, J- Y .. .. vol. vm. NO. 101. GREENSBORO. N. C. MONDAY. JUNE 3, 1901. Price Five Cents. ' - . , s 1 , -y 1 SPECIAL NOTICES All advr rtUenieuts under this head 5 cents per liii: uo advertisement inserted for le9 tliuii li cents. HOUSE PAINTINGREPAIRING AND Calsomining. Don't forget I do all kinds and do it right. I also carry a full line of wall paper samples from cheapest to best grades. It will pay you to examine these. Drop me a postal or call at 116 W. Market St., second floor, Brockman Music School building. R. E. ANDREWS, Box 141. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR "PLAIN shoes for plain men?" They are made perfectly plain, without ' box toe or cap very comfortable, ser viceable and durable. The best grades, made of black vici or light calf-skin, are sold at three dollars, but also have these "plain shoes" at 150r $2 and $1.50, all good, solid, honest sfioes. THACKER &BR0CK MAXN. PHOTO BUTTONS THREE FOR 10 cents. Call and see samples. MAN GUM &COBB, S30 1-2, South Elm Street. m2S-4t FOR SALE A LOT OF SHAFTING, t?lts, pulleys, and hangers, sligh y used and In good condition. Address Pox 87, City. TASTE AND ABILITY MAKE OUR work the best. The economy in our garments is their wearing qualities. HARRY POEZOLT, Merchant Tai lor. 57-lmo TURKISH BATHS MAY BE HAD very Saturday afternoon or even ing at '407 Lithia street. Price 50 cents. .m23-tf DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK how much U cost you to use gas with out a torch and wax tapers from the consequences of hanging on Chande lier to light the gas or standing on your piusn Dottom cnair: more damage may be done by lighting one chandelier one time 'without these conveniences than it would cost to buy a outfit for each and every room in the house. We have them at all prices, 15, 20 and 25 cents for torch and wax tapers. Stop and get one, and thereby stop a nuisance in your house. GATE CITY SUPPLY CO., 217 South Elm Street. Phone 161. FOR SALE CHEAP MUN SON TYPE writer, No. 3. New and unused. P. P. CLAXTON. tf UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING neatly and promptly done. Mattress es renovated or refilled. Work guar anteeed. Best city references. J. J. NICHOLS, 112 Lewis street, lm FOR SALE STEAM ENGINE AM) boiler,2 -horse power gasoline fuel also 1 gasoline tank; used but a short time and as good as new. Ad dress "B", Care of Telegram. WANTED AN INDUSTRIOUS youth of 18 wants work. Not afraid of ork and can give good refer ences. Two years exeperience in lry goods store. Apply C, Telegram. ARE YOU PLANNING FOR Head The Telegram for bargains in ral estate. Tell the public what you want through the Telegram want columns. - an' a man has secure&V what he wanted by advertising in ''these, col umns, wheth x "Yi . rent rnol r I lx !ClC5iauv w... - reunite eState' Try U on and nPte4Wtelore Justice of the -Peace Pritch- "-'" it was lu uj, boil wi - ine cost is small. YOU'VE HEARD OF MONKERY SHIN es no doubt. But did you. ever hear of a Shiny Shoe Sale? Don't fail to read our big ad today for more particulars concerning the Shiny Shoe Sale. T'will interest you, our word for it. "THE WARD SHOE COMPANY. ' WATCH LOST LADIES SIZE, be tween J. M. Walker's residence and Merchant's Grocery Company, "B. K. B.'" on case. Liberal reward to fin der if left at Merchant's Grocery Co. SPECIAL VALUES IN PINK, BLUE and red soft bosom Madras shirts, all sizes, only 50 cents each at THACK ER & BROCKMANN'S. FOR SALE FOUR FRESH MILCH cows, two Jersey and and two half Jersey. Address J. A. GROOME, City. CARTLAND HAS TWO OR THREE nice suits you can get at a bargain, 36 to 40 breast measure, or would like to make you a nice Alpaca coat. , m31-eod lw SEE THE GREENSBORO BARGAIN House for housekeeping 10 cent ar ticles. v 7t RESOLUTIONS. Whereas, It has pleased the Great Head of the Church, to remove from the Church Militant, to the Church Triumphant, our esteemed brother. Joseph F. Watson, we, the West Wash ington Street Baptist church, offer the following resolutions, as testimony of the esteem, and affection, in which we held our brother. Resolved, 1st, That this Church feels sorely the bereavement sustained in the death of Brother Watson, who was ever faith ful to every duty entailed upon him by the church, and was even though young in years much sought after for his sound advice and counsel. 