si- K ,t . ' .:-.-r'-;r;-v ?-.: ''X " The Greensboro EveoIiiig,..-Teie (OLJlJlll m s' GREENSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1898. VOL. III. NO. 70 Price Two Cents 4. t t - ' You don't know how Cheap you can buy a Winter Wrap until you have seen our stock. You may think we can t un dersell our competitors, and don't take the trouble to come and see. It will pay you well to investigate this matter. When you buy goods on credit you pay a larger profit than if you paid cash: when you spend your money with a merchant who sells on credit you also pay that large protit, for he can't sell you goods cheaper than he does your neighbor, if you do pay cash. Our terms are CASH. We don't -ell on credit to anybody, and it will not take long for you to see that you can save money by dealin? with u. We are satisfied that our il.oO shoes for Ladies and Misses are the best in town. Try a pair of them. J, M. Hendrix & Go. Wrinkles 5 2 Around the Eyes I Are usually caused by defec- tive sight. Many women, and m 2 likewise men. look prematurely r old from these wrinkles. Ihe m J wrinkles in many cases can be " removed 'by wearing correctly J fitted classes. To tit glasses cor- Jjj recti v "demands a thorough know- m ledge of refraction and the nee- J essary instruments. We have 2 both: hundreds of satisfied cus- tomers will say so. J s W. B. farrar's Son. ; 1111. .J l . ' l j l .. l . i . T I 2 Inspector of S. R. R. Watches. W.G.FRAZIER. Graduate Optician. Established 1868 THE JEWELER. Gardner's Almond Cream Lotion. A delightful and efficient applica tion for Chapped Hands, Face or Lip-, Sunburn or tan. rendering the ikin smooth and velvety, aad impart ing a rosy freshness. gentlemen will be delighted with its effect after shav ing. Prepared Only by HOWARD GARDNER. Druggist Corner Opposite r ost Office. Temple, The Bicycle Man, has added to his business a Gun and Locksmith Department in addition to a full and com plete lime of .Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries, For Repairing and Sundries. 115 East Market Street. New Rolled Oats New Grits Flour, Uacon. Hams, Breakfast iiaron. Leaf Lard. Pure ( h.j. e. cents lb. We keep Nothing bi.i class goods at the jOWest prices. Respectful ly. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. Svvitb. FAm Street Phone No. 2 Good Work and Low Prices Win, If yu want your printing done in the best manner pos sible ai lowest prices, call to see inc. Your money back if you are not pleased. Commercial Work a Specialty E. L. Tate, ;''it'- uid Stationer, Greensboro, N. C. THE FIRE THIS"? MORNINQ. Two Houses In East Greensboro De stroyed. $345 Burned. Two houses in East Greensboro, be longing to a colored man ware destroy ed bv tire between 4 and 5 o'clock thi9 morn'ng. The better of the two houses was occupied by Murphy's family and the smaller was rented. When the ire was discovered this morning both houses which almost joined together, were on fire and Murphy says his fam ily barely escaped with their lives. He says he had three hundred and forty five dollars ($345) in bills burned and all his furniture except a few pieces in the room where he slept. Oni of the night policemen saw the blaze and turned in the alarm from box 42, at least a mile from the fire. This confused the firemen, but they were soon started in the right direction. The whole department, except the en gine res onded to the alarm at once. The houses were situated far from the nearest water plug however and the firemen could only sit on their wagon and look at the tire from a distance. Murphy runs a store on East Mar ket street and owns his store-house. He is an industrious and prosperous negro and saves what he makes. His store was broken into last night and several dollars worth of meat, lard, coffee and other groceries taken. In gress was made from a rear window which the thief, or thieves, brokejopen. Murphy says his loss is fully nine hun dred dollars, with but three hundred dollars insurance on one dwelling. A coop of chickens near the house were burned. Murphy is the man who was charged with burning the store of a colored man named Jones, on East Market street, some months ago. but came out clear in the trial. ARRESTED FOR FORGERY. Charlie Roberson and Leslie Allen Forge Robt. Allen's Name. Charlie Roberson and Leslie Allen are in jail today