The Oreetisboff Telegram VOL. IV. NO. 9 GREENSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1899 Price Two Cents ADVERTISERS SAY THE TELEGRAM IS A WINNER. IT PRINTS THE NEWS AND THE PEOPLE READ IT. ARE YOU IN IT? Three Pairs Sold AND Three Pairs Left And you will be left i you don't get a pair o those $4.03 11-4 Elkin Blankets we are closing out at $3.00. All our winter Underwear At and Below Cost J. M. Hendrix & Co., 221 South Elm Street Up to Date Service. DR. J. T. JOHNSON, the Eye Spe cialist, keeps on hand a full stock of Spectacles and Eye Glasses of differ ent make?, but there are so many cases where something special is need ed that he does not depend on stock goods. He MAKES everything to exactly fit the case in question. Only those who have trouble with their eyes or who have made a thorough study of the science can appreciate the im portance of having every detail just as it should be. And this service is furnished at a few hours' notice. All is done right here in Greensboro. We Want Your Drug Trade, (Or at least a part of it) Don't think because our store is small that our stock is small, for such is not the case. Our stock is full and up to date. Call and see. Yours respectfully, Howard Gardner, Druggist Corier Opposite Postoffice. MONEY to LEND WE REQUIRE Gilt Edge Security We have a number of amounts of money listed for immediate loans, others for March 1st and April 1st. File your application now and be sure to secure the money when you want it. We have 3 good houses for rent. WHARTON 6t McALISTER. AGENTS. We Have Plenty Fresh Eggs, 15c dozen. Fresh Butter, 20c pound. Cream Cheese, 15c pound. All kinds canned goods dried fruits and everything usually kept in a first class grocery. The best Can Corn in the city at 10c can. Every can guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. VUNCANON & CO., ReliAble-.Gcocers. South ElmStree Phone No. 2 -THE CELEBRATED- Pioneer Prepared Paints have been tested for over 25 years. Beautiful, Durable, Economical. None better. For sale by Crutchfield Hardware Co. 508 S. Elm St., Op. Water Tower. Phone 105. We wish our patrons all a happy and prosperous New Year, returning thanks for their very liberal patron age during the past year and assur ing them that our business will be conducted with the same carefulness tha thas-always characterized in every department. Yours to serve, Holton's Drug Store, McAdoo Hcuia BuildlDfi-. Allegretti Cream Chocolates. cud NOTES FROM HIQH POINT. The Local News From Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau ) High Point, N. C, Feb. 9 f Tom Wiles, of Randleman, spent last night in town. Frank Gurley went to Asheboro this morning on a business trip. H. W. Fraser left this morning for Lenoir and other town in the western part of the state. Miss Dell Watson, of Greensboro went to Lexington last night, after spending two weeks here with her sister Mrs. North. D. T. Marable and T. W. Anderson are spending the day in Greensboro on business. No. 36 was two hours late yesterday therefore our news did not reach Greensboro in time to be-published, which we regret very much. U ENTERTAINflENT. To be Given at The State Normal To morrow Night. On Friday night, February 10th the students of The State Normal and In dustrial College will give an enter tainment complimentary to the legisla tive committee. One of the chief ob jects of- this entertainment is to give the friends of the College in Greens boro an opportunity of meetingsocial ly for a few minutes, the members of the legislative committee. There will, therefore, be no charge for admission to the entertainment, -and the general public wjll be welcomed. The doors will not be open until 7 45 and the entertainment will begin at 8:15. Charles D. Mclver, President. What an Ad Did. The Telegramthis afternoon received orders from the C. W. Jennings Fruit Co. to leave their-advertising space blank until further notice. This is done because the company already has more orders than it can possibly fill, though they have just received a large shipment of bananas, oranges and other tropical fruits. Mr. Jennings says the rush is the direct result of his ad in this -paper, very few of the or ders being from old customers. They contracted for space only a few days ago and the rush came unexpectedly. Hereafter they will be prepared for any number of orders and fill them promptly. Having a Big Time. J. F. Jordan, who accompanied the party of fox hunters to Manchester, returned home yesterday afternoon. He brought with him a good sized fox which was caught after a lively chase. He 6ays the hunters are having a fine time. Mr. Hudson, one of the party, ordered some oysters and crackers to be sent him today. This fact will no doubt lend to the desire of the rest of our Reynard chasers to take part in the festivities. Attempt Burglary. A