GREENSBORO TELEGRAM, GREENSBORO, N. C, MAY 8, 1001, l 'n i - .. SABBATH WORK INCREASING. DR. THOMPSON'S ABLE ADDRESS LAST NIGHT. (Continued on fourth" page). "Our Ameracan Sabbatli" Discussed Be fore a Good Congregation at the First Presbyterian Church. (Deferred from Thursday.) A fairly good crowd of people filled the auditorium of the First Presbyter ian church last night to hear the ad dress of Dr. Edward Thompson, of At lanta, general manager of the Sab bath League of America. His talk was practical and was well received by those present. His special topic was "Our American Sunday," and he began his address by stating that the first order issued by General Washington as commander in chief of the American army was know as general order No. 1, directing that all the forces under his command desist from all work on the Sabbath not an absolute necessity. And to this order Washington added that they could not expect God's bless ings to rest upon their efforts and en terprises unless they did observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy. "Also General Robert E. Lee issued commands of a similar nature, order ing that all work on the Sabbath shouldbe reduced to a minimum." "This principle," said the speaker, "is truly American." "The framers of the Constitution of the United States recognized the ne cessity of this same strict observance of the Sabbath when they incorporated into that Constitution the article which sets forth that the President shall have ten days, Sundays excepted, in which to consider bills. The duties of the first President were not exacting', but the giant intellects that framed the consti tution foresaw that the thirteen puny states would grow and expand until they became a mighty nation and so they wisely made this provision in order that the Chief Executive might enjoy the Sabbath. "Now the fundamental principle of the United States is equality of rights, and if the President is granted Sunday, everybody else should have it also. "Congress meets only when called by the President, or when thetime set apart for its annual assembling arrives. This time is set by the Constitution as the first Monday in December, and so Congress cannot meet on a Sunday. This is also the case with the courts, tney canno meet nor continue on Sunday.This is Anglo-Saxon, but with the French it is entirely different.There every court, from thehighest tribunal to the lowest police court, continue without regard for the Sabath. Some statistics were here introduced by the speaker showing that in ten years the population of the United Stateshas increased 26 per cent, and that there were now three million Sun day toilers in his country, an average qf one in six families. He also spoke of the Sunday ball games, dances, and other evils so prevalent in many of our larger cities, In answer to the theory that Sunday labor was necesary, he advanced the ideas of some of the world's great thinkers, shtwing that all the work done in seven days could be done in six just as well. Mr. W. W. Peabody, general manager of one of the largest railway systems in the middle states, has sated that all the work done on his system in seven days could be done in six. The action of several of the more prominent men of the country was brought before the congregation in their attitude to Sunday travel on the trains. Among the incidents mention ed were one concerning President Mc Kinley, Grover Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt, and others. The question of the Sunday mails was also brought out by Dr. Thompson, and in refutation of the argument of business men that they had to open their mails on Sunday in order to keep up with their busines, cited the stores belonging to John Wanamaker, which do a larger business than any other stores belonging to any one man onthe Atlantic coast, and yet not a single piece of their mail is opened on Suh day. The same thing was said of Mar shal Fields in Chicago, in whose store 2,200 clerks find employment, but iti which no mall fs opened on Sunday. "And further than that," said Dr. Greensboro, N. C April 22nd, 1901. Drs Moore: T&e gat justed for me give complete satis faction. It is a Teal pleasure to read with tbem, all kinds of priEt. either day or night. I can sincere ly recommend your work to all who need glasses. Yours truly, ,Rev. J. R. P croggs. DRS. MOORE CAN HELP YOUR EYES. 112 East Market Street. a They also serve who cmly A Croup Remedy : : That Acts Promptly A grateful surprise bo anx ious parents is VICK'S MAGIC CROUP SALVE, 2 oz jar, 25c KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE Sold by Druggists. HEADACHE At all drug stores. 