The Evening Telegram. KOBT. M. PHILXXPS Editor rVBUSHXD DAILY IXCXR BCWOAT, Tbs Telegram Publishing Company. K. M. Phillips, Lessee) TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One yer, Six months, On month. soo. 1.50 2&C Entered at the Greensco Poetofflce aa second-class mall matter. Offlfie southside of MeAdoo House b tiding, downs airs. Entrance on South Elm Street. AfldreM all communications to THJ EVEJf iso Tklsqram, Greensboro. N. C. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 29, 1899. THE N. & 1. COLLEGE. The State Normal and Industrial College is a great institution for North Carolina, and it9 benefit to the young womanhood of the state under the masterly and efficient management o' Dr. Mclver cannct be over estimated. The following extract from a letter in the Charlotte Observer of today, writ ten by a lady who personal y inspected the institution, is copied cheerfully: "It goes without saying that the wotren of a country fix its social and moral standards; remembering this, a visit to Greensboro assures me that at last North Carolina is making long 6trides in the march of progress "An educated man may be the father of illiterate children, but the children of educated women are never illiterate." This is the basic principle operating at the Normal Ccllege, and education there means fitting for life. When a man of Dr. Mclver's ability and bal ance and experience gives his whole heart and mind to a calling, the result can't be other than good, and to the Normal College not only has Dr. Mc lver given himself entirely, but his large and superior faculty are right arms to him. The three courses of study, normal, commercial and do mestic science, are comprehensive and the instruction in each is superior. The students are elevated by familiar ity with the best literature in English, the modern languages and the classics and they go from Tennyson to the cooking school, from Moliere to the sewing classes, from Livy to primary teaching, every graduate being re quired to do practical teaching under the supervision of experienced school directors. "A student who cannot pay the pit tance charged for board and laundr: can earn that by serving in the dining room, and to the honor of the richer girls, let it be known that this service makes no difference whatever in their social status; let the work be faithfully done, that is all that is necessary the honor and dignity of labor are noblv recognized. I saw girls from humble mountain homes, who had "washed the dishes and set the table," going to recitations in literature and mathe matics along with their friends from the best strain of blood in easterr Carolina, and when the hundreds of bright faces were gathered around the weu-miea taoies, i cou a not guess which girls had served them so beauti fully. Now is there any limit to the good such life is doing in North Caro lina? I h onestly believe it is incalcu lable, and I honestly believe it to be your duty and mine, to speed the work of the college. As women born to love North Carolina, let us help the future women of the state by enlacing this great Normal College work at once More buildings are needed .gymnasium , library (many books are now kept boxed for lack of room on the library shelves), dormitories and money for many purposes. Those of us who can not give money, can help in other ways. Induce outs'ders to go and see for themselves as I have done; to see is to be convinced that the hands of Dr. Mclver should be upheld by gifts and appropriations for his work until there is room for every girl who has prepared herself to enter the college, and who strives to uplift her people I am ashamed of the stigma of ill it eracy which hitherto has so justly 1 T . , . ,. rested upon rorin Carolina. JLet us wipe It out." Bryan's enemies seem to have dis covered in him the irrepressible ele ments of Banquo's ghost. The fol lowing extract from an editorial which appeared yesterday in the Charlothe Observer which paper, incidentally, is the most potent adversary the Ne braskan has in North Carolina is very interesting for its affected tinc ture of despair: But what is all this talk about re tiring Bryan, anyhow? A week ago they were sidetracking him in the in terest of Governor Stone, of Missouri. He has more ability, more popularity, more magnetism and more consecra tion to the new dispensation than any body in the push. He is not a whit wilder than Arkansaw Jones himself, nor is he as crazy as Altgeld, Coin Harvey or that