VOL. VHL- GBEENSBORb, N. C.i THURSDAY. ,M AY 9, 1901. Price Five Cents, SPECIAL NOTICES All advertisements utiBjr tliis head 5 cents per line ; no adver tlsment inserted for less.v.han 15 cents. OUR MEN'S PATENTCOLT SKIN and ideal Kid Oxfords are beauties. Call and seethem. jJ'M. HENDR1X cd. IF THE YOUNG MANFROM FiVE to fifteen years old would like a pair of Oxfords we have;tem to please him J. M. HENDlSS:. & CO. FRESrH FISH ON H&Ml FRIDAY and Saturday. MneTstock and low Drice. ALFORD WOLF, City Mar- keti : ; : m9-3t WINDSOR TIES THE LATEST NO 'velties of the season are now dis played in great variety. The kind that all well dressed people are wearing. HARRY-BELK BROTH- ERS COMPANY. lt FOR SALE ONE F0tJR YEAR OLD mare, well bred, and" & fine trotter. Also one 10 year old'," good saddler, and driving. W. H. WHITE, 117 E. Market Street. ' mi-'6t - i. . T " WANTED" EXPERIENCED MAN wants office work, in Greensboro. Ad dress P. O. Box. 261. city. 5 9-tf NEW WHITE PIQUES IN WIDE AND narrow Welts, lace striped dimities, all the newest and best white goods for suits, skirts and waists, and thirty styles of new cheviots, Ma dras and recoles for shirts and boys' waists just opened at THACKER & BROCKMANN'S FOR RENT A NICE NEW -fBN' room house on West Gaston street. Two bath ioom&,- nice shade, splen-: did garden, well of good water, ser vants house and stable. Ready June . 1st. Apply to DR. J. E. WYCHE. 2tljto place LOST ONE TAN POCKET BOOK,. containing about $60. Finder will return to Morrison Brothers store and be liberally rewarded. 58-4t TASTE AND ABILETX: MAKE OUR work the best. Thfcjconomy in our garments is their, e$rinj qualities. HARRY JPOEZOLT Merchant Tal-. -Tor. 57-lmo IF YOU LIKE GOOB SODA WATER drink at our fountain FORDHAM X? GI&SSdM. m7-5t DRAY AGE PHONE 104 FOR QUICK delivery. G. A. KESTLER. 'nl4-lm TURKISH BATHS MAY BE HAD every Saturday afternoon or even ing at 407 Lithia 1 ItJeet. Price 50 cents. m23-tf DID YOU EVER STtfP TO THINK how much it cost you to use gas with out a torch Ami wa--$.pers from the consequences ot ha jfflftg on. Chande lier to light the gas.-or standing on your plush bottom- chair? More damage may be done by -lighting-one chandelier one time without these conveniences than it would cost to buy a outfit for eadh1 and every room iii the house. We "nave them at all prices, 15, 20 and 25 cents for torch 2 nd wax tapers. Stop and get one, ahid thereby, stop a jiiiisance in your iouse. GATE CIT$ SUPPLY CO., 217 South Elm Street. Phone 151. ; FQR sale a walnut desk cheap. Reason, too -small, for our use. WHARTON BROTHERS. 3t i' - ' ' "i ."'. FOR SALE AT aVjE&GA v.FOR .tv" rorrl fiRLY, cash, 9-room residence street. Apply to a VY Agent. THE WEAttHErt. 'Mi For NrihCaixlifnaRain tonight, wday fair & west;? ln"as pdrr tibn;i freuUx tSwest winds. oro Hihest: - tertPeta ity lour tidurs 'enaihfi:Veirt " ww& ims mornin oz lowest 04,rain- REV. T. C. H0DGI1I III HIGH POINT WILL BEGIN A MEETING tHIS WEEK. THERE 0 Commencement Exercises of the High Point Graded School to be Held Com mencing Next Sunday. Correspondence of The Telegram. High Point, May 9. Commencement exercises begin Sunday at 11 o'clock with a sermon by Rev. S. B. Turren- tine of Greensboro. Monday night at eight o'clock the Irving Literary So ciety will debate on the query: "Re solved, That the Signs of the Times eta Not Indicate Long Life to Our Re public." Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock, class day exercises, consisting of addresses by the president of the class, history of the class, class poems, class essay, prophesy and music. Tuesday night at eight o'clock, Liter ary address by Hon. D. A. Tompkins, Charlotte, N. C. The address will be along the line ot technical education and of manufacturing. Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, 4 Comencement Day exerecises, consist ing of essays, and orations .from the graduating class, presentation of scholarships prizes, and graduating ex ercises. All the exercises except the debate and the social gathering will be held in the M. E. church on account of lack of an auditorium. Evangelist Hodgin.the sanctiflcation ist, arrived herd last night and will be gin a series of meetings, The place of worship is not know as he has not pitched his tent yet. Men of his faith have few followers here. Dr. A. P. Staley, of this place, has patented an improved turbine water wheel. r Mr. DeLos Thomas, agent. Norfolk and Western railroad, spent, Bometlme here this week. It is not learned what .he had In view in coming here. Won- fder if he lntends bringing his railroad u v. v. Dr. W. L. .Vestal, of Pinnacle, has moved here and will practice medicine He occupies the house oh Depot street, owned byMr. R. C. Charles. Mr. ToijeyjMilijUxer, of Augusta, Ga., is here folj$t jtp his aunt. "Mr. Wmj. ..IJathas resjigned as sup- erintenaentnoi.. me nome furniture Company , , : At ail tnr6ewa&the pliteshat Prof. Geo. H. Crowelt, f -JHjjk .Sf, made talks in behalf ofraSet. schools, the issue was carrledileffn were Lex ington, Thomasvlife, an55uIlford Col- lege 1 The following progrjani has, been ar ranged for memorjpffaylexeroises here Friday. The banct, iilrender appro- priate selections oa lilain street about 4:30 o'clock which wfll be a signal lor the public to start to the cemetery. The Jr. order, which has the exercises in charge, will assemble at the cemetery" at 5 o'clock sharps Prayer by Rev. S. H. Caldwell, of the Presbyterian: church; Short address es of 6 minutes by a number of citi zens. At the conotttston decoration of soldiers graves. Krery one is invited and the: ladte writ children are espe cially expected to bring flowers. Forty eight soldiers from the several South ern States are buried here. Over them stands handsome marble shafts, erect ed through the efforts of the Jr. Order, of this place. t0flce llapxiosiinga D llapxjoning. . . handfull of money to get the change , Will Wagstaff '"onfoeh a ten dollar bill anV arrested today by Chief Vrr. Two negroes Stewart, were arrested today by of Police Scott for gambling and were ;put In the lockup. Sheriff W. A. Henderson, ot Jack- son cojwtkspenflast mght In the city, He wSykf prisoners to it kA;'uMiU xvoTit on to TiniAicrh .this inoring. Tne prisioners were sentenced i to nerms of ffWngn ior LT ' " V ? lureto r ia oirfa wwnh tn ttHMtntj NORTHERN PACIFIC AT THOUSOT MARK AIID WALL STREET IS PANICKY ONLY ONE FIBM SO FAB GONE TO THE WALL. Snorts Making Tretnendon Efforts to Cover Themselves No Relief for Panic inSlffht. By Wire to The Telegram. New York, May 9. Noon.Wall Street panicky. Missouri Pacific has dropped thirty six, St Paul twenty-four and half, Atchison thirty-fourUnlon Pa cific thirty six, New York Central thir teen, Copper twenty,Manhattan thirty six, United States Steel eighteen, rest of list fifteen, Deleware and Hudson dropped thirty-five in one transaction. Northern Pacific deals went to two hundred twenty-five cash and finally five hundred thirty shares at seven hundred, the market showing the tremendous efforts ofthe shorts to co--ver themeselves. The panic continu es unabated vith no relief in sight, but no failures reported so far. LATER Chas. R. Sickles and Co. are the first brokers to announce a fail ure. Kuhn Loeb and Company have issued a statement saying they had agreed with J. P. Morgan & Co. not to enforce any deliveries of Northern Pa-' cific today. Northern Pacific has rea ched the thousand mark. First Parliament. By Wire to The Telegram. ,-. Melbourne, May 9. The Duke of .Cornwall opened today the first ses sion ' of . the Australian Parliament. King Edward cabled his son. - VMS 4 thoughts are -with-yowrnpoxv thikoc-. casion. I wish "the commonwealth of Australia every happiness andiprQSper Ity." Wages UpTo Steel Workers By Wire to The Telegraiar i. -1 Harrisbiirg, May JT.