TMe Greensboro Evening Telegram, 'v. VOL. GREENSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, J899 Price Two Cents GOOD ROADS AND GOOD SCHOOLS FOR GUILFORD COUNTY THE BEST INVESTMENT IT IS POSSIBLE FOR US TO MAKE! 1 w ki i ir.cS' 1 . .I. - . v. nu. is u IT MEETS WITH PBOTESTS. HappyNewYeariJ You want a happy New Year. You can hre it. How? Begin the year riht and you will go on right. By trading at our store you will begin .oDomically , and economy will help you ?ve money and be happy. Money woo'- bl,y happines", but the fellow thai saves has always a better chance 0f happiness than those that don't. Bv ?aviag money you are laying up jc?hine against the dark days. We trv 10 create a smile of satisfaction on tbe faoe of cve-y customer who enters our store b giving them bargaias tbev can't get elsewhere Try for yourself the sunshine and the smiles. Yours for a prosperous and happy liVO. J. M. Hendrix & Co. The peoples nvney saving store for Drv Goods and a hoes. CURES Nervous HEADACHE and Colds In the Head. HI 15, 25, and 50 eta. at Drugstores. Proposed Removal of Doty from Sngar, Tobacco, Etc. handled; all BE UNW,SE AND DISASTROUS by machinery- It is never done that means cleanliness. China tea is bandied, 'tis a hot country; con sult your health and al ways drink "Black Seal Ceylon" Tea. Ask your grocer for it. Jobs C. Townssnd, 1200 Arch SI., Phila TPa. The Opposition In Florida Ha Taken Organized Shape Other Wash ington News Items. Special to the Tilksam. Washington, Dec. 28 The proposed legislation of congress, removing the duty from sugar, tobacco and tropi cal fruits from Cuba and Porto Rico is causing much anxiety on the part of southern agriculturists. Numerous protests have been received in Wash ington from individual sources by the congressmen representing southern constituencies. These protests come principally from Florida fruit growers, who claim that if the pro posed legislation is enacted that itwlll cause the ruin of the Florida fruit business. The protests come, however, also from tobacco grower,- sugar planters and others, and have not been confined to the gulf states alone. Tobaccb growers in North and South Carolina are also protesting against the passage of snoh a bill. In Florida, and other gulf states, the movement against the proposed legislation has taken more ef an or ganized shape, and in these states, es pecially in Florida, conventions are to be held for the purpose of organ ising immediately for an earnest cam paign"against the passage of the pro Dosed bill. It is likelv that deletra- Moore Optical &. Talking tions will be sent to Washington from Florida for the purpose of "appealing $40 to S65 Saved ! Dont you tfcink it will pay you to investigate? $35 pays fcr the Chicago Writing Machine. V I Latest Improved and Fully Up-to-Date, Standard Key-Board, prints 90 Different characters. A Marvel of Simplicity Only 325 Parts, Against 2,000 parts in other machines. It has improvements over the $100 machines. Takes any width paper. It is highly endorsed and fully guaranteed. WiU pay you to investigate its merits. Write us or call. The Drug Store I? :he one place on earth where it is :ir.Afe to look for "bargains. " If y i are satUtied with getting tbe worth vf vi 'ur money tne best medicine it is p rible to com ound from the highest tr-aae drugs, and the services of an experienced pharmac'st you will send vour doctor's prescription here. Holton's Drug Store, McAdoo House Building Frank Teller & Co. Hand-Made" Cigars. (25'in box at, $1.00.) AT- Machine Greensboro, , Co. To ,dy Customers: to tbe president and to congressmen to use their efforts to defeat such legis lation, in tbe event that it takes any shape in oongress. Among southern congressman, out side of the Florida delegation there is almost unanimity of sentiment that it c u ci c for congress at this