. .- -I . . The Greensboro JE veiling Telegram Price Two Cents GOOD ROADS AND GOOD SCHOOLS FOR GUILFORD COUNTY THE BEST INVESTMENT it IS POSSIBLE FOR US TO MAKE! VOL V NO 127 ' ' GREENSBORO, N.O., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29. 1899" HappyNewYear You want a happy New Year. Yoa can bare it. How? Begin the year right and yoa will go on right. By trading at our store you will bgln economically, and economy will help you s.a - money and be happy. Money wc..'t y happines, but the fellow that saves has always a better chance of happiness than those that don't. By saving money you are laying op sunshine against the dark days. We try V create a smile of eatiss action on the face of evey customer who enters our store b giving, them bargains they can't get elsewhere Try for yourself the sunshine and the smiles. Yours for a prosperous and happy 1900. J. M. Hendrix &Co. The peoples mney saving store for Dry Goods and Shoes. The Drug Store Js the one place on earth where it is unsafe to look for "bargains." If yo" are satisfied with getting the worth of your money tne best medicine it is feasible to com ound from the highest grade drugs, and the services of an experienced pharmacist you will send your doctor's prescription here. Holton's Drug Store, McAdoo House Building Chaps Cured WITH- Qardner's Almond Cream Lotion. 25c. AT- Gardners Pharmacy Cok Opposite Post Office. EXTRA LARGE EATING APPLES, GOOD COOKING APPLES, NEW CITRON, NEW CURRANTS, SEEDLESS RAISINS, LONDON LAYER RAISINS, SWEET ORANGES, NICE LEMONS. Plenty of esgs, chickens, turkeys and fresh butter at 0 cents perpound. Ev thiag eatable at our store this week? Prices right. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. South Elm St re Phone No. 2 Hand Cameras For Films or Plates Dev-loping Powders Toning and Fixing Powders Fia h Cartridges, bes made Plates, and other ama teur supplies, at ALDE If s 113-12 East Markit Streat We next It will niMinM niVIHIM OVI stock before you buy. 2 Rfl. VAWSTOBY & GO The Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers. mcty CAPUDINE i $ CURES Nerroua HEADACHE and Colds in the Head. 15, 25, and 50 cU. at Drugstore. j It is never handled; all done by machinery that means cleanliness. China tea is handled, 'tis a hot country; con sult your health and al ways drink "Black Seal Ceylon" Tea, Ask your grocer. for it. Joan C. Towsed,1200 Area St., Pfcita , Pa. $40 to $65 Saved ! Dont you think it will pay you to investigate? $35 pays for the Chicago Writing Machine. Latest Improved and Folly Up-to-Date, Standard Key-Board, prints 90 Different characters. A Marvel of Simplicity Only 325 Parts, Against 2,000 parts in other machines. It has improvements over the 1 100 machines. Takes any width paper. It is highly endorsed and fully guaranterjl. W1U pay you to investigate its merits. Write as or call. Moore Optical & Talking Machine Co. Greensboro, N. C. To tly Customers: I have removed from 530 South Elm Street, to 117 Davie Street, where I shall continue to do my best to please you by furnishing Fresh Gro ceries and Produce. J N INGRAft. The GrqeeF. FOR. SATURDAY. Chickens, Pickled Pork, Ovsters. Quail and Rab- bits, Pigs feet, &c. Plenty Eggs and Butter. Cabbage, Potatoes, Turnips, tfancy -Eating Apples , Jfic&lqt of Ooqking Apples.; Call on qr phone. Smith & Murchison n South Elm Phone 183 DR. BURBANK, Ophthalmologist. QLASSES ADJUSTED. Office 301-303 Southern Loan & Trust Co's Building'. will offer. for the thirty davs some mf f special bargains in Overcoats, Heavy Suits, Wool Underwear. pay you to look through our AGUINALDO AN HONEST MAN, America's Dity Ii tbe Philippine isUHs. THE" BOW WORK ABOUT DONE. W SkMM Now Send Missionaries. Why the Rliptaoe Distrust 1k Aaserlcsas. New York, Dec. 17 The Independ ent for the current week, will contain an article by Jacob O. 8ehurman, president of Cornell University, chair man of the United States Commission to thevPhlUppines, entitled "Our Duty to tbe Phtrrpploes." Following is an