11 line VOL. III. NO. 123 GREENSBORO, N. C; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1898, Price Two Cents ADVERTISERS SAY THE TELEGRAM IS A WINNEB. IT PRINTS THE NEWS AND THE PEOPLE READ IT. ARE YOU IN IT? f fcleflprcunni. Friday and We will sell Men's $4, $4.50 and $5 Patent and Enamel Leather Shoes at the low price of $3 50 to any one who will call and mention the tact that we hive so adver tised in The Telegram. This price will only hold iood tor two days. J. M. Hendrix & Co., 221 South Elm Street Santa Glaus, The patron Saint who gladdens the hearts of the old and young; more especially if their gilts are selected from our unusually bright and attrac tive line of Holiday Novelties. We present our stock of goods to the attention of the public, with the assurance that is not surpassed in extent, character or price. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. See our window displays. W. B farrar's Son. THE JEWELER. Inspector of S. R. R. Watches. Established 1868 Ladies, see our Fancy g I Collar and Cuff Boxes 1 I and other novelties, if you are thinking of making a gentleman 5 a Christmas gift. Howard Gardner, N Druggist. J Xunnally's Candy, Fresh. Money Wanted FOR First Class City Loans. We have a number of good appli cations to borrow money. The following amounts can be loaned at on:;e: iloO, $1,500, two amounts of ;1 Ah.Kj each. $325. Li-t your money with us. Other amounts ear. be loaned on short notice. WHARTON & McALISTER. AGFNTS. See Us before b'j; ing your wili save vou monev gro and eries. We ."'lrnish no- ihincr lint tfict rrrtra Kxtra Full Cream Cheese, 15c lb. Extra Country Butter, 20c lb. Home made Sauer Kraut, 15c gal. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. S'.uth Elm Stre Phone No. Holiday Presents "What shall I select?" is puzzling e brrain of the average citizen. Drop in and take a look through 't- stock and we will take pleasure in -isting you to solve the question. Holton's Drug Store, McAdco House Building Allcgretti Cream Chocolates. Ives me pleasure to say that Mr. Tilling - t t aned and put in order my Knabe upright an und gave me entire satisfaction. MRS. JAS. C, GENTRY. ..won St., Greensboro, N. C. Saturday ARE YOU EASILY SUITED? Or Do You Find it Difficult to Select What You Want? It matters not ia which case you find yourself. There is a remedy at hand. If you are hungry and just want some thing substantial and "lasting" it is there bacon and beans, hog and hom ony. If you want an elaborate meal with all the fancy and modern fixin's and trimmin's, you can find it all there. Where? At Hudson's-on-the-hill. In getting up things for the festive occasion iust ahead of as it will pay you to call at Hudson's. In addition to all kinds of fowl, he has all the in gredients to make the finest dressin' and stuffin'. He has fresh fruits and vegetables of many kinds. His stock in all lines is complete and his display inviting. The Waterhouse Cravats. The following is clipped from the December number of the Men's Out fitter published in New York City: The Waterhouse cravats deserve the great favor accorded -them bv the shrewd outfitters in all the trade cen ters of the country. The art and skill which make the se lections and creations of this house popular with good dressers every where are the result of natural endow ment and years of study and experi ence. It is safe to buy of such a house. It is always a delight to look through the silk offerings at 678. lhey are sure to include a great ar ray of surprises, novel and beautiful conceits in the weaver's art such things as make one say instinctively, I hat will sell, sure . This line of famous neckwear is handled exclusively by Matthews, Chisholm, Stroud & Rankin. The Rush On The Railroad. About the hardest worked men to be found now are the railroad employees. Lvery train man from engineer and conductor to flagman and" newsbutch" are kept in a rush. But those who suffer most from the holiday rush of business are the express messengers and baggage-masters. Santa Claus business has outgrown the sleigh and he is now compelled to use the express train to send his presents over the countrv. Every train is packed with passen gers and of course -almost every pas senger has some piece of baggage. Little less than three hundred people boarded the early trains here this morning and every available trues was loaded to its full capacity with baggage and express. All the trains were delayed on account of too much business. The vestibule was run in two sections and the southbound local due at 7:37 came in shortly after nine