charged with forgery. Yesterday while drinking they forged the name of Leslie's father. Robert Allen to a check for the amount oj five dollars and had the check cashed at J. W. Scott & Co';. Soon after Messrs. Scott & Co. got the check they discovered that it was bogus and in formed the police of the matter. The night police searched all night for the forgers and during the night Otlieer Scott landed Roberson in jail. Mr. Scott remained on duty this morning and assisted by Officers Jordan and Jeffries of the day force found Allen about 7:30 o'clock. Allen went into Coble's bar on the corner of South Elm and Fayetteville streets and tli cer Jordon guarded the place until the other two officers came up, when Officer Scott went in and d Allen. Roberson is a man of bad reputa tion and has been arrested several times before on different charges. Allen is a young man about twenty years old and though his character was not considered good haJjieve! hppn in frnnhli hfrir-r Not So Bad As Expected. A pool of blood was found near the Southern railroadiraek. near the Lind say street crossing, and those who saw it feared that some one had been killed by a train during the night. Officer Weatherly followed a trail of blood up the track, thinking the unfortunate had been carried off on the cowcatcher. He had gone about a mile when he was told by the section master that the de ceased was a little pup, and that he had carried him out of town on his car, leaving the trail of blood on the track. The dog had been killed by the early vestibule from the north, which has a way of not stopping for small matters. High Point Speaking Postponed. We are requested to state that on account of a .previously arranged flag raising by the graded schools of High Point the appointment which was made for Hon. C. B. Aycock to speak there tomorrow night has been called in. We very much regret this as it is probably the only opportunity our High Point'friends would have had to hiar this most fervent, eloquent and logical speaker. A Pretty Wedding. Mr. Charlie Pugh, of the grocery tii m of Pugh & Andrews, was married last night to Miss Hancock atthe home of the bride's father near Guilford Col lege. It was a quiet but pretty wedding, only a few of the friends of the families deing present. The Tel egram together with their many friends congratulates bride and groom. Wilson Succeeds Breckinridge. By Wire coThe Telegram Lexington, Oct. 20. General Wilson succeeded General Breckinridge to the command of the First Army Corps today. THE FUSIONISTS GIVE UP All Attempts to Carry the State On the Issues RESORT TO PURE FABRICATION Trying to Deceive the People By At tributing Lying Statements to Simmons, Aycock and Jarvls. Chairman Simrrons said to a repor ter yesterday evening that Colonel Olds had just handed bim a secret cir cular sent out, he presumed, by the fusionists, for it is not signed by any one, charging that he, Chairman Sim mons, said in a speech at the congres sional convention in Wilkesboro, August 18th : "The democrats favor the passage of an election law similar to the one in Mississippi and South Carolina, and would pass it if they se cured the legislature." Mr. Simmons said he had never seen or heard of the circular before yester day, and that the charge that he made any such statement as that attributed to him in the circular was in every re spect and particular false and without the slighest foundation in fact. He said he not only did not make any such statement in his speech at WilkesborO on the 18th of August, but that he did not in that speech even mention the subject of suffrage or in any wise men tion or discuss the election laws of -J 3 3 Ladies Invited! Everybody Invited ! 