7 V- 'suvS';. V 5. o vol. vnx NO. 81. GREENSBORO; N. C. SATURDAY. MAT 11, 190L Price Five Cente, 1 v SPECIAL NOTICES All advertisements under this head 5 cents per line ; no advertisement inserted for less tban 15 cents. - : 5 AND 10 CiENT STOE NEW LOT glassware and crockery, crepe for hats. Try our fans. It THE PUBLIC CAN NOW FIND ME at my old rooms Southern Loan & Trust Company's building first floor. No old stock left. All stock new. New Malcom Love pianos. Kew Farrand and Votey Organs. Ten cent sheet music. This business entirely on my own acount. Money is pays the bill. W. H. ELLER. mll-Vt FOR EASE, COMFORT AND DURA bility our ladies' common sense Ox fords Ties are unexcelled. We have ,-them in all sizes at .1-1.50 and $1.25. THACKER & BROCKMANN. THE GREENSBORO BARGAIN House sells new and second hand furniture and furnishings. ml0-8t THE GREENSBORO BARGAIN House don't sell second hand furnl niture and furnishings and say It Is npw ml0-8t THE GREENSBORO BARGAIN House sells goods for just what they are, and don't try to fool the peo ple. ml0-8t FRESH FISH ON HAND FRIDAY and Saturday. Fine stock and low price. ALFORD WOLF, City Mar ket. m9-3t "WANTED" EXPERIENCED MAN wants office work In Greensboro. Ad dress P. O. Box. 261. city. 5 9-tf LOST ONE TAN POCKET BOOK, containing about ?60. Finder will return to Morrison Brothers store and be liberally rewarded. S8-4t TASTE AND ABILITY MAKE OUR work the best. The economy in our garments is their wearing qualities. HARRY POEZOLT, Merchant Tai- lor. 57-lmo IF YOU LIKE GOOD SODA WATER drink at bur fountain. FORDHAM & GRISSOM. m7-5t DRAYAGE PHONE 104 FOR QUICK delivery. G. A. KESTLER. nl4-lm TURKISH BATHS MAY BE HAD every Saturday afternoon or even ing at 407 Lithla street. Price 50 cents. m23-tf DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK how much it cost you to use gas with out a torch and wax tapers from the consequences of hanging on Chande lier to light the gas or standing on your plush bottom chair? More damage may be done, by lighting one chandelier one time without these conveniences than It would cost to buy a outfit for each and every room in the house. We have them at all prices, 15, 20 and 25 cents for torch and wax tapers. Stop and get one, and thereby stop a nuisance in your house. GATE CITY SUPPLY CO., 217 South Elm Street. Phone 161. FOR SALE ONE FOUR YEAR OLD mare, well bred, and a fine trotter. , Also one 10 year old, good saddler, and driving. W. H. WHITE, 117 E. : Market Street. my-3t FOR SALE A WALNUT DESK ; cheap. Reason, too small for our ' use. WHARTON BROTHERS. 3t FOR SALE CHEAP -MUM SON TYPE writer, No. 3. New and unused. P. P. CLAXTON. tf FOR RENT TO DESIRABLE PAR ties. Two rooms third floor front, in M. P. Publishing House, for offi ces or sleeping rooms. J. NORMAN WILLS, Treasurer. ml0-4t FOR SALE--AT A' BARGAIN FOR cash, 9-room residence on Gorrel street. Apply to A WEATHERLY, Agent. m9-2w - GREENSBORO BOYS VIIIIIERS BENBY CLAY ORATORICAL CONTEST LAST NIGHT. Mr. Xlmer Ieak Wins the Orator's Medal and Mr. Vivian Blackburn the Improve ment Medal A Lars Crowd in Attend ance. Correspondence of The Telegram. Guilford College, May 11. The Fif teenth Annual Oratorical contest of the Henry Clay Literary Society of Guilford College, took place In Mem orial Hall last evening. The program was as follows: The Evening Bell Zambo"hi Girls' Glee Club. The Democracy of America Fred M. Helms. Technical Education C. Elmer Leak. My Sweetheart in the Sunny South Ralphun Percy Gentry and Chorus. :5jfr Walter RaleighlluW Leak --Alexander Hamlinf on Clarence H.t WKttloctfT ' Absence makes the Heart Grow Fon der Dillea Lewis Cameron and Chor us. Delivery of Orator's Medal Hon. C. B. Watson. Delivery of Improvement Medal W. E. Bridgers. The Orator's Prize was delivered to Mr. C. Elmer Leak, and the Improve ment Prize was awarded to Mr. Vivian Blackburn, both or Greensboro. The officers of the contest were: Pre sident W.;E. Bridgers; Secretary, Viv ian Blackburn; 'Marshals, L. G. Cam eron, chief; S. P. Gentry, John Will iams and Iroy Millikan. The excellent presiding of M. Bridg ers and the orations of