GBBBNSBORO TIJIjEGEAM, (SftEElCteO, 'N. 0.,,MAY;22, 1901 V; It- 'If I Iff t35 :. In; 1 ; . SI If ; V- .y;. . i SV 3 ?! ft t 1 i i '; ' 'Hi-- - v I " 1 The Servant Problem. Josh Wink in Baltimore American. Consider now the servant question. Verily, it is not the men who go forth and grab railroads and factories that cause the most worry in the heart of man. Nay, and neither is it the trust Dor the syndicate that loseth a man's job ior him and cuteth his wages in two, chat handeth him the greatest buccb of sorrow. Surely, the servant question is the one that bringeth the gray hairs and maketh the wrinkles. For the servant goes abroad in the land, seeking what she may devour. She getteth a job as a cook and the flour bill goeth up as high as the monument, and the Sugar Trust de clareth dividends very week because sh bnyett- sc mvch. She useth more coffee for a family of two than the boss cook of a circus taketh for all his men. She burneth the steak and she bring eth on the roast when it is scorched to a hardwood nni sh. She maketh pie that no man can eat and call his life his own . And she casteth biscuits that linger in the bosom of the eater thereof. And when one speaketh to her, that she refrain from wasting food and that she cook better. Telling her that it is no longer the fashion tc turn meat and to provide building brick biscuit. She looketh askance at him. Yea, she looketh at him with the comer of her eye, and she frowneth upon him. And she telleth him to take himself unto the outside or she will disarrange his countenance with a roliing pin. And he goeth out with speed. And that same day he readeth a poem about lovely woman. And wondereth in his heart if th. poet ever saw a cook. Verily, it is greatly to be wished and much to be desired. That the time may yet come when the women and the daughters of wo men. Will cease from following after the false goods of literature, and will turn their backs upon the delights of the clubs. And will no more read papers upon the soul and beauty of life. But will turn their minds to compos ing symphonies In coffee And lyrics in biscuits and harmonies in steak. For then man, poor man.will not feci like unto a canned junk shop when he hath finished his meal. And life will not be one long vista of armorplate bread and disconsolate pie. Yea, brethren, mankind needs more cooks and fewer historical romances; More artists with the range, and fewer papers on the Inner conscious ness; For what kind of an inner conscious ness hath the man who hath fed upon cold coffee and boardwalk meat, And hath then been Hung from the kitchen. And sworn at by the cook? Verily, the servants question is the one that hath two miles of interrog tion points after it. And there is no answer to it. r:J - The man who "trusts nobody" may be pursuing a safe course, but it must lc lonesome. Whenever a church member gues wrong every bad man regards it as a personal triumph. Rest fnr those weak eves is obtained by properly adjusted glasses ' which enable tired eyes j i to do as much work, possibly more than they J ever did. Delays are dangerous, j i DRS. MOORE, 112 East Market Street. j A Croup Remedy : That Acts Promptly A grateful surprise to anx ious parents is VICK'S MAGIC CROUP SALVE, 2 oz. jar, 25c KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE Sold by Druggists. HEADACHE 0Ab (Mfe 25 Doses 13c HICK'S CAPUDINE CURES SICK HEADACHE LAGRIPPE, COLDS. AND ALL HEADACHES NEVER DISSAPPOINTS YOU. nrprirnN rp Nothing will cool the air and make the ?grass grow, like a good Lawn Sprinkler. We have them in several styles, also Rub ber and Cotton Hose, Hose Nozzles, Hose Bibs and Hose Reels. Odell Hardware Co. skin, W UittW terrible W W IM is over- a fi r.wi that he f or teml Eczema sets the skin on fire. The acid poisons the blood are forced out through the pores of the causinj? intense redness, burn in e and itching. So ' is the itching at times, especially when the body heated, that the almost distracted sufferer feels i could tear the skin to pieces, and that he must scratch go crazy. He knows irom experience tnat tnis oniy makes matters worse, but. made des Derate by the terrible burning and itching, he is for the time being indifferent to after effects. There are several forms of Eczema, the moist, or weeping kind, that comes in little pus tules which