. ..... .- , .... : ..... , . ... .. ., ,.v, . - . -e .av GREENSBORO TELEGRAM, GREENSBORO, ,N, C, MAY 27, 1901. FAIR PREMIUMS. Irs she 1 'i ft: ! ! 5. 3 m lya The I National M I Refrigerator. A List of the Special Premiums Offered To Date. Grissom & Fordham, druggists One dozen packages of horse and cattle powder for finest pig, any breed under one year old. v S. L. Gilmer & Co. One $3.50 urn brellar to the farmer's wife showing the best one half dozen varieties of canned goods. J. W. Scott & Co. One pair of Leaksvillo Blankets for best display of apples. Not open to nurserymen. Vans tor j' Clothing Co $10.00 suit of clothes for winner of slow mole race, the rider not to be underTU years old, the owner doesn't ride his own juule, but one of his competitors, the slowest mllle J?int --'... - John A. Young One pair of mam moth black pigs for the best varieties of winter apples not less than six vari eties and six of each variety. Value of pigs, $15. (5. V. Denny One dozen mason fruit jars for best six varieties of pickles and one dozen half gallon mason jars for best gallon of peach preserves. J. J. Phoenix $5 in cash for heavi est dozen fresh hen eggs, produced in Guilford county and $5 in cash for heaviest half dozen chickens hatched spring of 1901 in Guilford county. Tatnm & Taylor $5 plush robe for party buying a Columbus buggy dur ing Fair and $5 boys saddle and bridle for the best boy horse back rider under 12 years old. M. O. Newell & Co. $5 in trade for the best bushel of wheat cut with a McCormick binder of 1901 purchase, also $2.50 in trade for the best bale of hay cut with a 1901 McCormick mower. J. Van "Lmdley Nursery Company Fifty Staymens Winesap apple trees for the best exhibit of apples and 50 winter apple trees for the best exhibit of pears and 50 assorted peach trees for the best exhibit of peaches, these not open to nurserymen. Rosenblatt & Ellington One clock valued at $5 for the largest "Buffalo." Proposes to Return lo Canteen. Baltimore Sun. It is believed that Secretary Root will ask Congress at the next session to 'authorize the re-establishment of the "canteen" at army posts. If he will have these institutions called by some other name it may do away with some of the fiprce opposition to them on the part of the temperance societies. Per sons who are not familiar with them might infer from the name that they are simply drinking saloons. and doubtless many who have asked Con gress to prohibit them did so under that impression. In point of fact the caie of wine and beer at the army can teen is only an incidental feature, al though an important one. The canteen is a social club tor the soldicr-s.a plac1 where th?v can smoke thmr nines. rend Rest w v - ' $ possibly more man iney ever did. Delays are dangerous. jj DRS. MOORE, vj 112 East Market Street. f 3 for those weak eyes is obtained jp by properly adjusted glasses which enable tired eyes JJ to do as mucn worK, w 1 A Croup Remedy JL JL T'l-5f Arfc Prnmnttv r ' A grateful surprise to anx ious parents is VICK'S MAGIC CROUP SALVE, 2 oz. jar, 25c KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE Sold by Druggists. At mil drug store. 25Doa2aeJ a Hiruc r.ADiiniNF CURES SICK HEADACHE LAGKIPPE. COLDS. AND ALL HEADACHES NEVER DISAPPOINTS YOU. i You can not afford to be with out a Refrigerator when you can buy one at such a small cost as we are selling them. The NATIONAL has been on the market for years and gives satisfaction. It is made of hardwood lumber, finished in antique and lined with zinc. The ice chamber and shelves are made c inside case is charcoal sheathing and drip pan and waste pipe are removable, making have them in all styles and sizes. Odell Hardware life 5iiSipii 't' 1 galvanized iron. Between the r lead air space. The ice chamber, it it easily cleaned. We d Go. WISH I II p POISOH OASC, POiSON IVY, Through the pores of the skin many poisons are absorbed into the blood, deranging the circulation and affecting the constitution as quickly and seriously as those generated within the system. Just m-BLB under UiesKin are lnnuiiieiciuiciidix-xxxv. -- B&f3lBEIR S MTGrip veSsels, and connecting these with the skin - criii OO are millions of small tubes or glands, through LEMD AND Sftflid Which the poison is conveyed to the blood sys-sffffOffj- BTTTf tern. During the spring and summer, while ETGm the skin is most active and the pores well open we are much more liable to be affected by Poison Oak and- Ivy and other dan-erous plants. Workers in brass, copper, lead and zmc have their health im pa?rfd andPthe biood supply poisoned through