vol. V. NUvy rif;p T wo On s G00ljAfe0AJ)SAiKD GOOD SCHOOLS :-F0: IT IS POSSIBLE FOR US TO M KE New ,7 ess n liOOQS in lovely shades of'; fan and Grey, Just Received j. M. Hen & Co. i FIELD SHODQ IN. Marrisge Solemnized In Ttala City At 8:80 o'clock lui night at the TblS .RCDOI? time of the bride on Wert . Washing ton street, Mr. S. A. Hodgin, .of Ra leigh , and Mrs. Laura I etty Fields were united In marriage. Rev. Meade A. Kelsey performed the ceremony. ., The wedding was a quiet affair, only the immediate family and a few friends being in attendance. . After the cere mony ran elegant reception was ten dered the couple, who left at 11:45 for Raleigh, where they will reside in th future. They .were the recipients . of many handsome and costly presents. Mr. Hodgin Is a former resident of this city, but now holds a responsible position in Collector Duncan's office at Raleigh,' while the bride is one of Greensboro's most popular ladies. " This popular couple have the hearty congratulations and best wishes of all their friends and acquaintances. IS GENERAL JOUBERT DEAD? ElOriT MILES PoR A POS1714STER The Asbeboro Courier and the Coa- " Itatlenal Amendment.' Blcoe Is a thriving young town which has grown up in the pines of Montgomery county, three miles below Star, at the i action of the Troy and RULED IN AN ACTION ON 9TH . A liLbraD0 of tbe-be,deen suu ouKuuni rnurvikU man quite m THE MISSISSIPPI SENATOR. NOTES FROM rtlQH POINT. Comes to London from Two Sources. Mr. v . .3 Sullivan, Airs His Views on the president's Policy. .J HE IS lit PAYOR OF EXPANSION The Strangen-4oft. is as welcome as the steady cus tomer. Our business is to com pojnd medicines and sell drugs, and not to discriminate between patrons. Oar prescription workj is without a peer. The drugs we use are warranted absolutely. PPRF. AND FRESH. . tWdwlfl ap reciate your trade. j j Holton's Drug Store, McAdoo House Buildjni . Tonlghtl One of the most talented members of that unique organization known as the ideal Entertainers, which appears at academy tonight, is Miss Helen Cush ing' who has made an enviable name for herself both as a meiio soprano soloist and as an authoress and im personator. One of the mott attrac tive features of the Entertainers' pro gram will be the presentation, by Miss Cuahlng, of her clever one-act sketch entitled, "Honoroo," in which she will have the. assistance of Mr. Louis M. Hall. This charming little play was recently preeented by Miss Cuah lng at Buffalo, N Y., and in it sbe achieved a double, triumph, all the pgtiosagriatfg that air, much pralte was ,due her for the literary effort as of acting. In perfect mental poise coupled- with emotional power, ibJcsltuies stf eeJin her strongest scenes there is great it serve force in this promisirg young artiste. fpr the QjUhed piece 'her1'' work ' ghe shows " Vick's Magic Crovp Salvr, robs croup of its victims. ' . 35c V 9 z NUNNALLY'S Fine BonboriS and Chocolates it K Si Fresh, at Cor, Qppo. Postoffics. The Great Reception accorded Dewey in New York was perhaps a fit in? trihute to the worthy hero; but sach things do not satisfy the- Appetite of flan! We do. And for that purpose we keep constantly on nana choice and fresh line of the Best Groceries. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. South Elm Stre Phone-No. Hand Cameras I For Films or Plates Dtv loDing Powders Toning and Fixing Powders Flah Cartridges, best made riates. and othr ama teur suppies, at ALDERMAN'S 113 1-2 East Market Street. PUfl ami S5t Not Oeneratly BHIeved Yet Move ment to Relieve KJtnberly has Begun Road Wrecked. By CaIe to the TsueaAM. Durban. Not. 16 n is reported that Ckmmandant General Joubert, of the Boer army, is dead. The report comes in a Natal dispatch to the Times. The dispatch says that Joubert was .killed in the action of the 9th Inst. No de tails are given. That was on the day the British reconnoisance from East court revealed the fact . that Lady smith was undergoing a fierce general bombardment. The place was seen to1 be thickly enveloped in smoke, fires having been started at several paints in the town by exploding shells. IS JOUBERT DEAD? London, Nov. 16 A dispatch re ceived today from Pietermarltzburg, dated 11th inst., says it is rumored