VOL.. I3L NO. 49. GREENSBORO. N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1901. Price Five Cents, 3?! . SMOKE DOOLEY's BEST 5 Cent Cigar. RELIABLE VALUE. ; UNION MADE. SPECIAL NOTICES All advertiftements under this head 5 cent per line; no advertisement Inserted for less than 15 cents. HOT WEATHER IS NERVE WE AR ing, rubber heels are nerve saving Wear them and go along through life without so many jars and jolts. All sizes for men and women, 25 and 35 cents the pair. These 35 cent heels are the very best made, being the same grade formerly sold at 50 cents. THACKER& BROOKMANN. FREE TO OUR CUSTOMERS LA dies tickets to Greensboro races, fair grounds track, Wednesday, July 3. You are respectfully invited to call and get one or same will be mailed upon application A. D. JONES & CO., Southern office and ware room a for Kimball Pianos and organs, Greensboro, N. C. WANTED POSITION AS BOOK keeper in retail or wholesale grocer ies, eight years experience, A 1 refer ences. Address B, in care of Tele gram. CANVASSERS WANTED IN EACH locality for reputable- book; former experience unneccessary, liberal com mission. Write at once for informa tion and territory. PORTSMOUTH SUBSCRIPTION BOOK AGENCY, Kirn Building, Portsmouth. Va. J246t WALL PAPERING AND HOUSH painting, calsomnlng, will furnish you as good paper as any one In the city with prices to suit. If you ne4 anything in either line. Just drom he a postal. R. B. ANDREW L& Box 141, City. FOR RENT HANDSOMH t-ROOtt residence on Summit avamma. Gty water em premise. Data ma rang and other moder eamveale ces. Apply to Mrs. a If a North Davie strea fU-lwltf UPHOLSTERING AND MFAIRIWO neatly ami. roUy teaa es renvate or relUe. anteeed. Beat tit wsCu'Otm J. NICHOLS. 11 TOR RENT' 0ITICIX til fiQUTU Elm street, mow asaamld hjr Cnrg- toro Loam am Turst Cmiyaf. Oa eupaney givem ataat iv to L. RICHARDSON MUO C. IW THINK IT OVER; TOU CAJXT Af ford to buy mamUU that ase 10 -to-date in style am tmaiifcy. IT Ce .K.nnuit In fh m. Al4-TSl feUT fflt We have them am eeam you want them- rc?a Itt.tf CiiJJ- plaee paemla. TURKISH 5ATHS UAT very Saturday afternoon or even ing at 467 Lithia street. Priea cent. , m23-tf ANTI MALARIA n n n n ii i r n SURE CURE of (nuns AND PREVENT ATIVE OF GUARANTEED. 50 CENTS A BOX. Sykes Drug Co. Ward?s Old Stand. SUES' S2SS!HSSS5SB55S5Ha3 Wright's Epsom Lithia Water, The Strongest Epsom Water in America The Most Efficient ' Natural Laxative Vater on the Globe. Nature's Unrivalled Remedy for J ttf ' Constipation J J The Best Shipper, the Best Keeper. On Any Market. J. A Summers, Prop., Mooresburg, Tenn. Howard Gardner, City Agent. Carbonated at Fountain. A COLD WAVE PREDICTED OUR bargain thermometer registers such aheavy fall In prices that competi tion freezes to death. So bring your bicycles to us and have them re paired. All work guaranteed. Yours for bargains. H. W. GOSWICK & CO., W. Washington street, rear of Chlsolm, Stroud, Crawford & Rees. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS MILCH cow. Apply to or address R L. MOORE, 227 South Elm St. 3t FOR SALE CHEAP A NICE BED room suite. Apply at 202 West Sy camore street. 2t HOUSE WANTED A LARGE DWEL- ling, well located, modern, with barn preferred. Will lease for term of years. Parties perfectly responsi ble. Call or address "M" Come'rcial Hotel. J27 tf THE GRANlf'PN-AMEBIC AN Dis play of China, Glassware, Fine Lamps. CALDCLEUGH &BROS. Barker Get 5 Tears at Labor. By Wire to The Telegram. Jersey City, N. I., June f?. tfmdg Blair this morning sentenced Thomas G. Barker, to states prison for ve years at hard labor, for attempting to kill Rev. Jbhm Keller al Arltmffton on Feb- raary a, last. The Judge fn aeritemefna Barker. keld that while there waa nothing tm legal sense to relieve the prisoner from extreme pemalty, the eomrt felt something might be pardoned for hu man weakneaa m the face of great provocation. DR. BUNT'S COMDIXIOW. End Expected Wttutn Twenty four nonn.-Uad a Stnktnff Spell This Sforahftc. The cemditioa af Ytvr. Vt, f. ZTnttt a Ztarlingtom, am aceoantJ of whoa aert o3 illnem at the home- e Ida acta. Mp. S. T. Hunt; in South Qreaasboro, ap peared in. The, Telegram yesterday, is about the same as yesterday afternoon. This morning he had a sinking spell, and It waa thought that he was dying but he rallied before dinner. The end is expected within twenty-four hours. Thinks the Least Said the Better A Telegram reporter asked Mr. W. W. Wood today, what about the slan der case? - He replied by saying: "I have no grievance and no complaint ticlsms In the press, beleiving that the least said at this time the better for the public welfare. 