-'.j-.-iiX- r-' V.' , , i ? f 3 i . i 1 1 .1 f ii 1! i: ! i 1 ! ft Mi i i us i 1 ' 1 . .1 : 1 '. .. : ...... 1 . -' -- - TO AILING WOMEN. Little. Sound Advice Will Help Many a Sufferer in Greensboro. No woman can be healthy and well If the kidneys are sick. Poisons that can off in the urine when the kidneys are weD are retained in the body when "the kidneys are sick. Kidney and blad der get inflamed and swollen, crowding the delicate female organs nearby ana sometimes displacing them. This, is the true cause of many bearing -down pains, ''lameness, backache, sideache, etc Uric poisoning, also causes headaches, dizzy linnnnr TlPrTOUSneSS HDQ meu- tnatk pain. When suffering so, try Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that cures sxck kid neys. You will get better as the kid 'eve eet better, and health will return vtvn ih kidneva are well. Let a fellow .offerer tell you about Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs. Ella. J. Hughes, Dixie St., Bur liton. N. C. says: "I have used Doan's Sidney Pills at different times for sev eral years and they have never failed to give me prompt relief. Some time ago I suffered from severe pains in the small ef my back and I had frequent swells of dizziness, caused by disordered kid -mys. I finally procured a box of Doan's Sidney Pills and they quickly removed the cause of all my suffering. I have aad alight returns of the trouble since but Doan's Kidney Pills always bring satisfactory relief." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cts Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, stk agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and no other. YOUR HAT May Be a Strlis oc, Bnt It Makes 'i'rcuJiIe. A rr.-.n r-" filly I n t.nt that's "in style," ij'Jt ins nxatn: iiat for men has lots to cUis'.i' :-'C. Bald head 4 xre t'"r !-- r-.nre numer ous "fcl"y uay. AXi.ellol.t breeding i !acr "or ii fi' - tic ffftrrrs which sap the li;e from ihe roots of the "hair. When your hair beg-ins to fall out and your scalp is full of DurnIru.T .1 is a sure ?ien thnt these countless ceras v. busily at ork. There is but one vray '.a c-vcreo.no t&e trout a-! (.V te ;r"! fV r v.-r.y ;s to at'yly N'ewbro's Kerpivuie to tr.e acnlp-:t v"i f-e pcrrms p.-, "-.--.'thy "hair i sii'o tr result. Sol. by ler.d!np dru;rsts. i:. in tan. i !- c;,mpie to The flerp'c.dt Co., Detroit. Mien. foliar bottles guaranteed. Frisi-Klutz Drug Co., and Greeninart 1 CW- 8oecial Arenta. BE CAREFUL Where you buy uphol stered FURNITURE and find out what kind of filling is used. Remember most crooked work is done under cover. We use felt that cost $225.00 per ton. Some competitors may use excelsior. It costs only $8.00 per ton. ' We guarantee our goods. Samples at 118 Elm Street Automatic Bed Co. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Chas. W. Moseley, M. D. Practice limited to Diseases of JCffE STOMACH AND INTESTINES Opposite Guilford Hotel; orer Fariti Cutz Drug Co. Office phone 571, reii lance phone 1345. Office, 121 South Ebi street; residence, 215 South Mendenhali treet. Dr. Chas. E. Moore, SURGEOH AND PHYSICIAN. Benbow Arcade. Dfflee Hours Until 10 a. nt. 2-3 and 7-8 p. m. telephones : Office 553; Residence 1004 DR. J. S. BETTS, DENTIST. Brer Greensboro Drug Ce. Opposite Court hou C. F. DENNY. Optometrist 104 Fisher building. On.KIMG'S NEW DISCOVERY JN Surely Stop That Cough. "A V - ' CIRCUS TRAIN DUE MILE LONG Ringling Brothers Have Wonderful Trav eling Circus Equipment. A train one mile in length is required to haul the great Ringling Brothers' Circus from city to city. It travels in five sections. It has eighty-five double- length cars. It is the home of 1,280- men, women and children. They speak twenty-nine languages. The train is a Tower of Babel oiy wheels. The family within the Pullmans is very happy and contented, for they have every comfort. And they are domestic. Like the snail, they carry their house around with them. The first section of the train carries the commissiary department. This sec tion leaves town every night for the next day's stand just as soon as possi ble, so that there may be no delay in srettinsr breakfast in the morning. A corps of 70 cooks, waiters and kitchen helpers and 150 horses travel on it. As soon as they arrive in town they un load the kitchen and hotel equipment and haul ith to the grounds. The fires are burning in the hotel range by the time they reacn the "lot." Twenty minutes after, the kitchen and dinnig room are erected, coffee is boiling and breakfast is well under way. On 'the second section comes the men agerie and more horses. On the third train are the parade equipment and the bulk of the draft horses. On the fourth section are the fourteen acres of canvas, the hundreds of ring properties, rigging, poles, seats shops and other paraphernalia. The performers, the business staff and the elephants and camels come on the last train. MBy this time breakfast is readv. And the cooks and chefs have had a big job. But they are used to it. They know how to handle three big banquets every day, .because they 'are artists. They have prepared for this one greak fast 5.000 pancakes, 600 paunds of pork chops, fifteen bushels of potatoes. 