The Greensboro E venin T.eleg 33 ram. VOL. VI NO. 5-3 GREENSBORO, N. C, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 26 1900 Price Five Cents GOOD ROADS AND GOOD SCHOOLS FOR GUILFORD COUNT Y THE BEST INVESTMENT IT IS POSSIBLE FOR US TO MAKE! lores The Prices -Ov Laiies Tailor Made Suits Suits re nt- $10.00 weed to , ill! (ilk . i'.T i'H Or. W $12.00 .1 to r;o .1 to $13.50 u-eil to $15-25 irOl tO $15-G5 :.vl to : $16.00 -.vil to 5r--50 KVtl tO ivo named Suits re sults re- Suits re- Suit Suits 38 7 65 8 10 9 00 re- re- IO 90 8- buits re- 11 ac Suit re- 3 95 prices on very low in onler to sell them quick ut'll made, all-wool, correct - ...k lined Jaeketsand up-to-date . : rt-e.'t. C iappeu Minds and Lip9 aou annoy, oecause iaer from personal beauty. For y. n one need be troublet e for long. 0 if HarshmaUow Lotion a . u. and sure relief. It is a-.;' in itbso.uw gua-autee. If . n..' hit we claim for it, i . '! cheerfully refunded, i .... -.: . ; aes with testimonials. it 1 TO Mrs. Harriet Evans, Hinsdale, 111 , writes: "I never fail to relieve my children of croup at once by usin?One Minute Cough Cure. I would not feel safe without it." Quickly cures coughs, colds, grippe and all throat and lung diseases." Howard Gardner. "Is your husband a sound sleeper?" asked the doctor. "Sound?" said the long-suffering wife. " Why , it sounds so kud I can't sleep myself." No Cure No Pay. That is the way all druggists sel Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic forChills and Malaria. It is simply iron and quinine hi a tasteless form. Child re r l)ve it. Adults prefer it to bitter, naue&tin? tonics. PHne. W. One-Cent- a- Word Advertisements inserted in tnta eohmi at one cent per word for eaeh Insertion-! PICTURE FRAMES made to order at McDuffie's furniture store. f27 FREE SHOW at M. G. Newell & Co.'s. Six styles rubber-tire buggies now in stock. Others to fol follow. 1 all and see our display of Sterling, Eagle and Crescent bicycles. BARBOUR buggies a-e best. Hung on any spring. Sold only by Towscnd. feb 24 lw UPHOLSTERING Furniture. Over hauled, repaired, cleaned and varnished Cook stoves repaired S-nd us a postal Or call at 110 West i arktt sireet. 3 J t m w. WANTED AT ON E 5 good, live men to sell and collect in and around Greensboro, The Singer Mfg. Co N. C. Address, , Winston, N C. EASTMAN'S kodans and supplies sold hv John R. Farias. Drug gist. n4-tf. c ontractors should remember that I plaster, etc, just as cheap as any one. W. O. Sratford. It. OUTLOOK Home Journal and Liter ary Digest at Kerr's. It. Horn's Drug Store, MuJoo House Building nP"0SL- -ipv.on wo-k a specialty. JOHN THAVi M.D. F.iYSICIAN and URGEON Specialties: SURGE -iY and 0PTHUM0L0GY i 'lasses ti t-jd when needed. All C prompt y attended. 1 'tk-e in li r:ss-rn U a; Id in?, opp. Mc i .. H(.u?e Tel-'pbor.e. h9. Hour V . 11 a. in.. 3 t 4. 7 to 8 p m. Resi i .-. 2.T rldtrt-worth St. 'Phone, 173 TE have jut received 750 bushels nice wnitecorn. We will sell it st the lowest market price. Hiatt & LamK It TRUE LOVE NEVER RUNS It of supplies. John B. TODAKS $5.00 to $25.00 Druggist THERE is man's. Druggist. All kinds Farias, n4-tf. only one kodak East Sold by John B. Fariss, LARGE stock fresh Garden seeds at Gardner's. FORSAIE-Good stove and fire mace wood, also fat Dine kindlio? i . . Monroe, wood. Pitts & lumber dealers wood and fl9 2w DR. BURBANK, Ophthalmologist. GLASSES ADJUSTED. & Trust U::.ce ;iQl-M Southern Loan Co's Building. MERCHANTS know many goods have advanced. We bought a large stock before recent advances If you want to save money, look thiough our stock before you pur W . Scott K CO. I2U-1W Smooth -So the Old Sayiog Ooes Was Demonstrated Saturday. High Point, Feb. 26 Mr. and Mrs. Fred N. Tate, of Charlotte, spent Sun day in this city visiting the family of Mrs. Tate's father. Clarence J. Field came np from Charlotte Saturday night and re mained over Sunday. The new electric chandeliers at the Methodist church were in use last night for the first time. They are pretty and throw out good light and the ladies aid society of the church Is is to be complimented in securing them. While operating a jointer at the Eagle Furniture Company's, Eugene Hiatt, an employee, got his left hand mashed so badly that amputation was necessary. He is getting along nicely. Hugh W. Lewis and A K. Venerable were here yesterday