TlieAftboet B JUn's Piper. The Working ateftPaper. The Bu i: :r.-l(c Paper. In Owe CfuVom Tic Afccrcooa 1 U ErcrytoJ,'. P,-kt. GREENSBGi.'lO TE PRICES v In GrctasbofC 2c. EG Oa Trains, c I -Xawn iiJ ESTABLISHED IN 1897. GREENSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY ! 51 I NO, AUGUST 16, 131 1. VOL 1C J0 Ki THE RAM ,1E LIGHT OIL THE MURDER CASE III WAL CITY Norris, who is Charged With Shooting, Had Refused to Support Wife. Special to Telegram. Kaletsh. Aug. 16. L. J. Norri. who Ix-.nil b?M on tne charge of munler j. B. Ri?tt Saturday nigbt m tbe vii- oue and a half mile et of tbe tltv. tame to Raleigh from Portsmouth. pressman in the printing house of the Fd wards & Broujjbton to. He employed on the recommendation ul workman in the shop who uid ,rsrvl ith Norn in orlotk.. t- t ime about December 15, 1910 and rt.t::vd the position until July 13 a ben r wa- dismissed because be went to Masonic picnic at Oxford orer tbe -t of the foreman that he just to-.i-i nt lie spared and then did not r-t ;rn t"r four day when he bad only a-'.r-i for two days absence. T-v- -ay at the Edward & Broughton prjr.tiiii hou-e that he wa a rery cap- si-ie pr man and ordinarily attended j e;l to his work. However. tWre waa sr unlarable defect, they report. In tbt he Wgan to refuse support to hi ;:. whom thoee connected with the prict ii.z house declare they consider a m-yt estimable woman. She came to Eileish from Portsmouth early in the pent year and they boarded several crath- with every indication that they Tre a congenial couple. Then caste re pn of trouble between them, more es-p-allr on accoant of Norris withhold- bt frrm her tbe degTee of support that fht tu entitled to. She charged that tmA inclined to do-mothina; more tha Ply Wt boiidnt,enariTyw v.-tA Ve Vft him and returned to " Ponmoctb last June. Then complaint i Ma to the Edwards A, Broujhton Co. I t al be was sending her no part of the wis he was earning in their eiapjoy. Fi omployers remonstrated with him 13-i insisted that he girt his wife the seaport to which she was entitled, in- j s-stinj to him that they rerarded her as most estimable woman. It doe not ippear. however, that he eont her any oocer even after the hwnre from hi . Dl.-Ter. It is understood here that Mr. Xorris has brought suit for a di- A'tr losing position with Edwards Bnxishton Co. Norris remained around a lixery stahle close by the eating house r;n by Bss-ett and the two were appar-f-i'.y c!o-e friends. Chief of Tolice Stell Js he has had reason to suspect for ?verai weeks that Norris was operating 4i a "blind tiger" although be had made m arre-t up to the time tbe killing of B-tt omirred Saturday night. He ind Ri-sett had both been paying atten to Mrs. Verby. -the woman in the .a-e." They were all three In the hack ear!y Saturday night and Norris became anjered at being teased by Bisaett and ! soman because he was "the