PROFESSIONAL CARDS. j A. M. Scales, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Greensboro, N. C. Dr. J. E. WYCHE, DENTIST. nrtue 'n B:inli buQd'.mr, South Elm MtG5sa. N. C Office phone 29. Ccs Jse phonf?!2 . A ' rWashee Washee ShirS !0.-., Collar 2. Cutis 4, .; shirt ", Drawers 5c, v n-.rdkeix-hie 2, . Socks 3, A-v.-y, 4.;. Towels 2, White Coat 20. lo Kat Market street, jf I JOE LEE. . Mason's Fruit Jars. 5c each, G5c dcz., now. Friers wii: Iv h'grrr. Buy nojiv when you can. ' NO-CHARGE 00,, 510 S. Elm St. riimio 105 Executrix's Notice. Having .lualieeil before the clerk o' the su tv rior co .rt. as executrix, with the will an nexe.:, of the estate f f H. H. Cartlai J. de ce i ed. 1 herebv ot:fy all persons having ciaiin against tho saiQ estate to present then t- me on or tofore tne Cutii day of Apni. 1900. for men or .' n tice will be plead in bar of their rcco Terr, and all persons owing the estate are requested to make immediate pay-ni-f.t. Tis April 20th 199. -. H. CAKTLAND. Exeeutrtx. J t". ar:l:i. A.-eat turtle lixecatrix.- police of Election. IjSD'r. :i'l by rifjo of a resolutioa of the Hv:j.a V A.iiorm.u uf ilif City of Greensboro. N;t'.i C.irti !U i-us-cU 01 CzU d- of May. I, i? ajd ou t!ie -:'ta ay of . ay. t ' , in pur s I itto euaiuer i tUiCiiy nU au act of r.; As -iii-t ' of Iwi ;.i at its si-si.iu:i ; r.uiU -d on the - i!:y - f ) l f U'it ft " A!t .vet . ai.ttw . uwv.i, ui r.i t " luo H'N'.ils w ! r. la re-o- y. , ill. c ..i.' Biace 1 part iti;s u--ti;e. !nt e i -hereby t . i eee.i.jit ',! aia iot k. ...o 1 0.1 t:i futu oity oa ;lie 1 iti til ay ft : 'v. 1 - .' . .-a y, I't-i.i the lSth .v. 1 - .'. ! .n.-; i irtt.t-.-: u .suuittttn.' w;t 01 s -l cay the question Turee li inlreii Tiwusana Doiars of l ., 1 11 , ju;m i.outi . p-iyaoio cmrcy years auer lueir and in ile ommalions of ilOu.O , JoiAt.OU are 'i 1 anci t eariut' interest payable sei i-aaunaiiv at te per centum per annum, u tne levy of an a uual special la to pay sfd oouus at mtuntv. und ihe interest as it t cronies due. the saia bonds to be used for the f iviirf purposes, and none other, tte a-nouiitiTvivtia beini the maximum arao 111s to be se:.i for the purpose spec.Uccl. to- wit: 't' weji v-ti e Ta u'-.i'.ud xAJiiars of o mds for t'.ft pui-p-'se of bui.dic or buyi g, conducting s" cvera'iurf an e.ectnc liht and power i"Vi". o. ; plant, or b Ah. to furuish Ugatt. t'tt the ::t-e-rt 01 eit. ar.d so lights and pow tfto I'&c c r.-.ens of said city if the Hoard of Aldermen wn ri.: tue ila .ured Tn;usand Lo.:-rs f h.d.- t.r the purpose o building or l)tiv.ii- 2 V.' 'ur!ts plant ad maintaining ih- s us -, to fur-:i a water for the use of ihe citv ;i-;;l il-. clli:r... ,"iitv-tive Taou-and Ul'.ars of bonds f or the i m pose of bui uiug. construe tinsi. ealarginK and" Liii.itainiug the sewerage system: T'uirty Ff e Thousand uo liars of bonus lor the pur. ose t,f erei-:in' a or buiid-iugs for a City If all and Market, aud for the F;re Department or-'aieol tue hre c trr.p nies and t-jr other ciiy uses; and Seveutv-irive Th usani D-)llai s o; i.nid for the purp.-se of tfrudin;;. curbing, iiie iila.'i"- - p inifunal prtjvnnr ihe stre s uf i:ie Ctl v: at .iueii ejection those qualified ,.-, r, K.vni in t e isst e of said bonds ana tne 1 !?" o: saia tx 1W1 uf j:e.-uid slmll vote a ballot oil wh e 1 is i". !ad or w itieuur partly printed acd par iv written ti;e aoixI Issue' ana those uu.i.itied o: -rs o- posing ths issue of said i.u- il.. a rii'.r icVi'ut said t x as aforesaid vote a ba ;oi on h eh is pr uted or w rit l?n. or parity priaied and paitiy written the nits Xo Issue." I Thai for tiie purpose of holdiu? said election . C. Worn man oceA appointed n4 the foUowicg have been appointed inspec tors of said eic-cti'tn, viz : ?'or the First Ward. A. M. McAdoo. 