The Afternoon Paper is the Busy M-inVPipcr. The Worklr: : lUa'.s I'-r ?r, Tl , ... " ' , . J 4 PRICES: , la Grttnsbore, It Ob Trains, 5c ' 3 Wirt )trtltt. ESTAB J4SHED IN 1897. GREENSnORO, N. C, TUESDAY TELEGRAM NQ AUGUST 15, 1911. VOL U V0 XX 1 Their Children piDlERS JiO f EEATTIFS GEFDiSE Guests of Helen Gouid. STRIKERS CLASH l!i I HAS liOT BEDl MERCHAHtS . i CORONER'S JURY IIIVESIIGATIIIG THE WAKE MURDER CASE Now Believed by Au thorities That L J; Norris Did the Killing. Five Hundred Poor Mo there Spend a Happy Day AGAINST SEVERAL ORDINANCES OF CITY UVERPODL STREETS DECIDED m J 1 r Committees Appointed J to Urge Changes by Board of Commis sioners. V: an important meeting held Ut , t in the assembly room of the C i!ii(r of Commerce, the Merchant lation dncussed three ordinance , x n effect by the city board ol com oners that, to their minds, are det-r-mental to the welfare and prosperity o' t e city and surrounding country. The m-:nhers of the body are righteously in i.jr.irt at the enforcement of oeb stringent law, and a an association took action requesting the eommU . to modify the awning and meat i.'.i ii;imt and to rescind the ordinance, r ; i rin that farmer cannot cell pro .1 i v on the main streets of the city, h became effective; today. President ! Vhovix presided orer the meeting j fir-t announced the special import- n. e of the meeting combined with, the t that it was the. regular quarterly r 'eetin.i of the asMxiat ion. In part Mr. I" , entK ?aid that the object of the meet v,z a to consider the adiabiltty of .)"empting to get a modiTication of the ori nance requiring awning to stand at j.t sen feet above the aidewalk, and that thi request u made more reaoi jbie inoe the board bad revoked the Y-Z ordinance until cold weather for the benefit of the raiders. AUo mnt be -vi-ilered the disadvantage caused by the extreme and rigid enforcement of V. maav A4finiM 4 Wjh MmttrtllV V ..C Uiv a t viAAuWe aow a a thit cattle be examined prior to death. I then slaughtered in a eity-euperrtaed , and a final examination U tho , Wi 'Tr' r.ii ... i - . - .-jr. tt reignoonnz unnm anu .M He tv to lone their trade. An in M;n required lor tne tt ol toe i mzi:aitr was just to the farmer but t !e present law was entirely too string Jrt. The Fanners' Union compoed of representative men in the county, had tjkn a derided tep oppoaing: the action f the board, stated Mr. Phoenix. T e awning ordinance and it recent rii er.tnnement was first given for is.-i:ion. J. M. Hendrix expreeed hi opin.nn that the association should be represented before the board and ak a modification to the ordinance al bvin? the present awning to remain lurinz the present summer, a ahortly thev will not be u.ed and many of them nit worth replacing. The merchanta m t comply with the law, said the iker. if it canont be modified, for r-,y are at the mercy of the com mi -He then moveil that a committee three be appointed to go before the "mmi!ioner and in the name of the Merchants' Association endeavor to ae ' :r the