' . 1 VOIi; VIII.-NO.-86: GREENSBORO. N. CL FftlD ;i7 1901 SPECIAL NOTICES Price . r a t. . I..J-. I : 1 - - " - . ... w 'l.i ... - ti i PHOTO BUTTONS OF YOURSELF OR from photo, 3 for 10c; larger size 3 for 25c. o'ur offer of free buttons still holds good. MANGUM & COBB, 330 Stfuth Elm street. All advertisement ttnder thl head cents per line; no advertisement inserted for less iaan 10 cents. r. (yard wide) caj-petT::samples to sell at 21 and 31 cents at THACK- iK & JJKOUKMANN'S. AFTER JUNE 1, MY. ; RESIDRNnw will be at 210 W. Washington Street, next to Baptist church. JOHN THAMES, M. D. JV iiKl THJNjr. NICE IN FRUITS Choice pineapples 15c each; large ba nanas, 20c dozen; Ben Davis apples 20c dozen; seedless oranges, SO and otner ministers and religious workers. 50 cents dozen; seedless lemons, 2:-c IJttst Suay at St Delight church dozen; fresh, candy made daily for from four to five thousand people as summer use. No sticking, at 10 and to near preached the sermon -Orir. iirkiinH A TUT?XTt A XT vttxtt n I Ol thft Into TT" T. T T J 1 . i TORY, 340 South Elm Street. ml6-3t missinary Baptist preacher. Rev. P. D. Gold and nth samples. Apply lio; South Elm st.. SOUTHERN " IMPORT AND COM MISSION COMPANY APOSTOMC PLAINNESS. To Be Preached in High Point Other Notes. Correspondence of The Telegram.' High Point, May 17. Rev. T. C. Hod gin, the "Sanctified" evangelist wiH this evening commence a series of meetings in a tent pitched on the land of the High Point Development Com- pany.He announces that he will preach apostolic plainness and be assisted by UrKINLEV better; Upon Awakening To-fayV Asked - For a Cup of Coffee. By Wire to The Telegram. San Franciso, May 17.-Mrs. McKin ley's physicians decided at noon owing to her improved condition they would Lot hold another ronsuUation until 8 this evenrg. The patier.t on awaken ing asked 'or a cip of cohee. She looks much better today than she did yester-cay. ;a mysterious murder, case. CENSUS BUREAU CLERK SHOT IN HIS ROOM IN WASHINGTON. PRONOUNCED EARTHQUAKE Felt at SeTeral Places in Ohio and West Virginia. By Wire to The Telegram. Wellston, Ohio, May 17.A pronoun red earthquake was felt here early this morning. The first disturbance was The Most Important Clue Is in the Testi mony of a Neighbor, Who Says that He Saw Woman in Night Clothes Xeaie the Room by a Window and Descend the - fire Escape. Washington. The entire Washing ton detective force is engaged on a murder case which has all the contradi ctions and mysterious elements of the Sherlock Holmes stories. An uproar was heard in a family hotel The Ken more last night at about 2 o'clock. Thre shots were fired; a voice cried twice for help; a wild commotion en sued, and In the. morning the police found in one of the hotel rooms the amine the Hotel and question guests. ; Down the fire escape two flights weref; . discovered several blood stains 'then ; two or three near the window, inside V the corridor, and then a blotch, such as v- r " ' might have" been caused by the brush-' ing of blood-stained garments. Of the versions; given by the youtis ' mans fellow boarders, only two were noteworthy: The young woman won occupied the room next his, Miss Kate Lawlus, an employee in the Bureau of. Engraving and Printing, says she slept throughout the whole disturbance, and Miss Mary Minas, who is-a clerk in the Census bureau and has the room on the other side of that occupied by Ay- res, says she distincty heard the shot& and confusion, but was to frightened o make any outcry. Thomas M. Baker, a clerk in the Filh Commission, has a room in a house near the Kenmore, from which he saw ? J. 1 ' i . 4 V t " V - IT'STHE INSIDE THAT'S THE IM portant side of a watch. Accurate works are to a watch what a heal thy, undyspeptic stomach is to a hu- Luniber Company. man being. We put your watch in a healthy condition, and keep it so. ROSENBLATT & ELLINGTON. 