7. : " ' . t ' The tene VOL. III. NO. 50 GREENSBORO, N. C, vTUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1898. Price Ttyp Cents if v T ... ore No More Credit. Yfter Sept. 30th. 1898, we will adopt the Cash System. Our books will be closed and our prices reduced from :, n to fifteen per cent. We are CO n--. ineed that this is the proper way to conduct a dry goods and shoe bu3i oss to the mutual interest of customer and merchant. It will cost any mer i -I'.ant from ten to fifteen per cent more do a credit business than it would L11 the same amount of goods for .;V-.: . this difference we propose to r . our customers if they are willing ,, pay us spot cash. (Proof of the Vtuivi" statement can be seen below. ) c:- 1 sure tnat any one buying for w i 11 not fail to see where it will i, their interest to trade with us. Thanking" you for past favors, we .rv Yours truly, J. M. HEXDRIX & CO. r ;; Example Mr. A buys dry ,lllK and shoes to the amount of Zl .,n- and sell them on credit at a of 30 per cent, his gain is $300, i,:; ::i:s is not all gain as the follow -n ' a ill prove: Any merchant doing a i-vdit busines is bound to have some This we will put at the low c- ii.iate of 5 percent. He will have t "'.ploy a bookkeeper and collector, v ; i. will cost him 5 per cent, and if .c lis on credit he must necessarily ; v on credit, and thereby sustain a of 5 per cent discount which he ,, id .et off if. he paid cash for his 'o cis. Add all these losses and ex p, -os together and we find that Mr. A. instead of making $300, has only :i.aae 6150. Now we will look at the other side i: this question. Mr. li buys dry goods and shoes to tie amount of $1,000 and sells them for ca-h at a profit of 15 per cent; his prohi would be $150. Mr. B, by sell ing his goods for cash will be able to pay cash and get the 5 per cent djs , . . int which would amount to $50. Aii.i this to the $150 and we find that M I? has made $200, or $50 more im:' Mr. A, and has sold his goods at one-half the profit. In other words Mr. L, the cash man, has sold his , ,-tomers goods 15 per cent less than Mr. A. and has made $50 more. Is .it not plain to see that selling goods for cash is of mutual interest to mer chant and buver? J. M. HEXDRIX & CO. ANNOUNCEMENT I ieg to announce to the pub ic that Mr. W. G. Frazier has jiit returned from New York Ci ty . where he has taken a thor ough course and graduated in Optics under Dr. Julius King of that city, and will hereafter de vote his time to the Optical de partment of my business, and will be glad to serve those suf fering with defective vision. Examination Free. W. B. farrar's Son. m m m Inspector of Southern Railroad JJJ Watches. m Established 1868 $ THE TEETH AND How to Preserve Them ' The object of brushing the teeth is to remove the destructive particles of food which by their decomposition generate decay. To prevent this decay we recommend a Good Bristle Brush and our Carbolic Mouth Wash. 25 cents per bottle. Brushes from 5 to 50 cents. All brushes 35 cents and over, guaranteed, HOWARD GARDNER. Druggist Corner Opposite .post Office. Temple, The Bicycle Man, has added to his business a Gun and Locksmith Department in addition to a full and com pete lime of Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries, For Repairing and Sundries. 115 East Market Street. New Goods Low Prices Kiribati's Smoked Meats. Kingan's Sugar Curc-J Haras and Breakfast Bacon. New oat Flakes. All kinds of Canned Meals. Vegetables, Flour, IVcd. etc. Flour is chaep. See us before you buy and get our prices. VUNCAN0N & CO., Reliable Grocers. South Elm Street Phone No. 2 z i ANNOUNCEMENT J LAST NIOHTS RECEPTION ToThe Young Ladies and Faculty of Q. F. College. Last night will be an evening long to be remembered by the West Mar ket street church Epworth League. The occasion was a reception given by the League to the young ladies and faculty of Greensboro Female College. The committee worked, hard and faithful, and long before the appointed hour the church was thrown wide open and the word welcome seemed "to glit ter in every light. At eight o'clock the long line of young ladies halted in front of the church led by Prof, and Mrs. Smoot. There they were met by the President and ushered in the side door. The reception committee waited in th ves tibule and after the first introduction the young ladies were ushered up stairs. The reception committee fol lowed and began the second introduc tion to the young men. The first part of the program con sisted of music solos, quartettes and music by the orchestra. The next feature of the evening was announced by Dr. Weaver and the young ladies and gentlemen were ushered down stairs to the