hie Evening Telegram. PUBLISHJiD DAU.T 1UCBKPI SUNDAY r ifii Telegram Publishing Company. 3. G. WRIGHT Preidoi OBT. M. PHILLIP;- TEKM9 OF SUBSCRIPTION: ne year, Six mon Lhs, On. month. 100. 1 5J. Kntered tne Greens ooro Postofflce ; six-ind-clasc n.ali s ilier. Office soathside of McAdoo House b tiding downstairs. Entrance on South Elm Street. Address all communications to Tni Btk ISO Tblsgb&m, Greensboro. N. C. MONDAY. JA.N. 2 2. 190). LONDON FOR TREASURER The name of Henry A. London, edi tor of the Chatham Record, has beer suggested for State Treasurer, and at the earnest solicitation of his friend he has consented to run. His name will therefore be presented to the d ;m ocratic convention in April. The Telegram takes plea ura in en dorsing Mr. London's candidacy, no, merely because he is ore of the bright est lights of the state's editorial brotherhood, but because of long, faithful and efficient services in the party ranks without asking reward o' receiving reward, and because he is a: well qualified for the position and du ties of state treasurer a9 -any man ir the borders of the commonwealth. Of his qualifications it is hardly necessar to speak. -His whole career abound in deeds of -honor and integrity. H is-honest, able and clean.: He is zeal ous and energetic. As a campaigner he ranks with the best 'political speak ers in the state. Aside-from his eminent qualifieation for the office, -his ability as a stump speaker and his locg and unselfish de votion to the democratic party, then? is another consideration, viz: Hi nomination would bo but a just r---ignition of the iot iluable services of ths press. When has a newspaper man in this state been rewarded or his service-? recognized in a fitting or subs'.arial manner? And where would the pa -ty be and what would be its condition but for the great diserni nat'.Dg in!hi ence of Ue p cs- of r e .- a- '.' We belvjve that i 'Iti a . wneu tQv leader le .- ty . those who thins acd net, av b a to put a proper estlLuara i on the 'J 1 -f the ntw-pap-r-, and when a ma to b chosen from those ranks, we c point to no man who has been mon faithful, who is more deervirg or better qualified than Henry A. Loc don. When a small boy, over twenty one years ago, the writer saw the first copy of the Chatham Record. We have read it almost continuously since that time, aDd we feel able to testify to its purity of tone and sound democratic doctrine. All this time Mr London has been at the helm, and he is therefore one of the oldest editors, in point of continuous service, in the state. By nominating and electing him t" the office of state treasurer, the demo cratic party will Fonor itself and at the same time show its appreciation of the labors of the most influential fac tor in the party the press, without which it could not succeed. This would long ago have been done but for the fact that the press has not pressed its claims. Brethern of the newspaper fraternity, let us unite on London and elect him state treasurer What say you? HOME FIRST. The Telegram has repeatedly said that good government In North Caro lina means more to the people of the state than all things else political. That is one reason for favoring the holding of state elections at a differed time from national elections. The success of the amendment question and the state ticket to be voted for in Au gust, means infinitely more than vth? is to be president, or whether a single gold or silver, or a double monetary standard, shall prevail. In yes'erday's Charlotte Observer, a gentleman from Waynesville, Mr. S. A. Jones, takes that paper to tasi about its views on the money question, and the Observer, with its u-ual good sense, makes the following repl : SEE LIST OF GROCERS IN THIS SPACE WHO ADVOCATE QUALITY MERCHANTS GROCERY COMPANY. From an instinct of courtesy we print today a lengihy letter from S. A. Jones, f Waynesvillfe, in reply to a recent editorial in the Observer.. Mr. Jones did not need to say that he hat not long been a citizen of