fie veninsr u ei VOL. HI- NO- GREENSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1898 Price Two Cen t irrara. 116 WW B. ADVERTISEKb oAi Titji TELEURAM IS A WINNER. IT PRINTS THE NEWS AND THE PEOPLE EE AD IT. ABE YOU IN ItT comfortable at the ?f4ff same time. The flVr" "Glove-Fitting" Corsets produce this result. The money b refunded if not found satutkcturr. Known 2nd sold everywhere. J. M. tiendrix & Co., Exclusive Agents for Greensboro Santa Glaus, The patron Saint who gladdens the hearts of the old and joung; more especially if their gilts are selected from our unusually bright and attrac tive line of Holiday Novelties. We present our stock of goods to the attention of the public, with the assurance that is not surpassed in extent, character or price. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. See our window displays. W. B farrar's Son. THE JEWELER. Inspector of S. R. R. Watches. Established 1868 A Bargain Impoited Perfumes. In We have just received a lot of Im ported Perfumes which we bought a great deal cheaper than the original price, and we have made a like re duction in the retail price. Come and see for yourself. HOWARD GARDNER. Druggist Corner Opposite .post Office. Money Wanted FOR First Class City Loans. We have a number of cations to borrow money. good appli- The following amounts can be loaned at once: $250, $1,500, two amounts of 31,000 each. $325. List your money with us. Other amounts can be loaned on short notice. WMARTON McALISTER. AQENTS. See Us before buj ing your groceries. We wnl save you money and iurnisn no thing but first class goods. Extra Full Cream Cheese, 15c lb. Extra Country Butter, 20c lb. Home made Sauer Kraut, 15c gal. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers, ith Elm Stre Phone No. Holiday Presents "What shall I select?" is puzzling us: orrain of the average citizen. I"od in anil t.ak-A n. Ionic throuerh OJ v.ock and we will take pleasure in siing you to solve the question. Holton's Drug Store, McAdoc Fousi Buil-jlnf All' -retti Cream Chocolates. I',! we pleasure to say that Mr. Tilling-'- miM and put in order my Knabe upright V urlli Kve me entire satisfaction. MRS. J AS. C, GENTRY. "3(jl'a St., Greensboro, N. C. NOTES FROM The Local iNewsFrom Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau. ) High Point. N. C.Dec. 14 t There will be a social by the Chris- tion Endeavor society of the Presby terian church tomorrow night, com plimentary to the new members, every body cordially invited. Jim Little has a bird dog that was given away by not les9 than half a dozen people, and sentenced to death twice, he was so worthless. Jim has trained the dog, and has refused $150 or him. We learn that one of our paper car riers frightened a lady a few nights ago by ringing the door bell and leav- ng before she came to the door. We cannot blame the little carrier for eaving, for he cannot always wait until some one comes to the door, then too after a ring, of this kind, you will find the paper at your door. "And God said, Let there be light ; and there was light." Gen., 1:3. Is it not a pity that certain parties here don't say, "Let there be light." If so there would be light. We were asked this morning by a gentleman if there was a first class gunsmith in Greensboro. We could not give him answer. Clyde Curlee, who has, since the Second regiment was mustered out, been in Raleigh helping to straighten up matters, has returned home. Miss Etta Dorsett, of Bethany, is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. P. H. Johnson. RESIDENT M'KINLEY ANDPARTY Passed Last Night in The Finest Train in The World. The special train bearing President McKinley and party to the Atlanta Poow JiiViiloo Tiaaupil t.h rou trh frrppna. " " r rt boro at 10:30 o'clock last night. Ow ing to the lateness of the hour and the expectation that the president would be asleep only one hundred pxpl w re at the depot. When the train reached here the president had just finished supper and was enjoying a cigar in the smoker of the "Campania," a car just out of the Pullman shops and said to be the most extravagantly furnished and equipped car in the world. The train was composed of six coaches, the most elegant 3ver constructed by the Pullman company. The cabinet mem bers and their ladies rode in the com partment car "Columbia." Another compartment car was occupied exclu sively invited guests, among whom was the son of Secretary Hay. A party of newspaper men, invited by the president, occupied a Pullman ar ranged specially for their comfort. A special telegraph operator and a number of messengers and stenograph ers were with the train. Don't Drive So Fast. Fast, reckless driving is becoming more and more frequent on our streets every day. There is a law against fast driving within the city limits, but an example has to be made of some one occasionally, to Keep tne ordi nance in the minds of the people. Yes terday afternoon a middle-aged boozy looking countryman set out to paint the town red and drove up and down South Elm at a rate that would have made Star