i.r a - . m - ar mm m v k m s a .m m m bt mm a m bw a. m v mm a a .a ar a a a. m a a a i -; ill i i -1 i i i i - i p i . : x -a i v .11 iii ,iiiiiif 11 l t ii ii i i - ii i i f i i i r .v -ujujuu r n r 177 k( r r is k- ; r - -in a v i . n K uj u u u vj.-LJL--.lL I J LJ- js U' VJt LJ U Li U Li l V UU 1 Y I : - - VOL.IX.NO 73. GREENSBORO, N. C, SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1901. Price Five Cente, -i- i. aaa 7 HAVE YOU TRIED THE DOOLEY's BEST 5 Cent Cigar. Equal to most ten centers. UNION MADE. SPECIAL NOTICES ah advertisements under tills head 5 cents per line; no advertisement inserted for less than 15 cents. mauamaammmmmammmmmmmmimmmimmmwwmmmmmmmmmmmmwMmmmmmmmm CHIFON, 75 CENT KIND FOR 23 cents at HINKLE BROS'. SPRING LAMB HIND QUARTERS, 15 cents; fore quarters, 12 1-2 cents. W. C. WHITWORTH, City Market. NOW GET THE GIRLS A PAIR. WE have thirty-six pair girls nice san dals and button Oxfords, sizes from 8 to 2, to close out at 98 cents. THACKER & BROCKMANN. F. AND C. CORSETS, $1 KIND FOR 65 cents at HINKLE BROS'. REDUCED RATES FOR SPECIAL OCCASION VIA. THE SOUTHERN1 RAILWAY: Annual meeting of Parents' Confer ence of North Carolina, Winston-Sa lem. Reduced rate tickets will be sold on July 31, August 1 and 2; final limit August 11th. Annual Session State Lodge of Odd Fellows of North Carolina, Goldsboro, N. C, August 6 to 10. Reduced rate tickets will be sold August 4, 5, and 6; final limit August 13th. For tickets and full information call on or address JNO. B. GRAHAM, Ticket Agent, Greensboro, N. C. SPECIAL SALE AT HINKLE BROS, on Saturday. LARGE COUNTRY MUTTON ROAST 10c; chops 12 l-2c; W. C. WHIT WORTH & CO. SOUTHERN RAILWAY'S NEW SER VICE TO RICHMOND: The special attention of the travel ing public is called to the new service from Greensboro to Richmond via. Southern Railway through Durham and Keysville. Leaving Greensboro at 7:58 a. m., close connection is made at Durham and train arrives Rich mond 3:12 p. m. Connection made there with fast express train for West Point where connection is made every day except Sunday with York River Line elegant steamship service for Bal timore. Call on JNO. B. GRAHAM, Ticket Agent, Greensboro, for full informa tion. WARNER'S CORSETS, $1 KIND FOR 65 CENTS AT HINKLE BROS. LARGE STOCK COUNTRY BEEF, heavy veals. W. C. WHITWORTH & CO. Phone 46. THINK IT OVER; YOU CAN'T AF ford to buy mantels that are not up-to-date in style and quality. It's the cheapest in the end you know that. We have them and cheap ones too, if you want them. Phone 161.M'CLAM ROCH BROS., the up-to-date fire place people. WILL RECEIVE CAR BANANAS tonight. Car Goldsboro melons this evening. C. W. JENNINGS. j26-it FOR SALE A FINE MILCH COW worth $35, for only $25 if sold at once. Call on or address R. L. MOORE, 227 1-2 South Elm street. NO Contamination. ALL Soda Water MADE WITH Pure Spring Water ABSOLUTELY FREI FBO&I IMPURITIES. Sy kes Drug Onmnanv. Wright's Epsom Lithia Water This water belongs to the saline class, of which the essential and active agent is Sulphate of Mag nesia (Epsom Salts). The great preponderance of this agentgives it marked advantage over other waters of its kind. Its effects are laxative, diuretic, tonic and al terative. It is indicated in all functional derangements of the stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys and bladder. The laxative ac tion is peculiarly effectual and as a remedy for constipation it is without a rival among mineral waters, or drug remedies. If you are a subject of this common and annoying complaint give Wright's water a fair trial, and you will certianly be pleased. J A. Summers, Prop., Mooresburg, Tenru Howard Gardner, City Agent. FOUR LEFT WE HAVE FOUR cameras left to be closed out at about half price, better call at once. MOORE OPTICAL COMPANY, over Hendrix & Co's store. YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO NEG- lect and abuse your eyes. Better call at once and let us give you the pro per relief for your eyes and head ache. DRS. MOORE AND WOOD WARD, 227 1-2, South Elm street, over Hendrix's store. REFUSE TO BUY. Water Commission Refuse to Buy the Water Works Plant. The Water and Light Commission, at their meeting yesterday afternoon made the following report. to the Board of Aldermen concerning the purchase of the Greensboro Water Works: Resolved by the water and light com mission of the City of Greensboro that Whereas, Mr. R. R. King, recei er of the Greensboro Water Supply Com pany and the Committe of bondhold ers have failed to comply witth his contract with the City of Greensboro in that they have failed to turn over the Water Works System, to the City at the time agreed upon and refuse to indemnify the city against judg ments and suits as