Messrs. C. El mer Leak and Hugh P. Leak are wor thy of special mention. A large crowd from Greensboro were in attendance. TllE DANCE LAST NIQHTV Given by the Cottilllon Club at the Fair Grounds -Hall Light ed by Japanese Lanterns. The dance given last night at the Exhibit Hall at the Fair Grounds by the Cottilllon Club was a most enloy- ahlA ftfTnir Hon(lln . , . until one o'clock and was participated in by about a dozen couples. Tne party went f rom city In carriages, and the horses carrying one of them were balky, causing the gentlemen to alight In the middle of a very muddy road near the coal chute, and assist the animals in their onward progress. They finally reached the Fair Grounds without serious mishap. The hall was prettily decorated with flags and was lighted by Japanese lanterns. The room, when lighted with the lanterns and filled by the moving forms of the dancers, present ed a very pretty appearance. Music was furnished by Mr. Claude Elam's orchestra. Those who were present were: Mr. and. Mrs. Hume, Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, Mrs. and Mrs. G. S. Bradshaw, Misses Jessie Scott, Mabel Glenn, Nora Bals ley, Jordan, Bertha Helen, of Wins ton, Bessie Ballard, Kate Bradshaw, Lizzie Leigh Dlck,Bradshaw, Marjorie Lyon. Messrs. Templar Horry, Ber nie Gilmer, Harry Sergeant, Vick Sergeant, Ney Forbis, Charlie Forbls, Simpson Schenck, Paul Schenck, Will Turner, Richard Turner, Will McAdoo, Thomas Coffin, Merritt Buchanan,Luke Andrews, Lace Rankin, Jesse Rankin, Jesse Mebane, Giles Mebane, R. D. Douglas, and Roland Hill. "I suppose you will marry, though when the golden opportunity offers, won't you?" "It will depend upon how much gold there Is In the opportunity. ' he is very pretty and all that, but sne Is altogether too critical." assure you she never speiksof you but In the kindliest way." 2 "P'raps so, but ayerytime I see hjar lie elves me thPslony frock ttotsn't fit ? VRrnnklyA JLjfce.L'! EX-MAYOR TAYLOR HADE HAPPY. RECEIVES HAIIDSOME PRESENT. ' - CUT GLASS BOWL GIVEN BY FORMER ASSOCIATES. Old Officials Elected in Clerk, Chief of Police, Attorney and Tax Collector Changes Made in Police Force One Man Added to the Force. The Board of Aldermen met last night at the regular hour. All the members of the Board were present, with Mayor Osborn in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Alderman Joyner arose and after addressing the mayor, turn ed to ex-mayor Z. V. Taylor, saying, "It becomes my pleasant: duty to pre sent to'yotthis ery sinll token" of the very 'great esteem in . which you are held by ; trier Board ?of AlHermeir who have served the city for the past year, and I feel the Inadduacy of words to express our appreciation oi your wise guidance through the difficulties which have beset us during those 12 months. And in speaking this I feel that I voice the sentiment of the Board when I say that this small token can but faintly express our lasting friend ship for you. And sir, we trust that you will take this to your home, and as bachelors have no hoine we- re commend that you speedily find amai den worthy of your affections, and es tablish you a home and take it to it, and in the future years may you see re flected In this cut glass bpwl the faces of those who give it in token of their love and friendship." Mr. Taylor.ln accepting the gift said: "Mr. Mayor, Friends I; for once, feel utterly unable to voice the emo ton that-crowds In my gpsozn. The last twelve months' nave been me sweetest in my life. I have been en gaged in the work-1 loved, and with friends that have co-operated with me in every way possible. Of the things which have come to me in the past, not one of them has given one-half the pleasure that your action tonight gives. I thank you for it. I say 1; thank you, I more thanthank you, and may God's blessings rest upon you as a body, and as individuals, and on this city which is in your fostering care." The gift of which Mr. Taylor was the recipelent is a handsome piece of cut glass, given by the old Board of Aldermen, the City Attorney, Chief of Police and City Clerk, and is a gift to be proud of. The