1 do not think it in good taste to speak of it as the High Point scandal, in a way to re flect unfavorably upon that communi ty, which Is a part and parcel of our county, of which we have much cause to be proud," A Correction. In The Telegram yesterday the type writer made a mistake of one hour In the time of the Saturday afternoon tTe Feopla San. It ahould have read from to 7 o'clock, STORM AT PITTSBURG. The Wind Reached a Velocity of 90 Miles. Pittsburg,June 26. The storm which struck Pittsburg and vicinity this af ternoon was short in' duration.but ter rific in power and disastrous in effect. The lightning and thunder was practi cally continuous for about 30 minutes, and wind attaining a velocity of JO. miles an hour and .46 inch of rain fell. The temperature fell 24 degrees within an hour. One woman was kill ed instantly by lightning and -several ether persons may die from the same cause; numberless houses and church es were struck by lightniug and sev eral picnic parties were panic- strick en. The waters rushed down the hills around Homestead and literally en gulfed the town. The extent of damage done there is the worst in the history of the town and will reach many thous ands of dollars in property loss. Be sides the numerous houses that were partially wrecked, four steel bridges of the Monongahahela street railway were washed out. At South avenue park, at the end of the Suburban Traction Company's line, a picnic party ocni posed of 1,200 persons, 700 of whom were children, gathered in the danc ing pavilion for shelter from the stcrm. Lightning struck a tree within ei.r:ht feet of the pavilion and set fire to the structure. The picnickers were panic-stricken, women .fainted, children screamed and even the men in tue party gave way to their fright. Fortu nately the heavy rain extinguished the ames and although a large number of the party were more or less hurt In ihe panic, none were seriously injured. A similar panic ensued at St . Jos eph's Paroachial School, on Mount Olive, where commencement exerciser were being held. The hall was filled with children and their parents when the lightning struck the building, tear ing a portion of the roof away. No fatalities resulted. Suspected of Murder Correspondence of The Telegram. High Point. June 27. This morning about 9 o'clock Ed Thomas, son of Mr. Ped C. Thomas, of Thomasville, was found alongside ther ailroad two miles south of here, dead. Close to him was a gallon jus of whiskey, a pistol, an empty beer bottle with an opener, and In his coat pocket an opened knife. His body was badly mangled. I learn that there Is suspicion of murder; that Is Is- probable the young men was first killed, then placed on the track for the train to run over so as to cover up the deed. A coroner's Inquest had not been held at thlt writing. The father of the dead mam 1 an ex-member of the legislature. The youmg man waa clerk Xn hie fatheF'a atora in Thomaev ville. Prleee Tonight. Tme prtcea for OllnO Tom toaijnt are IS amd il eeata. Iteaerre seat eata Balf ef tme dowm ataira tee rejwrreO. 71 Keor Harry-Bel Brother Com pamy We put em a delivery wajaa fa the: laaeO at Ur csftonicgi If yC bare meve me Biiael Tot yon ahoalt eertalmly ta taafefc. If yo hare y him. it to fcameeescary to axy that yoa will be glad ta avail yourself of aa opparUmlty of doing so again. Rather Close Call. Danville Bee. Yesterday forenoon as a freight train was running from Danville and was Just the other side of Milton, N. C, on the Atlantic and Danville branch, a little negro playing beside tho track got bewildered at suddenly realizing the nearness of the train and gine. Wonderful to relate the cow catcher threw him well to one side in the ditch, and when the engine was stopped and the crew ran back, the youngster was found with a bloody nose and mouth, but no serious inju ries and no bones broken. He was thoroughly scared, however, and will give the track a wide berth for a time. Every woman his two particular men-rone that she thinks she is ia love with, and another that worries her. . By the time the average man ia for- 1 ty there are at least four women that would wear around tube-roee in hie memory. A REH KABLE CAREER ! Probably the Richest Colored Ulan In America a Visitor in Danville. Danville Register. Probably the wealthiest colored mai in Amercia was in the city yesterday