1 t - v, sitjoro VOL. HI- NO. 127 GREENSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1898 Price Two Cents VERTISERS SAY THE TELEGRAM IS A WINNER IT PRINTS THE NEWS AND THE PEOPLE READ IT. ARE YOU IN IT? We Thank all our friends and cus tomers who have in any way aided us in our bus iness through the year 1898, and we assure you that a continuation of vour kindness will be ap preciated. Wishing you all a very luppy and prosperous New Year, we remain Yours truly, j. M. Hendrix & Co., !1 South Elm Street Santa Glaus, The natron Saint who gladdens the hea:t? the old and joung; more especially if their gilts are selected from our unusually bright and attrac tive line of Holiday Novelties. We present our stock of goods to the attention of the public, with the a?iuranee that is not surpassed in extent, character or price. Mail o:der? will receive prompt attention. See oar window displays. W. B farrar's Son. THE JEWELER. Inspector of S. R. R. Watches. Established 1S6S $1.00 a Box. Frank Teller & Co.'s "Hand Made" and "Chico" Cigars, 25 in a box, 1. 00. Howard Gardner, Druggist. Money Wanted FOR First Class City Loans. We have a number of good appli cations to borrow money. The following amounts can be loaned at once: 8250, il,500, two amounts of ? .000 each, $3?5. List your money with us. Other amounts can be loaned on short notice. W'iARTON & McALISTER. AGENTS. For Christmas See us for Oranges, Apples, all kinds of Produce, Chick ens. Egs, Butter, Flour, and everything in the Grocery line. We will make it to vour interest. Yours truly, VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. iri Elm Stre Phone No. 2 7 Holiday Presents What shall I select?" is puzzling brrain of the averasre citizen. 'rop in and take a look through ?tocK ana we win tane pleasure iu ;iinrr you lo solve ine question. Holton's Drug Store, A! itrretti Cream Chocolates. Parties who may wish my ser vices will please leave or ders at 104 S. Elm street this week, as I leave Greensboro for an ex tended trip early in Jan uary. J. W. Tillinghast, Piano Expert. A CONFERENCE OFTHE COKE Export and Commissi,.. Com pany's Representatives. A LIST OF THOSE NOW HERE. Representatives Of AH mils With Which That Concern Is Con nected Have Been Invited. In pursuance of an established cus tom the Cone Export and Commission Company has invited all members of the firm and at least 'one representa tive from every mill with which the company has business connections, to meet in this city for an exchange of views, a discussion of the year's busi ness and plans of operation for the future. In addition to those who re side in Greensboro, the following rep resentatives of the Cone Export and Commission Company are in the city to attend this annual meeting : Mr. P. A. Carter, New York and Greensboro, N. C. Mr. Chas. F. Chase, Indianapolis, Ind. Mr. Geo. S. Campbell, Baltimore, Md. Mr. W. W. Fariah, New York City. Mr. C. B. Farish. St. Joseph, Mo. Mr. Mr. L. B. Fite, Nashville, Tenn. Samuel Jacobson, New York City. Mr. Herman Lindheim, New York H. S. Piggot, Milwaukee, Wis. E. W. Roberts, Minneapolis, G. A. Stafford, St. Louis, Mo. J. W. Sanford, San Francisco, City. Mr. Mr. Minn. Mr. Mr. Cal. Mr. Mr. G. E. Soule, Boston, Mass. L. F. Woodruff, New York City and Greensboro, N. C. On tomorrow evening a collation will be served at the Benbow to which a number of citizens have been invited. The Telegram is glad to have these gentlemen in Greensboro. We are not ashamed of the showing the city has made since they last visited it, and confidently believe they will find more marked signs of growth and develop ment at their next annual meet. We find that of the mill men expect ed here by tomorrow, there are al ready in town, Mr. Wm. H. William son, of Pilot Cotton Mills, Raleigh, N. C, Mr. Robt. R. Ray, of McAden Mills, Lowell N, C, Mr. William Entwistle, of Pee Dee and Roberdel Mfg. Co'9, Rockingham, Mr. J. L. Scott, of Sideny Cotton Mills, Gra ham, and Mr. S. Bryant, of Naomi Fals Mfg. companv, Randleman, N. C. HAS COMPLETED HIS MESSAGE. The Qovernor Put la Chrlsmas Day at Work on It. Gov. RuBseU has completed his mes sage. He put in his Christmas holidays at work on it aad yesterday he turned it over to his stenographer to make cop ies. It is quite long, but it does not be- gin "Tnere is retriDuuon in niswjry, afld it contains no startling recom mendations. In writing it the Governor has fol lowed the oftentimes wise plan of al lowing the heads of departments and of public institutions to make their recommendations. He asked them sometime ago to make suggestions and for the most part he has simply adopted their recommendations. The message is awaited with much interest by the press and people, it being the first