The Greensboro Evening Telesram W VOL. V. NO. 18 GREENSBORO, N. C, SATURDAY,' DECEMBER 30. 1899 Price Two Oents GOOD ROADS AND GOOD SCHOOLS FOR GUILFORD COUNTY THE BEST INVESTMENT IT IS POSSIBLE FOR US TO MAKE! HappyNeuYear Vo: w xm a happy Xew Yev. Yew c; hare it. How? Begiar tbe yser r.ii x-d tob will go oa right. By vrai:g ai oar store you will bVgia rvc iea'.ly, and eeoaoay will help t.- . rrooev and be happy. Hotkey ; i ' ; . t hapoioes bat the fellow has always a better eh anew c: rpp.rei than those that doat. rj fiTi;; 3XDej you are laying ap ?.:?i:3e against the care day. We vry vo crease a mile of satisaaetion oa tr face of eve-y ewnww who erters or siore b giving then bargaias tzey can't get elsewhere Try for jo-rseif the sunshine and the Yours for a prosperous aad kappy J. M. Hendrix & Co. Tbe peoples moey 'saving store for Dry Goods and Shoe. The Drug Store Is the ooe place oa earth where it is usii'e to look for 'bargains." If you a-e satisfied with getting the worth of vcur money tae best medicine it is possible to com ound from the highest eraie drugs, and the services of aa experienced pharmac st you will send your doctor s prescription here. Holton's Drug Store, Mca.81 Horn Biiliitf Ch.nps Cured ITH - Gardner's Almond Cream Lotion. 25c. AT Gardners Pharmacy Cor Opposite Post Oftice. EXTRA LARGE EATING APPLES, GOOD COOKING APPLES, NEW CITRON, NEW CURRANTS, SEEDLESS RAISIVS. LONDON LYER RAISINS, SWEET ORANGES, NICE LEMONS. Piedy of eggs chickens, turkeys and fresh butter at Su cents per pound. Ev thing eatable at our store this week. Pi ices right. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. South Elm Sta-s Phone No. 1 Hand Cameras For Films or Plates Developing Powders Toning and Fixing Powders Fla h Cartridges, best made Plates, and other ama- t 'ur supplies, at ALDERMAN'S, 113-12 East Uartit Strut OVERCOATS. 3 6. Rfl. VANSTOBY The Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers J9BB9BBB 9BBBBMBMB 99a 2 hols' nAPimmc 2 W II WHIIIk J CURES Herrooa HEADACHE J aad Cold la the Hesvd. It is never handled; all done by machinery that means cleanliness. China tea is handled, tis a hot country ; con sult your health and al ways drink "Black Seal Ceylon" Tea. Ask your grocer for it. aa C. Taaaaaad.1200 Area SL, PWbi , Pa. S40 to $65 Saved ! Dont you think it will pay you to investigate? $35 pays for the Chicago Writirg Machine. . T iWI Improved and Pally Up-to-Date, Standard K-y-Board, prints SO Different characters. A Marvel of Simplicity Only 325 Parts, Against 2,000 parts in other machines. It has j ImprQTeiaents over the S100 machines. J Takes asiy width paper. It is highly .-.. j endorsed and fully guaranteed, pay you to investigate its merits. Write us or call. Moore Optical &. Talking! Machine Co. Greensboro, N. C. To .1 Customers: I have removed from 530 South Elm Street, to 117 Davie Street, where I shall continue to do my best to please you by furnishing Fresh Gro ceries and Produce. eta. at Dragatoree. J N lNQRAfl,rs The Grocer. FOR. SATURDAY. Chickens , Pickled Pork , Ovsters. Quail and Rab- bits. Pigrsfeet, ti:c. T 1 . -i , - Vrrrr-s anil Rllttor x ijiy . Fancy bating Apples, Nice lot of Cooking Apples. Call on or phone. Smith & Murctiison i South Elm Phone 183 DR. bURBANK, Ophthalmologist. GLASSES ADJUSTED. Office 3iH -303 Southern Loan & Trust Co's Building. We will offer for the next thirty days some special bargains in Overcoats, Heavy Suits, W m1 Und rw a- It will pay you to look through our stock before you buy. THE WEEKLY TRADE BEVIEW As Du aal Cralstreet Fisirt An Oat It THE FAILLES FOR THE YEAR. Tkaa A ay Year Aay Year SI iSSj f Cattaw Ever Prmsperl'v EvMcat New York, Dee. 2? Dun's Weekly delegates of divisions had pledged of '"rade today says: j every member of their respective divi No correct report of failures in sions to contribute S-i 50 toward a can be made aatil the year has