. TELEGRAM GREEN vcr it. no r.i ESTABLISHED IN 1897. GREENSBORO; N." C FRIDAY. J'.QfCilNO, MAY 19. WW. I CONGRESSMAN STEDI.IAli FOUR CARS MADE PERFECT SCORE IN REUIIITY RUII First Pictures of the Scene ol.thc Fighting - Which Endcd'In' thcTall of the City of Juarez ON ADMISSION OF ARIZONA r r - THE SBGEa) mTmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi Chamber of Commerce Party Reached Greens-' boro at 6 U cocfc Yesterday, Having Traveled 150 Mil es-p-Judges will De cide on Cup Winner Today. m" i. a ' Vth four of the ear making a per tt t score the Chamber of Commerce Re- -ability run reached Green boro y ester -div afternoon at 6 o'clock, baring cov ered a distance of more than 150 mile -liiv-e 7:30 yesterday morning. With the exception of an accidental collision in iv.irham that put two ears out of cow minion there was not a single accident .hiring the trip, nor waa there a break - i.uvn other than punctured tire. The tourirt were tompkUlj wora out. but everyone was la high spirits over the success of the rentore ajd the enthusiasm ahowa at every stop ping place along tie entire route. The reception ther met was far beyond u expectations the most sanguine aad eerv mem ber of the party felt more than repaid for making tie trip. Cop Award Hot Hade. The judges "were In confer c Uv ni 'ht until a late hour figuring 0 the winners, but at last aa adjournment was taken until this morning at 10 Otiorlt when the matter will be passed apon- The judges are C IX Baabow, Julias price. Andrew Joyner, W. L Underwood and C. G. Wright. The referee ia Gar land DanieL The ear making a per fevt score are the Cadillac, drirea by C. (". Thomas; Case, driven by Charles Mdes: Overland, driven by K. Y. Mc A.ien. of Louisburg; Orerland. driven by Mr. Burkheimer, Greensboro. Garland Ricks in the Abbott-Detroit was making a perfect score until hi collUiow with the car driven by Z. V. Conyers in Dur ham yesterday. The judges will have to do some close figuring to decide on the cup winners- COTTON ... A-J I Fifth . Dutncf hfcuU hi aiden Speech in House Yesterday SpctiXrr Frequently Interrupted hy Manufacturcrs of United State in Annual Con vention in Richmond, AFT h ., rv WW Best Ka4. a Trrn, The party left' Henderson yesteftlay morning and detoured by way of Louis- hurg, going from there to Raleigh by I way of Franklinville. The bet stretch of road over which they passed during the 250 mile trip was the sandlsy road ietween louisburg and FrankhnviUe. Ther were able to go over this at a ths U clip. They reached Raleigh about r -ou and some stopped oxer for dinner, while others came direct to Durham for i.ner. They left there about three ..hx-k. coming by way of Graham. Hw