refresh ment rooms. The rooms were filled and refilled until every one had been served to cream and cake. On leav ing the refreshment rooms the couples scattered about the church and the social feature of the evening was at its height. Everything worked to perfection, not a hitch was noticeable. The evening seemed to be thoroughly enjoyed and long before the hands of the clock pointed to the midnight hour, good bye had been spoken, the social feat ure of the season had ended. The old church was darkened, but was record ed the most pleasant evening that had been spent within its walls in a long time. STILL ON THE JUflP. Some Views of Greensboro As Others See Us. Greensboro is still on the jump. She is building dwelling houses By the score. I counted over 250 new houses in a two hours' ride today. Mrs. Sol Weil, of New York, is building a beau tiful store building in front of the Mc Adoo house. There are several other new store buildings going up. This town is always on the alert. There is a general movement on foot now for municipal ownership of lights, water works, etc. Greeusboro neds a street car sys tem. The board of aldermen are at present advertising for bids to light the streets, by a company that will give a street car line and electric pow er for manufacturers. Guilford county is a white county. There are very few negroes. Greens boro is not cursed with negro loafers. This is a blessing. The county is cos mopolitan. From Greensboro in every direction the farmers are clamoring for good roads. The road from High Point to G -eensboro is a graded road. It is a good road. The Battle -Ground road is now being put in shape and good condition. Convicts are at work on it. H. E. C. Bryant in Cha.-otte Ob server. THEY ARE flODELS. The New Houses About Completed on Summit Avenue. The new dwellings erected on Sum mit Avenue by the Summit Avenue Building Company, now nearing com pletion, are perfect models of beauty, workmanship and convenience. They are equipped with modern conveniences throughout, gas, water and sewerage. They are constructed of the very best material this was one point that struck us forcibly on a recent visit to them The material was so pretty, clear, free from knots or other defects that it really seemed a pity to hide its beauty under a coating of paint. The location of these houses is most admirable. They are just this side of the long and graceful curve in the avenue on ground just rolling and un even enough to make a pretty and pic turesque group. A charming site for a home. We are informed that these houses are all for sale, and will be of fered on most easy payments. If you want to own your own home go out and take a look at these buildings. No two of them are alike, but all are built with the same idea in view, namely: convenience, health and com fort. Notice. Odd Fellows be at your hall prompt ly at eight o'clock tonight. Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. pn each tablet. A PARTIAL ORGANIZATION Of t e Army of Occupation of Cuba, THE TROOPS AND COMMANDERS Troops to Be Supplied With Suitable Clothing, Camp and QarrUon Equippage, Tents, Etc. By Wire to Thk Telegram. Washington, Sept. 27 A partial or ganization of the army of occupation of Cuba is given out in the following order : With the approval of Acting Secre tary of War the following organiza tion of troops is announced : Divis ion composed of one cavalry and two infantry brigades to be commanded by eanior officers until a permanent com mander of the division shall be as signed by the president, as follows : Cavalry brigade of the Seventh and Eighth United States Cavalry, com manded by Brigadier General Car penter of the United States volunteers; First Infantry brigade, Fifteenth Uni ted States, Fourth volunteers, cpm manded by Brigadier General Snyder, of the volunteer army; the Second In fantry brigade composed of the First United States, Sixth volunteers, Brig adier General Willson, of the volun teers, commanding. The troops affected by this order other than the Fifteenth Infantry and Calvary are under orders to proceed to Huntsville and not change their their, stations until further orders. Brigade commanders are to acquaint themselves with the condition of the equipment and the efficiency of their commands. The troops ai e to be supplied with suitable clothing and camp and gar rison equippage, especially conical tents with board floors, for from one to twelve men, stoves, cots, medical supplies, ambulances, tentage and other field and hospital equipment complete, in accordance with existing orders. One half allowance for wagon transportation has been authorized by general orders number fifty-four. By command