V ------- - 1 I - 4 ' 1 I- GREENSBORO, N. C, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1898 VOL. Price Two Cents ADVERTISERS SAY THE TELEGEAM IS A WINNER IT PRINTS THE. NEWS AND THE PEOPLE READ IT. Time ua-eeiiisiuxEDii-'o III. NU. ffben Yob Buy Corset "Glove-Fitting" Corsets produce tits result. The money is refunded if not found satisfactory. Known and sofd everywhere. J. M. llendrix & Co., Exclusive Agents for Greensboro Does it Ever Occur to You that there are other essentials besides cheapness of price that should be considered? Merit in style,' quality and finish is of interest to many in the selection of Christmas Presents. Our stock was carefully selected, and the exquisite designs in Toilet Ar ticles, Silver Novelties and Jewels in perfection aDd general finish are not easily found elsewhere. An inspection will convince you. Prices low. See our window displays. W. B farrar's Son. THE JEWELER. Inspector of S. R. R. Watches. Established 1868 A Bargain In Imported Perfumes. We have just received a lot of Im ported Perfumes which we bought a trreat deal cheaper than the original price, and we have made a like re duction in the retail price. Come and see for yourself. HOWARD GARDNER. Druggist Corner Opposite post Office. Money Wanted FOR First Class City Loans. We have a number of good appli cations to borrow money. The following amounts can be loaned at once: 5250, Sl,500, two amounts of ?1.W0 each, $3-5. List your money with us. Other amounts can be loaned on short notice. WMARTON & McALlSTER. AGENTS. See Us j fore bu; ing your groceries. We :L ave you money and furnish no iir.r but first class goods. Kxtra Full Cream Cheese, 15c lb. Extra Country Butter, 20c lb. made Sauer Kraut, 15c gal. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. Elm Stre Phone No. 2 Holiday Presents at shall I select?" is puzzling ain of the average citizen. in and take a look through ck and we will take pleasure in V you to solve the question. Holton's Drug Store, i-' oAdon Hue BullJioi? -retti Cream Chocolates. l'iea-iure to say that Mr. Tilling i put in order my Knabe upright -- me entire satisfaction. MRS. JAS. C, GENTRY. 'Jreensbojo, N. C. sx.-e ti r.e. The tvjF DRUNKEN FIGHT. A Young Man from Asheville Badlv rf Hurt. Sunday morning about one o'clock a fight, in which one young man was seriously hurt, took place at a disre putable house in East Greensboro. About six young men were in the fight and a Greensboro young man knocked a young man from Asheville, in the head, fracturing his skull. The wound bled profusely perhaps a quart of blood flowing from it. Night Officers Whittington and Weatherly reached the scene shortly after the fight and, without making any arrests, at the time, brought the injured young man to the Benbow House where he was stopping-. A phy sician was summoned and is yet at tending him. The physician says that, though the wound is very bad one, the y u; og man will be out by the latter part of the week. The Greensboro young man who de livered the blow was arrested this morning and is now in jail. He will have a preliminary hearing before Mayor Taylor this afternoon. He is of a good family and it is a pity that he is connected with such a disreput able affair. The names of all the young men are withheld for the present for reasons best known to the police. A FIRE TODAY. W. A. Wlngate's Bicycle Store the Scene of Destruction: An exciting fire broke out at 1:15 o'clock today in W. A. Wingate's bi cycle store, caused by the explosion of a can of gasoline. The flames spread rapidly, and as there was no alarm except the ringing of the court house bell, the firemen were late reaching the scene. Finally, however, when tlnee streams of water were turned into the building the fire did not last long. The firemen worked heroically, ably directed by Acting Chief Pleasants, assisted by Ex -chief Stone. The building belongs to Mrs. Yates and wits very badly damaged espeei cially in the rear part, It wasinsn ed in the Southern Stock Mutual f m- iiOO. . Mr. Wingate estimates his loss at $2,000 with $1,200 insurance. He saved nothing but biycles and a show case of bicycle and sewing machine fixtures. Four bicycles and three sewiDg ma chines were among the more valuable things destroyed. WILSON WANTS HIS SON. Chief cf Police Rees Askec to Find Him. Chief of police Rees received a pos tal this morning from J. Frank Wilson, of Indianapolis, Indiana, inquiring as to the whereabouts of his son, J. Frank Wilson, Jr., who has been around Greensboro for sometime. Mr. Wil son also wrote that he had sent the railroad fare for his son to come home Young Wilson is about 19 years old and has been in Greensboro for sev eral months. Before he came here, he says, he was a private in the fifth regular cavalry, and was discharged on account of injury received by leing thrown from his horse, in a shaui bat tle. He goes about thi; streets dres-ed in part of the uniform of a cavalry man. He is destitute and without suf ficient clothing for cold weather. He has not yet received the