3t services. - ;-Ioss, of Charlotte, waa? hre ,Tiisday looking-for a storeroom in which to open a 5 and 10 cent store. He will locate here. Mr. W. . Best has accepted the po sition of bookkeeper for the American THE PUBLIC CAN NOW FIND ME at my old rooms Southern Loan & Trust Company's building first floor. No old stock left. All stock new. New Malcom Love pianos. New Farrand and Votey Organs. Ten cent sheet music This business is entirely on my own acount. Money pays the MIL W. H. ELLER. mll-7t THE GREENSBORO BARGAIN House sells new and second hand furniture and furnishings. ml0-8t THE GREENSBORO BARGAIN House don't sell second hand furni niture and furnishings and say it Is new. ml0-8t THE GREENSBORO BARGAIN House sells goods for just what they try to fool the peo- v., yiaue, uas i arousea and rottip nnspnt w applied for a patent on an adjustable rocking moUon of the earth. Columbus, Ohio, May 17. An earth- cot and bed. It is AsnAniaii o X- fc. UOU" ful article for doctors. Miss Capel, of Troy, is visiting the Misses Alexander. Miss Annie Reynolds, of Greensboro, attended the social gathering at the Graded School last evening. Miss Chandler, of Gastonia, is vis iting the Misses Smith on Steele street. Mr. D. B. Bodenheimer has bought out the interests of Harry & Smith, ii son, the second largest brokerage Ami the livery business and will continue ln the correspondent of Wanem- the business at the old stand. dead body of James Seymour Avres fc Lw many ana " j cai s um, or unoffending dls-.lor inan any one else. He is con- was, followed by two hard tremors of pos,?fen". aPd. apparently,, unblemished I ndent that a woman, in her nightdress the;arth that displaced furniture in rP--.: H,?d beenshorthreelfihes. stepped out of the i window i Aytes many houses. -' i no only :clue lies in the testimony. oom, decended the ?fi re escape slowly, Ironton, Ohio, May 17. The earth- f a neiShbor, who says that he saw a ad left the iron stairway Vt the point quake shocks felt here early today woman leve the window of the young: marked by the blood stains. Mrs. were a succession of violent undula- mans room and in- several bloods stains Warfleld, wife of the hotelTproprietor, tions almost merged together and last- found on tne fire escape and along the volunteered the theory that Ayres had ed thirty seconds.Many residents, were corridor- No arrests have been mad?. snt himself accidentally and had then Policenjen. detectives and newspaper killed himself because of the great men nave crowded through the hotel suffering that followed. Both Mrs. all day. Every guest has been ex- Warfleld and her husband have left amined morethan once. The neighbors tne Kenmore and gone o another hotel have been questioned. As near as cao under their management the; Takohia be learned the young man had no at- Park Hotel, in Takoma Park, Md. tachements of any sort. There was no motive which could reasonably prompt a murder, and 'nobody -knows anything more than the meagre out line given above. v The victim was a clerk In the Census Bureau and was appointed from Michi gan. His father, J. S. Ayres, Sr., is an insurance agent and lives at Grand quake was felt ot Zanesville, Ports mouth, and Huntington, W. Va. ANOTHER FAILURE. Gurloy Sc Johnson Fall to Open Their spoors This EIornUijj.v By Wire to The Telegram: - ' Wasington, May 7. Gurley & John- A ORAVJG qUESTION. burg and Attorburg of New York?fall- BISIIOP TOTED, CENSOR. w o iur Dusmess mis i wpkis. xne youth was a student in a morning. Their liabilities, are two dental college and had just passed his hnnderd thousand dollars, In excess of their assets. The open : fceounts their books foot up half million dollars. Richard A Johnson the youngest mem ber of the firm, is son-in-law to ex- are, and don't pie. ml0-8t -WANTED" EXPERIENCED MAN wants office work in Greensboro. Ad dress P. O. Box, 261, city. 5 9-tf TASTE AND ABILITY MAKE OUR work the best. The economy in our garments is their wearing qualities. HARRY POEZOLT, Merchant Tai-lor- 57-lmo TURKISH BATHS MAY BE HAD every Saturday afternoon or even ing at 407 Lithla street. Price 50 cents. m23-tf DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK how much it cost you to use gas with signed by Bishop Weed, or sent by h s out a torch and wax tapers from the direct authority, are not to be giv n consequences of hanging on Chande- credence by the people and in no way lier to light the gas or standing on oice the organization that Is chjirgd your plush bottom chair? More nntl the relief in Jacksonville. Jacksonville People Adopt a