i, . GREENSB C-LO .. . . . TEL ' . . "1 JHI1 ESTABLISHED IN 1897. GREENSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY M0RN1NO, JULY 12, !M. VOL 14 NO 221 Noiwegian Arrays Lieutenants -v Conf esses -Tventy Burdarieo. " - . Kwl?3 ..t - 4 -t fx - ' --4 tyr . ai ini m mtfcoeeHHrr Acwic.t"StTacyS5qj' Carl roa Meti Meyer ls a real "gentleman burglar." For aerrml month ! he baa been pilfering house In a fashionable locality In Brooklyn, and ba finally arrested he calmly admitted that b bad committed twecfty or rmrt burgWulea. Ha aaJd be waa tha aoa of wealthy bankar ta CbrlaU&aJa.lwUl branch, offices In Hunlcb and London, and that b bad obtained a forto from the army to come to New York two yearn ago to learn American beam ing methods. Ha losrt bis Job last, win teTnd alnca tb4 ba4 baeadllag to .yawu tw-juwH wwuj AWra WDKO Q Sill VOCaiOSJU SBOOI afcHS. When commlttlag the bargtarlea be always wore a draaa rait and tbua rradad the suipklooa of detecttrea and night watch me, wtth waocn b eftaaj taQted in the early morning hoars." The picture shows the young burglar hsr m twaa ity-four years old In the custody- or a dete - t wnrt REPUBUCANS PLACED IN UNCOMFORTABLE ATTITUDE Progressives Stand on The Tariff iMost D;s- concertmg Adjournment Propositions Will Cause Close Rubs is Opinion of Many Senators. ial to Telegram. Washington. July 11. Tt Ur will be snrae close rubs in the Senate on propositions to adjourn without farther tariff actions other than the reciprocity bill i the general opinion of Senator. The fact is that some of the Republi can feel mighty uncomfortable in the attitude in which they are plifc-ed by the progressives putting them onVrecord a voting against the lowering of Ihedutie "ii goods in connection with Canadian Tt-iprovity. An attempt Ls to be made to Tote on r-i probity July 19, the free list bill -T :iy Hi and the woolen bill on July 21. iifH-tion was made and the matter vent over. Senator Penrose made a re vwt that certain other dates be fixed f'r voting on the propositions but Sen Ur Bristow said he would oppose ad journment of CongTess nntil after full co nsideration of not only tne inree l4Hs but also of the publicity bill senator Bailey, of Texas, offered the farmers free list bill as an amendment to the reciprocity bill and this precipi tated a debate on the free list bill, after which Mr. Bailey gave notice that he would insist that the free list bill and the woolen bill be taken up s amendments to the reciprocity bilL He also said that he would address the Sen ate tomorrow on Canadian reciprocity. Murder Case Continued. Special to Telegram. Raleigh. July 11. In Wake 8uprior fourt today the murder ease of Will Weaver for the killing of Ed Pearee at Zebulon, was ' ordered continued to the September tfotert. Judge Peebles sen tenced Lonhii'Hn4 tea yean i the penitentiary for ragnwmy " robberyx i that he made such fit attack on John Harris. Ernest Joaea-" came in for a four months sentence oa the charge of manslaughter. .- .' ..