r'-'YyrTrrciTinkT,':rvii .T?riT?'A t r rmTTTnKffBOIlO' ' IT. .0., II-LY, 18, lC01.i t iOCCCCC 1. 4 o W.C T.U. - ,x;1 ( "if 't'- , 1 -v t '-v.- l. - "--. DEPARTMENT. V it . T- o CI o I - - i : :. - t.Vv - v't - its 5,,v '1 -.vj; ,T--.V- -ii "i " The officers or we umo orpuau StSSi' Inm recently stated that they had no trouble to find homes for the orphan ! i girls in their charge,, but that it was impossible to find homes for all the boys. Only the exceptionally handsome or bright boy is wanted for adoption. As one of the officers concisely stated it, "Boys are not appreciated." Isn't this true In city, town, or coun try? Our girls are going to school and college, even when their parents are far from wealthy. But the brother of more than two-thirds of these girls are doing odd jobs around town, or working for day wages. True, thsy earn something in this way for them selves or their parents. But if the good of the boys were to be consulted, the parents ought rather to have lived on bread and water, and worn patches three deep, than to have handicapped their sons with the lack of a good ed ucation. Why shouldn't boys have a chance to rise in the world asxwell as girls? Mothers watch after their small daughters very carefully, taking much pains that their associates are of the best, but these same mothers will, in many cases, allow their young sors to run about the streets and play by 1he hour with boys that are bad, even incipient thieves and drunkards. Isn't it true that many fathers stand by and hear without protest the ob scene tales of other men, told before thir half-grown sons. Had It been tbe fcy's sisters who were present the nar- jraierja woylsl bave been promptly hush d up, perhapi tbrsbfd for, "trying to roar a gjr's iHHIB??'' -Evidently a boy's innocence does not count. Suppose a young girl of our acquain ance should be enticed into a salooi and made drunk. Why our indigna tion would know no bounds. The pub lic does not think it makes much dif ference when it is one of our boys. He should be able to take care of himself. Why not protect the boy? Isn't he worth saving as well as the girl? Is a lazy man a more edifying sight than a lazy woman? Is an oath in a man's mouth less blasphemous than in a wo man's? Is a man drunkard cleaner or purer than a woman drunkard? r ' An observer asks, "What is the mat ter with local option? Why cannot temperance people concentrate their forces upon that instead of aiming at national or State prohibition?" The matter with local option has always been that it is too local and too optional. A Virginia Preacher Sentenced to the Penitentiary. Washington, May 17 Rev. Liston D. Bass, recently convicted of using the mails for prupose to defraud.today was sentenced to three years in the MoundsvMe,- W. Va., penitentiary, and to i ay fines amounting to $1,000. The case was appealed. Judge Bar nard in pronouncing sentence scath ingly denounced the prisoner. Air. Mr. Bass is the pastor of two churches in Virginia, Migplaced Ability. Philadelphia Press. The young collegian snapped his watch lid down with a sigh of relief, announced to his neighbor. "We ought to get a man with wind like that on our track team." The Suffering Congregation. New York Herald. Doacon Parson do you thing it wrong for a preacher to steal his ser mons? ( Parson Certainly I do. Deacon I think you are too parti cular parson, too particular. Why He Doesn't Work. Philadelphia Record. "For a man who doesn't work," siii tie housekeeper, "you have a pretty good appetite." "Yes, ma'am," replied Hungry Higgins; dat's why 1 don't If I did de would be no satisfyin me." You can never tell b7 the size of a omun'a vaist how big ner heart is. for those weak eyes is obtained7 g J uy properiy aujusicu giaooto which enable tired eyes g to do as much . work, possibly more than they. ever did. Delays are dangerous, jjj DRS. MOORE, 112 East Market Street. j ICO A Croup Remedy : : That Acts Promptly A grateful surprise to anx ious parents is VICK'S MAGIC CPOUP SALVE, 2 oz jar, 25c KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE Sold by Druggists. At H drug stores. 25 HICK S CAP.UDINE CURES SICK HEADACHE AGRIPPE, COLDS. AND ALL HEADACHES NEVE3J DISAPPOINTS YOU. Ml frVfn mrpnrA 0 Nothing will cool the air and make the grass grow, like a good Lawn Sprinkler. We have them in several styles, also Rub ber and Cotton Hose, Hose Nozzles, Hose Bibs and Hose Reels. Odlell Msnrdlware Co. AND Bverybody knows that Mer cury is a danger ous medicine even WhtH administered in very email dofitd. end few constitutions can stand it for any length of time. Potash produces inflammation of tbe stomach and bowels, and ft d&ngtroua form of dyspepsia and ofteq chronic diarrhoea follow its useiijj-"1 Now. the doctors will tell vou if vou have Contagious Blood Poison you must take these minerals for two years or longer ; first, a course of Mercury, and when your teeth