Q:&mnnfapzt the Easy Ilia's Paper, The Y,v '-v P t - r I.T I'..:: v Gr.-rr. rn 03 P r r Is i, TP PRICES: U Creeisbr. 2c Oa Trains, 5c SiLEGRAT v. Vlrr Scrilf Vi - ESTABLISHED. IN 1897. - STRIKE !H eiBDiimr MAY BElIili T it . , Union Leaders Say Hat Axretaesi Reached Saturday u Binx Vio lated by Railroad Companies Efforts to Pretest Recurrence of Strike Being Made. ' Loudon, Aug. 2L Charging that the rn inwd companies ? are violating their term of the strike agreement execution t.i t'ie unions went into a conference to j.,, with the possibility that the big j;ilro;id strike, confronting CJreat Brit- uhiih u supported to have 'been. on Saturday night, will be on to- ixnlon. Aug. 20. The railway men f,r.UL'hout the Kingdom are returning tl, work and it is hoped within a few to have the great transit systems vrkins under normal condition. KT1 iofr th announcement Sntur ,'jv ninht that the railway manager and their employe luid agreed to permit a ,ompromie to settle their difficulties vw.r the rea.-uiring news tonight that tht-Tf i- great hope of emlins the dock fr, strike at Liverpool and that the v.rk.'r there .shortly would renne tvir duties. No rK'tine a a result of lahor trou Mr, a reported today except at Pub l i, whre the poli.-e and eontalW- came in-., .tilliston with a raob which wa in smpathv with striking news boys who endeavoring to preent the ditri-hTti.-n of newspapers. Numerous per-tor- had their head cracked in the me!" and several shops were looted. Workers Celebrate. The railway workers held meet tags tlimujhout the country today to ceW Vrstc what they claimed to be a victory o"t the railway companies. With th nation of 4jB0O ma wf the North- steiu Rattwa.f CVmipmyt-wawliw seta rot party "lo'Tlb alnkestileml jwit, and three 'thoosaad Maa- rhKT men, all the union- passed reao- IntioM in faror of a resanption of work! Tbe Northeastern Company's emplayt-t dexind an eight -hoar-day and twoahUl hs weekly sdrance in wages with a ninimum weekly wage of twenty-two hil! in j3, about 5-50. Although the services oa the "other line have not yet been completely re stored, the men in most cases presented themselves for duty today and a start "a made toward remedying the dislo cation caused by th strike During the day some progren- wa made ia clearing the lines of freight trains but it will be -nme day before normal conditions are Tutored. I nfortunately. Icaue of the block in t telegraph line. the manifesto of the rnke leaders calling upon the me a to r.' sm to work did not reach some r.t until this morning, and during t ; nijrhi there were drvtnrbances at is-imerous places. With the exceptiono f (Continued on Page Eight.) it SPECIAL" KILLED IK WRECK HEAR COLUMBIA "tunibLa, S. C. Aug. 2 !. Fireman I t her W. Bennett, whit, of Columbia, rushed to death yesterday, in the rr-t wreck that has befalien the outu t'. Railway' Cincinnati-Charleston fly T. tie -Carolina Special." since that t-'.n was established about six months The wreck occurred at 4 :o o'clock, !t when the train was dne here, both '"-"motive plunging into a ravine where 1 feet of a frame trestle had been I irned away, at Suevule, an industrial s -iui four miW north of A I ton and mile1 north of Columbia. Noho.lv except Rreman Bennett was :!rt- The passengers were not even jtrrtl. a relief train sent from Colum ' a returned at 9:15 last night with the paengers and baggage and departed Portly afterward for Charleston. The bridge will likely be replaced by tomorrow. Meanwhile traffic r n7 detoured by way of Charlotte. Atwood besuies tlifht. 'Tons, N. Y, Aug. 21. IJarry J." At "o. who reached this place yesterday ftemoon, started On hi flight to Utki 103 mLIea away, this moraing. .v. UESDAY LlQRIIiriB mm CAROLINA AGTion on r.iEAT C;ORDi;iEGE WeiT . OVER UNTIL TUESDAY ' In Case it is Not Am en ded Initiative Proceed- ' ings May be Started. Saturday aft ran a tU rwrd of Coamissiooera alter Weatiag frvws th committers rvpveatiag th fatwr, the merchants aa4 private citbewa r parding the profmed aae4mt to tW meat iarctoa ordiaaarw dridj to postpone action until Tadsy after- Mwo. It i hurhlv KckWbU that th tsmaiMioom will rvf aaes4 tW ordinance and it will W W op to LN cftirns of tbw city who waat it a ial ed to poll fmas th WU tho )tiatie. aa some have Wltrd their llaM to do. V v - At this jaartore it shaVl b ststM that not all the private ritWaw peewat before the board wanted tV aatewdavswt i pad. On the coatrary stera! fTr" ed and mad strong argaaeats afatast the amendateat, sajriag that I W ardi naare wa all right as It wa s4 it it was Is U anewd4 the wWoW iMpxtkwi bwnew shook! b do away with as it woukl be so eriowsly Iwipaired thai It would be practically worthier. At times the argww at bWoew t W rommisiowers grew tnle warns a4 at time aajrrv rjoa As has been stated on several oswa h farmf s want the ardtasace aawadl so they raa kill their pork a4 swisw a ad bnag it t the city to W lapte4, whereas tha pceewt taw rr)wire thai the animals hal1 be brought here irf and inspected both before and after tho killing and aho while tho IfUiag ia progre. This the imfwrtocs dUre Is aeceaaary. while the farmers art of tho opinio that it ia aaaerv nary aa4 oly a hardship o thaw who try to tae aaor.aatr fhaji tlej. cea was, - torratrft datf ijtaw-W wa etMrgsw that the slanghtef ho a sasvw M kef ia a aaaiury cowdtlso aad thai tho grwvea la which farmers eswally 4J their killing wees mock more naaury ad were free from flies, while tho slaughter houses were filled with fle. The eomaiaoioer were invite to la pert tho slaughter hoax aad as swo as the meeting was over hoatwed aa a tomobiW and were drive to tho three places. TVey found lW ia a asaitary conditio a aad free froea the filth aa4 fiiew alleged to he fosrad therw. It should here be staled that the skagkle boae.