North Car olina or a patron of this paper. Re garding his eight questions, be is info- mi d that a 1 this utrw - be n tire-hi d ovi r in Toe O s- t'ei t r:e and naii' , r. nd th it h - has teen s 1 ti tle in it, as to not have had knowledge of the paper's position on the financial question, is due to its interests in the very constitutional amendment that he has bo much zeal for he would pre cipitate the discussion of a vexatious, irritating national ques'.ion into toe midst of a state campaign. Fur our part we hare thought it best to fight jut the campaign pnliminary to the August election, and s-cure the adop tion of of - :e amendment and the stale to the d c ( crats, as little encumbered as ma ue .vith a national issue which divide' i great many men among Up who ll. :i t themselves democrats and are thi-oughly united for the preserva tion of Lhe state. This may 6eem a trange policy to Mr. Jones, but it seems to us good politics and good pa triotism. When the state eleifn n is over he shall know as much as it ma be profitable or necessary to tell oi what we think about national plat forms and candidates. This is a bridge which nobody ne.d cross until he reaches it. We call attention to the advertise ment or prospectus of Trojan's Notion print d today in this paper, mentioo of which ha9 been made previously in these columns. Trojan's Notion wi 1 oe published at Sanford and edited bv Rev. J. C. Troy, of Jonesboro. Ia advance we endorse the paper, and .ommend its mission, which will be disti. ct fam that of any other paper published. The editor is well kkowo to the reading public and needs n io troduction. He has the Telegram's best wi-hes for great success in his un dertaking H. A. LONDCN IN THE RACE Has Decided to Become a Candidate for Stae Tresurer. A gentleman in Raleigh rtceiv-Ld a etter yotterday f'-oni Mr H A Lo n . J .; .r i' the hat- -m R an).- .": it r I..-. i rK! i c j a ne-i.1 -cO-ne a Ci.cd d;.te beoiv :';e U Hi crati "onvection for ioiiiiua.ion a- slate treasurer. ih.' g. ntleir-en wen en to add: "'M L ir.d'Q U one of the leader of It .1 -n; cr.tlie pa:y in tn- stale, w- i - ti- n io -.h - p iny tia on f.-r h n. ui ' oi -i - n .tl fa it H h -5 - Vt-I !t. i d vo i-it. o :" haa Qev.-r a-(e.i f i . i ; and now re nno nr s 1 iruel . i.v ,f r be! g urged to d so b i.-iiiv- f-ienda, particularly am g h:. brelhrtn of the press. Mr London, though not y.t an' old nan is old enough to have served as b-v as aide to General Bryan Grines in the Confederate army. PI :s one of of the oldest editors in th.; tat:. having been in the harness ion Unjously since heestablishedthe Chat nam ilecord, twenty-one years ao. 'Is was one of th. early presidents of ice North Carolina Press Association ar.d has ben chairman of its executive committee since 1?S3 He prepared the constitution of the Norta Carolina Democratic Editorial Association, and is chairman of its executive commit tee. He has attended every state conven tion since the war, except one when he was absent from the state: was chairman of the democratic executive committee of the Fourth district from 1872 to 1S80, ard an active and iiiflu ential member of of the state executive committee for twenty-six years; active ly canvassed in every campaign since 1867. Mr. London was an elector in the Raleigh district in 1872. He has been a consi tentdemocrat, never hav ing failed to vote and work for every democratic candidate since he became a voter. The press was a strong factor in 1S98, as well as in all democratic cam paigns, and Mr. London is easily among the first editors in the state" The press of North Carolina will be glad to see his nomination. There is no better man or truer democrat. He is one of the most eloquect campaign ers in the democratic party and would be a vote-winner on thestuaap. Morn ing Post. Oalcing a Wide Reputation. As a cure for rheumatism Chamber lain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide reputation. D B. Johnston, of Rich mond, Ind., has been troubled vith that ailment sincj 18C2. In speaking of it he says: "I never found any thing that would relieve me until I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It acts like magic with me. My foot was swollen and pained me very much, but oac eood application of Pain Balm relieved me. For sale by O E. Hol ton, druggist. ono ure Apple Vinegar BRYa"N SPEAKS AT BALTinORE. The Figbt 1 to Qo on Till Victory Is Achfevedr Baltimore, Md., Jan. 2o Ijlon. W. J. Bryan deli veracT an address here tonight upon the political questions of the day to an audience which filied the uju.