Pointer turn green with envy. When Officers Jeffries and Scott held him up he pleaded ignorance and asked that he be allowed to go home, promising not to skip over the cobble btones at such a rate again. Fast driving on a crowded street is nof only dangerous to the citizens but to the driver and his horse as well and gome "innocent" offender may have to be pulled up before the mayor again if speed is not better regulated on our streets. A Small Fire This Morning. A small fire, at Mrs. Payne's board ing house, corner Church and North Davie streets, called the firemen out at 9 o'clock this morning. The firemen never responded more quickly, and what might have caused the destruc tion of one of the largest frame build ings in the city was nipped in the bud, being put out with a chemical fire ex tinguisher. The damage was slight, none at all being done by the fire but by the firemen in their search for the blaze. Recovered His Clothes. Officer Jordan worked unusually hard this morning, but there was more than a reputation at stake. Some one stole his clothes from his wash woman and they had to be recovered. The night policeman caught one of the thieves last night aud recovered part of the goods and Officers Jordan ana Scott captured the other this morning Both the theives were females of the onlnrftd nersuasion. The clothes were found in their possession and identi fied by Mr. Jordan. A cough is not like a fever. It does not have to run a certain course. Cure it quickly and effectually with One Minute Cough Cure, the best remedy for all ages and for the most severe cases. Werecommerd it because Its good. Howard. Qtx&ni&.'Jyf-y I I I . sssssssssssssvssaSBISBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBl MR, M'KIHLEY IN ATLANTA, Rode Half a Block to the Kim ball House, THE REST OF THE PARTY WALKED. Oeneral Wheeler and tils Daughter Held an Informal Reception In the Elegant Parlor. By Wire to the Telgbam. Atlanta, Dec. 14 The train bearing the presidential party arrived in this city, to attend the peace jubilee at eight o'clock this morning. The pres ident and Mrs. McKinley breakfasted in the dining car. At Gainesville, about two hundred persons were as sembled. From there to Atlanta there was an occasional cheer, but nothing in the nature of a demonstration. All the available space about the depot was crowded with an. . immense gathering of people to greet the presi dent, who took a carriage and rode to the Kimball House, only half a block away. The rest of the party walked the short distance. General Wheeler and his daughter held an informal re ception in the elegant hotel parlor. - The programme arranged for today allowed the travelers to rest in ad vance of the fatigues of the occasion by being entertained after break fast until noon by the jubilee committee. A reception is planned by the governor and the general assembly at the capitol. The rest of the pro gram provides for a public reception, at the capitol at two o'clock, review of floral parade at three, return to the Kimball House for dinner at six, and a reception by the capitol city club, at nine. The president has not decided if he will make any remark's except of an informal nature. BLACKWELL'S FACTORY SOLD. It Has Been Absorbed by The Union Tobacco Company. Durham, Dec. 13 The factory of the Blackwell'8 Durham Tobacoo Com pany, in this city, nas been soia to tne Union Tobacco Company, of New York. Col. J. S. Carr is in New York today and has consummated the deal, which goes into effect at once. I learn that there will be no change in the management or in the local force here. Everything connected with the Durham branch will ba under Col. Carr's su pervision, as heretofore. The Union Tobacoo Company starts out with a capital stock of 110,000,000, with 15, 000,00a paid in. W. H. Butler, who, until recently, was a vice presi dent of the Amerioan Tobacco Compa ny, is president of the new organiza tion. The place of vice president has been left open. It Is thought and hoped by many persons that Col. J. S. Carr will be elected to this place. The principal purchasers of the Bull fac tory are residents of New York and Philadelphia. The terms of the pur chase and the other details have not been made known as yet. Special to Charlotte Observer. Looking Up the Flock. Rev. P. D. Risinger.of the Lutheran church, is in the city, and will conduct services next Sunday at 11 a. m. in Brockmann School of Music Hall A cordial invitation is extended to all. Mr. Risinger's work is under the au spices of the United Lutheran Synod, South. He may be found by calling on Mr. Jos. J. Stone at 114 West Mar ket street. He invites all interested to call on him or let him know where he may find them. We hope that his visit may be the means of putting on foot a movement to build a church of that denomination in Greensboro. The Vagabond. A much smaller crowd than on the previous night saw "The Vagabond" played by the Peruchi-Beldeni com pany at the Academy of Music last night. Notwithstanding the fact tbe play was not a new one here, it was thoroughly enjoyed