set. Upon the whole, if we are to have 16 to 1 and free riot in the platform next year and we are --we would rather see the colonel than anybody nominated on it. A report is in circulation at Pekin that Li Hung Chang is about to return to power. When thintrs eet dull in China they invariably go and dig up' old Li Hung Chang. j The monitor Monadcock, lying on upon the waves like a huge black tur tle, la rather a dangerous customer to be aroused. Monday she was an chored peacefully a good distance from the town of Paraque, attending to her own business and apparently wrapped in slumber. The insurgents, who shoot at anythicg they see, let fly at her a st-jrm of musket-balls. The old hulk opened one eye, lazily turned around, let fly a few shells which more than half destroyed the town and annihi lated a large Pr centage of its ihabi- tants, and unconcernedly went back to sleep. The Florida Times-Union and Citi zen gets off the following: ''The tourist is rapidly finding out that April la the sweetest of all the Florida months. Resonant with the song of the southern nightingale.the Spanish mockingbird, and fragrant with the bloom of flowers, lulled to the awakening of spring by the softest of w nds." And the Raleigh Morning Post, which we had hereto fore respected, adds that the atmos phere "is also sonorous with the dulcet note9 of the revivified alligator, ju9t emergirg from his winter's nap." The selection of Hon. A. M. ScaleB, of this city, as president of the new A. & M. college board.has received most favorable comment at the hands of the state press. .Yesterday's Wilmington Messenger has the following, which is brief but tells a big truth: The Agricultural and Mechanical College, Greensboro, is to be congrat ulated upon the election of Mr. A M. Scales as president of the new boa d. It could not be improved upon. The dispatches say that the Prince of Wale9 has grown careless in dress and is no longer "King of Fa9hionj." It is presumed that his time and his voice are given-principally to Wails since, at the continued good health of his mother, he has abandoned the hope of managing her affairs. Olnry for President. Milwaukee, Wis., March 28 The Journal today says: "That a move ment is under way to make ex Secre tary of State Richard Olney the Demo- c-atic candidate for president f next year is revealed in a letter from Bos ton to The Journal. General Olney's campaign is bised on the theory that he is in favor of imperialism, while opposed to annexation. "The writer of the letter referred to is very prominent in democratic poli tics and he says the movement in Mr. Olney's favor is well on its way It is urged in his behalf that he, though a gold democrat in 1396, did not make himself obnoxious to the free silver element and that on the expansion question he would be an available candidate, being opposed to the an nexation of disant islands to the ter ritory of the United S'.ates. Mr. Olney's views on the acquisition of foreign territory are very pronounced. He be lieves in the United States striving with the other nations of the world for commercial greatness, but not for po litical extension." Forfrost bites, burns, indolent 6ores, eczema, skin disease, and especially Piles, DeWitt's Witch Hazel salve stands first and best. Look out lor dishonest people who try io imitate and counterfeit it. It's their endorse ment of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. GetDeWnt's Witch Hazel Salve. Howard Gard ner. The Missouri Methodist Conference yesterday pledge $72,000 for education al purposes as a twentieth-century thanks offering Rev. E. Edwards, pastor of the En glish Baptist Church at Minersville, Pa., when suffering with rheumatism, was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says; "A few appli cations of this liniment proved of great service to me. It subdued the inflam mation and relieved the pain. Should any sufferer profit by giving Pain Balm a trial it will please me." For sale by C. E. Holton. Mrs. Katherine Lerenz, aged 52, of No. 2)3 Avenue C, New York, an epi- lep'.ic sufferer, killed herself with a razor. No Cure No Pay. That is the way all druggists sell Grove'sTastelessChillTonic for Chills and Malaria. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. Children love it. Adults prefer it to bitter' nauseating tonics. Price, 50o. It is a fact not generally known, that Moore county has a larger number of n iles of railroad track than any other county in the State. Jonesboro Pro gress. Robbed the Grave. A sturtlincr inmrlnt.. nf trVi irV f. John Oliver, of Philadeldbia, was the subject, is narrated by him as follows; "I was in a most dreadful condltien tion. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continu ally in back and sides; no appetite gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. T.T . - 1 . . 1 . , . . r runuuaveij, a. iriena aavisea trying Electric Bitters: and to my great joy and 6urDrise. the first bnttla mHo - decided improvement. I continued their use for three weeks and am now a well man. I know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of another vicum. io one snoaia tail to try them. Only 50 cents per bottle at C. E. Holton's drug store. IN CAMP AT SAVANNA!. The First North Carolina? RifIn8nM- Embarked Yesterday. Savannah, Ga., March 2 The FirBt Regiment North Carolina volunteers came up to Savannah from quarantine this morning aboard tne transport Vigilancia. The boys came ashore and swarmed over the city tonight, glad to be once more "in the States." They are for the most part in excellent health and spirits, though anxious to be mus'ered out. . Some members of the regiment are sick, but hot dan gerously. Though bo serious complaint of their fare while in Cuba was heard, the men have naturally grown tired of army rations, and tonight the Savan nah restaurants and cafes are freely patronized by them. On the way out to Camp Onward, your correspondent c ime upon several by the wayside with paper bags filled with eatables which they had purchased in the city, in which they were intensely Interested. About three weeks will be required for the muster out of the command. Special to News and Observer. Sharkey Must Walt. New York,March23 Wm. A. Brady, manager of Kid McCoy .today, notified Tom O'Rourke, manager of Tom Shar key, that the Sharkey-McCoy match would have to be declared off tempor arily, as McCoy hurt his shoulder in the recent fight with Choynskl. McCoy does not feel physically prepared to meet Sharkey, Brady says. He wishes to take on more weight before meeting the sailor. Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! Rheumatism often causes the most in tense suffering. Many have for rears vainly sought relief from this disabling disease, and are to-day worse off than ever. Rheumatism is a blood disease, and Swift's Specific is the only cure, be cause it is the only remedy which can reach such deep-seated diseases. A few Tears ago I was taken with Inflamma tory Rheumatism, which became so Intense that I was for weeks unable to walk. I tried several prominent physi cians and took their treat ment faithfully, but was unable to get the slight, est relief. In fact, my eon. dltlon seemed to grow worse, the disease spread over my entire body, and from November to March &kE5fVc 1 suffered agony. I tried TCTSa ft PVmny pateiit medicines. tmt none reuevea me. Upon the advice of a friend I decided to trr ' 8. 8. 9. Before allowing me to take It. how- erer. my guardian, wno was a cnemisc ana lyzed the remedy, and pronounced it free of potash or mercury. I felt so much better after taking two bottles, that I continued the rem ry, and in two months I was cured completely, be cure was permanent, for I have never since bad a touch of Rheumatism though many times exposed to damp and cold weather. Eleanor M. Tippkix, 8711 Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia. Don't suffer longer with Rheumatism. Throw aside your oils and liniments, as they can not reach your trouble. Don't experiment with doctors their potash ana mercury will add to your disabil ity and completely destroy your diges tion. S.S.SSeBlood will cure perfectly and permanently, tt is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no potash, mercury, or other mineral. Books mailed free by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga. One-Cent- a- Word Advertisements inserted in this column at one cent per word for each Insertion. 1 WANTED-an apprentice a young lady to learn the millinery trade. Apply at J. E. Scott's, 514 South Elm street, New York millinery depart ment. m28 2t BARGAINS in those desirable lots, lyinu between West Market street and Walker avenue. This is destined to be one of the most attractive parts of the city and offers good investment. Buy before the tide sets in. There is money in it. Property in all parts of city. Lots for colored people on monthly payments. Truck arms. Realty of every character. 