3 3 To Hear the Great Champion of Democracy 3 ana uooa uovernment, Hon. Charles B. Aycock, 3 3 3 3 3 5 Speak at the Banner Tomorrow 3 North Carolina, Mississippi or South . Carolina, present, past or contempla- , ted, and that the 400 people who heard him on that occasion, with the possi- 1 ble exception of a few republicans sent there for the purpose of misrepresent- I ing him and to report him as saying ; what he did not say, for political pur- poses, would contirm and corroborate his statement. The charge that he made sach a statement was, he said, a miserable bald faced falsehood. Continuing, he said this same circu lar charges that Jarvis, Aycock, Wat- : son , Overman, Pou, Craig, Kitchin, and several other democrats had said in their speeches at the democratic ral lies on the 3d of August, substantially ; the same thing. He is charged in the i circular with having said this at j Wilkesboro, and the circular says that they were so reported in democratic newspapers on August 4th. Mr. Simmons said this statement was also utterly false and without founda- I tion in fact. That these distinguished gentlemen had made no such statement in their speeches on the 3rd of August or at any other time, nor had they been reported in democratic newspa pers as having made any such state ments on the 3rd day of August or any other time. Mr. Simmons further said that the fusionists seening themselves beatenj on the issues before the people and un able to answer to an outraged and in dignant public for their short-comings and misdeeds, corruption and incom petence and mal administration had, in the vain hope of deceiving the peo ple and diverting attention from their shameful record, resorted to the most unscrupulous and consciousless false hoods, slanders and mis-r2presenta-tion known in the annals of political campaigning. Emphatically , said Mr. Simmons, the people will put the seal of their disapprobation upon these wretched methods of the fusionists by an overwhelming vote of rebuke in November. Verily, said he, these people seem to think they can carry the state by falsification. News and Observer. Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News From Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau , High POINT. N. C, Oct. 20, '98. On account of the big oyster supper at the warehouse tomorrow n:ght Hon. C. B. Aycock will not speak here as wa:3 advertised. Several High Point ers will go to Greensboro to hear him there in the Banner warehouse at 1:30 p. m. Zebulon F. Croaker who resides on Willowbrook st eet is eighty two years old, is the father of 23 children, the grandfather of 102 and the gieat gradfatherof 17. Mr. Croaker who has never been sick in his life is as strong and active as many men at twenty. The telephone line to Thomasville was completed this morning. The Brokaw line will be completed soon. Don't fail to attend the special meet ing of the democratic club to-night at the Anchor Warehouse. Several of our most popular young ladies met yesterday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. J. H. Millis and or ganized a Young Ladies Democratic Club and elected the following officers: Miss Virginia Hamner, president, and Miss Pearl Pitts, secretary and treas urer. This, like the men's club, is the first of its kind ever organized here. We are exceedingly glad to know that the young ladies are aroused on this great question and feel assured that as great as this cause is, nothing but Warehouse, this city, at 1:30 p m success awaits them. The next meet ing will be held at the home of the President, Miss Virginia 6am ner, at 4 o'clock p. m. Let every true white lady in the city be there and join this club. Success to you ladies. Wheelmen, who expect to go to Thomasville Saturday, must be sure and have an alarm bell on their wheel, else they might be pulled. About the most important man in the city now is J. F. Hoffman. He is want ed at Thomasville and Salisbury to manage the big barbecues at those places. Also as manager of the big oyster 6upper here tomorrow night. He will go to Salisbury tomorrow to make arrangements for the big barbe cue there on Saturday. John Farlow will have charge of the barbecuing at Thomasville Saturday. The lecture last night at Presbyte rian church by Rev. I. M. Yonan, of Persia, on the people and customs oi his native land, was attended by a large and attentive crowd. His talk was very interesting. A collection will be taken next Sunday at the church to help send Mr. Yonan back to his native country, as a missionary. Let every one go and contribute to this cause. Don't forget the fla"graising and pa triotic speaking and reciting by school boys and girls tomorrow afternoon and the big oyster supper at night. The proceeds of the festival are for an institution that every man, womanand child is interested in. Remember Mr. Claxton, of the Normal and Indus trial College, will deliver the address. Guilford College Items. Correspondence Telegram There