message from a repub lican governor to a democratic legis lature since the administration and impeachment of Gov. Holden. News and Observer. Accidental Shooting. Today while a party of young men were out hunting in the fields beyond South Buffalo a man named Taylor received a severe wound in the leg by the accidental discharge pf a gun in the hands of a small boy whose name our informant did not learn. The wounded man was brought to town and his wounds dressed at the drug store of Grissom & Fordham. The shooting is said to have been purely accidental and no blame Other than carelessness attaches to any one. High Point Letter Miscarried. We regret the miscarriage of our High Point letter today. It is one of those things which will happen, even in this land of well regulated mail fa cilities. We take occasion here to express sympathy for our High Point friends in the sad tragedy which so suddenly ended the life of a popular young lady in that place today, which is told by a special in this paper. The Engagement Confirmed. By Wire to The Telegram San Francisco. Dec. 28 The friends of Virginia Fair telegraphed here to- William K. Vanderbilt. Died While Preaching. By Wire to the Tklbgham. New York, Dec. 28 -Joseph Shackle a distinguished Rabbi, fell dead while preaenxng waay, ? , . jr.;-,; . CRUSHED TO DEATH. Horrible Death of a Young I jdy at High Point. Special to Ths Telegram. High Point, Dec. 28 The saddest accident in the history of High Point, and one that has shrouded the whole community in deepest sorrow and gloom, happened at one o'clock this afternoon. Miss Eleanor Stanback, a popular young lady from Trinity, was walking between the railway tracks with some lady friends, and in getting out of the way of one train stepped in the way of the Asheboro train, was knocked dow,n, one arm cut off and her head crushed and terribly jangled. Death was, of course, instantaneous. STRONGER VESSELS. Will Take the Place of Those Now In the Fishery Service. By Wire To Th Tilkbik. Halifax, Dec. 28 Naval authorities have been officially advised of the in tention of France to replace her obso lete war vessels now engaged in the fishery protective service on the New Foundland coast with mod ern cruisers, one of which is the large British battleship Re nown. Owing to this important move Britain will put out of commission the obsolete gunboats Pelican, Buzzard and Cordelia and substitute vessels of sufficient power cope with the French man. THE SITUATION GRAVE. Reported that Hollo is in the Hands of the insurgents. By Wire to The Tbubgbam. Washington, Dec. 28. The state department today received an official cablegram from Consul General Pratt at Singapore, announcing that Iloilo fell Dec. 24th. This confirms the be lief that the insurgents took the town before the Americans reached there, resulting in a situation which is con sidered grave. So far no word has been received from Admiral Dewey, but it is ex pected that the cruiser Baltimore, con veying American troops, haj reached Iloilo. The war department had a long communication from General Otis which was sent to General Corbin who took it to the President. SENATOR MQRRILL GEAD. The Venerable Vermont Republican's Career Ended. By Vire to The Txxjdgbam. Montpelier, Vt.,TJec. 28 The news of the death of Vermont's venerable representative, Senator Morrill, was received this morning from Washing ton with expressions of great regret by all classes. The flag on the senate has been placed at half mast, and sim ilar action has been taken by the cus todians of the other buildings. Senator Morrill was born in Straf ford, Vt., April 14, 1810. In early life he was a merchant, and later an agri culturist. He was elected to the house of representatives in the 34th congress, and for the four succeeding terms. Then he was transferred to the senate as a union republican, taking his seat March 4, 1867. Since that time his service has been continuous, and he has the record of the longest unbroken term of service in the history of the senate. He has taken an important part in the legislation of the last thirty years especially on commercial and finan cial questions, his position as chair man of the finance committee giving him a leading part in all measures re lating to lhe tariff, banking or cur rency. Thanks. The Telegram acknowledges wiih thanks an invitation to attend a social gathering of the Sans Souci Club at the home of Miss Nettie Murray, on Saturday evining Dec. 31st. Ohio Law Attacked. By Wire to The Telegram. Columbus, Dec. 28. The attorneys of the Standard Oil Company have made an attack on the constitution ality of the Ohio anti-trust law. Dewey Now Senior Officer. Washington, Dec. 27 Admiral Dewey is now the senior officer of the