time to admit free 530 South Elm Street, tO of duty such staples as sugar, tobacco and tropical fruits from Cuba and Porto Rico. It is argued that free trade in these staples with our new possessions to the south, if it comes at all, should come gradually , and not in aurth k. munnpr jui mitrht wnrk ruin tn by furnishing rresh Gro- southern trade. outnern memDers oi tne nouse oi 117 Davie Street, where I shsll continue to do my best to please you 44 ceries and Produce. J N INQRAfl, The Grocer. NOTES FROM MIOM POINT The Local New fcrom Oar Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau, t High Point. N. a. Deo. 28. f W. R. Lewis, of Greensboro was in the city yesterday. Thiers Leech, of Naw York elty, is here for a few days. O. W.Carr, of Greensboro, is spend ing the day In the city. Lawyer. R. I. Picking, of Lexington, spent yesterday in the elty. Mrs. H. Alexander is reported se riously sick with pneumonia. The Misses Clarey, of Greensboro, are vlsltlng'Mr. A. V. Sapp. 1 Lawyer W. P. Ragan went over to Winston today on legal business. Albion Sheppard has returned from Glenola where he has been spending a few days. The graded school pupils are enj y- ing a long Christmas vacation. They have two weeks. Will Snow and Cy Wheeler are down in Montgomery county hunting. Don't kill them all, boys. Misses Emma Burton and Eunice Wheeler went down to Lexington last night to attend the banquet. Albion Mtllis retU'-Ded from Salis bury last night where he attended the germaa He reports a nioe time. , S. S. Whitten, of Henderson, the father of our popular statloaer, ca-e in last nteht on the .local to spend a few days with his son. Capt. A. M. Rankin, conductor on he Asheboro train who has been tak ing vacation for the past week, re turned to his post thi morning. Robert Ragan, Will Ragan, Bas com HosKins ana uurney neerans pent a few hours in Tbomasvllle last night among her fair daughters. Mrs Lizzie Holl"well, who has oc cupied the Hizh Point house for the put several years moved in the Walk er house on Tbomasvllle street. The Tate Furniture Company are going to build up the space between their two floUhi-ng bulldins. This rill make the buildlnz 250 feet in length. Mrs L. C Edwards took charge of the High Point house yesterday. Mrs. Edwards has, for the past year, very LORD SALISBURY TO RETIRE Bat Will Walt Until the End of tbe War. DUTCH CLERGYMEN MORALIZE. nilttary Attaches Visit Scene of Bat tleSharp Skirmish Irish Colo nel Breaks Hi Collar Bone. Bj Cable to Ths Tbjsrih London, Deo. 28 Tue Dally Post says there is reason to believe that Lord Salisbury intended to resign the first of the coming year, but after dis- OTBstng the matter with the queen he . - THE. Little Store Around the Corner V For the remainder of the week we will sell any thing in the store at actual cost. Tom Rice Jewely Company. INSURGENTS ROLTEO I .nAAAlnl1e mum M Was w4 IfllV T representatives, as a rule, do not be- V H V '"""v " liere that the president's recommenda tions in this particular will be carried South Main street. The High Point GARDNER'S. fg fi)J ppsite Post Office. FXTRA LARGE EATING APPLES, OD COOKING APPLES, NEW CITRON, NEW CURRANTS, SEEDLESS RAISINS, Lt XDON LAYER RAISINS, 3 A EET ORANGES, NICELEN'ONS. Plenty of eggs, chickens, turkeys and fr-sh butter at 20 cents per pound. Ev- -hing eatable at our store this week, i'iices right. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. South Elm Stre Phone No. 2 Hand Cameras For Films or Plates Developing Powders Toning and Fixing Ppwdeps Fah Cartridges, best made Plates, and other ama teur supplies, at into effect, at least during the present sees ion of oongress. They say that a measure for free trade between the col onies and tbe United States might possibly pass the house of representa tives, but that there Is a disposition on the part of the- senators to avoid upsetting business by tariff legislation as far as possible at this time. Among prominent southern men in Washington during the Christmas hol idays is Hon. Josephus Daniels, of Shirt Manufactu ring Company, owned and controlled by Dr. Turner and Samuel Cobbin will commence work January 1st. Tbe maohlnes have all been placed and the motor Is in good running order. This is a very neat and compact plant. A Popular Couple Wed. At 10 a. m. Dec. 27th Mason Barrel fresh Sour Kraut 20c gallon. & Morciiison cm South Elm Phone 13 W. Gant, ticket agent of the Southern, at Stokesdale, and Miss Minnie Dwig Raleigh, N. C, the well known editor ins. th? charming daughter of Re.v of the Ralelffh News & Observer. Mr. Mrs. J . R. Dwiggins, were happi Daniels, in sD3akinir of the political 1T marnea. xne oeremony toot: ptace situation in no run. uaroiina, stated th&t he has no doubt In his own mind of the adoption of the proposed con stiCtitional amendment limiting negro suffrage in the stae In regard to the senatorial situation in the Old N jrth State, Mr. Daniels expressed the opinion that there will be a Democratic senator for tbe next six years. There are four prominent candidates, he savs, to succeed Sena- tor Butler in the United States senate. They are ex-Governor Jarvis, ex-Rep resentative Simmons, ex-Representa tive Waddell and Hon. Julian S- Carr. Mr. Daniels himself has been promi nently mentioned for the place, but he is not an active aspirant Representative Swanscn, of Virgin- la, bas been appointed a membes of fhe 8ul)-commtee of the ways and committees which will deal with the reciprocity treaties as they come tn the house of representatives for action. This is regarded as a very imDortant committee, and Is an excel- la the parlor of the Dwiggins House, which was very tastefully decorated. A goodly number of invited guests were present. While the wedding march .was beautifully rendered by Miss Cora Donnell, of Oak R'dge, the young couple were ushered in. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. F. Kennett, president of the N. C. conference, M. P. church, after which a sumptuous breakfast --was served. The bride and groom left on the 11 o'clock train for a bridal tour, oarrying with them the congratulations and beat wishes of a host of admiring friends. Tbe bride was the recipient of a number of beautiful and useful presents. 113-12 East Market Street DR. bURBANK, Ophthalmologist. OLASSES ADJUSTED. Office 301-303 Southern Loan & Trust Co's Building, OVE Of e. We will offer for the npvt thirtv davs some Ja A wxa - a special bargains in Overcoats, Heavy Suits, Wool Underwear. i It will pay you to look through our stock before you buy. M. VAWSTOBY Sf GO. The Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. Official Visit-to tbe Shipyard,. By wire To Tsa TauHBAM. Newport News, Dec 28 A special congressional pary.( including Speak er Henderson, Senator Allison, Con- Cousins aad Gutn- Ipyard today s now decided to remain in office until tbe end of the war, though he will -certainly retire before the next general elections is 1901. The Dukf of Devonshire will succeed him a premier. ILL HELP ENGLAND Calcutta, Dec. 28 Replying to a hoabt last n'ght Nizan Hyderadad, the greatest Mohammedan potentate of India, said his purse and b ord were ever ready to defend the British Em pire. Maharajah Gwallar has re-1 quested an appointment to a position on General Roberts' staff and offered to send transports with native troops and hors s to fight in South Africa. TROOPS CONFIDENT. Modder River, D.o 23. The British troops are oonfiient and .eager to at tack the Boers again. It appears tist a Dutch clergyman, at religious ser vices after the battleof Magersfonteln, moralized oa the close foruiatioa of tbe Highland Brigade, which enabled tbe Boers to inflict such damage. Tne