---.--.Id il '4 ' ? 3i . 8! v Si ! 3 47 '1 ; t I H f ' 0 ? li I '1 r h .I : i X l ; "J 1 r-- '-.SI " HEW THIBD PARTY LAUHCHED. A REFUGE FOB ALL DISSATISFIED VOTJRTS. A LIFE AND DEATH FIGHT. Mr. W. A. Hines of Manchester, la,, writing of his almost miraculous es cape from death says. "Exposure after measles induced serious lung trouble, which ended in Consumption. All my doctors said I must soom die. Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which completely cured me. I would not be without it even if it cost $5 a bottle. Hundreds have used it on my recommendation and all say it never fails to cure Throat Chest and Lung troubles." Regular size 50c and i. Trial bottles free at C. E. Holton's drug store. Plans formed at a Coufercnce Attended by Populists, Free Silver Republicans, So cialists, Single-Taxers and Bryan Deis crats. Kansas City, June 19. The allied third party movement, which its pro moters hope will result before 1904 in a national organization strong enough to name a presidential nominee, was launched here today. It was the out come of a conference of reformers from the ranks of the old parties and its principles are said by some to have been adopted with a view of meeting the views of W. J. Bryan. The confer ence was called by Lee Merriwether, of St. Louis, who, with 22 other St. Louj leaders in the Public Ownership party of that city, came to Kansas City yes terday from a visit to Mr. Brayan, at Lincoln, whether the intentions of the delegation had been laid before the Nebraska statesman. Mr. Bryan, it was, stated, had expressed sympathy with the movement if he had not gone as far as to support it. At the confer ence there were represented Populists of all persuasions, public ownership was advocated, and Free Silver Repub licans, Socialists, single-taxers and Bryan Democrats were in attendance. It was stated that it was proposed to form a third party in Missouri, which would finally be taken up by the dis satisfied interests in the old parties from other States. A committe on or ganization was apointed. The com mittee, which represented each elemem present, today submitted the follow ing as the new party's principles, and they were adopted: Public ownership of public utilities, such as railroads, telegraphs, etc.. while awaiting the legislation neces sary to secure public ownership rigid control of freight and passenger rates and severe penalties for rebates and fixation of lailroads and public util ity corporations in the same propor tion as the value of farm and other property; direct legislation by the ini tiative and referendum to the end that the people may initiate good legisla tion and veto bad legislation; gradu ated income tax to the end that wealth, which receives government protection, bear its just share of the cost of the government; that whatever is used as money shall be all legal tender, issued by the general government in suffici ent volume for business purposes and that volume fixed in proportion to pop ulation: just election laws throughout the States; homes rule for cities and abolition of the present system of us ing the police as a standing army to carry primary elections in the interest of dishonest special privilege corpora tions; election of United States Sena tors by popular vote. The meeting organized by electing J. H. Cook, fusion Populist, chairman; J. H. Willis, middle-of-the-road Populist, vice president, and P. S. Kowalski. Public Ownership member, secretary. The committee, besides deciding on the new name for the movement, will call a State convention for some time next month. In the meantime the members v.ill prepare an address to the people. 'Headquarters will be established both at Carthage and St. Lcuis and the com jnitcee will appoint a chairman of each county in the State, whose duty it will be to enlist members and organize into county clubs. Mr. Merriwether this af ternoon, at the conclusion of the con ference, was asked. "Will not your movement only re sult in turning the State over to the Republicans?" "I do not know, but I would a littl e rather the Republicans should win than the present organization of Demo crats. As Mr. Bryan said to me Inst Monday, "I like an enemy under hirs cwn colors better than one who steals :ny colors." Atlanta, June 1!. The Atlanta Con stitution tonight in response to a tele gram of inquiry, received a dispatch from W. J. Bryan denying that he was affiliated with the third party move ment. Mr. Bryan's telegram reads: "Iowa City. Iowa. June 19. Telegram received. No truth in report." DBS. R. I. MOORE & R. W. WOODWARD Successors to Drs. R. L. and B. H. Moore, Dr. Moore needs no Introdutlon to the public. Dr. Woodward is a recent graduate in optics, having the advan tage of the latest truths and methods of the profession. If you need glasses and want the best call on them. They are better than ever prepared to serve you in their new office over J. M. Hen- drix & Co., No. 227 South Kim street. OIETiKS ASBESTOS SAD IRONS. The Top of the Evening, We offer you the best soda water made. Our syrups are just what their names indicate are the finest and purest. Our cream is rich a nd good, and we endeavor at all times in all ways to serve you in the very best manner. Smith's Sue cessors to Elite ConfcctioneryCo. 