2d, That not only in the Church pro per, is Brother Watson's loss felt, but also in the b. Y. P. U., and Sunday school, will he be sadly missed, as he was actively indentifled with the work, in both of these branches, not only here but through the State at large. 3rd, That though this dispensation of providence is a shock to us, and we do sincerely mourn our brother, and shall miss him in all our counsels, yet our heartV'go out in tenderest sympa thy to his sisters and those relatives to whom he was dear, commending them to look to Christ, 'The Man of of Sorrows and acquainted with grief," for comfort and strength, in this, their hour of great trial and trouble. 4th, That while we cannot see now why this dear brother was called home in the full f ower of his usefulness yet We shall know hereafter"-- for our trust is stayed on Him who doeth all all things well. Eth, Tlit a copy of these resolutions be spread as a testimony of respect upon the minutes of this church. That these resolutions be sent for publica tion to the Biblical Recorder, to Chari ty and Children, and our City daily papers. Done by order, and in behalf, of th9 church in conference, this the 29th day of May, 1901. HOWARD GARNER, W. W. ROWE, J. S. MOORE, j Committee. To Leave Tomorrow. Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis will leave tomorrow for Canada to visit kinsfolk and friends. They will go direct from here to Toronto, and from there to Providence, Manitoba. It has been twenty-two years since Mr. and Mrs. Lewis left their native country and moved to North Carolina, and during that time they have never returned for a visit. Widening Ahe Street A force of hands are at work on Ashe street, widening that portion of it lying between West Washington and Market streets. This increase in width will make it one of the pretty residence streets of tne city.. For Wife Beating. John Truit, whose arrest some time riays ago f or ;wif ebeallng, was noticed trfori this mom- hett, ana nnea o u I waspaid. . ' ' . TAKES BACK HIS RESIGNATION. SENATOR M'LAUBIN TAKES THIS AC TION TO-DAY. Governor McSweeney is Officially Noti fied of the Fact. By Wire to The Telegram. Columbia, S. C, June 3. Senator McLaurin today officially withdrew his letter of resignation from Governor McSweeney. Washington, June 3. Former Jour nal clerk Smith of the House of Rep resentatives, and a noted parliamen tarian, declares that the Governor of South Carolina had not the authority in law or precedent to decline to ac cept the resignations of -Tillman and McLaurin. STRIKERS ARE RETURNING. i So Say General Manager Gan non, of the Southern. By Wire to The Telegram. Washington, June 3. General Mana ger Gannon, of the Southern Railway, this morning declared that many of the striking machinists had returned to work today, but declined to state how many and in what cities. New men are being hired where necessary. ' The God's Punishment. By Wire "to The Telegram. Rome, June 3. Vatican circles, it is reported, holds that the female heir to the throne is the gods punishment on the government for their treatment of Papacy. Actor Hern Dead. New -York, June 2. James A. Heme, the actor, died at his home in this city this afternoon. Mr. Heme waS taken ill in Chicago while playing in "Sag Harbor," a play of his own composition. He came at once to his home, took to his bed and never arose. It had been supposed for some days that he was improving, but Saturday night there was a change for the worse, which resulted fatally. At his bedside when he passed away were Mrs. Herne, his three daughters and his five-year-old son. Mr. Herne was born, in Troy, N. Y., February 1, 1838. He had a beautiful home in this city and was accounted wealthy. The body will be cremated. It has not been determind when the funeral will be held. Safe-Blowers Burn a Town. Beaumont, Tex., June 2. The little town of Jasper, county seat of Jasper county was entirely wiped out this morning by fire. Seventeen houses, in cluding every business house in the place, and a number of residences.were destroyed. The Are broke out about 3 o'clock, and in the absence of any fire department the town was at the mercy of the flames. Previous to the fire the postoffice safe had been blown open and robbed. The safe of the county treasurer was also found to have been blown open and rifled Of its contents. The conclusion of the people of Jasper is that