:i w - 7 ' i r GBEBNSBOBb TEJJSGBAM, GREBNSBOBO, N. 0., JUNK , i St Si 8 1 I5 it 4 lit A. f; 1 GUILFORD COUNTY GOOD ROADS LAW. Preceding sections printed June 27th. Section 13. That said Highway Commission shall require the Treas er of said Commission to account to them twice annually for the said highway fund, and may require as of ten as deemed best, reports from offi cers and employees concerning their progress in their duties, and to what extent and in what manner they have performed the same. Section 14. That in opening new highways, widening and straightening old roads and repairing the same, the Highway Commission, through their agents, are hereby authorized to enter upon any land and locate and build such highways, and if the Highway Commission and the wner or owners of said land cannot agree as to the damages, if any, the High way Commission, shall within sixty days after said highway is completed cause to have summoned five free holders who shall go upon the land and assess damages and benefits un der the general road law as it now exists: Provided further, That before entering upon lands as authorized by this section, it shall be the duty of the Highway Commission t6 serve notice upon the owner or owners of said land, notifying said owner or owners that the highways would be located upon such land under the authority of this Act. Section 15. That the passage of this Act shall not repeal the road . law in force, applicable to the general working of public roads in said Coun ty, except that the supervisor working and keeping in repair the highways constructed or improved under tl.3 provisions of this Act shall at aU times be under the direction of the said Highway Superintendent. Any supervisor refusing to act in response to said rules, as said Highway Super intendent shall direct, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, provided that all persons who are required to work under the road law now in force, shall not be required to work in direct contact with persons who have been convicted of crime and sentenced to the roads: Provided, also, that the Board of Commissioners of Guilford County shall not levy other taxes for road purposes than that provided for in this Act Section 16. That said Highway Commission shall have authority to employ -a physician at any time to as sist the County physician to attend to the convicts working the public high ways, and shall also have power to provide for the care and keeping of said convicts, and to provide all things necessary to carry into effect the pro- Section 17. That said High Vv ay Commission shall be entitled to the same per diem and" mileage as the Board of Commissioners of Guilford County. Section 18. That said Highway Su perintendent provided for in this Act, shall have the care and charge of all tools and appliances, shall make an inventory of the same, and furnish said inventory to the Highway Com mission and shall look after the safe ty or all such tools, machinery and appliances, and the said superinten dent shall be responsible for the loss (Continued on sixth page.) r-V THAT TIRED FEELING. Yon have is caused by worn out di gestive organs. "Coleman's Guarantee" icaly the - aide3 digestion and '-'' . .' il forms of Dyspe- ''-- -"'ired people recom mend "'Coifirii:-. .' Guarantee" as an honest mtuicirit-. . rice 50c large bottle, at druggists. GLORIOUS NEWS EL B. Cargo of tTeaita, L T. H writou "Foot bot tl'Silti d willed k&4 ceased reerm. Tfcrtr c&A t&M tost doctors cotild CP fed; fed to oore la eocnplato tsa bo toalt& ii ascoUeat." This aenra t&oosaada lUra proved, Claft XOactrU Bitten to tha beet blood known. Ifa the supreme re scsesna, tetcr, salt rhoom, ul boils, and running cares. It e&- tltaulatea liver, kidney and boirda, Pla poiaona, helps dig cation, bull da S tto strength. Only SO conta. Bold 1J a E. Hoi ton, drosgiata. Guaran- What Ails the glasses. Do you rub and rub to remove the blurred sensation but the blur does not come from the glass, the trouble is the glasses do not suit your eyes. Suppose you talk it over with DRS. MOORE AND WOODWARD, Refractionists they can give you val uable information, as they are strict ly up-to-date in correcting refractive erf or s of the eyes. Office over Hen drix & Co. 's store, 227 S. Elm Street. The Central Figure.- The Fourth of July spirit pervades the country. Fourth of July senti ment is everywhere. It is here in our stock in abundance.' We have many things to give yon pleasure, to make you rejoice. We join you in the spirit of the occasion. Sue 104 South Elm Street. WRITERS, CORRESPONDENT REPORTERS or .Wanted everywhere. Stories, news, ideas, poems, ilustrated articles, ad vance news, drawings, photographs, unique articles, etc., etc., purchased. Articles revised and prepared for pub lication. Books published. Send for particulars and full information be fore sending articles. THE BULLETIN PRESS ASSOCIA TION, NEW YuEtK. Dentistry! You know unless you give your teeth the attention necessary to keep them in a healthy condition trouble will fol low such neglect. I am prepared by experience and equipment to render the best service in this line and at the same time save you money. Teeth extracted without pain. Dr Griffith. Dentist. Over Harry Belk'e Store. POSSOH OAK, poison ivy. O C t