agreed, and now re fuse to give the city a clear, indefeasi ble title to satd property free of a!! incumbrances, liabilities and liens as : greed, but offer the city a title to the said property with judgment liens docketed ag?.inst tbe property and other suits pending against the said proper ty, and whereas the said commission is advised by its counsel and is of the opinion that the said receiver ana com mittee have not complied with the said agreement. Therefore the commission declines to accept the title offered and hereby instructs the city attorney to notify Mr. King of this action by sending him a copy of this resolution. An Object. Life. "It's wonderful nowadays how much money is given away to the utterly helpless and deserving." "Isn't it? It wouldn't be surprising if some one endowed the Democratic party." Boarding-house Gossip. Phiadephia Press. Hallrume For such a gay fellow, Rownders dresses very quietly, doesn't he? Noozey Yes, but he makes up for it. You ought to hear him undress when he gets in in the morning. An Overflow. Life. First Financier Are you getting much out of that new oil well? Sernnd Finacier Are we? About $5,000 a week, all In $5 subscriptions! Georgia in a Free Silver Swim. Atlanta Journal. And it also looks like Georgia Is go ing to have a free-silverless guberna torial campaign. Whe na man boasts that lie is a son of th3 soil his name is Mud. The fellow who catches the smallest fish is usuiUl the biggest liar, - CITY'S FINANCIAL CONDITION IS EMBITED TO THE BOARD THE NEW BOOKS Hi WHICH THE .- Prof. Forney Makes a Thorough Condition of the b$iy' Finances a Shown by an Expert Ac countantThe Bools that Will be Used in Keeping the City's Affairs Straight in the Future Trial Balances Will le Made Each Month. Greensboro, N. C, July 26, 1901. To the Board of Aldermen, City of Greensboro, N. C: In accordance with the instructions of the mayor, who was empowered by the special committee created Dy reso lution of the Board of Aldermen to have the city books put upon correct accounting basis, 1 beg leave to sub mit the following, together with the accompanying sheets. In the construction of the assets and liabilities, I have exhausted'so far as possible every avenue of Information open to me; but the city's interests are so varied and far reaching; that a few items may have escaped myattention. I believe, however, you wilinpud these figures approximately correct. The property values have been suggested to me in most cases by members of Al dermen. ! The trial balance of May Lin which appears a complete list of assets and liabilities, will show the financial con dition of your city May 1, 19Q1, the be ginning of your fiscal yeari-Tld the trial balance of July 25th, (yerday) will give you the condition then. In the trial balances thof City tax collector has been charged with the un paid taxes May 1, with all. cemetery lots sold since May 1st. with the aggre gate amount of special licenses since May 1st, as exhibited by stubs of books in his possession. He has been credit ed with money turned over to the city treasurer. When the city tax list is completed he will be charged with the total thereof, and the proper revenue-producing accounts will be credited. These accounts will then show approximate ly the amount of yearly, income of the citv Provision has been made icr monthly postings, thereby keeping you in touch with any increase In special licenses, the sale of cemetery lots, and other revenue. The DroDer handling of 'the budget is en imDortant factor la" municipal bookkeeping, and provisloj-has been made for this account- ine- arner ent public departments to -which an nual appropriations are made, will, Greensboro, N. C, July 26, 1901. Fntries necessary to open a set of double entry books for the City of Greens boro, N. C, May 1st, 1901: LIST OF ASSETS Paved streets and sewer system, first Graded school building, Lindsay street 1 1 Southsiae Colored Market house and lot, old Cemetery house and lots, ''Green Hill" Steam fire engine Gas posts, old Horses, mules, wagons, etc Rock crusher Guilford Battle Ground stpek Fire alarm system Real estate and equipment for fire department Street sweeper and scraper Normal College investment A. and M. College investment Summit Avenue City Hall Paid on construction Neil Ellington, Treasurer City Ha'l fund Street improvement - Amount expended Neil Ellington, Treasurer Street improvement fund... " " Hjiecxric iignt Wntftr works Amount expended Neil Ellington, Treasurer Water works fund n n -ijenerai iuna n n " Special, bond interest fund. R. M. Reece, City Tax Collector Unpaid taxes LIABILITIES. Bonds Streets and sew-s, 6 per cent., due July 1, 1917, $100,000 00 Graded School, 6 per cent., due July 1, 1913 9,000 00 Normal College, 6 per cent., due Jan. 1, 1922. . . 