o'clock. To The Federal Prison. United States Marshal Frank Sim mons and a deputy, or Mobile, Ala., passed through here at noon today en- route to Raleigh with three men sen tenced to terms in the Federal prison for mail robbery. The prisoners were J. B. Buliard, LaFayette Salter and George H. Bidwell. The last named was postmaster at a small town in southern Alabama and misappropria ted the government's money. He goes up for 3 years. Buliard gets 4 years for tampering with the mail. LaFay ette Salter was convicted of murder ing and robbing a mail carrier and was sentenced to imprisonment for life. He is a man of middle age and has a desperate look. Bidwell and Buliard are each about 25 years old. Fell From The Scaffold. A young carpenter named Jet hap pened to a very painful accident yes terday afternoon. He is employed on the new depot and was standing on a scaffold under the shed, when he lost his balance and fell to the ground. Dur'ng the descent his face struck a box car standing on the siding and his lip and jaw were cut through. Dr. Beall dressed the wound and the yonng man was able to return to work this morning. Christmas Oift ? There now ! The Telegram has caught you. It is a littla early, to be sure, but, you see, it pays to be soon, nowadays. If we hadn't said it today the chances are that you would have said it tomorrow and the jig would have been up. We are not particular about the gift; bnt if its very heavy you might pay the express, freight or drayage, and we will be entirely satis fied. Be Careful, Boys. The mayor of Greensboro calls our attention to an ordinance prohibiting the explosion of fireworks, pop-crackers, etc, on the streets of the city. In the hilarious joy of the festive season, bovs, don't forget this and be careful where you throw your bombs you can t always teir when a policeman is looking. Letter to Santa Claus. Dear Santa Claus: Please bring us a large doll each; doll carriage and doll furiture and many nice things. Your little faiends, Violaand Lulu Medearis. Notice. Notice is hereby given that applica tion will be made to the next general assembly of North Carolina to amend the charter of the city of Greensboro, iNorth Carolina. John S. Micheaux, 10d4t-law City Clerk. Want a pair of slippers to give your husband, lather or brother Christmasr Thacker & Brockmann can show you a great variety to select from in plain and fancy styles, at 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 a pair. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required . It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale bj u. js. uoiton. TION A SURPRISE. Members of House and Senate Not Looking For It. NEW SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR The Appointment of Mr. Hitchcock Is Well Received by Most of the Western Congressmen. Special to The Telegram. Washington, Dec. 22 The nomina tion of Ambassador Ethan A Hitch cock, as secretary of the Interior, to succeed Secretary Bliss, was a sur prise to most of the members of con gress. The President had informed the members of thecabineton Tuesday of the selection of Mr. Hitchcock, but none of the congressional callers at the white house were Informed of the President's intentions until the nomi nation went to the senate. It was un derstood up to Wednesday morning that the resignation of Secretary Bliss would be held back until after .the Christmas holidays, and that the nom ination of a new secretary would not be sent in to the senate before January 4th. During the morning yesterday several delegations of western men called at the white house, and were granted an audience by the President. They were there to urge the selection of a western man, and various names were suggested to the chief executive, among them being that of Hon. Bing ham Hermann, commissioner of the general land office, who it was under stood by nearly all of the western con gressman would be the choice of the president. The name of Mr. Ryan, assistant secretary of the Interior was also suggested as an available nomi nation. The appointment of Ambassador Hitchcock, is well received by most of the western congressmen, and being from Missouri, his nomination will be satisfactory to tne southern republi cans, who had hoped a man from that section might be selected. Among the members from the Pacific coast there was some fe;ling because a man from the slope was not selected.. They ar gued that when the cabinet was first formed the Pacific coast was given representation in the cabinet, which was held until the resignation of Jus tice McKenna. Now that an opportu