modification of the awaing or This motion wa adopted tnan.ntously arvl a committee composed ' M. Hendrix, S. Oay William. asi T . Scott wa detailed to appear be r're the commissioner today. hen the meat ordinance was taken F.. J. Justice, represent inghe Farm "' I nion. the county organixation. Parted the question. He said that the ti-wers were up in arms concerning the minslv enacted against them i"i were discontinuing the prod act ion rt -urplns meat or seeking other mar tor their produce. After a deliber--ite meeting the union proposed to the '"'- i a mMification meeting in the """'M of the farmer who do not buy '--t: for sale. The requirement that p-i-k. beef ,ni mutton sold by the farm r be subjected to an antemortem e snatwn by the milk and meat in ?ect.r, blaughtered at a regular pen, tl then subjected to a second examina tion after death was workin? an nn- asary hardship on the farmer, and Carolina, tn the fitting of thee pot 3 forcing them to either hunt a new ' tion there he to be at least the eesabl rket or stop raising any surplu bog. ' a nee of observance of rjvivl sent re. iT? or rattle. The farmer, he said,, latione and the de!opeta are beiaf X'JJ reasonably insist that the killing : watched with no littlo rater!. " "ik animab is reduced to a minimum I a'10Win rrn.1nv ..II I , I . sed by them or purchased not for the Ket at lt 12 month prerioaa. If ." form. I . . . . . . I . ims a 8,clc animal the neigh- lr aware of the fart and if it dim. ?5rs information can be promptly ! n t the market ?frri . Lastly, and the Stm P,nt -Vet Prodocd 7 tnf iw" ' that th7 t "ng thot . "r shou'J undergo a postmortrm 7rinat,ion " lughtered anl- 5 be brought to the inspector (Continue a Pagn Eght) Special to TUgras Raleigh, An. 14. The ewreeoe jry hat taken a rev tor a nttk of dr in investigatta. of th lining of J, H j j t.i-wtt Saturday night to await farther dMroTerte by th oWi alVwib w bo are oaraveliftg tke ee. They are rr eeedin now on the tWecy tVal U J. KorrH did the lUmf. They that be come eo convinced tXat Willi a R. Yr by. husband of the woaaoa who mI in the back with B.aieQ 4 Nor, had nothiag to do with ib nei Ual they have tamed Yerby oo of yil. Mr. Yerby and the her km a. Hey wood Feaae, agree In, ttwt that when Norri left the hock, at Jfwaia B tt t-H Via it U fl jl fri"vi lo cwt to the 'j I a . a a& riace wnere iey fjaMa oorv iMnig the area of th killing.) that XT replied "I will be there."' It wa S'oetx. who reported the ktlUsf to the fJo and who n aatioo.. the po ay. to turn over a rerotver that he rUiael to have fowa4 ck by the pte aa4 thia revoKee proee to be a 3elhee whereaa, the bwllet taken frooi lUtt U a 32. The poixw believe now that Noma purporlj twrned over tkk revolv er to the polire to rowfaM evtjem a well a la the hope ol aeemiaf ee op a and above board abowt it a to divert awpkkm froan bimailf. The father of Blaeett. Kewderae U l reWy M uuc. u inii bm wrm i ki imi . for thia. The polire tow ad 3M in tu aboat the fTOO. The remain of lUett were rarHMl today to the old borne pi of the Ym aetta in Nh eounty. near lUileyX where the faaeral was held tV nvora- REVENUE CLERKS DO DOUBLE DUTY Seems That Collector a Department is Wait' ing for S w table hi an as Cashier. Special to Tlegrn. Raleigh. Aug. 15.