(BBBENSBOBO . TEIJEGBAM, GREENSBORO, N. 0.,,;MAY a7,ilm.; . KMM V . . .'" '1 -A WOMAN'S RIGHTS. One of Them Has Just Been Recognized by the Illinois Legislature. Chicago Journal. The passage of a law by the general assembly a,t late session giving moth ers, equally with fathers, the right of guardianship over minor children stri fces off one of the last shackles from jwomau in which the common xlaw bound her. ''The parents of a minor shall have equal powers, rights, and duties concerning the minor. In case the father and mother live apart, the court may, for good reason, awfird the custody and education of the minor to either parent, or to some other per son' ' The progress of the emancipation of woman from a state of martial slavery and self-effacement before the law has been long and painful. It was in 1792 that Mary Wollstonecraft struck the first blow for her sex in her once cele brated book, "The Vindication of the Rights of Woman." This was a plea for equality of education, a protest against the assumption that woman was only the plaything of man, and asserting that intellectual companion ship was the chief, as it is the last ing, happiness of marriage. So far as this part of her work is concerned it is unanswerable, and her arguments have lain at the base of all the reforms accomplished in behalf of woman. Unfortunately she mixed up with her main theme several more dangerous and more questionable topics not usually mentioned in books for general circulation, discussing them with a plainness of speech and want of reticence that turned opinion against her. But she started a great movement that has gone on from that day to this, particularly in this coun try until at last a married woman is on an equality with her husband before the law. She can dispose of her pro perty by will; her individuality is no longer merged in that of her husband; she can possess manage and, and con vey her -own real and personal property in a large porportion of the states; she has equal rights under the divorce laws; she is inale liable for family expenses, if she has a separate estate, and she can sue and be sued as if she were a single woman. It has taken years of hard and per sistent labor and agitation to bring about these just and equitable reforms, hut in Illinois at least they are at last accomplished, as they are indeed in a large proportion of the states. Among those deserving of commendation for strenuous labor in behalf of this last reform is Mrs. Catharine Waugh Mc Culloch, of Chicago, whose active work and arguments at Springfield did much to secure the passage of the bill. Her pamphlet, entitled "Mr. Lex" is a most admirable presentation of the wrongs of woman under the old law, which gave the father almost despotic control over his children while his mother was absolutely powerless. After July the 1st next this will no longer be the law. THE CHARLOTTE NATIONAL BANK Charlotte, N. C, Feb. 3, 1898. Dr. Moore I am glad to state that the glasses you fitted to my eyes Au gust last, are entirely satisfactroy, and all you claimed would be in every re spect. B. D. HEATH, President.' A Croup Remedy : : That Acts Promptly A grateful surprise to anx- ious parents is VICK'S MAGIC CROUP SALVE, 2 oz jar, 25c KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE Sold by Druggists.' At H drug stores 25 Doses 2$c 111 VII Vi m mr XJ wJ 11 JL CURES SICK HEADACHE LAGRIPPE, COLDS. AND ALL HEADACHES NEVER DISSAPPOINTS YOU. . Troub ntruder s Is barred out when your doors and windows are protected by the use of our handsome and use ful wire screens. Flies, Mosquitoes and insects of all kinds cease to annoy you after you have adjusted our screens to your door, and windows. Odell Hardware Co, fi fgi ... lie ? and OjyDt rill Bad Circulation is the cause of most of the ills that come with old age. With advancing years there is a decline of strength and rigor the machinery of the bodv moves with less soeed and accuracy. Because, of the weak and irregular action of the heart the blood moves more slowly, Decomes impure ana loses muaa of its life-sustaimm lack of nourishment. rust 00, r properties, and muscles, tissues ana nerves literally starve ior A sluggish and polluted circulation is followed, py a long ailments. Cold feet, chilly sensations up and down the spine, poor appetite and skin, face so: body these and many other healthy blood and imperfect ci train or toodllv dieestion. soreness of the muscles, rheumatic pains, hard and fissured . . . ji . 1 j l- -e a sores, enronic running uicers on me lower iimos ana omer parts 01 tnc er diseases peculiar to old people are due to a lade 01 circulation. Restoration to health must come through the building up and purification of the blood, thus adding strength and tone to ine vital organs ana quicK, neaixny action to uic circumuun. S. S. S. being strictly a vegetable blood remedy and the best tonic, makes it the most valuable and efficacious of all medicine for old people. It is free from all mineral ingredients, and mild and pleasant in its action, it cures blood diseases of every character, even those inherited or contracted iri early life.