regular business of the Board meeting was then taken tip by the may or's introducing Mr. T. J. Murphy, who appeared for a committee from the Young Business Men's Association, re cently formed there. Mr. Murphy ask ed that the Board take some action in regard to asking the next meeting of the State Press Association to be held in this city, and showed some of the good results to be obtained by the meeting of the Association being held here. He vetated that the committee he represented had secured subscrip tions to the amount of about seventy five dollars, and that about six hun dred dollars-would be needed W order to entertain the Association, as had been done in other cities. It was mov ed that the mayor appoint a committee, of which, be should be chairman, to act in connection with the committee al ready at work, and raise the necessary amount, and that If there should be a deficit that the deficit be made up by the city. Carried, and the mayor ap pointed Messrs. Joyner, Elam, and Helms. The mayor announced the election of Mr. F. N. Taylor as chief of the fire department and Mr. W. R. Pleasants as assistant chief . Mr: T. E. McCrary appeared before the Board and stated that if the city ever wanted to buy a chandelier for use in trie court riouse, that one could be I He nought cheaply from the custodian the Ipbsf office building: On mo tion the matter was referred to the building committee. The mayor appointed Mr. J. T. Ab bott, chief engineer and Mr. Harry Lewis assistant engineer for steamer Co. No. 1. Motion made and carried that the salaries of the officers ""ofthe city be fixed. The offices ana the salaries at tached are as follows: City Clerk, ?500; Attorney, ?400; Treasurer, $200; City tax collector, 3 per cent; Chief of Police, $65 per month; policemen $45 per month. Two applications were put In for the position of clerk, Messrs. J. W. Men denhall and J. S. Mlchaux. Alder men Phipps and Ellington were made tellers and a vote was taken which resulted in Mr. Mlchaux's election by a ballot of 8 to 4. . Mr. A. M. Scales was elected attor ney by a unanimous vote, the clerk be ing instructed to cast the vote of the BoarftorrjW2n. . u, Itxras, mlsd that the clerk castUhe: vote -of theBoard f or Mr. Neil OBlling ton for Treasurer. Carried. Moved Mrd carried that the clerk cast the ve of the Board for Mr R. M. Rees for Tax Collector. Moved and carried that the clerk cast the vote of the Board for Mr. W. A. Scott for Chief of Police. When the election of the policemen came up, it was stated that the services of one were required a considerable portion of the time at the depot, and that another man was needed to pro perly look after the interests of the city, and it was moved that another man be added to the force. In this connection the mayor stated that he had for several years lived in the west ern portion of the city and had never seen policemen out there except the health officers. To this Mr. Joyner replied that he had no idea that trie, mayor needed one out his way. Con- 44ecahle discussion, on trie question ot t'Af-'k'f WH nir art nMvm. ' Van Tvufl a motion was 'made to add another man. A substitute was made to elect five at this meeting and postpone ac tion on the additional man until later. The substitute was lost by a vote of 7 to 5. The motion was then voted upon, and carried by the same majority. Applications for police were read from the following: R. C. Whittlng ton .N. A. Lewis, J. McKnlght,1 Geo." P. Crutchfleld, R. Y. Skeens, t). V!1 Causey, J, R. Jeffreys, Arthur Jordan, J. H. Merritt, Flavlus Keith; W. C. Weaver, J. L. Montgomery, M. A. Whittington, J. R. Barnes, and A. G. Alexander. The first ballot resulted in the election of the following, Crutch field, Whittington. Barnes, Jeffreys, and Jordan. Six ballots were then cast to elect another man but no elec tion was made, and it was moved and carried that the election of the addi tional man be postponed until the next meeting of the Board. The, election of the sanitary officer was then taken up. Two applications has been received, J. L. Montgomery and A. G. Alexander. The name of Mr. W. C. Weaver was