there that the report that Joubert was killed in action is a fact. The news comes from two independent sources. This makes many here believe it is true. MOVEMENT TO RELIEVE KXMBKRLEY. Cape Town, Nov. 16 A movement to relieve Kimbe ley has begun.' As fat as the troops have debarked from the transports they have been sent north on trains. Their destination is kep t a secret, but De Aar, 146 miles from Kimberley. is th suspected Brit ish base. The railroad betweed Orange river and Kimberley ig wrecked. Rand refugees report 400 wounded. Boers have been sent to Pretoria from Mafe king as a result of the fl-st engagement at the latter place, wh-n Col Baden Powell fired the mines of Lyddite under the Boer forces. RAILROAD DYNAMITED. Eastcourt,' Nov. 13 (de'ayed) The Boers are steadily drawing closer. A number of Boer commanders have been seen south of Tugila. The activ ity of the Boers indicates a possible attack upon this place. The signal corps, under command 01 Uapt. Key- ser, has been out all day trying to communicate with Ladysmith. The attempts were unsuccessful. A force of about 500 Boers stezed Chieveley station and dynamited the railroad in I two places. They withdrew at the ap proach of the British pat ol. J OU BERT'S DEATH NEEDS CONFIRMA TION. London, Nov. 16 Though the re port of Joubert's death comes from different sources it obviously needs conformation before being accepted. At the same time many believe the re port well founded, as his death is said to have occurred on the 4th inst , when the Boer riflemen were understood to be within fifteen hundred yards of Ladysmith. As severe fighting oc curred the same day, it is regarded in some quarters that it is quite possible that the general was always noted by English sharpehoo ers. number of highly respectable people live there and are com patent and capa ble of performing the functions of postmaster, yet Mr. McKinley's ad ministration goes to Troy, ight miles away, and appoints one A F. Sanders as postmaster to succeed the present incumber t, Mr. Martin, who has been postmaster ever sinoe the otfloe was established years ago, and was first called Filo- Mr. Martin did not suit the revenue gang who are running af fairs now, so 'they Imformed him. They charged that ha was' an aotlve democrat, and was In the employ of democrats, none of which charges Mr- Martin denies. Therefore he was con sidered an Unfit person for postmaster in th town of Blseoe, where there are no white republicans. 80 they go off eight miles to the neighboring town of Troy to get a postmaster. Twelve months ago they wouH no doubt have selected a negro, but since the last election and with te amend ment proposition staring them in the face, republicans are not appointing so many postmasters. Asheboro Courier. GOT HIS mLISENS." A Darkey Who Wasted to Marry Ooes to the Wrong Place. A troubled-looking darkey walked carefully into City Clerk 'Miohaux's office thismornlng and inquired the price of "lisens." "Dray license?" asked Mr. Michaux. Naw sah lisens." . "Well, there are several kinds of license, such as dray license, marriage license " "Dat's de kind marriage lisens whut's dey wuth, boss?" seriously im plored the darkey. He was told he was Jn the wrong place. The city clerk showed him the way to the register of deeds, offioe.and with visions of Hannah dancing through his thick head, the fel ow went off at a double quick trot and doubtless got his "lisens." Fide Violinist. Miss Elisabeth MacKinstry, who ac companies the Ideal Entertainers an nounced to give a performance here tonight, occupies a foremost position among the world's best lady violinists. She Is a pupil of those great masters, Yakye and C&sar Thomson, and ahen she played in London the Musical Courier, in the course of an editorial referring to her unusual abilities, said : "Miss MacKinstry has Veen singled out by the divine muse as one of those happy creatures destined to rise to heights scaled only by those when for want of a better name, we call geni uses." Her violin solos are amosg the most instructive musical features of the program of the Ideal Entertainers. Numbers of "f-ueople who bought ahdfcs oLotr last aaon reinforced with A. S T, Cd'aTipey4en- oe that tney -iast-lnearly twice as