Tike Qreeesiboro Even leg" Telegram VOL. IN. NO. 82 GREENSBORO, N. O., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1898. Price Two Cents Kid Gloves At Reduced Prices We are selling all our $1.50 Ladies' Kid Gloves at $1.00, and the ones we sold at $1.00 and $1.25 are now 75c. These are good goods but are selling them cheap. J.M. Hendrix&Co. Wrinkles Around the Eyes Are usually caused by defec tive sight. Many women, and likewise men, look prematurely old from these wrinkles. The wrinkles in many cases can be removed by wearing correctly fitted glasses. To fit glasses cor rectly demands a thorough know ledge of refraction and the nec essary instruments. We have both; hundreds of satisfied cus tomers will say so. m m m m W. B. farrar's Son. THE JEWELER. Inspector of S. R. R. Watches. W. G. FRAZIER, Graduate Optician. Established 1868 33 Gardner's Almond Cream Lotion. A delightful and efficient applica won for Uhappea Hands, race or Lips, Sunburn or tan, rendering the skin smooth and velvety, and impart ing a rosy freshness. Gentlemen will be delighted with its effect after shav ing. Prepared Only by HOWARD GARDNER. Druggist Corner Opposite post Office. Temple, The Bicycle Man, has added to his business a Qun and Locksmith Department in addition to a full and com plete lime of Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries, For Repairing and Sundries. 115 East Market Street. New Rolled Oats New Grits Flour, Bacon, Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Pure Leaf Lard. Pure Cream Cheese, 15 eents lb. We keep Nothing but first class goods at the lowest prices. Respectfully. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. South Elm Street Phone No. 2 C, Oct. 29th. hMt. ofano t..n; k.' i" Mr J- W. Tilling- "L" yieisea to say Way- Clarence IQchard Brown Mr. Tillinghast tuned my concert also tuned my teaching pnS hi, nipi?no perfectly satisfactory an I connM?rk LS commend him to the people of ?w re" as a first-class workman P j! v pro Kindly leave your orders at John B Writer- Piano store. l(M South Kim street and m 8 will receive prompt attention nd they J. W. TILLINGHAST. NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local NewsT-rom Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau. High Point, N. C. Nov. 1 Claude Barbee, of the First regi ment, who has been spending a sick furlough at home and who was going back to camp today, received a wire from headquarters at Washington that his furlough has been extended thirty days. Of course he will shed no tears over this. Our Second regiment boys who are spending furloughs at home have re ceived a notice from Capt. Gray to report at Greensboro on the 10th inst to be mustered out. The county candidates did not have a very good hearing here yesterday The crowd was in an uproar nrost all of the time. After some of the first ones had announced themselves as can didates, G. Sam Bradshaw and John J. Wilson, candidates for the senate, opened up the fire works. The attend ance got down to 50 when Mr. Doug las spoke, and only in one instance and by only one person wa9 he ap plauded. They are all glad that they will get through campaigning today They make their last speechee at James town this afternoon. We were exceedingly glad to see some of the ladies in the front seats last night at the opera house reu.ove their head eear and trust that next time all ladies wearing large hats will do likewise. uaniel Darleign's exceedingly en tertaining play. "Back on the Farm," was rendered here last night to a large and appreciative audience. The play though simple in its plot Is full of merriment from beginning to end. Mr. Darleigh as "Si Stebbins," Mr Jackson the "acrobat" and Miss Ad dison the "contVolto singer" were ex ceedingly clever The war views and singing of Mr. Lynn were splendid. Three young men from Salisbury, two of whom are of exceedingly good families, and one of whom is a profes sional ho-bo, were beating their way through here on No. 36 when they were ditched. They were immediately arrested for being drunk and disord erly arouna uie aepot. iney were fined $7.50 which they could not pay, and were sent to the county roads to wont it out. Ladies you will have a chance next Monday night to see something you have never seen before. The white j . aemocrats or tnis townsnip are going to parade the streets with two cornet bands, flags and lanterns. In the Anchor Warehouse Charles M. Stead- man, of Greensboro, and Hon. C. B. Aatson, of Winston, two of North Carolina's most able speakers, will address the white people, and in the Opera House Col. James E. Boyd, as sistant attorney general will address another crowd. Which will you do, wnite