T , Q i TJ?' MTC H under the skin are innumerable hair-like blood filiMnD&li 9 mm MMp vessels, and connecting these with the skin LEAD ahd POISONING, ETC. open, we are much more liable to be affected by Poison Oak and Ivy and other dangerous plants. Workers in brass, copper, lead and zinc have their health im paired and the blood supply poisoned through the absorption of fine particles of these metals and the acids used in polishing and cleaning them. Inhaling the fumes of lead give painters that pallid, waxy appearance of the skin. Barber's Itch is another disease that reaches the blood through the skin, and is a most obstinate ne when it becomes firmly fixed in the system. After the poison has reached the 6lood and been disseminated throughout the system it is too late to resort to local applications. In many cases the blood is affected simultaneously with the appear ahce of the rash or eruption on the skin, and all efforts should be directed to the purification and building up of the blood. Ugly eruptions and sores will continue to break out in spite of salves, washes, soaps or other external treatment. S. S. S. is especially recommended for poisons of this character. So com pletely does it destroy the effects of the Oak and Ivr that there is no poBsibilitv of its reappearance, and it is equally as efficacious in brass or lead poisoning or Bar ber's Itch ; building up and purifying the blood and driving out of the circulation imparl tl cf evrykind, ana removing every blemish, oore or eruption from fhc skM. Tketv to bo ambrtitttte for 8. S. 8. lit is the oiiry purely vegctatl blood ptuifior fcaow, mst tke ufot and beet In all constttHttoaal or blood dieeaeoa. ftfr OtatCtl CmBttttfrl Departntuf. If yon desire any special infotmgfloa or odrre fttottt' yf easo. write our fekysielans. exrftiiainjf tout m&frlBfei urf w nrain; nwiir wmi jwm mti to ear aad to will roeofre a frtnft mlv. Ovx kjd cUmt fcato alii a Kviy l olood kmi ski W you M-' kW thO Wae4t of ttoif ontticac MikiUw4ttay cottUywkaUrrer. Dont kosiiato to write HUj about youroelf. aa aothirn you say. root beyond our ofico. We hare a Terr a n i j ' - intsnaU&ft CCCX on Slood and Skin Diseases, wliicn m -mm mtmA f TOO SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, ATLANTA, OA Eisnr. flrislh, For sale by JOHN B, FARISS, Pure water is essential to good health. If you wish to be healthy ' filter the water you drink. Our filter is all stone.and there is nothing to rust or corrode or become foul and they are easily gof ten at for the purpose of cleansing. DON'T WAIT To have that suit pressed in snap uctil it is too late. Now is the time so let us have it at your earliest con venience. Call on us or 'phone 162. We send for and deliver. Greensboro Pressing Club. W. H. HINTON, Manager, a You may as well expect to run a steam engine without water as to find an active, energetic man with a tor pid liver and you may know with a tor pid when he does not relish his food or feels dull and languid after eating, often his head aches and some times dizziness. A few dose of Chamber lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will tions, renew his vitality, improve his digestion and make him feel like a new man. Price 25 cents. Samples free at C. E. Holton's drug store. Through the pores of the skin many poisons are absorbed into the blood, deranging the circulation and affecting the constitution as quickly and seriously as those generated within the system. Just are millions of small tubes or glands, through which the poison is conveyed to the blood sys tem. During the spring, and summer, while the skin is most active and the pores well . TT fJAGHETIC NERVINE Firniuntlf Rt:tirei. glTa A DRUGGJST. Greensboro, N. C. J. W. FRY, Pre. J. S. COX, V. Pre. W. E. ALLEX, Trea The Greensboro Loan and Trust Company Will Furnish Visitors To The Pan-American Exposition Drafts on Buffalo and Identification Blanks, En abling Them to Carry Funds in Perfect Security and Avoiding the Necessity of Being Identified. $3,400 to Loan on Improved City Property. YOU SEE IT WRITE 3E M DON'T BUY AN OUT-OF-DATE-MACHINE on a WORN-OUT REPUTATION INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE INVESTIGATE Illustrated Art Catalog Free on application. , J. GLENN SMITH. Special Representative for North Carolina City National Bank. GREENSBORO, N. C. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $i$,ooo, Everything of a banking nature en trusted to our care receives our best attention. We shall beglad to have a ' share of your business. v J. M. Walker, Pres. GAS F ji jr T n u 11 u u 9 We how have in itock a oomplete line of G&i Fixturjw, Brackets, etc., rariging in rioe from 266. up. We guar antee our fixtures first-olassand hang them free of c$& Just think of a three-light fixture in polished brass for $1.45 or a .two-light fixture in oxidized copper for S1.6Q. GAS STOVBSr GAS FIXURES, GAS BN- , GIKES, WELSBAOH LIGHTS. . f . GREENSBORO GAS Coipaoiy IT WRITES IN SIGHT Hi-OLIVER TYPEWRITER Visible. Highest speed, gratpRt rapid, sells on merit A railroad Type writer. Least parts, best alignment It writes right, it writes in sight Smallest keyboard. Built to stand abuse. Lee H. Battle, Cashier. AND ELECTRICI LIfifll CO. 1'

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