T ver and Burlington. Big Meeting U Henderson. Special to Tslefram. RietnosMl. VaV, May la. TV sl. teewth aaaual rowrewtUMi of iW Aaaerf- caa Oittsa ysaafartarsrs' AsMriaUw bYsa her today, wtUi saore (ki K30 delegate la atteadaare. Its saiaiif. maaufsxturrrs ta tW o4t worU aa her from all part el the Lat4 Msls The morning aswajva was t-ol W roMtiae work aad at the efteraoow s sioa Arthur Marsh, preasdeat, spa4s a "The New York Cottoa lLttf.m Lewis W. Parktr. of GrMiHlW. R. C, reported for the oat eosnssittes t cotton ftrtir A serious proolts aow ronfrts ts Katoristioa. he said, th cekdit0 t the milling ioilstry haviag tm aa-K tied since 1907. the price f raw vom are steadily advanof Tb staUsjrw dwetiow of the IJeeew -prpdor fJ versirMd f srmiag bare ftabSs4 tb ers to serwre better prirea sa4 the tar dea has beaa pUeedjoa tW ssaawractaesv to krwar tW prvr!ol taw raw aatnJ w4eth aawna Tt pay a kilter price for fiaMhed fyi. I p . x---. ; : . . k k - "... . . t . V i " '. ? -v: i x - i WiD be Condi date for - Rcnom.ru tion in 1912 Ills PUtfora PUnL .iM. mum Ma, m s .. etM4 im-im, v ii I iwe Si s.I"iTiiis . I ' iJH 44 W t ? i !nAii44 H I -' ' I mm if 4 m 4.m. !' Mi IM'1 SM Wi W H kM Hi 1111 li fltaM fS tai W en Mail ta . !. - S -oa-. aW.wUf W Otaj.Sta4 1 ' . 4ta in mmm t 1 a'. 4 v.. . . IttwUKRCCtOr. tM CAl;oT1 s o e - y ft le s. Ut4 a4 fmut faf tw fisCissrlaf 4aj - tarjfc, -M Ks wfss fjcrCi U lirsav Ahs-sa aJ aswrwa Uw tJr aw sw tjn wu M til U f4 Oe i!f t-taee eew i a s9 aiMaaViMF im aa4 a iatMw ha m -4 . ) ta m"i taH iMMt.xn- I ii njii in ta-M mwlw M, taw ' Hnef Miwka Vfe - - W f S .-e 1 e ' t4 ia T- ta ttas ,V ajnftaae: a 4'r-W ta Cs jr.ta.aa - taa, Tta aa4 W aa , J ta- a ttuM eataa Can Cta) S aanaS, ta taa ft jtatuis af sst Ulneiav niaht there was a large :;xd enthusiastic meeting in Hcrsierson. a large Bumber of speeche being msde in the interest of the Grefusboro-Rox-boro railroad. Jno. D. Cooper, a promi nent majiuiaciuxer, yn - . an address. Other Henderson speakers were Secretary Kithrell, of the uenaer son Commercial Club, Mayor Powell ai Col. Hicks. Mayor Branrraett, Cot Bal lou and Judge Graham, of Oxford, who accompanied the tourists from Oxford, alo made speeches. Members Greensboro part who spoke were A- U Brooks, G. S. Bradshaw, A- B- Kimball, C, D. Benbow, C. G. Wright and V. C McAdoo. The rxhAm AcodenL -r-k. i Durham was declared liter ea.. iv. a. Kv tK witnesses to have been anarosd tr Tonvers car was standing by rr, orb and " Mr. Ricks was driving ri,,irr, th atrpet at a moderate pace. A vehicle suddenly turned in front of his ,,r in an effort to avoid a collision v rh the vehicle he went headlong into Mr. Convert car. Both machines were