people, will you follow in the procession of white people, who are in favor of white supremacy, or will you follow the republicans and negroes, the most of whom say by their actions tnat thev are in favor of npcrrn mlos High Point and Archdale are well represented in Winston today at the big Tobacco Fair. "Old bpence Adams" came up last night from Greensboro and went out to Poor's Schoolhouse, where he ad dressed some voters. We noticed him coming in about the time the moon be gan to shine. Mr. Aycock, in his Greensboro speech, was about right about the moon. Ed. Ragan witnessed "Back on the Farm" last night. Some one said that possibly "Ed" was thinking about go ing "back on the farm." The new dining room at Jarrell's Hotel has been completed. Tt ia a beauty. The first supper was givon in it last night. Among the number pres ent were several of the democratic can didates. Bro. "Abe" Kirkman had the pleasure of saying grace for the first time in the new room. Hon. A. L. Brooks, democratic can didate for Solicitor of the Fifth dis trict, will address the people here to morrow night. We bespeak for him a large attendance. Grandma's Choice," old ladies' comfort shoes onlv one dollar at. Thacker &Brockmann's; better grades. $1.25, $1.34 and $1.50. The same firm sells the best $1.25 ladies' common sense button and laced Bhoes in the city. First Church Sociable. A congregational reception will be held in the First Presbyterian church parlors tomorrow night between 7 and 10:30 complimentary to the young la dies of the Normal College. All mem bers, attendants and friends of the con gregation are most cordially invited to be present. Music and refreshments will add relish and gayty to the occa- J OIUU. 1 1 1 LI will m WRrTTl I V VO 1lmaH I j wwulWl , N. C, SITUATION CRITICAL. So Regarded at Headquarters In Washington WHITE WILL BE DEFEATED.' President and Cabinet Will Qo Home to Vote Prominent i Railroad Men In Washington. Special to Thi Telegram. Washington, D. C , November 3. All of the members of the Cabinet will follow the example of President McKinley, and will go home to cast their ballots in the election next week. Most of the members of the Cabinet will leave the city the latter part of the week. Postmaster General Smith leaves today for West Virginia where he will address a political meeting to night, and Saturday night he will speak at Cincinnati, after which he will go at once to Philadelphia. Sec retary Alger will vote in $he Michigan election, Secretary Long in Massachu setts, Secretary Bliss in New York State, Attorney General Griggs in New Jersey, and Secretary Wilson, in Iowa. Indications point to a large exodus of government clerks. Already sev eral have left the city for the more dis tant states, but the larger .number wil leave here about Friday or Saturday The heads of the Executive depart ments have granted the privilege to all voters in the departments, who are under the protection of the Civil Ser vice laws to exercise their rights of citizenship, irrespective of their party affiliations. At b9th of the congressional head quarters it is said that the number of clerks to be sent home will be larger than usual. Naturally the re - ubli cans are doin&r the most work in this line, as the efforts of the democrats have been mostly directed to those who are outside of the departments. The work of both political headquar ters is practically closed, thatfis so far as the distributing of political docu ments is concerned, but they will re main open until Monday night. Chairman Babcock, of the republi can committee, is still in Washington. He said to-night that he would leave Washington for his home in Wiscon sin Saturday or Sunday. The North Carolina situation is still regarded as critical among the lead ers at both headquarters. The Demo cratic Congressional Committee has kept in close touch with the local cam paign committees, and is kept fully ad vised as to the situation and prospects. At the headquarters it was stated that all indications point to democratic success in the Stete. It is now believed that the legislature will be safely dem ocratic in both branches, and that a majority of the congressmen will bel democrats. Much interest is felt in Washington in the result in the Second North Car olina district, where Congressman White, the negro representative is a candidate for re-election. A nromi- nent North Carolina gentleman, said yesterday, that from his own observa tions he believed that he would be de feated. A large number of railroad men are in the city pursuant to the invitation of the quartermaster general. Among the prominent officials are A. B. An drews, of North Carolina, J. R. Ken- ly, of