GREENSBORO TELEGRAM, GREENSBORO, N. C, JUNE 4, 1901. - i 5i- - 4 -,-.- J7 n.y. x .- s 1H- l '- i. V': .C-i 1; . 7- 1 v? i". Victoria and Alexandra. Harper's Bazaar. History relates that when the ques tion of a bride for her eldest son was discussed, Queen Victoria at first fa vored the Princess Alexandrina, of Prussia, who was prominently men tioned together with the Danish prin cess as a possible bride for the Prince of Wales. Once under the charm of Alexandra's presence, however, Victo ria's prejudice in favor of the Prussian lady quickly gave way and her eager ness for the marriage was almost as great as that of her son. Though the long stretch of years that the Princess of Wales has been her daughter-in-law this afiectionate interest has grown and strengthened. With it, too, has come the most implicit faith and trust in Alexandra's tactful ability to do the right thing at all times in small affairs as well as in the many public ceremonies that the late Queen more and more frequently relegated to her accredited substitute. One phase of this confidence will be specially appreciated by women. Al exandria's taste in dress was quickly discovered and accepted, not only by her mother-in-law, but by her hus band's sisters as well. She possesses indeed, not only taste, but personal skill in bringing about desired effects. This was notably true in millinery, and Victoria not in frequently availed her self of Alexandra's fingers. More than once the Princess- of Wales was sent for in haste while Her Majesty was in the hands of her dressers, to give a becoming or more splendid touch to some bonnet that did not at all suit the Queen. The appeal was never made in vain, and the confident air withw hich the- Empress of India would don her head-gear after Alex andra had revised it was amusing as it was entirely femine. Riches of the King'i Wine Vault. New York Herald. Even the wines in Buckingham and Windsor palaces are in course of be ing ovrhauled. Few persons may imagine what immense stocks of wine are lying hidden beneath both build ings. Probably nobobdy even yet knows not even the king himself, what these cellars contain, though it will soon now be revealed. These wines have beeacumulati- - "for 7eST"s' even" from the time when Queen Victoria came to the throne, and have been constantly added to since In the old sherry drinking days large quantities of that wine were purchased and stowed away. WThen sherry went out and whiskey came in the sherry bins remained untouched. In that con dition they have now been found. Of hocks, moselles and champagnes there have beeu found a great abundance. The late Prince Consort waj particu- . larlv fond of these first named wines. He acquired some very tine vintages. These have beeen used lately only in the shape of hock and moselle cups at the royal gorden parties and at State ball and concerts. The Big Potato Patch of the World. Victoria Island, about 20 miles west of Stockton, Cal., is contain the largest potato patch in the world. The land is "new," having been reclaimed from swamps. This year about 40,000 acres will be planted in potatoes. These potatoes are sent to San Francisco and shipped all over the Pacific country. DON'T BEDECEIVED By the circus bill advertiseing of quack medicine concerns. Your durg gist will tell you that "Coleman's Guarantee" is an honest medicine and guaranteed to cure all forms of Indi gestion and Dyspepsia.Price 50c, large bottle, at druggists. De Witt's Little Early Risers search the remotest parts of the bowels and remove the impurities speedily with no discomfort. They are famous for their efficacy. Easy to take, never gripe. HOWARD GARDNER. A NIGHT OF TERROR. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Burnham of Machias, Me., when the doctors said she could not live till morning" writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. "All thought she must soon die from pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King's New Discovery, saying that it had more than once sav ed her life, and had cured her of Con sumption After three small doses she slept easily all night, and its further use completely cured her." This mar velous medicine is guaranteed to cure ui throat, chest and lung disease . Holton's durg store. X Twichinfr Evelfds $ W M. 11 m.m.m.m Jjj Indicate eve-strain. The slight- v est hint of" it should not be neg- W lected. w RS. MOORE t 35 Carefully Examine Your Eyes, t and the only cost is for the prop- jjj jJ erly adjusted glasses. if needed. $ Eves are of greater value than w t 5ome realize. Protect and save W them. ui k & A Croup Remedy That Acts Promptly A grateful surprise to anx ious parents is VICK'S MAGIC CROUP SALVE, 2 oz. jar, 25c KEEP A BOTTLE IN THE HOUSE Sold by Druggists. 