'-' V"'. .;' S -,!.v.. , -; ..s .ir.-1-' .'- . ,. .' -i'.v '; s- ... ' .. " ill -N JV1 hp rip mm I'! " IS .il' ,!1 IU i! li if-; i TIN is;. . .-ml ih Ml if :gft ! -X if li 1 it I ! . 1 . t. r 1 i'it:f I 't, 31' lifts?-;! n I' V. I d -I am -.111 ' :;H.f.i sV ... I .1 , T .tt K:'itr.i i i.fif llHf-l wrt mm -.13 L f I" 1 I i , 3.1 II v.- f,:'H:'ii 5ii;f---;-; i ' m Hi; "1 Vt a- ii '-in 3 B :KT.: li i:: Km i'. .i j t f 1 . MM iti ft m ill i (Lri i 1 r.i . r -. , .1F..t I i f :11 vl' - FROM GEORGIA The good time that's coming is not far away;,, The weariest winter is dreaming or May; Out o the darkness the ligUt o ciav The morning! the morning! t'e morning ! IP. What of the sorrows of all the darfc years What of the lost hopes, and what of the fears ? After the grief and the rain o' the tears The morning! the morning! the morning! III. Fast past the storm clouds, unveiling the bright; The ships hear the home-bells the harbor's insight; And we dream, and we drift evermore to the light The morning! the morning! the morning! DIG THE BAIT! A Georgia singer rhymes the delight ful season as follows: "Johnnie, quit yer swingin' on the rosy garden gate; Jonnie, dig the bait, boy Johnnie, dig the bait! The blossoms they they are backward, an' the fishin' season's late; But Johnnie, dig the bait, boy John nie, dig the bait!" All of which goes to show that at leas t the fish must be nibbling. A SONG OF IT. What is spring in Georgia? Red the roses throng Bees in all the blossoms Sunshine and song! Rivers ripple music, Sweeping swift along; Velvet, violet valleys Sunshine and song! Bret Harte says England is a great country for authors. An American au thor has to go there to get this coun try to appreciate him. THE THOUGHT OF HER. I The April ways Are bright with blossoms, and the skies are blue; There is a music in the world's glad days, But evermore there comes the thought of you. II. The tender thought that brings All grief all glory in these hasten ing years. The thought that tortures and the thought that clings, With memories of melody and tears. III. The blooms are in the rain And sunlight of the world: the heav en above Hath but the shadow of a cloud t stain A world of lilies and a world of love. IV. And yet, how weary all! For these sad, pleading, outstretched hands of mine Should weave of all earth's flowers a coronal To deck that beautiful, dear brow of thine. V. Like shadows still we pass Like light that flickers on a sea swept stream. And all Love's latest language is "Alas, That life and love are dreams with in a dream!" NO FAJTH IN PRAYER. "The cashier informed me," said the president, "that he was strongly tem pted to skip with the funds, but that he locked himself up with them, pray ed over them all night, and finally overcame the temptation." "I know it," said the chief director, "I had a detecetive at his door, one at each window, and oneon the roof, while he was praying!" Headaiili oftenresulta vfrbm a d. ordered condition bf the! stomach nd constipation of the bowels. A dose or two of Cbimberlaln's t na i TH.t9 will correct these aisor drs and cure the headache. -. Sold by C. E. Holton. AID WANTBD... . Just how much -is required must be accurately measur ed Too little would only partly . . . . - Relieve the Trouble. Too much will iDjure the EYES. Drs. Moore use tbe most modern OPTICAL APA RATUS they KNOW HOW thus ab-olutely correcting: all op'ical defects All work guaranteed. ii2 E. Market Street- cleanin; Don't foreet, when you do your spring c'eanine to us disinfectants bere and tbere. A Utile disinfection just now may ave considerable money later on. Jet aloDe Lhe anxiety of sickness. An ounce of prevention" you snow. We'd like to furnish the disinfectants you need. A phone messege will bring teem quick. Grissom & Fordham Prescription Drnggists. A Croup Remedy : : That Acts Promptly A gratefuj surprise to anx ious parents i VICK b MAGIC CROUP SALVE, 2oz jar, 25c KEEP A BOTTLE IN 1HE HOUSE Sold by Druggist?. 