abstract: ' "We hare fort to fifty tribes to civ ilise and seven or eight of these tribes have some 300,000 members each. On the island of La son there is one tribe of a million and' a half people who speakone language as totally distinct from the other languages as Spanish is from English. Another tribe on tbe same island numbering about 6C0.000, is as distinct from the others in lan guage and characteristics as they are from the Spaniards themselves. Then on the great Island of Mindanoa there are many tribes that are entirely dif ferent from each other. In tbe Sulu archipelago we come to another class of natives, about whose custom of slavery so much has been said recent ly. Tbee are all Mohammedans, while In Lizoo the natives are all Catholic christians. "The priests have ruled in Luzon so long that their influence is widespread and the natives know pt no other forms of Christianity. The Soman Catholic oburch has been established there for three hundred years, and the archipel ago was really governed by tbe priests, and not by the 8panish civil or mili tary commanders. Of the 113,600,000 raised on tbe island annually about 1 00000 was used for the churches' support. Each small church would re ceive about 1500 for its support and the p-lest an allowance of $300. We must credit tbe church with having done a great deal of good work among the natives. We must reckon with those'facts when we send missionaries to the Philippine!- MISSpifABfES NOW NEED EI. "Missionaries are needed in the isl ands, and hope they will be sent there In large numbers. There Is plenty pf work for them to do, and hope they will go, with a complete understanding. of the situation, to accomplish goT They most realise that they are. con tending with a Catholic educated pop ulation that knows nothing about tbe fine 'differences between Protestant sects ind denominations. Therefore, it would be highly impolite to send mis sionaries of different beliefs to confuse tbe minds of the people. I do hope that when we send missionaries we will de cide before hand on one form of Prot estant Christianity. Send only one type of missionary. The Filipinos will then "have Catholic Christianity and Protestant Christianity presented to them so they can make their choice. We have no adequate idea how con fusing to the simple minds of an unciv ilised people tbe different forms of our Protestant faith appear. The Chinese who are perhaps more intelligent than the Filipinos regard our different de? nominations as so mnv different re ligions. I think the island of Mindanoa is a moVe promising field for missionaries to begin their work in than Luzon. The influenos of the Catholic church has not been extended to Mindanoa, and the simple natives would more readily accept the type of faith which the Americans would teach them. It is possible that it would be dangerous to send missionaries to the interior of this island at present, but as condi tions become more s ttled and tbe Americans are looked qpon with a more friendly feeling, this place wlU be rich field tor the Amarlpan jni sjonajy. We owe it o the Filipinos to give them (be best in our religion 1 well as in our education. WHY THEY DISTRUST US. "I believe the fighting in the Philip pines is nearly over and our armies now fighting in northern Luzon will soon be required only to kee.p gown the bandits. The organized armv has disappeared nd with it we might say the whole insurrection. Most of the Wders of the insurrection have been won over to our side. "I do not say that all of the insur gent leadert were dishonest. 