URBEN8B0R0 TELEGRAM, GREENSBORO, N. 0., DECEMBER 12, 1( CHATS FROM THE CAPITOL. SOME INCIDENTS FROM "WASHING TON LIFE. Mr. Tovne Looks the Senator, Though He Will be, One But a Short Time The Pres ident Dines Out Champ Clark the Only Oae Who Keported Democratto Gains. "Washington Post, 11th. Grosveoor, of Ohio, and Champ Clark, of Missouri, met yesterday for the first time since they engaged in a joint debate at the Mountain Lake Park "Hello, Champ!" said Grovenor. "How did you get through the cam paign?" "Splendidly," replied Clark. 4,I gained twenty-five pounds." "Well," continued Grosvenor, "I congratulate you. That is the first Democratic gain of which I have heard." The many social attentions ehown former President Harrison during his week's visit c&me to an end last eve ning with a large dinner party by Jus tice Harlan. The distinguished men prespnt to meet the former Chief Exec utive were beaded by the present hold er of that office, President McKinley, who rarely breaks through the well establishrd rule of accepting invita tions only from the members of his Cabinet, which in the present adminis tration is regarded entirely as one large family, his presence at Justice Harlan's being therefore all the great er compliment to hi9 distinguished predecessor. Other guests wi re Chu-f Justice Fuller, the Secretary of the Interior, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Justice Brewer, Jus tice Brown, Justice Shiras, Justice Gray, Justice White acd Justice Mc Kenna, all of the United States Su dreme Court; Senator Frye, Senator Hoar, Senator Morgan, Senator Spooner, Senator Fairbanks, Gen. Breckenridge, ex-Secretary John W. Foster, Rev. Wallace Rcdcliffe,D D.; A. H. Snow and Mr. Richani D. Har lan. A number of prominent men in Con gress and otherwise in. public life were gathered at Chamberlain's last eve ning, and the conversation turned to the ups and downs of politics. In the party were Private John Allen, of MIesissipi, and Senator Shoup, of Idaho, both of whom have just con cluded unsuccessful Senatorial can vasses of their respective States. "What's the matter down in Missis sippi and out in Idaho?" some one asked representative Allen, "that two such brilliant men as you and Shoup do not 6eem to be wanted in the Sen ate?'1 "Well, now," drawled the Missis sippian ot famous wit, "Idaho is a long way off, and I can't tell you much about why Shoup got left; but I can tell you about Mississippi; I know all about it." Then, in a confidential whisper and with an air of imparting some startling secret, he added: "Mississippi isn't sending her best men to the Senate this year." Towne, of Minnesota, looks every inch a Senator. He is of studious cast of countenance, which his specta cles serve to emphasize; he is dignified and quiet in demeanor and his gray hair makes him look older than he really is. He fits into the senatorial groove as if he had been made to or der. There was a little ripple in the Sen ate yesterday, before Towne was sworn in, because Governor Lind ap pointed him to serve until the legisla ture meets and his successor is elected and qualifies. Senator Chandler call ed attention to the fact that this last statement exceeded the langauge of the Constitution, which only allows an appointment to be effective until the legislature meets. Mr. Chandler did not, however, interpose any objection to the reception of the credentials, and Mr. Towne, escorted by Senator Nel son, took the oath of office. He was then conducted to a seat on the Demo cratic sidp, adjoining Senator Clay, of Georgia, where he received a cordial welcome from Senator Jones, of Ar kansas, and other Democrats. He will be a Senator only until the first week in January, but once a Senator, always a Senator. We Are HI Reminded on every sioe of the f pctthatChristmas is near at hand, and many are ataloss to know wha' to t?ive that will be use ful and apr reciaed. B fore deciding we invite all t ca 1 nd ses Moore Opnc.ii on pnny Als s e Drs. Moore abo it that aching head or tired eves. th y can adji-i glasses that will help you to better erj y the holi days. 112 E. MARKET ST., GKEENSBOKO, N. G. Protect Yourself From Winter's chilling blasts by wearing one of our Frost King; OR Frost Queen Chest Protectors All sizes, st les and prices GRISSOM & FOKDHAM Prescription Drnggists USE The One Night Cold Cure, VICK'S LAXATIVE QUININE The Certain Cough Cure. Con sumption Prevetative, VICK'S YELLOW PINE, 25 Cents. Sold by all Druggists. Just Received... An assortment of DIAMOND BROOCHES which can be used for a Brooch or Pendant. Why worry your self over making a decission for a CHRISTMAS : GIFT Come to us, allow us to offer some suggestions and ehow you some goods that will suggest themsf-l ves. We have them. It is high t'me you se lected your presents while our stock is fresh and hasn't been picked over. W. B. FARRAR'S SON, Jeweler, Engraver and Inspec tor of So. R. R. Watches. M Iproprrar' Established 1868 Wm-rasier' The joyous time now draweth nigh, The time of turkey, pudding, pie; Nor do we dream of after ills, Of squill and pills and Christmas bills! Tommy "Pop, what it a breach of A.1 n m wie peace r ' Tommj'i Fop 44 Well my eon, when your mother taW . piece of my old trousers &nrl