North Carolina, J. M. Barr, Roanoke, J. R. Parratt, Jacksonville, J. P. Beckwith. Jacksonville, and D. J. Anderson, of Norfolk. The railway mail clerks of the third division, comprising the states of Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and the District of Columbia, have effected a permanent organization to co-operate with the National Association, and to ask Con gress to provide for a reclassification of the service, and to prescribe sala ries of employes. It is said there has not been any legislation by congress in regard to the railway mail service since the year 1882. The clerks have elected Mr. John H. Grav. of North Carolina, president, and Mr. I. Da vidson, of this city, secretary and treasurer. The vice-presidents will be elected by the clerks in their respect ive states, who will have the power to call meetings in the cities of Washing ton, Baltimore, Hagerstown, Grafton, Martinsburg, Richmond, Lynchburg, Greensboro, and Wilmington. S. H. Wade, of Rockbridge county, Virginia, was in the city yesterday with his wife. Mr. Wade savs that the contest in the Tenth districtjof the state is a very close one, though there has not been much excitement. He says that the vote next Tuesday in the district will, in his opinion, be one of the closest in the state. Both parties claim the district by a small majority U n t .. Ti W 1 . . .. ucuauui luttriiiu was in me ciiv to- . day. The senator says that the situa tion ira Virginia remains unchanged. Hels still of the- opinion that the dem ocrats will carry every one of the con gressional distritJts. Senator Danied, of Virginia, will speak throughout the entire week In General Walker's district. A distinguished party of Lexington, Kentucky, visitors were in the city yes terday for the purposer-of getting the president to stop over on his way to Canton, or else on his return. The president will probably accept the in vitation. Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Leigh, whose wedding was a social event of the week at Savannah, are in Washington as the guests of Judge and Mrs. R. Wayne Parker. They will remain here a few days, after which they will visit New York and Boston. Mr. J. R. Smedley, of North Caro lina, is in the city. He says that the people of the state are determined to down, the negro party, and that the fu ture prosperity of the state depends upon the results next week. In case the legislature is democratic, Mr. Smedley is of the opinion that an elec tion law will be framed similar to that in operation in South Carolina. Post office has been discontinued at Chockoyotte, Halifax county, North Carolina. Special service has been discontin ued at Icard, Burke county , from Con nelly's Springs from December 3, and Suburb, Brunswick county, from Southport, from December 5. if A SAMPLE Of the Work Being Donr by the Fu slonl8ts of Qullford County. Mr. Charles' G. Sherwood, a white man of this city, who runs a store on toe, corner of McCulloch ajad South LEIm streets, called at the Telegram office this morning and handed us the following letter which he received yes kjerday : HEADQUARTERS REPUBLICAN EXEC. COMMITTEE OF GUILFORD COUNTY. Greensboro, N. C, Nov. 1, '98. Mr. Charley Sherwood : Dear Sir Will you call at the head quarters and see me, or see W. E. Holley, as we want you to go out to Ben Phillips' and work on election day. Holley says he will send you out. ResDactfullv. G. Will Annfield. Mr. Sherwood has been a republican all his life, bnt says that in the present fight he can not stand the mongrel crew who are in power, and will vote the democratic ticket. He says he is wonting lor wnie supremacy every 1i . day, and will close his place of busi ness on election day and go in for all he is worth. W. E. Holley is a negro politician one of the "bosses" alone with G. Will Armfield, and Mr. Sherwood was justly incensed at being referred to such a source for. instructions. Pickpocket at the Fair. Mr. J. E. Hennessee, of Salisbury, was "touched" for 60at the Winston fair yesterday. Mr. J. Van Lindley was also relieved of a small amount of cash, But the strangest of all was that one of our youne attorneys wae about to be relieved of a pair of brass knucks, when he caught his "friend's" hand in his pocket. The thief was a clever looking old duck, and made apologies when caught, but, with all his apologies the lawyer would have smashed the old guy's face, had his wife not caught his hand. Greensboro Defeated. Oak Ridge Defeated Greensboro yesterday in a game of foot-ball at Winston, by a score of 15 to 5. Oak ridge played fast, strong ball, and while Greensboro had the weight, the superior training of the Ridge team won the game. Bennett, their full back, is a team in himself. For Greensboro Billy Devin played the game. To Meet Maria. By Wire to Thi Tkl.bg ram. Norfolk, Nov. 3 Great prepara tions are being made today for a rous- tng reception to the former Spanish cruiser Infanta Maria Teresa when she arrives from Cuba. Excursion steam ers will be run out to the Cape to meet her. County Candidates Tonight. Don't fail to hear the democratic county and legislative candidates at the court house tonight. The fusion candidates have been tendered an nr- gunt invitation to meet the democrats here. Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25o. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet. FASHOOA QUESTION SETTLED But England and Russia Are Still Making Faces, SEIGE GUNS BEING MOUNTED By The British Ordnance Depart ment at Hong Kong Great Ac tivity In All Circles. By Cable to Thi Txlborak. London, Nov. 3 There is high au- tnority for the statement that the Fashoda question has been finally set tled, and that a general satisfactory arrangement has been reached with France. Consuls are rising steadily as a result of the easier feeling GREAT ACTIVITY. Hong Kong, Nov. 3. -There is great activity in naval and military circles British battleships are hastily taking aboard supplies and coal, and heavy siege guns are being mounted ashore by the ordnance department. GUNBOATS TO ASSEMBLE Hong Kong, Nov. 3. The British second class cruiser Bona venture, which was recalled from Manilla, is coaling here with all haste. It is re ported that British gunboats have been ordered to assemble here. ENGLAND BUYS COAL By Wire to Thb Teugbam. Philadelphia! Nov. 3. England has purchased a large amount of coal for immediate delivery at her West Indian naval station. SECRET MOVEMENTS. j-iuuuuq, imov. j. contrary to cus- kou, me movements ot .British war- 8Qip8 in ioreign waters to day are not entered on the daily ndmiraU.y list. LACKS CONFIRMATION. ine Keport that the Panama, With 300 Passengers, Was Lost. By Wire to the Telegram. Washington, Nov. 3 -The reported loss of the Panama cnused great ex citement at the navy and war depart ments. Both are flooded with inqui ries from relatives and friends of those aboard. Neither department had any I A 1 1 ... iuiormuon, .eacn discredits the re ports. To all inquiries replies are eent that the department had heard nothing on the subject and doesn't be lieve the story. Col. Bird, who has charge of transportation ma'.ters, says tile " Panama was regarded as thor oughly seaworthy. The weather bureau says that the re cent West Indian storm passed far to the westward of the Panama's conrse. LEARN NOTHING. wasnington, Nov. 3 Every effort' is being made today .to confirm or disprove the report from Cape Masi of the loss of the Panama with over three hundred passengers, but without avail. A dispatch from General Wood to the war department today makes no mention of the loss of the Panama, which tends to discredit the report. she is Safe. Havana, Nov. 3 The steamer Pan ama arrived here today and landed eight passengers She then left for Key West. SPANIARDS WON'T AGREE To American Proposittod Rezardln? the Philippines. By Cable to Thi Telegram. rans, rov. o. n is generally ac cepted this afternoon that the Span- ards will not agree to the proposition of the Americans regarding the Philip pines, but there is a conflict of opinion as to whether they will present a coun ter proposition. "THEIR RIGHTS." Madrid, Nov. 3. The government has telegraphed Rios to maintain the rightsjof Spain against the pretensions of the Americans, and to insist on their right to keep the Philippines. NOT CREDITED. Paris, Nov. 3 The reported rupture in the peace negotiations are not cred ited at the foreign office. The Pope HI. By Cable to Thb Telbgram. P me, Nov. 3 The pope is ill and Dr. LaDDOni has been summoned to his bedside. Nihilist Movement. By Cable to the Telegram. Berlin, Nov. 3 A vast Nihilist movement has been discovered in Rus sia and over four hundred arrests. ncluding many school teachers, have been made. Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- ets All druggists refund money if t fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. pn each tablet. THREE THOUSAND AT S AN FORD- TlHman and Aycock Speak to Enthu siastic Crowd. Special to The Telegram. Sanford, N.C, Nov. 3 Three thou sand people from Moore, Harnett and Chatham counties are in attendance here today at the White Men's Rally and Barbecue. Senator Tillman, of South Carolina, has just spoken and Hon. Chas. Aycocock Is now speaking. So much interest and enthusiasm was never shown before in this section lhese two champions of democracy have aroused the people as never be fore and much good is being done for the cause of White Supremacy. Moore county is all right and good democratic majority. right and will give a A LIVELY FIGHT Between a Storekeeper and a Would- Be Debtor. A railroad man stepped into the store of I. Isaacson yesterday after noon to buy some goods on "tick," and when the Hebrew told him "ve don't sell gudes dot vay," he thought his honor had been questioned. Now, this railroad man knew himself to be a man of unquestionable honor and the longer he thought over the proprietor's words the madder he got. Finally his wrath overcame him and he went for the proprietor's collar." Immediately the fur began to fly, and the combat ants went around like a top. A by stander looked on for about ten min utes and thought it about time for hos tilities to cease, but there was no sign of stopping, and he went to summon a policeman. He found one and hurried back to the scene of action to find things as lively as ever. The police man gave orders to cease firing and stack arms. The fight had been in progress about twenty minutes when the order w,s obeyed, and both com batants. were blowing like wind-broken horses. After allowing them a few minutes to blow and cool off the officer summoned them to the mayor's court this afternoon. THREE COONS BROUGHT TO GRIEF Tried to Rule a White Boy, But Ne Negro Rule Is Short. xms morning three little coons boarded the wagon of a young white boy who had just come to town and took possession. The white bOy was overpowered and submitted to their insults as best he could while they plnndered and played and had a big time generally as they all rode along out tne omciai career 01 these coons was short, for they did not rule the white boy long. The Asheboro street policeman took a hand, and with the aid of a deputy, towed the boys to the mayor's court, where they were tried by Mayor Sergeant, pro tem., and the mayor showed no mercy. He fined the boys $4.30 each, to be paid or worked ous on ine streets, in tne latter case they will not be free for several weeks And the coons wept as the jailer turned th3 key to the lock-up. Texas in Dry Dock. By Wire to The Telegram. Brooklyn, Nov. 3 The battleship lexas nas arrived at the navy yard here and will be put in dry dock im mediately. Attempted Lynching. By Wire To Thb Telegram. Augusta, 6a., Nov. 3. This morn ing at 3 o'clock, a mob attempted to take the negro Robi ns o n , who is charged with making- an assault on a young white girl, from the jail and lynch him. jailer Collins refused them the keys and was slfofc. Twenty policemen fired a fusilade at the mob. The attack was abandoned and the police are now hunting the rioters. William Moore, a volunteer soldier, was the only other person injured. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A, Porterfield & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers v furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: New York, Nov. 3, 1898. American tobacco . , 138 Cotton, Sept.. 540(a542 " Dec 510511 " Feb .....518519 ' 1 March : 522523 " April.. r 527528 " May .531532 " June 535536 July...'. 538539 August 541542 " Oct; 500(500 "vNot.... 502503 " Jan 514515 Spot cotton 5 5-16 The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chic ago, Nov. 3, 1898. Wheat, May . 67 66 66 Dec Nov CI Pats, 66i; Calls, 68i; Curb New Lot Florida Oranges, beau ties, 50c. dozen. California Oranp-es, Gol- den Glory Brand 40c. doz. Bananas, 20 cents doz. Malaga Grapes, 25c lb. Hubbardson Apples 15c and 25c per dozen. New Lot Candy. L. B. Lindau OppositeTBenbow. Phone 56. It's a Package f of The Aristocratic Per fume for the Breath. Containing Pepsin, it not only sweetens the breath, but stimulates digestion. Sold by Jno. B. Fariss, druggist, Opposite Benbow House. Do Not Trifle With Your Eyes And do" not let any one else do it for you. Yonr eyes are too pre cious and too easily injured for life to have any one tamper' with them but a Reliable and Competent Eye Specialist. You may learn this when it is too late. Dr. J. T. Johnson The Greens boro Eye Specialist. Office hours: 8 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.: 2 to 6 p. m, M. P. Buildingr. EXAMINATION FREE. MONEY WANTED -FOR- First Class City Loans. We have a number of applications for loans. List your money with us and get it placed at once. Large and small amounts. WfiARTON & McALISTER. j AGENTS. : j The Cold Weather will produce rough skin and chapped hands. MARSHM ALLOW LOTION will prevent this. Only 25c a bottle. We make a specialty of our pre scription department and patrons will find us prompt and reasonable in price. tlolton's Drug Store. McAdoo House Building. fifes m $ stt. ... . " y-'i