nity presented itself, they think that the President should have restored the representation to their section of the country. In executive session the senate con firmed the nomination promptly. A member of the senate from North Car olina stated that there was no opposi tion to the confirmation, and that th vote was unanimous in favor of Am bassador Hitchcock. After the adjournment of the house of representatives for the Christmas holidays yesterday afternoon, most of the members of the North Carolina delegation left the city as soon as pos sible for their homes in the state, where they will spend the recess of congress. The attendance in both the senate and the house yesterday was smaller than on Tuesday, and at no time was a voting quorum present in either branch. Speaker Reed and Vice-president Hobart will spend a portion of the Christmas season at the national capital. But very little has been heard in North and South Carolina circles dur ing thi past week as to an investiga tion into the election troubles, and some of the democratic members from the two states say they would not be surprised if it has been abandoned. Senators Pritchard and Butler were in Washington yesterday, but will leave the city very soon for North Carolina Neither of the senators would say any thing definite as to whether the matter had been dropped or not. In the matter of the prosecutions it is generally admitted at the depart ment of justice, and at the capitol, that nothing will be done further than what has already been done in the matter. Mr. A. M. Rankin and wife, and Mr. E. D. Steele, of High Point, N. C, are in Washington. The former are stopping at the St. James, and the latter is registered at the Metropoli tan Hotel. Both Mr. Rankin, and Mr. Steele are here on a business trip. Miss Carrie Harper, of Lenoir, N. C, is at the Metropolitan Hotel for a few days. Mr. Edward Reech. a well known citizen of Asheville, N. C , accompa nied by his wife, is registered at the Arlington Hotel. Funeral of firs. Rankin. The funeral of Mrs. Polly Rankin, who died yesterday morning, was con ducted at 12 o'clock today at Buffalo church. In spite of the heavy, disa greeable rain, a large procession fol- owed the remains, showing the re, spect which was held for the aged Christian woman. The remains were laid to rest in Buffalo cemetary by the side of her husband, who died about six years ago. They Are The Best. The principals in the beautiful and charming opera, "Martha-' to be giv en by the Andrews Opera Company at the Opera House Friday night, are the very best that can be secured in Lu- rope or America. Mis9 French hav ing been engaged for two seasons by Prof. Sousa as prima donna in his Band Concert Co, Why not give something useful and along with the sweets and fancy goods? Here is a list from which you can se lect something for most any member of the family. Ladies' kid and jersey gloves, overgaiters, ladies' and gen tlemen's house slippers, rugs, combs and brushes, capes, baby saques and hoods, gents' gloves, boys' neckties, baby shoes, girls' 6hoes, boys' shoes, lace and tapestry curtains, children's overshoes, nice towels, table linens and napkins, counterpanes, blankets, lap robes, children's stockings, hand kerchiefs, and many other articles that we will take pleasure in showing you. Thacker & Brockmann. Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25o. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet.1 NOTES FROM HIGH POINT. The Local News From Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau. ) High Point. N. C.Dec. 22 f Sheriff W. F. Redding, of Ashe boro, was married last night in the presence of friencU to Miss Ida Ham mer at the home of her father, Rev, W. C. Hammer in Mechanics ville, a suburb of this place. They returned to Asheboro this morning where they will make their home in the future. Not long since Officer Burns took a negro to jail and upon leaving the ne gro he said to the officer that you did exactly right in bringing me here and as I have always thought that you was a good officer and disposed to do your duty, I'll tell you where you can catch a negro in some meanness. So Mr. Burns has been watching the "game" and last night succeeded in catching his man and taking him to jail today. His name in George Clin ton. Rev. S. A. Cotton and bride, of Conetoe, N. C, arrived last night to spend their honeymdon here with Mrs. G. Lindsey Davis, a cousin of Mr. Cotton. It is a $500 license that dealers have to pay in Charlotte to sell fireworks instead of $5.00 as stated in this col umn yesterday. If it is