of Major General Miles. H. C. Corbin, Adjutant General- Youth and Inexperience. A young Italian traveling man is in the city. He carries a chain with a monkey about the size of a small kit ten attached to one end. This and a hand organ completes his outfit. The organ plays about two pieces of ''mu s'c," while the monkey turns somer saults and begs, with the usual pipe lighting and dancing left off. Both seem young and quite new at the busi ness, but "some how or other we get along." They were giving a performance in front of the Lindsay street graded school this morning, and the children got so wild that Prof. Grimsley had to order the couple to vacate. A Nose Flattened. Frank Wilborn, colored, occupied the most prominent chair in 'Squire Eckle's office this morning. Frank was up for flattening ihe nose of Wm. Stewart, also colored. One of these gentlemen of color had been making remarks which were calculated to dam age the standing of the other. Last night when they met, William says Frank "smashed his smeller" and made the blood .flow from that organ in rivers. 'Squire Eckle thought Frank's fnn worth two dollars and cost and Frank paid the amount reluctantly. Drink Hearty! ' When you are thirsty there is noth ing that will take the place of a drink of cool water not too cold, but just cool enough to be pleasant. And as you quench your thirst in this manner it is not unpleasant to think of another good thing at the same time. This is how it is done: C. M. Vanstory & Co., are making their friends a pres ent of a neat, tin dipper, in the bottom of which, when you drink, you read the following words: "Drink hearty and remembe'- C. M. Vanstory & Co., sells good clothing, hats and furnish ings, Greensboro, N. C." A unique advertisement. Marriage Tomorrow Night. The marriage of Miss Winifred Mc Caull to Mr. Francis M. Holahan, of New York, will take place at St. Ag nes Catholic church on Wednesday evening Sept. 28th at 8:30 o'clock. No invitations have been issued. The limited seating capacity of the church makes it .necessary to admit friends of the family only.. Try a pair of our "Foot Form" shoes. They are perfection in style, fit and comfort. Carolina Shoe Co. LI HUNQ CHANG'S OPPONENT Ordered Confined Uuntil Further Notice. - . By Cable to Thk Telbgbam. Pekin, Sept. 27 Ah Imperial edict was issued today which practically re scinds all recent reformatory edicts and orders. - Yeu Hawn, a former member of the Chinese foreign ofice and an opponent of Li Hung Chang, will be confined until further notice. The edict, however, absolves him from complicity in the alleged plot to as sassinate the emperor. "CHICAGO PLATFORMERS'4 Expect to Take Radical Action If Platform Is Not Right. By Wire to Thx Telegram. New York, Sept. 27 One- hundred and seventy "Chicago platform demo crats" started to Syracuse today over the West Shore railway to attend the state democratic convention. They expect every county in the state to be represented at tonight's meeting. They expect to take radical action if the Chicago platform is not endorsed. TWENTY-SIX CASES. Mild Type of Yellow Fever Source of Infection Untraceable. By Wire to Thb Tklbgram Washington, Sept. 27. Surgeon General Wyman has received the fol lowing message from the State Board of Health of New Orleans : "There are twenty-six "cases of yel low fever of a mild type at Wilson, Louisiana, The town and parish have been quarantined. The sounje of in fection is so far untraceable. ' In Aguinaldo's Service. By Wire to thb Tklbgbam. Washington, Sept. 27. The navy department has received a cable from Admiral Dewey that an American ves sel manned by Filippinos, and safd to be in the service of Aguinaldo, has been seized. President McKinley and Secretary Long conferred over the matter and notified Admiral Dewey of their approval of his course. Steamship "Admiral Sampson." By Wire to Thk Tklbqram. Philadelphia, Sept. 27 The steam ship "Admiral Sampson," for the American Mail Steamship Company, was launched by Cramps today. Miss Nannie Sampson, daughter of the Ad miral, christened the ship. Senator Money's Son. Bj wire to Thk Tklbgbam. New York, Sept. 27 Major Money, of the Fifth Mississippi volunteers, a son of Senator Money, was brought from Camp Wikoff today. He is sick with malaria and was taken to Roose velt hospital. Lee Going to Washington. By Wire to The Tblbobam. Washington, Sept. 27. General Lee leaves Camp Cuba Libre today for Washington to consult the President on the question of the occupation of Cuba. He is on leave of absence. Vlsi'or's Plate Race. BylCable to Thb Telegram. London, Sept. 27 The race for the visitor's plate will take place the first of October. The meeting