ITIie evening Telegram. EOBT. 1L VHILL1F3 V :-3Itoh FCBLISHXD DAILT KXCKFT SCND-l , BT Thi Tehran Publishing Company. R. M. Phillips, Lessee) TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year, Six months, Cd mouth. 8 00. 1.50 25c. Filtered at the Greensboro Postofflce as seo-ood-class mall n atter. Office southside of McAdoo nouse b aiding, downsairs. Entrance on South Kim Street. Address all communications to Thb Evn ma TklO HAf, Greensboro. N. C. SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1819. '. A NEW SORT OF VAMPIRE. A peculiar bug is creating a mild consternation in some of the northern cities. It is scientifically called the melanolestes picipes, and in common parlance is known as the "kissing bug." It is black in color and slight ly lustrous. Its bite is not dangerous nor poisonous, but produces a swell ing which refuses to yield to treat ment under a period of 4S hours. Re cently at Washington the beetle has bitten no less than 3C0 persons on the lips whil?they weresleeping, and now it makes its appearance in Philadelphia, and we let the Record tell of its depre- dat;ons there: The first time the presence cf this mysterious member of tbe bue family was discovered here was on the morn ing of June 15, when the unknown voung woman walked into the Poly clinic Hospital with an exceedingly swollen and disfigured face. Tie lips bore every appearance of having been tbe target for a whole nest of wasps The umnual case puzzled Dr. McLes ter, and he turned tbe young - voman over to clinic, under the direction of Dr. Martin. Tbe latter succeeded in reducing the size of th- girl's lip, and s'np. Ifift rh hosnital. Nixon acd Cor win have been in the hospital within a week, ad their faces bore every evi dence of the fact that the "kisse " had been doing business. Miss Miller was the first sufferer from the Strang bug to enter tot Penn pylvania, and ber coir. plaint greatly mystified Dr. Wiggins and hi? asso ciates, but they were likewise for tunate in diminishing the :ollen member by applying asolutionof colo dion.1 The late.t victim was Black, who put in appearance yesterd y. The bug is black in color ai d has something of a lustre. His fivorite time for plying his vocation is during the night, when his victims are asleep It is said his bite is net dangerous nor poisonous, although the s velling will not yield to- treatment within a space of 43 hours. The identity of the mysterious insect which puzzled the brains of many learned, scientists was discovered by .Dr. L. O. Howard, the entomologist of the department of agriculture An assistant of his captured a specimen while in tbe act of biting, him. i ims nocturnal, vampiric visitor seems to have an exceedingly amorous disposition, confining its suckiugs to female lips, and is even very choice about what kind of female lips it sucks those that are pretty, pouting and blushing being the more Aibject to its visitations But the Teiegram trusts that Jlhis discriminating tendency which it has displayed will no" sud denly cause an invasion of the me lano'estes pioipes to any of our North Carolina cities Greensboro, for in stance THE VANCE MONUflENT. North Carolinians will be highly pleased to learn that it will, not be long before the chisellers will have been set to work upon the monu ment, to our beloved Vance, which is to be sit ated near the entrance of the capital square at Raleigh,' facing New ber n avenue. The models are already coming in. Col. Olds, writing to the Charlotte Observer this inorniug, says that "two model? were sent in by artists today one by G. Trentanoye; the other by P. Gio.