rntr.Q - w , AMUCftWO them over for you she makes breeches of the piece. Now run a.wa.v.nri rO. . t?j The immaculately neat appearance of the man whose linen is done up at this laundry is always sure to excite admiration. Our new method of laun dering shirts, collars and cuffs with our beautiful Domestic finish mak-s them look like new and saves your linen The work we are now turning' out can not be excelled. Phone u for your next bundle we are sure to please you. Household linen done up equal to new GREENSBORO STEAM LAUNDRY PHONE 72. W. C. BAIN, Builder and Contractor, 302 S. ELM ST. Office Phone 223 ; Residence phone, 119. , , os5wmi Ode! Hardware' Company I LJ IB The Universal Food Ghoppor Arthur Waylend Cooke, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 100 Court Sa. GREENSBORO, N.C fl Household Hocossify. . . t A Meat Chopper. 1 0ne w HI I J prtore"'ier. J Machine. This Chopper is one of the very best, as well as one of the cheapest on the market. If you intend purchasing a Food Chopper, we are posi tive you will not go amiss in securing an Universal Machine. Stop in and ex amine them. m ..13 K See Our Window Display. Odell Hardware Company ILLAfJ. 8 rnn DR. J. S. BETT8, DENTIST, Opposite Hotel Guilford (MISS) JOY HARRIS. M. D. Physician and Surgeon, Office and-Residence 123 Summit Ave. (Mrs. Payne's office) Office hours; 8 to 10 a. m., 3 to 4 pm. Statement of Condition THE CITY Ml MM. BAN of Greensboro, North Carolina, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS JUNE 29tb. CONDENSED FROM REPORT TO COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY. A. M. SCALES J.I. SCALES SCALES & SCALES, Attorneys ard Counsellors at Law, GREENSBORO. N. C. C. G W RIGHT t ATTORNEY AT LAW Office : Wright Bulding, opposite Court House. H. J. BLAUVELT, ARCHITECT, WINSTON, N. G. HAVE O. B. WILKERSON, - TO BUILD - THAT - HOUSE, and save you money to furnish your parlor. ETNA LIFE INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. resources: Loans and Discounts $308,202.34 Overdrafts (secured a-d uns'e'd) 1,801.20 U S Boris iid Premiums ibo,Oi5.yy Banking house, furn , and fixtures 8, 00. 00 Revenue Stamps 310,83 Cash on hand and n hanks w, 470.77 Total $54 ,851.13 liabilities: Capital Stock 8100,(ro.OO Surplus and Profits, net 15,986.84 Circulation 100,00000 Bills pay able fi5.000.00 Deposits 270,864.25 Total- $541,851.13 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT: Deposits June 29, 1899 $205,000.00 Profit 3 " " D.4UU.UU Deposits, June 29th, 1900 5270'M Profits " 15,98600 COMMENCED BUSINESS, OCTOBER 2D, 1899. J. W. FRY, President. J. S. COX, "Vice-Tree. "W. E. ALLEK, Sec. Inn Greensboro Loan end Trust Company. Capital Stock, SIOO.OOO.OO. Furnish travellers letters of credit, available in all parts of the world. Does a general banking business. Makes loans on improved real estate, .ne gotiates mortgages and acts as trustee Acts as guardian, executor ana aa ministrator of estates. Safety deposit boxes for rent. A Legal Depository of Court and Trust Funds. Trust funds to loan on improved city property. J. A. Odell, R. M. Rees, Geo. S. Sergeant1; R. R. King, J. S. Cox, DIRECTORS. John Gill, Baltimore, Md. W. H. Watkins, Ramseur, N. C. O. R. Cox, Cedar Fall, N. C. W. F. Williams, Red Spgs.,K.C. J. A. Hadley, Mt. Airy, N C S. Bryant, RaaJleman, N. C. J. Elwrod Cox, Hich Point. N. B. F. Mebane, W. L. Grissom, W. D. McAdooj R. P. Gray, J W. Fry Best Policy Contracts, Accident Health and Life Insurance Lowest Rates for 1900 See us Before You Buy J. D. BOUSHALL, General Agent, RALEIGH, N. C, W. W. WOOoTspccial Agent, GREENSBORO, N. C Office : Entrance Christian Advocate Office. TAR HEEL COUGH SYRUP Cures Corghs or Coltfs at Once Conquers Croup, Whooping Cough, Grippe and Consumption. Quick, sure results. . SOLO AT ALL DRUG STORES 25 CENTS is where we stand in the lumber business. At the kicking spot, as it were, in regard to prices. First comes the owner of the timber. He just woke np to the value of it and wants double last year's prices. Then the sawmill man. He has n Dt been making a fortune and thinks now he should share a little in the general prosperity They say to us : "We must have so much for our trees and work." After a while it is "up to you." Don't kicK. You don't suppose we have nerve enough to put up prices un less they had first been put up on us. No, indeed. f u pxices are NOT high. They have been to low and are jus now getting reasonable. Your children will be glad to bm at double the price i now costs you. It is a trite, but saying, if you want to build, "Now is the time." And ours is the nlace to eret th stuff. GREENSBORO LUMBER CO WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY STRQII6 ARMIII nwmil I I " J the circulation, be . Z Perfect, and imPJ vigor to me whole being. All drains and losses are checked w" tion or 5 are proDerlT cured, their emutlrlMi oftn mrrlM them into Insanity, -oua" L. OT rcu ' Mlalled sealed. Price i per box; 6 boxes, with iron-dad S2p co . Clee,anfl ' money, $5o. Sead for fceo book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CU.. v C. B- HOLTON, Druggist. ThyTaVelidSeg1 have cured thou ocll rcases of Nervous sW1? Key clear the brain, XL rirculation, ak jtbr rfect. and totf" - pad?