150 rralltftna ff ntfTaa find mnnr rflnsT ) l i Tl era t 1 l 11. .11 V 1 1 V V. . 1 1 V . 111.1 11 . V ' 1- 1 . V 1 111.' ' ' in like amounts. As soon as' all this is eaten, they begin preparations for din ner. , nen dinner is over tnere is sup per to think about. After supper the dining-room and kitchens are packed up. The ranges are folded into wagons. The dishes are washed and pigeon-holed. The queerest hotel in the world is whisk ed away to the next town, where the same program is repeated. This is only one of the institutions found in the city of ""Ringlingville." There is also a postoffice. Mail is re ceived there from every quarter of the globe. And there is a dynamo plant. which furnishes power for 6,000 electric globes, arc lights and beacons. And there are all kinds of shops in Ringling- ville. You can have a wagon made and beautifully painted. You can have a horse shoed. You can get a shave. You can have a tooth pulled. If you are not feeling well, there is a doctor to rrn r Vaii ro ti It o to rnnr cli noc Vt o 1 1 - t.VF. 1 V U Kill Ull.l TyilA soled. You can have a suit of clothes made. You can set a Turkish bath. Then you can go to the library and read for an hour. All this time there is a detective force to protect you and a lawver to advise you. In the zoo there are 1.000 animals. In the stables there are 650 horses. In the dressing-rooms there are 375 per formers. There is no other citv like this one on earth. When it annexes itself to Hreensboro on Monday. Oetobre 24 it will be the capital of interest for this section of the country. It will have a floating population during a part of the day and evening that will number way up in the thousands. It will he the happiest city in the United States. Capt. Bogardus Again Hits the Bull's Eye. This world famous rifle shot who holds the championship record of 100 pigeons in 100 consecutive shots is living at Lincoln, 111. Recently interviewed, he says: "J suffered a long time with kidney and bladder trouble and used several medicines, all of which gave me no relief until I started taking Foley Kidney Pills. Before I used Foley Kid ney Pills I had severe backaches and pains in my kidneys with suppression and a cloudy voiding. On arising in the morning I would get dull headaches. Tow I have taken three bottles of Fo- ey Kidney Pills and feel J00 per cent better. I am never bothered with my kidneys or bladder and again feel like my own self." Sold by Howard Gard ner. Nell "I suppose they had a church edding, and the ceremony was very impressive." Belle ".No. they were married at home, quite unceremonious ly." It's the World's BesU Xo one has ever made a salve, oint ment or balm to compare with Buck len's Arnica Salve. It's the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum, For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chap ped Hands, or Sprains, it's supreme. In fallible for Piles. Only 25c. at Fariss- Klutz Drug Co. A man can't make love to a rrl wltn- out being a eooi? bit of a linr THE QREENSBORQ TELEGRAM, A VACATION THAT PAID. How a Young, Man .Swung Around the Circle This Summer. Circle. "I am a young man who has had few advantages and when I was granted a month's vacation I decided' to visit va rious parts of the country by the cheap est possible way and learn how all the people live in " city or on farm and what they thought and hov they looked. "My starting point was New York city. I had $150, but I didn't intend to spend a cent more than w"as neces sary. I went by trolley to Connecticut and Massachusetts. fI didn't dress ver well, so was conspicuous, and I stopped at many kinds of village inns, .second rate boarding places, etc. "A constant panorama of new things opened up before me (most of my life had been spent in New York city) and in Massachusetts I left the beaten track and went into the country. I worked two days on a farm for board, lodging and $3 besides and I came very near rrU-inor nn mi nltin and staVinc there e" "c "I' v o for my whole time. I went to Boston and spent two days, then bought a tick et for Chicago via the Canadian route. "Arriving at Chicago I had spent $28 and had been on the road nine days. Af ter Chicago I rode by train to Kanas at reduced rates. I wanted to see the prairies and the prosperous Middle West. By trolley, etc., I spent five days in tne rural districts ana men tame back to the Mississippi and went down to New Orleans. After two days there (perhaps the most interesting of all my trip) I got a job