-dani, both of Washington, D. C. . Trc-n-tanove has .done some specialty good work as the- statues of Father Marquette, for the State of Michigan in the national capital and the capital cf Michigan, also statues of Wsbster and Aitxrt Hike at Washington The suggestion will be made by Trea;uerer Iirown, and is an admirable ont , that the pedes tal be a great granite boulder the statue to e placed on the h gheat part of this end that on a polished portion vt the eastern face f the boulder the inscription be placed. Other designs are expected in ;. day or two. All will be on view on the Gth." The committee which is to mee next Thursday for the inspection ef the ! models is composed of the follwine- gentlemen : R. H. Speight, :3. L Hart, and J. D. Bousall, with R. H. Battle, president, and Joseph G. Brown, Treasurer of tbe Vance monu-. ment association. We have no doubt that their selec tion will be exccl'ent. The associa tion has raisel some $3,000 and the legislature appropriated $5,000, and we hope our beloved aijd sainted lead er shall have a fitting remembrancer cf his goodness and fame. The incident of the New York young man resculrg three drowning boys from East River with a cigarette in his mouth, which, throughout the per formance, remained lighted, will prove an unfortunate occurrence, not in that boys will strive to dexterity in the res cuing act, but that many a kid will practice to perfection the feat of re maining under water with a lighted coflin-nail between his teeth. A SUNDAY WITH HY OLD FLOCK. Rev. Mr. Troy's Good Cheer Is Re mark-Die And His Faith Beautiful. Correspondence Telegram. "For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rattier be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wicked ness." Psalms, 84:10. The Psalmist at this time was de prived of the privilege to-enter into the house of the Lord, and gives vent in beautiful language to his desir.e to be again restored to the communion of tbe sactuary. "How amiable are thy tabernacles, O Lord of ho-ts! "My soul longeth, yea, even faintetb for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God." The writer enters heartily inlo this beautiful sentiment. And his readers will no doubt excuse him as he writes today of a fe.v hours spent with his old flock, none of whom he had seen for live years. Sitting in a comfortable rocker on the pulpit at Haywood Street Metho dist church, Asheville, I worshipped God with friends of the happy long ago. It had been the one intense longing desire of my whole being to see them again, and this prayer God in His abundant mercy has granted And it is not difficult to w.iui tbi morning that even one such a day of oeac , tranquillity, and cotnn. union with the Holy Spirit and the j eople assembled in the Lord's court, is of more value than a thousand or thous ands spent in the ways or habitations of sin. The good p..titor, Rev. H. L Atkins, made a nice talk to his charge brkf and to the poin aftjr which he gave mi liberty to talk to a" people whom I have never ceased to love The Lord gave me f-ufiic:ent breathin capacity for the occasion, and during a fifteen or twenty minutes talk tie leaking heart went on performing it.-; contract without makiDg a miss or r. double lick. The fact is, I told them that my hsart was fixed. Perhaps in all my life I never spent a happier day than last Sunday. The Lord was near us all and His spirit upon us. I told them that though reduced in body ihere was no diminution in the faith That the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself fer me was still mine: and through this faith 1 lived. But for it no doubt long since my voice would have been silenced, but this faith and trust, together with food that I could digest, had kept me thus far and that I had returned to them not in the role of a higher crit:t but simply as one walking in the old paths, leaning on the ever lasting arms, and preaching the same Gospel of faith in God to sustain and comfort in the hour of trial. And while I am perfectly aware that in me there is no big preaching, yet, it was so delight ful to realize that they were listening, and no doubt praying for me. The service was one of divine healing. We understood each o her, and it was o good to be there For. I did realize in all of its fullness the truth in the text, "a day in thy courts is better than a thousand, etc.," and also glad the fruit on flowing from the. statement: llO Lord of hosts, ble-sed Is the man that trusteth in Thee." After my talk the unselSsh pastor honored me with 'the title of pastor emeritus, saying that the congregatioi was in my 'hands, and ha at ro command. But I shall n t attempt to exercise authority, only asking the privilege of being one with