on a pleasant mission. An interesting trial took place here Saturday in which a fair damsel and a gallant youth were the princi pal actors. The young people have been lovers for quite a while. The father of the girl is a farmer and lives a few miles from this place. He ob jected to the young man paying atten tion to his daughter and told him so, but the wife ook sides with the young man and invited him to come. This he did. The husband then indicted the young man for trespass. A war rant was served on the youth and the wife of the man who swore out the war rant went on the young man's bond. 1 he main point argued at the trial was that toe man did not have entire possession of the place, as it was th9 property of his father-in-law, who lived With him, and that it was agree able for the young man to see the old gentleman. The case was decided against the prosecutor, it being main tained that the wife and husband were one and that she had equal right to invite the young man to the place. An appeal was taken to the superior rourt. The pjople who witnessed the "Side Tracked" performance here Saturday nght seemed to have enjoyed the play. E. M. Armfleld spent Sunday in Lexington. Miss Ida Beeson stenographer at Greensboro spent yesterday here with h-r mother. Union sirvices were held at the M. E. church last night. Notwithstand ing the cold weather quite a good crowd was out to nearwie paewr, xvev. J. R. Scroggs, who preached an ex cellent sermon. Messrs. R. Kearns and A. day at home, MR, BUTLER DISAPPOINTED At the Date for Democratic Na tional Convention. BELIEVES THERE WILL BE FUSION BEN TILLMAN'S PITCHfORK. THE SOUTH CAROLINIAN Q1VES SENATOR MORQAN A JAB. R. Ragan, Gurney L. Burns spent Sun in Thomasville. Did chase. I they quarantine you, boys. T7REE SHOW at M. G. Newell & Co. Call and see our display of Sterling, Crescent and Lagle bicycles. I 1 tl TTADN'T you better get ahead of the next rain or snow by buying a pair of shoes? We sell good shoes cheap J. M. Hendnx & Co. IZU tf SOflE PULPIT NOTES. TURED aching feet find perfect ease, J- warmth aod comfort in a pair of "Ultra" shoes. Ladies try a pair for your next new shoes. For sale only by J M. Hendrix & Co. f20 tf WE are Silling shoes at remarkably low prices these days J. M. Hebdrix & Co. Try VIcWs Lax tlve lets, ioc Box. Cures night - Quinine Tab. cold in one To Our Friends and Customers. We resrret to announce to r ur friends and customers that on the viiir-j of Feb. 4ita, 19tX, our stockof Clothing, Hats nd Furnishings t- almost entirely destro rd by fire and water, a' d our building . . dmag-ed, which will unavoidably cause a suspension of our n 5 fur a short uine. t oGirac s have been made and the workmen are rebuilding our r. . which will be pushed to completion as rapidly as possible, and :. kj to be able to reopen on or about April 1st, at our old stand, : t i entire new and beautiful stock of Clothing and Gents' Fur- -:. r a -. Aii 'he s'ock saved from the fire has been sold to Mr. Jacob Gold- ;r, c.f runviile. Va., and Mr J. Rosi ngartner, of Raleigh, N C. - f ei trrau ful to all onr friend and customers f--r their very r il p n-or.aj.'e in the past, and hope by fair dealing and a strict .:n to bn-iress to merit a cqntinuaoee of same. A'e would thank all parties indebted to us to callnd sett'e same, a.rf- anxious to balance our books. Also request all parties ac.'-)unts against us to present same. Our office is at present S .uh Davie street, two (2) doors north of C. P. Vanstory's tabks, in the McAdoo House building. Very Respectfully, C. M. VANSTORY & CO. Interesting Srvlce at the Churches Yesterday. Dr. Rowe preached at West Market Street M. E. church in the morning His text was taken from the 14th verse of the 14th chapter of Job. "All the days of my appointed time I will wait until my change comes." Rev. Mr. Holcomb, evangelist, oc cupied Dr. Rowe's pulpit at the night service. A feature of the morning service was the offeratory, which consisted of an inspiring trio by Misses Carraway and Wood and Mr. Crawford. They sang Blessed Trinity, by Holden The morning sermon at the First Presbvterian church consisted of the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. There was no sermon. At night Dr. Smith preached his second sermon in the series "The Creed of Christ." He nre&ched from the eaxie text as last i Sunday night, a part of the second verse of the 12th chapter of Hebrews. 