k 1 li III TXVXVAW Jkv Wlwv . . n BIG CROWD AT COLORED FAIR 2000 PEOPLE YESTBKW!. Principal John K. Ray Refasea to Leave North Carolina Col. A. B. AndMWi' Twenty-Five Years With the Southern York to be Tried in Raleigh. Special Correspondence of The Telegram. PtaiMoh Nov 2. There were ncor turn thnnSAcd DBODle at the negro State fair yesterday afternoon. The feature of the day was the address of president James B. Dudley, of the Agricultural and Mechanical College t. firpRnsboro. It was full of the very best advice for his race.whomhe urged rntP thir attention to industrial development. There are to be auite a number of marriages here between this date and the holidays, some of persons very prominent in society. The Una Clayton Company will be at the Academy of Music all next week. Two Wilmington people are with this company. Yesterday was the 25th. anniversary of Col. A. B. Andrews' connection with the Southern Railway. He began as superintendent of the North Caro lina railway. Prior to that he was , superintendent of the Raleigh & Gas ton. He is one of the most modeitmen on earth. There is perhaps only one man who exceeds him in this direction, that being Gen. Robert F. Hoke. The case of J. L. York, charged with using the mails for swindling at Payetteville, is to be tried here next month. York is a remarkable man. He twice had opportunities to leave jail, but refused to go. As an indication of the great crowd at the fair here last week, it may be stated that the receipts of the Sea board Air Line from sale of tickets on its trains between Raleigh and the fair grounds were $1,000 greater than in 1899. Principal John E. Ray, of the State Institution for the Blind here, today formally declined the presidency of a Baptist college in another Southern Stat, the college in question having co-education and a $250,000 endow ment. It is really the fourth time Mr. Ray has declined the offer during the past two years. It" is said that the resolution intro duced yesterday at Wilmington by J. B. Freeman, at the meeting of the State election board, in which he sought to prevent the holding of the senatorial primary, was one of those things agreed on at the recent Repub lican conference at Greeneboro, over which Senator and State Chairman Pritchard presided. News was received here today that the cotton mill owners in Alamance have notified the union men who are not at work to vacate the company houses in ten days. Some of the Republicans appear to be worried about the declination of A. H. Slocumb of the nomination for Congress from the Third District. They had been boasting that they would have a straight nominee in the field in each district, and Slocumb's retirement broke up this arrangement. MR. MANNLNC ENTHUSIASTIC Say General Carr is Gaining: Rapidly in the West from Charlotte and Salisbury to the Tennessee Line. Ihirham Special to Charlotte Observer. This morning Mr. J. S. Manning re tilrwdfrom a trip through the western part of the State and was highly enthused over the outlook for Gen. Carr. "Mr. Manning, I saw you get off the train from the west this morning. In what part of the State have you been?" I asked him. "I have been in the western part of the State," was his reply. "How do you find Gen. Carr's chances in the west?" . "I was very much gratified as a friend of Gen. Carr to discover the great strength he has developed in the western part of the State from Char lotte and Salisbury to the Tennessee line," replied Mr. Manning. "I found his friends enthusiastic and hard at work, and Gen. Carr gaining votes every day. There can be no doubt that the west will give him a much larger vote than Mr. Simmons. I read in the morning papers the interview of Mr. C. M. Busbee, manager for Mr. Simmons, and noted his estimate of Mr. Simmons' majority in part only of the State. The most convincing re ply to Mr. Busbee's estimate will be given next Tuesday, when, in my opin ion, it will be ascertained that Gen. Carr has received more votes at the primary than Mr. Simmons, and he will be the next United States Senator from North Carolina. I have traveled over much of the State and my confi dence in his election grows each day. I have been in many counties in dif ferent sections of the State, and I am confident of Gen. Carr's election." rotof.sboe f.p of Gold Dollars . but s' meihiDg of greater value tnn eithe, Pre tection and Comfort for those tired and overworked organs of vision is what you get what if you consult Drs. H. L. & E. H. Moore, and have glasses adjusted. Their work satisfies. Remember your child's eyes. 112 E. MARKET ST. flOME $PECIAUlES. FINE CIGARS TOILET SOAPS HURLBUT'S FINE STATIONERY KERN'S FINE CANDIES and a fine line of DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES, GRISSOM & FORDHAM, Prescription Drufrplsts, A LOVELY- New Line of Rings Cut Glass, Fancy Pieces in Steriing Silver, Table Ware and a general assortment of Jewelry just received. We are receiving daily shipments of new and seasonable goods. Remember our terms are cash, and upon this basis we can sell you goods cheaper than you can purchase samearticles elsewhere. Call and test this fact. W. B. FARRAR'S SON, Jeweler, Engraver and Inspec tor of So. R. R. Watches. M. R. Farrar, Prop Established I868 wm.G.sier. REAL ESTATE BRIEFS. FOR SALE One house and lot on East Lee street, known as the Jackson house, 100 feet frr nt, 180 feet back. FOR SALE Oae six-room House on Cedar street, finished in Hardwood Double floors, etc., on very cheap terms to quick purchaser. FOR SALE One five-room Cottage on Walker avenue, near the Normal. FOR SALE One ten-room House on Lindsay street. It has sewarge, city water, range, etc. Can be bought very reasonable. FOR SALE A Cottage that's built for two. It has four rooms with all modern