'For the seeoi d Ward, Jsse T. Abbott. For the Tiiird s"aro. I. 1. Sergeant. For th- Four:h Ward. J. H llankin. '.-r the Fifth W:ird. W. j. Lewis. yor the sixtu War-.l. ('. T tlias ock. And saia Kej:.strajNjjrUl keep his registration boni:s open lor iiiewt gistration of voters ..t 2J at thews" nt re. AL. P. Buitdi g. South bUi. street, beginning forty days prior to sa'.d elec tion and u Ui cittse sai l nooks ten days be lore the sa d election, and said electi n shad be Le'.a in ail resp-ectn us provided in the iifore-.c-id act. and in tre charter of the city. at v order of the iioard of Aldermen. JOHNo.MlCUAUX, Msy S'. 199." City Clerk. Southern Raiiw'y 'iff IN EFFfiUT MAR. li. 188. This condensed schedule Is published as In formation and is seoject to change without iotice to t:te public Trahis leave Greensboro, N. C. T:,5 a tn Xo. 37 daily. Washington & South western liiiaitcd ior Charlotte, Atlanta, Mir -Btirgbain. iieuipais, Montgomery. Mobile, Xew Orleans aud al points south. Through Puila.-n-Sice.r Xew Yor'i to New Orleans; Now Yori; to'XijinphU, New York to T.tiapa. IMuir.s car a-aC Vefcti'aoled Coach Washington 16 Atlanta. t:;W a a No. 11, da'iy, for Charlotte, Atlan ta an;1 a:i points SoutU. Cunecui at Salisbury fi-r AfitevU.e. K'losviiie and Chattanooga Through sleeper New York t-oNaohvUle. - S:I0 a tc No. !i. duily, for Danville, Richmond and local stations. , ?..ii n m-N'i. de.i'v. United States Fast M.l. for Washington, Kichmond ind all points Sortii. Carries through r'ullmun lrawir.g so-.-- .Muilot Sleeper New Organs to How I ..1. i 1 ! t.i V.- w VttrU Piitliiiftn ?.;' jurist hioepi-.'g Car on Monody, via Mew C. :0 lis :rd southern faoiiiC. baa rauCLsco to A aa.'.i'iOti. 7: -i p in daily.- TTnitcd Sta'.esFast Hi!, ;;r i-ur: iri'ttte. Alutnta. t'.nd aJ rxums iSoutn ana South v.-eat. Connects at Charlotte ?!,e ar.d local st :tu:;s. Poi.iman Drawing Koolq iluhet sleeper Now York to New Or iciaaiXew Vorti to Jacksonville; Charlotte to ' !t:fn?:n'har!i; Charlotte to Augusta, fullman Tourist Sleeper Wednesday Wa-shlngton to Ka Francisco. ,1-):4T p m No. 38. daOy. Washington & Soaihwc-iteru Limited for Washtngion and all points North. I'uilman Sleepers to Wasning toT' audew York. No. 3 daily Fost V ai; Sov:th, S.30 a m. Con nects at Charlotte tor Columbia, Augusta, bavannan, Jacksonville and Tumpa. ; daily Fast Mail North, 11. s3 p. m. earries ga PuJman c ins to Jersey City s.:i llich-uer.d, V a. 6.-S?-. p lt. No. 7, da ly, for Charlotte an 0ai l-ohlCS c:i0 a at No. . dr.i'.y. for Raletgh, Goldsboro ar.u local points. Con' p. 3 is at Seima with tram f jr Tarboro, Norfellt and local points; at Uo;a.,tLiro for Newborn aid Morehead City. No. it. !v-a- es Grerusloro li'itO p m daily fcr lialeigh. Coidsboro iid local points. U :- p rn-Xo 12, daJy. ror Raleign, Norfolk, and ,Hiin:s e:vst. I'uLaian Sleeper operated to Nvrfeik. fi:i3 a m No. 105 for Winston. Wilkesboro and points. DaUy to V.rmsion-Salem. Dally exeept Sunday to WLikeshoro.. 120 p m No. 107, d.Uy except Sunday for 7i32 p m No 109, dally for Wins ton-Salem First sections of all scheduled freight trains carry passengers between points at which they are scheduled to stop. Joh M. Cr-LP, Frank S. Gahhck, Traffic Manager. 