GREENSBORO ELEGRAM i , i VOL 14. no yj ESTAB LISHExvT. GREENSBORO, N. C, THURSDAY MORNINO, JULY 27, 19!!. THE' mama, - 1 - DEFEAT OF iL BILL BY THE SENATE IS PREDICTED President Informed Thatltegular arid Insur gent Republicans WiTt line up arid JKjTJ House BfflDemocrats Will Stand byJdeasure, However. Special to Telegram. Washington, July 26. No wool bill aill pas this session of Congress was the information taken to ..!! Whit H-nise today by regular and standpat ter -vout?. The scouts of the Senate he been over the field and the way thev have given it to the President is that the Democratic wool bill will be defeated by repular and insurgent Re publican tomorrow. The LaFollette I ill w ill be voted upon first and it will jiven a solar plexus blow. , Although the Democratic caucus was without definite result many Senators declared today that there was evidently an overwhelming sentiment that the Democrats would stick to the FIoue bill faithfully. Senator Martia forced an iue by presenting to caucus a .reo- lut ion declaring uie uemocrais mwn - . . A. X 1J t to the end for the Hone Jbin. JUSTICE CLARK HONORED BY U. S. SENATE Special to Telegram. Ralei2h. July 26. Chief Justice Wal- ter Clark, of the Sorth Carolina So-1 rrer.e court, who is in the race for the I Inited States Senate to succeed Senator I Simmons, has eone to SUnley, Gaatov I count v, to deliver an ddrea at tbel tTentv-seventh annual Mason gather-1 . . a- a I n2 there. Fnendl of tw cniei jusc are muek gratified at the action of tW Inited States Senate ob yw'agTJ in ordering that the- noted speech of Jndc Clark deliTered in Philadelphia on I the constitution of the United State be ne of the Congress. They boast that thi? i the second time that a eomph- ment of this sort lias been paid to the chief r;?tice. the former one being when tV Senate ordered the printing of Hark's peech on the Telegraph an Fntial Part of-he I rated &iaiesifijwj WDoWy oa either of them. Ptw-eff.oe Department- This was eign ttn years ago. Charters Granted Yesterday. Special to Telegram. IMp cri. July 26 The Carolina Metal Pm:K: Cn of Wilmington, i char trd with $150,000 capital authorized fur l.-.iil'.ing culverts and for other pur-po--. The incorporators are Theo. G. Fm. r h ir.ioir .T P. Council. J- W. MKrcr-Unn. S. M. Boatwright and others. rters for the Brown I r ,-rrpor,trt) Asheville. ai! T-.nrr purposes, capital fft.00O sut- and 330.000 authorized, W. Vance Prr.n rrincipal incorporator; the Nor-1 M,H-i Co Goldsboro. capuai r..o.x. l.y Norwoo.l Spicer arvl other if in? trademarks, patents ana f"r ntr. r nnrrH-ei. and the Orand I. nit- -! .