get so sensitive and sore that you can't eat, and the gums have a spongy,' unnatural appearance, you are told to stop and a change to Potash is made. When the stomach rebels you are put on Mercury again, and so on ad infinitum or until the system becomes scf Jthoroughly saturated with these poisonous drugs that the most disgusting soresbpelak out on the body, the bones become diseased, and the muscles and joints are' racked with the most torturing pains. Mercury and Potash driv the eruptions and blotches from the skin, but the virus remains in the blood and the reappearance of the old symptoms and the occasional sore mouth show that the poison is still active, and you can never hope to completely eradicate it by this method of treatment, rxajart. M4fcsr iMW5yya3!S3I S. S. S. is the only Whsn X was about twenty-one years of afire, or antidote for this de eighteen years ago, I contracted Blood Poison in a structive virus and an bad form, and am satisfied that the rapid proarress :nffliijh1 mnv for the disease was making would soon have made me a !?. i-1; tl life-long- invalid or ended my life. AS my system tins peculiar poison. It came under the influence of 8. S. SL, the sores, destroys and eradicates splotohes and pimples gradually disappeared and soon every particle of the no evidence of the disease was left. I am now thirty- poison, and makes the nine years old, and have seen no signs of it during- blood as healthv and the past eighteen years. S. S. S. does all you claim . A;a for it. WM. BMEBSON; Pevely, Mo. Pure M ore Pf1!" 1 ease was contracted. S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known, and we offer i,ooo for proof that it contains any mineral ingredient whatever. The general health improves as the Specific purges the svstem of impurities, and as new, rich blood begins to flow in the veins the unsightly sores and other evidences of. blood poison disappear ; strength returns and you are forever rid of this loathsome disease. Our Home Treatment Book on Contagious Blood Poison tells you all about the symptoms, different stages, etc., of this disease. We will mail you a copy free. If you need advice or special directions, write our physicians : it will cost you nothing and may hasten your cure. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, 6A. 10 Tfu AFTER- 11 - . .'i Him MAGNETIC i. .. . IIERVIIIE BEFORE: - Easil? ttlBlcklT, Permaneatly Restored. gft A Lost Vitality, Nervous Debility, Insomnia Failinx Memory, and all Wanting Diseases and all Weaknesses resulting from early or later excesses. $1 per box. 6 for $5. Mailed to ant address on receipt of price. Tt3 Hast AiedlciiSs Co Bu Paul, Jilna. For sale by JOHN B. FAR1SS, DRUGGIST, Greensboro, N. C. Upholstering and Repairing We renovate mattresses and upholster and repair furniture. Renovating hair mattresses a specialy. We riake the best Mattresses, of all kinds, on the market. They will be furnished you by any one of the furniture dealers of the city. Your patronage is solicited. CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. Greensboro, -------- North Carolina We give below a list of our directors, feeling: that no further guar antee of our conservative management need be given: J. A. Odell, R. M. Rees, Geo. S. Sergeant, R. R. King, J. S. Cox, J. W. Scott, J. C. Bishop, John Gill, Baltimore, Md.; W. H. Watkins, Ramseur; O. R. Cox, Cedar Falls; W. F, Williams, Red Springs; J. A. Hadley, Mt. Airy; S. Bryant, Randleman; J. El wood Cox, High Point; B. F. Mebane, W. L. Grissom, W. D. McAdoo, R. P. Gray, J. W. Fry. City National Bank. GREENSBORO, N. C Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $18,000.. Everything of a hanking nature en trusted to our care receives our hest attention. We shall heglad to have a share of your business. J. M. Walker, Pres. Lee H. Battle, Cashier.. YOU SEE IT WRITE J? " " T zixm m IT WFflTES IN SIGHT : . 1 -;.. '. ' - :. , , . he imn ni fc p ER TYPEWRIT Visible. Highest speed, greatest, ease, hest work, simple, light, durable,, rapid, sells on merit. A railroad Type writer. Least parts, best alignment. It write right, it writes in sight Smallest keyboard. Built to stand' abuse. DON'T BUY AN OUT-OF-DATE-MACHINE on a WORN-OUT REPUTATION INVESTIGATE . INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE Tl 1 j a n a k. - a n . - . 1-siU- TMiM8t5ft? Viogre jpn appucation. GLENN SWliTHt Sppjal Representative, for North Carolina J. J. Nicholls:& 13 Lewis St., between EagleVPoutidry Bldg and Bint. Comp We now have in stock a complete line - of GaB Fixtures, Brackets, etc., ranging in price from 25b; up. We guar antee our fixtures first-class, and 1 hang jbhem free of cost. Just think of a three-light fixture in. polished brass for 01 .45 or a two-light fixture in oxidized copper for S160. GiS STOVES, GAfr EUXUBES GAS EN GINES, WELSBACH MGSTSi : ENSMfBM CO.

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