30,000 00 A. and M. College, 6 per cent., due July 1, 1913. 11,000 00 Waterworks, 5 per cent., due Jan 1, 1931 100,000 00 Electric Light, 5 per cent., due Jan. 1, 1931 . 25.000 00 Street Improvement, 5per cent., due Jan. 1, 1931 10,000 00 City Hall, 5 per cent., due April 1, 1930 35,000 00 Bills payable Goods Roads Mach Co., due June 5, 1901 Havwood & Co., due May 20, 1901 " " " due May 20, 1902 Fire Alarm Co., due June, 1901. . . Summit Avenue, due during this 1 Summit. Avenue, due durinsr next fiscal year. Summit Avenue, due three years hence... 1,236 00 Unpaid warrants, issued before May 1st ana out standing ; v Fines, amount due county March 1, 30. 1901 Net investment of City of Greensboro ThPrfi was rn the hands of the city clerk on that date bills for material, etcamounting to $1,738.45 and a bill for hose $975, due Sept 2901. Early in June the uncollected taxes $10,91348 was covered into the city treasury, Continued CITY'S ACCOUNTS ARE TO BE KEPT Explanation to the BoaVd Tlie f whan your budget is submitted, be credited with the respective amounts, and a general representative account revenue and expenditure account, will be debited. In the trial balances here with the public departments show only debit items, as no budget has yet been submitted by. the aldermen; therefore the advantages of this feature of muni cipal accounting can only be referred to, not shown, and it is not easy to compare the totals of the revenue-producing accounts, which show a credit. At the end of the year the revenue-producing accounts will close to the credit of the revenue and expenditure account created by your budget, thus bringing the receipts and expenditures together. In this connection it is suggested that at the beginning of the fiscal year, a budget, based mainly upon the re ceipts of the former year, be prepared by the Board of Aldermen, and enter ed on the books, and as the tax list licenses, etc., take definite shape during the year, the budget can be increased or reduced to meet the contingencies as they arise. As it is now, you lose he direct benefit of your budget four or five months of the year, waiting upon the collation of your outlined re venue lists. The books to be used in the method of bookkeeping oulined will be the Ledger, Journal, Cash Book, Voucher Book. While the new voucher book recently purchased does not meet the requirements in all particulars, yet by slight modifications, which will be clear to any one, it can be made to answer the purpose. We have bought a journal and cash book. As the uses of tbe above books are well known, it is not deemed necessary to make extended remarks on them. I would suggest that the city clerk keep all original bills as vouchers pasted scriam, (thq, numbers agreeing with the warrants drawn) in a good substantial invoiced book. This feature will add sttog&$s the set of books just opened for rfer city. RespectfulljusubmlttedV E. J. FORNEY. AND LIABILITIES. ASSETS. issue of bonds. $100,000 00 15,000 00 10,000 00 4,000 00 2,000 00 6,000 00 6,000 00 1,500 00 100 00 1,000 00 2,000 00 500 00 2,500 00 8,000 00 500 00 30,000 00 11,000 00 15,000 00 29,010 37 9,159 13 2,754 28 8,462 72 28,042 50 1,131 95 111,038 05 752 '49 2,514 44 10,913 48 iunu $418,879 41 $320,000 $9,683.20 521 20 500 00 500 00 350 00 3,378 00 3,198 00 seal year. 19,803 13 532 50 1900, to April 68,860 58 I making $11,665.97 to the credit of the E?enM-Ri niua. me net noaunK in debtedness was, therefore, $13,066.31, plus the Summit avenue debt (7,81.), making a total of $21,065.31. On fourth page You Have the Right. To THE BE ST that can be had for your money, and we have the happy nack of buying the style and quality of SHOES X that bring you best re turns for your hard earned doll$rs. Better see what we can do for you before buying else where. X t J. ML Hendrix & Company. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOQ COCO 19 I! o o Imported White Castile 8c. lb. and We are only going to sen this Soap for a limited time at this price. If you wish to take ad vantage of this offer, don't fail to send us your order for any quantity you wish. il Fariss' Drug Store li ft Opp. Hotel Guilford. JJ oooooooccoocooocsocooccou -f Any order promptly filled for festivals, lawn parties and family use. Purest Cream and lowest prices. Don't forget our CANDIES THE ATHENIAN CANDY FACTORY, S. CHouris, Prop., 340 SOUTH ELM STREET. Cures by Ramoviaf die Immediate Cause of H E AD AC H E and Strengthems the Heart's Action tiRiMOM & FORDflAM. HOWARD GARDNER aad ffcer well stokd p SO API o o Bigvaltte-. f y Our- money t Special ! t - Ice Cream ! i t J I

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