discharge a watery, sticky fluid, which dries and peels off in bran-like scales. So profuse is the discharge at times that large scabs or crusts form, which are both painful and troublesome, and not easily removed. Red, disfiguring bumps and sores are symptoms of Eczema. The dry form usually attacks the head, hands and feet ; the skin, becoming hard and rough, often cracking open and bleeding, and attended with much itching. Eczema depends upon a poisoned con dition oi ine Diooa, ana local Mr. Zj. Harno, Escondido, San Diegro County, Gal., writes : " my body broke out with a rash or eruption which in spite of all efforts to cure continued to get worse. The itching", especially at night, w-s simply terrible ; it would almost disappear ut times, only to return worse than ever. I had tried many highly recommended preparations without benefit, and hearing of S. S. S. determined to give it a fair trial, and was Inexpressibly delighted when a few bottles curod me entirely, removing every blemish and pimple from my body. I shall not fail to recom mend S. S. S. whenever an opportunity occurs. -re. J. S. COX, V. Pres. W. E. ALX.E1V, Treat, T"L CL 1 T j . a iic vjicciibuuru jLoan ana 1 rus t company Will Furnish Visitors To The Pan-American Exposition Drafts on Buffalo and Identification Blanks, Eni abling Them to Carry Funds in Perfect Security and Avoiding the Necessity of Being Identified. applications, while soothing and cooling, and may to some extent relieve the inflamma tion and itching, cannot be considered cures, because external remedies do not reach constitutional or blood diseases. Salves, ointments, powders, lotions and soaps do more harm than good, by smearing over and sealing up the nores of the skin. thu3 forcing the poison baok into the blood. S. S. S. antidotes and neutralizes the acid poisons and drives out of the circulation all impurities and humors, and the pure, rich blood that is carried to the diseased skin quickly allays the inflammation, opens the clogged up pores, and the skin becomes soft, smooth and ready to perform its proper functions. To be rid of Eczema you must first purify and build up the blood, and nothing so surely and effectually does this as S. S. S., the only guaran teed purely vegetable blood purifier. Send for our book on blood and skin diseases, and write our physicians for any information or advice you may desire. Medical advice and book free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, QA. AFTER- MAGNETIC NERVINE City National Bank, Capital, $ioo,ooo. GREENSBORO, N. C Surplus and Profits, $18,000. Everything of a banking nature en trusted to our care receives our best attention. We shall beglad to have a share of your business. J. M. Walker, Pres. Lee H. Battle, Cashier, YOU SEE IT WRITE BEFORE Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored. g5i;Eft A ExS Lost Vitality, Kervons Debility, Insomnia, Fatlinsc Memory, and all Wasting Diseases and all Weaknesses resulting from early or later cesses. $1 per box, 6 for $5. Mailed to any address on receipt of price. The liust iledlclda Co., Su Paul, ilimu For sale by JOHN B. FARISS, DRUGGIST, Greensboro, N. C. We Sell on Time as Low as Others Sell for Gash. .u. jf1 Furnish Jj- Your 5lJ House il On the Easy i Payment Plan. Everything you want in ft. 'ft (ft (ft (ft W. Bedroom Furniture, China, Glassware and Housefurnishing Goods, ft . (ft Only a Small Payment Down, g the Balance on Easy Terms G. BENEFIEJJD (& CO., IT WRITES INSIGHT Til 'OLIVER TYPEWRITER Visible. Highest speed, greatest ease, best work, simple, lignt, durable, rapid, sells on merit. A railroad Type writer. Least parts, best alignment It writes right, it writes in sight Smallest keyboard.. Built to staDQ abuse. DON'T BUY AN OUT-OF-DATE-MACHINE on a WORN-OUT REPUTATION INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE Illustrated Art Catalog Free on application. J- GLENN SMITH, Special Representative for North Carolina- GAS FIXTURES..... We now have in stock a complete line of Gas Fixtures, Brackets, etc., ranging in price from 25c. up. We guarantee- our fixtures first-class, and hang them free of cost. Just think of a thjee-light fixture in polished brass for $1 .45 or a two-light fixture in oxidized copper for $1.60. GAS STt)VES, GAS FIXURES, GAS EN GINES, WELSBACH LIGHTS ' : SOUTH ELM J-