THE SPARTAN JAPS. Lnviances of Their Wonderful Endur ance and Feat of Strength. I have said that the Japanese are a Spartan race, writes Anna N. Ben jamin, in Ainalee's. Many thing-s be sides their resistance to cold prove it. The most of them live in sim plicity. They can go a long time without, food. The coolies perform marvelous feats of strength and en durance; they draw a "jinrikisha" all day or carry travelers over the steepest mountains. Every summer a colony of foreigners go to Mount Hei-eizan, near Kioto. Their camp is several miles up the steep moun tain side, but early each morning the Japanese bring up the mail, fresh vegetables and milk, and women often carry trunks to the summit on their heads. In the upper classes the old "sumarai" ideals inculcated endur ance, courage and simplicity. A writer in a recent magazine com ments upon the seven years' train ing of the Japanese officer. This is the preparation of a second lieuten ant; but it is merely a continuation under modern methods, of the old "sumarai" requirements. The fact that the Japanese is one of the best soldiers in the world, and one of the toughest, is not such a great cause for wonder, because it is not the out come of western military training of modernization for the seeds of the western methods were sown on a long-cultivated Spartan soil. The learning of new military tactics and the adoption of up-to-date weapons may be likened to placing new ma chinery in an old mill which depends for power on a great water fall. The i new machinery provides no power j in itself. FALSE REORT. It has been reported over town that we are going to leave Greensboro. We desire to impress on the minds of one and all the fact that we are not goine: to move from the city, but have moved to rooms over J. M. Hendrix & Co's. store 225 South Elm street and will de vote our entire time to the eye and proper correction of all optical defects. We are better prepared than ever to give strictlv first class services to a!i having eye' troubles, or headache due to refractive errors. Respectfully, DRS. R. L MOORE & R. W. WOODWARD. Successors to Drs. R. L. and E. H. Moore. A Croup Remedy : : jL That Arts Promntlv A grateful surprise to anx ious parents . VICK'S MAGIC CROUP SALVE, 2 oz jar, 25c KEP A BOTTLE IN HOUSE Sold by Druggi t. HEADACHE At all drug stores. 25 Dosts 2dc. TO CAN TREE ANTS. Insects Found In the Woods of the Northwest May Be Put Up a Condiment. , HICK'S CAPUDINE (THES Slt'K IIKADA( HE LAdKiri'E. COLDS. AND ALL HEADACHES NEVER DISSAPI'OINTS YOl. "Some enterprising- dealer in canned goods could make a small fortune," said a visiting- lumberman, reports the New Orleans Times-Democrat, "by sroing- into the northwest and putting- up tree ants as a condiment. Xo, I'm not joking-, " he continued, "and whatV more, the product would need no introduction to the people of that region. All through the lum ber districts of Minnesota and "Wis consin ants are regarded as a great delicacy, and the only trouble is that they can't g-et enough of them. I don't know why it is, but men who do hard manual labor in cold climates acquire a strong craving- for something- sour, and the big. brawny choppers and teamsters found out long aero that ants were a palatable substitute for pickles. They ue only a peculiar variety, large and red in color and found in immense quanti ties under the bark of dead trees. It is not very hard to collect a quart pail full, and after killing them by scalding they are spread on a board and dned in the sun. When ready to eat they look like coarse, brown pow der and have a very agreeable, aro matic smell. "Of course, it is impossible to de scribe exactly how they taste, but the general flavor would remind you of some fine fruit vinegar, and if you have any squeamishness over the na ture of the dish it doesn't Take you long to forger it. I can't see, how ever, why there should be any objec tion to dried ants as a table delicacy. They are perfectly clean and certain ly as attractive as snails or shrimps." For Spraying Trees, Vines and 3 s Other Plants ; It Pays and Is Neces sary to Insure Crops. We also have Paris Green to go with these Pumps, in Quarter, Half, Pound, and five Pound Packages. Odell Hardware . Company. DON'T WAIT Summer Candy Our Candies tot" the warm days are specially nutritions and pleas ing. The summer girl likes them just as well as he did in the win ter. Fruit llavored and sugar cured clear through. They aie de licious. From L'O to u cents per pound. Successors to l'.lite Confectionery Co. 104 South Elm Street. To have that suit pressed in shap until it is too late. Now is the time , so let us have it at your earliest con venience. Gall on us or 'phone 162. We send for aDd deliver. Greensboro Pressing Club. W. H. HINTON, Manager. Call at C. E. Holton's drug store and :et a free sample of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are an elegant physic. They also improve the appetite, strengthen the digestion and regulate the liver and bowels. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. J. W. FRY, Pres. J. S. COX, V. Pres. W. E. AlLE. TrfiflS. The Greensboro Loan and Trust Company Will Furnish Visitors To The Fan-American Exposition Drafts on Buffalo and Identification Blanks, En abl ing Them to Carry Funds in Perfect Security and Avoiding the Necessity of Being Identified. $3,400 to Loan on Improved City Property. A Constitutional Affection. OLD BEN, AMBULANCE HORSE. Heard the Goiijr of an Automobile Ring: ami Went Over His Old Route. Old Ben, an ambulance horse, who was dispensed with by the police d-e-partraent after supposedly outli vinir his usefulness, made his second bril liant performance when he ran awav in Kduemont. says the Canton (O.) News-Democrat. Ten lias been doing duty as an or dinary delivery wagon "boss" recent ly, and while s-xandinir at the corner of Cincinnati and Washington streets heard the gong of an a nuroac-hing au tomobile. Supposing thnt it was the ambulance and that bis services were needed, P.en flew off at a terrible speed, never stopping until he reached the St. Elizabeth hospital at Ilopeland sTreet. where he drew up in front of the institution as of old, but with nothing- bur shafts dangling behind. En route lien had brought thousands of people to the curbstones, and he left destruction in his wake. Faithful Old lien, conscientious and enertretie despite his age. escaped unscathed and was taken in charge at the hospital by gentle hands. Several months aero Tien happened in front of the Main street engine house when an alarm was sounded. The noise of the gongs awakened the ohl time feeling in the animal, and he ran -several miles, beyond control of the driver, who finally guided him into a fence. His last remarkable run cov ered a mile, and Old Ben knew every vu. -cue i ouie. v YOU SEE IT WRITE IT WRITES IN SIGHT LIVE TYPEWRITER The 0 H'mt it Visible. Hierhest - Kneed. greatest KJB,1 ' ease best work, simple, lis tit, durable, iayiu, oeiio uii intuit. j. ruiuociu xy pe lt writes right, it writes in sight. Smallest keyboard. Built to stand abuse. Sprays, yv'ashes, powders, salves, medicated tobacco and cigarettes, however long and persistently used, do not cure Catarrh. They relieve temporarily the inflammation in the throat and nose, and 'enable you to breathe more easily and freely, but the con tinual rush of impure blood to these parts keeps up the irritation and ultimately produces ulceration of the glands, when the breath becomes exceedingly c (Tensive and the soft bones of the nose are frequently destroyed. The catarrhal inflammation extends .ivpr the entire surface of the mucous membrane, or intipr fit-in the ctnmQoti l'n0re ami lungs are citen invoiveu ; the whole system soon-becomes affected by the rapid absorption or poisonous matter into the blood, and the disease that you bad hoped to cure with simple local remedies, assumes a dangerous form. I had Catarrh so bad was entirely deaf in one ear, and all the inside of my nose and part of the hone slouched off. The physicians gave me up as incurable. I determined to tr2 S. S. S., and began to improve at once. It seemed to g-et at the seat of the disease, and after a few weeks' treatment I was entirely cured, and for more than seven years have had no Sifrn of t.hfi diseasfi. MRS. JOSE. PHINE POLHILL, Cue West, S. C. DON'T BUY AN OUT-OF-DATE-MACHINE on a WORN-OUT REPUTATION INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE Illustrated Art Catalog Free on application. J. GLENN SMITH, Special Representative for North Carol ii-a City N ationa Ban ki I had Catarrh about 15 years, and tried cVurins" the time everything-1 could hear of, but nothing- did me any g-ood. At last "I came to tho conclusion that Catarrh must be a blocd disease, and decided to give S. S. S. a trial. I could see a littls improvement from the first boztie, and continued it three or four months, or until I vras cured. Have not taken anything- for six years, and am just as well as I ever was. 21. MAT SON, Lapeer, Mich. Catarrh is a constitutional disease a blood disease which is frequently inherited, and only a blood medicine, such as S. S. S., can remove the hereditary taint, destroy the poisons that have been accumulating in the system for years perhaps, and restore the blood to a healthy and pure condition. The inflamed membranes and diseased glands are healed by the rich, Dure blood which is carried to them, and the offensive discharges from tfie nose, and the terrible headache and neuralgic pains cease. Chronic cases of the most desperate character and apparent ly hopeless, have been cured completely and permanently by the use of S. S. S. rite our physicians fully about your case and they will cheerfully assist you by their advice, We charge nothing whatever for this service. Book free on application. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. GREENSBORO, N. C. ! Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $i8,ooc Everything of a banking nature en trusted to our care receives our best attention. We shall beglad to have a share of your business. J. M. Walker, Pres. Lee H. Battle, Cashier. TURES MAGNETIC NERVINE Easilj.Quicklf. Permanently Restored. KlSSl.'. 2?2S ost Vitality, Nerrons Debility, Insomnia, Falling Memory, and ail lasting Diseases and all Weaknesses resulting from early or later For sale by JOHN B, FARISS, DRUGGIST, Greensboro, N. C. We now have in stock a complete line of Gas Fixtures, Brackets, etc., ranging in price from 25c. up. We guar antee our fixtures first-class, and hang them free of cost. Just think of a three-light fixture in, polished brass for $1.45 or a two-light fixture in oxidized copper for $1.60. GAS STOVES, GASFIXURES, GAS EN GINES, WELSBACH LIGHTS. t : 6KEENSB0R0 fiAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT CO-