also presented. Several ballots were taken without an election, and the fourth ballot being a tie itwas voted off by the mayor, giv ing it to Mr. Weaver. In the presenta- I tion of his name before the Board the statement was made that he lived in the West End, and that the presence there of an officer would doubtless have a salutary effect upon the young men who have been tresspassing upon the college properties In that section. Moved that: a city engineer be elect ed. The application of Prof. J: M. Bandy was read asking that the salary be fixed at $1,200 and stating that if the salary was fixed at that sum, and he should be elected, and his services con tinue to please the Board, another in crease In salary would not be asked for in the next five years. A motion to fix the salary at $1,000 -was lost. After discussion, the salary was fixed I ,t, $1,200, and the clerk was instructed cast the vote of the Board for Prof. Bandy. It was also move'that his ap- rat DECAMPS WITH COOL HUNDRED THOUSAND. Was Treasurer of Man j Fraternal Soci eties Took Xoang Daughter of One of . the Leading Families With Him. By Wire to The Telegram. Mexico City, May 11. The police and citizens of Gaudaljara are looking for father Amade, a well known priest, and the treasurer of various religious fraternities. The clergyman Is report ed to have decamped, taking with him, a hundred thousand dollars belonging: -to religious societies and also carrytrrgr off a young daughter of one of the lead ing families. Amade left an explana tory letter addressed to the dean of the Cathedral, Dr. Arias: . BIG JFIRE IfiSlIKOTON. A Blaze In tne Warehouse Ii trict this morning Causes a Loss of 0150,000. Wilmington, N. C, May, 11. Fir which broke out from an unknown cause in a warehouse of the North State Improvement Company, on the London wharf, at 1 o'clock this morn- WnS caused an aggregate loss of about $150,000, as follows: . Atlantic Coast Line Railway Company buildings, and the old Cape Fear & Yadkin Valiey wharf, $25,000; North State Improve ment Company's building and wharf, $15,000; S. P. McNair, grocery stock, $2,000; three-fourths insured; steam boat Climax, $4,000 ( three-fourths in sured; James I. Metts, hay and grain, $4,000, fully insured; Roger Moore' Sons & Co., $2,000, fully isured; J. K. Turrentine Company, $5,000, little tor surance; C. C. Covington & Co., $15,000, fully insured. Other losses were small The fire is how under control. 1 KILLED AXD 3 IWUKED, Collapse Jof a Hoisting Derrick in NeW York. By Wire to The Telegram New York, May 11. One workmen In the transit sub way was killed and three mortally injured by the collapse of the big hoisting derrick in the city hall park this morning. . This' is the first accident in the big tunnel. 5i Rumor Queen of Spain Is Assas sinated. By Wire to The Telegram. London, May 11. It is rumored 'on the stock exchange that the Queen of Spain has been assassinated. PERSONAL IflEIVTTOIV. Judge Shaw left this morning . for Murphy to hold court. Mr. W. P. Mangum Turner returned this morning from a visit to Durham. Mr. A. E. Waddell, of Danville, spent last night In the city. Rev. Louis G. Wood, of Washington City, spent last night in the city and left this morning for Burlington. - Mr. John W. Alspaugh and Mr. Matt 7. Allen, of Trinity College, Durham, - pent the day In the city. . , Mis. Tom Arraasmlth and children returned this morning from a visit to Hills boro. Prof. E. T. Bynum, ofthe University of Arkansas, spent last night in the city and left this afternoon for Sanford to visit relatives. Miss Lillie Moore, of Durham, ar rived last night and wlil visit the family of Mrs. J. R. Moore, on North Cedar street. Miss Eunce Worth, a teacher In the . Hish Point graded schools, spent thev forenoon In the city and left this after Capt, Williams and Mr. Julian Price Mr. J. Ed. Albright left last night for Ronrid" Knob ona business - trrpv He will be absent for several ' days Mra. Albright and Masttrer Jame3, Jr. also left MInightcto vlllvlfifcfAl 'a , iflOtner to Uorganton. v: 'i " ' - - Nay;' t 5 TUT. 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