Plan to Insure Correct News Rein? Given Out. Jacksonville, Fla., May 16.At the morning meeting of the relief assocla- Senator Gorman of Maryland, Wiliam tion, is was deemed necessary, owing B url&y the senior.' member Is a son to the conflicting reports sent through of tne late Rev- Mr- Gtrrley who was he country by individuals which tend an intimate friends of Abraham Lin- tO' confuse the niilitlp mini I com. . -uuu, iu vi cake final examination. was known to .the other guests only through casual a m ' - . . v : . i. . an aathoritatiVe channel through which must' bei sent all lnformaUoA reta'Ungl to our .suffering people. A press repre sentative was appointed in the person of Edwin G. Weed, bishop of the dio cese of Florida, and the Associated Press as the channel of transmission of the appeal and statements as to thj needs of the people. So the public is informed that ell statements as to our needs, all ri quests and all proclamations, unless BRICKLAYERS STRIKE. Fifteen Thousand Walked Out In New York. By Wire to The Telegram. New York, May 17. Fifteen thous and bricklayers struck today. The un Ion championed the cause of eighty bricklayers who demanded that they be paid four dollars and forty cents a day for the three weeks they were com pelled to lay off at the Stokes apart ment house, their places having been taken by the roofers, The idleness of the fifteen thousand men presents serious aspect. a damage may be done by lighting one chandelier one time without these conveniences than It would cost to buy a outfit for each and every room in the house. We have them at all prices, 15, 20 and 25 cents for torch and wax tapers. Stop and get one, and thereby stop a nuisance in your house. GATE CITY SUPPLY CO., 217 South Elm Street Phone 161. FOR SALE CHEAP MUN SON TYPE writer, No. 3.- New and unused. P. P. CLAXTON. tf FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN FOR cash, 9-room residence on Gorrel street. Apply to A WEATHERLY, Agent. m9-2w The Earl of Yarmouth has been turned upon by his unpaid valets. When a man's valets go into court agaist him he is in a bad way. FRESH IN THE MONING-RISH Potatoes,. Nice Sweet Potatoes, New Irish Potatoes, Raddl$h, C?abbage, Headed Lettuce, Mustard Salad, Snap Beans, Cucumbers, Squash, Tomato es, Home Grown Peas,' Spring Onions ry Onions, Pie Plant Asparagus, Parsley. HENRY HUTEt j New York,May 16. The Jacksonville relief committee of the chamber of commerce and the Merchants Associ:; 'on have received a dtenatrh frmn Jacksonville announcing the receipt of four carloads of cots and mattress s. These cars left New York on Saturday An appeal was also made by thejocal relief committees to the pastors of all churches of Greater New York, asking them to co-oporate in raising funds for paying laborers for removing the deb ris. The theatrical managers also have been appealed to. New York, May 16. The total sub scription to the Merchants' Associa tion and Chamber of Commerce, to tbe Jacksonville relief fund up to 5 o'clock today, was $15,552.25. STRIKERS TURN STOW. So Sajr Their Sympathizers City Under Martial Law. - By Wire to The Telegram. Albany, N; Y., May 17. Owing to the coics between the so!iies and the strikers leportcd, mania1 law has ieen declared in the state laptal. The ity is under mil tary control The strike sympathisers say it s their turn to shoot and are now arming. THE WEATHER. For North Carolina Partly cloudy tonight and probably showers, Satur day showers. Greensboro Highest temperature pist twenty-four hours ending, eight o'clock this morning 80, lowest 6'J. rainfall .12. It Isn't always thejtest woman in the world that's" best'JrLSd-'ma.''