the rob bers blew open these safes and then set fire to the town to cover up their crime and create an excitement which would afford them an opportunity to escape. The loss is estimated at $100, 000 by the fire, but it is not yet learned what the thieves secured from the safes. His fcf oheyinooh in the Tombi New York, June 2. John McCul lough. the young Savannah stenogra pher, who was arrested Thursday, on the steamer City of Augusta, while on his honeymoon, was again remanded to the Tombs today to await the is sance of extradition papers. Assistant Deputy Sheriff T. J. Sweeney, of Sa vannah, who arrived in New York Saturday afternoon, told Magistrate Flammer that after visiting Albany, tomorrow, to obtain signatures to the extradition papers, he would return and start for Savannah with McCul lough on Thursday. McCullough's lawyer said that if there "wras any longer delay in arrange ing the departure, he would obtain a: writ for McCullough's release. jEVhea . asked for a statement, Mrs. McCul-: lough said: "John is all right -and I. will stand by him forever. If fee did anything wrong it was for me and I will be loyal to him." I ' l H. M i I I 7W THE SCENERY SOLD. The East Show Has Appeared in the Academy of Music The Building to be Sold. The scenery at the Academy of Mu sic was all taken out this morning, and carriedto-anyiti, Va., where it will be uselTon"the stage at the Reser voir Park. It was purchased by the Danyille Railway and Electric Compa ny, who also own the opera house at the Park. They have engaged a vaude ville show, who will give performance there during the hot weather. Danville Park is pretty, well kept, and is pat ronized by many of her citizens. The last performance has been givn in the Academy of Music, and Manager McAdoo says that he is going to sell the building. The property o.n which the building is located, is very desirable and is an excellent location for a resi dence. W.C.T.U CONVENTION. Will Be Held This Week in Eittleton. The Nineteenth Annual Convention of North Carolina Woman's Christian Temperance Union will be held at Lit tleton June 5-9. The opening session will bo Wednesday at 8 p. m. Mrs. M. D. Ellis, a national worker, will oe present; also Mrs. Mary C. Woody, evangelistic superintendent. .Mrs. Mary E. Cartland, State president, will pre side. Rev. J. E. Underwood is to preach the Annual sermon on Sunday. It is anticipated that the convention, this year, will be of unusual interest A large delegation is expected. It is desired that every local W. C. T. U. be represented. Fraternal delegates from the ranks of the honorary mem bers wll be welcome. Reduced rates will be given. A fare and a third will be the cost of round trip. Tickets will be on sale June 4, 5, 6 continuous passage, good till June 12. The fare from Greensboro and return will be $6.40; from Char lotte $10.20; from Goldsboro $4.90; from Hendci son $1.75. HANDSOME RESIDENCES. Three New Ones to be Built on North Elm Street One of Them to Cost $10,000.' Three new buildings will shortly bs erected on North Elm street :Dr. Al bert Wilson will erect one, Mrs. Mar. bane, mother of Mr. W. G. -Mebane,, another, and Mr. J. C. Bishop, the third. Mr. Bishop's will be located on what is known as the Fisher proper ty, adjoining the property of Mrs. Nan cy Brown and Capt. J. W. Fry. He will build a handsome brick residence upon the lot. The residence will cost" in the neighborhood of ten thousand dollars. ... At West market Yesterday. Yesterday being the first Sunday in the month, no preaching service was held in West Market church, but in stead the Sacrament of the Lord's Sup per was administered. At the night service a strong sermon was preached by the pastor, Dr. S. B. , Turrentine. Good congregations attended both ser ices. The music was especially good, the offertory in the morning being a solo by Mrs. C. W. Banner. At night the offertory was a quartette by Misse3 Lola Carraway and Nan Wood, and Messrs. R. M. Crawford and Will Hill. Enters Mew Business. Mr. J. D. Melius who for several years has been connected with the L. Richardson Drug Company, and whose resignation was handed in some time ago, isTepresentlng a company who ex amine -fire insurance policies, and if there is a flaw in them, so report to the holder of the policy, enabling him to have his policy -made legally per fect, in order that it may ber