them, con tribming all I can to their spiritual up-building by living before th?m a life cf faith, and practicing what I have preached. Ih fact is thert is lit tle comfort in a religk n that is not practiced, although it may sit in the amen cornor, or stind in the pulpit. There were many hearty hand-ihakes and ferveut good-wishes at the con clusion of the service. And go from this lime we go on with more faith and ti-ust than ever, both ;n God agd in humanity And how much more real benefit we may all receive by going in the way of righteousness than in that cf wi. kednes or . indiffer ence. The way of right livine is the way of sun-shine, of light. nd more than that, its the way of safety. And more than that, it is the way of plenty "For the Lord God is a sun and shieM." This means light and pro tection "The Lord will givu graca and- glory." This means help and usefulness. And, "no good thing will he withheld from then that walk uprightly." This means unlimited supply of both material and spiritual food. Having tried both ways, I am satlfcCed tyocd a reasonable doubt, and I reader the ve-dict in accordance with evidence, sen and felt, that it is better to live one day in the Cour's of the Lord, lhn to Hvp vaa in the ot sinful pleasure. It la m lm -1 , a clear case, unerecan ue uj parison. God will never fail to honor a chck that rs properly drawn. But it cunnot be thus drawn unless backed by a proper life. Living rightis the only way to do actual good. And s sure as night follows day juH so sure will them ap living that life see its results. The Lord and the world care more for living testimonies than for dyirg ones. I have known men on the gallows to give beautiful dying ex perience. But tbe life had been any thin? else You can't dwell all life time i wick- dress, and then do much good at the last hour even if you do hear the heavenly music and the rustle of tbe angel wings, when the death- rattle is in your throat. I would never spend time in writing a book of death bed experience. They are very un certain things. What, 1 want more than any thing else is tcr. be a daily, living witness to the truth that it is, in every sense be ter to be door-keep- r in the house of the Lord toan to be a Dig Omce-uuiuer m mo iruuua wickedness. "One thing have I de sired of the Lord, that will I seek af ter, that I may dwell forever in the house of the Lord." That means nothing more nor less than to be a living epistle, read and known of all . , . . -j ii men. An epistle giving evidence all fh t.W to trio nowp.ra.nd influence Of - r.--- God upon the individual. Let us NJ VS. - - - ' l then as we dwell in the house or courts cf the Lord as we come in contact withloth rs reflect His glorv. Let ua go on every one who appeareth Zion gathering st-ength to strength. Pass ing through the valley of Baca, may it iudeed become a well of life to others who may follow in our steps Though there may be pleasure in the tents of wickedness, yet, forget it not, ohat so leng as you dwell therein, you can be of no service to God. And remember that this pleasure invariably costs more, than it fetches in pay ing dividends. But godliness is al ways profitable. Invest, therefore, in something that pays. Approach unto God; dwell in- His courts; aEd you will be satisfied. Try it. J . C. Troy. An Epidemic of Diarrhoea. Mr. A. Saunders, writing from Co coan'jt Grove, Fla., says there has been quit1 an epidemij of diarrhoea th re. He had a revere attack and was cured by. four doses of Chamb r lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He says he also recommend ed it to others snd they ?ay it is ihe best medicice they e' er used. For sale by C. E. Holton, druggist. A Cheap Trip to the Pacific Coast The National Educational Associa tion meeting at Los Angeles, Cal , is the occasion for the Southern Railway to put on the remarkably cheap uate of One Fare for the Round Trip (plus 2 00 Association Membership fee). This, in connection with the new Pal ace Tourist Sleeping Cars, operateil ov- r the Southern Railway and the Southern Pacific, a double berth in which, costs only $7. ( 0, renders possi ble the cheapest anl most enjoyable trip of the seascyi. A particularly pleasant feature of this trip is that the tickets are good going one way and returning another; i. e., oiog via New Orleans and returning through Sali Lake City and Colorado; or by ihe payment of 112.50 additional, the :rip may be made returning through Portland, Ore. Stop over privileges are allowed at El Paso or any point west thereof, on he going tripr and at any point w( st of Denver and Colorado Springs on the return trip. By this means ps sengers are afforded tli3 opportunity of seeing the entire Pacific Coast. Sid;? trips are arranged at nominal cost from L?s Ang.