something really beautiful and attractive that you wish to see in a window, you cannot see anything anywhere compared with that very simple display in the window of the undertaker, .Mr. J. W. Sechreat's of fice. It consists of only four articles, a lamp and three beautiful pictures. "The boys" say that Joe Hoffman played a trick on them a few nights ago when he cooked their oysters and ynt sugar in them. The boys were all somewhat si:?k of the business when they began to think about it. . We expect they were. Mr. Hoffman must be getting tired of cooking oysters for nothing No. 7, due at 7:12, arrived on time last night for ther first time in a week. Travel is very heavy. Some trains are running two sections. The first sec tion of No. 35 yesterday started off before she had taken on all of the bag gage, and it could nut be stopped, there being no whistle cord to pull. Whitsett Items. Correspondence Telegram. Whitsett, N. C, Dec. 22, 1898. The fall torm of Whitsett Institute closed last night. The spring term be gins January 3, 1899, the outlook for which is very gratifying. The Dialectic Literary Society held its debate December io. Mr. E. C. Parrish, of Durham, received the medal. On the 17th the Athenian Lit erary Society held its debate, and Mr. W. S. f lapp received the medal. De cember 20 the Athenian Literary So ciety held its declamation contest in which Mr. J. C. Moore, of Durham, received the medal. The improvement medal in the Ath enian bociety wa9 awarded to Mr. W. K. Perett.of Haw River. Last night closed the various exer cises by the Dialectic Literary Society holding its declamation contest. The medal was awarded to Mr. W. A. Kime, of Kimesville, for the best de claimcr. Most of the students will spend the holidays with their parents in this and other states. Rev Stubblebine delivered his fa mous lecture, ' Cuba's Fight for Free dom," in the institute Friday evening, December 16. The attendance was good, and the amount taken in by the doorkeeper was $19. STRUCK BY A TRAIN. Alpheus McAdoo, a Crossing Watch man, Loses an Arm. Alpheus McAdoo, colored, the watchman at the crossing of the Southern railvfray and Ashe street,was run over and seriously injured by a shifting freight train this afternoon. The heavy rain had caused water to stand between the tracks and McAdoo was bendiDg over with part of his body under the transfer depot, en gaged in making a ditch to drain the water off. when the train struck him. The train was backing and the engine was some distance away McAdoo was knocked down, one arm falling on the track and the wheels passed nearly the full length of it, almost completely lacerating it. He was taken to his home in East Greensboro and a phy i sician summoned. Decorating For The Holidays. Stall No. 1, city market, owned by Mr. Jas. W. Forbis, will be nicely decorated for Christmas, as we see he is getting a large quantity of holly, mit'etoe and cedar. He has certainly nrovided a nice lot of meats, dressed fowls and link sausage. A new and large cold storage room has just been attached in which meats can be kept fresh for thirty -days. This makes a very handsome add! tion to Mr. Forbis' nice market place, and there is nothing else like it io the city. We notice he dips oysters out of the buckets with a wire dipper which is also a strainer. That means that if vou buy oysters from him you get solid measure. Pantry Robbed. Mr. G, W. St. Sing, who lives short distance beyond the Normal College, made some preparations for Christmas yesterday by laying in supply of eatables. He placed them in his pantry and was particular to lock the door. This morning he awoke to find that his pantry had been broken into and robbed ol nearly ail its contents. The thief carried off among other things, a bushel of pota toes and several dozens of eggs There is no clue. At Forbis' Stall. Mr. Forbis, proprietor of Stall No 1, city market, will have 25 gallons o oysters Friday night, for Christmas three grades, 25, 35 and 40 cents quart. He also has several thousand oyster buckets of paper for delivering oysters, which he will sell at the fol lowing Drices: Pints 90 cents Der hun dred; quarts, $145; one-half gallon THAT TORPEDO EXPLODED, ould Not be Found When Others Were Removed. the tWO YET UNFOUND AT MATANZAS The Presence of the Texas and Brook lyn, Make Spanish Soldiers Respect Americans More. By Cable to The Telegram. Havana, Dec. 22 A torpedo which could not be found when the mines were removed from Matanzas explod ed yesterday. Fortunately no ship was in close proximity when the ex plosion occurred, and no damage