dosed. fucd of 1100,000 to be raised for the pur A oollaps of speculation in copper pose of sending a hospital ship to the stocks has swelled the aggregate at j Boers. It was also announced that Boston alone over $13,ftX)jsJ0 within a i st ong resolutions of sympathy for few days, aad might yet add to the re- J the Boers had been adopted, aad that cord. Tbe failures thus far reported j the members of the order heartily en are fewer in number than !n any year dors and will parti pate in the pro since 1S53, and smaller amount of lia- Bo r mass-meeting to be held in this bilities than in any year since l5$l : city on January 13, under tbe aas Tbe aggregate of def tailed liabilities j pice of the Irish-American clan, is 1?VS ,00 J. J Patrick O'Neill , state president of The average of liabilities per failure , tbe Hibernians, ststed ater tbe meet is less than ?.50O, the szna lest in any j ing that be had received many letters year of twenty-five years. Te week i from phys'cians from different parts has been exciting only at Boston, ! of the United States offering their s r- wbere failures growing oat of speca- j lesion and the effort to re-establish banks ard firms suspended have net ; given the week a holiday character. 1 Yet no impcrtant firms ha.'e fl ed, save those which were individually connected with concerns involved by speculsuon. Tbe failures of the Pro- aaae "calDfe ir" -on:pf ana a brokerage arm here were likewise do ' street railway stocks. These simula tive troubles coa bfcaase tbe volume of legitimate business and the unpre cedented proa-,, icterest aaJ civ; dendsvmke it no longer p-y;b.e to carry some stocks on borrowed money. ' Prosperity itself placed a ciec on speculative ventures. Tbe railroad stocss have rivaaed '3 4 pr shsre for -he week and indu-tria s i5 0 per share. Railroad earnings gained ic December 9 per cent. Wheat and cotton specc'aiion has 1 taken a holiday, prices scarcely vary ing, and the mjreoient of both is sur-pn-ingiy sajall. Axlaoi c cjporte of wheat in four weeks hare been oniy . , MtA , . e7S.618 bushels, against f 19 74 oT , - - , , last year, ana exports 3.3.4.- , . , r 271, agaic: 3 xv0s lst pesr ' , Cotton exports iis montn nare been , I,- . less thaa ta f of tas. yex , , . some decrease in the mrinra of d;d- The increase in demand for iron and steel products is the gret feature of tbe year. Tbe induwy is now pro ducing about Zji ,00 -.o 0 tons week'y, and yet orders tea. will rvqoire from six to nine months work from most of the establishments. The av erage of prices closes 119.5 per cen:. higher than Jan. 1 for pig atd IOC 3 pt r cent, higaer for prx-cucts. Tbe consumption of cotton has been larger than ever. 'itn an average ad- j vacce of 29 5 per ceat. in prices of goods acd is now 2 per cent, nigher ; than Jan. 1. Wool has oeen raised by sptCJ.atioc 35 per cent- aid goods i i; per Ccot. Of bo-s aud shoes the east has shipped W,tA.O cases, or y per cent, more Loan las; yer, and prices have advanced only about IT oar cvnt. since" Fail a res for iLj week have been 221 in the United, against 25 i last year, and 25 in Canada, against 22 last year. bradstkeet's review. Bradstreet's today says: Trade reports from the south are generally good, Atlanta reporting a specially good past trade, and collec tions are, as a rule, good in this sec tion. New Orleans expects a heavy business in spring goods after the turn of the year. Bradstreet's, in tbe review of tLe year's business, cays: Rarely have sanguine commercial and financial hopjs found such ade quate realixstion as they did during toe year of ls&. Linted with an im mens bvsiness, there was with it an advance of staple voiues men com bined have servea to establish toe year as a record breaker, and set up new standards by which succeeding years will be measured. Certainly nothing Lke the general advance in wages of industrial em ployes has