preachers, genral'y, spoke oa the theme: 'Whom God wisaes to destroy he first makes mad " Chively Camp, Dec. 23. Captain S locum, an American military attache, and attaches of r ranee, Russia, Italy, Austria and Germany arrived today from Peitermaritzbnrg and visited the camp near the scene of the battle on the 15th. SHARP SKIRMISH. Durban, Dec. 28 A dispatch from Chively Camp reports a sharp skir mish at Tugela i iver on the. 26th Col. Donald, of the Dublin F us i leers, fell from his (parse and b olte his col lar bpne. BOORS WOULD HAVE YIELDED? Cape Town, Dec. 28 The colonel commanding the i anadlan contingent is to join the staff of Gtn. Buller, ail oi whom are proceeding to Natal, In dlcating that culler's sphere will soon be confined to Natal. Former Sergeant-Maj r Green, who was among tbe Boer prisoners cap tured at Magersfontein, admits that for some time he was in the Boer service, and Instructed them in trench ing, He says that oi twenty-three thousand Boers at Magersfontein all but Iwu thousand were engaged in the day battle, and asserts the Boer losses to have been yery heavy The trenches were full of tbe dead, and declares that if the British attack baa been pressed the Boers would have ylejdea;. tie says that the Boer horses have been taken to Modder River, as water is scarce in Magersfontein. INACCURATE DISCLOSURES. London, Dec. 23 It is stated at tbe British foreign office that tbe alleged disclosures In regard to tbe German Anglo-Portugese treaty are quite in accurate. Paris, Deo- 28. A foreign office offi cial said today that advices from Port ugal and Germany lft no doubt that the publication about the Garma.q and Portuguese treaty was largely nven lion. .Notwitnatanqing tqm uema,i fa helleyed tn Qther quarters that an agreement between Great Britain, an4 Germany may exist. Try Kadok. Headache Ponders, Doaea loc. Cures all aches in the Nave You GOOD EKES? Do you Value vour' EYE SIGHT? After Three Hour Bombardment. The Insurgent Paper. By C'e to Thi Tr.riRAif. lUai'ila, Dec 2h "ol Likett, with afoice of the Eleventh cavalry, at tacked a thousand insurgents In Mon tdlbin Mountains, the pcne of man; Spanish defeats, and af er three hours oombardmeot the enemy was dislodged and sa'terfd to tbe northeast. Five Americans were wounded. It is re- DOrted that the In-unrents' tinner. In- I depe, dencia, ha- ren resuscitated and ; ? YOU..TH tWo el S,?? Is beiDg pr nted :n a mountain cave. Torpedo Boat Stockton. Rcbmond, Va., Dec. 27 Despite the fact that it was snowing heavily, a arge crowd assembled at the Trigg nipya d here this afternoon to witneeB tbe launchitig of the torpedo boat Stockton. Tne Stockton is a sister boat to the Shubrlck which was aunched at tbe Trigg shipyard some weeks a?o. Miss Katherine Stockton, the oldest unmarried daughter of the oldest son of Commodore Stockton, christened the boat, and the affair went off without the slightest hitch. The St ckton is 175 feet long, of 17 feet beam and 4 feet 8 inches draft, and is expected to make on her tri. l trip 26 knots. gressmen Hepburn, mings visted thj (h lent assignment for Swanson, who is Tns are preparing data for a report one OI tne popular meuiuera ui nuc Virginia delegation The first snow of the season Degan falling in Washington yesterday after noon. As the weather has been very cold since Christmas, the snow lay as fast as it fell, much to the delight of the juvenile portion of the population, who wanted an opportunity ro try their sleds. General Edgar Allan, of Virginia has been here for a dy or two- Ho says that the Virginia delegation in the next' national convention will be for the renomination of President Mc- Klnley Among North Carolina people in Washington are William J. Holt, of Bur ington, and George bmaiiwprw, of Raleigh. Fire at Hort Wayne. Fort Wayne, Ind., gee. 27 Fire at o'clock this morning destroyed