crowd" a the party of three. He even flourish. i bi3 revolver and threatened to shoot ta- Then when he left the hack and Bitt supested that if he found a fr.end to come out to the woods where Xt7 had rambole,l, Norris is said to hare replied 'i will be there." The theory hieh the police are working ia that took a Street Mr in k n tKm ----- s s v a ast aaaav v a"- n street line back of the Soklier t- and then a short cut through the -"tt and the woman arrived, lie U -"ted of having pitrpoely provided tito : revolver instead of a 32 with """b the shot was fired. The 33 is the rIr hP .bims to have found near !)tr" f5--tt was killd. vNorT1 a stout man. weijfhinjr over - pounds, with rather light hair and J'r complexion. DESLYS TO SAIL FOR THE EO STATES Aug. 16 -Gaby Deslys, the wo- t k ccount King hlaauel fr , fwtaS throne, sailed today tnifl'r months engagement in the cue win receive 4JUUU I 7' nninz Sentember O A de- 1 e wl aceom,- w j r-V 1 v icUAIU Q-3 GUY UNIT given her bv ManueL GRAND EIICJLIPLIEIIT : 1, 0 0. F. TO ME ; IIKTJII SHELBY Gosed Annual 'Session in Raleigh Today fine Showing Past Year. Special to Telejraaa. lUletgh. .mf. Ia.-A(lr tW el! nd installetioa of ot&cr tW North Carolina Crsnd Eacacapioeat I. CL U. . in Kioa here for the past two 4 adjourned this afteraooa. TW New of ficer follow; Uraad fettarra, Alf I. Cling in o. Wiastoo-Sal; (Uraad High Iret. IX Uwtoa, 'ayt !::: Or ad Leor Ward. I- Ik MradWy. A.W- till; Grand Junior Ward, N. C. Chad kt, huastoa; Craod crl. R. M. Rmy, Charlotte; Grand Tratrr. i. T. Wood. Wilauagtoa; Graad Rpea tatne. W. C. Allen. WayaaatUI. Raleigh. Ane. 14 -7 W Craad K eanproeat I. U. fX F. of N'ortn Crwfia eoocloded it aaawl aeo4i her afternoon. t4furtin to neet awt "Shelby. Rfrowanlwa am4 Vy rand Iatriarrb V. t". Altew. Vaje- tille. to the flfwt thai the t W te dtvtrWted o a to plsce earh graad ofi cer in a ditrw-t and require lim to Mt all encampment in hi dsMnrt t t interest and o,urs,ea work, and tsoWt that there be established a slat teaaa to confer the enra as potent work la aot approved taaaner aad hart It r lt every part of the state riitlf vwwKp meats where needed, were adptad. The reports of oflWra showed ewe sap meat naembership of 100 and IS2 asi as bers added by the thirty five eaewsafv sseata. Reports showed the Grand Ur csrspcaeat ia rtMsrortte; order and tfletAomhla r that year are asored. Yesterday, ha. v Mf brn the veaty road hsttsdar t Oraad Seertanr R. II. Wendell. W mrtaber of th Crsad Eaeaaapsweat mn if- w handiiome stlrer tea enr that was pre-eated last aiht with doe rereasoay. C. R Edwarda. Raleih. pat frd pat riairh. made the preeatatk addr. During the past year there were two local enejnpwiata revtved IVlUKa and Wearerruie. CHURCH And Government Offic ials Fight in Portugal Troops to Scene lishon. Aor- la.