GREENSBORO TELEGRAM; GREENSBORO, N. C, MAY 28, 1901. NOT HEREDITARY. Prnnkard' Children May toe Degenerates but the Craving for Drink i Not Tranmitted London Lancet. It is now 18 months since the Society for the study of Inebriety appointed a special committee to study the rela tion of heredity to inebriety. The com mittee was composed of five physicians two surgeons, a professor of bacterio logy, an army surgeon, and five gener al medical practitioners. Eighteen months have been spent in the investi gation. The report of this committee has just beeen published and it is sign ed by nine of the fourteen members, some of whom have made comments, while one has sent in an indepednent report. The reference to the commit tee was in these terms; to investigate he conditions under wbich the tenden cy of drunkenness is capable of trans mission to offspring, It does not ap pear to be contended that inebriety is in itself hereditary, but that a capaci ty or tendency to it is heritable. The report declares that the inebrie ty of an individual depends upon three conditions the first being an inborn capacity for enjoying the sensations which alcohol produces, and the second and the third being acquired personal experiences of the pleasures of alcohol and the increased delight which con tinued indulgence confers in the case of the inebriate. That one drunken generation often succeeds another sug gest a hereditary taint. The commit tee adds that there is no evidence that acquired characters of any kind are heritable. This appears to have been a much debated question. Popular opinion has taken for grant ed characteristics of uu nunununununu parents are likely to be inherited and of course, temperance reformers, well meaning, but often ignorant and mis guided, have not been slow to urge upon the public that each man's drinking is pretty sure to produce for him a gen eration of children who will become drunkards. If this be not true the temperance reformer (who is generally in favor of entire abstinence rather than of temperance) must bear a hea vy responsiblity for the large amount of mental torture which he has in flicted on the moderate drinking citi zen. The last words of science, however, as declared by teachers of physiology, biology and botany, is a very definite assertion that no instance of the here ditary transmission of an acquired characteristic has ever been demons trated either in the animal or the veg etable knigdom. If this be a fact a man can only transmit to his son the here ditary taint with which he was born, and if a man having no inborn ten dency to excess yet acquires drunken habits his progeny are in no more dan gen than are those of his neighbor, leaving out of consideration the ef fect of environment of youth. It is not denied that drunken parents who be come thus mentally and physically weak are liable to have children who are degenerate weak in body and fee ble in mind; such persons, in fact, as under unpropitious circumstances tend to become paupers, criminals, epil entics and drunkards. The point which is denied in that the drunkard's chil dren has the specialized tendency to become inebriate rather than vicious in some other direction. It seems probable that the -itiestion of environment is cf more importance after all then that of heredity, and a man of strong will is just as likely tu exercise it in the gratification of his desires as in the contrary direction. If a man of powerful will finds that alco hol gives him pleasure he will take good care to repeat the experience. The habitual drinker is one to whom alco hol brings enjoyment, either as positive pleasure or as cessation of pain, where as the vclutary abstainer is one, who, from constitutional peculiarity, finds little pleasure in alcohol exhilaration. Alcohol weeds cut from every race -.he-individuals who most enjoy and in dulge in it. Th-j races cf southern Europe who have had the longest ex perience of alcoholic thinks arc now more temperate than the British, the Scaimavifins and the flvssians. The. committee in of the opinion that the coutir.ed aluse of alcohol tends to render a race less innately prone to in ebriety than it would otherwise have been, this result being brought, about by the elimination cf the drunken unfit and the survival of those with a weak tendency to alcoholism. Rest for those weak eyes is obtained by properly adjusted glasses which enable tired eyes to do as much work, possibly more than they ever did. Delays are dangerous. DRS. MOORE, 112 East Market Street. 4 DON'T BEDECEIVED By the circus bill advertiseing of quack medicine concerns. Your dur gist will tell you that "Coleman's Guarantee" is an honest medicine and guaranteed to cure all forms of Indi gestion and Dyspepsia.Price 50c, large ootUe, at druggists. A Croup Remedy : : That Acts Promptly A grateful surprise to anx ious parents is VICK'S MAGIC CROUP SALVE, 2 oz. jar, 25c KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE Sold by Druggi9t9. HEADACHE r The National Refrigerator. r 3f..Sllseb ' I I jy Ofeftn (HOfe At all drug stores. 25 Doses 23c HICK'S CAPUDINE CURES SICK HEADACHE LAGRIPPE, COLDS, AND ALL HEADACHES NEVER DISSAPPOIXTS YOU. A NIGHT OF TERROR. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Machias, Me., when the doctors said she could not live till morning" writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. "All thought she must soon die from pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying that it had more than once sav ed her life, and had cured her of Con sumption. After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its further use completely cured her." This mar velous medicine is guaranteed to cure all throat, chest and lung diseases. Only 50c and $1. Trial bottles free at C. E. Holton's durg store. A TESTIMONIAL FROM OLD ENG LAND. "I consider Chamberlain's Cough Re medy the best in the world for bron chitis," says Mrs. William Savory, of Warrington, England. "It has saved my wife's life, she having been a mar tyr to bronchitis for over six yet'i being most of the time confined to her ' ed. She is now quite well." So! 1 by C. E. Holton, Druggist. You can not afford to be with out a Refrigerator when you can buy one at such a small cost as we are selling them. The NATIONAL has been on the market for years and gives satisfaction. It is made of hardwood lumber, finished in antique and lined with zinc. The ice chamber and shelves are made of galvanized iron. Between the inside case is charcoal sheathing and dead air space. The ice chamber, drip pan and waste pipe are removable, making it easily cleaned. We have them in all styles and sizes. Odell . Hardware Co. CAUGHT A DREADFUL COLD. Marion Kooke, manager for T. M. Thompson, a large importer of fine mi llinery at 1658 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi cago, says: "During the late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at eight and made me unfit to attend my work during the day. One of my milliners was taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a se vere cold at. that time, which seemed to relieve her so quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I began to improve at once. I am now entirely well and feel very pleas- Skin affections will readily disappear by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get De Witt's you will get good results. It is the quick apd positive cure for piles. HOWARD GARDNER. GREAT WEALTH. Is perfect health. How do you feel? Evor have attacks of indigestion and Dyspepsia? Most people have. "Cole man's Guarantee" will positively cure these common ailments "take it. eat what you want and be happy." Price 50c. large bottle at druggists. W. E. ALLEX, Treas Trust Company J. W. FRY, Pre. J. S. COX, V. Pre. The Greensboro Loan and Will Furnish Visitors To The Pan-American Exposition Drafts on Buffalo and Identification Blanks, En abling Them to Carry Funds in Perfect Security and Avoiding the Necessity of Being Identified. YOU SEE IT WRITE si ill Eczema, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum, Acne and a great many other diseases of like character are classed as skin diseases, when they could just as properly be called blood diseases, for they undoubtedly originate in the blood, like Cancer, Catarrh, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Contagious Blood Poison, etc. ; the only real difference being m the intensity and nature of the poison. The more serious diseases, Cancer, Catarrh, etc., are caused by some specific poison or virus, which is either inherited or m other ways gets into the blood and attacks certain vital organs or appears m the form of terrible sores and ulcers, while the milder and less dangerous skin diseases are caused by blood humors or an over acid condition of that fluid. These acid poisons, as they ooze out through the pores of the skin, cause great irritation, with intense itching and burning. The eruption may be of a pustular kind, with excessive discharge of thick, gummy fluid, or the skin may be hot, dry- and feverish, swollen and Assured. Skin diseases, whether they appear dq cnrpQ "hlntrhpt; nr tn'trinlpo T t j . . . - - .j v-cxj. ucciiuuy ttuu. most sincerely endorse your specific a3 a cure for Eczema, the most irrigating- and annoying disease, I think, tliat L-csh. 13 heir to. I was troubled with it for twenty-five years, and tried many remedies with no grood effect. After using: your medicine a short time I think I am entirely relieved. You can give this statement any publicity you may desire, as it is voluntarily made, more for tnose afflicted than notoriety for myself. Very respectfully, , m V7K. CAMPBELL, ol3 Woet Central. Wichita, Kans. IT WRITES IN SIGHT B OLIVER TYPEWRITER Visible. Highest speed, greatest ease, best work, simple, light, durable, rapid, sells on merit. A railroad Type writer. Least parts, best alignment It writes right, it writes in sight. Smallest keyboard. Built to stand abuse. DON'T BUY AN OUT-OF-DATE-MACHINE on a WORN-OUT REPUTATION INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE Illustrated Art Catalog Free on application. J. GLENN SMITH. Special Representative for North Carolina become more deeply rooted and intractable the longer neglected, the skin in time having a thick, hard, rough and unsightly appearance. You can hide the blemishes for a time with cosmetics; and washes, lotions, soaps and powders may relieve temporarily the itching and burning, but eventually the . r t, !-;., jogged up by this treatment that the poisonous matter thrown off by the blood n ul ui u e system, and settles on the lungs, heart or some other vital rgan ana endangers life. BASEBAL LGOODS We are agents for Spaldings' sport ing goods and can furnish baseball gloves from 25 cents to $2.50, balls from 5 cents to $1.25, bats from 5 cents to 75 cents, mits from 25 cents to $6.00, masks, tennis balls, nets, rack ets etc., ore price to ail. THE PLACE FOE taple . aad Wharton : B ros. Fancy Groceni Corner Walker Ave mi c and Spring Street. pUnft ai:d.buud the polluted blood is the right treatment for skin iVf f' dff i13 Pose other medicine is so deservedly popular as S. S. S. i. J.n tVu! an'-:d?tc o: al? blood humors, and when taken into the circulation. aai i ii iTrwrmara .jr mi mihiiiiimi rmnrrrmj" mmmzir-srf n A Q UIYTl TDCC ZnZZ 'i UrU-UV- enminates all impurities and puts the blood in a healthy S:LlSkm can't remain in an irritated, diseased condition when .Ti nC?' ?ew,blood- S. S. S. is the only guaranteed purely vegetable an v hinod nr and skin beautifier. Write our physicians if you have any blood or s.cin disease, and they will cheerfully advise you without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA. MAGNETIC NERVINE If sWl5HiSk,J Permanently Resf ored. gaffSS Fcr sale by JOHN B, FARISS, DRUGGIST, Greensboro, N. C. Vve now have in stock a complete line of Gas Fixtures, brackets, etc., ranging in price from 25c. up. We guar antee our fixtures first-class, and hang them free of "cost. Just think of a three-light fixture in polished brass for $1.45 or a two-light fixture in oxidized cooper fr S1.6G. GAS STOVES, GAS FIXURES, GAS EN GINES, WELSBACH LIGHTS GREENSBORO GAS AND EECTWC LIGHT CO.