4 oe- tlejve that many of those wbQ fought against the Afflericaqs were, animated by the highest idea of loyalty to lnde pendence- I think probably A.ginl do is one of this olsss and that be i an honest man.. "One reason for the stubborn oppo sition to our occupation of the islands was a legacy of suspicion and hatred for the white man which Spain be queathed to us. The Philiplnos know the white race only by one specimen Spain to ttem represents the whole world of Europeans tbe whole white race and her authorities made prom ises repeatedly to them and broke them. They will not today trust Americans or Spaniards or any other Europeans. Nor is it strange that .they distrust the promises of the Amer icans. This distrust of tbe white race I is one of the problems that will ouire vears of labor to overcome. w You cannot overcome it with words It must be dissipated by actual works they must have ocular demonstration that the word of the Americans can be relied upon. Not until then will they begin to believe ns. Consequently CONCLUDED ON THIRD FAGS, J NOTES FROM HIQIf POINT Ths Local News Prom Our Neighbor Briefly Told. Telegram Bureau, ) High Point, n. C. Dec. 2. f A. V. Creech came In from Raleigh this morning. ' , Marvin Parker, from Trinity, Is in the city today. Fletch Barbe went down to Greens boro this morning. The gates at the railroad crossing are being repaired today. Quite a number of our merchants sre 1 taking inventory today. Fred Moore and Emmet Ho Hon re turned to Winston this morning. Miss AHcj Denny, of Greensboro, is visiting her parents on south Mala St. Some of the boys at the pond skating, is all right. have been down They say the ice Uncle "Nick" Slaughter is not going to be caught without wood this winter. He just received a carload from Ran-r dolph. E. M. Purdy, superintendent of Tate Furniture Co., is at Lewisburg, Pa , visiting his mother during the holi- A. E Bar bee, who has been confined three weeks with a felon on his finger. returned to his dairy wagon this morning. Mrs. H. Alexander, who has been sick with pneumonia for some time, parsed away at her home on, English street yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock. A husband and fl va children remain to mourn her loss. Her burial took place this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. William Tate pave a reception at their residence on south Hamilton street last ntght in honor of their daughter, Miss Nettie A Isrge number of our young people were pres ent and the host and hostess deserve great credit for the admirable and hoe pitab'e manner in which they, enter tained their guests Several selection of vocal and instrumental musYo were most excellently rendered by Miss Tate and Mesrs. Cralgen and Slaugh ter, to the delightfof everybody. De lightful refreshments followed the mu sic At 12 o'clock the guests departed voting thcoccasion a most enjoyable one. TWQ ITEMS Showing a Karroo m Town Against a Dispensary Tows, "It is the universal comment that there as never witnessed in Char lotte such debauchery as character ised Cnrlstmas day and it was a spec- cial grief to observe that this extended so far into tbe ranks of tbe ranks of tbe .young boys of tbe community. Numbers of them, not more than half way through their teens, exhlted them selves openly in various stages of in toxication, and for this came, if no other, Christmas day, 1899, will long remain a painful a memory." Char lotte Observer. Tbe Telegram has already copied the above editorial, but the Monroe Journal prints it and adds the follow- ng In brackets. It fits so well that we reproduce It : f We do pot print hU item from, any desire to further the Lews of the bad conduct of Charlotte, hut rather to call attention to tbe excellent behavior that eqisted in Monroe at the same time. There was absolutely no rowdy ism, hardly any Intoxication and no debauchery here. Monroe has a dis pensary, Charlotte has a large num ber of srlodns Our dispensary was closed Christmas day. Draw your own conclusion. Journal. J That Railroad Shed. The people of Green bo ro are kick ing hard against the Southern on ac count of the want of a gutter pn the new railroad shed, and in fact for want of a shed big enough, to coyer the railroad yar.df of the town. 1 here wa time when (jreensboro would have been glad to have gotten any old shed, but the Southern Railway has given ber a magnificent passenger de pot, the best in