futle attempt to breaks into Vun- cannon & Co's. store, on South Elm street, was made last night. The would-be burglars only succeeded in breaking the foot-latch off the front door, evidently using a chisel to do the work. This was very little head way, as Mr. Vunconnon has three heavy locks on the door, which is fur ther strengthened by heavy bars. With Parental Consent. Mr. Luther Morefield and Miss An nie Hood, who came here yesterday from Danville, were married at 10 'clock last night at the residence of Rev. L. Johnson who officiated. The parental consent was received on the vening mail and Mr. Kirkman issued the license forthwith. The Telegram ex tends congratulations An Eyr to Business. That sees and seizes your opportun ity, will make you comfortable, and, perhaps, rich. One great chance now awaits your good judgement at our store, Man- neletts, outings, Worsteds and heavy underwear at prices that will justify you in purchasing, and even laying away for future use. A splendid line of shoes that we must move to make room for spring goods. Any style, any size, any price. 514 South Elm street. J. E. Scott. Forged in Statesvllle. It appears that Dunn, alias Link, though an amateur forger, did not do his first work in this line in Greens boro and High Point. A short while before his trouble here he passed a check, purporting to be signed by J. C. Davis, on J. G. Shelton, a clothier of Statesville. He purchased a suit of clothes and received the balance of a 60 check, in cash. Mr. Shelton was here today and identified Dunn as the man who "done" him credit. Coming Tomorrow. The committee from the legislature will arrive here tomorrow evening to spend Saturday inspecting the State Normal and Industrial College. They will spend tomorrow in Chapel Hill inspecting the University. QUIET IN THE PHILIPPINES So Dewey Cabled to the Deput merit Today. AGUINALDO WITHOUT SUPPORT. Half the Inhabitants Want the United States to Assume Full Control. Filipinos In Disguise. By Wire to Thi Txlbgbam. Washington, Feb, 9 The following cablegram was-received from Admira Dewey this morning: After continued interference and in timidation of our workmen, I ordered the armed insurgents to leave San Roque. They left during the night, only a few remaining, who-burned the village this morning. Our troops are now in possession of the village. AH is quiet. AGUINALDO IS MAD. New Haven, Feb 9 Lieutenant Howard of the cruiser Boston, who spent the entire summeCat Manila, says: "I have met Aguinaldo and talked to him frequently through an interpreter. He is mercenary and mad and makes no secret o' his real motive The policy of the United States to crush him is correct and should have been in operation sooner. Half of the inhabitants of the Philippines be have properly and are eager for the United States to assume full control. The rest are influenced in some po'iti- cal manner by Aguinaldo. This weeks fighting leaves him without support." GENERALS IN DISGUISE. Bj Cable to Thb Telsqram. Manila, Feb. 9 At noon the Fili pinos generals whose forces were so unmercifully punished by King's brigade Sunday, were deported and fled to the interior in disguise, to escape violence at the hands of the people. The officers in command of the main body of the army have asked Aguinaldo to send i reinforcements, but they do not want any more Tag- ad as. CHINESE MATTERS. England Advises China to Concede Nothing to France. By Cable To Thi Telegram. Vancouver, Feb. 9. -Pekin mail ad vices say the British government has advised the Chinese government not to concede an extension of the French settlement in Shanghai under any cir cumstance, adding that Great Britain will assist China to oppose any press nre and to resist any threats of force. CHILDREN DROWNED. Vancouver, Feb. 9. According to advices from the Orient, Chinese rebels raided Kneifee recently and seized and drowned several hundred children who were under care of Roman Catholics. EARTHQUAKES. nhabitants are Alarmed and are Fasting and Praying. By Wire to Thi Telegram. Bellen, N. M., Feb. 9 The inhab itants of this place are much alarmed over a series of earthquake shocks which have recently occurred, and have betaken themselves to fasting and praying. IN KENTUCKY. Maysville, Ky., Feb. 9 Pronounced earthquake vibrations were felt here this morning. Eagan Will Depart. By Wire to Tea Tklsgbam. Washington, Feb. 9 Gen. Eagan has decided to go to Hawaii soon.. He will live on a coffee plantation with his son, who is a planter. The gener al will superintend the plantation. Before leaving the United States he may ask for his retirement under the thirty year service law. Terrlfflc Weather. By Cable to Th Tklbgkam. Skifforn, Feb. 9 Terrifflc weather prevails on the Irish coast. Great quantities of wreckage has washed ashore, mostly of a character indicat- ng that the