-It U lera4 thot the poaitioo of rashier in the failed State internal revent ok foe the eastern dxtrkt of North Caeotiaa bet, made vacant rseeetly by the death of William B. Dunmn. father of Bepwbliraa National Commit teem a K. C trrn. r being temporarily BIhd by Willi T. EVIemr. w bo has foe n lorg whtlo lw in charge of the dA in the roWtoe' office that keepa the record of the tofce co manufacturer's tai. It i amlerstood that the other eWrk in the rotlertor office are dmthlhif p to a considerable extent nntil Co Wbeeler Martin and SatWoaI CWsait teeman E- C Danean im it tho prefer time to appoint or at least asak pab their appointment to the arie, peeially notable beieg the enabUe eaney and that wa enwaed reeewtty by be realettaiiosi of C if. Babbett who , . . . . . . v i . . . . ...w.v . ' It i learned th the antMXnscan fe- tkm of the party i determined thot the , Civil Service derort 5rvWe deport me t at WaVUx- ton hQ have opportanity to to it . that tbere l no mreaoowo eirexcaoc and warpUx th reg!atkm of the deoartment to depHeo erirOlo etate ga a ixat ion aad 11 ore head rpohs of their doe where their It tbo rlgVf of appointment- .VTBl Co T &Tidom. Among tbo Oreboro boy who wCJ ttUnd tcbool at DrUoo CoOeoo thl jear are flnrry Tate ! Kerr. - I It - . M - X- - :. ' - J j I I f - V--. . x ' 4 - f ' - a ; m I I 1 1 V . 1 If I. W. Tb eveer-4 rtnif of Mtee It Manf At tarenUe a rwinAcbt (wear T Tarryteww. X T, fe ay riM4ao eworncM br rim laaa UitTa Utt I I day ewtusa f pwial ctn rraeyrt (k art m T aoU tbo etattotw new rwr b rbo ItsCaa rwJnaeo a js frntm. to Killed When Suddea Empfa-oa of Volcano Occnred Near Tokio, Japan. To. to. Jspeo. Al U-TWty f 9fm tewrUl wV wee cW4h4 U of I W Wwa Aav Yao wr kilVd today tW mtfimm wnmt eklbrety iw sfWMig 1 a still i COT. OTCBWri XOTKU 15 DA5CkVI0CHT fet to Tefta. ttohtb. Ax tl - Kiinkio be. the ilwy t jrwrlkv aee La to oWewvale mi b m Wf . bte A(sfs KitrhiW at U .4 No. !! wae osmomI te W btale bv tirpaoe. W ka! Wmf a ftbe w akaAleif eAeoAJf . tW gve eeejoe rft the tff If e ml Itel etjb toe rVe4Ua Nr U aM ! !! very feaftel tWit be wewJ not be alAe to rb mm aWC iWl... bfe W pM4 af TV hod feared tba ! f IW lave he hrfl I Ul wk l w lb te tao tmiln acfVe wW IW latpaetaat S mm mmfmmf tho seW4 llWa siloa by IW TssthnaA Cm asaoow. -o4 b tar tv carry it the ixxual or rxMTttzo cat r4iUolk!o. Ax 11 - t-d sOVtiaoiJ saoWay rA, it hoof ftig oo mm smiUI oalia fCWo aad every bake to ll il. frry ! roEaki raeefan. Ti IW Atfes I rat ef YTiSun Osy a oU laown aUT7. w bwrwd I f Im petvale bmvyiax gewsail b eW rat f bb M ri4 W lag saofked by a He ef pwafty Vrf So, OO wkatb hod M-fW4 if ai caie a -. t-' " "r,w " aarveral friorio to-l laiJo4 totrl a hoot It roy. V. V4 asodo mil arrases ax at for tho faaoeaL It t said to novo