long" as shoes madalB theronllnarv vray. we nave just J received ""a'fresh supply of theee excel lent.' little shoes' made with the A. S. T.Co, sole leather -ip at .the toes andexleadinfir around toe siaes. i.nev come both-button, and jaced, and are sold. forjll.lO. and Tlfe'cKEf li Brockmann. . JIM BRYANT GUILTY. Jury Return a Verdict of Murder In the Second Degree. Special to Thb Tilkeaii. Winston-Salem, Nov. 16 In the criminal court today Jim Bryant was convicted. of murder in the second de gree for killing Burwell Shousa In Salem a f jw weeks ago. Sentence will be pronounced tomorrow morning. Lee Walker, colored for killing his wife last June, near Belo's pond, iB'on trial. The evidence has ail been heard and the counsel are arguing the case 1 1 It . V J r whs aiueruoou. nayft-' removed irom G w Wlnkler an(i Mia8 Edna 530 SoUUt'xlm -Street, tO Fisher will be united in marriage to night at 8 o'clock in the Home Mora vian church. Louise Brehaney Concert Co. You can get your seats reserved at Ward's drug store for the next enter tainment of the People's Course. JThe Louise Brehaoey Concert Co. will give "Faust" beautitully costumed and with special scenery. Monday morn'ng Is the time for you to get your seat reserved. Please be on time and do not blame the manager because you did not get a front seat. They are free and will be taken. Every oce cannot get on the first floor with good sate. The gallery Is a good place. You should not expect so much for the price of your ticket TopVly eustoraers: H7lbavie Street, where I shall continue to 4io my best to please you byfprnishing Fresh Gro ffecerjes and produce., liti;. hi " fj rfDthe Grocferv; A GREAT DEAL CLOSED. 1 , O'VEBCOATS BOXPOB "Gome in and look at our line of Overcoats. is the and cheapest ever shown, in North Carolina. Look, and- 4htt&iW us your opirifonVba New York Central Railroad to Oper ate from Boston to Chicago. By Wire to the TDJaBiH. New York, Nov. 16 The special meetii g of the directors of the New York Central Railway and lease of I the Boston & Albany road was rati fied as amended by the protective com mittee of the Boston & Albany stock holders. Ttiis action makes almost certain the final approval by the stockholders of either company and the subsequent ratification by the Massachusetts legislature, whereby the New York Central will operate nnder one management from Boston to Chicago. 5ITS IN AN EASY CHAIR. Death la Stlem. Mrs. Shirley, wife of Prof. H. A. Shirley, musical director at th Salem Female Academy, died at her home In Salem last night, after a lingering illness. The remains were carried through here today to Worces ter, N. Y., for interment tomorrow. The bereaved husband accompanied (be remains Prof. J. H Clewell and C. B Pfobl, of the Academy, came as far as Greensboro. Pumpkin Pie. " Some one, a good old farmer doubt less, left a beautiful, large pleasant faoed pern pel n at the office of the edi tor of the Paris (Tenn. ) Press and the next morning the editor sweetly sang: " When I can elevate my fork, To swipe a pumpkin on the sly, I bid farewell to beans and pork And eat my pumpkin pie. And Think It Would Be Fo'ly for the Democrat to Oppose It at ' Next Year's Election, Special to The Telesram. . WashingVMi.D. C , Nov 18 Senator Sullivan, .of Mississippi, has just re turned to the city, having come for the session of congrese which .will con vene next "month. The senator while here Is .stopping at the Riggs House. In conversation the senator expressed the opioioQ that the election just held was without special significance. He thinks there is no reason why either party thould feel over elated or over depressed at the results. For instance, he says, that he expected Ohio would go republican, and that Nebraska would go democratic In Maryland, he admitted that the result as of an encouraging nature to the democracy , and he expects to see that state remaiu in the democratic column next year. Senatof Sullivan is an ardent sup porter of President McKinley's foreign policy, and is an advocate of expan sion. The people of Mississippi, be says, arinJavor of the poll y of an nexation and wider markets for the United siates. The senator has been campaigning through Mississippi againa) bis opponent for the