the south, and now she wants the earth. But we suppose ingratitude is the same at' Gre neboro that It is elsewhere. Winston, Jour nal. 0, no, friend Journal, not quite so greedy. There may be those here who would like to have the earth, but Greensboro is tbe center of the ball, tbe most of us are satisfied with what ever comes alonjf In the way ei re- spectable improTStoents. RILLED HIS SWEETHEART. Then Tried to Take His Own UU-. Sad Accident. g peal a) to the Tkiwbam . Byeidsv!,Ue, Dec 29 An awful trag edy was enactrd yesterday near Ade laide Dostoffke in this county. While fooling with a pistol T. W. Small ac cidentia killed his sweetheart. She was about 17 years of age. Realising what he had done and frenzied with grief and excitement, Small attempted to take his own life. Both parties are well known and lived about six miles from here. Quiet Home Wedding. On Wednesday night at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. G. L. Ar thony, at Vandalia, Mr. R. M. Glad tone, of Hinton. was united in mar riage to Miss Flora Anthony, Rev. J B. Tabor, of Randleman. officiating It was a quiet home wedding, only few friends belnir present. The Tele gram extends congratulations. Try KsdoluHeadactae Powders, Doses loc. Cures all aches in the head pleasantly. THE BOERS ENTRENCHED On tbe West and Cast of the fliltisk Camp KRUGER'S PRICE FOR PEACE. Shelling at Ladysmltb Hss Oreatly Increased Slfcnced Iwelve Pounder Active Agsln. By Osble to Ths Tmlsgham. Ladysmltb, Deo. 23 Poer shelling has greatly increased during1 tbe last few days. Their twelve pounder on Kopje, west of the town, which was si lenced by a sortie, is active again One shell from it killed one private and wounded several others. Several other shells wounded soldiers. Bip guns firing in the direction of Coleneo are heard every day. KRUGER'a PRICE. Durban, Dec. 29 Wilson Churchill say that President Kruger's price for peax-e is a guraotee of Transvaal in dependence, indemnity of a hundred ! millions, the possession of Matal, Kl9Yerly and all that part of the Cape Colony now occupied by bis troops Lorenzo Marques, Dx. 29 A mes sage rrom fretorla says that ball starved Kaffirs are leaving for Boer Laager. BOERS INTRENCHED. London, Dec. 29 A Cape corre spondent says the rising of the Tugela should enable General Buller to catcb most of the Boers south of Colens within the next few days. It is inferred in Natal that th de struction of the" bri lge has trade s real differen e in the safety of th. Boer positions and that the rough crossing wh'ch they es ablished fur ther north in the direction of Pit-ter Station does not make up for this dis advantage. The Boers have int nuh ed both on the east and west of the British camp London, Dec. 29 Despatches from all parts of South Africa emphasize tie great enthusiasm among the troops and the public over the appointment Of IVbj t Rite-hen and the announce ment later ti at he will be cni f of staff has largely dispelled tbe depres sion in Cape Colony on accent of tbe recent reverses, while the solders expect everything from bis presence, from success in battle to cbeap beer. Advices from Cape Towd the 24th state that investigation shows tbe report of disaffection among the Dutch in Victoria wcet district was overdrawn. It is pointed out that farmers, mostly the landowners, will not risk their farms by rising. A despatch from Lorenzo Marquez the 23rd, says there is a curious story current there that Matt SteytL, brother ot the president of tbe Free State, and fight hundred Free Staters definitely refused to continue in the war. Matt Steyn, acting spokesman, told the president he wss only authorised to Intervene in the Interest of peace and that the burghers didn't feel bound by his "unwarrantable conduct," espec ially as they ran the risk of the con fiscatioq of their property and they simply desired to be permitted to re turn in peace and p'oposed to Imme diately return to their farms. THY TO STARVE IT OUT. Ladysmlth, Dec. 22 The -casualties