as freight clerk on a steamer running to Savannah. That trip was mighty interesting and actually earned me money. After Savannah I spent three days in Washington and then I went to Cettysbuhg and from there to Pennsylvania's anthracite coal re gions, went down a mine and made the acquaintance of a mining engineer rul learned many things and then back to Xew York. r'ow I am a different man because of that trip. I made it a point to speak to everybody and keep eyes and ear open and I learned how to handle myself anion" men. I know something of our country now I can shut my eyes and ?ee negroes on cotton wharves, farmers sittin" on reapers, out on huge Kansas wheat fields. clean Massachusetts far mers' wives making butter, black conl miners and steamboat hands playing cards with their greasy pasteboards on the hot freight decks. "T took mv ODDortunitv T saw the countrv and I think it's the finest va cation I ever had and the cheapest for I came back with $78." Two Short Words, "The best." well describes the satisfac tion every user feels when he tries Vick's Croup and Pneumonia Salve for his head or chest cold, or his croupy child. It is a comfort, a cure and a joy. Try a jar and get your money back if not pleased. Not Wishing to Understand. Mrs. Blabb (boa?tinply) You know, v.( have an opera box. Mr. Crab How nice! How many tries does it play? Boston Transcript. Sound mind in sound body Is best con dition for our highest achievements. Sound body depends on the liver and bowels performing regularly their prop er function. Vick's Little Liver Pills correct irregularities and keep these or gans in fine shape by this gentle, harmless aid. Modern Annoyance. "Tn't it a relief to have those chil dren of yours back in school again?" "Xot much. They just learn a lot of new questions to ask." Cleveland Leader. Forced To Leave Home. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and rack ed with coughs are urged to go to anoth er climate. But this is costly and not always sure. There's a better way. Let Dr. King's Xew Discovery cure you at home. "It cured me of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nelson, of Calamine, Ark., "when all else failed and I gained 47 pounds in weight. Its surely the King of all cough and lung cures." Thousands owe their lives and health to it. Its positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Asthma, Croup all Throat and Lung troubles, 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Fariss-Klutz Drug Co. The Qualification Required. "Do you think that young man is a fit companion for our daughter?" asked the old man. "Are his habits good?" "I should say they are!" 'exclaimed the mother. 'T understand, he's "worth a million." Detroit Free Press. A Generous and Charitable Wish. 'T wish all might know of the bene fit I received from your Foley's Kid ney Remedy," says I. N. Regan, Farmer, Mo. His kidneys and bladder gave him so much pain, misery and annoyance, he could not work nor sleep. He says Fo ley's Kidney Remedy completely cured him. Sold by Howard Gardner. "1 have observed," remarked the phi losopher, "that women who want to vote don't want to do much else." TUESDAY-MOI We Give Away Absolutely Free The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in Plain English, or Medicine Simplified, by R. V. Pierce, M. D., Chief Consulting Physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Sur gical Institute at Buffalo, a book of 1008 large pages and over 700 illustrations, in strong paper covers, to any one sending. 21 one-cent stamps to cover cost of mailing only, or, in French Cloth binding for 31 stamps. Over 680,000 copies of this complete Family Doctor Book were sold in cloth binding at regular price of $1.50. Afterwards, one and a half million copies were given away as above. A new, up-to-date revised edition is now ready for mailing. Better send NOW, before all are gone. Address World's Dis pensary Medical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y, DRi PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION " THE ONE REMEDY for woman's pecuIiaV ailments good enough that its makers are. not afraid to print onfita outside wrapper its every ingredient. No Secrets No Deception V -THE ONE REMEDY for women which contafii, no alcohol and no habit-forming drugs. Made from native me$cf4al forest roots WM. B. MERRIM0N W. B. Merrimon d Co GENERAL INSURANCE Ii Yon Want Anything in the INSURANCE LINE See Us Life, Accident, Health, Liability, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Tornado, Live Stock, Etc. V We have maintained a Claim Department at this agency for the past eight years and have settled hundreds of claims. from our office to the satisfaction of our policyholders. We protect the interests of our clients by placing their insurance in strong reliable companies that pay all claims