conveniences. FOR SALE One ten-room House, all on one floor, with every conve nience. This is situated on Arlington street. WE must remind you of the beauti ful homes we have for sale on Sum mit avenue. You should see them be fore buying elsewhere. FOR SALE One eight-room House on S. Elm 6treet, convenient to sta tion. FOR SALE A good House on Walker avenue; very cheap. It has eight rooms, with all modern im provements. WE have a beautiful Home on Ashe boro street. If you would look at it, we could sell it to you. For information concerning any of the above, call on or address L. H. STURGIS & CO., 115 Court Square, Greensboro, N. C. DO YOU READ? Let us know what periodical you read, or contemplate subscribing for. We take orders for any periodical published and will deliver those you order at your home promptly as they are issued. Books and Music by Special Order, at extremly low prices. SOUTHERN NEWS CO., Upstairs in the new McDuffie Building, South Elm Street, To the Deaf : A rich lady cured of her Deafness and Noises in the Head, by Dr. Nich olson's Artificial Ear Drums, gave $10,000 to his institute, so that deaf people, unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Address No. 1213-c, The Nicholson Institute, 780, Eighth Avenue, New York, U. s A. sl2-ly. rooms and examine our goods. I Odell Hardware The immaculately neat appearance of the man whi se linen is done up at th? lsund ry is always pure to excite admiraiir-n. Our new method nf laun derh g shirt, c Urs and cuffs with our beautiful I)r mestie finish mak s them look iiWe new nnd sa ves-your linen. The work we are now turning out can not be excelled. Phone u fop your npxt bundle Wf are sure to pleaseyou. Household linen done up equal to new GREENSBORO STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 72. Cures Dandruff, Falling Hair, Brittle Hair and all Scalp Troubles, such as Itching, Eczema, Eruptions, etc Purely Vegetable, harmless and reliable. Sure Guaranteed even after all other remedies have faiUJ. or money refunded. A CHICACO MAN WRITES: t -n ! pamell Ave., Chicago, May 15. 1899. I used Coke Dandruff Cure" for baldness and aftet two weeks using the hair began to grow. Inside of slit weeks my head was covered with hair. Also cured mj daughter of the worst case of dandruff imaginable. L. ED. KORTE. For Sale by all Druggists and Barbers, Treatise on Hair and Scalp Troubles free on request. A. R. BREMER CO., Chicago. For sale by JNO. B. FARISS, Druggist, 121 South Elm street. GREENSBORO Pressing Club . GET IT OUT I That Suit and let us Clean, Press and Repair it bef or it gets cold and you can't wait to have it done. We will do it in first-class style. We send for and deliver on short notice. 'Phone 162. TTt ' bt tl in mis secuuii, mm van iurnish Locks, Hinges, etc., of the latest de. signs at lowest, template building will pay you to We also have a beautiful line of Gas Fixtures which we are offering very cheap. Christian Science vs. Medicine Medicine and Faith are both God's Gifts, and are to be used together. VICK'SRE DIABLE FAMILY REME DIES ARE Among the bpst remedies Try Vick's Magic Croup Salve, 25c. Vick's Yellow Pime Cough Syr up, 25c. Vick's Little Liver Pills. 25c. Kadok Headache Powder10e. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. COMMENCED BUSINESS, OCTOBER 2D, 1899, J. W. FRY, President. 3 . S. COX, Vice-Pres. W. B. ALLEN, Sec. Treu Greensboro Loan and Trust Company. Capital Stock, $100,000.00. Furnish travellers letters of credit, available in all parts of the world. Does a general banking business. Makes loans on improved real estate. Ne gotiates mortgages and acts as trustee. Acts as guardian, executor and ad ministrator of estates. Safety deposit boxes for rent. A Legal Depository of Court and Trust Funds. Trust funqls to loan on improved city property. DIRECTORS. John Gill, Baltimore, Md. W. H. Watkins, Ramseur'N. C. O. R. Cox, Cedar Fall, N. C. W. F.illiams, Red Spgs.,K.C. J. A. Hkdley, Mt. Airy, N C S. Bryant, R&uJUeman, N. C. J . Klwood Cox. Hith Point. N. J. A. Odell, R. M. Rees, Geo. S. Sergeant R. R. King, J. S. Cox. is wnere wa stand in the lumber business. At the kicking i am Z -i i ft puBu, aa iu were, in regard to prices. First comes the owner of the timber. He just woke up to the value of it and wants double last year's prices. Then the sawmill man. He has nDt.been making a fortune and thinks now he should share a little in the general prosperity They say to us : "We must have so much for our trees and work." After a while it is "up to you." Don't kick. You don't suppose we have nerve, enough to put up prices un less they had first been put up on us. No, indeed. But prices are NOT high. They have been to low and are just now getting reasonable. Your children will be glad to build at double the price i now costs you. It is a trite, but true saying, if you want to build, "Now is the time." -n-i-nj. uiuBiH uiiw jjaue 10 X UREENSBORO LUMBER EVERY IfORflAN A Sometimes need a reliable, moatMy, regulating medicine. Only harmless 82 tho pureot drngj aaould.be ned. . ifyoa want the best, get JBf. PeaDpo IPeiniiniTpoTal PHI0 Tho genuine pr. Poal neve diaappptot. Sold for $1.00 per box. C. E. HOLTON, Druggist. TJImtmd finest sw 'A 01 prices. If you coi or remodeling, u call at cur show o m p'y. Announcement... Having purchased Standard Sheet Music, kept by the J. C. Bishop Cash Co., of Norfolk, Virginia, we are pre pared to furnish the people of Greens boro, with reliable popular vocal and instrumental sheet music at 10 cents 4 sheet. There are several 'thousand selections to pick from. We will fur nish catalog on application, WHARTON BROS DeWitt's Little Early Risers, The famous little pills. B.'F. Mebane, . W. L. Grissom, W. D. McAdoo R. P. Gray, J W. Fry get tne stuff. CO. ifiware C