'Looking off unto to Jesus, the Cap tain and Perfector ol our iaitn, tnis being his interpretation of the Sc-ip- tural version "Looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith." The importance of the subjict was urged in the thought that creed makes charac ter, what we believe that we are; there fore we cannot have -Christ's ctrarac ter unless we accept bis creed. The topic of the sermon was: "What was Christ's Chrlstoloev." that is, what was his belief as to his own person and nature? The sermon was in an swer to this question, a portrayal of Christ as a true, genuine, butcomplete man, at the same time God full and complete, the son of God and map, the one mediates between God and man After the sermon a quartette consist ing of Messrs. Parker, Taylor, Blount and Cunningham rendered an appro priate selection. SHORT SQU:BS. if 6 One Hundred And Ten Pairs slightly shop worn ladies shoes and Ninety Seven Pairs men's to be sold at and below cost. Come early and get first choice. hackep & Brockmann. Helpful In the Judicious Expenditure of Money. "Next to the consumer" is where the GraensboroL imber Company stand in the lumber business See new ad. Some ladies shoes, slightly shop worn, are to be sacrincea at xnacxar & Brockmanu's. A big run last week at Harry-Belk B'os. Tqey mean what they advertise and the people respond. See ad to day. Know what a success is? Read the new ad todav of Will H. Matthews fc Co , and it will tell you. The live grocer's ad is a boon to the housekeeper in deciding what to buy. The very thing you want may be found In Smith & Murch soo s ad today. A te riffle snowstorm, accompanied by a 40-mlle gale, prevailed through out northern Ohio yesterday, serious He Wanted Democratic and Populist Conventions Held at the Same Time-Other. News. Special to tb Telegram. Washington, Feb. 26 Senator But ler, who has just returned from the meeting of the populist national com mittee at Lincoln, Nebraska, is said to be much disappointed at the result of the democratic national committee in determining to bold their conven tion in July. He was hopeful that the democratic convention might be held at the same time as the populist con vention, and that both conventions might unite on the same candidate for vice-president. He is still of the opin ion that the democratic national con vention will select the populist nomi nee for vice-president. This opinion of Senator Butler is not shared to any large extent by North Carolina or Virginia democrats coming to Wash ington. The North Carolina demo crats are particularly, if anything can be judged from those coming to Wash ington from time t- time, opposed to the nomlratino by the democrats of a populist or vice-president. They fa vor the nomination of a straight dem ocrat The democratic party in the south has already suffered enough, they say from the populists, whose motto in the south seems to bn to either ruin or ruin The North Caro lina democrats lay much of the blame of the present Russell regime in North Carolina, upon the shoulders of the populists, to wish to have any affilia tions with them in political contests such as the next presidential campaign will be. North Carolina and Virginia demo crats look with much favor upon the suggestion of Senator Daniel, of Vir ginia for vice-president, and if the senator does not interpose, th re will likely be a decided sentiment in both states, as well as in other southern states for Bryan and Daniel in 1900. Mr. Bromley, and bride, left Wash ington immediately after the reception at British legation for a southern tour, hich will be spent at Palm Beach, Fla. Mr. Bromley before leaving the city made the plans of the young cou ple public. They will remain at Palm Beach for about three weeks, return ing direct to Washington, where tbey ill spend a few days at the British legation before sailing for their home in England. The wedding Saturday as one of the most largely attended of any similar event at the national capital for years. It is regarded as a fitting close of what has been one of the most brilliant socia1 seasons of the national capital. Washington city was caught in a small sized blizzard Saturday night. At five o'clock great clouds rolled up from the north west, and the wind be gan blowing at the rate of about