will be a lecture on Saturday night given for the Athletic Associa tion. All are invited. The trustees met today. The football team. is getting in train ing for the largest game of the season to be played on our own ground on Movember 5. The score, of which we hope to hold down even less than our score with U. N. C, which was only 18 to 0. The manager has closed the dates with a number of teams to play before the season is over. THE ABSORBING SUBJECT, War Preparations Now Going On at Paris. IMPORTANT NAVAL EXPERIMENTS Ffotilia of Torpedo Boats Detailed To Make an Endeavor to Force An Entrance to The Harbor: By Cable To Thb Tklegram. Paris, Oct. 20 War preparations is the absorbing subject of discussion, according to the papers. There were important naval experiments at Tou lon last night. A flotilla of torpedo boats were detailed to make an en deavor to force an entrance of the har bor, and the whole garrison were called to arms. The forts and batter ies are manned and ready for instant action. ' . ' MASSACRED OR BURNED. Paris, Oct. 20 At the cabinet meet ing today Del Casse read a despatch from the French minister at Pekin an nouncing that the French missionary and several Chinese and Catholics had been massacred or burned to death in the chapel at Paklung by a riotous mob. Gerard immediately demanded reparation from China. NAVY DEPARTMENT HAMPERED By a Lack of Long Term flen For Foreign Naval Stations. By Wire to The Telegram. Washington, Oct. 20 The navy de partment is hampered in its desire to re-establish foreign naval stations by the limited number of full term men in the service. The present enlisted force includes about eigift thousand for the term of the war only and as peace may be declared any day they would be entitled to discharge. Nearly all the twelve thousand long term men are with Admiral Dewey's fleet at Manila. University n, Greensboro o. Special to The Telegram. Chapel Hill, Oct. 20, 3.50 p. m. Game University, 11; Greensboro, 0. Mot Believed in Washington. By Wire to The Telegram. Washington, Oct. 26 Nothing has yet reached the state or navy depart ment regarding the encounter between ships of Admiral Dewey and the Filip pinos over the hoisting of the rebel flag. The report is not believed by the authorities. It is suggested that it had its origin in Dewey's trouble with the Filippinos over the determination of the insurgents to fly their flag on their little gunboats. Refuse to Sign. By Wire to The Telegram. Cleveland, Oct. 20 The Cleveland baseball club is in league against the management and only two or three of the players have signed contracts for the next year. The others refuse to sign until they learn where the club is going to play. Russians Aggressive. By Cable to the Telegram. London, Oct. 20. A dispatch from Shanghai says the Russian forces have made ar 'aggressive move on Northern China, seizing the town of Neuchwang and forts at the mouth of the river Eliava. Train Robber Arraigned. By Wire to The Telegram. Kansas City, Oct. 20 William W. Lowe, a self-confessed train robber, has been arraigned before the criminal court, and pleaded not guilty. His bail has been fixed at eight thousand dollars. Murder And Suicide. By Wire to the Telegram. Patterson, N. J. Oct. 20. John Reinhardt, a former saloon keeper shot his wife and then killed himself today, because the former interfered with his business. He had much pro perty. Yellow Fever. By Wire to Thb Tblbgbam. Jackson, Miss., Oct. 20 The weather is warmer, but another frost is pre dicted. There are fewer new cases in the fever districts and no deaths re ported. The fever is unusually mild. Battleship Texas. By Wire to The Telegram. New York, Oct. 20 The battleship Texas went to Philadelphia today to take part in the peace jubilee. Girls' $1.50 and $1.75 tan laced shoes, sizes 11 to 2, at $1.15. Fruit-of-the- Loom at 6 cents and Androscoggin at 5i cents are among Thacker & Brock mann's "special offerings this week. DON'T INTEND TO YIELD. Spain's Commissioners Hear Nothing From Madrid. By Cable to Tris Telbg ham. Paris, Oct. 20 -The Spanish peace commissioners have nof jet received from Madrid instructions to bid adieu to Cuban sovereignty "without farther seeking to attach some condition pro viding for the assumption of the' Cuban debt by the United States. If they are at present disposed and