- . . v A'. f : . v. . V. -. INQUIRY Into The Alaska Land Deal May Last Until Auti Limn Special to Telegram. Washington. July II. Tfc ice poet anre of the iavetigtka of th tXk (a Dick letter scandal by tb Hon com mittee on m expenditures la IV iaterVar department is today made appareat by the llt of witaee prepared for tW hearing, which will b resumed toeaor row. The lUt includes a ausabe f persons in the National ypotlifht and promises to furnish an inquiry wkka may rua far into the autama. The list includes C P. Taft. Gux heim. Prank Ilitcbrork. Walter L Fish er, and a number of others, slo Rjrh ard SJyan. the Alaska proaaoter. and Miss M. t. Abbott, who was repoa4)i for the publication of the sntkal sory eooeemiag lha "grab" f th Con troller Bay lands by the Gugxeaaeiava. It ia doubted whether the eosamltte will coaapleta its inquiry by the tiaae CtmgreM adjourns and therefore It wCJ get tba Uoosa U autborta It to Ml during tha receaa. Cvrrj denial fraoa the .Interior department of the enc of tba Pick t DUk Utter b giria additkmal aatlsfwtioa U lW cwagtr s local committee, Pensatioeaf drrelcp meaU art wpaetrd lotaorro when' tb rocaalltee rmat IU beirlsx. HUNDRED Story Binldiii PbnrrJ For Kevr Yort Gty Says Joyce Mor-- timer. V 5pil ta TsWgrasa. CWrsUad. tai, J!r U-TUI fUm eat a!r4y Uee drawn t a t : story biUic ta Ke ! al 1st ttwt Vwl4i la II wrxU m IW tMwM lea l 4f hf "W Pr.leat Jeyre VI .. af ta taitd Really Cm f N VeeV. t U Ca1 IWiat Owar ! Vtrr AiMmlMk, la WATER SUPPLY IN RALEIGH' VERY SHORT fwil ta TV-si. IUUxV Jfy it. Oa I f a ra!lr larww fsUiag otf wa IUiJ atle watr erp'y t ! rtty W RJ e-.gS strwt eisJLWe Wa f Uf. tt ri!fJ h lMa J rwi dili'9a gwtt.a; wtf f t W I-n -- 11 W a4 m Oat isff rnt)n k- r ll PiXsrt r snelA kr rit 4j fra W t-.l wppty s a t t W ! f ww ( fmwylm ( W tiif Tls "r'y lw fa:.ag ! a of init, Vat ta rJ o aiy a-sjk 4 (a lmi sfrt Ik ssH djjs. Hw-r. a gain 4 ia tk rrmr r7e14 taUy TW avslUbiU rly U aw stht4 ta ba dawa ta irrj gi1ss fwe.daf anj lb aarmal 459,.J?Jtl-Jt? 1st. ' Uelast Ot; ! tW a IW sapfJy and tV lesas k sVrUeed Vt etperta -ta W san UUs what mU W ardMlr eirs aaUee l drnoght caa4ti f taa tt ever tha w-sltf sij aeabsu Is ! ta b fartea lark iWt a aml for th yar t f TV pettt watf amly. tt is will 4miUW oV tavslersl r la akeai Ik tj Aril ta ! nnii e tkag M9 fe r"? ln-ri 'tf'j- fWiUt Wiv t wJe If o ! Vtla fi. I V W-e pMtowitMrt t W ta 1 .Vtlua I tie lJili tr ill I HIGH POINT WILL SPEND $90,000 FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMHITS IHxb IWat. Jly It Vtti; iW eily aalWriiMr gst W rwairwl foe f tJ.x. j4-m t.mf si ra rerlaia t r1 . aW f o iw mhnim aa4 WU af si-e ! aaamatier a 3 I Wi r)W TW ! IW fc:y4. jf-W g out t IV riy. sai W aiil W it sarywj. iil ttaWt mi Wisw Wlb fra k it fit4. is tW 4i af IW (Wc la W saewl vi Ik Mj4tJ V? W cf tkr tl IW farat ( W wkk la rtly kA g! I W Nartk CsMim i"kW r CMatf foe W eWlfkr lrt rattasy. MW e44itca) af wWa W4 W W WCI ky fawd W N Mrt IW la a ilk IW f adtttian by wlkax t fra eik Ma slr iat