since the siege began are 70 killed, and 23) wounded. Apparently the Boer 111 not make an assault, but will try to starve out the garrison. "ALL WELL." Modder River, Dec. 29 In reply to the heliograph Inquiry as to the health of the garrison at Kimberly, was sig nalled: "AU well." The Ninth Lan cers gs,ye a concert last mgnt. Tbe camp was crowqea ana tnere was great enthusiasm during the singing of the national anthem. Holiday Remnants At and Below Cost ! We will sell goods consisting atomizers, fancy bonbon spoons, cream ladies, vases, jeWel boxes and thtft are not staple at and below cost. Jno. B. Fariss, 121 S. ELM ST. OPPOSITE ?UNBQV HOUSE Little Store Around the Corner For the remainder of thing in the store at actual cost. Tom Rice Jewely Company. CU8ANS EAGER FOR OFFICE. Flocking to Geo Wood's Off'ce In Droves. Havana, Dec. ?B General Wood's office h. nipped 1 Ity by a crowd of office-seeker from a 1 parts of the island. The applicttDts want every- . U ! n . I ! . L - . uiuK it,u ing, num cabinet secre- taryships to joitorttbip- Despite the! fact that tbe go'e-mr general re- cieves on an everage 200 people every 24 hour, be finds time to pay ur ex pected early niornng visits to the asy- turns ana j us. a -ner.il wood pre fers to tatce tbe miDaen of such in stitutions udd eptMl. Tomorrow he intends to inspect tbe L per Hos pital. T. day he visisted the Bentfici- encia He a e not intend to interfere in matters of public policy before the New Year, when the 1 ew cabinet will be installtd. It is generally reported by friends of tbe men nam d th it Seoor Vilialon has beeio effrred a cabinet position. A similar state neot is made concern ing Senor Varona, Estevez and Ta majo. Senor Vilialon is the pres ent chief of public works at Santa Clara. Seno" Varona was formerly editor of tbe Paxria. Senor Estevt zai is the president cf the nations' party. Senor Tamayo is a j idge -: the supreme court. Most of toese ap pointments, if mid , would D'ee'. win public approval, but General Word declines to onQrm or deny in any case, asserting that he will not give out information on the subject until the entire cabinet has been decided upon. Cubans have been sgreeably sur prised by General Wood's refusal to allow the municipality of Cardenas to grant psi ate oontracts. In a com munication embodying his refusal, he raid: "No euoh contract will be rec ognized until after t-e municipalities Have ben ele ted, an event which is only a few months ctl. Then the will of the people will bo known; and pro vided there is no interference with the prerogatives of the general govern ment municipalities will be allowed to use all rigbtful means of improving the country without interference from BavaBa or anywhere else." Wont Be Left. One rf our popular clothing firms, Rankin, Chlsbolm, Stroud & Rees, didn't get a chance to contribute to Mr Sam Browne's Christmas offering to the boys and girls at Oxford, but are now having suits of overalls made for five of tbe boys who work in tbe machine shop. The suits will be turned over to Mr. Browne for proper delivery, when completed. Attention, K. of P. Guilford Lodge No. 69, Knights of Pythias wiU bold its regular meeting tonight at Cattle H11 at 7:30 sharp. Bro. Jordan, state lecturer, will be with us Also work in the second de gree Vi iting brothers and members of lodge number eighty are cordially invited. M. B. Shrier, C. C. For a Strong Nsvy. By Cable to Ths Tblsobam Paris, Deo- 2tt-Premi er Waldek Rcusseau, Minister of War Gallifat and Minister of Marine Laressan held a oonfere ce here today and approved the naval program which is balieved to include tbe building of twe've of the most powerful battleships afloat. Tbe expenditure of four nun dred million francs to increase the navy is coutemplated. all of our holiday of medallions, fancy perfume bottles, many other goods the week we will sell any- Have You GOOD EYES? Do you W-i,,,, Mr 3'uo jOuI tTt" SIGHT? DO YOU THINK two eyes are worth a few paltry dollais? If sfforded pro motion, and could save your eyes, ont you think right glasses would be really worth more to you than a suit of tailor-made cobes or a new silk dress? Do you really and truly value your eye?. Then why persist in abus- oe tht-m.