thirty miles an hour. At six rain fell in tor rents with the temperature standing at fifty-two degrees. Poon thereafter the temperature began to fall, and at eight o'clock stood at thirty-four, only two degrees above freezing, which quckly charged the rain to a driving snow Between eight and ten o'clock the wicd blew almost a hurricane force, doing some damage to trees, chimneys etc The driring mow made it very disagreeable to pedestrains, car driv ers, and otners wno naa to be out or doors. At 10 o'clock the ten perature stood at twenty-five and still falling. The scow continued to fall until after midnight. At six o'clock Sunday morning the thermometer registered about, fifteen degrees. The weather Sunday was fair and cold, but a high wind made it anything but pleasant for those who had to be out in It. Representative Klnttz is expected to return to Washington from a trip to North Carolina today or tomorrow. Senator Daniel, of Virginia, has in troduocd a bill in the senate to refer the claim of John 8. Mosby, against the United States, for the value of certain tobacco to the court of claims. The bill has been referred to the com mittee on claims. Postofflce has been established in North Carolina at Cooleem, Davie pounty. Postoffioe hag also been established at Lillian, Wake county. Robert P. Caldwell has been com missioned postmaster at Newton. N- C. Among North Caro ioa people 'o Washington Sunday w. re D. K. Cos well and U. N. Moss, of Charlotte, and James S. McNeill, of Fayetteyille, He Strongly Attacks the Bill to Pro vide a Territorial Government for the Islands of Hawaii. Washington, Feb. 24 When the senate convened today Mr. Hale, of Maine, reported the diplomatic and consular appropriation bill and gave notice that at an early date next week he ould call the bill up for consider ation. At the conclusion of routine busi ness Mr Penrose, of Pennsylvania called attention to the proceedings ye ter day with reference to the t eating of M. S. Quay of Pennsylvania, and said that he did not desire to proceed with fie case today. "I desire to notify the senate, however," he said "trat on Monday I will call up the resolu tion, and if no member representing the majority report of the elections committee Is ready to speak the min ority will proceed with the debate " Consideration of the Hawaiian gov ernment bill was resumed, the pending question being on the amendment of vlr. Piatt of Connecticut, providing that the rreo'dn should appoint the chltf justices "f the supreme court and judgt of too circuit courts, and tha' the governor of that territory should appoint the officers, the amendment limiting ihetenuroof cilice of &i p int ers to four years. In a Vr.hi ment hpeech Mr. of Sou ii Carolina attacked the bU a reported to the senate, and in passing made a personal arraignment of Sen ator Morgan for allege d lack of cour frsy. "The oligarchy which exists in Ha waii." d glared Mr. Tillman, "and this bill perpetuates, is powerful and unscrupulous. It is an autocracy greater thm ever existed outside of Russia. "I sympathise with the senator from Connecticut in his eff rts to secure a properly appointed judiciary for the islands a judiciary not controlled by tne ougarcny wnich now nas its grip on the Is1 ends." Referring to an incident which or curred the other day, in which Mr. Morgan, of Alabama, declined to yield to Mr. Mr. Tillman to reply to a statement made by Mr. Wolcott of Colorad , concerning the suppressed vote of South Carolina, Mr. Tillman said: medt I received from the senator (Mr. Morgan). Never in my experience in the senate have I been treated so dis courteously by any member of the senate." Mr. Morgan endeavored to interrupt Mr. Tillman, but the latter waved him aside, saying: "I decline to yield to the senator. He has put himself out side the pale of courtesy and consider ation so far as I am concerned." He then explained the circumstances of Mr. Morgan's refusal to permit him to reply to Mr. Wolcott. "When I arose to explain the situa tion in South Carolina as it was pre sented by the senator from Colorado," s a d Mr. Tillman, "the senator from Alabama said; 'No, I cannot permit you to speak now I'll leave you to fight i. out some other time'.' "It was the first time in my experi ence that I had ever been refused a hearing in like circumstances. No re publican would have