8d V. p. & Gen. Mgr A. TURK, Gen. Pas. Agt., WashingtonO), 0. DIVINE SERVICES. Where You Can Spend a Quiet Hour Worshiping Qod. ' Wkstminster Presbyterian Rev. C. E. Uodgin, j)aslor. PpcacLintf at 11 a. m. and 8 30 p. m Sunday School at 9:4") a m. ' S. H. IJojd, superiutcudent. Wcbtininw t.r League at 7:45 p. m. You are cordially in vited to at tend these services. St. Mary's Memorial Chapel ( Episcopal ) Kev. J. D. Miller rector. I Sunday School at 5:40 p m. A wel- cometo all. St. Andrews Episcopal Rev. J. D. Miller, rector. Fifth Sunday after Trinity. Litany, Holy Com munion and sermon at )1 a. tn Evening prayer and bcrmon 8:30 p. m. Sunday School 9:4o a. m. St. Barnabas Episcopal Rev. Horace Weeks Jones, rector. Sunday school 9:45 a m. Fif h Sunday after Tr inity. Holy Communion and sermon at ll:f0 a. m. Evening prayer and sermon at 8.3J p. m. All are cor dially invited to attend. St. Cutqert's Chapel. Episcopal Proximity Mills. Rev. Horace Weeks Jones, priest in charge. Sun day School 9:30 a m. Evening prayer and sermon at 4:00 a. m. All are cor diality invited. West Washington Street. Baptist Rev. Livingston Johnson, pastor. Sunday School 9:30 a. m. J. Y. Joyner, Superintendent. Preach ing at 11:(0 a m. and 8:30 p m. by the pastor. Subject in the morning: 'Opportur ity and How to Use It." At night: ' A Distinguished Guest." All invited. Proximity, ( Methodist ) Services morning and evening. G. T. Rowe, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30. Friends Church QuakersJ. H. Peele, pastor. Sunday School at 9:45 a m., J. R. Mendcnhall, superinten dent. Services at 11 a. m. and at 1 p. m. All cordially invited. i Cherry Street taptist North1 Greensboro. Rev. J. M. Billiard, j pastor. Preaching at 11 a m and 8 j p m by the pastor. Sunday School i 10 a m. W. F. Clarida, superinten- j dent. St. Agnes' Catholic Church !vt Rev. Geo. Htid, O S B , will say Mass at 9:30 a. m. Evening service at 8:00 p. mi All are welcome. Centenary. Methodist Rev.T. E. Wagg, paator. Sunday Schooi at 9:4 a. m. C. C. Johnson, Superintendent. Preaching at Ham and 8:15 p m. by the pastor. Light Bearers will meet at 4 p m. tomorrow in the church. All arc cordially invited to attend these services. First Presbyt-erian Rev. Egbert W. Smith, D. D., pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a m and 8:30 p. m. by the pastor. Sunday School 11:40 S. Al Kerr, Superintendent. Chris tian Endeavor meeting at 7:45 p m. Public invited to these services. Grace Methodist Protestant Rev. T. M. Johnson, pastor. Communion at 10:30 a. m. Preaching by the pas torat 8:00 p m. "Sunday school at 11:40 a.-m. West Market Methodist Rev. J. C Howe, pastor. Preaching 11 am and 8:15 p m. Prayer meeting Wed nesday 61 :00. Sunday School 9:40 a m. P. P. Claxton, superintendent. Epworth League meets every Monday at 8:00 p. m. Y'ou are invited to all these services. Lutheran Services tomorrow, the 2nd, at 11 a. m. and 4 p. m., in the Brockmann school of music hall. rA cordial iuvitation to all. Pastor, l D. Risi: ger No Cure No Pay. That is the way all druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic for Chills and Malaria. It is simply iron and quinine in a iasteless form. Children ;ove it. Adults prefer it to bitter, laiiseating- tonics. Price. 50c. York Butler, a young Spanish war vote an, yesterday stved three boys fi-om drowning at Xew Y'ork. THE I was far There Is no use talking a baby in the house is the link that binds husband and wife together. Nothing is sadder than fruitless wedlock The prattling and cooing of the little ones offset a thousand times the occasional worries and trials of life. When a wife is barren, there is a derangement somewhere in the genital organs, caused by one or more of those common disorders known as M female troubles". Wine of Cardui is the remedy. It puis the organs of generation in a strong and healthy