1 1 -ii i r j ' i i i - I I- is f . l q i 1 i m . , ;; ; m-.al- 111 J I 1111 1 J VV 1J I m -mammma I m m a 1 1 iii ii ODELL ARDW. OOlj We are in a position to turnish you with the latest styles and designs of Locks, Hinges, etc.. at the Lowest Prices consistent with quality. If you are in need of this class of goods we should be pleased to have the opportunity of showing oir line and quoting you prices on same. Always glad to have our friends come see us. I n n b I t -rcr vicft President j. W. FRY, President W. E. ALLEN, Secretary and Treasurer Oreei Loan and Trust Go. YOU SEE IT WRITE CAPITAL STOCK, $ioo,coo.oo. Wills may be left with the Company at no expense for safe keeping and receipts obtained for them They are kept in fire and burglar proof vaults and will be deliver ed only to persons authorized to receiye them. The Com pany acts as Administrator, Executor, Guardian, Trustee, Etc. A Pleasureable Duty, Possibly you have need of a bank. If so, it becomes our pleasurable duty to invite you to come to this bank. In every department of banking we are prepared to serve you with promptness and liberality. IT WRITES IN SIGHT Te OLIVER TYPEWRITER Visible. Highest speed, greatest ease, best work, simple, light, durable, rapid, sells on merit. A railroad Type writer. Least parts, best alignment. It writes right, it. writes in sight. Smallest keyboard. Built to stand abuse. DON'T BUY AN OUT-OF-DATE-MACHINE on a WORN-OUT REPUTATION INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE Illustrated Art Catalog Free on application. J. GLENN SMITH. Special Representative for North Carolina GAS FIXTURES-. City National. Bank, ALL GRADES OF SOFT AND HARD Greensboro Ice 5 AN sCoal Company W b guarantee our weights and give you prompt service and clean We now have in stock a complete line of Gas Fixtures, Brackets, etc., ranging in price from 25c. up. We guar antee our fixtures first-class, and hang them free of cost. Just think of a three-light fixture in polished brass for $1B45'or a two-light fixture in oxidized copper for $1.60. GAS STOVES, GASFIXURES, GAS EN GINES, WELSBACH LIGHTS. ::::::: GREENSBORO GAS AND ELECTRIC- LIGHT CO. coal. GIVE USrA TRIAL ORDER. Those famous little pll3. DeWitt' Little Early Risers will remove all impurities from your system, cleanse your bowels, make them regulrr. Howard Gardner. Protection and Investment PRUDENTIAL'S Five Per Cent. Gold Bond Policies stand as a type of the most approved form of Life. Insurance, which combires with Protection as an attractive and profitable Investment. Prudential's policy is like hone sty, the best policy. Prudential Insurance Co. of America, MTRRAY BROS., Gen. Agents. Live, Active Agents TO anted. " " " " V Si re You Particular? Have you some out of the ordinary ideas about what your PRINTING and Office Stationery ought to be? Come straight to us' if you want your idea carried out to perfect completeness. We 're particular people ourselves, and know how to do particular work. the Zthqram Press j. c. pierce, nanager General Printers " - i - m EasllT.Quickl?. Permanently Restored. .IS lost Vitality, Nervous Beblllty, Ixwomnla, Falling Memory, af f " WMtlnff Disease and all Weaknesses resulting from earlj ' or iiw excesses, f 1 per box. 6 for 5. Mailed to any atfdres on receipt of price. Tbo Jiust MeoJcljSe Co Su Paul. Kliua. For eale by JOHN B. PARISS, DRUGGIST, Greeosboro, NO. Take No Substitute for GRIPPE KNOCKERS. They have no Equal. Price 25c. TBR- 1 1 ' r 'm V. . : "4 1 1M; mi f.-s!, 1 4 ' I i' Mil ---'r. mm 7 t - :