-.c HaiI, tne biggest auditorium in tne i.nv u a.i tulie t capacity, and wbicu y fee tea tiitn and ins remans wita the greatest enthusiasm. The mee.icg was held under the auspioesof t ie Maryla'ud De.i ocratic Association, oue of the tree silver wings of tne dem ocratic party of the state, and was not encourages iu any manner by the reg ular democratic organization. in lact, the latter held strict y aloof fro us any participation in the ailair. They oitkuo no effort to discourage it in any manner, but not one oi the democratic leaders appeared on tde platform, and an offer of stage tickets was pontojy declined by the principal member ol the Democratic State Central Commit tee. With the parly -who came from Washington witn Mr. Bryan wr Sen ator Til. man, of South Carolina, con grecsuien auizcr, of iNew Yom, Rica ards ol Tennessee, Jonis, of Vi.-gima, ana DeArmond, of Missouri, it w nearly 8 o'olocic when the party reacn ed tne music nail wu-n tne crowd greeted nim uproariously. Mr. Braa Sild in part: "i want to nature you in the begin ning that my uapjjiueos does i ot de-pe-uu upjQ any lienor wnicii the pec pie ol tnis niu.ju can corner, neiUier do I believe that this nation's napp. iieos or welfare depends upon any oue pe son. As in politico, as iu tne army, tne genwrata gebloj y and tne privates do the wont. And tuereforo I Itei unat i owe it to tuoae wuo for nearly lour years Uave been bearing the bur den la tne neat Oi Uio day : 1 owe it to uueui to say mat. wuat 1 nave dona la out an atom uomparec' witn what tney nave done. -ia isyj tiie voters proved that they couid control the policy of the party and during the last taree years ihey uave proven that tney coaia no id waa they gained in i:9t in spite of uewspa peis, in sp.te of railroads, in spite ol oantcs, ana in spite of every influence -opposed to obtain, tbe plain pewpie ol luc democratic party have stood auu uuw stand fur tue Chicago piatturm, iu an mat it says. I want to txgm witu an accepted proposition, tuat proposition wnicn I consider most fun damental in government. 1 d tu..t .a t..u Docl.tr, v.l 'U - . Juttbd..ul. .1 Jwa W ii p. Uoli a.c . 1 ijaj.iUg lUU.U Iloua tllat uid au uuiwui n Uocaojcnt aS o r rcpu - CU iriLutla bCCLil tu bullla lu. rtK BoOiJ vUKu UlUl P. vrlU r-oilD la jUtl Tilb. L. co C4tl.i.le, ultli dj c:, r" .k n j l.n.gc, illc.is ji UiUju Pulo. tl, ff.s.ea. i up..o .o, kua. rIuae lo Utui anu. r oi'ulQai y vicaliajcut are quicaiy cared by IS. H. ti. (Botanic UlouU lia.uu), ttio most woudoriul btuod (,un Dcr ol tne age, made especially tocu.e all terrible obstinate deep-seated blood aDd skin troubles. is your blood Aie you pale? All run down? Have you eczema? t'laipies? Blotches ma bumpr? Skin or scalp humors? Bils? Eruptions? Sain itcnes and swoiiei.? Acning bones? Rheuma tism? Catarrh? Then you need B.B. ti. ( Botanic Blood Balm), because it drains lron the blood and entire sys tem ail tne poisons and huanors whicn cause ail of tbese troubles, and the cause being - removed, a permanent cure follows. B. B. B. thoroughly tested for thirty years, and thousands cured after doctors and patent medi cines had failed. For sale by drug gists and Howard Gardner in Greens bo o at 81 per large bottle, or 6 large bot les (full treatment) $5. To prove our faith in B. B. B. we will send a trial bottle free to sufferers, so they may test t .f remedy at our expense. Ac dress Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. To Open Tbe Ball. Chairman Simmons has announced speaking by eloquent Democrats are folows: Locke Craig at Marion, Tuesday, January 30th. E J. Justice at Bakersville, Monday February 12th. C. B. Aycock aud R. B. Glenn, at Aseboro, Tuesday, March 20th. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie K. Springei , of 1125 Howardst., I'uilaiielpbi, Pa., when she found that Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made lif a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her no hel p, but she says of this Royal Cure "it soon removed the pain In my chest and can now sleep soundly , rornethiDg I can scarcely remember doirg before. I feel like sounding its poises throughout the Universe." So will every one who tries Dr. Kings' New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lungs. Price 60e. and $1. Trial bottle9 free" at C. E. H-lton's drug store; every bottle guaranteed. am Why 0 tumi LAME-BACK When joa caa get instant relief In a 10c boxai doHNSorrs , ..Sl53St-.Kf.ONEY- The best Kldnrr preprmtloii cm ertb. nd e lO-CENT BOX contain nearly s much kt others aell for 50 cents. If your drufrffist wil. not supply you, send us five a-cent stamps and get a box by mail. The Johnson Laboratories, Inc., Phila. Howard Gardner, Drnggist, Cor. Opp. Postoffl ' PbTITION AQAINT LYNCrtlfNO. Presented In tbe House by Vhte of North Carolina. Washington, Jan. 20. Tbe bouae spent an hour today in disposing of billi favorably reported and among t ose favorably passed were e meas ures to build League Island and Mare Island dry docks of stone instead oi timber The reports on the R oberts' case were also received. An hour was given to pro louncing eulogies on tbe late Representative Danford, of hlo. Mr. White ( N C. colored ) presented a petition signed by 2,413 persons for national legislation against lynching and mob violence, and asked that It be read at the clerk's desk. Mr. Rich ardson (Tenn ) objected, saying that there was no reas n why this petition should not take the usual course. Olorlous News. Comes from Dr. D. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes: '"Four bot tles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs Brewer of sc ofula, which had caused her grat suffering for years. Terri ble sores would break out on her bead and face, and the best doctors could give no help: but her cure is complete and her health is excellent." Thir shows what thousands have proved, that Eloctric Bitters Is the best blood purifier known. It's the supreme rem edy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ul cers, b"ils and running sores. Itstim ulates liver, kidneys and bowels, ex pels poisons, helps digestion, build up tbe strength. Only -0 cents. Sold by C. E. Holton, druggist. Guarau teed. SlUDY TrlB RACE PROBLEM. A Southern Society Organized Montsomerv. In Montg " erin, Ala , an. 20 In "hi c.ty d.is vVeiiii., t..trc was urauJ by a cooiujitiee of ii reprcsentai.1 ve lj. of different ecclesiastical and po- lilu-al affiliations, a southern society for th.; study and discussion of race problems in relation to tne w if a re o the souiu l'tie brst annual contereice will uictt iu Moutgomery in May 1 this jem-. Rop. en-mat. ve speaker fro .11 parts . f tte a utn will astced t spoaa on dinereot pnases o tue probicui from tne standpoint of the south. The programme will be so framed as to be lair to ah sides. The speakers will deal wiui the suject of tbe fran chise, with relation of the negro to ed uuation and religion and with the re lation of the negro to the social order including a discus-ion of the lynching question, tie Only Repeats What has been Around tb World. It has been demonstrated repeatedly in every state in the union andinmany foreign countries that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a certain preventive and cure for croup. Id has become the universal remedy for that disease. M V. Fisher, of Liberty, W. Vs., only repeats what his been said around the globe when he