denied me the privilege, because there is no man on that side of the chamber so lacking in courtesy and decency." THE SITUATION UNCHANGED General Cronjc Said to be Com p'etcly Eitcirced BRITISH EXTENDING TRENCHES Boer Ammunition Wagons Blown Up Five Hundred of Cronjt'sflen Captured. London, Feb. 26 The war office had ;iven out no further official news from General Roberts at noon today. Spe cial dispatches, however, showed that fierce fighting was proceeding around General Cronjs's laager. Reinforce ments for Cronje made afresh attempt to succor the beleaguered army, but failed. This news was contained in an undated dispatch and may have referet ce to the affair of Fi iday or Saturday. It is said in a Paarceberg despatch, undated, via Modder river Sunday evening, that B irdcrers and Yorkshires have repulstd a B ter at tack, inflicting heavy l.s oeaeral French, up to date, has oa, tured over five Hundred pri?oners from C onje't camp and two hundred other prisoner have already arrived a. Cape Town. Paardeberg, Sunday, (delayed) The 8tuuion is unchanged. General Jroi.j-J is completely encircled now vith Britieli troops and the engineers are constantly extending the trenches nea er the laagt r. Toe artillery fire s incessant and b comts deadlier every hour. A Saturday dispatch, which was de layed, says a war balloon located a group of Boer ammunition wagons to day in the bed of Modder liver. The position was described to the artillery and a storm of shells were showered from several batteries that concen trated their fire upon it. Several wagons were b own up and a number of Boers were killed A determined attack was made yesterday upon the Yorkshires, but they hugged the trenches and showered such a hot fire that the Boers retired with heavy loss. Paardeburg, Sunday A British cavalry division went twelve miles east yesterday and scattered and des troyed several parties of Boers who were trying to escape. Intermittent ring of British gun s through the ight while tne engineers were building trenches toward the Boer position around the laager. motners tears, pleadings and prayers are all in vain. She covers a sore and bleeding heart, and mother like t-ies to hide his disgrace from the world. But alas, the community is shocked our boy is a drunkard a mother's heart is broken and the world goes merrily on. What say you to this? A Father. Why OBJECTED TO A BATH. HIsLife Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a won derful deliverance from death. In telllnar of It he says: "I was taken with typhoid fever that ran into pneu monla. My lungs became hardened. I wa bo weak I couldh't even sit up In bed. Nothing helped me. 1 ex pected to soon die of consumption, when I heard of Dr. King's New Pis it i covery. une Dome gae great reuei. I continued to use it and now am well and strong. I oan't say too much in its praise." This marvellous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for oil throat and lung trouble. Regular sizes 50 cents and 11.00. Trial booties free at C. E. Ho ton's dru? store; eve-y bottle guaranteed. Blobb-"Tuey live in doubt if they have a spare euests." Slobbs "Then suppose there's even doubt." a flat. J room for I don't room for a A Prisoner Escapes from crobe Incubator. the VII- Last night a water pipe on the top Boor or tne jail broke and lettnewxitr down upon the prisoners in the i-e'! below. The prisoner? obj ct to a b tb on general principles, and especially to a cola one in jau in tne middle ol a co"d night. Their cries of fire and other noisy protects brought thegnard and jailer to the scene. 1 he jailer er tcred the cell to count the men ovtr with a view to changing them to an other cell, as the water had covered the floor. While the jailer was inside the guard was left with instructions to close the outside door. Instead of closing the door the guard stood in the doorway. During the confusion and darkness one Clyde Sellars by name, a medium sized colored youth Imbued with a great dislike for cold water under and also moved by a yearning for liberty, slip, ped bv the guard who by reason of aire and darx ness did not see him Out into the cold, chilly, frigid, still silent starlit night Mr. Sellars took sneak, where, whence or whither is not knowq. Suffice it to say: Alas! he gone! Incidentally it were well to re mark that Sellars was spending his time in the microbe incubator about something concerning of a horse steal in,. .Dally Smallpox Report. To Z. V. Taylor, Mayorj. I have to report the following as the condition of the smallpox cases in the city limits! Number of cases, per last report. , . Number of new cases today Number of cases discharged today.. Total No. cases In city limits.. 