40 h p. boiler and 15 h. p. engine and good corn mill for sale. G. T. Kearsley & Co., Ill South Elm. FOR a good cigar go to Gardner's corner opposite post office. rpHOROFGHBRED Black Langshan eggs, 50 cents per sett'ng. m-23-lw , John M Dick, Church St. FRESH supply of barley chop and dairy feed at Boycott's feed store. rnone ion. no west laarKei street. BUIST'S and Ferry's Gan sold by J no. B. Fariss, Garden Seed, f 3 ruggist. T EDUCTION SALE at J. R. Mc J-' Duffle's new crockery store, oppo site Thackor & Brockmann's. To make room for furniture I will sell crockery for one week at a fracti'on over actual cost just enough to pay expenses: Lamp worth $1.00, now 75 cents. 1.50, " $1 00. " 2.00, " 1.60. 5 00, " 4 00. Toilet sets, 10 pieces, worth now $4 00. Toilet sets, 10 pieces, worth now $3:50. Dinner sets, worth $7.50, now 10.00, " " 16 00, " $5.00, $4.50, $6 50. 7.50. 13.00. BUIST'S Seeds are the best, sold by T H. MERRITT, Insurance, life and " accident. Penn-Mutual, Aetna and Mutual Life of Ky. Office in Club hou?e. A GENT Wanted -To represent the Sun Life of Canada. AdoIv to J. T. Matthews. Benbow house. m9-tf "PJISPENSARY now open for Aetna J-f Lithia Water. Chas. L. Andrews agent. TLANT Buist's Reliable Garden -- Seeds, sold by Jno. B. Fariss, druggist. TP you can't come for what you want teleDhone: we will ap.nd Our number is 23. THE best flour in the market at Boy fit EEDY IE CLAIR'S' FftWtir FREliCrir REUEDV rreVer 'Phils. KHPOR3KP BY THOUSANDS rvuihi-u a trtwfeT mililK without SB M iwtttftfwftsl Cot RotWiyrond, Ergot, ett, kavaiwosea wcrthletfc 8 two-cent Tampa bring trial VactomaadcoeiaoMtheaMakptfcaloftWirwoB; ttrfWit fiiiS1. 8ed4fMiabtattferpeitiplet. eoottksbealSMtteiaianaatle far ladies. Addna LsOaib Pox Co.. U. S. Aceota. Boatoa. Maaa tr.Bftfl cahefrofltosrs' Mmrial 1 ffstsra iCntrUpecxaja. Foi Balm Grevisooro by J bo, B. Farias tU South Elm Street. DeWitf s Witch Hazel Salve Ciirti Plbi. Scalds. Bwrwa. Have You Rlsad Red Rock. Prisoners of Hope, Peeps at Peoples David Ha rum, Campaigns in Cuba and Porto Rico, The Days Work, Lad's Love, Lilac Sunbonnet, Red Axe, Battle of the Strong and Mf. Dooley in Peace and War? If not. you should at at once. Call and see them. Wharton Bros. Book Sellers and Stationers. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That lm was made for. A Question of Vital Interest to Every Housekeeper Is there any one who would not prefer a well furnished home to a meanly appointed one, when comfort and con venience may be had tor the asking? Bloxton & Jennings, Liberal Credit Givers, are offering such generous inducements to housekeepers in the sale of Furniture, Carpets and Stoves, as will enable many to embellish the home with beauty, ease and comf rt, with very little ready cash. Call and see them. 506 St uth Elm 506 i 1 1 r AT SPRINO SILKS. There are so rnarjy items, all new, all pretty, clamor in? for mention that the advertiser finds it difficult to decide which of them shall get their names in tha paper. Hetter p?ck at random, we guess; so here goes: 25 Waist Patterns, heavy Taffeta Silk, in Plaids, Checks, Stripes and Polka Dots, all shades and colors, the most beautiful cMors you ever saw, 91 23 value for 98c. Beautiful colors in cheap quality, SI. 00 value at 79c, 80c value at 69c, 65c value at 4c. Beautiful l'ne solid colors in Taffeta Silk at 48c; 69c, all shades. Every lady should see our Silks before buying her Easter Waist. R. & G. CORSETS. The VJGI LANT CORSET is made of excellent Drill, with Sateen Stripes, Is a special long waist, with full bust and hips, and is made in- all sizes. This is sold the world over at 50 cents. For this sale, only 39 cents. THE COTTON DRESS GOODS SHOW. New cotton goods tumble in day by day to add their grace and charm to the collection, and they are beau tlea y!?8 ?ea l8,and Percale for Waists and Wrapper, I2ic qual Uy, at! eoyyartij Wl Percale, aU good and heavy, 10c P?uallty at 7ic; 600 yards good dark Percale for : wrapper, 36 inches, 8c quality at 5c; 2,000 yards One Sea Island Percale, dark i colors, 12ie quality at lie. PIQUES This is one of the f npAtsfc Rpaartna b-nnm, .,..! ttt 1 .i . . colors and priees. 200 yard packages from 18c to 2oc per yard; you can buy it at this sale- for 10c. 10-plece Pique, naifow and bread welts, a beauty for Skirts and Waists, 121c aualitv at. 10k: R hIam PinnM,.)viki.oHiti ik. 1 . ' , , 1 . . " ZA Kr. n,' u,c" .vu ever iooKea at. oroaa and nar-I?-w-JeISr ?uaII?y aJL 24c; Bjpieoea Piqne, somethi. g nice. 25c aualitv at 10c; z pieces r-fqaerm mw stripes, Polka Dots and Solid Colors Pink Blue, Nalr. Redi '18c aualitv at- SS. w n.n J?Tv. .,"B,.' the city f CAIsICOES. 