been witnessed for many years. A tremendous risa in values has taken place in fully three-fourths of all staples. Taking bank clearings as an index of tbe volume of the general trade and tptcilation, there is no doubt that this year has been eet up a standard of measurement ahicb it will rt quire ex ceptional activity to equal. The railroads of the country have done the heaviest business in their his tory. Tue year's record for failu- is an exceptional one. In any effort to fore cast tbe coming year's business, sight will, of course, not be lost of tbe fact that 1900 will be a presidential year, jet the business community locks for ward to 1900 with almost equally mixed feelings of hope and confidence. New Ve-r Sight Y-u w nt better than you now nave, d-n'. you? Coniinui to neglect your eyes and tbej will be worse. Our glasses are rLht and will be of great help; your eyes will improve and thus n iw sight will come to you. Does it pay to abuse your eyes? See us. Drs. Moore. Try Ksdok. Headache Powder, 3 Doses loc. Cures all aches in the bead pleasantly. TH EltUSH MOVETIENT. Oeeaty Msttwg O-gaafxt Effect la Behalf ef the Beers. Philadelphia, Dee. 29 -Over 400 del egates, represent! ag-M divisions of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, of Phila delphia, with a total membership of f,000, held a secret meeting ta In dustrial Hall tonight for the ' purpose of taking some actios with a I view of helping tbe Boers la their war with Great Britain A!elander Ue ! Kemae, president of the Philadelphia uoioa, presided. After the meeting had j acj -turned It was announced that the vce. suppli hfaav offers of medicines , be smid, had also been mde to him. When some of the dele ales as'red how they expected to gt a ship to the Boers, in view of the fact that the latter have no seaport, the dele gates gave aa evasive answer and re fused to talk abnus that part of the subject. LA.WT1 VS HJTiERL. This Mernlns; and the Starts for Home. Held Bwdy tty Caote v Tst Tvt ac tw. Manila. Dec. 30 -T tie funeral of General 1 iw n was held this irorn ic with ;mpivsive ceremonies, and th bdy wss i-ocveyed from San Pa e ceaee-y to the L"Jn Ha at Pasi. tbec-vv to the transport Thomas, which sai's this afternoon. As the b"dy was rvmoved f-om the vault Chaplain Mar via read tee prayer, and the personal staff was augmented by the Color Ser jeant Simon. Trnmneter Haberkam . . . . ana mva es j tveno too Meornusea , . Tbe 1 alter bore the coffin from the , . .... vault u tbe caisson with six horses . . wait: ng at the gate. . , The funeral procassioa was cost . . . . . . . . . pssed of the band of the TwenUe' h . trorps of the Fourth cavalry, battery and artillery and a number of clergy -. Bten Tbe caisson was covered with flowers. The dead general's staff ! were on foot and Gens. Wheeler, Wat ' son, Bates, Forsyth. Hobbe and ! Schwan were la three carriages. Then came tbe naval batsalioa, Gen. Otis and staff foreign consuls la full uni form and members of tbe Philippine : supreme court. nas laa Davis Dead. Miss Ina Davis, of Granville coun ty, died this morning at the Normal at S.5u. In addition to the resident physicians Dr. Hunter McGwire, of Richmond, had visited her twice. Fu ceral tomorrow at her nome in Gran viFe connty Our sympathy is ex tended to all who are thus so sadly bereaved Six young ladies yet re main at tbe institution, all improving and most of them expect to go home by the middle of next week. A Scop p. Tue Twentieth Century wl 1 begin Just when it begins Is a question which tbe Morning Post says, has ran people craxy, but the Telegram has studied tbe thing all out and Is pre pared today to an no a ace exclusively that Tbe Twentieth Century will begin on tbe day on whi.