--r ,.f Brother and Sifter' Grand ' iv f.umlerton. Rohe-on county, for 'v-" .', lnefit purpose Tames F. f Pemhrook. principal in- HOUSE Democrats of the Opin ion That Congress Will Adjourn Aug. 15 ' . . Telcfrram. WVincrtcn.. July 26 The exchange i-T v-wv. at vexterday's caucua ol U) . . H... I HmH-rats, a t which the Under i-tton bill was unanimously en rtor', was tnat unless the unexpected PPn-i Congress will adjoara by Ao- :u--t !.". rnnaTMmin cdo. ol orxa . ' -o!.na. offered a resolution poatpon "2 action on the cotton bill until the and Means com mH tee had recom- ni-i a reduction on the Urifl on SQ?a-. iron, meats and dyes. While this Nation was defeated no definite ac- OFFICERS UEGRO K. OF P. BRAND LODGE I Hi ACCOUNTS Report to I murine Cotraiiioae Stowi StorUjc cf U,WQ Hat Official Demanded Election of New Officer for lEe Orf mira tion. Special to Telegram. Raleigh. July 2A. The account tW office r of the bjrro North Carol Grand Lxlre of Knight of pytha wr checked up recently by tW State ew miMtooer of insurance, Jamea R. Yon ax, and found to be o-rrr f4JX Wxt There shook! hare bee a hand I12JXO apd oaly fSjDOO shown to U ia hand. The rommiftaioocr teat a eommaaka tion to the Grand Ixtdjce ia ww at Durham at thU time to tW effect that the rrand kale mut elect aw oftcc anj cftnre the methods of aa4 afrouBtillJt for funi The rraad kir 0ffn cooceroed ia the erU ert j g rilA WiatoaWa. TAd clit I eliori R. W. Brow a. Wliwsoa-taleq. 1 errtry aad JL D. UCUr. Eal- I TiU rnod trea sorer. w rjaad lodj last aifit rWte4 Hu -Tu eh c4nor aa4 eWti aw k,' "for' the other two poutio. How eTef Commmis-kmer Youar UkaWml tb lodft today tkal nu W1l,t AM poj aa grand caaaeelW lU, s he would not ataad lor IM meat km i jof o( lk three ia fice. T I comminioaer says the threw Vers art bonded aDa that the shortaeea will U mt good. It seems that all three of t 0(tn reeeieed mooiee for earfamo fun4, that the shortage raaaot be ROWAN MAN'S ARM TORN OFF BY THRESHER le.egram. t- . . on ttV Knirr " known youag farmer rW,.g j5peBerr aa arm today by have u twUt'rf by a Ult ef threhiag ma a - tjin jje wai hurled around a haft i , .vravn UDon - table. He wa tak I to fco-pital in Salbry and attet.ltM . , I rhreicianw r that he will recover. METHODISTS OF SALISBURY DISTRICT MEET Special to TeJegram. Spencr. July 26 TW fU!hjry d trict conference of in - v-. South, convene! today at Norwo4. i Stanley county. Rev. J. C R preidinr officer. Much ectkoiia.m u bein manifested In the mcettog. SE5SAT105 SPRUHC 15 posTorncE dspartxx-t. . I Special to TeiefTam. - 1 rt M SHQR al charge waa made Ufora tW " Uk W- . i-ti-atlnw tW poatofikwla rkikla maaswe WUk Iafl W VTZZlr. that Leona Good.-, depart meal ' i.rr aal BTOawrri - : vaicir - j .Utrwr mml . 1. uooa. wm" derartmwat. waa ? for tW tkriW - P , ,.ince tWm W ar ( tbw eoostrj W raxige Ya0f sa3 pritikft, at. Dr. Mary Walker Her.Stylc of Garb t-J - : - ; ; i- x? ;.:: " O-s. Q H Mr 0 i a jr r - DM. MART WILUK. aa wa aw t tw a aw atyta -af aaawea3y afiaw We ertj Im atwaya aa almale t r He UK wtmry Urt aa. w-a aaa wwra awa's rrV awe frw rata law yarmiata f a aa. I a4 apyarw 4 rwewt ywara. TW aad Dr. Wiaf la ar aalfarw f taw cta war. ikk waa a itanit wari as4 ea Th- aatrt. rewe-4 ! lie ---. naew V tw m fX 4W wV brw Vy IW tkirt. Dr. War fee m rla ra C y ywra r v, . . r Ui LlTCTJinSlSJltllU tYl- deuce In Beattie Mur der Case Grows Stronger. FpMial ta