- have ceaseat Ooora aad arw equipped wtth hot water to wa nS the cement floor after each klUag After being hilled the awat'ts swwag aw racks and carried into a jeparst sport meat while other killiag h ta pewgrsa. The draioar arrsacwl tkat atl filth has to b carrwd a eartaia dtsse from the slenghter hooe. After artws ow the awat ov4iaaaw wa poatpoeed the matter of t aiaj the peddliag ordiaaare wkkh pewhikvi peddling on ITlm street, oo kterhet feea Crcea to latvie aad ew tUUMi fra fTlat to Keren, was browght ap and a r't of the dirston the orl aad amendment wvre repealed to take e?vf irameUtstelv. Mayor Marphy al(k tuiiner KomWe eed far the refrk fommiioiicf ftrowa vniiag agsiat tso reprwl- There was oae ancertataty a to when the repeal of )m ardmaaca wV brcome effrctive aad maay farmer wre aavMMta to know tm jat waat they coukl do bwaeM today. ft w pointed out by soae who ware in fvoe of allowing the ordiaasrw to ataad pr hibtting peddliag oa lm ret t aoreral years afo the cits peohtWted city merchants from peddlmg oa tha thoroughfare, reowirieg tme who hod paid a lid ltre to do a trt bw ea to Keep tm the side trts. ThU mostly afTted banana awcta uhs aad peanut venders. MUCH BUILDING BEING DONE IN . ' STATES CAPITAL Enocial to TeUgraas. . - - RaVgh, Aug. Il--l rcaaortJoa with tho fact that. Ilaieigh has mrrrr Vew kaowa to hare oo mack bstiUig maW way. atoo time la, Ur who;kJtry tWra coaea tho ac'riod romftaist -thai atutbera of owildftga aadet wy ars'ai- i ; ; GREE.NSBORO..N. C, MO:D.V aTLNlNO. 1 1 r : -s t , ifcv Government Dam at Fcrhbank, 0., the Btfcfcst : Movable Wicket Dam In the Vrprld, to Be Opened ScpL4. i ' t t i i " -' . iniii . r i 1 1 II:;- . - v. . f 'T ' U Z. . ' " ' - " A - I ir . , j w Am omtw nnm trt r tsaw mf m-t I reraise a. O. waJc MtM aAffgwaf laM H4 w4 atswt. Tho toat roof of U 4mm hs gijmmm, versary of (W trsc earn Wat rrjuvmos two t)Ja etswsi U tw aaaea arwa4 tsewaot wrUtMi ta tho off wwr gwUtf as to mate taooa:a Cow ta taka troaa ati to twafra warm SCORE Killed and Harry bjtrred in Cyclone That Swept North Dakota -Towns. sgw. . t. Af Jt ' ft A.W. H'lMf, j lmm at USia I V aveaa. x tt awast Wil-a . k fl tka a ' aLani W ' i ji n alMtf ' .ijrt mh at a S-i? Sl 4 4 Im fee W W Uaaakry ars4sl U ifai'y aa4 ast m (4 .e w trwvlaM aweaty f w U W we akrw TW M4la rse4 f , IW ia a swtao to taww to W ry oo TVm tho (at.lM hs ' W (m IWI lca m 'wcl W W ssaJ We W thwao U t ! to W"4 la to altrwt wessw We fro wWv. Tha ssrsle4 to hy W ! that WWr Neth CW tows ar waanwaJTy s W mf f J- aa4 ae a ?Wk4 mata weV (Ul IW ta are ao kam rw bapsit ewpka Ww We. IW aWet a af m that W Wa Waifaf asWiyaas fe wa as W tdy ia-rso.o af W sisso el Wil tag ytst-s lev tho t ! g ag wn tfawa all t W tiau. i ae f t W Wrt rowlrsrt that ww mm aa et way are tho fwUI taoth Wsaiag howso of tho lUWnAh tWtalsg aal Tro Co, tho are owrvwftlJo wtg U tW XcKliipn Xwy Taai Cav a4 m U'yaao wiry lesi IW swr s?ey - rjrfwwof hKl hy Jowoa A IWWyi IW taweodotiag aad naaWf 'jd aoUiisenat ed Po TarWrwogV oolL TWw iWeo ore . & wdoo jtmt0t i tilws gssal - aa4 smoX aad tJt-a w af grvsl vaWty U aiUsw. ' - ' .w mtt svw-fjirm4 . Two avaawnM waS3 i'eaSwa4 sa avtg mm w&ao (mi eg wwswr I V .It rw MtKO0 t0 f 'Hw wtOfedl Wm 'AFTER SITE FOR FERTILIZER PLAHT Secretary M 'LeanSays Large Factory will be Erected If Site is Secured. Swte t.