4.000 vartra Wrni Sfnnanna if o.k t. -h . wo-th 6cr 6.000 Trd Merimoes. smnr, L?ff' f'i 10r good ligh Calico, a real So quality at sSrJJtlt T- ,(fil,hlkmi Wi-ZZZ r .w".j.rvr iB-JSUU- ras, 31 Inches wide, all the. latest oolara at 12ic: 600 rirti Wad Eid Midi, wftbta. Don't fd to see these eoods: h k You N. Look Greensboro's Leading Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Next Door to Express Office EM THE R. & G. CORSET, the world's won der, ContiHe' with sateen stripes, 15 in. loner in front, two side steels on each side, silk flossed at the upper and lower edge. Sold everywhere at one dollar. For this sale, 89c. We have all sizes. in Remnants from 2 to 10 varda. worth v.o, uc laicsu rage wr etirvs. 2UC ju . Hue uueab 1x113 in 3ic; 2.000 varda 0-n'nrl rH - or,. ?' quality at4Jc. for aprons 3,000 yds H"jr ore; uw vara s nne Madras 400. yard. Calimer Mad" for wnUt. foal. lit. .111. on n- m tr..4?;, 15c TnoiTmr.tT' wv w urniture on can furnish your house nicely, even t though your ready cash is i'rruted. Our Weekly nd Monthly ! System makes it easy for you to Before YOU; Buy, OurChildren'sGo-Carts and Baby Carriages are the wonder of every mother who has' seen the . They are Beauties and Prices Low. Come Early and make your se lection. J. McD You Are Reqiiastedo Attend Hinkle Brothers' Grand Opening of Pattern Hats and Bonnets 214 South: Elm Street, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Miss Nell May Norris 1 HIVE TOILET SOAP, 5c cake. Fine toilet soap, worth 15c, all fla. ors; at 10c; Castile Soap at lo a cake; Talcum Powders at 10c; Coat's thread at 4c a spool; Side Combs at 5c, 10c, 15c, 2oc; Ladies Stock Collars at 10c, 15c, 2oc; Ladies White L'nen Collars, 4 ply,' at 10c; Velveteen Skirt Binding at 9c; Brush B cding at 5c and 3c; Hair Pins lc a bunch; Needles lc a naper; Pins 'o a paper; Collar Buttons lc; Purse9 3c, 4i, 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c; Hat Pins lc, 5c, 10c, very fine set with colored stones and Brazilian Diam nds, 50c quality at ?5c; Suspenber 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 50c; Belt Buckles, it will pay you to see our line, all styles and colors, 20c, 25e. 39c, 5'c, 75c. Beautiful line Collar Clasps, the latest thing out, 50c vain at 25c; Men's Collars, we have the best cheap ones in the world,' and 10c and 15o, all styles and Bhapes, heavy 4-ply linen. LADIES' WAISTS Fine Japanese Silk, in all colors, lined corded front, spring styles, $2 50 quality at $1.98: heavy silk Taffeta waL-ts worth $4.50 at $3.98; Percale waists in all styles and colors, 65c value at 48c WHITE GOODS, WHITE GOODS. 2,000 yards fne iDdia lintn lawn, 8c quality at 5c; 12ic quality at 10c; 18c quality at 12ic; 20c quality at' 15c; 30c quality at 25c. Don't fail to see these goods. Checks and dimity stripes of all kinds, from 5c to 25c, far below value. WHITE ORGANDIES. 10 pieces fine white organ dies, 60 inches wide, 30c quality at 19c; 10 pieces fii e white or?andie. verv nim. (n . of. v,. o i . wide; 10 pieces white organdie, line 75c quality at 48c. These goods at e a i excellent quality and perfectly new. COLORED ORANDIES. We have the most beautiful line ever looked at in solid colors and figured, in price far below the lowest. All new goods, uo old stork, but the very latest out, from 5c to 35c per vard. HEAVY DRESS GOODS, in Serges all woof, Henriettas, -Cassimeres, buitlngs and Mohairs, in light and dark colors, fine all wool suiting in spring colors at 19o per yard, would be cheap at 25c. Very heavy all wool suiting, 40 inches wide, spring colors, 50c valud at 35c. Here You Are. 10,000 yards Fruit of the Loom Bleaching, Barker Mills Bleach, Andro scoggin Bleaching, all will go at this sale for 5 cents per yard; 2,000 yardo good 5c Calico at 2$c. UORBE S CO 3283outh Elm Street. Payment do so. Designer and Trimmer. rai p uffie, SEE OUR LINE OF SHIRTS with two collars and cuffs, 75c values at 48c, all colors; good heavy percale shirts, good fast colors, with collars attached, 50c val ues at 30c; 20 dozen fine white shirts, all styles and sizes, 50e value at 39c; 10 dozen very heavy white shirts, nicely laundered, fine , linen bosom, 65c value at 48c; 20 dozen :very heavy colored stiff bosom shirts, open front and back, extra quality Armor Brand, known ths world over, worth $1.25, for 79c; 10 doz. n Boys' colored shirts with two collars, 65c value at 48c. w - j " vv