the absorption of fine picles of Sese metals and the acids used in polishing and cleaning them. Inhaling the fumes of lead give painters that pallid, waxy appearance of the skin. Barbw s Iteli Another disease that reaches the blood through the skin, and is a most obstinate 4; when it becomes firmly fixed in the system. After the poison has cached the Vood ard been disseminated throughout the system it is too late to resort to local o.ooa ariu uli iro,i c-mnlf.npniK vwitli the appear mmications. in many cases iuc uiuuu ' j - anfe of the rash or eruption on the skin, and all efiorts should be directed to .the Purification and building up of the blood. Ugly eruptions and sores will continue to break out in spite of salves, washes, soaps or other external treatment. S S S is especially recommended for poisons oi this character, bo com rMely does it destroy the effects of the Oak and Ivy that there is no possibility of Fts reappearance, and it is equally as efficacious in brass or lead poisoning or Bar ber's Ir; bull Jing up and purifying the blood and driving out of the circulation luct Known, anu luc icsi unu. m - Our Medical Consultation Department. If you desire any special information or advice about your case, write our physicians, explaining your conaiuon, auu J. W. FRY, Pres. J. S. COX, V. Pres. W. E. ALLEA, Treast The Greensboro . Loan and Trust Company Will Furnish Visitors To The Pan-American Exposition. Drafts on Buffalo and Identification Blanks, En abling Them to Carry Funds in Perfect Security and Avoiding the Necessity of Being Identified. the ncv. 7or3 and p tbev will carefully consider what you have to IV as are payed nt Youn.v Men' Ohi if-1 ! Associ-itioi roor.is. In a-ldirior- io it is it sc-'io wiure a: "tic-s -.. ---.-i r.pivo n rirot'TlL ronlv. Ourr.hvSl- A J . - -i -l -i . i . . i : . lht cians have maae a stu- ly ot Diooa ana sum (i, , . :ik- zc-a i on . raci'u :na" of foot v H-;i not &.-r ticny, run bo puvchr? at c canlcciii. had barn a featare DO! f. t", v c- 1 " vr v ; .-" varicu "ir.:i r; . -i i r a r ii and vou can Have tue ncnei oi ineir f.-u.u. and skill without anv cost to you w hatever. I)cn't N, hesitate to v.-n'ta fully about yourself, as nothing y. von sav trues ueyoii -oui w-huj. wv .m-. - . , , ., r mterestiS beck on Blood and Skin Diseases, which ve will be glad to mail free. TKS SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, uA. sTr AtZrmis by (' ia- oniit-.tf-l ' fa-.a .: !: said to j'a-.a ; iieir aa-1" -.-i Y.iC ?ia.ao:i t 'jt-nv; .Ian i aaa v ,aii-;i .: 1 ai. T!ia l 1 ; -ra-s l-'a '.-.-V- jf-1-' a.',".?: YOU SEE IT WRITE IT WRITES IN SIGHT iiM5sP .rnht 'T'li. . :-M TH TYPEWRITER Visible. Highest speed, greatest ease, best work, simple, ligrst, durable, rapid, sells on merit. A railroad Type- writer. Least parts, best alignment It writes right, it writes in sisM. Smallest keyboard. Built to stand abuse. DON'T BUY AN OUT-CF-DATE-MACE INE on a WORN-OUT REPUTA INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE Illustrated Art Catalog Free on application. J GS tZP&M SrfM, Special Representative for North Car a baa ia a ; ! c i r . . ; J - 1 ' :i ." ri'iisoo to c uro -:!!!:; 2; .r.-.orr, a--i Mi ar.ajj.'-wS on racc:pU Pc3 iBASEBALLG jd aa- : 1 1 1 ; aa r mIc b JOHN I:. I'.MllaS. J 'GGiST, Greensboro. N. C. li . f' . eT. Sf 1 x a i.- n,- vu la5 1 U u Hi m i ai:a our House On tha Eas Payment Plan. raj r3 :4.j V, '') f' :f ,rt.- . -i .a ... a y 3 - lS..ai :a 0 w . i. vou want In I Bedroom Furniture, China, Glassware a? We a i u a : ;o agents for SaadiaL-' ?; ort Toods and can iarnisa- baseball gloves from 25 cent? to 2.o' balls 5 M F. 1 J tt n E v. frara 5 c-nts to SI. 25, but from 5i.4rp f1?ef cents to 75 cents, mil.- srera 25 a?a:s to j ULUtA 80.00, masks, tennis hill's, aeis, rack- j et-b ct.. one price to a,'.!. ! Wharton .A. Bros Comer WalEcs 4 and 1 ? w Housefurnishing Goods. Only a Small Payment Down, the Balance, on Easy Terms LNBFIOJD , CO., SOUTH ELM STREET, jzr . . taa aanL We now have in stock a complete line of Gas Fixture-. Brackets, .etc, ranging in price from 25c. up. We guar antee our fixtures first-class, and hang them free of cost. Just think of a three-light fixture in polished brass for S1.45 or a two-light fixture in oxidized copper for S1.60. GAS STOVES, GASFIXURES, GAS EN GINES, WELSBACET LIGHTS. ::::::: GREENSBORO GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. ?. vil--- tt'-" '-VVJ .A'iH'-s tf-TV'-Jta'-WX: ":-.'i:-f' v .vV'5 & . V ..V.j- vV-." r ; sr--:r!'?a'ri -;;V; a-a:? :i

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