- As the system gets under the influence of S. S. S. there is a marked improvement in the general health, and as richer and purer blood begins to circulate through the body the appetite improves, and there is a softness and elasticity about the skin that you have not noticed for years ; sores begin to heal, pains in muscles and joints grad ually cease, and you find that it is possible to be happy and healthy even in old age. Our medical department is in charge of physicians who make a study of blood and skin diseases. If you would like to have their opinion and advice in your case, write them all about it and you shall receive such information and advice as you want. This will cost you nothing. Others have found our medical depart ment of great benefit to them their cure being much more rapid as the result of some special directions received from our physicians. Don't be your own doctor when you can get medical advice free. Book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed to all who desire it. 4 . THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA. ArYTJ&R- MAGNETIC VJ NERVINE Easily, Qoicklj, Permanently Restored. g&XSiA ZS Lost Vitality, Nervous BeblMy, Insomnia, FalHn Memory, and all Wasting Diseases and all Weaknesses resulting from early or later excesses. $1 ptr box. 6 for S5. Mailed to any address on recaipt o! price, a liust Mediciils Cot Eu Paul, Alloa. For sale by JOHN B, FAR1SS, DRUGGIST, Greensboro, 1?. G. Upholstering and Repairing A Remarkable Person. Father John Sergieff, the author of the little book "Truths About God," la in many ways a remarKaoie person. Me is a priest of the Orthodox or Greek Catholic church, and his fame has spread outside the confines of Russia, where, at Cronstadlt, he lives. His life, we are told, recalls those of the first Apostles. He is a man of extra ordinary devoutness and simplicity of life, and is credited with remarkable healing powers. "To those who believe in Father Johu and their name is le gion the age of miracles not yet ove. Crowds press around him whenever he leaves his humble abode, and are happy if they can only touch the hem of his modest garb. Father John's life is on 3 of uninterrupted and self-sacrificing charity aud Christian ministration among the poorthe sick and the needy; market. They will be furnished you by anyone of the "ui, iiuwcvn, leiusmg ais presence ana his prayers to the weii to do and the furniture dealers of the city. he'p fails, and never in vain, from all parts of the country." E. C. Goulaeff. who has translated the book, testifies that his daughter's .deafness was .cured y atner John's prayed for her in houe. CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. Greensboro, - ------- North Carolina We give below a list of our directors, feeling that no further guar antee of our conservative management need be given: J. A. Odell, R. Rees, Geo. S. Sergeant, R. R. King, J. S. Cox, J. W. Scott, J. C. Bishop, John Gill, Baltimore, Md.; W. H. f Watkins, Ramseur; O. R. Cox, Cedar Fails; W. F, Williams, Red Springs; J. A. Hadley, Mt. Airy; S. Bryant, Randleman; J. El wood Cox, High Point; B. F. Mebane, W. L. Grissoin, W. D. McAdoo, R. P. Gray, J. W. Fry. City National B&rik, GREENSBORO, N. C Surplus and Profits, $18,000, Capital, $100,000. Everything of a banking nature en trusted to our care receives our best attention. We shall beglad to have a share of your business. ' ; J. M. Walker, Pres. Lee H. Battle, Cashier. YOU SEE IT WRITE IT WRITES IN SIGHT T! OLIVER TYPEWRITER ? We renovate mattresses and upholster and repair furniture. Renovating hair mattresses a specialy. We flake the best Mattresses, of all kinds, onx the Your patronage is solicited. oome women are so much interested in fashion plates that theyVould Uke to nave their meals served onVthem. .1 J. Nichollsr& C ompany. 1 12 Lewis St.V between Eagle'.Foundiy Bldg and , Elm. "X Visible. Highest speed, greatest ease, best work, simple, light, durable, rapid, sells on merit. A railroad Type writer. Least , parts, best alignment It writes right, it writes in sight Smallest keyboard. Built to stand abuse. " DON'T BUY AN OUT-OF-DATE-MACHINE on a WORN-OUT REPUTATION INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE Illustrated Art Catalog Free on application J, GLENN SMITH, Special Representative for North Carolina GAS FIXTURES We now have in stock a complete line oi Gas Fixtures, Brackets, etc., ranging in price from 25c. rip. We guar antee our fixtures first-class, and hang them free of cost. Just think of a three-light fixture Hri polished brass for S1.45 or a two-light fixture in oxidized copper for S1.60. GAS STOVES,- GAS IXtJRES, GAS EN GINES, WELSBACHMQHTS; : Y : : : : GMSBORO GAS Af) ELECTRIC LlfiBT CO-

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