It was by far the best presentation of it ever seen here. The specialties last night were rich, and kept the audience in an uproar of laughter. Tonight "A Georgia Cracker" will be played. It is a farce-comedy, and if you want a good hearty laugh, go out tonight. Runaway. Mr. H. S. Patterson's horse ran away on East Gaston street this after noon. Soon after turning into North Davie the wagon was dashed against the curbing and the shafts and one wheel of the was demolished and the harness torn up. The driver was thrown out but escaped injury except a bruise on the hip. When you ask for De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve don't accept a counterfeit or imitation.' There are more cases of Piles being cured by this, than all others combined. Howard Gardner. No Cure No Pay. That U the wav all druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonio for Chills and Malaria. It is simply iron ana quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer It to bitter nauseating tonics. "Price, 60o. - BRYAN'S VIEWS. An Extract From An Interview With Him Yesterday. savannah, Ga., Dec. i3-coionei win. j. Bryan, upon leaving nis com mand, the Third Nebraska Regiment, today, gave the following Interview : "My reason for leaving the army was set forth in my letter" to the Adju tant General tendering my resigna tion. Now that the treaty of peace has been concluded, I believe that I can be more useful to my' country as a civilian than as a soldier." Colonel Bryan then proceeded to the discussion of public questions, saying: The people of the United States hav ing rescued Cuba from foreign control , may now resume the discussion of the domestic problems which confront this nation, and to the consideration of the new questions arising out of the war. "I may be in error, but in my judg ment our nation is in greater danger just now than Cuba. Our people de fended -Cuba against foreign arms: now they must defend themselves and their country against a foreign idea the colonial idea of European nations. Heretofore greed has perverted the government and used its instrumental interferences for private gains; but now the very foundation principles of our government are assaulted. "The imperialistic idea is directly antagonistic to the Idea and ideals which have been cherished by the Amer ican people since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Our na tion must give up her intention of en tering upon a oolonial policy ( such as is now pursued by European coun tries), or it must abandon the doctrine that governments derive their iu6t powers from the consent of the gov ernment. "We may believe that governments come up from the people or we may believe that governments come down to the people from those who possess the heaviest cannons and the largest ships, but we oannot advocate both doctrines. "To borrow a Bible quotation, 'a house divided against' itself cannot stand;' paraphrasing Lincoln's decla ration, I may add that this nation can not endure half republic and half col ony half free and half vassal. Our form of government, our traditions, our present interests and our future welfare all forbid our entering upon a career of conquest. "Jefferson has been quoted in sup port of imperialism, but our opponents must distinguish between imperialism and expansion; they must also distin guish between expansion in the West ern Hemisphere and an expansion that involves us in the quarrels of Europe and the Orient. They must still fur ther distinguish between expansion which secures contiguous territory for future settlement and expansion which secures us alien races for future sub jugation. "Jefferson favored the annexation of necessary contiguous territory on the North American continent, but he was opposed to wars of conquest and ex pressly condemned the acquiring of remote territory." OAS TANK EXPLOSION. Scene of Ruin and Destruction In New York By Wire to Thi T ram. New York, Dec. 14 Two hundred laborers are working in the ruins of the gas tank explosion-. At noon to day those known to be dead are John Gray, Andrew Wendth, Pius Baum, Peter Conlin, and tbe missing are James Buckner, George Drenner, Gus tave Wencke. A score or more are injured all of whom are doing well today. Mr. Lutz, living near the scene of the explosion went to her cellar this morning to ascertain the damage by I the flood of water from under the tank and saw the body of a man floating about. The accident was due to the n ability of the large gas holder to stand the necessary test to which it was put before Injecting gas. The wa ter was about 27 feet above the street level when the tank exploded, and rushed out like a bursting dam, car rying everything before it. Two Pointed Questions Answered. What is the use of making a better article ttan your competitor if you can not get a better price for it ? Ans. As there is no difference in the price the public will buy only the better, so that while our profits may be smaller on a single sale they will be much greater in the aggregate. How can you get the public to know your make is the best ? If both articles are brought promi nently before the public both are cer tain to be tried and the public will very quickly pass judgment on them and use only the better one. This explains the large sale on Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. The people have been using it for years and have found that it can always be depended upon.. They may occasion ally take up with some fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, but are certain to return to the one remedy that they know to be reli able, and for coughs, colds and croup there is nothing equal to Chamber lain's Cough Remedy For sale by CyE. Holton.