United States aenatorsbip, Judge Lowery. The senator believes that the people of the state are in sympathy with his views oa the question of expansion, and that he will be returned to the den ate at the proper time. The senator says that in his opinion to antagonise the policy of the presi ent in the Philippine matter next year will be folly for the democracy. As for bimelf, he says, he believes thai ibe doctrine of expansion is the only right one, and that there . will .be no sagacity In opposing the issue simpiy becaneeit first happened to become the policy of the national administration. Fourth Assistant Postmaster general Bristow has just returned from a two weeks' visit to Kansas, where he went for the purpose of casting his vote in the Kansas election this month. Gen. Bristow is much pleased wiih the suc cess of bis party in his state. 1 ho re publicans, he stated, made great gains all over the state, and he thinks Kan sas next fear will cast its electoral vote for President MeKinley The feeling oat west, says' Gen. Bristow, is In favor df the administration, and the president is gaining friends by his vig orous foreign policy every day Kan sas lour years ago went ior Bryan, but Gen. Bristow says next year it can be set down in the "'sure repubiicau column. " During the absence of Gun. Bri.tow from Washington there have been no fourth class postmasters appointed The list of appointments will be issued hereafter as formerly. Major William U. Smyth, postmas tur at Atlanta Ga., and a promiuent Georgia republican, is in the city loi a few days, accompanied by Mrs Smyth. While here they are stopping at the hotel bhoreham. Maj. Smyth is postmaster at Atlanta, and is one of the oity's most prominent citizens. He stated the other day that he did not think the Georgia legislature would pass the proposed election law which is somewhat similar to that in vogue in Louisiana, South Carolina and other southern states. The present election law In Georgia provides, said Mr. Smyth, that no person can vote who cannot show that he has paid his taxes without Inte mission for the past twenty years. Under this statute, not more than forty per cent, of the ne groes-can oast ballots In the state. Major and Mrs. Smyth will remain at the Shoreham hotel for several days, ths major being here on busl ness of in terest to the Atlanta post office. Mr. Kosiosco Ktmper, Jr., of Vir einia, has returned home for a short visit, but will return to the Btate of Mississippi in a few days. , James H. Johnston, of Texas, who has just been appointed by President MeKinley to be consul of the United Siates at Coatioook, Quebec, Canada, is a native of this section, having been born at Clarksburg, West Virginia He is now engaged in farming and stock raising in Colorado county, Texas The site of the post offioa at Lotitia, Cherokee oodnt . N. C, has been moved two miles aouthe st. The Local News From Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau, l High Point. N. C. Nov. 16. f Messrs. Cecil and Hypes, who for the past three weeks have been con ducting a holiness meeting at GreeDS- boro, will commence a meeting here tomorrow in the -store room just va cated by Mr. Whitmore, the baker. J. Elwood Cox. of this city, the largest manufacturer of shuttle-bUcWs In the world, has decided to locate a factory in Raleigh for the manufac ture of shuttle-blocks, spokes, handles, bobbinTheads, etc. H. L. Adams represented Charlotte here yestarday. Geo. H. Appleton, of Virginia, was here today. J. W. Griffith, of New York, was here yesterday on business. R. W. Bingham, wife and child, of Louisville, Ky., were In the city yes terday, stopping at the Jarrell. ' Mr. R T Grieman, of Asheville, was a guest of this city yesterday. J. W. Sechrest spant yesterday in Greensboro on business. We'll Let That Pass Clarence H. Mack ay, of New York city, accompanied by several friends, arrived here this morning and went out to Mr. Mackay's lodge, located about H miles from town. A crowd of colored men, In charge of D. S. Leak, have left here for Charleston, S. C-, to work in J. Fl- wood Cox's spoke, handle and shuttle clock factory at that place. State Treasurer Worth was in the city yesterday morning the guest of J. tilwood Cox. U. hi. Baker