5 HE-AD AC HE (8dBgq mm 25 Doses 23. fmCi?SCAPUDINE ; j J CURES SICK HEAPACIIE V ? jC LAGRIPPE, COLDS. AND J 11 ALL HEADACHES ?? J NEVER DISSAPPOINTS YOU. 5 Summer Candy Our Candies for the warm days are specially nutritious and pleas ing. The summer girl likes them just as well as she did in the win ter. Fruit flavored and sugar cured clear through. They are de licious. From 20 to 50 cents per ' pound. Smith's Successors to Elite Confectionery Co. 104 South Elm Street. The best COLD WATER PAINT on the market. It has nearly all the advantages of the oil paint at a fraction of the cost. Five pounds make a gallon. INDURINE produces a hard, flexible, enamel finish, and will not rub, scale, nor will it crack or soften with age. FURNISHED IN WHITE AND COLORS. Especially designed for Factories, Stables, Warehouses, Cellars, Public Buildings, Res idences, Etc. ODELL HARDWARE CO. n CAUGHT A DREADFUL COLD. Marion Kooke, manager for T. H. Thompson, a large importer of fine mi llinery at 1658 Milwaukee Avenue, Chi cago, says: "During the late severe weather I caught a dreadful cold which kept me awake at eight and made me unfit to attend my work during the day. One of my milliners was taking Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a se vere cold at that time, which seemed to relieve her fcb quickly that I bought some for myself. It acted like magic and I began to improve at once. I am now entirely well and feel very pleas- Skin affections will readily disappear by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Look out for counterfeits. If you get De Witt's you will get good results. It is the quick and positive cure for piles. HOWARD GARDNER. J. W. FRY, Pres. J. S. COX, V. Ire. W. E. Treas, The Greensboro Loan and Trust Company Will Furnisfr Visitors To The Pan-American Exposition Drafts on Buffalo and Identification Blanks, En abling Them to Carry Funds in Perfect Security and Avoiding the Necessity of Being Identified. YOU SEE IT WRITE GREAT WEALTH. Is perfect health. How do you feel? Ever have attacks of indigestion and Dyspepsia? Most people have. "Cole man's Guarantee" will positively cure these common ailments "take it, eat what you want and be happy." Price 50c. large bottle at druggists. UtodDdl lai THE MOST DESTRUCTIVE OF ALL HUMAN DISEASES. The poison ejected from the fangs of the rattle snake is not more surely fatal than the virus of Contagious Blood Poison, which pollutes and vitiates u.- uiuuu, utouujo uic Liaduca cm Li uuncs an ci cats nice This horrible disease appears first in the form of a little sore or blister ; soon the glands begin to swell, pimples break out on the body, the mouth and throat become sore, making it painful to eat or swallow ; dreadful ulcers appear on the tongue, copper colored splotches and other characteristic signs of Blood Poison come as the disease progresses, and the destructive virus takes deeper hold upon the system. The medical men are as sorely perplexed over the character of this blood poison as ever ; they tell you to take mercury and potash alternately for three years, but the stomach of no human being can stand this treatment long : besides, they do -"yov. j-i.xxa.iiiy t tua UlUUScUlUS WHO HEVc XXlcQ. It JCnOW. - r r- t " . WELLINGTON, KAS., Sept., 1900. I contracted Blood Poison two years ago this fall, and was persuaded to try a medicine widely adver tised by a remedy company in Chicago. I was re U1f? f, pay lare amount in advance, and can truthfully say that I was worse when the treatment was left off than when I began. Reddish pimples would break out and fill with yellowish matter : con-per-colored splotches of all sices would appear on my Cody ; my throat was so sore I could scarcely swallow and my mouth and tongue were seldom free from ulcers ; tonsils were swollen, and my hair was com- raPfdyT ?his wa mJ condition when I began your s. S. S. I have used twenty-two bottles, and am feeling splendid. Every sore on my body has healed, and my appetite good. JAKE MARTIN " s 1 IT WRITES IN SIGHT The OLJVER TYPEWRITER Visible. Highest speed, greatest ease, best work, simple, light, durable, rapid, sells on merit. A railroad Type writer. Least parts, best alignment. MiM W WWSWmM. Smallest keyboard. Built to stand . abuse. DON'T BUY AN OUT-OF-DATE-MACHINE on a WORN-OUT REPUTATION INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE Illustrated Art Catalog Free on application. J. GLENN SMITH, Special Representative for North Carolina S. S. S. is the onlv guaranteed purely vege table blood purifier, and the only antidote for this particular virus ; it purifies the blood and builds up the constitu tion. The appetite im proves almost from the first dose, the sores soon show signs of healing, and the unsightly, dirty splotches and eruptions grow paler and paler. S. S. S. is not a nw . t , .. ' an.a nnauy disappear. for tv.i rParifi aC rl T V y years it nas oeen icnown and used thi dlsease' U ha brought new life and hope to thousands all over irStoent'andt others' Send fr onr free book on hlml uT?' weakT no f lansbut We will help you if you will City National Bank, GREENSBORO, N. C. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $18,000, Everything of a banking nature en trusted to our care receives our best attention. We shall beglad to have a share of your business. J. M. Walker, Pres. Lee H. Battle, Cashier. GAS FIXTURES..... For sale MAGNETIC nERVIHE Eisni, Qolcklr. PcmaseBtly Restored. T,?i.i Ss gea5e apd fcli Weateewea resoltlnc from early or later by JOHN B. PARIS8, DRUGGIST, Greensboro, N. C. we now have in stock a complete line of Gas Fixtures, Brackets, etc., ranging in price from 25c. up. We guar antee our fixtures first-class, and hang them free of cost. Just think of a three-light fixture in polished brass for $1.45 or a two-light fixture in oxidized copper for $1.60. GAS STOVES, GAS FIXURES, GAS EN GINES, WELSBACH LIGHTS. GREENSBORO GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT CO. -1