promptly and without any "qiaibling." Rooms 300, 301-302 Dixie Building. Phones 277 and 1389 Write or Phone Ui. Agents Wanted in N. C. 0 The Greensboro Telegram 0 0 8 HOUSEHOLD PREMIUM COUPON OCT. 11. This coupon, signed with the name and address of a reader of THE TELEGRAM, will be honored on any of our Household Premiums. Name Address City NOTICE A complete set consists of thirty (30) coupons of consecutive dates only one coupon of each date will be accepted in each set. Hold Your Coupons Until Yon Have the Foil Set Remember, the 30 coupons must be consecutively dated. You can start with any date. '1 0 0 IF GOING TO Washington, D. C Write for handsome descriptive booklet and map; HOTEL RICHMOND 17th and H Street- S W. Artuad ike aer from th Vhit Houie. Dir ect street ear raate o palatial Uniaa Station. 100 Rotmi '-0 Baths. European, flJf per day upward) with Bath 12.50 upward! ; each ad- litional prsa fOe. A Model Hotel Conducted tor Your Comfort Seeing Washington automobiles leave hotel daily. Cliffori SUMMER SEASON The -American Luzerne in the Adirondack foot hills. Cottages en beautiful Lake Luzerne, Warren Co N. Y. October 1. Booklet. The Telegram 4 Months for One Dollar Octtolbeip : " ; vy$ of Cost FRED C. ODELL. 11 B NO. 22 8 B B B 8 B so American, $3.00, per day upward with Bath $4.00 upward. Club breakfast tO t 75c. Table aHote breakfast $1.00; Luncheon 60c and Dinner $1.00. Restaur ant a la' carte Reasonable jrit, Muiie. L Lewis, Pre p. Wayside Inn and Open June 26, t 11, 12, 13 atradl 14 lSl6 r:N::V. FKATIKrTAX OXSXXS, ft titt StTtrai Iflggt tat Wat, , mum nini iiiy attt. -J-Tke aeTeral fraternal orders f GrMu. orO meet at the tim aad plac aelow: MASONIC. Corinthian Lodge, A. f. 4 A. lieeta every second and fourth Moad ligkta. ' Greensboro Lodge, No. 7, a. f. m VI. Meets every second and fourts Thursday nights at 8 o'eloek. Chorazin Chapter, No. IS, R. a. U. tfeets every third Thursday aigkt at o r'eloek. Revolution Lodge, No. MS2, A. I. t a. A. Meets Wednesday nights ever latioc Store Company. Greensboro Chapter, Ne. H, ors Castern Star Meets every seeoid iu ourth Friday "nights. Ivanhoe Oomniandery, No. S, Knigita Templar Meets every trst TauriUj sight at 8 o'clock. VfODERN WOODMEN OF AMERICA. Modern Woodmen ef America. Cami neets every Friday night at Red Mea'i lalL (Hall corner Elm and Oastoa strestt) JUNIOR ORDER U. A. M, Greensboro Council, No. lS.Meoa very Thursday night la kail, ton Elm and West Gaston streets. Keystone Council, No. 81. Meets ev ery Monday night over Proximity Mer cantile Store. White Oak Council, No. tU. MscU every Friday night at White Oak Gncta Sekool building. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. Greensboro Council, No. 129, Knighti t Columbus, meets first and third Mm day nights in their lodge room ovti Greensboro National Bank. J. J. Ms fiorley, G. K. RED MEN. Minneota Tribe, No. 52. Meets svsi ruesday night at 8 o'clock in Union Hali, orner East Gaston and Elm streets. , WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Woodmen fo the World. Whit oa Camp, No. 804, meets every Tuesday dght in Fraternity Hall, White Cnk. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. Greensboro Lodge No. 80 Meets evtry Monday night at 8 e'sloek at 22f l-o South Elm street. Guilford Lodge, No. 81 Meets Tr, Friday night at 8 o'clock over Greet oro National Bank. White Oak Lodge, No. li? Meets ry Monday aignt. Proximity Lodge, No. 1 Meetf Cuesday nigkt over Proximity Mereaa tile Store. ELKS. . Greensboro Lodge, No. $01 Meets very Wednesday sight la Ilks Build- t 9 MACCABEES. Gate City Tent, No. 7, K. O. T. M. meets every Thursday night in Red Men's Hall, Bevill building. E. E. Cart 'and, R. K. Greensboro Hive, No. t, L. O. T. B. eets every Tuesday night at Hall, eov r Elm and W. Gaston streets. ODD FELLOWS. Buena Vista Lodge, No. 81. Meefa very Tuesday night at 118-128 West Market street. Paisley Encampment, No. 18 Meets very first and third Friday mights at 118-120 West Market street. Greensboro Lodge,, No. 1$4 Meet very Tnesday night at 108 1-t Fayctte dlle street. Myrtle Rebekah Lodge, No. 81 Mectt very second and fourth Thursday ghts at 108 1-2 Fayetteville street. Golden Rod Lodge, No. 818 Meets 'riday nigbte over Proxiasity MereaatU Hore. LOW ROUND TRIP RATES TO DANVILLE. $1.65 is low rate announced from Greensboro to Danville, Va., and return account Agricultural and Industrial Fair. Tickets on sale Oct. 10th to 14th, inclusive. Final limit Oct. 15th. Ap proximately low rates from Salisbury, Winston-Salem, Raleigh and intermedi ate stations. For further information see Southern's nearest ticket agent, or address W. H. McGlamery, Passenger and Ticket Agent, Greensboro, N. C. The Telegram 4 MONTHS For One Dollar. Dr. King's NewLifePiils The best in the world. ' ! 1-.

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