He was born a slave in Henry coun ty sixty-four years ago. By ownership his name would be Edward Abington, but like many others of his race, he preferred that of his slave father and took the name of Edward Dill.va 'Dr." Edward Dillard, as his friends style him, he having been a succss fdl druggist in Chicago for several years of his wonderfully prosper-.s career. The father and mother of the doctor wns at one tirae onwed by Captain H. C. France, and a sister of his was owned by J. H. Schoolfield. Dil jard himseic was' owned by Mrs. l.u cindy Abington, who still resides in Henry cour.ty. Edward made his escape from sla very in 186c, passing through the hos tile lines, made his way to Pittsburg where he made $2.50 a day shoveling pig iron and lived on 30 conts a day until he had saved up $1,400, when he bought a horse and cart, and begun the peddling of coal, working in fie day and studying at night. Hav ing added to his capial while i' the coal business he went to Chicago and opend a drug store. He employ ed a capable drug clerk, whose du ties were to wait on customers and teach the proprietor the druggists' art. His establishment was burned in the great Chicago fire; but he was saved tr.ora loss and made a little better oif by an insurance policy of $10,000. He again opened up in the drug busi ness, but soon sold out for $22,000 cash. He then went to Autrialia and embarked in the cattle business rais ing, buying and shipping cattle. He would buy and ship as many as 6,000 head a month to Liverpool, making large profits n each shipment. In the meantime, he had purchased, years before, a piece of suburban real estate then near but now in the heart of the City of Chicago, and for which he has recently refused an ofTer of more than $200,000. He also owns a valuable estate in Australia. While in the city yesterday he deposited with the Citizens' bank two drafts on the Melbourne, Australia, bank for thirty-seven thousand dollars. When he took his departure, from Henry a little more than thirty-seven years ago, he left behind him a son and daughter. His miwion im Tii ginia was to find them. They had not heard from him for years. He readily fouma eoth living in Reids ville, N. a Dr. Dillard says he will mot xeiurn to Australia, but will aiepeee of his holdings there and henaefeita five and die in old Virginia. Ha to an mmaasuKlAa aa well-man nered colored mam am4 aseajbe af Ms old owmera amd their relative with klmdlT vemarattem aa "Hester" or "Hie tress" So am fia. U Cadi to a reporter of The Begtoter "that the greateat fkmlt af hto ma" to: Tfc3' do mot.kaow the value af a dollar; they vlU mat ote Af. OTy Cam nalrt it, hat will ecaa it" Drl DUlferc to eanlTy wart tetwaen a eaarter am ft He expeetet ta e t with his daughter not miaa CONDUCTOR HURT. His Train Parted and the Sud den Stoppage Caused the In juries. Capt W. P. Thaxton, a freight con ductor on the Raleigh division of the Southern Railway, sustained painful injuries yesterday afternoon near Mc- Leansville. His train, a long freight. parted near the engine, and the break - tog d txe a&, sea cae energeaey brake. Thia caused the train to sud denly stop and Capt. Thaxton, who was sitting im the cupalo, was thrown through the window onto the top of his train. His face was cut by the glass, and he waa otherwise injured. H3 was brought to Greensboro and re ceived medical attenion, and later went to his home in Spencer. His in juries, though painful are not serious. He is one of the most popular conduc tors on hia division. The Srat time any healthy girl has been kissed right she sets to It like a duck to llPWSh. i u tiniro 0 01 0 I 0 i For Men, I The Best on Earth. A New Lot Just Received In All The Popular ; j. in. in i . o o il BEDFORD'S Tasteless Chill Tonic WITH IRON. A positive, per manent and ef fective cure for chills and fever. A true tonic, a sure appetizer and co m p 1 e t e strengthened a perfect blood purifier. A val tflafole family Medicine. " FARISS D r u g P. t o r e , 1 2 Op. tSnilford Hotel. 0 Ice Cream. I Largest Plates, Purest Cream, 5erved with Cake, i cents a plate. Pepulor Flavors nod all Fruit. Try smr Frozen Plum Podding. THE A T E N IAN, S. Chouris, Prop., 340 SOUTH EL.XX STTXEETT. Gut es by Removing the Immediate Cause of HEADACHE and Strengthens the Heart's Ac&s QRISSOM FORDOAftS, S HOWARD OARDNER v od other well stocked ijjJUM. t iinnm Hi . If i 'is. 1 v v. J"-J J cm '1 1 i 1 r 4 if A " - -"J

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