incontes table in case fiis property is destroyed by fire.' Mr. Helms has in hi territory North Carolina, South Carolina and Virginia. Sprained His Ankle. Dr. L. W. Crawford is confined to his home today, the result af stepping on aipiece of plank-, yesterday whlle re turning from ehnrcjh. The twit Ms foot received, sprayed his aakle ; Jonah was the originator of the 'fish story. ' . . BOWIE REVEALS HIS IDENTITY. HE IS NONE OTHER THAN ELIJAH THE PROPHET. Comes to Earth for the Third Time as th Restorer of All Things, af Prophet,Priest and Rnler Over All Men. Chicago, June 2. I am Elijah, the prophet, who appeared, first as Elijah himself, second as John the Baptist, and who now comes in as the restorer of all things. Elijah was a prophet, John was a preacher, but I combine in myself the attributes of prophet priest and ruler over men. Gaze on me then; I say it fearlessly. Make the most of it, you wretches in ecclesiastical garb. I am he that is the living, physical and spiritual embodiment of Elijah and my coming to earth a third time has been prophesied by Malachi, y God Himself, by His son, Jesus, by Peter and three thousand years ago by Moses. All who believe me to be in very truth all of this will stand up." And over 3,000 people rose to their feet and greeted the declaration with cheers and handclapping. John Alexander Dowie, true to his promises, made this statement from the platform of the auditorium to night, in the presence of 5,000 people. It was the culmination of a frenzied speech, in which he denounced every body and everything in Zion, cursed the Tope and the Roman Catholic church, spat literary at Masonry, the newspapers and bankers of Chicago, and raged and tore up and down the stage like a mad man. "Understand well what I mean," he continued. "I will take no counsel in my methods of government. I have come to proclaim theoracy, pure and simple, the government of God, by God and for God, and I will never rest till all other forms of government have been driven from the earth. "You talk about your democracy. Bah! Bah! I tell you democracy, has been tried in the .balance and has fail ed. The government of the people by the people . and for the people is twaddle. I stand loyal to the flag and countenance no revolution, but I de mand here and now that the name of God must be placed foremost in the constitution of the United States and the supreme authority of God over all things must be recognized, 'Listen to the first message of the prophet,'.' he demanded. " You must pay; your tithes . and offerings into the storehouse of (Jod, Accursed be ye of ye would seek to rob His house of its fulness ; by pot obeying" this, His will, sent through Mijan.' ;v RETlTJRtfEO HIS RINGS. .... .frf? . . V- . .j.ltrAeAAs The Interesting: Situation of a Young Man at Burlington. ' Burlington lessengerl v- She was standing in the waiting; room at the depot one evening this week, listlessly gazing upon the open stretch of track that leads towards the sunset, when suddenly within her ken. there appeared another young lady; walking rapidly toward the station. The face of the first lady mentioned flushed as the second party drew near, and it was noticed that the greeting" was exceedingly frigid when the sec ond j-oung lady entered the waiting, r??! They evidently knew each oth er in fact knew each other too well-5 and a young man, who later appeared upon the scenez knew the one entirely too well to please the other. And thus the trouble brewed. Lady No, 1, with features indicating firmness", ahd a de termination to accomplish her pur pose, quietly removed a ring from a. finger of her left hand and tossed it toward the young man in her presence. Not a word was uttered, but one could . rpad volumes in the countenances of the two. Lady No. 2 was quick to grasp the situation and likewise removed a ring from a corresponding finger of the left hand and returned it to the donor, who now stood aghast, nervously hand ling the rings. With a confiding glance the ladies left the young man in the waiting -room, and repaired to a safe distance -to compare notes. If any of our readera are confronied'.with a df lemma of this character, seek solace by .f reading Froverbs 20:19. 1 Th Oneen of the May has had & long rain. . - ' " .. ' -1 X, 8 1 " J - 1 . i ' e 1 r. ? -. . ?C . V

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