-Notices jfere posted today atthe various departments of the Pennsylvania Steel Works ta Steeltoir of the restoration of the ,10 per cent reduction in wages made an Jan. 1, 1901. The restoration will, take effect on June 1, and about 7,000 em njoyees will be benefited. Bfff Money Tor Seat on 'Chance. By Wire to "The Telegram. . , A seat on the New York Stock Ex change was sold yesterday for T70,000, or, with the Initiation fee paid, $71, 000. This is a new high record. WT'TO SHOW A QAX1E. Then Snirtctred a Ten Dollar Hill autf pecomped, but as Captured. Officer Jeffreys of the police force, locked a darkey this morning named Will GSbson charged with stealing ten dollars from Mr. Tom Oliver. Mr. Oliver claiins that Gibson was in his place last night and wanted to show him a trielr, -l game with several cards which v ere perfectly blank with tv.v exception of a border around the edges, similar to mourning cards. In order to work the game Gibson want ed some-raoney in his possession chan ged, and when Oliver pulled out a had oh his person cards as described by Oliver. r . . the-HWseUo I stnicK thftitawn tnis morning.; . t ... ing to be walking from Mexico ew York'pn a wager. He wore hi hangtAg;doW4 8houlders,,ikp If record thfurwr rtfBOB nuifiss cnrDcdi mw. lea THOSE WHO YILL READ ESSAYS DECISION ANNOUNCED LAST NIGHT AT THE NORMAL. The Other - Honors of ?th firrl Class The Chief Marshal a Greensboro Girl Her Assistants. The names of the six fortunate girls who will read the essava at th an- proaching commencement of the State Normal College were annouced last night. They- are: Miss Laura San- ford, of Davie county; Miss Ida Whar ton, of Forsyth county; Miss Bertha Sugg, of Pitt county; Miss Mabel Hanes, of Wake county; Miss Berta McKinney, of Rockingham county; and Miss Eunice Kirkpatrick, of Gaston county . The' other honors of the graduating class. are as follows: Class prophet, Miss Laura Sanfard, Davie county; Class Historian, Miss Mamje Hines, of Lenoir county; Class Poet, Miss Fran ces Winston, of Wake county; Class President, Miss Daisy Allen, of Wake county . The marshals selected are as follows: Chief Miss Daphne King Carraway, Guilford County . ' Assistants: Adelphians Misses Car rie Sparger, Surry county; Virginia Newby, Perquimans county; Catherine Pace, Wilson county; Fannie Moseley, Pitt county; Florence Mayerberg, Wayne county; Cornelians Mary Scott Monroe, Wayne "county; Eliza Austin, Edge combe county; Cora Asuury, Burke county; Fannie Cole, Granville coun ty; Elsie Stamps, Wake county. STOCK MARKET Tne Harrlman and 3Iorgan-IIlll Interests Said to be at War Over Union Pacific, With the Former In Control of the Situ t atlon. New York, May 8. -The stbek market was utterly demoralized this morning, by the development In Northern Pa cific. What were only sinister rumors yesterday had taitei form in positive .assertions that the iHarriman interests, 4n retaliation for the recent attempt to sPrfMirA control of Union Pacific, had ."fX.-K" -! - ' turned uppn the Morgan-Hill -mterests- and had wrested from them theconof ot;lie Northern Pacific. The competi- tlve buying caused a virtual comer in the stockj to the discomfiture and panic of a yery large short Interest. The. collateral consequences . of the opinion of the war thus disclosed be tween the most powerful financial in terests in the country caused acute alarm among the large interest long of the market, on the supposition that the great financial. interests of the country , were working In accord to secure a hamciiocis coMUty Of interests throughout the entire world. The Har rlman interests, supposedly backed by the ulGs.and Standard Oil interests, in bitter warfare with the Vanderbilt-Morgan-and-Hill Interests offered alarming suggestions to the heated im agination of speculators. While shorts were bidding any prices tor Northern Pacific, therefore, speculators were un loading otier stocks all through the list. By some means Northern Pacific had been forced 10 points under last night's close in the London market this morning. The opening sale here was of 2,000 shares at 155, a rise of 22 over the mornings London price. On subsequent jjurchsses of blocks not ex ceeding ,2,00(1 ahares, the price 3umied five ! pfetai&i time tolSO andtliiiri 'teii Itfacki fL 155. One interval of 8 points- fesaif 500;sharel?was recorded t-- .. ' 'V . -V A ijern JUJoeior. I y?L?! . v: ..'