Tetrram. Krhaow4. V. J!y A -N-w li ia thw rlaia of nmstlal r (aer4 fUjr i ts tWilx r. TV ilijll wsa4 wWa 1U7 whxh hw MM W fifi4 ia lw 4r gW with IW waaawwa W p-altiw. may ewe o W U iltoaml bah araf tW wwe II w s hat.e. alwsy. f a r-w from a ut WU. taaia aim I Uft . aad tal Iw W , k4 h aMW hwM ia tW wmf br law rwml wfcwa l r w, 4 c krxd. tt m aww (Liwl W IWI t- tty tlr ! !. ptnt to Ik mrAe a. w ii Vi a tnu .! Uw n. ia. t! tlrtMl tiwl k rfc! from We 4 1 - y 10 tl fwite wa at l"w I t f lw a'j-ai frrtmomf t tkw l--f fWatta arTrM4 a.4 IW lte Wt IVattie toll hi w I Vl kw M-ii aHl bm mo UrS t k wi?. ttat iw wM kok aflf k 4awjriee ia taw Xo f ef 4 aw kw-4 ok ew law r-iV fi ' 4 ai4 I Vatliw w aamiaw4 a 4t to.Uf Wfa T"l. IW w mta VV t tlw rH H I rtt4 tl lUl IT fWattM. J . Wa4 4 liw tlrtO allk W 4 "TIj IW caa.(Wwt tkx tlat ! ' Wftw-l BwwUh ti afeeT a bury KwkaMk4. Va. am f to write a fcttlw kr an4e ry a a tlllw f my itaft a ga. tW 4-ry wWw W e. at W n .v. - - . - .j m- r WI tW ataU wi3 Ww Wa fkl 9 ( aa4 lUwry CUy I-alli. Jr. W 4W l ' I lU mt al kU wife. TW - dry waa W am Way It. Ik- trf wwta VU aa faHwai my fSat newj-Jwi tw U p U al jn CHAIN Has Changed Since Civil War W t et fw a mi, fw la-e ti'is Wtaa nt 3 M hDw : - ri area tW W1 W-w W M pacraew tM auM 4 tM a a army awr U IW Ct4 Csw Testifies Before Honsc Committer IprcJ ing the U.'S.S(ectH 9wim)1 tw Tam m-v pnl ! tttWf Ki .., lfc th f'WM e4 miilM llf Vff k afar f wl a JrvMKif ! :-m t t t't imj1 tteMe donwj Cm V rwM(n w4 !) (mm. m4 w" U w e2w44 lUl iwt WMf-iK tlit Iw tit aia w Iw lM4fy a it m jit m&iw it mw-4 i &w.fp IW e7w, 4 raiwa. j't-'if a ntlM i.sf 'f a !tMt km 11 Tw mJ Nf1 I 1 I m fWHWi" " i kftlwl ft.t lm kWl IS ' !( ,. i I liW1Mr4 - i,, f IS tlt II. .-t l4 IW , ? . . - ... . . 1 , m Cte"je , -! . ftf IW T 7'" w-.. . . . ... , itll.4 I lwrt IHi "' . , . . , . . ft-wfM W- w V, ..,-l W- a f - 14 ' rw - fea r.f -t. H W . I- -1 " WV. IWl MM MIW MJI j flij am tW . . . . . . (w Wit IW Aaw Twiaeaa ttww, fMwtMj ta Tw U.w-V. U. t W ti . . . . a .IrV- raw?-a li mvmvwm m law-w f Ww v Waa Wt mmmW it,e MlJ IW m i- t.. ta TV. ka A-w ma IW I- tWew fc. aV eiiw. TVa M m 1 aua. PLAJIS EOllPlEIE " FOR STATE REUniOIi OF H-COfflBIAHS XZrL-T9 Tntnm TO Wt GrrW Ost h VT&shtfM Writ VmV-s. VcUtim Trtm t3 f arti oJ Uxlt Wa U fmrtf TW fn W f f w W I Vm Wmm V W I r i,iw iumwie fww f iw- m 11 aw Hrti ! ! ty IW(M ! . flf 1M CW Umr? Chi t Urn ayw" Mrt 1J ii jwfc tw 4w4 ?U tnr, awtr VwOswwtsy. r .3 aw W t I MH rwti-. . r- Rw.-t. ry . r4i f rw rwf. cwv., .-4 w w.awwi t' r - . k r !- . Mwe I -IX . , . .. - . , , . - 4ttl I .Hit U MfeM l MMM.M t.fcM.MM fa. I . iM)f ... , . . 1m flMtn iiiiiimi MM4 V .M T Tib-xtl r'lM- f Mlilft' W.l . Sim is wa. ' a-r. awr' a i a4A3i mw mi wm f ii Wil W t ,. .Ait . r-i if' .f 4 Imj n I"V t. " I " ' :- r -f l" ! ' .-.- f " f" - 1 .WM.H.1 .! 1" ' : " 1 I l,,i rMt- .? .r- I rw r,.iiKiiiii m MWHiia tiuftw I ,j iiM .a r ' , ,1 - - v w-i i ' f "'k J,,.! ,w w imW " irw m wr.ift tW fcM p..