-rVxhti tt the Roman Catholic and the gweraawat official, sent ost to appraise charrh property preparatory to th fiasl a rat ion of Church aad SUte. has bco&ea out ia Sort he ra Foctqral- Troop hate heea rushed to the area. MANY Farmers Want to Serve as Jurors in the Beat tie Murder Case. Richmond. Va Aug. 16. ChtffU county fartnr erlce a stroag dr to serve a juror la the IV t le araVf trial. It i believed that Nit few will dtqoaiify themsetv by has lag a Iid occupation. It i beloved that the trval jury will be obtained oa hfoeday. The proeecatWm toaaead fifty fowr witneMe today. - Tt dfe ha aot acted ia thi particwUr a yet. Atwaad Eismaaa rbgtt. -Elkhart. lad- - A. I- Harry K. At wood, who made a rteord VSibi ye terday. resamed hi fC loia Doto flirht thia iaorJa.r B eip-cted to reach Toledo, Ohio, thi afleraeoa. Atwood UaJaJ ear Jotti3e, JT mil, west' of Toid at 10:11 Taw tie .v- af aaewrinr rao- aa 1 VI hrw itoo - line.- New York Dltflntf Subwnyto Be ' ' . " ' . V I y s he N nr tojuc U th4 0 PTTiccxeo 4 a mti trw im ti " - s w rs as aadae too Maao aent m raoia aftor loans th tUtUy oCd VJ 4- I t . ':' I ' '' ' --. 4v j 'V- 2 i ta tho aabrt a -atd raewra TV esr wtU h e7 aM 9t tho tea tsare t raiWea Us eavraaOaa) a Cho a fatw fra wTh. Tho aetoaJ WsaTtaala tbo flrst Crt. svhieh rao raiae ta tho aOro of tho i laiHisI a. Ooo ad arua th aUrar apdv aad tV aOnr 4r carried away aaoeh 3rt aad beta tf a4uaai ao aaa BLIND TIGER TO THE CITY STREETS FOR SIX MOUTHS JAm !xr. 4 gray aa4 mt. was mw1mi of rsal4 la Maairtpal eort IhM aw-g la l ca aa4 gtvva a t- 94 t wsW a W iiy ifwf. tcr ae ate wn kaawa t la peweve f (wt aad ha t-mwiw f 1 t I l d-d o rmmfif tSftlj I a Us aad dtaavs 4 IW l Althoegh ladicted fe a ca. ha hfe In ava gtrmt as aad h h w4 IV wrath f IW taw virdy ftrraaa. hw-r, h tC iat tt ar wWa W w to lff UttW of fcwf m llaaf, a fm ava w mti$ a -" f W sadar ia waJ ! . t r-ta foe fcrxs ho rsrtt4 a ahd half doiUr aa laa ! m rald UmiI a'rWh al aijhl. U ar4 etMSa Wtag fewad h pra wWa the eArm saade IW rrw fSJta saaa Jx w rfa..l f W ! pig of th Miad Ii with tha 4 IW ftr. ad apaad Vy OfiM. rwW. tagr' - I o Caa trrt w ar Wd ad tl Up. WslV of Uf lakva. TV Vfds wa ro rfel ta irt hy Cd flJU. hwl IW argaaweat f W atloeawy mU rft tW gwilt f IW peaae a4 W aawra wa IW mmm. t W in rr f raae jatfmeat wa nytt d oe taarraas. a4 IW pm&mtm m hav a 'Striag I ta oo IW test m pa-a of farthe ? af1e ! - ratoo of hit lra , Jtaier (hwer taitat:. An ravfeetaal atag d Cr roaaeO. yv tC Jr. a t. A. hi w3 W VU ThoraUf aaaa, TWt wv3 V aa Uitkt. aftor ohwh 8I h a V tefraahmaata. A fan attewdaae at ad. S237.400.L JO v 200 MilcrLona' 7 r- h : a; yra to trr- X"a . w r u4 fho crS irOas of IV IV rttj. aa4 M st m$mt Uuv4 CVrf 9X3 tral t?aa sad a s iMia as? ( wrt a IV n awhsraw grajal a 4ws1 ta ftooa la O aart iv Crt as tho gm TW SOLPRITCHETT BROUGHT HERE TO BE TRIED FOR LIFE fWwava It Bh ea4 IV a m x; afte a v W C Wa4. Mi ttM m49 iu4M 1 wa44 wK W tatfMs! W a la fTv al fawai. a ii 14 a IW iKi4y oHmia p. 1 m m a a W haU'f a'lm hf IW pwX te i ssewe M'v a trs lhea a TW w.V WaaHaw4 of CaaOaaUad tM eft ated sa oWo M wa IWI W U Na. feaaa Cawnl... IW AWartana IWa lJm Hani 4 itm,mym .. W 44 . 