-;.s.Xw : - r, .He Fourteen xnoatna. ai i Ha?y6u ant a? profession i ;Ohs. Wfe gomg?to malfee a pc f wfifiii nB ueca ut ne 1 n50,OOOcTIRE IN AUGUSTA The Cotton Warehouse Xi trlet the Scene or an Ugly Con flagration. Augusta, Ga., May 8. What looked to be a fire that would stop only when. it had wiped out the cotton storage district of Augusta, broke out In one of the storage compartments of the Union. Compress Company's building at one o'clock today. When the blaze was discovered it had gained sufficient head way to cover the roof of the building" before the alarm could be responded to. An alley way about six feet wide separates- the compress and Phinizy & Co's warehouse. The high breeze that was blowing in very short time swept the flames over the heads of the fire men to this building, in which was stored 1,200 bales of cotton. From here it was blown to Whitney & Com pany's warehouse and seemed beyond the control of the department. In the Whitney warehouse there were 2,500 baies stored, and soon the whole was a roaring mass of flames. The walls of this structure were the only ones to give away. Had it not been for this the fire department could not have stopped it where It did.though they are being highly commended on all sides, the mayor personally thank ing the chief of the fire department. The losses are as follows on the cotton: Whitney & Co., ?105,000; Phinizy & Co. $50,400; Compress Company, $4,000. From this it is possible that $5)000 calf be saved by salvage The loss 6nV" the buildings is estimated at $3,500. The cotton was fully insured. TWO WOMEN BURNED TO DEATH IN NEW YORK. New York, May 8. Two women were burned to death and a number of per sons Injured in a fire which started in. the five-story apartment house : at Lex ington arenue. and. SlxUetlx. street early today.. The' dead are: Jiimie- McSor: ley,' a wtdowj 40 -years-old. and.Aliss Brown, 183sears x)ld,:who recently came from Wasljingm. I'heir. bodies ; were totind burned almost beyond recpgni tion in the Jtopr floor of the house. Mr. Elizabeth M. wbiters " shstaihed - ixiter- nal Injuries, which probably will ' re Vsult fatall. The. loss by fire was$20,- .000. : ' ' 7 " ii.;;.:VO'Ji &n hjy .vsA' AVAif bux am to be At the eptMijtMiat given for the benefit of S,thedldt's church Friday night, May XOth following p will be rendered: 1. Piano s ! o Prelude, ChopBi - Mrs. NeUiefHMitteti: - 2. Voc JSdg-T-pTOhd Love Song, i: Homer JJ? etti-Tr. C. L.,Ot 3. RTtal-elected-Miss. oThOm-' as. -t.-. . ? 4. String Quartette. 5. Vocal Solo Good Bye, Tolstoi Miss Grace Clary. ' . ' 6. Recital Selected Mrs. J. A De ' Carr. ' " ' '. ' ' " " 7. Cornet Solo-Mr. Claude Elam. Accompanist, Mr. H. Carter. 8. Vocal Sol Come, Live with Me, C. MmettI Miss Lucy Glenn. 9. Recital Selected Mrs. J. A, D Carr. 10. Vocal Solo Come to Me Sweet heart, J. C. Bartlett-Mrs. JEva Lucler Holt. 11. Pantomine Morning, Studio, '(jp Song of the Minstrel, Cbf Song of te Minstrel, Pleasure, Despau (a) Naoi and Ruth, (b) NaoinfftKjB Rock of Ages, (b) Rock of Ages Ctrpid Discovered, Cupid Shoots, Good Nigbjt. ; DRAMATIS PERSON AE. ' : : Misses M. Romsdell, A. Thomas, G. . Cobper,L. Higgins, BJ" Thomas, Marjr Stewart Haydeni. t In a Criteal Ckrtdltloixs- ; r k Mr. R. H. Brooks left this alertboa Ibr Ore 'Hill, calledtnere by a:telegnaa from nfs brother, Dft X- announcing xne criucaiconuiiaon CJt tick out 3S;ITeen slk'some time ancFhaafinM'' V - 1' . St-. Mi. ' 2 , If' h -V w w i , ' - j r" f. :r7. t..-t3cn' oj iall .12. wno sit aown ana, wau. aua.inw2wiuw. i auuuc