GEEJCN6BORO TELEGRAM, GREENSBORO, N. 0., MAY 10, 1901. i J j Mr- 6r Ife . . t ill: .13 !W 5' 4? kCt? ! Mm mmm. 5t -3:1 fi .'.'4L" :i-H. I'm-. m r. f i ill 11 '. mm- ' 5 5 Tr:- l it : 41 -i 5 k Mr life Hi :-. 9 'it:- up P :.yi? 5 4 11 1. r- : - 3 : . j --a 'U, 4L- 7 ft. i: j: . ... ; It. :r ' . I.., 3 Ft I -T i: '4 i 1 i-V -i'j'v Hi Ill: ! Wit 'Ml- 1 ' . t : 9 H i vi 1,. iney taiso it f?rT?- w 'T"'' : WORTH REMEMBERING Failure to Realize the Beniflt of Trees to Towns. Harper's Magazine. It is almost as difficult to persuade a city magnate that a tree is a benefac tor to the town as it is to convince him that a high school building has any no bier purpose than to be shown by real estate agents as an attraction to hop ed for aditions to the tax list. Nevetheless his education has be gun, although he may know it, and some day we shall find him promising to plant trees in orkvllle, or on Mur ray Hill, or in the "Kitchen," or the "patch," wherever votes may be had in return. Little by little he will come to the realization of the fact that a tree is a vote-catcher, just as Tam many now feels., with somewhat more of dimness than is desirable, that a clean street on the East Side is a "good thing." When we get the city mag nate so far we have got him as far as we can push him or drop him; if he goes further it is of his own en lightened nature. Here are some axioms on this sub ject which will do the city magnate no good, but which will be readily ac cepted by the intelligent voter: 1. A narrow tree-shaded street is better than a bare wide one. 2. A walk under trees is more im proving than a trolley ride under tele graph and telephone poles. 3. The man who cuts down a tree except for the purpose of saving a bet ter one, is an enemy of the communi ty. 4. A city magnate who will not save a beautiful tree when he can is of much less value to the community than the tree which he destroys. Another discouraging circumstance is the lack Qf intelligence which the city magnate displays in planting and in taking care of trees when he comes to them. The trees in our new parks, for example, are dying or growing into shapelessness for lack of attention. When we plant a tree in a city we jam a flagstone against it, so that its own growth cuts its bark and injures it; we plaster the ground about it with asphalt, so that the earth cannot be freshened with t moisture or enlivened by sunshine. We therefore feed it on sewerage, its poor roots bunch them selves together and become anaemic, while the top languishes.They do these things better in Paris. IIEXR1 Jtt. FLAGLER SUED Claim for 3 00,000 Damages for a Wife's AfTections. New York, May 8. The Herald has an item that Henry M. Flagler is de fendant in a suit in the Supreme Court of the State of New York the plaintiff being E. C. Foote, who demands $100, 000 damages for the alienation of the affections of his wife, Helen. In the same court Mr. Foote has also brought suita for divorce trcm his wife. He names as co-respondents Henry M. Flagler, John H. Maiden, and J. O'Ban non. Mrs. Foote married Mr. O'Ban not after obtaining a South Dakota di vorce, the validity of which is now attacked. She is about 28 years old. Her beauty of face and figure cannot be denied. She has had a host of ad mirers, and her tgilets have created a sensation in Paris and in London as often as in New York. Mr. Fccte is an agent in an express office. He cahrges that Mr. Flagler gave to Mrs. Foote cash, or its equva lent in marketable securities, notably Standard Oil certillcates, to the amount of $400,000. He also alleges that Mr. Flagler rave to Mrs. Foote a valua ble residence in East Fifty-seventh street, near Madison avenue. An Accident. Fred I had a fall last night which rendered me unconscious for several hours. Ed You don't mean! Where did you fall? Fred I fell asleep. Nothing tickles a woman so much as to see another woman that she just hates wearing a new hat that she tried on herself and knows exactly the price of. Every day has Its dog. Probably the reason why babies ne ver go crazy is because they axe bald-headed. O Greensboro, N. C. Feb. 13, 1900 O U Drs. Moore: The glasses that O j 14 ) you aujuaicu ivi - - o a i ' ' iafpftion. All of the .. .. T - t strain on my eyes mat x wi ienced with former glasses is en tirely relieved by the use of the glasses? "adjusted by you. With best wishes, I am, Most truly yours, John A. Youcg, Prop Greensboro Nurseries. Protect and save your eyesight. c c it i Delicious, smooth ice cream is made without the A CrouP Remedy : That Acts Promptly A grateful surprise to anx ious parents is VICK'S MAGIC CFOUP SALVE. 2 oz jar, 2oc KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE Sold by Druggist?. HEADACHE i At all drug stores. 