at New Mar ket today was won by Buckbeard,Tod Sloane. The Ninth Cavalry. By Wire To Thb Tklegbam. Wikoff, Sept. 27 The ninth caval ry, colored, left here today for Fort Grant, Arizona. The First cavalry goes tomorrow. Tammany ites "to Burn." By Wire to Thb Tklbqram. New York, Sept. 27 Fifteen hun dred Tammanyites went to Syracuse today to attend the state democratic convention. flay Blockade Crete. By Cable to Thb Tklbgbam Vienna, Sept. 27 The powers will blockade Crete if the Sultan replies unfavorably to their demands. Ordered to the Pacific Station. - Washington, Sept. 26 The navy department has decided to send the cruiser Buffalo, now at New York, to the Pacific station. She will probably go to Honolulu, and in the event that she is needed to re-enforce Dewey's fleet, she - can receive her orders at that place by dispatch, boat. Singular as it may seem, yet it is nevertheless a fact that Colonel Bryan in taking his uniform off will only be doing so in order to get into his fight ing clothes. Baltimore News. Our "Foot Form" 6hoes will make you feet rejoice. Try a pair. Caro lina Shoe Co. COL, BOOSEVEtT WILL GET IT A Poll of Delegates Shows ills Strength. NO LEGAL OBSTACLES IN THE WAY EHhu Root, Roosevelt's Attorney, lias The Proof Black's Name May Be Withdrawn. , By Wire to Thb Tklbgbam. Albany Sept. 27. A poll of the delegates made before the convention opened, this morning showedN-that Col. Roosevelt had seven hundred and fifty two delegates and Governor Black two hundred and nineteen.. This means that Roosevelt will be nominated on the first ballot unless something unforeseen occurs. Some of Governor Black's friends say that after an all night's conference many of his admirers are in the mood to have him withdrawn from the race and not permit his name to go before the "con vention. NO LEGAL OBSTACLES. Saratoga, Sept. 27 Elihu Root, Colonel Roosevelt's attorney, has pre sented proof of the colonel's citizen ship for the past five years to Piatt and other party leaders from all sec tions of the .state, who have agreed unanimously that there are no legal obstacles in the way of running Roose velt for governor. It was decided that if the friends of Governor Black demand the proof or refer to the matter in any way that Mr. Root shall present all the papers containing proof of Roosevelt's citi zenship to the convention body. COLONEL BRYAN SICK. Has a Touch of Malaria and Is Unable to Leave Washington. Washington, Sept. 26. Colonel Wm. J. Bryan, of the Third Nebraska Reg iment, was unable to leave Washing ton today for Jacksonville. "I have a touch of malaria," he said this even ing, "and my physician told me today to remain here for three or four days." Colonel Bryan was in bed, where he passed most of the day. His face was flushed with fever, and he remarked that he guessed he was a little tired out. "I have been delaying my re turn to Jacksonville," he added, "for three or four days in the hope that I would get belter the next day, and be able to undertake the journey." j Col. Bryan expressed the reluctance with which he admitted his illness. He has prolonged his stay here to enable the fever to run its course. . To High Point Readers. We regret tnai our High Point news budget failed to reach us today. It was probably carried by on No. 36, and will return tonight on 35, as is sometimes the case. It would seem that Id a run of fifteen miles, that mail would have time to be worked; but we are told that sometimes it is impossi ble to do it. The letters are frequently mailed on the train and it does seem that when the route agent picks them up it would require but a moment to place them with the Greensboro mail. Rev. J. W. Lee in Georgia. Rev. J. W. Lee, the Irish evangelist, who has been preaching in Florida since last Fall, is now holding tent meetings in Thomasville, 6a. The Thomas ville Times-Enterprise, a copy whih we have in hand, says the meet ings are well attended, and that Mr. Lee is doing much good. Mr. Lee will remain in the South for sometime yet. Gomez Appeals For Food. Washington, Sept. 25 Telegrams received by the Cuban "delegation at Washington from the commissioners who arrived at Key West today, and who were sent by Gen. Gomez, depict the situation in the province of Santa Clara as most critical. The Cuban army there, they say, is starving. For oer two weeks they had eaten no meat, the vegetables were almost gone, and the last mules and the horses had been killed to feed the sick. The children and old people are reported dying by dozens every day. Gen. Gomez makes an appeal for aid, and says his men are desperate. Natural Irritation. Charlie May I hold your hand? Lucy Yes , if you like ( short pause ) Charlie II strikes me that you live from hand to mouth. Town Topics. Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo jQuinine Tab lets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has I. B. Q. on each tablet. THEY'RE WAITING FOR RICHARD. Murphy and Hill Are Not Cutting Very fluch Ice. By Wire to Thb Telegram. "Syracuse, Sept. 27 The attitude of the delegates to the democratic state convention today is about the same as it was on yesterday waiting. No body pretends to have any notion what is going to happen in the convention. Nothing will occur until Richard Croker arrives, which will be late this afternoon. Murphy, Hill and other well known leaders are on hand, but they are not announcing any plans. INDIANA BANK ROBBED. The Safe Blown Open Thelve Thous and Dollars Reward. By wire to The Tklegbam. Flora, Ind., Sept. 27. A band of robbers blew open the safe in the Far mers' Bank this morning and escaped w'th $12,000. The cashier, William Lenon, was shot by the robbsrs and was probably fatally wounded. Blood hounds have been placed on the trail of the robbers and are now pursuing them. v i The Gloucester at New York. By Wire to Thb Telegram. New York, Sept, 27. The auxiliary cruiser Gloucester, Commander Wain wrighfc, arrived from the New England coast this morning. Well Known Ship Owner Dead. By Cable to Thb Telegram. London, Sept. 27 Sir Arthur Bower of Forwooda well know ship owner, is dead. THE MARKETS. Closing , Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfield & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota tions of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, Sept. 27, 1898 American tobacco. . , 134 Atch.,Top. St Santa Fe B. and O C. and 0 22i Chic, Bur. and Quincy. 114 Chic. Gas lOli Del., LacK. and Western Delaware and Hudson 106i Am. spirits 13f Erie 13 General Electric 48i Jersey Central 91 Louisville and Nashville 55i Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 95i Missouri Pacific 33 Metropolitan and S. railway 1561 Northwestern 1301 Northern Pacific Pr 75i National Lead 33 New York Central , 115 J Pacific Mail 32f Reading lTfl Rock Island.... 101 Southern Railway 81 Southern Railway Pr . . . : 33i St. Paul 106i Sugar Trust 118 Tenn. Coal & Iron 27f Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred Western Union Tel 91i Wabash Preferred 20i Chicago, Sept. 27, 1898. Wheat, May 651 " Dec Qii 11 Sept 681 Corn, Dec 30i " Apr " ,Sept 295 Oct " May 32i Jan... Oats, Sept..... 22 " Apr " Dec 2H May.. 23 Pofk', Dec S30 " Apr " Sept ! 817 " Jan 920 Lard, Sept 482 " Apr " Dec 487 " Jan 495 Ribs, Sept 525 " Dec... 475 " June " Jan 477 Cotton, Sept 517518 " Dec 526527 " Feb. : 535536 " March 540541 " April 545546 " May ...550551 " Nlune 554555 11 July ' 1 August " Oct 517519 " Nov ". 521522 - Jan 53i532 Spot cotton 5 5-16 Pats, 64i (3 ; Calls, 654: Curb . Just received our first shipment of GRAPES Delaware Concord Niagara 25c per basket ANOTHER LOT JUMBO BANANAS 1. B. Lindau Opposite Benbow. FARISS HAS IT Bedfords Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is more effective than Quinine and is an antiperiodic, alterative tonic, ow ing to its pleasant and palatable taste, can be taken by the most delicate and sensitive stomach without any nause ating effect. Every bottle guaranteed to cure or your money back. Price 50c. JOHN B. FARISS, Dependable Drugs, Stamps, to oblige. Sponges and Chamois Skins A new invoice just received. " School Children's Sponges" 1 cent each and others in great variety. Stamey & Grissom, (Successors to. South Side 'Pharmacy) J. K. M ILHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm Manager. Do Not Trifle With Your Eyes And do not let any one else do it for you. Yonr eyes are too pre cious and too easily injured for life to have any one tamper with them but a Reliable and Competent Eye Specialist. You may learn this when it is too late.; Dr. J. T. Johnson The Greensboro Eye Specialist. Office hours: 8 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.: 2 to 6 p. m, M. Pv Building. EXAMINATION FREE. We Have rione x to lend on First Class Security Today we have the following amounts: $900, $1,C00, $2,000, $2,500, $3,000, $4,000. If these amounts do not suit you, we may be able to make them suit Call on us at once. WHARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. We Have We have j ust opened up a complete line of Fountain and Bulb Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Ice Bags and Air Cushions. k f Holton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. A- - :v ( 'I'.- -J V. ' - i - 11 i y , i : :! ; i ' i ----- ; .yr-f- V1 1 i

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