FafWa ewl. t IWara oat la IW im baWI 4 W I nly IWI t!Acl.k m a j W yvymtj asr k saaie - I iriiMt bstag IW liw IWI il . TW I eras of i fla IWI I ettWr tW nisM sa iW iy ae ami si (ta tW irWa sa- W . baitl by tW aWwgaalad tisaa ae W W !eeapaay wU3 fefel lWi Wrl TW liaais af IW rtra-aey U al saank later. ! lacs) Tas Far Sfarial ta Ts4jaa. HaWgb, Jaly It. TW Mala Jaaart- sneat f a4walMi is aa4iT4 IWt aa I1H I Oeaa 3taly. baa af4 a " Sara! Ut far tW ' 1yresaasai af acVaala. J. T taAaaaa la iW eajtty 1 a?erUUa4l. . . . , IL1PR0VED Hl.:v , .iiiCCX:" ' eo:;b Kum Comraissionen iiead Piirty Over Route to MancBestcr From Fay ctt evilly ; r;Uiikj. Jttfr tl.-- a wwM f aiiiiM rantC.al w wua4 W Vy Uws aa-4 ! twaaiMaMMti aait a a--w I vlini4 UUMtiml im W VV Wt ae l r as tfe awMa iaf aa MtoWW f t n A.tM(t Ik en, t' fa saaAin I la My aaiMaaww rui llf y i altvaui wainHsi j Cn4c I W g smk ! I ? a ta W tL ly ( ,,... JMf TaM f 9r4 lil f r ! lt al s SS"" e. tnii a t t la M asait. - lot f mt Vare f I W w wm 1 H W "4 js.lt i yya al ft'j Bj f' ,..jv r" la 0 j-l $ sa ; . 1 J '. wniMa MaB-l af y t I k 1 e ffa rmNMM nVJ.!. Km! a? J W ;-' i r-4- ff f f f'-ft I j'. ;r i la IW S M"e rit ' TW i'e1 f W, .1, fa-k! t. It. tk ia(aaa. J A ! . I. c vr, n. v. T 1 fNf. X, ft Jkwt yjie A A VtwVa, V ? I mbmm! T I SJlaMe. iip n( ee W faUi fWy, f t Com r-eaU Atl3M i U H ra ria.iea (' rj4teV ff g A n. WiSea; r. it r-? r.;-:ta- -CX tT'f 'ftTJbf V? atsaau. Usf? TV aaty wiT x.k.lkt a IW esra tr lf ELKS, Eect Jolm P. Sullivan, of Texas, Grand Ex alted Ruler. iif. Juif' If riwti .IL. .. X-M lbM, w rtil .at !:. ni w i4- b. r ! I k J - t . I il. k IW ACTRESSES HELD F0RBRAHD JURY I Tsvi'ga-'Sa ra. )f it tr r. w I lWi I M Wk f -0 IW xa. p ( l frntm-m luwlf iw ;pm . iiatt - .J 1 fci. v TW f -4 : il IWI iw ' i mi kf W I-. H. IW AIlaai W4 , t --. Wl e4 W t-Lml4 a. IWI W Mf :irttit Ua Will IW , Sasis4 Xa Aftaac4 U aV JJ I 1mlfm t-UtK Jalf tl W sir W lUf W'r Wvalta a Aa a -l t;t l W4 WKfA a Wia W IW Vt (bwl rV g.A'bV X r.iU If W at rMU e W ?- W TW ' ? as fit ia IW w(i l W ! WW ., U- IWI Ih W U1 f4w I W lal f IW air Altoe lv aw ).m ma. f4 IWI W aaiaai ia W ra Wey lt waa afi I aair4 IW XACIX ta tXTX 3 tO, "tvaJ e Tf?kav rkaalaa. Ja. llrwaai tyas-kC a4 IW yalaaalVsa4rsH arv laea ta4r a4 aflat aa taaaaifalataj Wafallly aasa4iWI Wasin Kijpe, tW rv&aAsffaaa WC fasyat W saaiAe iVWs a fss.a r it yHrtys psae wtiV .. Wn aaaaaai m. amwm TAFT . Aiut Recall ProTuxoa m Arizona Cotitn b-on-bteliood ir ia Senate. ft i t Sm SJUaM4 i-aMa a CW w A mm-ftMitlf hAm IJUa 4 Wj4 a fxxwtiMM l iw W f faa IW At imM.4 Dal W r nw. 4 U i V IUNM ja iw av V wm njn I4m ltsr e9lt f ,f.tU m IW -X .j.SlM.f . UiV ami , .ak.Mf 3mH IW AiMi. f4M IW Si -A (TOBACCO CASE ARGUMENTS 'ARE CONCLUDED fMt ! i. f''iV ialf It- fW 'inwa1 i iw- 4.tlwf i m aw x W t is a t 'A" l1 4 f IWI W a f "! MM ! .! - W ftW wlf W a "NKbuUi Sai.f IW rMl t tw I t tW b. WV atW IW f IS fWaa we a W?t ar aw- l n fwtsf. I a, aee- ewa.t: 7 f m iw f'aaf a 1w44 47v ". iV aaJaa iva Aarif tsaa-, ka.la "aI 4fcfrsr ssaea IW a0 fXit laaa a r wa. TW iw mm was t W jnt Wf TW iaauiw ma H IWt Wea wS W a i. iw jin, iwm( iw ia a W IW enM4 IWI i W aS Wl aWlto mmf 3 W W maJ w ra,,nf cl a -. W-v- mj) w (mm W W aaf- ltf U IW 4ttWU4 S.MWI ! MM W W mtmm f-w tf W IW .a" X I KENTUCKY ! REPUBLICANS IN CONVENTION tui I ?. tHWH.