American navy, having reached that position without congressional action through the retirement Sunday -last of Admiral Bunce. He will continue to hold that distinction until the 26th of December next, when he will go upon the retired list unless congress excepts him from the operation of the. law, and after making him Admiral of the navy provides that he may hold that office in active service without age limita tion. Civil War Threatened in Bolivia. Lima, Peru, Dec. 27, via Galveston Advices from Bolivia say that the as pect of affairs there is serious. Young men belonging to the best society are joining either side, the banks have lost nearly all their clerks and civil war Ib inevitable.' - 'K. THE NAVAL PERSONNEL BILL Reported Unanimously from The House Committee. SENATE COMMITTEE FAVORS IT. Senator Butler's Pension Bill is Not Likely To Be Reported From The Committee. Special to Thi Tkl.bg ram. Washington, Dec. 28 A- strong ef fort is being made to secure the pas sage oi the naval personnel bill. For a long time this legislation has been demanded from congress, and , at this session the effort is being revived with much earnestness. The bill is before the house of representatives, Graving been reported unanimously from the house committee on naval affairs. Those interested in its passage are hopeful that the measure will be allow ed to come before the house after the Christmas holidays, and will ask that a day be set aside for its considera tion. The time for the consideration of the bill in the house, if the request is granted by the committee on rules, will probably be somewhere between the 4th and the 10th of January. The naval committee in the senate is, it is understood, unanimously in favor of the naval personnel bill, and if the measure is passed by the house they will make an effort to obtain consider ation by the senate. Among the mem bers of the naval committee is Senator Butler, of North Carolina. The sen ator is in favor of the legislation asked, and will aid in getting the bill before the senate for consideration. Among other senators who are inter ested in the bill now pending before the house are Senators Tillman and Martin. The latter, who is now in Washington, says he has no doubt but consideration can be obtained, provided the house acts promptly on the bill within the next two. weeks. The senator says that the housed bill ss it stands meets with the favor of most senators, and will be the bill which will eventually pass the senate, if any measure of the kind passes this ses sion. The rank and file of the navy, and many of the officers, as well as the offi cials of the navy department, have given their support to the bill and are urging its passage. On account of the opposition devel oped in the south to the bills intro duced by Senator Butler, of North Carolina, to grant pensions to those who fought in the confederacy, and of Representative Rixey, of Virginia, to admit ex-Confederates to the National Soldiers' Homes of the country, it is unlikely that either bill will be re ported from the committees to which they have been referred. There is al most absolutely no sentiment for the passage of the . measure of Senator Butler, which would greatly increase the proportions of an already over burdened pension list. The measure of Representative Rixey meets with more favor among south ern people, though there is a decided opposition to its enactment into law by many Representatives from the section. Announcements have been received in Washington of, the coming mar riage of Miss Elizabeth Bridges Cox, of Tarboro, North Carolina to Mr. Benjamin F. Finley. The bride is a daughter-in-law of General William R. Cox, the Secretary of the United States senate, and has many friends in Washington city where she has fre quently visited. The groom is also well known in this section, being a native of Virginia. He is now the state chemist of Georgia. The wed ding will take place at Raleigh, North Carolina, January 3rd. The mocking bird which was re ceived at the white house on Monday, is said to have been sent from North Carolina. The bird is a very pretty specimen, and is a fine singer. Those who have seen him say that he is one of the finest specimens of a mocking bird. Mr. W. T. Shaw, a business man of Weldon, North Carolina, is in the city for a few days stopping at the Howard House. Mr. Shaw says that the Christmas trade in his section of the state was not up to the average last week. Mr. Charles T. Meserve, and F. H Busbee, both of Raleigh, N. C, are at the St. James, having stopped over Monday on their way east. Marriage licence was issued in this eity on Tuesday to Mr. Thomas F. Holt, of Manchester, Virginia, and Miss Mabel P. Sutton, of Salisbury, North Carolina. Jeff Penn, of North, Carolina, is in the city on a business trip, being re gistered at the St. James Hotel. 