-h it shall begin, or somewhere near that time. Yadkia Riaer Froxia Over. A 'phone message from Winston this afternoon says the Yadkin river has ben caught in the cold snap and ' is r z-n over. This is quick busi and Is proof of intense cold Tomorrow night will be an interest ing occasion at tbe Home Moravian church in Salem. It is the custom of the Moravians to bold a watch service on the last night of the old year and usher tbe New Year In with Impressive ceremonies. Official report oa the Plague. Washington, Dec. 29 The following telegram has be n received by the su pervising surgeon general of tbe Unit ed States marine hospital service, from Surgeon D. A. Carmichael, at Honolulu: 'Honolulu, H. I , Dec. 20 ' "The-e are two cases of reported plague at Honolulu; two deaths De cember 12th. No niw cases to Decem ber 20. Quarantine against infection raised December 19." Tbe Coldest Weatner. By Wire to Tsrs Tmansia NewYoric, Dec. 20 Today is tbe coldest 30th of December in New York ; in many years. Tbe mercury at seven o'clock was 10 degrees; eigbt o'clock 9, sod a nine o'citci, 8 degrees Notlcel You w.ll please call and pay your city taxes, as the city is In pressing need of tbe money. R. M. Rees, Dec. 4, 1899. City Collector. Dr.J. F. Griffl h and wife, of Sal isbury, passed here at noon today go ing" to Winston to visit relative. FIFME BRITISH KILLED. at titgttk UtWM'Jkt f crt A4alsst Ceiry HDIA OFFEBS HORSES AID UEI. Offer eta flowered Cerea ( Infaatrj Frwaa Ceylon Acorpted War NcwistNU Pretoria, Tweed ay, Dec. 26, via Lo renzo fclarqaes, Tnarsday, Dee 23 C-mnaadant Saydham report! as fol lows from Uolopo: "On Monday moralng the eaersy from Mafeking at tacked one of oar forts ta force, with caaaca, Maxims and aa armored traia, and so persistectly that there we dghting right on the walls of tbe fori. Bat we have retained our fort. The British loss is reported at ?3." PLAKTKKS TOL.rSTEKBEtt3. Colambo, Ceylon, Dee. 30 The En glish aa e nccennsd the offer of a aasvasi wans wa aKVCaww rj vuv vn aa j corps of axated infantry for service Soath Africa. Many planters are, volanteering. ACCEPTS THE HORSES Calcutta. Dsn. 30 Rulers at Cash mair, Mysore and Jodlipar have of fered oope aad horae for service In South Afr ca. The government ac cepts tbe horses. Jodlipur is a fa mous horse breeding center. IKELAXD FORCES. London, Dan 30 Dake Ooaaaught haa been appointed eomaiaBder in chief of the forces from Ireland. Londin, Dec 30 A depuch from Chive ley says the niuvds state that White made a sortie on Ladysmith Friday and carried a strong B er po sition by the bayo. et and captured a big gun Tbe statement is con firmed . mew hat by tha strange sit nee of ibe Boers beseigiog Ladysmith si nje yes terday. On tbe Rocks. 87 CanVs so Tax Tataassn Load on, Dec. 3 The steamer on the rocks off Dungenness Is the Peio tea, which left Santos on the ?th for Rotterdam. Rocket communication has been established d tbe passen gers rescued. She had aboard a num ber of Hollanders who were bound for home for tae holidays. Heavy seas broke over the vessel and for some time the situation was one of grave peril. Six hundred and twenty passengers were rescued from tbe Dungenness. The Coaat Yard got their life boats to the steamer dnrimr the night and had to lay by till morning, until the sea went dowo. when they conveyed the passengers and crew ashore. Tbe accounts about tho wrecks differ. Some say there were no passengers aboard, and that it was only the crew that was rescued. MJlitoa Dollar Fire. By Wire To Tu TaLseasM. Chicago, Dec 30 Fire this morning destroyed tbe Wooley, a seven story building and two adjoining buildings 1 he lots, which is sustained mostly by wholesale firms, will amount to a mil lion dollars. The cold is intense and the firemen were greatly hampered The hose ladders were all covered with Ice. Big Rre Ragtag. By Wire to tae Tblsgsam. Lebanon, Pa., Dec. 30 A big fire is raging here. It started In Bach- man's stables and Is now threaten1 ng tbe business section. High northwest winds prevail and it is bitter