-t IW t)ae lWrn Wf tin aiVui Wa '4 f- a . se a iwi ,fWMt waSM. Wf 4 frff W ut IW 4wtM Wi wi. atea -.)t tw mm IW xmntt IW O m ,41 a .a t tl t-i hU WS W 4fc4 U l I W me W f S wmA W mm s4 " iOiwwI Tw fWyiMM wi w'4-a r - IW W IW J W rnt wl m V StS W4 IWI W llml tWW S'WMt W M .MAM WHMIM a ! e Jlrot frwsn tfwatsla, Jlowval lo To'nsv AW!, A f 1 - fx CheV t. stmCiwSv 4 U4 lliMAAan W- Si KM 4 0 VS MWMlM l a .U TW ferf misig -a os iw vt v(s ii w-e, wfo w- haut W I ! TW ti . ttt U T t-a.t. g W V i Jj. fY. Jk ft tt-WJ U As, W4W at i wi. fAl 44 W WMv Ws A W ( Wrw.1 IW ft. OhmkiJ wig 4 IW Jmv Co Xes, t- i- o W4 hM o44 ol it 4m aW9 sWef Ciew fn) tfsWa4 foN. 4W wa4 rsa asls4 to sf t C C W ihtnwa.. hie twsio fwarai ac 4 w i, awifcrr vs4 aa oaweatwa f arwttetjo. toad UeaOaf l tow't lo?3ot W e d lag waG, AUGUST 21. IQll mm tw-oo oajasevrg of i suv a atso Clowaol aai twuff a pmmmJL aa.t tta TtSo w-a w ARMY Officer Mike LonS Ac rial FL'gM in Record Tune at College Park. I wt t aattt twsa i ..itf r f .M W -,tH M.t V M. S t;i tVHv( ( I )iiiiVn !; 1- ! k;hii4 S V.. i4 4 ? as .m. fw rttis s . !& 4Vo , t'M iw S.ms rina m uaa H im. W Mf T er f sg fcws4- s. (M, s4 tl w a. .1 TV ii I IW -jnm Hf m titS Stisa as y - hwn t IW awaSf iv9 Wux W UM t (MRt .) MO mi W t fas l iw f !& MMn.t, m Mi S m Ci - l -' a reia a"v w W IW iAJ S wmS im S ii'S flM Mara W s iw t fKa .r s a eta a WH , .W liio gMe W.i tMiiV4 hff CW tnlnfiiiiM hv W W Wi, W f4 t 4t'4 s ftwttiitii l0 W WS iSMi W fSt W ts Wa .ii ft tl MAn,Sni t.t iw WMt4f aai. "vs iw - s a Wyas iw t 4 t w I IWm - al tasm f-v W fsijii, a iw awM eial wass .i IWW fn WSSMl Olt W Jt W ' ot no aw Ve -s Tf ho iiat f of -, hmwo oai wm is ?rw. ...i tw ;.f as4 fooJ?y o4 ow to Wa. a stsot w so tf lU awAwa wew ss4 v"4? f smiil as;jiw"aa) It s -wswawa A) sis 'a oa E DAMAGE CASE I STARTED L'l COURT 11. K. Starr Want $20,000 Damage From Southrrn hU Telephone Co. l sa- ft f S.w , w tMaV sc fwif t so?itM fawtft wa ww TVs m wat Mxef W n, 4 a omm,-hJ ,uMr - w 0 ;w a I M S f 4 H WfcMi "Tt l,'fS M.m f t iM..r f -s a a kr 4f lMk. t ., ..! , 1 WI4 W gtM.HH ,f Wf W Swth m - wm a ait!NM ta W 4ittoa. W4 rw pumm Wa Wa sri( mh s t ., IW W Ww , sw oe TW ..h6 e-M ihiiu e smi. 'W4 mm e W W-S A ..( eN.S4v at a we om! fner-t TW b.ifi4 Nm.u k4 W Witt own- .. w ese , . . m a wa wmw rw.i n -i,to.. IW4 i wsiarS twa w w Will --a ' WMt W .t 1 M tt)MNlH r. FORSYTH FARCERS WILL ADVOCATE THE ' ri01!IiITO3ACCO oa J w fta saa sto sttMis. 'aj tf iw TW iw etsoia tiw also 4 W iwi.ia.SW inoiN ftMnSti Jsa at iw oMas.tMf SW g-ie-vt CiwMtfle ae-auesvf t w ne ul W 4 W 4lAWW Ml w oW. o It W Ml o tt oo4 TW wmw rw gtsT .; w hi w.m a. IW4.C. f tw. san" twav ?W nw in w I.mi . w4 4' sW mi Winn fw Wye i,w a Wf W- i'w t oaMH a ftaote a mm. r w wS SW miimM w rwMif w at a.M.r imw iiiiew mi tut V""" fH"i0 sw a... o II -t S.iirStM s" Sr-M'M ."lt M. AhMm.II, a. ., C SmS awwunXw J;yv. a HII0Mi fl li.ttaHi Wa o-it mi nas w w 'fM- M- W M n.iftnl, WM w .mm4m rf a wl a it. w nhi( M f lt IDKM tW teMM.Sa f 4 Vt - WwliMia aW ti TW ). limit 1 Ml . iH't f W t I iWl I .. t. i I, .M..t ?W fcn a w ,imiw( m '4 T 1 r1mi, fC tuMtn ! r T sait .MiHiMa a ,v W((h mm W )wm? mw W SImb.m Kfmmt Wl fMMM a llH SeS,l M llS v g 4 Hhmm iw V a m.