15 Number of suspects released 13 The new case appeared among the suspects. Edmund Harrison, M. D Sworn and subscribed before me this day, February 28th, 1900. J no. J. Nelson, G S, C THINQS SAID BY THE WAY. Town Boys Do Not Achieve Greater Success in Life. To the Editor of the Telegram: In Saturday's issue appeared an ar ticle "Obiter Dicta," which In my opinion opens up a wide field for thought. The writer states facts with out much comment and shows his won derful astuteness, when calling atten tion to facts which found existence right here in Greensaoro and then leaving the reader to determine for himself the causes leading up to them. He states a fact which cannot be con troverted "that nearly all the succtss- ful business men were raised in the country. Why is this invariably the rule in all cities and towns. Are not our towns boys bright and promising? Are not their advantages far better than the oountry boy? Are not many of them son 4 of these successful men, who came from the country V And why should not these boys make useful and successful men liite their country fath ers? These are the inquiries uppermost in our minds, and wny not bring tne facts out clearly and show the true cause for the existing conditions. Before I go into thj causes directly attributable to the failure of our town boys in business, I desire to say a word in defence of town mothers in general. I speak from experience and l believe our suc cessful country fathers and moth ers will agree with ms when I say that our town boys are better cared for, re ceive more attention and have far greater advantages than the country boy. Our facilities for educating him are better our churches are morenum erous. The mothers have more time todevot3to his moral and religious training yet his life is a failure Some of the brignest minds tnat ever graced the halls of our state institu tions of learning were reared in our cities and towns some here in Greens boro who wrecked their lives. Can you lay the fault at tbeir parents door? God forbid: Did not that devoted and and loving mother mark his every step until be aohieved greatness and distinction at college? Then why should her tender christian influences be at fault in the further oourse of his life? No, we must look elsewhere fo the causes that lead to his failure in life. No mother ever put a stumbling block in the pathway of her boy. There is not a mother in Greensboro who ever voted or signed her name to a license to sell liquor in an open bar room. The barrooms of the past were the machines of destruction that slew our boys. This fact cannot be denied They were places of great attraction where General, Colonel and Major so and so frequented and said na&ny witty and smart things in their social glasses. Our boy too, found many admiring friends here, ever ready to compliment him on his distinction at college. Then again, there is no harm in social glass or a little game at cards General and Colonel and Major So and So are bier men around town and they always take a drink when they want it and su ely it is permissiable in our boy. It is not long now before our boy comes in late at night. The, APPEAL TO AQUINALDO. Iiv tatlon to Become "A Good Cltl zm of This Olerious Country." Pocahontas (Kaneas) Sun. Agui, jom do not know what a good hing you are missing by not wanting to become a citizen of this grand country of ours. There is nothing else like it under the sun. You ought o send a delegation over here to see us -this land of the free; this land of churches and 470,000 licensed saloons, Bibles, fort-t, guns, and houses of grayer, the millionaires and paupers, heologlans and thieves, libertines ind liars, OLriataits and chain gangs, politicians and poverty, schools and jrisons, scalawags, trusts, and tramps; virtue and vice. A land where we make bologna of logs and canned beef of sick cows and j d mules and horses and corpses of people who t at It; where we put men n jail for not having means of sup- oort and on a rock pile if be has no