condition, fitting the wife for the sacred duty of reproducing her kind. During the period of gestation the entire system of the expectant mother is built up to withstand the ordeal of labor, and when tire little one makes its advent it is lusty ana strong, well-titted to grow to ma turity in perfect health. The mother, too, passes through the trial with little pain and no dread. Wine of Cardui is truly a wonder ful medicine for women. Large Bottles for THE BINGHAM SCHOOL, ESTABLISHED 1J93- Offers safe, healthful and beautiful country home cn Sou'hcrn R. R., wholesome and abundant food and plenty of shade, pure water and fres-h air Scholarships, prizes and medals. Gymnasium Instructor. Literary societies. Outdoor s orts enjoyed. Seven teachers graduates. Biblical, classical, scientific and business co'Tse. For handsomely illustrated catalog -e, ddreos PRESTON LEWIS GRAY, B. I, Principal, Bingham School, Mebane, N. C. Good RoadA Club. We the undersigned agree to sub scribe the amount opposite our names for each mile of road to be macada mized outside of the city limits in the county of Guilford for the first forty miles to be built, to bo paid to the county commissioners as the work progresses. 1 E. E. Wharton, 2 shares, $5 per each mile 400 Telegram Pub'ishing Uo , 1 share $ per each mile 200 G. A. Grimsley, 1 share $5 per each mile 200 W. D. McAdoo, lsha e $5 per each mile 200 Ceasor c one, 2 ehares $5 per each miie 4 000 Southern Loan and Trust Co. 5 shares 85 per each mile 1 000 Friend in neighboring county 1 share $5 por each mile 200 Former resideut and well-wisher 1 share $5 per each mile. . 200 P. P. Claxton 1 share $5 per each mile. John A. Hodgin 1 share $5 per each mile 200 There is a time for all things. The ime to tka DeWitt's Little Early Risers is when you are suffering from constipation, biliousness, sick-headache, indigestion or other stomach or liver troubles. They never gripe. Howard Gardner. Sanitary Ordinance. Be it ordained by th. Board of Al dermen of the City of Greensboro: That section 130 of the ordinances of the city of is hereby re pealed and the following be enacted in lis stead : There shall be a Sanitary Committee appointed by the Mayor, composed of four membi-rs of the Board, whoseduty it shall be to inaugurate and carry into effect such measures as may, in their best j idgment, be most conducive to the health of the city. '1 hat all proprietors ( f h itels, board ing houses, manufactories, workshop, and managers of'schools in the city, and all other occupiers of houses I herein, shall provide for the removal of exurementil depcs:.-t upon the premises 111 the fulloiog manner: (1) Tha privies shall be . so arranged ( being elevated when necessary ) as t' permit the excremental deposit to be easily removed, acd to every privy an entran e to an adj inin? street shall laiade when practicable. (2) II s'hall be the duty of each person usii g tha privy 10 throw a putticieni qu unity of dry earth i.ver each evac uation to cover it fully. (3) As soot as the recept ic'es are t vo-thirds full uf the deposit, :tnd at least twice ai month or as much oftener as the Sani tary Committee sha'l deem proper, the deposits shaU be removed outside the corporation. For t e more ufTe tual carrying cit of the intent of this ordinance, the boaid of aldermen shaft elect a special sanitary officer, with police powers, who s-ha.ll have charge of all sanitary work under the direction of the saitary commitief. Tre said officer shall have under-his eupervision Scavenger Wagons to do the work aforesaid and as the sa d sanitary committee shall direct It shall be the further duty oJ the