cold, which seriously handicaps the fire- Captnred a Prize. Bj Cable to Tan Tbssiim Lorenzo Marques, Dec 30 -Tbe Ger man steamer Bandemrath, ot the Ger- a coast line has captured a prize and taken to Durban. Holiday Remnants At and Below Cost ! We will sell goods consisting atomizers, fancy bonbon spoons, cream ladles, vases, jeWel boxes and thBt are not staple at andbetow cost. Jno. B. Fariss, 121 S. ELM ST. OPPOSITE BENBOW HOUSE. THE. Little Store Around the Corner For the remainder of the week we will sell any thing in the store at actual cost. Tom Rice Jewelry Company. WILL CPPOSE LINNEY. BlKkkan ri s a Bee That's Bsrum' Yeste d Winston Sentinrl pob- lishes U - f- l oinc : The bent n 1 pi-kt-d up a p'ece of poll ic. news this monin.3 A well- known repubiican told the r porter that A-siMant D st-ict Attorney Spea- cer burn would be in the race for the nomination wi Cor gross. He added S0 d t-e assurance of gvv l" rt ynotas lac- I uu, un u mtat wai tte ue'egatioa I to tht- c-qt. nti..n fr. m K r yth would vote for B'ackt u n Ho will also ret vhe supp rt of other counties, and this repabiican made the prediction that! toe assistant district attorney would I get tb.4 nomination. -Will Wilcre ounty be for him?' asked the reporter. -There i- some doubt about this, as Linoey h s ois 'bees-' ( offije-hold- ers up there who will make a strong puil for him," rvp ied this republican, who addtd iht there appeared to be ao doubt about th ''bull of the brush cyng to gt toe nomination gain. 3The repubTcana are quite anxious to know wbo the democrats will aom -nte for congress in tnis district. Th Impression seem to be that the nomi oee ill be a Wine ton man. MEbTtNOS CALLED. Georgia and Florida T ackers Want to Keep Up Tariff Bar. Savannah, Ga , Dec 29 Meetings of the Savannah River Rice Growers' AFaordalinn and nf th TVii.-lr throw ers' Association have been called to take stpa kgainst tbe admission of Puerto Rico and Philippine Islands wunin the tariff waU of tbe United Stat.?. Toe associations i 1 co-operate with the sugar-producing l merest of Louis iana. I. is poinwd . ut that both Puer to Rico atd the Philippines are pro ducers of nee. With the tariff bars let do n. they would grow immense quantities of rice, with coolie labor, nd flood our markets to the ruination of the Borne rice interests. And the same appues to sugar. Puerto Rico is as diose to the northern markets for truce aad vegetables as Savannah and Ja.ks-jnrille. If Puerto Rican fruits and ve. eta Die weie let in free, they wouid catch the cream and profit of the northern market to the detriment of the growers in Georgia and Florida. KipUng Sick Agsla. ByCabie to the Telegram London, Dec. 30 Rudy ard Kipling is confined to nis bed with influenza. His condition is not considered seri ous. Kip'.ings wife atd two children are also ill. Notice to Shippers. The freight depot will be closed on Monday, January 1st, 190 . except for morning delivery of perishable freight Local frieght trains will not be run on above date. W E. Coffin, Agent. Secretary Smslley Dead. St. Paul, Dec. 29 E. V. Smalley, secretary of the national so and money league, died suddenly tonight of ner vous dyspepsia and nervous prostraj tion. all of our holiday of medallions, fancy perfume bottles, many other goods I Have You GOOD Do you Yi!b8 rear DO YOU THINK two eyes are worth a few paitry duhars? If afforded pro tection, and could save your eyes, dont you think right glasses would be o( Uor-mide c o hei or a new silk dress? Do vouYallv and trulv value your eyer Tneo why persist in abus- ing th n? B -c.ue it ms s a f-w dot lsr? We can be of inc.Ucuable help to your eyes We know or profes sion and guarantee ur work. Drv. Moo -e. t mc with Uosri Bitcai& Talking Machhi Co. Ur;'pnouoDtte-, earner, at u every thi g optical ts5 or 4 00 ty pewrier. 