-, A. ifc?, H tW gT fAt t m-wIm. MiWI W IW. fl w4 MMla fttaaa Im bw.w e s aWa tft.iw W W ! I iw sl ui m . X w& TW iBi4J .t !! ;i mi.j.i m4iIm t m! wnl ! IW f J K4Mlaa(. IWI w W RURALS AND MADERISTS IN A FIGHT ijM'itl la T aaa fmm ill. if.y $4 S-j S .urW ai in ;s t aiMi VaaartS aw hmiIiI W Wi i m iw gwiat wa a4A. (m l)a. f .t j.-"- W af-akae' -,M'W IW JAZn W 43u l a WH aMu4 aa4 IW liJ.iRa l a..! TW fii e.lw4 W M i W 4awt9 IWI V- aa -a awnwAara 4 l'a CAM t7 IUa.ta Ct fjmrt.U W Tsfaaaw HSS It.-TWtV Ami 1 1 4 etsAa r7l f aaa IWI (W tyW4 awa W ;UVUi ka lita ijaaa a.a4 IW . MHWM , ! a 2 waJ W- aa mtBm aaa 9,aa at W aiala Vst Wy. , TW sJ aa taiWA 7 a r.tjjaa Wt Ws graaaaa at WT4 aaa-a i I a I W jaade .Officials, of -Alleged Virc Tmst . Indicted Under the Sherman AcL - . t-j SSSSS r 1 A f 1 ' ' ' ' " I eL-" TW r4 na "aa4 wrf iaal iari'w't Sa fW fM JTrW tkwas t-aaj n ) .etliai . 4 W JUa aa t aa ,ar rirtr-! JwsT tS-s-f a afWr 's-nra aaat ax--.jsr s tu ' a4 tninaaV rw rW tai'Waaa at Wl fay aasaaaassa) aaa is ajjaa T ssawnnai aa rasa4 shJmm gw firm s. a sasl twr eaua.isaftasi m eaa,siT Ss smnii asT awaaaaasaa as4 aaa a aaaWa. W rl- aUrAa- eaarcrC rkMw rW aa aarW fm aaa aa4 aa aWaabasa muwm aaaa IUm aaCaM aa raA i W-A ik6aaa aa? IW Mf fk.aaika.Mj Wn aU a tt mU aaoas - r, a.i f4 r a., eaaanl.Mg t gw 4 waif aa '-'' ms.w- a Oa aVaikia ssWaJ amntaa fa Ca. E. L TRAVIS WAS APPOINTED CORPORATION COMMISSIONER Halifax County Man Yesterday Rc&vtJ Commission From 77? Gotvmor cj 5uc- ctssor of hale if. C Brotrn Nftnx' CmrruVifonT Prominanr in Politic. HOKE Smith WOl Be Dcctd Serutor to Saccett! J. M. TcrrcIL ViJ a X t'M a 'jmh it a w-a i w umhsi t'ia tn twia a at "i wa at T a a a me 4 kUf Wa aw . fW4 a a Wt..a .. iwa lit aft W 4 I .t. .M.-r aWxMS, THE EliGUSHIilEir " BEET EMM y.; r4f-ask qm t t,.wir't IVA'Wpaaa y la.t 1t( tt.a4 aaaa Wtosf VW f AJ Wws ! W CHAm a4 flMk-WirM aaaamaa ia fW Vs4 f-a al IW ffW eaJi C . tSo.itsax TsH, aa IW Wa at rwv aal IW $ ya VC aa sr4 -f kW st.saaf v njr. t ?, r4a. a- . m ... '" "anw r.'r-j..tM Chm "'' " W ai tw Iwa gey tsf ta, kW v! ! Wr fkra t. a.:w w rU 0 aa " ir nr Sf-wa -iC wa 4 cw mwm at IW .Mt.IHMU.Hln.l lMni tr ?h- w wa a m-sw sw 5 W!!! t.HA, CMlMlta ' f We-a tw gWI.l. Hai xwnt.amw hm (MS- 1 .tMiW rM w . u it IW taW MiMM aag ATLANTIC CITY IS SCORED BY MR. FAIRBANIvS j.:a Clf. f laVaWW - f -a-a tM WmWI f a.Wa aaft-ai a tW tWCWWt a4t est CW fWiMa t uhmrn a Cua aWaa aa aaa. a Wa V, 9VvWae aaf W4 a a a4 Caaaa CtJf aa afWr4 a4 CW aaAwe r-aa 1 W j . rta sCpm af ; w, - J Svm iwi w w ana w . . I Ha ava,a W vt4 Aa fW i-.-w aat UW:U- faawiw -a.M.' . . m :,m - a aa a-44 W k. w W 1ag . , - - . .

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