104 South Elm Street. WRITERS, CORRESPONDENTS or REPORTERS .Wanted everywhere. Stories, news, ideas, poems, ilustrated articles, ad vance news, drawings, photographs, unique articles, etc., etc., purchased. Articles revised and prepared for pub lication. Books published. Send for particulars and full information be fore sending articles. THE BULLETIN PRESS ASSOCIA TION, NEW ORK. IDexxtistry! You know unless you give your teeth the attention necessary to kep them in a healthy condition trouble will fol low such neglect. I am prepared by experience and equipment to render the best service in this line and at the same time save you money. Teeth extracted without pain. Dr. Griffith, Dentist. Over Harry Belk's Store. ' SO 1 I YOC WANT The best Sad Iron on the market. They come in sets of three irons, stand and detachable handle; lined with asbestos and nickel Plated, only $1.25. DON'T WAIT To have that suit pressed in shap until it is too late. Now is the time so let. us have it at your earliest con venience. Call on us or 'phone 162. We send for acd deliver. Greensboro Pressing Glob. W. H. HINTON. Manager. You may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to find an active, energetic man with a tor pid liver and you may know with a tor pid when he does not relish his food or feels dull and languid after eating, often his head aches and some times dizziness. A few doses of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will .restore his liver to its normal func tions, renew his vitality, improve his digestion and make him feel like a new man. Price L'5 cents. Samples free at C. E. Holton's drug store. and LB Bad Circulation is the cause of most of the ills that come with old age. With advancing years there is a decline of strength and vigor the machinery of the body moves with less speed and accuracy. Because of the weak and irregular action of the heart the blood moves more slowly, becomes impure and loses much of its life-sustaining properties, and muscles, tissues and nerves literally starve for lack of nourishment. A sluggish and polluted circulation is followed by a long train of bodily ailments. Cold feet, chilly sensations up and down the spine, poor appetite and digestion, soreness of the muscles, rheumatic pains, hard and fissured skm, face sores, chronic running ulcers on the lower limbs and other parts of the body these and many other diseases peculiar to old people are due to a lack of health v blood and imperfect circulation. Restoration to health must come through the building up and purification of the blood, thus adding strength and tone to the vital organs and quick, healthy action to the circulation. S. S. S. being strictly a vegetable blood remedy and the best tonic, makes it the most valuable and efficacious of all medicine for old people. It is free from all mineral ingredients, and mild and pleasant in its action. It cures blood diseases of every character, even those inherited or contracted in early life. As the system gets under the influence of S. S. S. there is a marked improvement in the general health, and as richer and purer blood begins to circulate through the body the appetite improves, and there is a softness and elasticity about the skin that you have not noticed for years ; sores begin to heal, pains in muscles and joints grad ually cease, and you find that it is possible to be happy and healthy even in old age. Our medical department is in charge of physicians who make a study of blood and skin diseases. If you would like to have their opinion and advice in your case, write them all about it and you shall receive such information and advice as you want. This will cost you nothing. Others have found our medical depart ment of great benefit to them their cure being much more rapid as the result of some special directions received from our physicians. Don't be your own doctor when you can get medical advice free. Book on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed to all who desire it. & THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA. J. W. FRY, Pres. J, s. COX, V. Pres. W. E. AULEN, Treas. The Greensboro Loan and Trust Company Will Furnish Visitors To The Pan-American Exposition Drafts on Buffalo and Identification Blanks, En abling Them to Carry Funds in Perfect Security and Avoiding the Necessity of Being Identified. $3,400 to Loan on Improved City Property. YOU SEE IT WRITE w it.ru in im. v IT WRITES IN SIGHT J"! OLIVE TYPEWRITER Visible. Highest speed, greatest ease, best work, simple, light, durable, rapid, sells on merit. A railroad Type writer. Least parts, best alignment. It writes right, it writes in sight. Smallest keyboard. Built to stand abuse. DON'T BUY AN OUT-OF-DATE-MACHINE on a WORN-OUT REPUTATION INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE Illustrated Art Catalog Free on application. J. GLENN SMITH, Special Representative for North Carolina City Nationa Capital, $100,000. n GREENSBORO, N. C. Surplus and Profits, $18,000 Everything of a banking nature en trusted to our care receives our best attention. We shall beglad to have a share of your business. J M. Walker, Pres. Lee H. Battle, Cashien GAS FTXTUR ES her nn 3S MAGNETIC NERVINE Easily, Qalcklf. Pennanentlj Restored. S2i;5?,.'. STSS Ist Vitality, Nervous Debility, Insomnia, ralllnjr Memory, find all Wasting XJlieasea and all Weaknesses resulting from early or later ennf,hvtr. x,SforJ55Mal,ed any addm on receipt of price. Tee Iiuafc Mediciife Co., Su Paal, annnT ' For sale by JOHN B. FARISS, DRUGGIST, Greensboro, N. C. We now have in stock a compete line of Gas Fixtures, Brackets, etc., ranging in pfce from 25c. up. We guar antee our fixtures first-class, and hang them free of cost. Just think of a three-light fixture in polished brass for $1 .45 or a two-light fixture in oxidized copper for $1.60. GAS STOVES, GASFIXURES, GAS EN GINES, WELSBACH LIGHTS ....... GREENSBORO GAS AND ELECTRIC; LIGHT C&

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