was done. Two more torpedoes remain yet unfound in the harbor. The presence of the battleship Texas and the cruiser Brooklyn make the soldiers here respect Americans more than bafore, but they are still ready to fall on nou-combatant Cubans. Castellanos has no control over them. The Spaniards threaten to fire upon any house where other than the Span- sh flag is displayed. Trouble is fear ed before the Spaniards leat Par ticularly is trouble looked for on Christmas day. Castellanos is unable to maintain order. Despite orders they , still re tain their arrrs. There are over thirty thousand with arms here. They say they will not tolerate a Christmas dinner at any house this year. PROTESTS BEING FILED. United Action Of This and British Government. By Wire to ThbTklbgbam. Washington, Dec. 22 Minister Con ger in China has been instructed to make a protest at Pekin againet ex cessive French jurisdiction at Shang hai, and the state department today received advices that this protest had been entered and that it is similar in nature to the one filed by the British government. The united action -of both governments is the first action of the kind and has undoubtedly strength- ned the resistance of French claims. t is expected that Japan will take similar action. Cold In gbuth Africa. By Wire to The Tsijbqbam. Washington, Dec. 20 Consul Ma- crum, at fretona, sends the state de partment a report of the gold output n the South African republic, which says the October report shows a num ber of mills, total stamps rapidly in creasing, and that the output in the Transoval this year will exceed the American output. Steamer Overdue. By Wire To Thb Telegram. New York, Dec. . 22 The steamer City of Lowell is over twenty-four hours overdue from New London, Conn., a distance of one hundred and twenty miles. She has a small passen ger list. The owners say the heavy fog is the cause of her delay, never theless, there is great anxiety. Qlass Trust. By Wire to the Telkgbam. Pittsburg, Dec. 22 The proposed combination of the leading flint glass bottle manufacturers in the United States will probably be completed by the promoters who are in session here. Already twenty establishments have joined the combination. Tied Up In Fog. By Wire to Ths Telegram. New York, Dec. 22 The heaviest og of the winter tied up traffic harder than ever this morning. Many steam ships are fog-bound and great precau tion is being taken. Sound boats' which were due this morning had not arrived at noon. Proceeding Slowly. By Wire to Thk Tklbgbam. New York. Dec. 22 The trial of Mrs. Moore is proceeding slowly District Attorney Mclntyre announced today that two of his witnesses had fled, but that their testimony was un important. Girls on Strike. By Wire to Thb Tklbgkam. New York. Dec. 22 Three hundred girls in the Higgins carpet mills have struck because their work was doubled while their pay remained the same . More Trouble In the Fog. By Wire to Thi Tslbqbam. Worcester. Mass., Dec. 22 -A col iision of electric cars, due to the dense fog this morning, fatally injured Wal ter Holdbrook and John Kerrigin. Engineer and Brakeman Killed. By Wire to the Teleprwa. Avon. Dec. 22 Wm. H. Mastwers an engineer residing here and Patrick O'Brien, a brakeman, were killed in a collision today. A New Colllseum. By Wire to Thk Tklbgram Chicago, Dec. 22 -A new colliseum will be built, occupying an entire block, with a seating capacity of eigh teen hundred. A New Brand. Lindau's holiday brand of cigars "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" is the latest addition to his al ready choice line of smokers.- The Telecram force has had the pleasure of testing the quality of this cigar, and 1 is glad to testify to its superiority . I Get a box twenty-five Tor one dollar, l SAMPSON JAIL BROKE. Archy Kinsauls, Committed for Mur der, Was Taken Out. The Morning Post says : Tuesday night an armed and mask ed mob assaulted the jail of Sampson county, which is located at Clinton, N. C, and, after forcing the keys from the jailor, took into their custody, Archey Kinsauls, who had been com mitted to jail for murder. The jailor was dazed and frightened half to death and did not ascertain who composed the mob or locate any of the parties after their departure. Yesterday nothing was heard from mob or their prisoner and the suppo sition is that the murderer was rescued by his friends. Governor Russell was notified of the occurrence late yesterday afternoon by sheriff J. M. Marshburn, of Sampson. He sent a telegram from Clinton at 4:30 giving the governor the facts, but it did not reach him