( mm mO '' I i M. f IW ftMM.I-f4Ma !: W a "' sjHnM h ms f -m TW mw e O ' '"' 0r JkflMMMS -K.MH MM IW . if S MM4J SM W Wm mttf f r-(4 n f.1 f s aa,.a w anM os Sm a .s wm; "Tw f -S. ilMMH4M O it tWSt Imi a t M V-M. fnkeli Vmm, rn M I OW 4 V' l HI M nMK SIMS V (4 t mMne mf il Mi m4 im. ".iw nW m. 41 a WM,n4 t U s 's ;f- )m 't rs.a. f mi. 4 i ., t U NM M IW SAw r0 W ia wi ao nwMiifl I ro J t;.eoa I.-1MsiMafc Ahms. 12 MWt mil .m aWn 9 erw t- wff iw a Wvt a.!- swh ew .:w fao IB H ra tan i r ilii3 M W W li a V, Ir ssSWo a kg 1. ai.Wiw W A eM.i V rtW aW i 4 a how - 'i9 nan, VOL It. no n BEATTIE FIL'OO) TOT Gimr TO . CffeOE OF HIGHER CkZ4 XiiTts4 uui LU Tvry CWwoawe 4114a tMf-S t 4 MS i. Jtwwes I?m iH,, a,!4 a tw w ! M.r-tj af ms wneo . W'M -t SW M4MO ! r. to - a I.., W W a.1 iw i'Kn.i iiu a ww w 0 v rit e .a i , w Mil( t. H f W .m)nm l.i uiMi V ! Stt IhAm JmiWmm1 S44 t 40 r wwm .a hmuuw .f -i4 S ! jiMWMa uw ai, Pai'iw W aiw.,, w W ;t m. Cm - Wio M1 'a 4lHM 0 w S.MM M 0. mIJmS ".'m SW "," iWMl4 W- 4 i4iii ., g.attu.Mi4.. U, J- rf f 24ie A. , -..i Smk,w m ws . M Slt StofM V .MMS .i Ctt-,t 4 .Hr ' StM w-MM4 m a W''if -wam W" S'm " a- W4'Uini ft tj-.i w .'' uM.a TWf a W "- 'MMMMi 91 . .ItW-a - W 0 MM- W, -Mo .', iit mma hiNaa. a a.H " ... Ot.tnJ MiliMHMKI a""i ?M !. s.tMt w, 31 f . aw ' WMy Nt .. ll.l''4 a' S HH.n .f W f .-..a .M mmmm$ .t4 . 3:, V'f' ! H W tl. It-U-MM, .-iitli W M0 m -so f W " ,4m w4 1 s ma sw tww Wo4 TV' tn-swf riSMra, AWi f Titoeov:. U omo, tg,a , tl V. rW,. wjr twWf , so w! r; ff'A., Jt, f, tf mO C, ' t.O.44 w-ww. WSwat ao rw itfiwWf tw v, n,,.,. . a, 'sowsC. J a ia-.jrf t WW ts'ir fkf-JWag sio obia Wa kVli CSw-a Jtw'-A, W IW fS . n smw w-s.i4 as sw ta CmtS (Wvh to W .o S .m mm w - WMt wt. Wt. Wt.aiiMtr -n mm 1wm - a a ,im tMas SW 'W mmmS jK Mf ,4i-( .UMM.NI1 MlM .tM Mti SW M w .. Wti.t tiMli S. a-Ww IMS Wt Sw .. W- ll-f . mC fwtC tS Wiv W w4l Wi . I Mf-w S.tt .ii 1 I M ' S W ft.B4. if .M MrtM M 1 till 111 4HUWI 'W( M S W .- M. ll. I S' M . lnw. .. ft. Hi ,. M S-- t MHlS.a IMM . "..M4 Smmwl w Tww t'ino PROCEEDIIiSS FOR divorce or mi- tMW s 7 t"vo Cm! S.M4I - T"m- 4 t tmtitm S..M. wt m(1 sa o ft ttMe ow W ti y .i.Ha o tie wmsi IW. tM W . i.0 H w a it W sm. iw, TW Wl.n heWM Wsir-r .is 7 t.mt A . fWa ft. S-J1mi a SM limy.m. tm W4w - n.iii, 4-r- t as Sm l tT t , JC. fVtui mym .m-i m 0.M44l HMm 0 im i ,f t l M14( . 4wtlw If. W jh iniia it fMH4M W S.i.fM, 1 W Wn . -o u,4 . a mr t ft , f'a..... ti t.M-iH. ,MI 4.mo oWw SW M- m sw .a.uiw sw W-MH 4 W 41 S4m t W(Sva4S IM iiii( ,41mw m It--' Si "W iMtft-- SWt .m ft-mf -'4 - M J- m.i it s.Ui-4 sw WW r' t o .t: )mwM4 4 ta A trO a st gnii aiTH aa4 IKw-Mti ta ir-11 er" W lttiMMKg C Sm W - I tr- r1-. j-f 40 s r ft Mm,fm mv m ftW (Wt W t- W jw V O. rW.14 w mm lir.MiSHMa wft W ai4 Wm- a' Sir,

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