- . y. NATIONAL BOARD OF TRADE Twenty - Mirth Annual Meetlno In Washington. A CONTESTED ELECTION CASE. Several Prominent Southern Men In Washing to Attend a Meet ing of Railroad Men. Special to the Telegram. Washington, Dec. 14 The National Board of Trade assembled for its an nual meeting yesterday. The sessions of the board are nearly always held in Washington city, and this is the twenty-ninth annual meeting of the or ganization. Monday throughout the day and night the trains from every section of the country, reaching the city, had among their passengers mem bers who are in attendance. There are many prominent business men from the South here to attend the meeting, being delegates from North, and South Carolina, Alabama, Geor gia and even Florida. The sessions, as for a number of years past are being held at the Shore ham hotel. Among North Carolinians in atten dance are Hon. Claudius Dockery and Harry Shaw, of Charlotte: Among other prominent delegates are President John W. Gates, of the Illinois Steel Company, Governor Tanner, of Illinois, Senator Cullom, of Illinois, Mason Z. R. Carter, Presi dent of the Chicago board of trade, Hon. T. N. Jameson, ex-chairman of the state republican committee of Illi nois, Hon. F. G. du Bignon, of At lanta Georgia, J. W. Worthington, of Birmigham Alabama, E. Zimmerman, of Cincinnati, E. H. Myers, of New York and Col. T. L. Elwood, of Chi cago. Among the protrinent southern dele gates in addition to those named, is former Representative Mayer, of Louisiana. The ex-oongressman is well remembered in Washington, and has many friends who formed his ac quaintance while he was in congress. He was yesterday on the floor of the house, which was the first time in many years, and received a hearty welcome from his former colleagues. several prominent southerners are in wasnington also lor tne purpose of attending a meeting xf railroad men which has convened in this city. Among those in attendance is Mr. J. R. Parrott, of Florida. Mr. Parrott is in favor of the early passage by the senate of the anti-scalping bill which is pending, having passed the house of representatives last week. He is also in favor of the passage of the Nicaraguan canal bill. In speaking on the subject last night he 9 aid that the construction of the canal as pro posea ay tne Morgan Din would De a g;eat benefit to the south. Yesterday morning trie house com mittee on Elections, No. 3, by a call of the chairman, General Walker, who has just returned to the city, held a session for the purpose of consider ing what course of action is best to be taken" in the contested election case of Browne against Swanson. General Walker is in favor of proceeding to the consideration of the case as soon as possible, and would like to get the case off the calendar of the house before the Christmas holidays. There is considerable difference among the members of the elections committee, some of them favoring the taking up of the case before the holidays, others favoring taking up the case, but not until after the first of the new year, while other members of the committee are opposed to the consideration of the case by the house at all, believing that Mr. Swanson has a clear and in disputable title to the seat. There are three reports in the case, one favoring Mr. Browne, which, al though the report of the committee is signed by a minority of the commit tee, one in favor of Swanson and an other declaring the seat vacant. Senator Pritchard stated last night that he had nothing to say in regard to his intentions in the matter of the recent riots in North Carolina. The Senator was at the White House, as reported last night, and it is said that he talked with the president upon the subject. The senator says that there are no grounds for the impeachment of Gov ernor Russell, and that he-will remain as chief executive of the state until the expiration of his term of office. A delegation of Richmond, Virgin ia, busines men will have a hearing this morning before the house com mittee on rivers and harbovs, for the purpose of urging the extension of the twenty-two foot channel of the James river extended as far as the city. Corduroy for boys pants and suits and a line of single and double width cassimere for mens, and boys wear Thacker & Brockmann's. New line of ladies and mens holiday slippers to come in this wees. Cure a Cold In One Day . Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. AU druggists refund money if it i I falls to cure. 25c. The genuine has I L. B. Q. on each tablet. . t- THE SHIPP MONUMENT. Let The Ball Start In Earnest In Qreensboro. Some months ago the Charlotte Ob server appointed Messrs. Thomas Set tle, R. R. King and the editor of this paper to receive subscriptions to the Shipp monument fund. Owing to the intense excitement attending the cam paign the matter was deferred. Since the election others matters have so en grossed the minds of the committee that it has been overlooked. Our neighbor cities have done handsomely and Greensboro should respond lib erally. Mr. A. W. McAlister has, through genuine patriotic spirit, joined in the effort to honor the memory of the fallen hero. He reported the following yes terday: Wharton & McAlister $5.00 J. W. Scott & Co. 1.00 J. S. Hunter 1.00 R. G. Vaughn 1.00 J. M. 'Walker 1.00 To these is added today the follow ing. C. G. Wright $1.00. Subscriptions may be left at this office or with either member of the committee or with Mr. McAlister. Spanish Ships at Wilmington. Wilmington, N. C. Dec. 13 Two Spanish prize ships, the Alvarado and the Sandoval, under command of I Lieutenants Blue and Anderson, will arrive in port tomorrow morning. Their coming will be a gala occasion and will be gloriously celebrated. Wilmington is Lieutenant Anderson's home. Citizens will grive him a maer- nihoent welcome. One of the orators at the evening celebration will be ex- Congressman Waddell, the revolu tionary mayor. Declined to Prosecute. By Cable To Thi Tclbgram. London, Dec. 14 In the Central criminal court today treasury officials declined to prosecute Kate Lvon and Mrs. Minis in connection with the death of Harold Frederic, the Ameri can correspondent and the defendants were discharged. Will Not Withdraw Duty. By Cable to Thi Tklbgbah. Paris, Dec. 14 In the chamber of deputies today Prime Minister Dupuy announced that the government will not withdraw the duty imposed on corn. The. Richmond Delegation. By Wire to The bam. Washington, Dec. 14 The Richmond delegation appeared before the house river and harbor committee this morn ing to urge the extension of the James river channel to the city .C3 Letter to Santa. Dear Santa Claus: I want a large doll, and a tea-set, and a set of doll furniture, for Xmas . Your little friend, Gladys McGoldrick. Scores of men in Greensboro who have worn Harvard calf goodyear welt shoes and are still wearing them, will tell you that they are the best shoes they have ever seen for the price. Thacker & Brockmann sell this spe cial line of shoes at $2.50 and claim positively that they will wear equal to any three dollar shoe sold in Greens boro. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfield & Co. W. A. Porterfield & Co., commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: New YORK, Dec. 14, 1898 American tobacco 141 The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, Dec. 14, 1898. Wheat, May 65 " Dec . " July. " May 64 641 Corn, Dec 331 " July. May. 34 34 Oats, July May 261 Pork, Dec 810 " July. " Jan. " May . 937 962 Lard, Nov, " Dec Jan 517 507 May. 437 Ribs, Nov Dec 455 Jan 465 " May 482 Cotton, Sept 568(570 Jan 555557 Feb 555557 " March 557558 " April 561562 " May 564565 June 587568 " July 570571 " August 574575 " Oct 571(572 14 Nov :6 6 Deo. 555556 Spot cotton 513-131 I Puts, 65i; Calls , 66, Curb 65 Ready for The Holidays As usual we have a large and varied line of exquisite holiday goods, pictures, stationery, vases fountain pens, new and handsomely bound books, Waterman's fountain pens in plain and mounted holders, Christmas cards, calendars and reward cards for Sunday school teachers. Wharton Bros. Book Sellers and Stationers. Vinaigrettes Filled Free When Purchased From Us Jno. B. Fariss, Druggist. 121 S. Elm St. Opp. Benbow Huyler's and Murcott's Fine Candies. Hot Drinks to refresh you Compound White Pine Cough Balsam with Tar The safest and most reliable remedv for all throat and lung affections. Price 25 cents Every bottle guaranteed. Grissom & Fordham, Prescription Druggists. Christmas Presents Worth Having If you would give-'something really appropriate and of value, go to the Greensboro Eye Soecialist and get a nice pair of Spectacles or Eyeglasses. You can have the recipient call in after Christmas and get the lenses changed to suit without extra cost. 302 S. Elm, opp. McAdoo. Office hours: 8:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.: 2 to. 6 p. m, EXAMINATION FREE. We Sell The Best For the Least Money. For instance, the Star and Eagle brand Rogers Triple plate Tea Spoons, guaranteed for 20 years, at a cut price; and all other goods in proportion. We carry a complete line of Sterling Silver Ware, Watches, Dia monds, Chains, Scarf Pins, Broaches, Cuff Pins, Manicure Sets, and other jewelrv of aU descriptions. We sell the best goods for the least money. Yours to serve, Schiffman Jewelry Co., SOUTH ELM STREET. liailOrders filled promptly; . ---- s - ? - f 4 - k .'4 4 -i f

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