eaiood tho sot at lUs ' Qateta tt Ca.AJioi. CWstaa&befi, A, tl- A asJary ptoo boo Tw oHah&od arwood tbo wbwsio ef tko'rity to rbo tho fW ad aoera. IVly U swore koe do veloeoi IVe laet St lowra, hC Ofc. M Wtf liia Oe.1 at m CSaao to to l aa4 a mff Ow tbo f e BIT ! f Man Whose Employment Predpitated Wiley Charges Before Home Cornmittee nAe!ek A4 tt -t tt tt Ko y. 4 IW y.o C"f- f rw s-ee. e line m ; Lj m4 , by to WUtre wfttaSo IW m4 t m f a 4 So IW a'f eM t miv. wee Hm tiMiof bae IVs tt U. aa'M'i ifiii4 to o e'i m4 e fnwtf n siati iw iof ty io S imi !,. W oeavOtf o Amg 11 f fteevvf tf Hj. m4 l)o tVeweo CWiSey. fcwws IW a. Vmmm IVs Me-1tM .w(fU IW ad IW tV1 ef A4"eH2isvea. twlW fke ntiM na W UoatiSs O CMof CWea m W pwiaiaa.l3io aJ.nsrc-wl 44 to TVp mmrmi4 m m no ad IW (M w arOiol W I Oiiio of (M rwt r. c. (W. 4 .isoi bte CWU W4 m4 OWOS lO IW V0 wmfm4 lUl a a w.Ve af na atodo bf to K,wf tf'i', eMw4ol. oe o lo. TAFT SENDS VETO MESSAGE TO CONGRESS Mean no SfufafhooJ or Ncitt Mexico and Arizona This Session. tteWU4K At tk lpib4 T-t wet los nnnni to Lmm-cmmm f, mmtmrng t AtW4 lf too fiOl tkol IW fwwo ewMuO ad IW Arieeoo eeooljgotaoa aV-aeyb I W eeeyooiswoo a4 IW wt-eioey, Tbo o f W W aa.flooinr 4 tW 1iIm ei ArVoose'aotl rm Ueo eweaitd kCo Uo t at tko wi nei Tbo tWoio o rwtlH no to eiee IW fro oo4 o-4atb aitUli' IrvolO . . W . O-S at oo tarm Tm wo uHvi4 ? aott tM""i r iiotim. r v am UoeAfe eoeofo et two m eoewonMB; thmiW wmi A ao.lo fbo Situation Take Mann ing Tern Germany Refusei to More Cnisierj, teoo 4 tk - W K-4 a W4 eo ''' f I v 0W0 CeM Mutt om W e twHmm fio, tW VOl4V kf-i rteeMi rM Ve ! . tk TW f iMU f I JS W taf'Mrf mt ! tf IW i,n 1 a? n mi ! aoe so SMa mm tbtmumm-mB f TW fmi iiiiiwe f-tii Wo vim . IUI IW Mkmho 0-aw w I IW f- 1 w wto fHa iw f wi I. tW a IW w aws w e mi iw u ftuiMHite twbeevtw t"W",'l -; fc IW M..titwo i f &. a rf ol IW 0'ae.,M ! IW SMf H.m Umiifi lo A.-ys a ieo 4 mUmm fW eit ee bo ao Cof vWW, t l fna ! W eWi a 4 iVm le-a a miiiiil .wtwieil mmgtJ'm wm m ed"'l Aoo y f IW - t Ootiloeo AW fV4 to or9 hrooC TVA, tm.14 f a, a tkrioi o 4 boB'f 0 tela) wWSi't, mmm to" a oaef. oWOv iiAaOo, a Twft f eeHoo fiVoe td e Kfe We I We tnOx J-mtirn tm wne CiO oW4 i 11 e IW 1 f , 4eoio, IWol IW Wx m o. A i tw ivi ewe: i!W a4iO 4 tts bMeo4 I tVotot aad IW we. W loo boo swM lo es .wt aotkof t'l'ii, gw o-o ojm fva.o'o.feJ bo C'Om.4 WI eW fXWf wif 4too. W We oo w4 loi. ef to if ke fto foae -n. ao IW w a d As ; a Q,c b --f o f- tW4t Vy eoaa'Oig bo IW trmtm aof b T- af..".! jhj rf tt. Numbers Injured o a Each S:Je Yosea Joia SLritcn-Sittnb'oa Stnoiu, a. et .M.,- it. mu Imlil vt f e.e.M t fruMM . ..',."