-: Colored Doctors to Meet. The North Carolina Medical Asso ciation of Colored Physicians. Surgeons end Pbarmarists will meet In Dur ham, N. C, May 21, 22, 1801. The officers of the Association are. A. M. Moore, M. D., President, Dur ham. J. Lot. Bullock, M D., Secretary, Greensboro. An Approved Statement. Cleveland Plain Dealer. "A Connecticut parson calls atten tion to the fact that in both houses of the presents Congress there is but one Siian whcVhas :written a book.' conversation about the dinner table' and through their association with him at the few dances given through the winter. By everybody's testimony he bore himself with dignity and kept entirely free from such alliances as t-X. J. . . . . uittt suggested oy the murder. Last night he returned to the hotel at mid night, spoke casually to two or three rwuuS mta apqut me lobby, and re tired, i " 'J ,-r : v The1 pistol shots and the cries ,'fr help awoke nearly all of the boarders Heads were thrust from all the wind- dows at once 'and two or three men called out," What's wrong down there?" A voice, evidently that of a woman, replied, "I don't see anything here," and a minute later, 'I've heard some pistol shots." There was some scat tered comment, the windows began to close one by one, and as no one seem ed inclined to investlgate.no investiga tion vas made. The women in hotel could be heard dragging - chairs to wedge them under the door knobs and tfiat was the end of the disturb ance. In the morning, as Ayres did not re spond when called, a policeman was sent for. When the door had been bro ken open the young man was seen doubled forward in a pool of blood near the window. His underskirt, his only covering, was stained by blood and poyder. He had been shot three times, once just over the heart, once in the left arm and Once in the left thigh. A report was. made- that he had com mitted sulci de.; With the arrival of the Coroner, however, the case took on a different aspect- A torn fan was picked up from the floor and the pistol found on the trunk within about three feet of the body. Both barrel and trigger of the pistol were covered with blood." But the handle was quite clean. Outside Jpn the fire escape two clots of blood were found in such; places that they could not have been caused by blood spurting from "Ayres wound. More over two shots In.hljf lft side had en tered from behind aiyi inclined toward the rlg&Li i - Harked Decline In Number of Applicants for Ministry, w Little ;Rock, Ark:; May 16. The six teenth annual session ot ihe Southern Presbyterian General Assembly began here, today, the opening session being: called to order by the retiring modera tor, George J. Martin, of Litle Rock. Dr. Neander M. Woods, . of ; Memphis, who; was this afternoon elected moder ator; preached theopening sermon. JFIe was assisted by the venerable Dr. G. W. Boggs, of Holly Springs, Miss.,, who was a member of the first Southern Presbyterian Assembly, in Augusta in 1861. There were upward of 200 minis ters present. Dr. N. W. Woods, ot Memphis;Dn ,: R. P. Kerr, of Richmond, Va,; 3Qr (. .' RBeatty, -of Louisville, Ky.; and Dr Ti H: Branson, of Richmond, Ky., were liandidates for moderator. Dr. Woods wns fleeted by acclamation. He nominated by Dr. Kerr, of Virginia, and the nomination was seconded by Dr. Bcatty of Kentucky. The afternoon session was devoted to the reading and referring of reports on education and colored evangelization and the reports of the executive com mittees on foreign missions. Dr. R. H. Fleming, of Lynchburg, Va., presided during the afternoon session the moderator being engaged in mnk- . ing up the committees. A special committee with Dr. F. R. Beattle, of Louisville, Ky, as chairman, will re port a scheme for a more efficient pro vision for the aged and infirm minis ters. A catechism on church govern ment has been proposed by a commit tee headed by Dr. R. P. Kerr, of Richmond, Va., and will be submitted to the Assembly. It is for use in Sun days schools and Bible classes. Another question that will excite deep Interest is that of abandoning the international system of Sabbath school lessons for another, which makes a more graded study. The question of the marked decline in the number of candidates for the ministry4 will occasion grave study. The assemgly will be asked to pro vide for the consolidation of the Dan ville Seminary under the control of the Northern Synod of Kentucky and the Louisville Seminary, under the control of the Southern Synod , of Kentucky and Missouri. This evening a mbiffW of welcome was held, address of wel-v -come being delivered b 3hief Justice Bnnn, of the Arkansas Supreme Court. and others, a 4 t 3& ' -' ' 7 V- 3. . 3V i. ' -At i 4 If T GooW.. ) A j'DetecU ;re snJunoned to ex- 4..perieaci-Is hatchet-. &SSh: : r I t : Mi