sanitary oflicc- to investigate tb conditions of pi-ivies, back yards and : other places in the city, require the city 'careiger wagons to wait upor them and see that they are kept clean And further, to carry out the intent of t is ordinance, when the work done by the city scavenger wagon, th. occupait &hall pay a reasonable amount to the officer in cha,-gt of th work for the services rendered, am? upon failure to do so the same shall be reported to tte Chref -of-Police, who shall proceed to collect the same a other taxes and penalties are collected: provided, that in the event the Sanita ry Policemen t-hall report that tht occupant or occupants of such houses are insolvent and totally unable to pay such charge the sane svall be uaid by the owner or owners of such houses. That it shall be the further duty of the sanitary officer, under the direc tion t f the Sanitary Committee, as of ten as practicable, to make a thorough inspection of the sanitary condition ol the city, especially examining injer son,all privies, drains and backya ds, unused cellars and pits an other places exposed to thj collection of s'agnant water or pth r filth, and see 'hat the sanitary ordinances of the city are faithfully observed; and he shall promptly repo t al: viola ions of said ordinances to the Sanitary Committee, and tie party in default shall pay a tin ; of Gve dollars, and one dollar' ad ditional for every day a nuisance shall continue after having been 6u reported. Jno. S. Michaux, City Clerk. LINK THAT BINDS. Jacesoic, Tkjtk. , Nov. 23. subject to miscarriage for three years and buffered constantly with backache. I wrote to you for advice, and after using three bottles of Wine of Cardui, according to your dir ctions, I am strong and well , and the mother cf a fine girl baby. Mrs. E. N. JOWEHS. IACIES' ADVISORY DEPARTMENT. Foradvlcr In cases requiring special directions, address, glTing symptoms, Ldl-.' dl.rj Ufp't, TheCUATTANOOQA MKDICUiK CO., Chattanooga, Tenn. $1.00 at Druggists. ORANGE COUNTY, NEAR MEBANE, N. C. UNCLE SAM'S HOT BATHS. The Hot SftUx of Arkansaa VU Ihe Southern Railway. Will eradicate from your 'system the lingering effects of erip and other ail ments caused by the severe winter, and malaria, rheumatism, neuralgia, ca tar h, stomach, kidney, liver and ner vous disorders, paralysis, blood an& skin diseases, and chronic and func tional derangements. The mountain climate of Hot Springs' is cool and de lightful in summer. 100 hotels open the year around. for illustrated literature, contain ing all information, address C. F. Cooley, Manager Business Men's League, Hot Springs, Arkj For reduced excuiantiekete and particulars of the trip, seeiocal agent or address W. A. Turk, Gen'l Pass. Agt. Southei n Railway, Washington, D. C. jl4-tf Is It Right for aa Editor to Recom mend Patent Medicines ? From Sylvan Valley News, Brevard, N. C. It may be a question whether the editor of a newspaper has the right to publicly recommend any of the vari ous proprietary which flood the market, yet as a preventive of suffering we feel it a duty to Bay a good word for Chamberlain'8 Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. We have known and used this remedy in our family for tw nty years and have always found it reliable. In many cases a dose of this , remedy would save hours of suffering while a physi cian is awaited. We do not believe in depending implicitly on ary medi cine for a cure, but we do believe that if a, bottle of Chamberlain's Co'ic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy were kept on hand and administered at the inception of an attack much suffering might be