-les and San Fran cisco to all points of interest in Cali fornia. Further information may be obtaini d from any agent or repreent ttive of the Southern Railway, or from A. J Poston, General Agt., ill Pennsylvania Ave., Washington, D. C. One way to s ive hem in the safe. coal bills Lcck Kans An dersvu lias a story of a buf f a 1 o that scorned the snow flakes. Touf," he snorted, " I can blow you away with a breath, what can vou do to trie?" But the flakes kept failing, fal l:ii;;, until the buffalo was almost buried, an i the hunter slipped along the 'snow crust and made him an easy pre'. There's another hunter who hunts to kill, who makes many a man his victim because of a folly like that of the buffalo in Andersen's fable. It's a little thing to have that uneasy feeling in the stom ach after eating. Sour risings and lelch ing are also reckoned little things. Yet these little things are among the minor marks of a disordered condition of the stomach and organs of nutrition and digestion. Of themselves they may not kill, but if despised they may open a pathway to some deadly disease. Don't neglect the first symptoms of indigestion or "stomach trouble." The timely use of Dr.' Pierce's Golden Medi cal Discovery may avert a more serious danger. It will surely cure any disease of the stomach and organs of digestion and nutrition, excepting cancer. Mr. Ned Kelson, the celebrated Irish comedian and mimic, of 577 Rovden Street, Camden X T writes : ' We fulfilled an engagement of twelve wei-Ks and the constant traveling gave me a bad touch of that dreaded disease called dyspepsia. I had tried everything possible to cure it! till last week while playing at B. F. Keith's Bijou Theater, Philadelphia, in the Nelson Trio, a professional fnend of mine advised me to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I tried it, and, thank God. with good results." Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a specific for biliousness. Reduced Rates. Reduced rates have been authorized to the following points and return: Ashevillc, N. C.,-u 'account of the annual meeting of the Southern Whole sale Grocers' Association; tickets rn saV July 4, 5, t; rina' limit July llth. Rate $! 20. Concord. N. C, on neeount Worn n'? Foreign Missionary Society; t:ckets on sale June 28th to July 2nd inplusive; final limit Ju'y 5tb. Rate $3 6. Danviile, Va., on account camp roeetiug; tickets on sale July 1st to 8 h inclusive; final limit July 12th. Rate $2.00. ' Four:h of July rates, one and one third first class limit fare for round trip on sale July 2, 3, 4: final limit July 7th. Continuous passage in each direction. On all nbove tickets no stop-ovci,'. J- B. Graham, Ticket Agent. HERON'S ..KIDNEY Positively Guaranteeox ilmtm 9 THEY 'CURE! NOT SIMPLY RELIEVE. " Oh, what a blessing yonr Kidney Pills have bee-to me. I could not straighten up r l 11.: 1 . . 1 : 1 1 -K7a. Y ior a year, ana v Hiiug ucuny me me. iuw coum run a foot-race, and when I Fee a man humping along. I tell him to Ket a box of. John- son's Kidrf v I'l is nna eel wea" i. i.. iuiiih. vest pocket size. Canton, Ohio, 25 PILLS 10 CENTS. Superior to any high-priced remedy. By mail, m receipt of five 2-ceut blamps. Howard Gardner, Druggist, Cor. C'pp. lJostoflice One-Cent- a- Word Advertisements inserted In tins column at one cent per wora lor eacn insertion, i 4 GOOD second hand Crescent bi- cycle, in running order for $12 Address E, care of Telegr a n. j30-tf T?OR RENT The boat ding house at No. 3 5 Sewth Liiu street- Ap ply at 333 South Islui otreet j24-lw LIFE insurance, aee'dent