1ST. V. Paterson. of Salem, N. C, is at the St. James. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chil blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay i required . Ik i 9 guaranteed to give per fect, satisfaction or money refunded, i Price 25 cents per box. For sale by JIM CROW CAR WANTED. Loulslna Plan of Suffrage is Heartily Approved. While the democratic executive com mittee, which met in Raleigh last night took no action with reference to the legislation that will come before the general assembly, the members talked freely in the hotel lobbies about the sentiment of the democratic voters in their sections of the state. Reporters of this interviewed most of the mem bers before the meeting last night. If tbey reflect tha sentiment of the 6tate, it may be safe to say that the demo cratic voters in the state are in favor of these propositions: 1. Submitting an amendment to the constitution, without any constitution al convention, embodying the main points in the Louisiana constitution restricting suffrage, or "something equally as good." 2. Enacting a law providing for white democratic primaries, regulated by law. 3. Enacting a Jim Crow car law. If there is any division of sentiment n favor of these propositions, I did not discover it in my interviews with most of the members of the committee. There is also a strong sentiment though not so pronounced, in favor of two other propositions: 1. Dividing the school fund to the races in the proportion paid by them. 2. Changing the time for holding the state election from November to July or August, and separating the state and national elections. If this s done, the idea is to submit the con stitutional amendment restricting suf frage at the "regular election" in Au gust. It was suggested that one mem ber from the central section of the state that this would secure the united support of all who voted the demo cratic ticket last November, whereas if the amendment was submitted at a national election there might be fric tion on national issues that would en danger the ratification of the amend ment to the constitution. News and Observer. BOTH SHOT WILD. Counts and Barons in Their Little Affairs of Honor. By Cable to The Telbgbam. Buda Pest, Dec. 28 The duel ar ranged yesterday between Count Kar- oliji and Baron Fejervary, minister of national defence, occurred today. Pistols were used and neither was in jured. The combat arranged between Gaja- ri and Izemere with sabres was fought this morning. Both men fought fierce- y and Izemere was severely wounded by a slash in the head. Will Stop at Annapolis. By Wire to The Tklbgeam. Norfolk. Va.. Dec. 28 The former Spanish gunboats Sandoval and Al varado, commanded respectively by Lieutenants Anderson and Blue, sail ed today for Portsmouth, N. H., via Annapolis, where they will deliver the relics to the naval academy and give the cadets a chance to see the captured vessels. They will be overhauled at Portsmouth and commissioned into service. Troops Reviewed at Charleston. Bj Wire to The Telegram. Charleston. S. C. Dec. 28. The Twelfth New York Volunteers, num bering 1,150, were reviewed today by General Sanger, preparatory to their departure for Cuba. They arrived from Columbus, Ga , last night and will-sail aboard tae transport Mani toba for Matanzas tonight. The Rockabill Arrives. By Cable to The Tki.bg ram. Liverpool, Dec. 28 The steamer Rockabill arrived from Savannah today. She collided on the ninth with a derilict three-masted schooner in latitude thirty-eight, longitude sixtv. but was not damaged. The ob struction is dangerous to navigation Shot Each Other. By Wire to The Telegram. Providence, R. I., Dec. 28 Police man William S. Kent and Watchman Matthew Casey quarrelled at four o'clock this morning and exchanged seven shots. Kent received three wounds and Casey two, all of which are serious. Holiday Drunks. By Wire to The Telegram. New York, Dec. 28 The alcoholic insane wards at Bellevieu hospital are overloaded from holiday drunks, ex ceedlng the wor3t periods ever known Amonc the inmates are four boys of fourteen and two sixteen years old. Steamer Ashore. By Cable to Thb Tklboeam. London. Dec. 28 An unknown steamer is ashore at Cape, Trafalgar on the southern coast of Spain, and assistance has been dispatched. Brooke at Havana. Havana, Dec. 27 Major General Brooke arrived today. Rose Coghlan's 13-year-old adopted daughter was severely bitten while playing with a pet Newfoundland dog At New Roohelle, N. Y. h, UNION TOBACCO COMPANY Rapidly Gaining Control of Big Concerns. SOME OF THOSE ALREADY BOUGHT The Company Denies That It Was