- ,4t, w., .. i-i . rV " '-& . h.4l .rlMM . W tMl -1Cl w.m i r p. H. ..!. t U4.I twml - f 4 !-. .- w-a w v..ii . . ' Imi W" - ' . ., . - m- I "- . r u a a. r. I W tat awl a. ra -ww a4 ww I rMi a a" THE Y. T.L (L A: BUILDING NOW ilEAUING COLIPLEnON ...... Wi7J btf Turnr J Over by Contractors Sept. J Contract for Furnishings of Lobbies and Dormitories Axrcrded YcjCrrdjy -Also for Gymnasium Flxzbrts I GOraiiOR KlICHili'S COIIIROVERSy BSlliGS j CANDIDACY 10 FOREi: Krwi ai OWrrrr aai CtWn w f ML 4MMI, W Mil .. W IUm4 m t t I W W-Mf lMRihw f mA wm tAo nmdom ' j f ' HIM ! tA4M A MM tl'Wt en- 4 f ii iii'tim S. vlti -r- w W CrMe 4 "Vm Inwt f TVi aM f .CKie imimii iii iWf -ifvl w-m w Wb W Tf f, IW ('wii W V Ti 1 f w4 w wMl f mm aw K-iUI mtmw 44 m atiiiwa a iw Vf ai aw5 - ' 1 - ' r - I "" -"W e-MM4 1w I W llli I(117 M, M in e iw. W 1W 1 tt Sm Wl w SetMitif , . .f.MJ (MMtaAtiklMf 4h 11 ! 5 if Jw .w ' Mi4l mmj SM:trM nf f VmM a..MMMMi V I UtiifM4 4 n-.Mfi t .a. ! trt.f a w l- 1.1 Wll 4)W '"lf"fAW w .r.r.w, " 1mm iil lH W ."i Vwil. Vf : t 3ia V""4l iH( I MIM t "- M"W I t 1 S s 4 ie- -' ' y.. .ici ijmmi nw 7 I t.,,MM' . ".. tW, I mt, tt ti 0ttHW Sa W f m iit'il ' tiww) e i " M-f fia -- i.U,l, lM M4( J' MMtt l tl fl!-A W ....ll ' II MlI. l tM1t -''' w W.H 'i i i i i ; -"'ii-' ! t u -i jm , 71 (.tA.rtu- MI ! ..-..-a w-c " -V.6 , Am i Wf tr m 1m1 m f w i v 4fM I w r.. fr i e. r, a...w " - aw. - wm- wa v a MfWtV WWW a - t TW rw rw w (WMw w w W lw u r a.. t wWa tW wa Mini Ir ni . (MO W t il i MMM. C ( . M-. 1 lMM H taMtt 'lM.t I c a xo.wMal mI t. .: "'-' 4.M U M.a tke TV ' w C tMwy IwmmIm i .., nMM m4 aw TW M.hlMM W it" MMfMWM ,mm WW . MiUMV MJt( -W-Mltl iB iminM (4w mw iw a www aw ate iw .WM MW WHI 'WM A.H w tw W .1 m iMftMdtai fM n mm m f m IU4 w-i( V nl 4 lU 4wwUiiia i ! T. It C a n- mm a. ww. aw trWv-4 w;t W W4 - at ww TW rw me-jaaaA ww .4 aril ttw aw-taii aw)tt,M)i'aj aw4 Vw TW .A w it W r-iM.t4 w "W-e yMi'Wt, " w- Srt.-O. t t 11 i-i(ir mi in I :t ari4i W itMM-. mm SMttK, a WW wnlot Wi, t 1 mm) Wa ww mt""4 m as wli mj . aw, a h-m . Ii in 4. lima .M aMMH 4Wi J t'lM M.MttMMk.,Wka tMi Vm mm. - mu . iijimii im a -m4 I -mt HWw et I 4 IM MltJ tM.U T VM u 1 s .m.m ... t.Mw im j M--"1 ., W Mlln, ( I t Mmmm4 .4-- HIM-t iWln, llM-i M-4 u W 1.M M f "fM"- m-tU 1m- imml att't mm(M WV t.M- iim 1m- mU W m -( M . ?W fHt'' MW a UK( j ! mt t" ii i wae t U ia nil jImiIWm Vmm W WmI mi tk atOM Uiii Mf tt MMMja( 1m ! t-IM iitf iMWt TV f-m liiix nm rlM v f Mi 'i f 'i" U Ui aniMil In m W - 14(1 wi u riiii w iMMM lM1. 1 IMl f .itth III ! I I -f t (hw .M(tM ,f 1 M fni W N lM liM W MMM I a im M.t a wi v C ! ilMlii f Im Aim lii wi i TAFT f SJcd Canadun Red- I prodlyBfllYeiicTBaj at 2J0 P. IL i'i . ? a, w tHAiHn A4'f ft. a I in a ?a" C fiM il i ymnmptt' f I m f Hi ' iw a'w-Mwa TW llMMHl H Unit aw Vm ) AnrV1 a)w fiC W""i Wj tqrmB -f fweM fW-l a4 w r . IW kwi Wwat l atwa i a iinna iaiai at a tW mtwey W imwwi m aw U. 4 sw.ia.ii' a wf f "'w4a, owl ail .r - r iwaw a4s a.'w fcftwga Uw -wt 4 4 as taken.

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