until 6 o'clock. It is likely that the sheriff would have noti fied the governor earlier had he sus pected a lynching. The sheriff wires that he has no clue to the mob and cannot tell whether they were enemies or friends to Kin sauls. It is a singular incident, one that has not occurred in the state for some time. Of course the Governor is powerless to do anything. The follow ing is the telegram received by the Governor yesterday afternoon. Clinton, N. C, Dec. 21. Hon. D. L. Russell. Raleigh. N. C: Armed mob forced keys from jailor last night and took from jail Archey Kinsauls who had been committed for murder. No clue to parties, cannot tell whether enemies or friends to Kin sauls. J. M. Marshburn, Sheriff Sampson County. Spaniards Gone Home. By Cable to Thb Tklbgram. Madrid, Dec. 22 All the Spanish peace commissioners have returned. Secretary Ojeda has conferred with remier Sagasta regarding the Philip pines. On account of a strike at the factory inacKer a brocmann received a shipment of Imen's four dollar tan 8 hoes way behind time. Of course the manufacturer had to make a conces sion in the price and as Thacker & Brockmann want these shoes to move off quickly, they have made the price S3 .00 straight, If you want a pair of the very best, new up-to-date winter iw.uu tan shoes fet sw.uu, now is your chance. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W . A. Porterneld & Uo. , commission brokers , furnish us with the following ! closing quotations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board ot rrade: New York, Dec. 22, 1898 American tobacco 1401 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 50i B. and O C. and 0 25i Chic, Bur. and Quincy 122i Chic. Gas 108 Del., LacK. and Western...,. Delaware and Hudson 105i Am. spirits 131 Erie General Electric 93 Jersey Central 93i Louisville and Nashville 631 Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated.. 97 Miss ourl Pacific 45 Metropolitan and S. railway.... 192 Northwestern 142 Northern Pacific Pr 76$ National Lead 37 New York Central . 123 Pacific Mail 43 Reading 19 Rock Island llli Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr.. 41i St. Paul 11S Sugar Trust 125 Tenn. Coal & Iron. 37i Texas Pacific... U. S. Leather Preferred. 70i 921 Western Union Tel Wabash Preferred... . 23i The following are the closing quota tions of the Chicago Board of Trade: Chicago, Dec. 22. 1898. Wheat. May 68 " Dec 66 " July 661 " Jan Corn, Dec 36 " Jan " Julv 371 May 37 Oats. Julv 231 Dec . May. Pork, Dec July. " Jan . May . Lard, Nov " Dec . Jan . 26i 27 820 957 990 510 517 " July May 442 Ribs, Nov Dec . " Jan . " July. 465 472 " May 490 Cotton, Sept 561562 11 Jan 544545 11 11 Feb 546547 March 550551 April.. 553554 May 557558 June 560561 11 July 563(3564 Alienist 56667 11 : 2 Mw Deo..... Snot cotton. ............. .& 13-16 Puta. filH Cauit 69ti Cora fJt : v. ; , Ready for The Holidays As usual we large and varied have a line of exquisite holiday goods, pictures, stationery, vases fountain pens, new and handsomely bound books, Waterman's fountain pens in plain and mounted holders, Christmas cards, calendars and reward cards for Sunday school teachers. Wharton Bros. Book Sellers and Stationers. Murcott's Fine Candies 50c pound Jno. B. Fariss, 121 S. Elm St. Opp. Benbow Secure your reserved seats for the Andrews Opera Co. Goodyear Vtllcatlite Co's Hard Rubber Combs at all prices. A splendid lot of Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes and Nail Brushes and a beautiful assortment of Toilet Soaps at Grissom & Fordham's drug store. Fordham's Fragrant Toilet Lotion, the best remedy on earth for chapped hands and lips. Grissom & fordham, Prescription Druggists. Christmas Presents Worth Having If vou would eive--something really appropriate and of value, go to the Greensboro Eye Soeoialist and get a nice pair of Spectacles or Eyeglasses. You can have the recipient call in after Christmas and get the lenses changed to suit without extra cost. 302J S. Elm, opp. McAdoo. Office hours: 8:30 a. m. to 12:30 p. m.: 2 to 6 p. m, EXAMINATION FREE. - We SLell The Best for the Least Money. For instance, the Star and Eagle brand Rogers Triple plate Tea Spoons, guaranteed for 20 years, at a cut price; and all other goods in proportion. We carry a complete line of Sterling Silver Ware, Watches, Dia monds, Chains, Scarf Pins, Broaches, Cuff Pina, Manicure Sets, and other Jewelrv of all descriptions. We sell the best goods for the least money. Yours to serve, Scbifftnao Jewelry Co., SOUTH ELM STREET. , 1 Mailorders filled Trot 1 7 - i 1 -U- - : - - - .