112 L .iaret at. When 5anca Comes toTown he secures his feed frm the choicest to be found, and that is always at BOYCOTTS. His team has to spin along on good time, and there is nothing that will give them fire, speed and backbone like our high grade and nutritious grain, hay, oats mid- diirgs. barley chops. Th-y are nu tritious and delicious to the animal that is so fortunate enough to feed on them. Boycott's feed Store, ISC 116 Wt MaiMSt, 1900 Most Prosperous of all years, if you take steps at once to make it so. Would you know the seer, t? Call at 112 Market street, and hear the Great Musical Machine play, sing and talk, wh'ch is unques tionably the richest contrib tion scteuce has ever made to the enter tainment of the home. Good cheer reigns supreme when ever itssoul-stirring 6trans are heard. A lew pieces recited, sunt; or played, banishes the blues and lends vim and energy, so that you can accomplish the more in your daily avocation. The little folks are jubilant and you are delighted. Have one for the new year. Hear it. Moors Optical & Talking Machine Co. GRKENSBORO, - - N. C. laus Men's Natural Wool Underwear Suits, $2.00; separate shirts and drawers, $i each. Genuine Camel's Hair, 2.50 suit; shifts & drawers, 1 25 each, g Thacker 6c Brockmann. 5 E. P. WHAKTON, PSEST. DAVID WHITE, Southern Loan CAPITAL STOCK (Paid in) $23,000.00 SURPLUS $33,633.09. Acts as Executor, Administrator.Guardian, Receiver, Assignee, Trustee, Negotiates Loans, Real Estate Agents. our Will, Assignment, or Application for Receiver ship drawn bf its counsel without cost to you when the company Is appointed executor, assignee or receiver. loans quarantebd and interest collected We have a numb r of good applications for city real estate loans, that wlU pay 6 per cent, to the lender. Call on us if you have money to lend. J. W. FRY, President. J. 8. COX, Vlce-Pree. W. E.JALLHN, Sec. Treasj Greensboro Loan ail Trint Chum. Capital Stock, $100,000.00. Ml so a GsesrsJ Basking Business. stakes Leass ss iayd Rsal Estate Kseahate ortasass aa Rsa Estate. Acts as Trusts. Nsflouates ths Sate af Hones sa Msnslscfiirisa Masts. 0UI Act as fiuaratea, Exaaslar aa OlalsHrrslsr f jEstata A Legal Depository for Court and Trust DIRECTORS. John GUI, Baltimore, Md. W. H. Watklns, Raansenr, N. C. O. R Cox, Cedar Fall, N. C. W. F. Williams, Red Spgs.,ft.C J. A. Hadley, Mt. Airy, S. O S. Bryant, Rand toman, V. C J. Slwood Cox, High Pol, a. J. A. Odell, R. M. Rees, Geo. 8. Sergeant, R. R. King, J. 8. Cox, Old Cheap stood up fairly well, but in the lat round Value punched him one just over the heart and put him to sleep. We are Value's backers and the cH?ap man that enters the ring ajrainst us for the next ninety days will simply "get it in the neck ' All-wool worsted suits, $'0 to f 18.50. in blacks, blues and fancys. All-wool suits, in checks, plaids, etc., $7 50 to 13i50. The best ulster you ever saw for the money, $13.50 We are on the corner, our number js 300, South Elm street, and name Rankin, Chisholm, Stroud & Rees 300 S. Elm Street. Remember The Sidewalks Are Paved ALL THE WAY OUT TO Asheboro Street Pharmacy Where you can get all the latent and best drinks. Give aa a call. Toilet and fancy articles. Prescriptions carefully compounded day or night. Geo. W. Kestler & Son S. S. HalVhoock We Have Dved INTO our new drug store opposite the McAdoo Hotel. Call and see our new quarters and new stock of drugs and sundries. We think that we have one of the nicest and best equipped drug stores in the south. Bring u your prescriptions. No one but li censed aad experienced pharmacist allowed to handle drugs. Come in and look whether you want anything or not. Respectfully, GRISSOM & fORDHAM, Prescription Druggists. A. W. M'ALISTEB, vtc pbxst. St TRKAS. SEC'Y. & Trust Companv Fands. Safety Depatft Boxes for Rant B. F. Mebane, W. L. Grlssom, W. D. McAdnOj R. P. Gray, W. Fry 5 i . "4 1 s t 1 1

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