lost vessels were lumber laden. Monotonous Thirteen. ByWlre To Til Telegram. Harrisburg, Feb. 9 Paired 24; ne cessary 113; Quay 100; Jenks 70; Dal zell 18; scattering 27. Meeting Postponed. Superintendent Claxton requests us to state that the officers and teachers West Market Street M. E. Sunday of Bchool will not meet tomorrow evening was announced. The meeting has been postponed until next week. They Went. J. M. Hendrix & Co. adveriised yes terday six pair of $4.00 Elkin blankets to be closed out at $3.00. This morn ing they sold half of them and have three pair left, and they say you will be left if you don't get a pair of them. The old story repeated place your ad in the Telegram if you want it read. MR. KREHB1EL IN N. Y. TRIBUNE Splendid Commendations From Notable Authority. What the Musical Courier of Novem ber 23rd, 1898, says of Mr. Krehbiel "Mr. Krehbiel's ability as an analy tical writer on music is so unques tioned, his general scholarship so ripe and accurate, his 'acquaintance with musicians and audiences so -intimate his experience as a concert-goer so long, that no one Is better" qualified than he is to tell people how to listen to music." What Mr. Krehbiel, musical critic of the York Tribune, says of God frey's Bard: "Lieutenant Dan Godfrey was most heart'ly welcomed to New York last night "The enthusiasm which greeted God frey and his men when they made their bow with the national airsof the United States and Great Britain, grew with each number, and spoke defiance to the heart. "The band is an excellent military organization, fine and sonorous in tone, accurate and elastic in utter ance. "It is really admirable, much of its excellence being due to the skill of the men who handle the principal solo in struments. It is seldom that the public is privileged to hear such honest, straightforward, unaffected, complete ly musical cornet-playing, as Mr. Kettlewell put to his credit last night, whilst Lieutenant'Godfrey's familiar ity with the tastes of the American public seems to be complete and much pleasure can be counted upon from his visit." New York Tribune, July 4th, 1898. The above, one of the grandest and best musical organizations that ever toured the United States, will appear in the chapel of the Greensboro Fe male College at night March 9th. Whitsett Items. Correspondence Telegram Whitsett, N. C, Feb. 9. Students are still coming in. F. F. Fort, of Oxford, entered school re cently. A. H. Olive, the photographer, is doing some fine work and lots of it. Prof. Tinnin has a large vocal class which meets in the institute each Sat urday at 10 a. m. The bo"ys did some much needed work on the ball aground Saturday. They are getting themselves ready to meet their enemy by practicing each evening. Col J. R Huffin is very sick at this writing. Our athletic association has been organized with the following officers: Prof. J. Henry Joyher, president; Prof. E. T. Bugess, stcretary and treasurer; Prof. W. T. Whitsett, cor responding secretary; A. H. Olive, umpire; S. C. Taylor, captain. The association will be known as the Whit sett Institute Athletic Association. The mail has been several hours late this week on account of the. branches being up, and having to go several miles out of the way to get to Gibson- ville. Ernest Clapp spent Sunday with his parents at this place. The sociable eiven for the students n the institute last Saturday was an enjoyable affair. Dr. Whitsett read several selections, after which he hypnotiipd four or five of the boys. Then the fun began. He had them doing several laughable things. The male students have been divided nto three parties, democrat, republi can and populist. Representatives from several counties have been ap pointed as committees. The legisla ture will meet in the hall Saturday ight, and will be carried on as it is n Raleigh at the present time. It is done for the benefit of the students. EIGHT BELOW. (trowing Colder and a Coal Famine Is Threatened. Lexington, Ky:, Feb. 8. A coal famine is threatened throughout Ken tucky. T. B. Cassidy, of the coal agency representing eleven mines, says that to his knowledge the coal supply will not last longer that 24 hours in any town in Kentucky. The mines are all flooded and it is impossible to get coal. The temperature in this city is ight below zero and it is growing colder. Only one coal yard has coal, and its supply is limited. DESPERATE TIME. New York Firemen Fight Fire In Snow and Ice. Wire to Thb Telegram. By New York, Feb. 9 The firemen had desperate time subduing the fire-that destroyed a block at Moore and White head streets, which caused a loss of half a million dollars. Hydrants were frozen and the sidewalks and lad ders dangerously iced. The fire started in the Walter Bull bag fac tory. A hundred and fifty girls em ployed there rushed to the street in a