has returned' from a business trip of several days to Hamilton. J. J. Haughwort, of Black well, agect fur a C hicago tailoring h use, was here yesterday. O. C. Wysocg came up from Greens boro last night. - . Mr. and Mrs. A. B, Horney re turned last night from a visit to Jamestown J im West came up from Greensboro last evening on business. We learn that a tender on oce of the engines on the Asheboro &-Aberdeen railroad was damaged by fire Tuesday evening. Chas. Tilden arrived home on the southbound local passenger last night. H. A. Brigham, of Whitman Mass.. who is with the printing department of the Massachusetts Benefit Life Asso ciation at Bo ton, is in the city for bis Health. W. P. Welch, the jeweler, has in vented an electric window tapper, which is a drawing card, io thu May uf attracting attention. Mrs. L. G. Brouvhtou, wife of the distinguished Baptist oivine of At lanta, and her son are visiting the family o' E. M. Purdy on Hamilioo street. Dr. Broughton is in New York ku conduct a three wet-ka' mee'i g at arnegie Hall. He ili j .lo'tiU fam ily uere on bis return hoine. Whatever you do, don't forget to go to the opera housd tonight and see the Mabel Paige Company present "The Little Cadet." Tonight is the first of a three nights' engagement here. Go out and enjoy yourself. The red and blue globes that cover the electric lights in Sapp's racket store front windows produce a pretty effect on tha things round about. John Farlow returned from a trip to the Chic Far gold mine near Gioson- viile last night. Did you see the meteoric shower ? The birds and rabbits in this neigh borhood are being slaughtered by the hundreds by our crack shotsmen. 'Possum hunting is now a thing of the past. HARRIES ONE WOflAN TWICE. Bis Drive on Goal At Low Prices for Present Delivery. ' CUNNINGHAM BROS, SOUTH DAVIE STREET. Phone No. 8. Give the Workingman a Chance by buying him a KEYSTONE HMON HAAS "Don't Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth." We a re not giving away grain, oats, hay or feed, but we do claim to be selling choice and high grade horse and cow feed at prices that are beyond competition, quality considered If you war t your horse slick, fine as silk and ready for business, buy your food at a reliable store like Boyi ott's. BROWNIE BIB OVERALL CUT RIGHT AND MADE RIGHT. ALL SEAMS SMOOTHLY FELLS Price 50c per pair Ages 4 to 16 Sold Exclusively by. Rankin, Ctiisholm, Stroud & Rees . . . 300 South Elm St. O. D Phone No. 156 BOYCOTT 116 West Market SL Remember ' The vrtW OU' Asheboro Stret Pharmacy Where you can get all the la-test and bfst drinks. Give ns a call Toilpt and fanv articles. Fariss Has It. No Tax on Your Purse At Farri8S the prices of all the lines that we carry remain at the lowest notch of pr ce and at the " highest of goodness. It is ' not the policy of Fiiss to have you uncertain about anything relative to his store We want you 1 1 know It intimately. Come in and look arouod and ask questions Bher us, not a bit f it We 'ike t know that you think "f us JO N B tm s, Druggist, 121 S ' ELM ST Opposite Beobow House tJri-tcrip,ioa.-tiay or nipht. rvfull V e--.'mi-ri'jn-'t-:- Geo. W, Kestler & Son S. S. Haithcock DR. bURBANK, Ophthalmologist. QLASSES ADJUSTED. Office 301-303T Southern Loan & Trust Co's Building. ALBERT B. CANNADY, .Attorney and Counsellor at Law, GREENSBORO, N. C FORDHAH'S GRIP CAPSULES will cure a cold in Twelve Hours. They are perfectly reliable and harmless. Price 25 cents. GRISSOM & fORDHAM, Prescription Druggists. I have been studying Tea for 20 years, the "Black Seal Ceylon is the result. Profit by my experience and buy a pound at your grocer's. . John C. Townssnd,1200 Arch St., PhiIa.,Pa. E. P. WHABTOJff, FKEST. DAVID WHITE, SEC'T. & TKEAS. Southern Loan & Trust Company Capital Stock, $25,000 (paid in) Surplus, $33,533.09. We tfiink1 it largest, finest tlobart's Physician Perfectly Coafl. den til Patient Will Recover. By Wire to Thb Tslbqbam. Paterson. N. J.. Not. 18 Hobart at in an easy chair today and dls- cussed the news of the day with his wife and physician. The latter Is now perfectly confident the Tioe-president will recoTer. Move On t said the partner of the With tb Limit Removed. "What are you figuring on?" asked the Chicago