4Wy i aaily IWI h had Wa Wa IW msi ia a f:4 4 4 falWaat ret. tt eWd C a Wa to a W a1 aa4 UM " 1 ' I ! haeyy tt oWk4 ha 4 x,hl a lavsa a W at aaae inaiiiifi a la W fl. WW Wa a aar IW ! r sd IW pao . .W 11 an0 aat a Wi mm aaaMO at fUk -. If a mi yaaa TW fmCm Uif w t IW aim to IW eMM a. I fM4W arC3 W ltad aa ht9al ewet I inane a a aarataia TW eaawXf O wol wiq ha lJUl ho wul W tasaad a W IW at ia 4 sm Ca e taat irvaX ONE KILLED; 15 INJURED;. IN EXPLOSION tMlahaex. fa.. Aag IC k a aj!l a! aa 4 a f hy tea ah CVaUe 0wy I teafc- aaaraieg aa " hl awC'-i, ao I avaia aa4 &. a iewr4 HAT10IIAL STRIKE Oil RAILROADS 111 EliGLAIiO EXPECTED raMWsaatM U it Ocean Govcmxatnt will Operate Roads Under Military Superruioa. t.v 4 tfc .W egress m - t w-mU . iw 4 Hist ii 4tti, tV .&. !twtwMii ti ! W I .M,4 4 ' 'f""" IW 4M MM , t Ml r-" ;wy iM C.t C 1100 ls t tk-tB aafta la a'Wowf M 1a a IW. TW ixwlawl W MMa . r1" I W sMwft. adu S4 aaea Im J a ssltia oa - fVaaa fl Aaat foo4 . n a W ( wlW ta ! aftf hM a 1 Ii n aa IW atlowas. , Bmford Pments Pitable Aspect in CBcstcr Gdd County Jal ' ait. i a4 l. .a fe Wa Mf a IW thif. . If jM Wai ia4.i a aw aaaif a p.Wia ae? TW fc.x4. Af mfvM) a tmama a smi ad oteoff 1 hi TW Wa aAw4f aa,a.a4 CVf as in i W iff IW W a M I . tWf C, ftaa4 . t . 0 Ii 11 aa 4 .ii it. a. Chl taawaj 07 ad Col W a0.4 Vms. WJ tt WUa-as faa 4 a . t. M w Ww lUd ta aaWj IW aaaa TW aA4 m a-f a e " W aasf fa IW WiAa ta at Clo IV We (( ft4a.raa), Cw A Ik As-u (a?W. 4 faaeg U iaaaa IW 4fcia waif awlM 4U4 wa Wf tt wa t"if a f.' m4 PENROSE Says That Congress will Probably Adjourn Late Saturday Etening. 1 .1-rtak A tf " ttaJ !- Anslif fio f i iw iVv Wo taoaa o3 J Wf U IW htf-aa 4a f al m f W tiaaM ao Wa f fiao4 Tl aa af ! aa C. ! aaeut W n O IW aawi ImTv OVaa 1 aa W taa ta taaaveno t"ttf TW iWi 1 a -4 Wat --1 ta a Awia e7et a W aw jif- awAiXwdlf a3; laaiiiieal JWaataea W&4 a ataa I ao a W aWo Wt a4.o aai ad f1iil ; faa., raae Tt.-f ntflW!!. flW-eaaa i hVaiTaf, fafaaea ;.v f faaaaeao oa at-4! O 0 I I.V I tawtatlla al ale tsaolo 00 faa, iVao aad aWtanaa M i fo- BEULAH. J- Sa fl.7aa DEMOCRACY OF KEJfTUCKY IS FOR A DIRECT PH1L1ARY Sbte CoaTtab'oa Alio Qecbres forLccal 0p b'on Tariff Lcjula tioa Dcaoanctd. t- -itv S f . a SI, tur,i ta '" fc f.i a mvi trt f jaa4wv a . J . A I - - . ... . I - - t. aJ! n4.a, T - sss6 o 4aM ' t.'3f'ir.;iaa waa ia ,,M Imm. tW.H4 W Ow.. -'WM. tW .aa a.w i- el , f Cae C-f I- 4 Vsa a a Coa ii Wn4 I TsW tl Wastd rn, ft a, St, Tk .t m IV. r V t-"t- t- W - '? W 1 ' s--s ka a..t o.f aa v -4 rw w w. - no W a-ai a a oa !. . a-sftstf a 3" f-1 . , w .r .W T1 - .s.w a ,.. no .aaarf a. c--av aw 4 w x t Jvai: aw -m. f ii )m Htav a fa i f -rf fi. V IW iikMM4 ry atwaji4 4 wasia IW 00 f h 04 om4 We WVMaa a a t.ivaaf 'a-? L0PJ) 1 rT -J C t? I J wllinCo Mjl W 14 g 1 at Dd ard Germany Can Sd lie Dlffcxcncet by Arbitration. .1 .11 T a. a ti t s.raw t (ha'Ma aaa.. i .