ib; here we have a congress of 400 nen to make laws and a supreme court it nine men to set them aside; where ood whiskey makes bad men and bad oin make trood whisker: where news papers are paid for suppressing the oruih and made rich for telling a lie; wiere professors draw their convic--ions and salaries from the same source; wnere preachers are paid from $1,000 to io,000 a year to dodge Satan and tickle tne ears of the weal thy. Where business consists in getting property in any way that will not land you in the penitentiary ; where trusts hold you up and poverty holds you down; where men vote for what they qo not want for fear they will get what they want by voting for it; where wo men wear false hair and men dock their horses' tails; where men vote for thing one day and swear about it the other 3t4 days in ths year; where we have prayers on the floor of the ational capital and whiskey in the basement; where we spend a,000 to bury a congressman and 810 to put a man away wnen he is poor; where the government pays the army officer's widow $5,000 and the poor private who faceu the shell $144, with insinuations that he is a government pauper and a burden because he lives. Where to be virtuous ia to be lone some, and to be honest is to be a crank; where we sit on the safety-valve of conscience and pull wide open the throttle of energy; where gold is wor shipped and God is used as a waste- basket for our better thoughts and good resolutions; where we pay $15 for a dog and 15 cents a dozen to a poor woman for making shirts; where we teach the untutored Indian the way to eternal life and kill him with bad booze; where we pijt a man in prison for stealing a loaf of bread and - in congress for stealing' at bank or a railroad; where check-books ard sins walk in broad dayligh, justice is asleep, crime runs amuck, corruption permeates our social fabric, and Sa tan laughs at e,very corner. Come to us, ftgsu we nave tne grandest ag gregation of good things, soft things, and hard things of all sizes, varieties, ana colors ever exmoited under one bi j tent. Send your delegation and we will prove all these assertions for truths. This Does Not mean that we haven't all the other sizes in Boy's Suits. Ages 3 to 16. in But we have 86 Styles 11-year-olds," consist ing of Cheviots, Cassi meres, Worsteds, Gray and Blue Serges, Tricots, Corduroys, &c. And for Toirorrow you will buy this particu lar size for less money than you would think possible. To get choice you must come early. Rankin, Chlsholm, Stroud & Rees. 300 S. Elm Street Death by Electrocution. Sing Sing, Feb. 26 Antonio Ferreo whs electrocuted this morning at 8:28. Five shocks were given. The current was turned on eight minutes. Four ladies' long cloaks, size 32 and 34, former price $3 00, now one dollar each. Five ladies' jackets, large sleeves, former price $2 50 and $3 00, now $1 60. One size 34, nice all wool j-tcket, large sleeves, former price $5 50, now two dollars. One size 32, navy blue jacket, former price $4.50, now $1.75. Three children's jackets, former price $1.50, now ninety cents, Two children's jackets, iormer price $2 50. now $1.5 J. Twochildren's jack ets, former price $2 00, now $1 25, at Thacker& Brockmann TRY THE TELEGRAM'S PENNY COLUMN. SICK HEADACHE If a very disagreeable and troublesome ailment, but you may prevent it or cure it by using HICKS CAPUDINE Headache cure. 15, 25, and 50ct. at Drugstores. A Fair Sight. Our ancestors were not blind to the Beautiful, but a a great many in this age are almost so through defective vision. Want of properly adjusted glasses, and abuse by neglect, waitng too long before using glasses, is the cause of much of this trouble. Don't you think saving your sight will be a paying investment? We adjust glasses that enable you to see with pleasure. Our work is guaranteed. Drs. R L & E. H. MOORE, 112 E. Market Street. Greensboro, - N. C. FRESH BUTTER aoc lb. Eggs, Chickens, Canned Goods, Kinghams smoked meats, King ham's Hams, Kinghams Lard and everything in the Groceries line, at prices as low as any one in the country. Give us a call before buying. VUNCANON & CO., Reliable Grocers. 3outh Elm Street Phone No. Harris Lillna Hair Brushes. Fresh At Gardners Cos. Opposite Post Office. 75o. I $1.00 Hair Brush for See Window Display. JNO. B. FARISS, Druggist, 121 South Elm Street. ly blocking trafflo.