wife after her husband had cowed several sheet of paper with columns of figures. "WeU," replied her husband, "I am trying to find out what the popula tion of cur city would be if we had no city lkalts at all." Judge. Unnecessary Cantloa. Physiolan (giving advice) Lastly, McGorry, ddn't go to sleep on an empty stomach. McGorry ( who Is ailing ) No dan ger av thot, dochtor; Ol always slape on me back. Harper's Bazar. Qoes as a Mas'clan. J. A. Ha'din, who was second lieu tenant of the First North Carolina regiment, has been enlisted at the recruiting office here as a musician in the Forty -first regiment band. He was sent to Camp Meade, Pa., today to i in his regiment, which will depart next Saturday for .the Philippines Ha'din was enlisted by Lieutenant Settle under authority from the adju tani general at Washington. Hoax "Your hair is getting thin. Jni "Yes: I never did like fat hair." Awful Thought. The bay faver;. victims ahnddered. "Brown,1' corner office, "you put that notice on tha walL No loafing,' and there are "Got another ehill?" his wife asked. now actually five men lounging direct- "No," he answered. ? Just hap ly under it. Go out and tell them to pned to think of what I might De sui- Blobbs "This man Markham, who wrote 'The Man With the Hoe,' seems to have struck itrloh." Slobbs-"Yes, mi vpt thev sav the poet has a hard row to hoe." He Did Not Know tits First Was Liv ingDivorce and Re-Marriage. There is rather a fclogular case in our county now, somewhat similar to one which appeared in one of the New York papers quite a while ago, in volving a lady in an adjoining county. The case of which we speak is that of W. S. Craver, who lives out at tie Bala mill. Quite a number of years ago he married a lady. They became separated and after a consid erable perid of time, having reasons to think his first wife was dead, he marrie a lady i.amad Miss Lillie Blackburn. After his second mar riage his first wife was found to be living o K ha naa nnw a hllahanH twn'wifes. in order to not violate The f oUowing Mnounte are listed for immediate loans: the law, which would have been dan gerous, ana gluing tne lignt to tne case in regard to his assumption that the first wife was dead, he was at last term of court granted a divorce from his first wife and the second marriage was declared null. So on last. Satur day evening Esquire W. J. McLaugh lin, who lives out at the Bala miU, performed the cureuaonX, uniting again Mr. Craver and Miss iJlackwelder. Now Mr. Craver has aoswered to three marriage vows, yet with only two- dif ferent ladieB. A. W. M'AUSTER, vice peest. Loans Negotiated Applications Wanted $75.00. $100. $2&0, $300, $418, $900, $4,000, $5,000. OTHER AMOUNTS SECURED ON SHORT NOTICE J. W. FRY, President. . Jf S. COX, Vice-P,rea. W. E..ALLEN, Sec. Treas . Greensboro: Loan and Trust Company. Capital Stock, $100,000.00. WHI a General Broking Business. Makes Leans en Im eved Real Estate egotists Mortgages salteal Estate. . . .Acts as Tuttes. : Negotiates ths Sals of Bonds oa MamaaehiriBg Plants. Will Act as Guardian, Executor and Atainistrstor of Estates C M. VANSTQRi&lCO., The Clothiers, HatterwTsU1!! wl move on." "No," responded way of a Joke, are beneath I News. Brown, by t.o "I won't do it. They my notice." Chicago ferlng If I were an elephant 'Indian apolis Journal. Ylckf Electric Cora salve. loc., gives smiles for frowns. "In my business," remarked the landlady of tha lodging house, "one lmM confidence in mankind. I have been so deceived with promises of pay that Lno longer believe a rumor." Too finch Demanded. Poet (whose house is, burning to the chief of the fire department) "Will you please tell the firemen who are saving my property not to mix the epic poetry with the lyric." Fliegend9 Blaetter. . A Legal Depository of Court aod Trust Funds. J. A.Odell, R. M. Rees," Geo. S; Sergeant, R. R. King, J. 8. Cox l a The football knight is ortea daxed. . DIRECTORS. John Gill, Baltimore, Md. W.7H Watklns, Ramseur, N. C. 6. R Cox, Cedar Fall, N. C. W, F. Williams, Red Spgs.,N.C. 3. A Had ley, Mi. Airy, N. O. Bryant. Randieman, V. O. Slwood Cox, High Folaa. If, O. B. F. Mebaoe, . W. L. GriBSom, W. D. McAdoo R. P. Gray, J. W. Fry.

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