the. wholesale nd retail dry gooas eatao- Hahmen of Qeorge gewald ft Co., and the crockery store of M. D . fcaag, re sulting in a loss of 1200,000, on which tharo is a total insurance of 135,000 distributed among several companies Th Tv.wa.lri nonttern was one of the oldest mercantile establishments in the northwest. Transport Arrive at flanlU Washington, Dec. 27 General Otis bas notified tbe war department of the arrival at MiTnlla of the transports Duke of Fife and St. Paul, carrying the Thirty -eighth infantry and the transports Ohio and Indiana carrying th Fortieth Infantry. There were no casualties. ' to congress on the capacity and utility of the pl&nl Whea-fheir work is.completed they willretupn to Washington by steamer. Tbe Price of Thread. ByiWlr to Thi TnJOBiM. Providence, Dec.- 28 All thread companies in the thread trust have raised their prices, tthe-'explanation given -being; the. advance in tbe cost of cotton and;thepay of-operatlrgs Ihe foruer rate on two hundred yard spools w&s forty cents per dozen, or thee spools for- ten eets Here after the rate will be five cents a spool, or flftyflve oents per dozen- Transport from Manila. By Wire to Thi Tkuoram San Francisco, Dec. 28 The trans port Centennial, rrom Manna, via Honolulu, with officers and ill bh dlers, arrived here last night and brought tbe aee of tbe bubonic nlairue breakout in Honolulu. The transport is in quarantine. Tbe disease is supposed to have been Introduced by Japanese coolies who were brought over to work on tbr sugar plantations. Death nmong Sailor. By Wire to Th Tmlboram. Vlctortar Dec. 28 The steamer Aor- angl arrived today from Australia She did not stop at Honolulu, owing to the exigence, of the plague there. It is reported that Three deaths have oc ourred among the sailors on the Japa nese vessel. head pleasantly. a few paltry dollars? If afforded pro tctin, and could save your eyes, uoot you think right glasses would be lettlly worth more to you than a suit of tailor-made c oihes or a new silk dress? Do you really and truly value your eyes? Then why persist in abus ing thf'm? Because it cos s a few dol lars? We can be of .incalcuable help to your eyes. We know our profes sion and guarantee our work. Drs. Moo-e. office wiih Moor8npitcai& Talking Machine Go. Graphophones, cameras, and every thing optical. $33 for $100 typewriter. 112 E Market St. Arrested for Arson. Augu ta, Ga., Dec. 27 W. C. Stoy was arrested late last night on a war rant sworn out by Chief of Police Hood, charging him with arson. Stoy is an excursion manager. The three disastrous fires In this city re cently, their origins pointing strongly to incendiarism, have greatly excited the people. Recently a building was fired tbee times in one day in the lower part of the city, and last night shortly b fore the b-g fire, tbe depart ment was called to a residence on Walton Way to a fire plainly incen diary, which was also a second attempt on that building. Cotton Futures. By Wire to the TaLSGaAH. New York, Dec. 28 Cotton, Decem ber, 34; January, 35; February, 40 March, 44; April, 1 May, 6a. When Santa Iaus Conies to Town he secures his feed frm the choicest to be found, and that is always at BOYCOTT'S. His team has to spin along on good time, and there is nothing that will give them fire, speed and backbone like our high grade and nutritious grain, bay, oats mid dllrgs, barley chops. They are nu tritious and delicious to the animal that is so fortunate enough to feed on them. Boycott's feed Store, PfcoM No. 1S6 116 West Market St, Greetings Mutual Our friends stood by us during the rush-- go ask them if we didnt give them val ues Then come to us and get some for your self I We are cleaning up today And if we have any thing that you need we can save you money, especially on heavy - weight suits and overcoats. Rankin, Chisholm, Stroud & Rees 