he writes: '1 have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in my family for several years and always with perfect success. We believe that it is not only the best cough remedy, but that it is a sure cure for croup. It has saved the lives of our children a number of times." This remedy is for sale by C. E. Holton, druggist. "I would lay down my life for you, darling," he whispered passionately Would you lay down a carpet" she asked. For she was a practical girl, who viewed lite seriously. Smith Jones is always trying to make mountains out of molehills. Brown Well, he ought to succeed. He's been in the ri al estate business for a number of years. SsV Causes of Loss of Hair I Dr. Sabonraad, the eminent French Dermatologist, says that 98 per cent of hair losses are the resnlts of microbes and tbe neg-lect of dan druff. The antiseptic action of SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS' preparations kills microbes and removes dandruff. Their constant use for a period will, by acting directly on the hair bulbs, fnrniah nourishment, vitality and growing power to the impoverished roots and hair shafts, resulting In com plete restoration. "OLD BV DRUGGISTS. t Around with ' "- - ,, : ' ----. ' - -- " ... hit- Tii ii n n, i '-r ' -fio" dSJRU'NNTER to seepeple quiet ly walk around on on East Market street, just below theSouthernLoan & Trust Company Roof where Dealer in All Kinds of fine and medium furniture, such as BED R00n SUITS, SIDEBOARDS, HALL RACKS, CHINA CLOSETS, DINING TABLES, LEATHER Dining Chairs Fancy RocKers, Pictures, Brass and Iron Bedsteads etc. Heaviest firins: is done just before a Retreat. The flas will Vernon M Plain and Carbonated Grissoi No attention paid to Xt is Ve To see our competitors trying to get th - people from crowding our store They can never do it, as our large stock, low price and business methods are Known 10 every of the best makes at such low prices that defy competition. We have in augurated a sale of Furniture, Rugs, etc., that will make this montlh Tthe Sted Fto c Ur Stry NCWly married COup,es re espSry ! N,. 6 , r the Flag of Old fc? -s is i tri S SI Pop Quns. one. uur large tloors are crowded with gs, Sewin Sliades, J. McDUFFI Greensboro's Leading Furniture Dealer, nd buy goods of the same qaulity for one-third less than they would have to pay for these under the Glory waves I H A hit 7 PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. Pi!. Scales. attorney aad Counsellor at Law Greensboro, N. C. Dr. J. E. WYCHE, DENTIST.- Office In Savings Bank building, South i ST O Office phone 2? esldence phone SI e larry G. Bessent Veterinary Surgeon DURHAM, N. C. D Member No th Carolina Veterinary dedlcal Association. 3 Telegrams promptly attended te ind correspond! nee solicited. OR. JOHN H. WHEELER DENTIST, iffice upstairs first door south of postofflce, on South Elm street. The Cigar Box 333 South Elm St. EL APRECIO, the best cigar iI -reen8boro for 5 cents. Try it. F, J. PENN. Keep Warm I 5a ve Woodl ' Save iToney! You can do these three things by buying your Air Tight Heaters of Zrutchfield Hardware Co. E. P. Parker C. S. Cude 508 8. Elm St., Op. Water Tower. Pitt's Little Early Risers, The famous little pills. An Endless Chain Of fa:t i u '-ffereoi-e 10 tne heiuty of o;r 1-iurdry wcrk y;ni can !.-- n '-om p-t.in-i wnun we hnve al-ais fri-"tn e ' - ! () ir und I - fxlr.v w r- i- UD'Xc. lu-d f r its ex qti' o lor and ar ti a " i ti ni , nnd tne fin eo dition which we al way keep it in. We use nothirg but the best washing materials that do not rotyour f.tbrics We are fully convircsd from past patronage 'hat Greensboro can sup port two laundries. We are now having two new wagons built which will be in use in a short tim--. The new wagons will be painted white. Remember we leave no saw edges on your col' ars and cuffs. GATE CITY STEAM LAUNDRY. W. A. FIELDS, Proprietor. F. B Reid. Manager. Phone 176 One Minute Cough Cure, cures. dog will hollow. Next Door to Express Office Phone No. 146.