."V ' -., .,,-... ., . .. .. ...... ...... V'? ...... : .. ..- ... , . .J; VOL,. IX. NO. 51. GREENSBORO, N. a. SATURDAY, JUNE 29, 190L "Price Five OenteT .'i ll I -- - ? ? : : r 5 ' ' r , ii i r it? SMOKE DOOLEY's BEST 5 Cent. Cigar. RELIABLE VALUE. UNION MADE. 1 SPECIAL NOTICES All advertisements under thla head 5 enU per line ; no "advertisement inserted for less than 15 eeWts. HIGH WATER MAY WASH AWAY bridges, streets., etc but It will not remove the Ufect from your eyes. Drs. Moore aj&d Woodward can cor rect all errora of refraction by their eclentinc. methods of examination, pfflce oyer HeneCrb & Co.. 227 South Kim street rK, SV HAVEFllTYipAlRSOF LADIES Oxfords- and-Sandals to close out at $3 cents. They are odd pairs, sam pled, off styles, and some of them slightly . shppworn, but all mighty fcood Talues at '98 cents, THACKER & BROCKIANN. WA HOO SALE AT HOLTON'S, ?1 bottles at 25c, close July 2, Try it. WANTED POSITION AS BOOK keeper In retail or wholesale grocer ies, eight years experience, A 1 refer ences. Address B, in care of Tele gram. CANVASSERS WANTED IN EACH locality for reputable book; former experience unneccessary, liberal com mission. , Write at once for informa tion and territory. PORTSMOUTH SUBSCRIPTION BOOK AGENCY, Kirn Building, Portsmouth, Va. J246t WALL PAPERING AND HOUSB painting, calsomning, will furnish you as good paper ft any one In the city with prices to suit. If you need anything In either line, Just Clro he a postal. R. XL AND&B1T8, L& Box 141, City. FOR RENT HANDSOMB X-ROOM residence on Summit areaae. Gity 4 Wwat range and other modern coaTenlea oes. Apply to Mrs. P. C W.. at 119 North Davie street j!4-lwtf UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING neatly and promptly doae. Mattress es renovated or reftJledL Wort: gnar anteeed. Best city references. 5. J. NICHOLS, 112 Lewis street lm FOR RENT OFFICE, 331 SOUTH Elm street, now occupied by GLresjus boro Loan and Turst Company. Oc cupancy given about J uty 1. Anply to L. RICHARDSON DRUG CQ. lwK THINK IT OVER; YOU CAN'T AF ford to buy mantels that are not up-to-date in style and quality. It's the cheapest in the end you know that. We have them and cheap ones too, tt you want them. Phone 161.MCLAM ROCH BROS., the up-to-date fire place people, - TURKISH BATHS MAY BH HAD every Saturday afternoon or even ing at 407 Lithla street. Prioe 50 cents. v'" sties: ANTI MALARIA ciiDc mtiRF n n 1 1 i n GUARANTEED. 50 CENTS A BOX. Sykes Drug Co. GAPSULES Wright's Epsom Lithia Water The Strongest Epsom Water in America. The Most Efficient Natural Laxative Vatef on the Globe. Nature's Unrivalled Remedy for jt Constipation. j The Best Shipper, the Best Keeper, On Any Market. Jt A, Summers, Prop., Moofesburg, Tena. Howard Gardner, Qty Agent. Carbonated at Fountain. HOUSE WANTED A LARGE DWEL ling, well located, modern, with barn preferred. Will lease for term of years. Parties perfectly responsi ble. Call or address "M" Comercial Hotel. j27 tf WHEN YOU WANT YOUR MONEY'S worth, have your suit cleaned and pressed for 50 cents by VENABLE BROS., 330, South Elm street. VALUABLE AND DESIRABLE CITY property for sale. On July 3, 1901, at 2 o'clock in the city of High Point, the noted Williams property will be sold,containing many valuable build ing lots nicely located. Apply to 3, E. WILLIS, High Point, N. C BAGGAGE TRANSFER, OFFICE Lo cated, 118 Buchanan street, opposite passenger depot Phone "218. Ail calls answered promptly. THE GREENSBORO BAGGAGE Transfer Company will be in charge of Harry Thornton, at 118 Buchanan street. Phone 218. All orders promptly attended. Baggage check ed at residence. FURNITURE STILL GOING AT COST for cash and Wheeler and Wilson Sewing machines at large discount of Catalogue prices at 536 South Elm street, RIDGE FURNITURE COM PANY. LOST G. F. C. MONOGRAM, GOLD, Class Pin, initials "C. S." engraved on back. Re ward for return to this office. ALMOST A ATASTtOIlif2. An Old Tunnel In 'Pennsylvania Road Caves In on a Train. By Wire to The Telegram. Baltimore, June 29. With a great roar, the Pennsylvania tunnel beneath Hoffman street caved in early this morning and through extra train extra train N&andgubeoh fg fgwkyq No. 78 from New York to Jackson ville was nearly caught. The engineer heard the first crash of the falling walls and stopped just in time. De bris was piled up In front and as the sides of the engine, Engineer More ley and the fireman crawled out and escaped from the west end. The .coaches