- W waf a Ata, a a- .a a 4.4 t4 i Wx .- iilt,tMii M w f 1411 ( um. W W aM W sm4 f 44hi, t: .! at la aa a4 fCt'X.M A? AX cr irnr?' 4t UXTtX tMf U raaaa IW nw4 Alui4 .. Caeaiav. ew SW 4a Mlt. 4 IVm. tn af 1 aa. aa htaef W, uihH ! W IW Caaa4 I'm mi r a f t'""w I fa Wa.. an la aa aaf W faM imamil taa f ( 4. a4 I tal I mI hCaef oaa Wa t r I Ca W4 Wa S-v IU f . a W anaa rW a aa lanawH4 t tW a. Hm W WHEY Pure Food Expert Tes tifies Before Jlouie InTestigating Con tnittee. ta a i S 3t aaaa I W IWa wai. ii fca-i. i4 IW fM a4-a.aa Co tUeaf W f -f . fao i,4 ftn I, aaa UiWt r 4aif iv4 ll"t f4t4 h&o'a-W s a a Waa W a4 t. tasA O aw Wa t IW aeo f wrf aa ee hsd. aaf "f a4 aa4 ta I iodiMa j ""1 - -T 1 .Asl rW ho aa iU.f af. FRA!ii( HUDSON IS SERIOUSLY VilaOED BYVILL BUS1CK' Yotae Boy, Efc-S:d b Scrap Uit i(I;ll WitH Probable Fatal Rwrltx. a SlUwewki: Umii 11 . Im a 4"a 1414 Wm W t;'4e' Was. f.0 -a j MMii 01 af &t r t , ta. to ifvH; iv I .,t a V a a!4l .H-a , .:f (NM 4. t 4f Ak h ' fMiaNM, m. W it t.a a. j . ! .h a (M ... I tws it s ta . .fe hWnii tt f J"- ! I" "14 WMf .a 1 nr f HWH 9ia MWI. 5 'Ms a U- 4l4 .m ait a t ( ca- V(m-w;4 wmm', a-a a. VMfi.vw t- 5a Vfa aa a.A.Nst.AWar si it. ur .,.: a n a. a. mm,r ,,M ! tf a ,a a W oa ! i . r iw w- to. I (i.. ,-- s,, h, a.aJ W- sMta.fa 4m k- fW eat W I .f aw CW OW a v r, a,a ii- aaef t tw . en ct- m t a. w fia a a SBMOawa a ii n af a wm, . a a m IW -aaTJ artf 4 '" "v .a as aa W W, oo Ma .- waiia. .n. n.i4 "rf avnM4 aoM, TV 'V v'a M-aai fe'aaa) oa V 'i i hot ! 4'f ITaf ! .. aof Ua t a aV .. W v v t-w o ft-Mj )!' a '"' W- W oaa 01 1 11. I 's-o- 1.4- aw V aw a s.o I, t Ma ad w WtA TW J a saa.MI W W aH no at. 41 Wo a a I l.) t la Wt rt 4l .a rw I-1 sm. " VaC W . rf V- 'W I .t. tifc. j w -wi obAo( rw t i o i4ia w '' .,Wia oa Mf a W "-"t aa-0 4 ? tti -f! Wa, 1 'MA'V fi' mil Wm n a i4A ' 'W a aatiia' ta. 1 "" t W m a P Wa I ,M f a fMMa a-a I w iir, w f ' I - 4o If vwilM ' . a a --a ao, tw J -'aaaJ e4 tV .- n, , it! ! o aa 4 nW 4 j e- if 4 W a O I 't 11 "" ' ? aa f--nl . Ym4 tai0 j aa-ylaae m 11a Wa .a t It ... t W W aya.liw atfltawa aao . a W 4uov w.1 eM-j,fl Wa. -M t fnrtfmw i jwra aot wt fw, si! aa a oiwi aa t a 4 Wd la W SW Kf !. aWa w - ua a . il. o1, w t er a aw atj ii wi iw ." sww., a on a r: !. trv ad hra t r oa n r iw WW W a-ad w aalo w (eat W a j(f a a ortl 4 , IW m eimj hM tMm, I.U I W u aa 4 rw Wtv 4 axfta atftfM CtoA jta a. iaaMw aa ama i a I. a 4 W taA. li-a i W Wu aa a aa Kaltana 1n iann aa ftWi&a4 No rdl WIISOII BECOmES FATTIER HD FIGHTS PRISON SOiTDiCE lot, Hs'al a cm V--a-. - jaMv W4 at faM ff4 4 rtaa a f anas Wa. ' V'a Wai4 at a W4n Waa:f' -, Ct Wliaa Vt a f a4 Oa ave. mt W t. aatiW W l i4 M- ftea W . W a aatwa