hadlv damazed that they bad to be ; ! . e,l in the repair shop, the occupants t r.r(wnhoro bT rail. Mr. Ricks a. arrested for overspeeding. but the " ,vor dismissed the warrant alter near ADOPT! D DAUG1TTXI 07 JCZXICAS C0TIU08 DITAIXCO IViugU. Art . May l - ! smarts t- official yesterday prmitll lha vyt-i daughter of Oaaral Lif Ttr. . tary goveraor of Jvcs t rtc ta I'nitM Stat-. arvi tha family ott their rmmay to Ia AnaW Ut sufM Tbe wife of IrfMTll Torre. Sat p' ent arl her li r' "U dsjttT. a- . imiii rrfiu in t Ka I nl"1 States, were dtsin1 at o-W terdav by immtjrTstioa oiVat. w V otanded to be prf of ita Ur adoption of Iba Rirl bafoCa W enter thi cnutxlri Later tW aaitf S sdjuvted. TAX IMPORTAHT CASE BEING ARGUED III MADERO Assessors are Making Good Headway Says State Tax Commission. SUPREME COURT l h,Qc,cd n -!- 7VS rti aa tta -paa tataiM-' ;r iM4 - ltaitaal a4 WM Ita ' Rcpnbtic at Coming Election- u. Tagea. Mnn n.w ia.inai i,iaxir '.a ata" " ta - ,...... 'mh : S.a 1 -l . ' iw-i aM 4,.ta a!-.. al a W - T W H'i" t Wt.K-a.M W " a-'Mta V ilirt a a v4 4 , ta Vtat- . ! riwwnn "" ja la- ta a-- ta .-al taa taawa e .i.a..ii. ?,ta iamnI t la Q tfavvtl t o Taf-a ijniM i aaaaa,: ttaf a.i Ita J" IIPERH TAKES FIRST LIB III HOSE VAGOH C01ITEST EHrH .I.a f. w (W ta aW tt tta vt.t. ta - t Taa-.-. aa ' Charlotte. Msy H -for two toass4.ata tWI fi Wia smataa V; t t I1 tka ntalj taU rm W aakuaaM We fata 1a a.i ttaw Wl mt ctaa taa; Vara lita tecarty lU.( U.l oceatSr t in 1.11 1 m'L-vV (aUi taa I .v. -- - - i iait (ae awa DOUT1, 1 IUUI ft w v... - Ian IftW ai" j- v 1 a , I . . V. 1 IV qtsata alleajng la aoaua. I ta law rar""' meat ia progrea here vtal tta fk Mw Va oa'.a4 tw UUITI 111 r- - f ' - I I -a M11B a1"a.7 ' k v . . I . . . . e event of tne orvasion, wtw i ,Ka ffaa mm v .t- . - ,iai (a Vorth Carolina. I . , . .aaMt'.i . -a " v va - t . - - being over a dosea otr- assd toaia I t- ? foe O- t t- '"'iJ1 J the State repretauttrd atsJ erh ea r1 I anaja, t!iMl ing good account oi nan. T V r rta-n a train tolsv 111 aa ft V. . " . . - ' bono root mak Church street over tba orVial tvnt Isyiog the required ft of fc mskinj the hrdrsnt stwl twjW roata ttona an.1 fretnng'a .traasa ol ' II :a K-aa.4 tnaaa? 1 ttlf-r T i-w,.y, iUU f m a C 1 4 va t ( . Itanta.) Uh aatata Ita I.. Va T aafraJa VaaaS aaU rafaaaa) lMJtl talv r -ir:. ILLINOIS SD1ATI 7-.t aaaaa Ita mT i f VIAIUS L0R1UEE MaS oa4 a-;t taaa7 Ita T- f lUtaa CUlf ta 4ta.e S .a"a C , ta . a Va a W ! ii ii mm was ka a tta 7a. Ital ta VtataSa SS-ta04 4-M4r W t ta WV l-ea tai-af l-s a Italva taat. Wl a. - - " ! ftatata a ta t a.ta eataa a-aJ Ct ta Staf tailwta M in alia SSa I a lal1 aao i' ii1 mna a aa naaar. Tta wa )" r ta iiaiain aai ' ...t(v. a a tta avfi wi a' 1 a ta tia i iMf a K iai 1 i.Ma " naiAa.aH ftv4.a S. !... aatiWaitaa eta ta'lua ta ttaa& i . " aa aaW a.! a -1 a faro. u v.. -a toa aV ! - . ' .ta w.tfla '0 . It. . aota- a- Iiaan t- a.an laa i- ibna f m. ta t iliti aa Ilia. 