instructed the Spaniards will not at t tomorrow's meeting recognize affirma tively America's position. They appa rently intend not to yield and will to morrow make another written present ment. Klnd of Ships Needed. By Wire to thb Teleg ram. Washington, Oct. 20. Engineer-in- chief Melville, in his annual report, says the recent war has shown the ne cessity for high-speed battleships and training engineers. He lays stress on the help rendered by the Vulcan off Santiago. The torpedo boats showed long lists of accidents, and he thinks they cannot be safely used as blockade ships. He advocates water tube boil ers. Vanderbilt Enters Suit. By Wire to Thb Telbgeam. Asheville, N. C, October 20. Geo. W. Vanderbilt has entered suit against numerous squatte-s, to drive them from that part of Biltmire, which was designed as a game preserve. The squatters have retained attorneys, and will fight the case on the ground that it has been in undisputed possession seven ydars. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld' A Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: The following are the closing quota tions of the New York Stock Exchange: New York, Oct. 20.T.898 American tobacco 114 Atch.,Top. & Santa Fe 33f B. and O 44 C. and O ". 21 Chic, Bur. and Quincy..... 1141 Chio. Gas 103 Del., Lacs, and Western 140 Delaware and Hudson Am. spirits . ., Ill Erie 12 General Electric 78i Jersey Central 86 Louisville and Nashville 54i Lake' Shore Manhattan Elevated 97 Missouri Pacific 32i Metropolitan and S. railway .... 159i Northwestern 131i Northern Pacific Pr 74i National Lead i New York Central 115 Pacific Mail 31i Reading 16i Rock Island 101i Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr 33t St. Paul 1071 Sugar Trust 1121 Tenn. Coal & . Iron 26i Texas Pacific A" U.S. Leather Preferred 63i Western Union Tel 9H Wabash Preferred 19i Chicago, Oct. 20, 1898. Wheat, May.....' 68i ' Dec 68 " Oct 68 " Jan 1 ' Apr . . ' May Corn, Dec 32i " Oct'. 32$ i May..1. 34f " . Jan , Oats, Oct 23 " Dec 23 May .' 24 Pork. Dec 810 " Oct 800 . Apr Lard, Oct : 537 " Dec 512 " Jan.. 517 " Apr Ribs, Oct 540 " Dec. 485 " Apr.. " Sept. ' Jan 487 Cotton, Sept (a) " Dec 52627 Feb 535536 ' " March 539540 " April... t 543544 " May 547548 " June 551552 " July........ 554(535 " August 558559 " Oct 520(3521 " Nov 521522 " Jan 531532 Spot cotton ..5 i Puts, 66i Q Calls, 69i, Curb Bon-bons V-- and Chocolates - We have the finest Chocolates and Bon bons -in the South. Call and see- for yourself, L. B.Lindau Opposite Benbow Phone 56. October Day Hints These days are days of winter preparations, for November is a winter month as far as health is concerned. Southern Pine CoughlSyrup, 50c. "The best cough cure and. lung balm we have ever sold. Witch Hazel Cream, 25c. A preventive of chapped skin. A toilet delight. Bedford's Sweet Quinine, 25c ' 2 grs. of quinine to the tea spoonful and you don't taste the quinine'. JOHN B. FARISS, S Dependable Drugs Sponges and --iav Chamois Skins A new invoice just received. School Children's Sponges 1 cent each and others in great variety. Stanley & Grissom, Successors to. South Slde'Fhftnnaaj) J. K. M'lLHENNY, Druggist, 504 So. Elm. Manager, Do Not Trifle With Your Eyes Andjdo'not let any one else do It for you. Yonr eyes are too pre cious and too easily injured for . life to have any one tamper with them but a Reliable and Competent Eye Specialist. You may learn this when it is too late. Dr. J. T. Johnson The Greensboro Eye Specialist. Office hours: 8 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.: 2 to 6 p. m, M. P. Building. V EXAMINATIO FREE. Boarding House For Rent on West Market Street. This house is centrally located and can be secured at once. Call on or address WHARTON ft McALISTER. AGENTS. When Children Are sent here on erranf we bear in mind that they ai t not discriminating buyers; thi he fairness of the transaction dejhds entirely upon us. Hence weiake special pains to see that they get the best value of what you want. Send thera to Holton'sdrug store and you will be pleased at their- . "shoppi&g" ability. AUegretti FineCandies just Received fresh. Holton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. ; n a j r s - V' - f i 'if r-j 4 i 5 - - ... ... . - . . i i? - s"' " ' -.,,.. . ' j-v t ,,,, , . J

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