and baggage car were hauled back and out The east end Immedi ately after caved in and the water mains Laitf abore the tunnel burst and a tor rent of water swept against ther sides, i it,- diftTnetcr of hole, Chads lav ctm-u up ra. eohblectonea ttd wrblf mm bled away like pap The tunnel eve way. tmrrylnO thoee ends Df ton f Ikt ln If" ,letly tied CP .to the Baltimore am Ohio tree e tunnel ww Wit C J8J? i built thrtwh treecrra ttfl. It 'is imposslhlo to discover where the blame Ilea a -Kr nharlotte wa& HERBERT FOR MORE. LIBERTY. "YELLOW DOG" POLITICS WON'T DO. The Ex-Secretary Says Fraud Stalks Through the Land, aud That Honest Elections are the Only Srlyatlon for the Country. Montgomery, Ala., June 28. Ex-Secretary Herbert today addressed the Alabama Bar Asociation On the duties and responsibilities of the American lawyer in the twentieth century, The constitutional convention adjourned in honor of the event ana the address was delivered to both bodies in the State capitol. Mr. Herbert declared that the coun try had entered upon the most crit ical period of Its existence. "In the time of national exaltation we must not be over-confident, said Mr. Her bert "It is easy for a few people of the same general character to agree. The country Is no longer small. For self-government to be successful, citi zens must be alive to the Increasing cities are multiplying; vast masses of arduousness of self-control. -Great .manufactures are aggregated; the tele graph and press bring the whole coun try under the same exciting conditions that compel mobs of civilized men to do the work of barbarians. New com plexities are arising. Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii and Alaska and the Philippines demand solution. Shall we return them or abandon them. Shall we govern them or let them govern us? "Fraud stalks through the land like pestilence in the night The line is imaginary between counting out the negro because his vote is cast for the wrong candidate, and counting out the white man because his vote is obnox ious. Honest elections are the only. salvation of the country. Let all edu cated men proclaim aloud that execept upon the basis of honest elections the natural outcome of Republican gov ernment is discontent, unrest, Insta bility and finally revolution." The speaker turned to the remedy and declared it to be greater inde pendence ot .thought and action and less slavish adherance to party. The "yellow dog theory of politics will not do. Worthy men must not surrender their power in party and State to tricksters. The power of the Indepen dent press of the North and Jsouth was dwelt upon at length and its influ ' ence for good to' the South in the past 25 years was described. "One of the greatest questions for tion follows the flag in the Insular pos sessions," said Mr. Herbert "The turning over of the Philippines is an accomplished fact. Shall we govern the'm or they us? The parties have swapped positions on the underlying question. The abolitionist Republicans, Gerritt Smith and Charles Summer, de clared that the Declaration of Inde pendence taught that all are free and equal. Now the expansion Republicans have the opposite view, which was held by the old Democratic leaders. 'Jur Doinccia-tic friends in Congress, taking care always to quote from Lin coln, make the welkin ring with the views of the old-time abolitionists." The speaker discussed the Supreme Court decisions in the Porto Rico cases and said the main declaration was cor rect. He regretted it was not unani mous. TRAIN WRECKED. Looks Like Ronbery a Switch Was Smashed and Rails Taken Away. By Wire to The Telegram Pittsburg, Pa., June 29. The second section of - the Pennsylvania railroad train, Now 21, due in Pittsburg at 1:60 I o'clock this morning was wrecked at a ewitcht at East Greensburg. at 105 o'clock this morning. Five sleeping coaches were derailed and overturned, i esting partly on their sides iigalnst an ' - embankment. Three poOTengtni wvre injured. xxtub a ricuanu, DWtfvViirn rbrht lm fenrts 2. f. Har- yxiw ixaxtevllle, n Hooia. er sprained; H. P. Uccrfl, Cincinnati, left Shoulde sprained. Investigation has dlselooeCt CB Tart that ths switch lock had been wnash;? td ttnO. the rails torn from tho tiding The perpetrators are not. ltnown b'lt train roobery fa suspetced That ter rible aecldenl djd not occar if largj ly due to the vlgilence of the engineer, who saw the trouble and slowed up his train. J Mr. F. V. Snell ruterned