'a a ' hi a wHiait ajxHUaa il ka .r. ta ana -taa K.itm.l m tlawaa aS a ta ta a ta t aiaa 4 aa ! " .mm ta v ta iwhnI vtaa ta naiAataana a. a at an Wit a i.fMl Ita' a i a tta axMHt rta naf a.a t I I mat -a t i al1 a 1 Mf a-ta I a i ii af ta tttnet ..' f a.na.iia ?a.t aa ta aat atf .ara a-ta fctatAS ta aa ta ta I tttat aa la SUa at. taa ninr nrnnnrrTi - - - - a at -ta .aaafta VttataiM- ft ae ! hi ia; a ii naif ta as "! aa ana llkMMaJ m -aas ataaaa. VaU New Bern again lisy f.U t- ir'.rr.'r;:''; RESULTS OE STATE ,njf the ?M y.rd. ru. dow. Sth Arr ESI mm bti . . .... . t SWa. ...a a nan i n aaw. -' ' ' ' a. .. .rf , , ! m il W l l.Waastata at? a-t jait l-.a. 4 4a4 ia latwai aes a-Ua. II at ! . ,f at t aataaaaaa ' a aa ta -atbalaal tJtal I Waa ata a IV44 , ... . . . , . V.aJ.-. ata tattAS a f tnt l.iits f , . . Va a.a.a a T.-.a..fia Ita W-ifl M taa rtatal Sa. talata mi 'ta .Au.. al -.ta "-a. (. a . . .. ftataaa I) taiSta tats . . , . . . t. . taita '-..a a a- f--aa..ma tln4 T staraaa Ita aaa.o a. 1 'a- w-m Uaa.r, a aa Vae a . m. 1L a Vt. t Ita tataHtaa a Ita -ata a t-a at ata.aa siaal aj tt Ita . . Ita ta:aat ta4M Ua-t ! ! Ita '. til - tea aaVal Ita tai s4. '. a.ta-4val Ita tai meta Ital J f If W. I I s. all taat inn it naK'aii e ' Staata t . .. , nana mi ma 1 a " at as ,t taVnta. 1av .taiaO taMMttlltm a iataa. Sata Sta aV. aajat ? ta tajtltiUa- H ta-a.ta tt Ita taaaaa) ta.aiM ifa na -nil ta ItaataaaTV aa taa 'ta m taa H Ita a taa nyaaj ! aaaa Zl., St aaa taaaj I ta atia eto.ta CaMtata ttwaa Irlaa? ta , 1 t a a ! 11 ' a .tt-a ta .. a. iaa-aa-a .. .. ta . ata Va.taaa.a 0 . .i u. ta i ataata Mimt alt a Ir 1 a a..a taa .a a Ita- an.aaa ta i SYIllL SAliO-ClAY HORTH EUl STREET ."tttaji .1 arrant, . W tim, of 2 S -ssaJa T- the particulars. A reporx lnrr. rma the . a I a V 1 - . a I f Vafl ahsa,' C ta i t - . , mu- I race- 01 in ... n arrested lor oerivt"f. .. .-.t ,.K tta m 1 cca" ni.w. rwderable comment. .4. fLaUtrh Sa-.e.jf made the beat t"tvl up to tiua tta BANNING MASONIC The rond pre ia 'h f rrnncmw Tfl r.ril CltV H.W t otjptBt. of K WV ... . r, v- ll.A.X of the which made the fU-aa tim- of 2" J i. k- un i ia!ter rv. "" I w. t n. (M.i . . . .Ka riiv in onlv 1 S e-rotsd behia-i ta- tl Lodge OI MSaOU. aa ... - .