- - 14A. Si t Ike ew.M "Xr -e ek. 4 J ? i I iWi f mini A W.h s l .imuI .i'v "'' ! e i llitW4i 4 m r 4 lMM m-mm wmm t W v hm4ii Vt t Mif W WA e amite 0eKa-& m o- fr.i TV 'lVSMP' SlMMHOOS bawi w -mt m Aie- Htee , AVaaA t Xmmlmm f 4O 1 1 Wl'tJ W1. '"C. eAo-Tl J 7 e Wa Urn ! a 1 w e4 Htf Winn 1 ?W mm-- TEACHERS OP THE COUHTT 10 KELT First tQuart4Try Mfrf-in-; to HJJ on S2fifrJ2y. Sept 16th. ?W C.u-.n mmmf m mm- oil mnmt mm ooto. mw IW tsO 1 m.f IW rM TW titUnviM weM to Wt lumimt -f fwOH t. mt-mm ml Woe Ami TfWfv - f W ta vMrf oif sw Ct.RM CrfHM ilwnf MMMirM ot W W4 f W Cr ttow) 4 Cji nftioe o w.i f . wyot.We a,. tersiMe l ft . at. tw o it W o mmMf WMee sw., Weto) IW 1 e( oey r-j- a i W u w oe ooo eo - 'i. r W , a-o-e mM m IW t'eo IW om o-4f W fu w't' ;', t,m, mJumm Uh w-o avoft. w OCtWWl4Wa I MtM Mil io mmwf f to ortV WW a IW m Inii me exWiMawA I Ik It-O 0-e oof ke W se 4 o I 1 sat4 tifiML MtiWA"f mv 0M S W 1 11 hi mm W Ao e.Wo eol wT'J.-.AJTtiJS CJIM AAOU.:Tr oWjih Jin. i .jaii o iw Ma(a4BBiojMaL Ft sUfl CU "IT CijihJ W f uotfO. t -uV " tk AA n-oo mtm)A AiMttMxvO IW C m-ymm CiaM. I- , tj eiii oC bo eifntJ hhmiih IM rsnoouMOMn fooa w AA I twwiio) so M oa.iM(S'.oia eif y I fWA W aeo0 W e a tw W-aJ I ootf I W feo tw-f oo Wo eW oio mf t mmm 4 . . ed trwMao to-Vrt ao. W W tte4 AW b i i ii im i'S o. W iHf 1iiii.e W S0 GUI UWf eo o.to4 ft voi.g oorer (Wcs.m fHsftle b Vav to T too oo4 V- CViA s. ef Po Coe 4 loo boe fooo e ku w fee IVO ooo.oav tVf vT lmn .1t. BcHertd Alltr:pt mil bcMidelo Place Crime ca Piul Btittle. MUe Mil M K'W iw-e e it tmiHI We-twi 1 14 m e it luw t4 4e 1 HmM tA )m,. f MV . -WMftt- r,e eio etfkMagl . J'ie en - 3. w .I"'. Wf l HMf' mHi- e I 4WHe wiM eo s. m t st S ,' is imit i -,.V oMe l I m-m$ mt T,mm-mmt nnml , eM ? . . A.k. L .. . W avM hm iM eM itnaJI 1 '' m tm mmmwH. ,f , tMi'WM !' M mmmm f vmsmt, mmmn m sw-f. J lns.teo we e, a. ca Mato sv w sa Wf .m fie w (peMv tut fcW MI 1mU 'o fmim I t"iwiwi - Tti 'Hn e-- me e o a mmo. f-ef ill mik ewd 8 1 s filo KfiKa) f-m. Hw..(f tUawo, ' mm-mt - mm W nuo swa swe" .r tao.. t siti rw yi-iwi na ex. f- wM. One tt.o W f.-sO we w eoM cm t a! . 7 o mm i7Mir . f etaoiwf MHUf s. Wo mm-t IM eKW aaeHf I Ul Wi ornr, ;i m-mm o t Iw.ttv' " i-)-wm w rimmm t'kmtOvt tt mmtltmt. I hi Ama'Jb As I W l-o rN o mvt e I o"Hi AO Mto o i fe :owt mm f bof otmvui I ino-iie. m IV ?Um mt m I eio . oe eo -ulC W ", " a son at W e-o Im W ewi'f miimh W eooe eo. I . . . "'! o-a on ma MAoav, T Wo o aims oe ow a lie 0t f s1 oo stOv. ow aWe AarfWoj tf fIWM.e o o j"if' futtioi o oWe W o ftnftrw '4 , ttiu SO .w e-o.ti.Mv CW canont OxoatMo t W eouo tooolo r jre CUnio 1H otHoj iwww en .)oi riw Ti w oeo oUmmhI mmyinmmm CW " f nin" . e( a 10 MIV M J Li,,,,, .wmu ooe W tri ! W e WA CW ohHo ewe I w J-w4 IW eoo wo MHiSMO v i a lie jMJMttiw as mAimm. , t.M ow M o i V l.o w-'We HwtM rmnj JEWm C, tootMo oo 4me 0 ewf OOM m W ooi W e-ntu tf AW f'.tl Wf V SW Unii i Hi Q Wj fW ef sjo1 .e re C fwioo. e , f w WriittO O mmmf SWA tW W i1. Mil W mmutmM mm CW oitW mUl I mW t owA eA AW Are. I oo. ftwttWoxs wont Ae CW oh"I t mmbv y UMi t.f, OIimI fmt W oep fxol oes eg Im - mi IW -s-M HA o"f-se to-jw-4. , t-jni tnf to j too.iV J i j tt"' e o dw f. 1Bf A riMnijWI W o- o:t mm -loitlCMt vo llA W o Wtft-nf ' if a.o et o-.t ooAen aeioif . w rw em v rtoot rw W WWoA M e-4 si eo m ae o mm-m oWo-a e ao geeey eminHj m be -' aovf jno

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