money, which his father claims to have sent, and Chief Rees is at a los; to know what to do. Wilson says his father is ex- sergeant of police of Indianapolis. C. E. Eckles' House Burned. Shortly after noon today, the home of Mr. C. E. Eckles, who lives about two miles east of town, was totally de stroyed by fire Mr. Eckles and family came to town this morning, leaving no fire in the house except a few sparks in the cook stove, and has no idea as to how the fire originated. The house was a single story frame building. The loss is about $2,000, a large por tion of which is in valuable books and oil paintings. An Arm Broken. Little William Wetmore, about 12 pears old, was the victim of a painful accident yesterday, at his home on King street. He was running up the steps when his foot slipped and he fell, throwing his whole weight on his left arm which struck against the edge of the porch floor. The small bone of the arm, below the elbow, was brokeD. William had the large bone of the same arm broken a short while ago while playing roughly and this had just bealed when the dose was repeated yesterday. The ChocoIa:e Party To be given at Mr. James Callum's tomorrow evening will be received by the young ladies of the Altar Guild of St. Barnabas church, who promise all their friends a charming fete. When you ask for De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve don't accept a counterfeit or imitation. There are more cases of Piles being cured by this, than all others combined. Howard Gardner. No Cure No Pay. That is the way all druggists sell Grove'sTasteless ChillTonic for Chills andMalaria. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter nauseating tonics. Price, 50ov 101 SUFFICIENTLY POSTED, To Legislate Intelligently on The Philippines. SAYS CONGRESSMAN BAILEY. Favor Bryan and Currency Question For Campaign of Nineteen Hun dredGen. Garcia Dead. By Wire to Thb Tel.bg bam. Washington, Dec. 12 Congressman Bailey, the democratic leader in the house of representatives., says Con gress is not sufficiently posted to leg islate intelligently with reference to the Philippine Islands. He is willing to see the whole matter go over until the next session. He is opposed to an nexation and favors wise and just leg islation. BRYAN AND CURRENCY. Washington, Dec. 12 Among the democratic senators here twenty-three favor Col. Wm. J. Bryan for leader in 1900, and the old issues until new ones are developed. Of the democrat ic representatives here ninety-nine favor Brayan and currency question. Nine are non-committal. GEN. GARCIA DEAD. Washington, Dec. 12 In speaking of the death of Gen. Garcia, which occurred yesterday, Col. Sanguilly said today that "the plans of the Cu ban commission which General Garcia had mapped out will be carried into effect by the remaining members ac cording to his known wishes. No one will be sent to replace him as a mem ber of !?c commission, but as soon as we get net led again the work will pro ceed . ' ' GAi.CLA'S FUNERAL. Washington, Dec. 12 The arrange ments for Jeneral Garcia's funeral have not yet been completed, but the mtv ;t-.3 will probably be held in St. I ';it rick's church and be performed by the High Prelate of the Catholic church. The body will be placed in a vault awaiting its final disposition. It will undoubtedly be interred in Cuba. The military arrangements are in the hands o the war department. All the honors of war will be rendered at the funeral of the distinguished Cuban pa triot. Hen. D. A. Covington Dead. Judge Timberlake, who is holding court here, received a telegram this morning announcing the death of his b -other-in-law, Hon. D.A.Covington, v. t ich occurred at his home in Monroe this morning. Judge Timberlake will close court this afternoon, and accompanied by his wife, who is hero with him, will leave tonight for Monroe to attend the funeral. Mr. Covington was assistant district attorney for the western district under Hon. Robert Glenn and was known and admired by his fellow lawyers throughout the state. Child Badly Burned. The little two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cox, who live on North E m street, was seriously burn ed this this morning, by playing too near the fire, its dress catching froo: the fireplace. Mrs. Cox stepped out of the room, leaving the child alone, and was gone but a moment when she heard the little one screaming run ning in she found the child's dress ablaze almost all over. The mo her quickly smothered the flames and sent for a physician, who dressed the burns and did all in his power to alleviate the intense suffering of the little one. The child was badly burned on the face and arms. A Treat. The followiag is contributed by a gentleman confined in the county jail on a peace bond. It is the result of much study and was composed imme diately after a hearty bieakfast: We prisners of the county jail in joyed quite a treat Sunday morning in the way of biscuit and well fryed bacon good coffee and mo 11 asses, biscuit has bin quite a strangor in these walls for quite a while