25 Dons 23c. HICK'S CAPUDINE 8 CURES SICK HEADACHE LAGRIPI'E. COLDS. AND ALL HEADACHES NEVER DISAPPOINTS YOU. old-fashioned back-breaking crank turning by usin the J "XXtlh Century Freezer The bucket is made of indurated fibre, a perfect non-conductor, which holds the cold. Simplicity is its salient feature No separate parts to get out of order. Can be thoroughly cleansed in a few mo ments. It will keep the cream frozen three times as long as any other freezer, and it is impossible for any salt to reach thecream . The "XXth Century Freezer" freezes ice'cream, sherbets, ices, etc., better, cheaper and easier than anyother freezer. It ,is the lowest priced freezer on the market. : I : The public,, especially the ladies, are invited to call and witness this freezer in oper- ation and test the cream. Scrofula is an unwelcome legacy, but one which the children of blood poisoned parentage must accept, with all its humiliating consequences. It is an inheritance that makes one poorer; that brings wretchedness and disease instead of health and riches, for the child whose ancestral blood is tainted with Scrofula or the loathsome virus of Contagious Blood Poison is unfitted for the arduous duties of life so long as any of the transmitted poison remains in its veins. Scrofula manifests itself in various forms ; swollen glands about the neck and throat, catarrh of the head, weak eyes, hip bone disease, white swelling and offensive sores and abscesses are familiar symptoms, attended usually with loss of strength, poor digestion and pale or bloodless complexion. Thekin ia sometimes most dreadfully affected, eruptions breaking out on all parts of the body. Scrofula destroys bone, tissue and flesh ; no part of the human system escapes its . "ii : i -l: x 1. When nineteen years old, and about one year I Jg. umuwucn. after the birth cf my first child, the glands on Parents whose blood is pois- the left side of my neck began to swell. Four of oneci oy tneir own misdeeds, the places were lanced and became open running sores; risingrs came under my left arm, and tho discharge was simply awful. The doctors said I had the worst case of Scrofula they had ever seen. I took iodide of potassium, but this nor the other drugs given for this disease brought relief. "When the physicians adviied me to have the glands removed, I decided to try S. S. S. A few bottles cured me completely; no signs of the terribls disease are left. MBS. RICHARD WASSON, Golden Corners, Ohio. Greensboro Loan and Trust Go, CAPITAL STOCK, $100)00.00 Greensboro, North Carolina We give beiow a list of our directors, feeling that no further guar antee of our conservative management need be given: J. A. Odell, R. M. Rees. Geo. S. Sergeant, R. R. King, J. S. Cox, J. W. Scott, J. C. Bishop, John Gill, Baltimore, Md.; W. H. Watkins, Ramseur; O. R. Cox, Cedar Falls; W. F, Williams, Red Springs; J- A. Hadley, Mt. Airy; S. Bryant, Randleman; J. EJ wood Cox, High Point; B. F. Mebane, W. L. Grissom, W. D. McAdoo, R. P. Gray, J. W. Fry. or who themselves may be suffering for the sins of some remote ancestor, must re store their own blood to its normal purity and strength, or they cannot expect healthy, robust children. S. S. S. cures Scrofula, like other diseases of a deep- seated, constitutional charac ter, bv restonnsr life and purity to the profoundly poisoned blood, and the rich, strong blood that is carried to the swollen and diseased glands absorbs and destrovs the tuberculous deposits, and the painful, disfiguring sores and other evidences of Scrofula disappear. S. S. S. should be begun immediately upon the appearance of the first symp toms, or where there is a known predisposition to Scrofula. Our medical depart ment will be found of great help to those who are struggling with this wasting disease of heredity or any other blood trouble, and we invite you to write us. Should you or any member of your family need advice, our physicians will cheer fully give the information you desire, for which we make no charge. Book oa Blood and wkin Diseases free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, QA. 72$5X fl"Jrt"v5v Purriiunp!fa PiinraA a Written LebhJiiJvXSy, rcfnicndauj ri3Sl0re8t Guarantee to cur APtC-;- '':'Ak- Losfc VliaMty, Nervous BcWItr, Ir.3omla, Fail in Memory. :.nd all Struii ""..erV Wasuns Diseases and all WeriQzxaj resulrim: from early or later MAGNETIC NERVINE CT.cosr $1 pop iwt.CJforSS. ?i!ai!pd iu any address on recsipioJ price llusi iieUiciia Co., t. Paul, ALinru For sale by JOHN B. FARISS, DRUGGIST, Greensboro, N. C. Upholstering and Me 0 Q 5 We renovate mattresses and upholster and repair furniture. Renovating hair mattresses a specialy. We Hake thebest Mattresses, of all kinds, on the market. They will be furnished you by anyone of the furniture dealers of the city. Your patronage is solicited. J. J. Nicholls & Company; 112 Lewjis St., between Eagle Foundry BIdg and Elm. City National Bank, GREENSBORO, N. C Capital, $100,000. 1 Surplus and Profits, $18,000. Everything of a banking nature en trusted to our care receives our best attention. We shall beglad to have a share of your business. 2 J. M. Walker, Pres. Lee H. Battle, Cashier. YOU SEE IT WRITE IT WRITES IN SIGHT THE H 1 V TYPEWRITER Visible. Highest speed, greatest ease, best work, simple, lignt, duraMe, rapid, sells on merit. A railroad Type writer. Least parts, best-f alignment. It writes right, it writes in si sat. Smallest keyboard. Built to stand abuse. DON'T BUY AN OUT-OF-DATE-MACHINEon a WORN-OUT REPUTATION INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE Illustrated Art Catalog Free on application. J. GLENN SMITH. Special Representative for North Carolina; AS E DCTURES We now have in stock a complete line of Gas Fixtures, Brackets, etc., ranging in price from 25c. up. We guar antee our fixtures first-class, and hang them free of cost. Just think of a three-light fixture in polished brass for $1.45 or a two-light fixture in oxidized copper for $1.60. GAS STOVES, iGr AS FIXURES, GAS EN GINES, WELSBACH LIGHTS ....... TOiSBQRO OAS AND ELECTHIC ilfiflT CO. - ? ,v:-:rV-.:y:.-v. f ft' : v :

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