300 S. Elm Street. Germany Wont Buy. Berlin, Dec. 27 The German gov ernment is aaid to have given tip all id :a of purchasing the Danish West Indies from Denmark. WiU Talk of floney. Austin, Tex., Dec. 27 William J. Bryan declares that on his forthcom ing trip to the east he will discuss the money question along with the Philip pines and trust questions. He has no idea of abandoning the silver question In his political speeches. If. fpS Je?so Muncu, b years old, has been m'ssiog from his home at Babylon, L. 1 , for four days, and is believed to have been robbed and mat dered. WHAT to get for the little folks Christmas, wont you call and hear the Musical Wonder and have all doubts removed. Noth ing will be of more or even as mu 'h interest to you as well as the little ones COSTS but $5.00 and has greater musical and amusement qualities than a $300 piano. Never grows old. Christm ts la? ta all the year. Hear It Moore Optioal 5S Talking Machine Co Remember The Sidewalks Are Paved ALL THE WAY OUT TO Asheboro Street Pharmacy Where you can get all the latest and best drinks. Give us a call. Toilet and fancy articles. Prescriptions carefully compounded day or night. Geo. W. Kestler & Son S. S. Halthcook We Have Overt INTO our new drug Btore opposite the McAdoo Hotel. Call and see our new quarters and new sock of drug and sundries. We think that we have one of the n'oest and best equipped drug stores in the south. Bring u your prescriptions. No one but li censed and . experienced pharmacist allowed to Handle drugs. Come in and look whether you want anything or not. Respectfully, GRISSOM & FORDHAM, Prescription 'Druggists. it Tbe Qret Northern Railway has given, a contract for the. construction of a 1.0 0,'iK -bushel elevator at Que- bee to Chapman Co, of Buffalo, ffir Tbe transport Westminster, which sailed, from &an Francisco on Sunday for Manila, has put back to that port, on account of an accident to her machinery, Holiday Remnants Men's Natural Wool Underwear Suits$2.oo; separate shirts and drawers, $i each. Genuine Camel's Hair, 2.50 suit; shirts & drawers, 1 25 each. Thaoker & - Brockmann. Da IE. P. WHARTON, PKEST. DAVID WHITE, SEC'Y. A. w. m'alisteb, vice pkbst. & TBBAS. At and Below Cost We will sell all of our holiday Southern Loan & Trust Company CAPITAL STOCK (Paid in) $25,000.00 SURPLUS $33,633.09. Acts as Executor, Administraior.Gnardian.Receiver, Assignee Trustee, Negotiates Loans, Real Estate Agents. "ifcur Will, Assignment, or Application for Receiver sSp drawn by Its counsel without cost to you when the company ts appointed executor, assignee or receiver. goods consisting of medallions, fancy loans guaranteed and interest collected We have a numOT oi gooa applications zor city re&i estate loans, that will pay 6 per cent, to the lender. Call on us if you have money to lend. J. W. FRY, President. J. S. COX, Vice-Pres. W. E. ALLEN, See. Treai Greensboro Loan ail Trust Cinjiiiy. Capital Stock, $100.000.00. Will c a General Banking Business. ' r kM i mm imnrovd Ral Estate. tfeaoHat Mortgages oaTReal Estate. Acts as Trustee. Negotiates the Sale of boms on BMnuneninnf nw Will Act as Guardian, Extorter an AsilntrtrsiOf of E atomizers, fancy perfume bottles, bonbon spoons, cream ladles, vases, jeWel boxes and many other goods i hBt ape not staple at and below cost. Jno. B. Fariss, A Legal Depository lor Court and Trust Funds, Safety.DeposH Boxes for RnL J. A. OdeU, R. M. Rees, Geo. S. Sergeant, R. R. King, J. 8. Cox 121 S. ELM ST. OPPOSITE BENBQW HOUSE. DIRECTORS. John Gill, Baltimore, Md. W. H. Watkins, Ramseur, N. C. O. R Cox, Cedar Fall, N. O. W. F. Williams, Red Spga.jK.C. J. A- Hadley, Mt. Airy, N. O S. Bryant, Randleman, N. O. J, Slwood Cox, High Point. N, B. F. Mebane, W. L. Grisaom, W. D. McAdoo.! R. P. Gray, W. Trj 4 4 r- f i)

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