insurance, general health ir&urance. special health insurance. J. U. Mcrritt, Room No. 4, Katz buildiug. "V&rANTED -23 carpjnters at once ' apply at new Catholic church, corner bchenc and iSortli Elm street Ho'-eker & Morris. junlo-tf S' TOR AGE ROOM FOR RENT On lii-bt floor and basement of our factory, 'jy Buchanan street, njar new station, easy of access. Let u carry your surplus stocks in original cases. Low rate cf insurance ad vanccs if, desired. Hunter Manufac tuning & Commission Co. Jlmo DR. F. E White's anti-lly mixture for sore backs and (shoulders harness galls etc, at Gardner's. Op posite postullice. C1 RUSHED granite for ' $1.50 pr- ton. O. D Phone 15G. sidewalks Boycott tf 1)LENTY lime and cott's; litf W. M cement at arket street, Boy tf jVOYiAHl can supply you witn dry pine stove wood. Phone loti Phone 1")6. tf rOLTZ BAKERY Why have your T wire bake this hot weather when you can buy bread from us as cheap as vou can make it. Give us a trial order for Sunday. B. Voltz & Son 505 South Elm street. j'J-lmo IADY'S Bicycle for sale cheap at J M Duftie's Furniture Store. j23-w FOUND Bunch of keys, in front of Fibhblate's store. Owner can have same by paying for this ad. 29mtf TRINK Harris Gardner's. Lithia Water at EAGLE FOUNDRY CO. will pay cash for old Copper and Brass. T OST OR STOLEN 32-inch Ram - bier b cycle. Suitable reward if returned to this office. ma4 tf TUIST-'S and Ferry's Garden Seed, -L' sold by J no. B. Fariss, druggist. BUIST'S Seeds are the best, sold by Jco. B. Fariss. TLANT Buist's Reliable Garden Farlsa. Seeds, sold by J no druggist. B. Vwhen ra'iir.g on Your Sweetheart Be -ii-.' th ! your linen is well laun-dt-rt-i. a ii;;',n can look very "shoddy " and ; f-f ;.p John" with yellow edtres to hi --.!.u-8 and cuffs and his shirt bofoin t low and dingy. Our work has h K ivi-, white, even color We do not t-'aiiii to 'e the best, but we claim to K .i- niim as a y, and we chal hn i on with any laundry arij v. l,ero. The Steam Laundry, Phono 72. John H. Dick. Proprietor. E. A. MILLER, Manager Ar'm'ral Dewey and the crew of tbe Olympia have j-ist been presented with 1000 pounds of Ceylon Tea by the tea growers of Ceylon. You have this tea at your doors. "Black Seal' Ceylon Tea Is pure Ceylon Tea of the finest growth. Ask Your Grocer for It McDUFFlE'3 We Golden Oak, Mahogany, Bird's Eye, to be found in the stategv Greensboro's Phone 146. One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was made for. TRI N ITY College Fo 'ty-fifth year opens Wednesday, September Gth. Women admitted to all departments. Senl for catalogue Present Ki'go, DUR JAM, N. C. je2l-6w DeWitt's Witch Haze! Salve Cores Pile. ScaM Hum. -TEE S TATE NORMAL & industrial College OF NORTH CAROLINA Offers to young: women tfcorueh literary, ClMss'fa eienirt and Infiustriiil Kdueation and Special und l'ea;i:.'0dcLil Trainint,'. An nual Kspen-es-t 0itl3 :rornon-resMentsof the 1. y acuity ol 3 members More than 4UU resul: r students. Ha, matriculated about !.(.U0 students. rerrestDtinsr every county in the st ite except one. Practice and observa tion School of about 2"0 pupilsrTo secure board in dormitories ail applications shou d be made before August 1. Correspondence in vited from those desl ing trained teachers. For catalogue and other information address President Mrlve Greensboro. N. C. Lawn Mowers Sharpened and Repaired for 35 cents. W F. Whittington & Son 211 South Elm Street Then Read This: Mt. Vernon Springs Hotel is now open for the reception of guests. The waters from the Mt. Vernon Springs arc equalled by few and surpassed by none in the state for medicinal and curative properties. Some of its cures are almost miraculous. Its taste is pleasant, cool, palatable and refreshing, and you enjoy it from the first. The springs are surrounded by great Datural beauty. Around the premises is a dense oak grove and the air is pure and invigorating. This most desirable of health and pleasure resorts is located just one mile west of Ore Hill in Chatham eounty. For further information address the owner and proprietor, John M. Foust, R. R. Station Ore Hill Mt. Vernon Snrinw. N. C. 0 T - - Stop Losing Your Religion ! Everybody Sliould have a Foot Pump At their home. I have 500 of the finest to sell at Get them while they Anything You want us East Market Street. McDUFFIE'S I Bed Roo m Suits Dining Room Suits, Parlor Suits, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, f A Bf S 1 are offering greatest values in Birch BED ROOM SUITS E BUY them h-carload lots, and no one can equal our prices. 