Organized to fight the Ameri can Tobacco Company. By Wire to Thb Telegram. New York, Dec. 28 The Union To bacco Company which was incorpo rated a short time ago under the New Jersey laws with a capitol stock of ten million dollars is rapidly gaining possession bf the largest tobacco con cerns throughout the country outside of the American Tobacco Company. The new company has already suc ceeded in getting control of the Na tional Cigarette and Tobacco com pany, the Blackwell Durham Tobacco Co., and it is understood today that ar rangements have practically been com pleted for the purchase of the big plug tobacco factory of Liggett & Myers company, of St. Louis. It is denied that the Union Tobacco company was organized to hght the American Tobacco company. DENIED "IN ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, Dec. 28 The statement that the Liggett & Myers tobacco com pany is to be consolidated with the Union tobacco compamy is emphati cally denied. Zola in London. By Cable to Thb Telegram. London, Dec.- 28 Zola and secre- tary arrived here this morning. New lot of Cannon cloth, new lot adies wool and fleece lined hose and a fresh supply of childrens shoes with A. S. T. Co. tips atThacker & Brock- mann's. They also have a limited number of mens and womens holiday slippers to close out THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Private Wire to W. A. Porterfleld & Co. W . A. Forterneld & Co. , commission brokers, furnish us with the following closing quot ations of the New York Stock exchange and the Chicago Board of Trade: New York, Dec. 28, 1898 American tobacco 43 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 501 B. and O ti9 and 0 25i Chic, Bur. and Quincy 123$ Chic. Gas 109 Del., LacK. and Western Delaware and Hudson 104 Am. spirits 14 Erie 14 General Electric 96 Jersey Central , 9o Louisville and Nashville 64i Lake Shore Manhattan Elevated ! 98 Missouri Pacific . .' 44 Metropolitan and S. railway.... 192i Northwestern 142 Northern Pacific Pr 78 National Lead 38i New York Central.. 123 racificMail 45 Reading 19! Rock Island.... 1134 Southern Railway Southern Railway Pr 1 . 42 St. Paul 119 Sugar Trust 123 Tenn. Coal & Iron 38 Texas Pacific U. S. Leather Preferred 73f Western Union Tel 92i Wuhuh Tif.f Arred The following are the closing quota- tions of the Chicago Board of Trade Chicago, Dec. 28, 1898. Wheat, May 70f " Dec .. " July. " Jan . 67 68i Corn, Dec, 37i " Jan. " July. " May. 38J. 38 Oats, July 26i 26i " Dec . May. 2S Pork, Dec 870 " July. " Jan . May . Lard, Nov " Dec . Jan . 1002 1040 535 540 July Ma,:::::::::::::::::::::::: w Ribs, Nov. " Dec " Jan " July " May Cotton, Sept ....5 fi Jan 548549 Feb .5 5 March 552553 April... 5 5 May 560561 June 5 5 July 567567 August 568569 SV:::::::::::::.:::::5 It Dec , VS Spot cotton J Puts r 69i; Calls, TU, Curb I AT COST. Realizing the folly of car rying over old holiday goods for a year, we shall this week sell any of our stock of fancy goods absolutely at cost. Come at once and secure rare bargains. Wharton Bros. Book Sellers and Stationers. NOTICE! At and Below Cost All of our holiday p;oods that were carried over, con sisting of medallions, fancy atomizers, perfumes in fancy packages, sterling silver and other novelties. f you are thinking: of get ting a new year's present it will pay yOU to look thrOUgh our remnants. J no. B. Fariss, 121 S. Elm, St. Opp. Benbow Goodyear Vulcanite Co's Hard Rubber Combs at all prices. A splendid lot of Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes and Nail Brushes and a beautiful assortment of Toilet Soaps at Grissom & Fordham's drug store. Fordham's Fragrant Toilet Lotion. the best remedy on earth for chapped hands and lips. Grissom & Fordham, Prescription Druggists. h i Christmas Presents Worth Having If you would erive'isomething really appropriate and of value, go to the ureensooro tye oeciaiist and get a nice pair of Spectacles or Eyeglasses. You can have the recipient call in after Christmas and get the lenses changed to suit without extra cost. " 302 i S. Elm, opp. McAdoo. Office hours: 8:30 a,, m. to 12:30 p. m.: 2 to 6 p. m, EXAMINATION FREE. We Sell The Best For the Least Money. For instance, the Star and Eagle brand Rogers Triple plate Tea Spoons, guaranteed for 20 years, at a cut price; and all other goods in proportion. We carry a complete line of Sterling Silver Ware, Watches, Dia monds, Chains, Scarf Pins, Broaches, Cuff Pins, Manicure Sets, and other jewelrv of all descriptions. . We sell the best goods for the least money. Yours to serve, Schiffmanewelry Co., . SOUTH ELM STREET. Mail Orders filled, promptly, ! 5 "3- V t t i I i 1 1 4 ' it h ft ''X -OS J R -5. - r

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