thla after- TO LOCATE HEBE. Prof. McKnignt, of Hign Point, to Open His School of Science Here. Prof. H. P. MacKnight, who at tained notoriety recently in the slander case from High Point, has decided to locate in Greensboro, and will In the near future open his school Here. At present he is residing in the city, and states that he has shaken the dust of High Point off his feet for good. Since his intention to locate here has become known, many citizens have expressed themselves of the opin ion that he should be requested by the Inhabitants of Greensboro to seek fresher and greener fields of pasturage. As far as known, however, he has been waited upon by no committee of our citizens for . the purpose of requesting bis departure. A report from High Point states that that city is rejoiced over the Professor's departure. A CORRECTION. Incorrect Information Give Oat . Concerning the Revolution Dam. On Thursday The Telegram stated upon what sit considered reliable au thority that the dam at Revolution Mill had not been Injured by the hea vy rainfall of the day previous. The Information referred to came from Re volution Mills itself, and it was upon that information that the article was printed. Since that time Information has been obtained that the dam was .damaged to an extent that will at least lower the water several feet. Just why incorrect information was given out, we are unable to tell. DEATH IS SIL.ER CITY. Prominent Merchant Dies of Typhoid Ifever this Morning. Mr. J. C. Wrenn, of Siler City, died this morning of typhoid fever. The funeral will occur tomorrow morning at Siler City. Deceased was a member of the Methodist Epsicopal church, South,- and was. greatly , respected by all who knew him. He was a mem ber of the firm of Womble & Wrenn, general merchants of Siler City. Looking for a Son-in-law. Mr. Newton Wilson, a farmer liv ing about eight miles in the country, was in the city yesterday looking for a son-in-law that was not a son-in-law. His daughter had been married me ud) uamo Juu d. liidil wiuo, it aitei'- wards transpired, had a legal wife in another place. Mr. Wilson saw Sheriff Jordan, and had that gentleman tele graph several places to see if anything of the son-in-law could be found. No thing has as yet been heard of him. Death of a Child. The infant child of Dr. J. 0. Walk er, of Randleman, who for several days has been in a critical condition ai Tue home of its grandfather. Rev. J. R. Scroggs, of West Gaston street, died last night. The funeral will oc cur tomorrow at Randleman. For Shooting in the Cemetery Officer Jordan, of the police force captured two coons yesterday after noon for carrying concealed weapons and for shooting in the cemetery. They will appear before his Honor, Mayor Osborn, this afternoon. Work Progressing Nicely. Work on the addition to the Guil ford Roller Mill' building Is progress ing nicely, and In a short time the building will be completed. This ad dition will add about one-third to the capacity of the mill. From the Pan-American. Messrs. W. & Diffee and D. A. Hod- Kin returned last night from a trip to the Pan-American Exposition. They leport having a fine time, and state the exposition to rolls Q tp Tft claimed for 1U CIr. Host's Condition. The condition of Kev. M. i. Hunt ft about the same as reported in The Tel tspram the jpast fenr rlaym We feeeam to ba slowly sinking, end no hope t3 entertained of his ultimate recovery Robert, the little eon of Chief of Police W. Ju Scott, Is down with ty phoid fever. Master WUlIe Blackburn fine Siwi p tfrckir ton A rt x The Best on Earth. A New Lot Juot Received In All Tho Po pl a i? Leather. i J. I BEDFORD'S 0 Tasteless Chill Tonic h WITH IRON. A positive, per manent and ef fective cure for chills and fever. A true tonic, a sure appetizer and complete strefigtheniBr, a perfect blood purifier. A val uable family medicine. FARJSS Drug Store, O Op. Gnilford Hotel. Pure VP Ice Cream. Iarc-est Plates. 4 Purest Cream, Served with Cake, io cents a plate. X Popular Flavors and all Fruit. Try our i Frozen Plnm Padding. - THE ATHENIAN, a 8. CKotirio, Prop., fO SOUTH ELTJ OTUELTa ;t!fa by Rjcmovin of H IS AD ACS H E tad StreagCMss fbe Hearth AcCsv,1 QRISSOn PORDBAXI, HOWARD QARDNER - eod Uwrwell stocked erosgtsS ill ! 11 1 r , - 1 1 4 1 v v i V i H - X i 'i -t - - a Ward's Old Stand, 8 I J juux gt t noon from Roanoke, Va also continues Quite sic& tn the city today. Wr,

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