horah for the new sheriff. A New Editor. The Telegram calls your attention today to the department edited by Lin dau, the hustling fancy grocer and ci gar man. Th'.s is a special holiday department and will be well worth vour attention duriner the next two f w weeks. Be sure to read it every after noon before you lay this paper aside. It is found on the editorial page. A Schooner Ashore. - By Wire to The Telegram. Halifax, Dec. 12 The schooner Sax on with a cargo of stone is ashore off Green Island. The crew were rescued. A cough is not like a fever. .. It does not have to run a certain course. Cure it nuicklv and effectually . with One Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy for all aces and for the most severe cases. .We recommexd it good. x Howard Gardner. because its NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News From Our.Nelghbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau. au. ) . 12 High Point, N. C.Deo The ever pleasant and attractive (Countenance of Miss Lilly Hastings, can now be seen in Sapp's Racket Store again, after several weeks vaca tion. Tom Harris; says that William Penn's double-was in town yesterday. Jim Little has almost made "Uncle Nick" feel as if though he has no hounds at all. Jim should not be so rough on "Uncle Nick's" hounds. President McKinley's train will pass through tomorrow -night, possibly about 9 or 10 o'clock, going south. C. A. Ring, of Winston, arrived last night and will be with h.18 brother, W . A. Ring, in the drugsto-e. We wel come him to the city. Several of the leading men of the furniture factories here will go to At lanta tonight to the meeting of furni ture manufacturers of the south to be held there. Isn't it strange that some people have to fix up their sidewalk or the town will fix it up for them and make them pay for it sometimes where there is not so much passing done thereon, and that there is a sidewalk on Main v street within 250 yards of the centre of the town, where there is a ditch in the middle of the sidewalk that zigzags like the worm 'of s fence and that it is an actual fact thai more water runs in this ditch than in the side ditch along this sidewalu, and that it is in front of the property of one of the wealthiest men in town. Possibly when the town authorities are making their round looking at the sidewalks, their eyes fall upon the magnificent abodes along these sidewalks and not upon the walks. Those unnecessary doors at the en trance to the post office which we men tioned last week have been taken down we are glad to tate. SUII on Guard. By Cable to the ' elBCRAU. Paris, Dec. 12 All railway stations which protested against the outbreak of popular feeling in the Dreyfus case are still strongly guarded by military of several thousand republicanguards. Police agents are doing special duty in various parts of the city. Labor Federation Meets. By Wire to Thb Tklbgram. Kansas City, Den. 12 The big meet ing of the American Federation of La bor opened this morning under the most promising conditions. They rep resent over fifty thousand workmen, who, out of two hundred and sixty strikes only lost thirty-six. General Rivera Arrives. By Wire To Thb Telegram. New York, Dec. 12 General Rivera a Cuban offioer recently released from the Spanish prison at Barcelona, ar rived this morning and expressed great surprise and regret at the news of General Garcia's dath. Want Cuba Annexed. By Wire to The Tei.ucham. Washington, Djo. 12 Archbishop Ireland and the entire Hierarchy in the United States, is crying to gain the annexation of Cuba. This is said to be under the instructions of the Pope. Died This Morning. By Wire to The Telegram. Norwich, Conn., Dec. 12 The widow of David Amos Wells, did this morn ing, aged 70 years. Academy of Music Tonight. A Kentucky Girl, with real horse I shoes being made by a lady at a red hot forge. Saw mill machinery in full motion sawing timber a railroad train crossing the stage at the rate of 60 miles an hour and a thousand other iota's are in Peruchi-Beldeni's pro gi am tonight, as there is a complete chanee of Droeramme nightly. Thosn who fail to witness it lose a teat. Come early and avoid the rush. Doors open at 730. Two Pointed Questions Answered What is the use of making a better article ttan your competitor if you can not get a better price for it ? Ans. As there is no difference in the price the public will buy only the better, 60 that while our profits may be smaller on a single sale they will be much greater in the aggregate How can you get the public to know your make is the best ? If both articles are brought promi nently before the public both are cer tain to be tried and the public will very quickly - pass judgment on them and use only the better one. This explains the large sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The people have been .using it for years and have found that it can always be depended upon. They may occasion ally take up with some fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but are certain to return