avoided and in very many cases the presence of a phys'ciaD wou d not be requrcd. At least this has b'en our experience during the past twenty years. For sale by C. E. Holton, druggist. - - The Sapphire Country. Along the cool southern slopes and table lands of the Blue Ridge moun tains in Westarru North Carolina, at tn average altt&rde of 3,000 feet, is a country full of delightful surprises to he tourist, sportsman and healtb--eeker. No other state contains so nany clear, cold and wonderful'y picturesque streams, so many grand vater falls, such wide sweeping moun ain views., and such beautiful lakes as the SappMre Country, where until ecently there was no provision made for the accommodation of visitors to his delightful section. Now, how tver, entertainment is offered on Lake Sapphire, Lake Fairfield, and on the summit of Mt. Toxaway, the view from he lodge there being the most exten sive of any mountain point of vantage n North Carolina. ) Parties desiring to visit this beauti ful country can purchase round trip .ickets to Brevard, N. C, via Hender onville, where coaches convey you jver good roads making the drive one f extreme pleasure. For full inform ation call on any agent Southern Railway, or write R. L. Vernon, trav eling passenger agent, t harlotte, N. C, or W. A. Turk, general passenger igent,1 Washington, D. C. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, ruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped 1 hands, chll- l-'aina. rnrna. a.nrl n.1 1 nlHn p.runt.l on sa nd positively cures piles or no pay squired . It i s guaranteed to give per 'ect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by C. E. Holton. Convention Notes and Rates. Detroit, Michigan, is in many re spects considered the most beautiful city in the Union. On account of the International Christian Endeavor Con vention to be held there July 5-10 all railroads have given a one fare rate for the round trip. The tickets will be on sale July 3, 4. and 5 with final limit July 15 By depositing ticket8VUtge8tive organs to a natural condi in Detroit ana paying ou cents they can be extended until August 15. Board in Detroit can be secured for 41. 50 per day and for even less when furnished rooms are taken at 50 cents per night and meals bought elsewhere. Write for full particulars at once, as others have already done. Rates are as follows: From Charlotte $22.80, Sanford 419 80, Raleigh $19.15y Hen derson $18 30, Durham ttft.3V fiW" etteville $20.95, Maxton$2jLr Wadea- boro $20 80, Greensboro til 8yV Win ston-Salem $17 80, Goldsboro 42QJZ5, Salisbury $19 40, Hickory, iMff, Asheville $19.40, Statesville 1Q- 40. Send 15 cents at once for Ijeaatl'UI convention badge All interested pe-sons are qwcdlaJly invited to join our Christian Etu3eKor party to Detroit. Address, Miss Mamie Ba,ys, Trans. Mangr. C. E. State Union, Cbarlotte, .Si. c:: Discovered by a Woman Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. Disease fastened its clutches ! upon her and. for seven years-she with ' stood its severest tests, but her vital ' organs were undermined and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly,: and could not sleep, bh. hnally discovered a way to recovery by purchasing' of us a. bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night; and wita two bottles has been absolutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lntz." Thus writes W. C. Hammick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at U. IS. Mol - , ton's drug store. Regular sizeSOoents 1 and 41.00. Every bottle guaranteed. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Miss Annie Petty went to Archdule this morning. H. W. Miller, of Raleigh, was here yesterday. J. H. Hopkins and L. M. Clymer went to Reidsville this morning. Capt. B. J. Fisher and G. Sam Bradshaw went to Asheboro today. Mrs. C. C. Townsend went to Bur liogton this morning to visit relatives. Dr. R. H. Whitehead, of Chapel Hill, was at the McAdoo last evening. Hon. Spsncer Blackburn, of Vt ins ton, was a guest of the McAdoo last night. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Henley and children went to Graham this morning to visit relatives. Mrs. W. E. Coffin and littlechildren left this morning for Concord to spend a while with relatives. Dr. Chas. D. Mclver returned this morning from Charlotte where he 6pent yesterday on business. Mis Alice Shemwell, of Lexington, is visiting her sifter, Mrs. T. E. Mc Crary, on South Spring street. Rev. W. F. Kennett, of Mt. Vernon Springs, passed through the city yes t :rdt y afternoon enroute to Salisbury. Mrs. R. H. Ballante, of Reidsville, passed through the city last evening ecroute to New Orleans to visit rela tives Col. W. H. Osborne returned last evening from Raleigh, where he has been on business connected with the penitentiary. George Jennings has returnel from his home in Reidsville, where he h&s been taking a much-deserved rest. His health is greatly improved. Miss Elizabeth Frost, who has been spending some time in the city, return ed to her home in Raleigh this morn ing. - Miss Sallie Rigsbee, one of Dur ham's moat accomplished young ladies passed through the city this morning returning homs from a visit to rela tives in Reidsville. Dr. and Mrs. Burbank left today for Virginia Beaca to spend several weeks. Dr. Burbank will return to Greensboro in time to attend to his work chrring the tournament. Judge Tid Mrs. Thomas R Purnell, of Raleigh, passed through the city last evening returning home from Winston where they went to attend the funeral of Mrs. Purnell's s'ster, Mrs. Chas. Buford. To cure piles, strike at the root that's the way. Da Witt's Witch Hazel Salve strikes at the root it removes the cause, quickly and permanently. Don't squander time and money trying to remove the effects. Howard Gard ner. Base Ball Yesterday. At Pittsburg: Pittsburg 11 Brooklyn 10 At Louisville: Louisville 9 Philadelphia 13 At Cleveland: Cleveland 1 Boston 3 standing of the clubs. Clubs. Won. Lost. P.C. Brooklyn 45 18 711 Boston 39 22 639 Philadelphia 37 " 23 617 Chicago 37 24 607 St. Louis. 35 27 571 Baltimore 33 26 559 Cincinnati 29 29 500 New York 30 32 483 Pittsburg 28 32 467 LoWsville 22 40 355 Washington 18 44 290 Cleveland 11 48 186 What is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure? It is the Lewly MltScovered remedy, the mosteffective preparation ever devised for aiding the digestion and assimila tion nf fnnrl . and'prl tion. It is a discovery surpassing anything yet kcown to the medical profession. Howard Gardner. Fans are supposed to keep you cool, but a baseball fan generally makes you hot. W. M. Gallagher, of says: "For forty years ,various cough medici nes ough Cure is best of adl. Bryan, Pa , I t ave tried One Minute " It relieves Lfeastantly and cu-es all throat and lung .roubles, coughs, i olds, croup, whocp fting-cough, la grippe and pneumonia Howard Gardner. What you want is not temporary relief from piles but a cure to stay cured. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles, aud they stay cured. Soothes and quickly bcal9 old sores, scalds, cuts, burns, wounds and skin diseases. Howard Gardner. The principal cigarette factories in Mexico have combined. Yellow Jaundice Cured Suffering humanity should be sup plied with ezery means possible for its relief. It is with pleasure we publish the following: "This is to certify that I was a terrible suffeier from yellow jaundice for over six months, and was treated by some of the best physicians in our city and a'll to no avail. Dr. Bell, our druggist, recommended i Electric Bitters; and after taking two bottles I was entirely cured. I now take great pleasure in recommending them to any person suffering from , tnis terrioie maiaay. i am gratefully ' yours.M. A. Hogarty,Lexington,Ky." I bold by c. r, notion, druggist. Cape Discord, off the coast of Greenland, is said to be sicking into the sea. ft may be possible that some seal hunting native may slip in with it and suddenly find himself like Jonah of old, scrambling around in the interior of a big jvhale. Result: Discord ard discontent. N6 discord or discontent among the numerous buyers who arc .taking ad vantage of the Great Bargains Offered Daily at HARRY"-BELK BROS. CO. You will find goods on our counter at Prices never before heard of in the slate. Listen I $1.00 ribbon at 50c, wool dress goods 5c worth 15c, lawns and organdies and piques going at a cut price. Towels 2c, sheeting 21c, calico 21c, Jawn 21c, dimity 2Jc, pants 25c, big job striped apron front overalls going at,25c, best 1 hose 3 pair for 25c, equal to any 15c sock on the market. SHOF ! Youshou1d look through our immense stock -of men's shoes from 50c up. $1.25 shoes at 93c, solid leather. $3.00 at $2.5 , ladies slippers 25c up, patent sandal-- $1.2-5 cheap at $2.00. Everything cheap. Little Browny buys lots of stuff at the Cheapest Store on Earth the store that gives buyers so much for their money that they carry the news to their friends and neighbors ju-t because they cau't help it. Yes, they do; they, talk about us and they send their friends to us. Keep in the middle of the road and you will land at Harry-Belk Brothers Co., Cheapest Store On Earth. 225 South Elm St. K. of P. building w AISTS We have put 32 SHIRT WAISTS at 25c, just 14 of the price- We also have left that we are prices. . Johnson & 1-3 Your Life Is Spent in Bed What per cent, of vour income have vou invested to make this one-third comfortable? We have a full line of Spring Beds and Mattresses, just what you need. Prices from $1.50 to $5.00 "Bloxton & Jennings Best'' $5 Swing Bed is guaran teed for 20 years. Something one. Can you invest $5 that this? BLOXTON & Easy to Put on Easy to Tata off There's "a something" about our clothes to measure that you don't find in others ihey slip on easy, they slip off easy ana most imponani, tney 111. Let us make your next suit put it on, walk down street with it, people will look after you and admire it. Tell your friends that you paid only $15 or $20 for it and they won't believe it. Don't seem credible. Tell them it cost anywhere from S25 to $40 they'll believe that, while $10 the best or it. leu your trousers and our wonderful $15 Popular Price Tailor Their Goods are Not Built That Wav. An Overstock of Cheap and Medium Grades has forced the prices y down. I have a full line of Rockers, Chairs, and Hail Racks, which are going at bottom brices. In fact I am sell ing all grades of Furniture Bedroom Suits, Extra Bureaus, Tables, etc., at marvelously low prices. Come and see me and get my prices whether you want to buy or not. LOW PRICE FURNITURE HOUSE. cord! on our job counters that we will close a few White Waists selling at reduced Dorsett's entirely new. Let us sell you will give more comfort than JENNINGS your pocketbook has at least friends about our famous Serge Suits to order. 335 South Elm Street n't come From IDGES