25 Doses 2c a j Delicious, smooth ice cream is made without tho old-fashioned back-breaking crank turning by usin the HICK'S CAPUDINE 9 CURES SICK HEADACHE LAGRIPI'E, COLDS. AND ALL HEADACHES NEVER DISSAPPOINTS YOU. Century Freezer The bucket is made of indurated fibre, a perfect non-conductor, which holds the cold. Simplicity is its salient feature. No separate parts to get out of order. Can be thoroughly cleansed in a few mo ments. It will keep the cream frozen three times as long as any other freezer, and it is impossible for any salt to reach the cream. The "XXth Century Freez er freezes ice-cream, sherbets, ices, etc., better, cheaper and easier than anyother freezer. It is the lowest priced freezer on the market. : : The public, especially the ladies, are invited to call and witness this freezer in oper ation and test the cream , MS Woman'ss Crowning Virtue. Eeltox, Mo., July 27. For years I suffered terrible pains every month and rny doctor told nie I could not be cored except by an operation. I felt I could not submit to that and was bo des pondent I had siveri up all bones of a cure. My husband insisted on my trying Wine of Cardni and at last thank God I did try it. Last month I did not have a pain, and did all my work, which I had not done in seven year. MSS. MINNIE LITTLE. itrs Greensboro Loan and Trust Oo. si m 11 it $f fifi Modesty is the crowning virtue of American women. It is the that all mankind admires. A modest woman is the most pleasing of all Created things. Because of this becoming virtue thousands of women prefer to suffer untold miseries rather than confide their troubles to a physician, and to even think of submitting to an examination is revolt ing. They cant get their own consent to an operation. Wine of Cardui permits sensitive women to retain their modesty. With it they can cure u female troubles" in the quiet of their own rooms. If special treatment is required they can write to the Advisory Deoartment of the Chatta nooga Medicine Co., and their letters will be promptly answered by women trained in the cure ot womanly weaknesses and irregu larities. There should be no hesita tion. Delayed treatment means a chronic condition. The longer postponed the harder to cure. IIMTfl KUIAB rillllTUtHT t For advice in casea requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms. Ladles Advisory Dep't, The CHATTANOOGA BfcintixKco., cnattanooga, Tenn. A LARGS BOTTLE P WINE OP CARDUI COSTS $i.OO AT THE DRUG STORE. CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. Greensboro, - - - - North Carolina We give below a list of our directors, feeling- that no further guar antee of our conservative management need be given: J. A. Odell, R. M. Rees. Geo. S. Sergeant, R. R. King, J. S. Cox. J. W. Scott, J. C. Bishop, John Gill, Baltimore, Md.: W. H Watkins, Ramseur; O. R. Cox, Cedar Falls; W. F, Williams, Red Springs; J. A. Hadley, Mt. Airy; S. Bryant, Randleman: J. El wood Cox, High Point; B. F. Mebane, W. L. Grissom, W. D. McAdoo, R. P. Gray, J. W. Fry. City National Bank. MAGNETIC flERVIHE Easily, QafcklT. Permanently Restored. KMEl A 2K5 Lost Vitality, Nervous Debility, Insomnia, toiUta Meinory, and ail Wasting Diseases and all Weakneise resulting -from a.rly or later excesses. $1 per box. G for $5. tiaifcd to aiSUires4 OftTecslpt of pries. The Kusfc JSkledlclifo Co., Bu Paul, JJ Inn. by JOHN B, FARISS, DRUGGIST, Greensboro, N. C. Upholstering; and Repairing We renovate mattresses and upholster and repair furniture. Renovating hair mattresses a specialy. We Hake thejbest Mattresses, of all kinds, on the market. They will be furnished you by any one of the furniture dealers of the city. Your patronage is solicited. J. J. NIcholls & Company. ! 112 Lewis St. , between Eagle Foundry BIdg and BlhJ. GREENSBORO, N. C Capital, $100,000. . Surplus and Profits, $18,000. Everything of a banking nature en trusted to our care receives our best attention. We shall beglad to have a share of Srour business. J. M. Walker, Pres. Lee H. Battle, Cashier. YOU SEE IT WRITE IT WRITES IN SIGHT T"! OLIV TYPEWRITER R Visible. Highest speed, greatest ease, best work, simple, light, durable, rapid, sells on merit. A railroad Type writer. Least parts, best alignment.. It writes right, it writes in sight. Smallest keyboard. Built to . stand-abuse. DON'T BUY AN OUT-OF-DATE-MACHINE on a WORN-OUT REPUTATION INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE Illustrated Art Catalog Free on application. J. GLENN SMITH. Special Representative for North Carolina: GAS FIXTURES We now have in stock a complete line of Gas Fixtures, Brackets, etc,, ranging in prke from 25c. up. W7e guar antee our fixtures first-class, and Jiangthern free of cost. Just think of a three-light fixture in polished brass for $1.45 or a two-light fixturewn oxidized copper for $1.60. GAS STOVES, GASFIXURES, 'GAS EN GINES, WELSBAOH LIGHTS - - - GREENSBORO eis isa msxm light co.

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