to the one remedy that they know to be reli able, and for coughs, colds and croup there la nothinsr eaual to Chamber ! Iain's Cough Remedji For sale dj j C. E. Holton. . . . A VERY 'SLIM ATTENDANCE. At the Democratic Caucus Sat urday Mght. BAILEY'S OPPONENTS NOT THERE. An Existing Sentiment Against Cau cus Rule to Bind Members On Matters of Legislation. Special to Thb Telegram. Washington, Dec. 12 The demo cratic caucus held Saturday night was very slimly attended, though consider able interest was manifested. The op ponents of Mr. Bailey, with very few exceptions remained away from the caucus. Out of a total of 126 members only 86 were present, and about 65 of those in attendance are known to be friendly to the Texas Congressman. What course the opponents of Mr. Bailey will take is hot knowu,' as no opposition was manifested in the caucus to the adoption of the resolu tions which have been pending since ast June. There is a sentiment exist ing against caucus rule to bind mem bers on mattersbf legislation, upon which there is a division in the party, and upon which the national demo cratic convention has not been called upon to decide. It is notable that Representative McMillan, who has re cently had a very exciting controversy with Mr. Bailey was not present. Representative Richardson, however, who is president of the caucus, and who aspires to succeed Mr. Bailey as minority leader was present, as were also several other members of the Tennessee delegation. There is only one democrat in the present house from North Carolina, and he was not present at the caucus. Members who were in attendance were seen after the caucus adjourned, and they state that the meeting was harmonious, and that the resolutions adopted are binding alike upon those who attended, and upon those who ab sented themselves for one reason, or another. During the caucus not once was the leadership of Mr. Bailey ques tioned, and the subject of the minority leadership of the Ffty-sixth congress was not broached by any one. The opinion of a majority of the caucus is that the question of the minority lead ership of the Fifty-sixth congress can well afford to go over to the next congress without being discussed at this time as this house has nothing whatever to do, with the subject. Governor Russell, who is in the city on business connected with the war department, called to see President McKinley Saturday afternoon, and had quite a lengthy discussion with him concerning matters of interest to the state. The governor would not say whether the recent troubles at Wilmington were broached by the president, but the impression is that the matter was discussed. The gov ernor, since being in Washington, has been very reticent, refusing to talk upon his future course of action in any particular. He said Saturday after noon, however, that he had no fear of impeachment proceedings before the next legislature, which is about to as semble. Governor Russell spent Sun day in Washington quietly, at the Ebbitt House, receiving a few callers. Col. and Mrs. Morehead, who have recently returned to Washington, have opened their residence, having leased what is known as the Curry House. The mansion is quite large, and will enable them to entertain dur ing the winter, as is their custom. It is likely that their home will form one of the most attractive of the southern colony in Washington. The First North Carolina regiment, it is said, will have the honor of being the first volunteer regiment to land at Havana. The regiment is now en route for Cuba, having left Savannah the other day. Miss Katydid Jones, a well known young lady of Washington city, is vis iting North Carolina for a few weeks. At the present she is the guest of Mrs. Shepard, in Hillsboro, where she wiil remain for some time. Col. Webster, and quite a number of prominent South- Carolina politi cians are in the city for the purpose of interesting the president in the post office appointments in South Car olina, before his departure for the South. The Spartanburg, South Carolina, post office becomes vacant in a few days, and it is expected the appoint ment will be sent to the Senate. Amoner North Carolina people In Washington are Thomas P. Wilcox, of Elizabeth City; Lewis Walker, of Milton: J. P. Overman, Elizabeth CityrGeorgeK. Pritchard, Bakerville; and Mr. and Mrs B. S. Clark. Special services been discontinued In North Carolina as follows: Bur den, Bertie county, from Aulander From January 2nd, 1899. Post masters have been commission' ed in North Carolina as follows: Walter S. Watkins, Campbell, and John H. Calowell, Walter. Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. AU druggists refund money if it fails to cure. zoo. rne genuine L. B. Q. on each tablet. .has IN CONGRESS TODAY. The District Appropriation Bill Presidential Nominations. By Wire to thb Telegram. Washington, Dec, 12 The Discrict appropriation bill has been reported to the house, and will be called up to morrow when the Vest resolutions will come up. Senator Vest is now speak ing. Among the Presidential nomina tions is that of Senator Charles F. Marrow, of Virginia, to be assistant surgeon, with rank of First Lieuten ant. OATH ADMINISTERED. Washington, Dec. 12 In the house today, after the reading of the journal, the oath was administered to Representative-elect McLain, of Mississippi, and without preliminary business the house took up the business relating to the District of Columbia. WILL PRESS CANAL BILL. Washington, Dec. 12 Senator Mor gan has announced that he will take the floor at two o'clock this afternoon on the Nicaraguan canal bill and press it for immediate action. A bill for raising the battleship Maine and her preservation as a me mento of war, has been introduced by Senator Pettigrew. Adjutant General Corbin says he has received a telegram from Col. W. J. Bryan saying his resignation has been forwarded. Soldiers in Linen Uniform. By Wire to The Telegram. Norfolk, Dec. 12 Thirty volunteers who were landed at Fort Monroe from Santiago on the transport Obdam with scant clothing, were furnished with winter uniforms today. The men were convalescents and suffered from cold. An investigation will be made to as certain why they left the S antiag hos pital in lnen uniform. Guilty of Libel. By Cable to The Telegram. London, Dec. 12 Old Bailey, Cap tain Purdy, who libelled the owners of the recently wrecked Mohegan, in wri ting a letter to the survivors, by say ing "the Mohegan was put away ac cording to their orders," was found guilty today. Sentence was reserved. Anti-Dreyfus Demonstration. By Cable to The Telegram. Paris, Dec. 12 Millevye and Comte de Ramel, both members of the Cham ber of Deputies, headed an anti-Dreyfus demonstration this afternoon. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfield & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: New York, Dec. 12, 1898 American tobacco 143i Atch., Top. & Santa Fe B. and 0 59i C. and 0 26 Chic, Bur. and Quincy Chic. Gas HOi Del., Lace, and Western Delaware and Hudson Am. spirits 13 Erie 94 General Electric 89i Jersey Central 95i Louisville and Nashville 64i Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated 100i Missouri Pacific 44 Metropolitan and S. railway.... 193i Northwestern Northern Pacific Pr 77i National Lead 37i New York Central. 120i Pacific Mail t43i Reading The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, Dec. 12, 1898. Wheat, May 66i it Dec July May 634 64 Corn, Dec " July 33 341 341 May Jan ci Oats, July " Dec May " July Pork, Dec 251 26 817 ti July Jan 947 May Lard, Nov " Dec " Jan " May Ribs, Nov " Dec Jan " May " July 970 517 520 445 455 490 Cotton, Sept 573574 Jan 560,561 c t II Feb 658659 March 560561 April 563564 May 567567 June 570571 July 573574 it it IC August 576577 Oct 575(3576 Not .' 5 5 " Dec..: .....559560 Spot cotton b 13-16 Puta, 65; tOallsi 65, Carh 67 Feady for The Holidays As usual we have a large and varied line of exquisite holiday goods, pictures, stationery, vases fountain pens, new and handsome ly bound books, Waterman's fountain pens in plain and mounted holders, Christmas cards, calendars and reward cards for Sunday school teachers. Wharton Bros. Book Sellers and Stationers. Sterling Silver Novelties for Christmas Very Cheap Here are some sample prices. Ev erything is warranted to be good and aou can't beat the prices for quality of goods. Sterling Silver Nail Files. 25. 40. 50 and 75c. SterUng Silver Shoe Buttoners. 25. 40, 50 and 75c. Sterling Silver Shoe Horn, 60c. Sterling Silver Paper Cutters. 40. 50, and 75c and $1.00. Sterling Silvei Glove Buttoners ,25c. Sterling Silver Seal, 25c Salve Jar, Sterling Silver Top, 20c. Goods bouffht now will ba held un- il Christmas or delivered free to any part of the city. Jno. B. Fariss, i Druggist. 121-S. 'Elm St. Opp. Benbow Compound White Pine Cough Balsam with Tar The safest and most reliable remedv for all throat and lung affections. Price 25 cents Every bottle guaranteed. Grissom & fordham, Prescription Druggists. Christmas Presents Worth Having If you would give-'something really appropriate and of value, go to the Greensboro Eye Soecialist and get a nice pair of Spectacles or Eyeglasses. You can have the recipient call in after Christmas and get the lenses changed to suit without extn cost. 302 S. Elm, opp. McAdoo. Office hours: 8:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.: 2 to 6 p. m, EXAMINATION FREE. We Sell The Best For the Least Money. For instance, the Star and Eagle brand Rogers Triple plate Tea Spoons, guaranteed for 20 years, at a cut price; and all other goods in proportion. We carry a complete line of SterUng Silver Ware, Watches, Dia monds, Chains, Scarf Pins, Broaches, Cuff Pins, Manicure Sets, and other jewelry of aU descriptions. We sell the best goods for the least money. Yours to serve, Schiffman Jewelry Co., SOUTH ELM STREET. MailOrdera filled promptly.-" ; ; . ; j It i -1 - . x i - -,.1 : .'-1 .;.., - "y . A t $ :;! 4 1 if 5 it, - - . 'i - 4- : 3m . 1 - -1 " H ..( t .it 'ft , 1 1 ---; ft

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