-' B cause it cos 8 a few dol lars? We can be of lincalcuable help to your eyes. We know our profes sion and guarantee rur wotk. Drs. Moo'e. "ffice wiih Moore'Ditcal & Talking: Machine Co. Grapbopboneo, cameras, and every thing optical. $35 for 8:00 typewriter. lit E Market St. When Santa i laus Comes to Town he secures bis feed from the choicest to be found, and that is always at BOYCOTT'S. His. team has to spin along on good time, and there is nothing that will give them fire, speed and back bo ae like our high grade and nutritious grain, hay, oats mid dlings, barley chops. They are nu tritious and delicious to the animal that is bo fortunate enough to feed on them. Boycott's feed Store, PtOM No. 156 116 West llirMSI. WHAT to get for the little folks Christmas, wont you call and hear the Musical Wonder and have all doubts removed. Noth ing will be of more or even as mui'h Interest to you as well as tbe little ones COSTS but $5 00 and has greater musical and amusement qualities than a piano. .Never grows old. Christmas la?ts all the year. Hear it Moore Optical & Talking Machine (Jo If jffwik doubter I Men's Natural Wool Underwear Suits, $2.00; separate shirts and drawers, $i each. Genuine Camel's Hair, 2.50 suit; shirts & drawers, 1 25 each, g Thacker 6c E. P. WHARTON, PREST. DAVID WHITE, Southern Loan & Trust Company CAPITAL STOCK (Paid In) $25,000.00 SURPLUS $33,633.09. Acts as Executor, Administracor.Guardian, Receiver, Assignee, Trustee, Negotiates Loans, Real Estate Agents. our Will, Assignment, or Application for Reoeiver SMp drawn bf its counsel without cost to you when the company Hi appointed executor, assignee or receiver. LOANS GUARANTEED and INTEREST COLLECTED We have a number of good applications for city real estate loans, that will' pay 6 per cent, to the lender. Call on us If you have money to lend. s J. W. FRY, President. J. S. COX, Greensboro Loan ail Trint Cmijm. Capital Stock, $100,000.00. Will do a General Banking Business. Makes Loans on Imoroved Real Estate Negotiate ortgatM tReal Estate. 'Acts as Trustee. Negotiates ths Sale of Bonos on Manufaeturiag Plants. Will Act as Guardian, Executor and Administrator of Estate) A Legil Depository for Court and Trust DIRECTORS. John Gill, Baltimore, Md. W. H. Watkins, Ramseur, N. C. 0. R Cox, Cedar Fall, N. C. W. F. Williams, Red Spgs.,K.C. J. A. Hadley, Mt. Airy, N. O 1. Bryant, Randleman, N. C. J, Slwood Cox, High Polnl. N. J. A. Odell, R. M. Rees, Geo. S ..Sergeant, R. R. King, J. S. Cox. Greetings Mutual Our friends stood by us during the rush--' go ask them if we didnt give them val ues Then come to us and get some fqr- your self We are cl'anirg up today And if we have any thirg that you need we can save you money, especially on heavy - weight suits and overcoats. Rankin, " Chisholm, Stroud & Rees 300 S. Elm Street. Remember The Sidewalks Are Paved ALL THE WAY OUT TO Asheboro Street Pharmacy Where you can get all the latest and best drinks. Give us a call. Toilet and fancy articles. Prescriptions carefully compounded day or night. Geo. W. Kestler & Son S. S. Halthoock We Have Proved INTO our new drug store opposite the McAdoo Hotel. Call and see our new quarters and new stock of drugs and -sundries. We think that we have one of the nicest and best equipped drug stores in the south. Bring u your prescriptions. No one but li censed and experienced pharmacist allowed to handle drugs. Come in and look whether you want anything or not. Respectfully, GRISSOM & f QRDMAM, Prescription Druggists. Brockmann. A. W. M'ALISTER, YICS PREST. SEC'Y. & TREAS. Vice - Pres. W. E.JALLJCN, Sec. Treasj Funds. Safetyjtoposit Boxes for Rent B. F. Mebane, W. L. Griseonx, W. D. MoAdoOf R. P. Gray, W. Fry A' -it

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