu oacK. as sne jumped she grabbed at the bucket but too late and the bucket and its contents fell at her feet. In an instant the kid was on the scene coming up from an opposite direction to see what the trouble was all about. The old woman told of the snake and the kid went off to "hunt" it. She grieved much over the loss of her "slops" (with which the bucket was filled) and finally picked up the bucket and wended her way homeward, sorrowing. The kid replaced his snake and resumed his seat in the dark fully resolved to let the women alone for he realized that had anntie sus pected him his career would most prob ably have ended. Undecided as to Shatter. BjWlre to Thb Telegram. Washington, Sept. 12 Acting Sec retary Meiklejohn said today he had not yet reached a decision in regard to keeping General Shafter at thehead of the department at the east. Hanged at Age of Slxt -Eight. By Wire to Thb Telegram. Liberty, Mo., Sept. 12-Beniamin Jones, aged 68, was taken from Clay county jail by a mob and lynched for the ill treatment of 11-ver-old Anni Montgomery. Her condition is critical. The Cape Fear and Northern. Prof. J. M. Bandy, civil engineer on the Cape Fear and Northern, spent Sunday with his family here and re turned to Apex this morning. He says work on the new road is progressing nicely and that they will begin laying track at Apex the latter part of the week or the first of next. Fifteen miles of the road are graded and when track laying begins the work will move along hurriedly. The Last Soldiers Leave. Continued on second page. Santiago, Sept.10 With the depart ure tomorrow of the Ninth Massachu setts the last of the soldiers who took part in the campaign which culminated in the surrender of Santiago will have left here. niles Visits Shafter. Bj Wire to Thb Telegram. Washington, Seut. 12 - General Miles called on General Shafter at his hotel this morning, and had a long- chat which he refused to discuss later, beyond saying that it was purely social. Condldltions in Porto Rico. By Cable Thb Telegram. Ponce, Sept. 12 Army surgeons be lieve there has been only one genuine case of yellow fever in camp, that which killed Chas. Minor, Friday. Only 1,500 out of 11,000 are sick and most of the cases are slight and the death rate low. Typhoid is disappearing. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfield & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Dependable DrUPS v,uaugo auu uue vxueago rsoara I of Trade: Stamps, to oblige. The following are the closing Quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: SOulinG flnrf The following are the. nloai nor nnnfo. I C3 w J. . hWCV tions of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, Sept. 12, 1898 American tobacco 145$ Atch.,Top. & Santa Fe 33i B. and O C. and 0 22f Chic, Bur. and Ouinev in Chic. Gas 103$ Del., LacK. and Western 151 Delaware and Hudson 107 Am. spirits 121 Ee 13 General Electric 435 Jersey Central S9i Louisville and Nashville. 56$ Lake Shore 192i Manhattan Elevated.. QQi Missouri Pacific 321 Metropolitan and S. railway.... 156i Northwestern 134 Northern Pacific Pr 76f National Lead New York Central us Pacific Mail 32 Reading Rock Island 102$ Southern Railway 9 Southern Railway Pr 33f St. Paul 109 Sugar Trust i36f Tenn. Coal & Iron 28i Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred Western Union Tel 92 Wabash Preferred 20 Chicago, Sept. 12, 1898. Wheat, May 63i 121 South Elm Street. Chamois Skins A new invoice just received. School Children's Sponges 1 cent each and others in great variety. Stanley & Grissom, (Successors taSouth Side Pharmacy) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager. School Life A Packed Excursion. An overloaded colored excursion from Winston to Reidsville arrived here this morning about 11:30 o'clock and was held here until 2 o'clock this afternoon, the railroad autorities re fusing to let it pass until another car was put on and paid for. The manager of the excursion said he did not have sufficient money to pay for the extra coach, but some arrange ment was made by which he was al lowed to go on. Only sixty-passengers are allowed in a car by the railroads. Second N. C. Passing. Companies C and I, of the Second Nortn Carolina Regiment, passed through this afternoon enroute to Raleigh on a special train of eight coaches. These two companies havp. been stationed at St. Francis Barrack, St. Augustine, Fla. The boys' morals have not become contaminated, for without a single exception they be haved as gentlemen while here. They all hated to leave St. Augustine. They said their treatment there was the best imaginable. The Peruvian legation at Washing ton received word that there was no revolution at Lima. Fire at Jerome, Ariz., destroyed a million dollars in property. Twelve bodies have been taken from the ruins. Uec , 611 fcep 631 Corn, Dec 30 " Apr " Sept 29 " Oct " Ma-y : . 32i " Aug. Oats, Sept 20i " Apr " Dec 19 " May 21 Pork, Dec 355 Apr ...r.. Sept 840 " Aug Lard, Sept 482 " Apr " ec 492 " Aug Ribs, Sept. 523 " Dec " June " Aug.'. Cotton, Sept. 552553 " Dec....". 563564 " Feb 577578 March 575576 April 578(579 " May 58182 " June 583584 " July 500 " August 500 " Oct SSnYAWfi i " Nov 559560 " Ja 567568 Spot cotton 5 13-16 Puts. 61i ; Calls, 62 Curb (i is especially trying to the EYES OF CHILDREN Just before the close of last session a little girl was brought me who could not see a letter four inches square acros s a small room and yet she was compelled to work by the side of a child who could see clearly a letter i inch square the same distance. If your child has been showing signs of weak or defective eyes they may be a great deal worse than you have unvlflwi. Better bring her in and have her eyes looked after before school begins. Examination free. Dr. J. T. Johnson Office hours: 8 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.: 2 to 6 p. m, M. P. Building. Special Bargains IN Improved and Unimproved Lots 1. A desirable lot on Worth street. ei&e ouxiou. 2. Two houses and lota on Price st. 3. A vacant lot and a house and lot on West Market street. There are special bargains in the above. Call on us. WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. We Have We have just opened up a complete line of Fountain and Bulb Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Ice Bags and Air Cushions. Holton's Drug Store. McAdoo HouwBalldlng, mm , '

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