'We sjmply knock out all competition. We allow no one to make lower prices than us. We meet. the prices of all kinds of special sales, fake sales, cost sales, " annual clearing, sales, and humbug sales. We buy goods cheaper weysell guaranteed goods below any and all competition. Leading Furniture Dealer. Next Door to Express Office Lawn Mowers Ice CrearirFreezers Window Screens Crutchfield Hardware Co. 508 S. Elm St., Op. Water Tower. Phone 105. Repairing Have your wagons, buggies, etc., put in first class condition for spring service. I do all kinds of repairing at reasonable prices. Horse shoeing a specialty. C. L. SHAW, 2nd door on Davie, corner Davie and Washington streets. Sweet Potato Slips ioc per hundred 90c per thousand GREENSBORO Seed and Plant Company 510 So. Elm St. Store phone 105 Greenhouse 110 DeWrtt s Little Early Risers, Th famous little pill. last. - McDUFFIE'S I I EL fE Maple and Curly One Minute Cough Cure, cures Tbat Is what It was made for. How to Enjoy The Hot Weather Buy a nice hammock and a good book and take things easy. You can get both from us. We havo them at all prices. ' Have you seen the Congres sional Library? If not', cal and see the handsome edition with beautiful pictures of this the handsomest building in Amirica. Wharton Bros. Book Sellers and Stationers. T : Extra Large Palms Having too many Extra Large Palms for our room, We will Close Out a Few at Just One half Price. Drive out and take a look around. J. Van UnrJIey Nursery Co. Pomona, NC. Long Distance Phone 60 Durham & Charlotte B. R. Co. Time Table No. 1. To take effect Monday, May 1st, 1899, at 10 a. m. ; EASTERN TIME STANDARD. Soutn North Bound Bourd PPDIST STATIONS daiiyex d'ai yex Sund'.v Sund'y No.. I. No. a. P. M. P. M 2 20 0 Guir 1 (K) 2 32 3 f Palmers 12 47 2 42 5 Carbonton 12 37 2 52 7 f Haw H auch 12 27 2 59 8.5 f Linwoo 12 ;0 3 06 10 Glendon 2 13 3 .6 14 4 Vuinam 11 53 o r ,a Parkewood Juno ion ,, 3 00 18 (Halllson) U. 40 3 .W 20.3 f Ho ners 11 22 4 05 21.7 I Elise 11 lf Train No. 1 will wlt t Gulf two (2) hours and thirty (30) minutes for Atlantic & YadUin trains 52 and 53. Tra n No. 2 will wait a. Hal lison thirty (M) minutes for Carthage ajUroad trains b8 and 41. -FRANK D. JONES, Superintendent. Atlantic & Yadkin R'y. ' Schedule in Effect March 26, 1899. South Bound Daily No. 52 North Bound Dailv No. 53 MAIN LINE 650 3 50 3 45 230 12 42 12 13 11 55 11 07 10 30 10 09 8 45 p m p m p m p m p m p m a m a m a m a m a m Ar Wilmington Lv Lv Fayettevil e Ar Ar Fayetteville .. ..Lv Lv Sanford Lv 900 II 19 12 28 1 43 3 41 4 15 4 25 5 12 5 41 6 13 7 35 a m p in p m p m p m p m p m p m p m p m p m Lv Climax Lv Lv Greensboro Ar Ar Gteensboro Lv Lu S toke.sdale Lv La Walnut Gove Lv Lv Rural Hall Lv Lv Mt. Airy Ar South Boand Daily No. 62 North B und Dally No. fi3 BENNETTS VILLE 800am S 07 a m 985am 10 20 am 10 40 am Lv.. .Bennettsvilie Ar 7 15 p m 6 15pm 5 35 p m 4 52 p m 4 33 r. m Lv Max ton Lv Lv Red Springs Lv Lv Hope Mills Lv Ar FayetteviUo Lv No. 46 South Bound Mixed Daily ex Sunday No. 47 North Bound Mixed Daily ex Sunday MADISON BRANCH 530pm 3 50pm 240pm 830pm 1 15 p m 12 30pm Ar Ramseur Lv 6 40 a m 8 25 a m 9 17 a m 9 35 a m 11 07 a m 11 55 a m Lv Climax Ar Lv Greensboro Ar Ar Greensboro Lv Lv S tokesd aie Lv Lv Madison Ar Connections at Fayetteville with Atlantic Coast Line, at Maxton with the Carolina Cen tral railroad, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and Bowmore railroad, at Sanford with the Seaboard Air Line, at Gulf with the Durham and Charlotte rai road, at Greensboro ."with the Southern Railway Campany, at Walnut Cove with the Norfolk and Western Railway. J. K. KENLY, General Manager. T. M. EMERSON, Tr-fflo Manager. F u siCKSSONi Geo. Passenger id.

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