--a . . . . : tf I mt.v bT .1" ipiti ti." -t night arousing imere.t - , 4,,.A,la. aa.a o r .on to be run from GreensDoro l" I DJ . ' . .w .v. J... ihetahu-k Bid a uatce.boro on June i I - . .. , L.H.K...e tiaiee Maa.1. Pkta P- -"t?. Vr.t .t. A. i-iea to hare a large iim-i " I . v. . ..v . tk(1 BUI III ByiiniirS'r.EVi r; BEKOliO HIY UM1TT t-i!a-l.a pa'. r, , j ' . ' . a. i-a.K crt! aer'a a ati ai.' ' . a.a i n I ta la: . !ifn --4 ita aW. I ta. ta a M mr a.a aawtata Ita .n--. It I rttatrj ta. rt.a -.:ia MC ..ita-ai til '1 i- t Ita '11 I . aa ta taitti ' tataat .la -aj ..la S.n.it -a m.ltaa Ita ataxl ...a a jtatti ? '!"",f; o?"' .., J,a ,waia . -.taa. aaMt ' v. a ia ar.a.i ! ...a taa aaa-ltaaAaat I Ita Aa.Sjaa i .. 4 -ita w.r,ia .im .. ataaw t r" lita, aJ ta .a . " 4 ,,.'.. . ll-' .ta a a.a a... ... ata a..M ta a.ta-at axat - ta -t-a-r -.Mt.at.a-tM. tftMi-fwa " ' '" t ....... - a - " " ,..... -tfari . M. ..- a.it nniii.at.a a t --......-. a.ta a- t a ifa Ita I .a a ailn uf a aiat a - aa ataiKa a..at.M aa ta a atitaii ti.f.at a Maa atta-l atat ta taa'iaitaS a a a I aa atat ta a il m ! al all . MS .ta a I III I .J Mft.tal -f W UA M,al-tajr lleta of ra "'-. twalir ta. j ,rn a.1 a -7 i r"" ttMt ! tM Ufsta 7 K.ror. dtaae. asU U. W ian-la P. W . ej. dav. The Oreensbero Maaona are ea thuiastic over tha prospects for n -1 lao 1 aa a - joyable day. oa thai OlSatsiOaV; " - f- i I. t - . a., 1 .Aa la raa ia S . I rvf-rv-aral.t-W - tadstk 1 wo. t - - makiaf fourth place n the d.y'. reeata. rowatry tea C Ala4at tHf t I taa ISa.a .taeat Aa aaaaa4 ta Catataaai tw iim s ta 8' Hr a-- atf ta CawaeaJ 7K s ,4 ita f a f a ta4 a-- la t a f "V ta ..m-'- !' ..r- .r tta 1 la .i?7..aa tr .''," 1 ,M t', aaaas ittann " - kat , ta. Aa ttf tta a tm . ta, a taa I ta aatfitata ta ft-a-JWaa. Tf ta SiataS.ta aata ia aaatal atJta aw- aetata yeial W tfttafata W4e "VI- r, JV a, tajfl VaaVal " 4 srW raw a44 tta-Sia ! f VAaW) .HTM a IW ew S-at tafaa. ta 4 aSwaA tta eft-. a 1 v.. it.... a... ir ia- 1 , t t a.t. t. -.a.i"a..- ' - a 1 '"l t-- t.t.a. t.-i '..'l t aa Mtaaftw - a laanaltit-ata ka nailltataaaa a a a it S. il "St I la.tt.i a aa at a t. aim tall S ta ta.laaf a t-t aaalta tf ta jaanta att f Wt.aa. 1 a ania ' ta St it at S -.w a ll a.t lnaita a ta ta -at at' a larta ta : tr f. 3 izu: t aa, ?.ara-at- . i. t ". a,"a " ' " ,aaaai W tt-f- ' .,.a.t tt. I-. t .ta... .a..t-.ta.Mt taaJS St.aa tajawa mm- i ta ' it-a-t at-ax't te a'- ( maaaji ' t tata ttata na i"ty n.MMtaaa "Vta aa titf.at eta W aa tl am; iftltaa It tal V "'atf a ta a-"4-5. a Tta aaaaa. l-aaa Cataaaa f taat-af ta aatas ni'af f ataaW a we. .l taat taaTtaliaf . A ta-ta Clafa ataaVe f a tta. ta ri . 4 W SataVii-W . . - j Ja aaaas a 4CW SMiiajt at ae aVata tawaeWntSK ... Ut w I Stw-fta m , Staf W-Sa Wta ft Us aa tfcat ' 4 w a4y e WS wit W r-iafW--4 ta It.lh. a Sst tfMajfVa :. jexta.'a 1 tar statawa ta ftaay fa aw f-aaeo i a eas gra