panic. Hartman's saloon and the Eastern hotel were burned. Four other firms were' burnt out. THE CONGRESSIONAL MILL Has a Large Qrist of Public Building Bills. PRITGHARD ASKS FOR 83,500.000 For Improvement of The Harbor of Refuge at Cape Lookout No Change In Ewart's Case. Special to Thi Telegram. Washington,'kFeb.9 Senator Pritch ard, of North Carolina, has intro duced an amendment which he hopes to have added by the senate to the river and harbor appropriation bill which is now pending before the senate committee on commerce. The amendment of Senator Pritchard pro poses to appropriate $200,000 for the improvement of the harbor of refuge at Cape Lookout, North Carolina, and further authorizes the secretary of war to enter into contracts for mate rial and labor for the completion of said project, as appropriations may be made from time to time, not to ex ceed the sum of three million, five hundred thousand dollars. The sen ator will, it is said, be given an op portunity by the committee on com merce to urge the improvement de sired, which is very important to North Carolina. The committee on commerce resumed its consideration of the river and har bor bill yesterday morning, holding a session from 10 o'clock in the morning until twelve o'clock and then took a recess until two o'clock, remaining in session during the afternoon for some time. During the day many senators appeared before the committee to urge additional items in which they are in terested. So far as could be learned neither of the North Carolina sena tors have yet appeared before the sen ate committee, but as stated it is ex pected that Senator Pritchard will be given a hearing, if he desires it The hearings will close with the adjourn ment of the committee this evening, and the work hereafter will be directed towards perfecting the bill. The house bill will be adopted by the committee as the basis, and amendments which the committee desires to incorporate will be added. The members of the committee say that the bill should be reported to the senate during the next weeek, and they hope that the senate will take it up and dispose of it promptly. The North Carolina delegation in coagress are hopeful that the bills re ported from the committee on public buildings and grounds to provide for public buildings at Elizabeth City, Durham, and Winston, may be passeo by the house. The bills have been re ported favorably from the committee of the whole, and will probably go through with the remainder of the bills reported. The fate of these bills in the senate is doubtful. There are a large number of public building bills involved, effecting, it was stated by Mr. Mercer, of Nebraska, chair man of the house committee, thirty eight states of the Union. If the time of the session remaining were not so short, there is no doubt but the senate would pass the bills promptly, but with adjournment so close at hand, only twenty-five days, and the rush of bills coming over fnom the house dai ly becoming larger, there is much doubt felt as to whether the senate will act upon vcy many bills of this character. There are no new developments in the case of Jdge Ewart. It was ex pected that Senator Hoar, in execu tive session would call the case up last night. Senator Butler was seen yes terday afternoon, but had nothing new upon the subject to give out. Judge Ewart's friends say that he will be confirmed whenever his opponents consent to a vote being taken. C. J. Harris, a well known citizen of Asheville, is at the Metropolitan Hytel. Mr. Harris will be in Wash ington for some days. L. C. Watson, of Lenoir, North Carolina, was at the National Hotel yesterday. Special Service in North Carolina has been discontinued as ioiiows. Profit, Wilkes county, from Elkville. From February 14th. Maggie D. Parker has been commis sioned postmaster at Averasboro. Go and Laugh. If you want fun go to the Academy tomorrow night, when one of the fun niest shows that ever visited Lrreens- boro will be "Side Tracked." If you can't laugh you will be compelled to r. Tickets are going fast. Prices, 25c, 50c, and 75c. TjuMfM havevou seen the "Original Carlisle shoes sold for $2.25 at Thack- & Brockmann's? They are the 3t fitting . best looking, best wearing shoes in the city for the price. Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund money if It fails to cure. 25c. The genuine has B. Q. on each tablet. SIDE TRACKED. As Seen By an Apt Critic In Atlanta Last Week. capacity oi tne grand opera house w"as taxed to its utmost last night, hundreds of people being una ble to gain admittance. The 'attrac tion' was the ever popular comedy Side Tracked, which, like good wine, grows better with each succeeding season. The reception given the com pany was an ovation, each of the old favorites receiving a hearty recogni tion. Mr. E. H O'Conor, with his in imitable characterization of the funny tramp, in&talled himself more firmly than ever in the hearts of his audi tors, his work with the vivacious sou brette, Miss Gertrude Barnes, Teing particularly pleasing. She is one of the brightest little women on the stage. Billy Bowers, as Fritz Grab holt, gave an artistic representation of the guileless German and divided honors with Mr. W. Healy, the police man, in a very clever specialty. There are many new features in the perform ance this eeason and each in turn re ceived merited recognition in the way of applause and encores galore. All the specialties were original and strictly up-to-date. There was not a bad feature or mediocre number in the whole performance. Miss Cecile Lorraine rendered a very fine opera tic selection, "I love you so," and responded to a hearty encore in a way which proves her a talented vo calist in addition to her dramatic ability. A patriotic trio in the pic turesque national colors of the United States, Great Britain and Cuba, re ceived the hearty approbation of the audience. In fact the entire company gave evidence that they can sing as well as act, and kept their auditors in a constant good humor through a very enjoyable evening. Side Tracked is constructed to amuse, and if anyone wishes to see pretty girls, fine cos tumes and hear bright, original music well sung, and comedy that is funny, see Side Tracked. Small-pox in Wilmington. A sailor who deserted his ship at Cleveland, O., and beat his way to Wilmington, has a case of small-pox. The authorities at Wilmington have isolated the case. THE MARKETS. Closing Quotations by Paine, Mur phy & Co. By private wire to F. A. Burgin, Manager. New York, Feb. 9, 1899 American tobacco 139 Atch., Top. & Santa Fe 60S B. and 0 591 C. and 0 282 Chic, Bur. and Quincy 134f Chic. Gas 112i Del., Lac. and Western 159 Delaware and Hudson 11 li Federal Steel 47J Erie 141 General Electric 110i Jersey Central 101i Louisville and Nashville 64 Lake Shore 2004 Manhattan Elevated Ill I Missouri Pacific 44$ Metropolitan and S. railway 234i Northwestern 148 Northern Pacific Pr 784 National Lead 364 New York Central 136 Pacific Mail 52 Reading 21i Rock Island 115f Southern Railway 12J Southern Railway Pr 49 St. Paul 1254 Sugar Trust 1294 enn. Coal & Iron 421 Texas Pacific 914 U. S. Leather Preferred 714 Western Union Tel 94f Wabash Preferred 21 J Chicago, Feb. 9, 1899. Wheat, May 734 " Dec " July 721 " Feb Corn, Dec " Feb 351 " July 374 " May 36i Oats, July 264 " Feb 271 " July " May 281 "Pri-rlr Tie wo-l " July.. " Feb 990 May 1007 Lard, Nov " " July " Feb 557 " May 570 Ribs, Nov " Dec Feb 515 " July " May 502 Cotton, Sept 609610 " Jan 6r8(ff620 " Feb 620li621 " March ....620(0,621 " April.. 619(0)620 " May 619(o620 " June 6186l9 July 619(620 " August 622623 " Oct 609(a610, Nov .,...609(2610 ". Dec 613614 Spot cotton 6 7-16 Fresh Lot Atmore's 1 Keystone 7 1-2 ; Pound. Celebrated 8 1-3c Pound. L. B. Lindau Opp. Benbow Phone 56 Violet de Parme m m m m m m m m m if Hi Hi Hi Hi SOAP. Hi Hi Hi Hi Just like the odor of m fresh violets. 10c cake; 25c box, 3 cakes. J no. B. Fariss, Druggist. m m m m m i-i a. iim on. vjpp. ceniww . 3 Fordham's Grippe Capsules will positively cure La Grippe in 12 hours. Price 25 cents. No cure no pay. Grissom & fordham, Prescription Druggists. Over 100 Acres Unimproved City Real Estate For Sale. An Opportunity to Make Money ! We have now listed with us for sale probably the largest and most valu able tract of land which is for sale within the corporate limits of the city. This is the Fisher property, located in northern section of Greensboro The principal part of the property is di vided by North Eim street, one of the very best residence streets in the citv. A smaller portion is located near summit Avenue, an up-to-date city street This property is only offered as a whole. Its beautiful location and close proximity to the city makes it very desirable. For further information call on or address. Wharton & McAlister, Agents. D. W. Robertson, ELECTRICIAN. Odd Fellows Building. 120 W. Market ' Cosmopolitan incandescent lights put in for $1.00 each. Welsbach Mantles put in for 40 cents each. Shades, Chimneys, etc., furnished at low prices. Electric Burglar and Fire Alarms, Door Bells, Annunciators, Incandes sent Lamps, ets, First Class printing at Reasonable rices These Prices Speak for Themselves: 1.000 White Envelopes $1.6 1,000 Note Heads 1,6 1.000 Statements l.S 1,000 Bill Heads l.M 1,000 Letter Heads 1.5 1,000 Business Cards. 1.M All printing done on superior stock. No shoddy material used. Work guaranteed to please or money refunded. EI Tntf Printer and . L. 1 aiC, Stationer Over Grissom & Fordham's drugstore. PHONE 89 lice lea fit- o. - v 4 -V A- i if 4 I i -i r- 4 5 ." " .x "1 -- - ---- . - f ,

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