THE GREENVILLE DAIIiY NEWS Published every afternoon except ouuday by Green vIHe-Publishing Co., Inc. V'VTf JtdDONBAD LANIER, President; JAS. L. fAYO. Secretary &-Uanager 4pplication made at the Post Office at Greenville, N. C, for entry as second class mail matter, under Act of Congress of March J, 18 i J. Subscription Hates : 4 - Delivered by Carrier within specified sections of the city or by Mail) I year $-.00 3 Mouths . . . $1 .00 a Mnfh $2.00 1 Month (Subscriptions Payable in Advance) Subscribers desiring the Daily News discontinued will please notifly office -ii i k mni,,nU,i at rwnlnr snhsorintion rates. To insure UUIcrwlBC pallet, nui ire tuuimuv" ' efficient delivery, complaints should be made promptly lo the Circulation De partment, No. 315 Evans Street. Telephone No. 70. Wednesday, June 20, 1917. THE SALVATION OF RUSSIA (Cm I Us rogram HUNT. COOK, Superintendent Greenville, N. C. SERIES LECTURES: Literary Hearthstones: Allen and Kiplim Literary Hearthstones : Emerson. There are increasing" signs from Russia that point to a readjustment in that troubled country that will again bring it into active participation in the great war. Internal dissentions are far from being settled, and German intrigue has not yet been wholly beaten, and order has not yet arisen out of the turmoil and chaos, but the out look is bright that the Russians are on the high road to a stable government that will give the Big Bear of the North its destiny. If conditions do better themselves, if democracy does triumph j over the foes that beset it from within and with out, then in truth a miracle will have been per formed, and the ability of man to govern himself will have been forever established. For Russia has the most difficult task that; ever before befell a people or a nation. She has been oppressed since its first existence as a na- j tion; her people have been down-trodden for a thousand years. She is assailed on every side by enemies who wish to deal her a life blow; she is torn from within by fanatics who mistake liberty for license. And withal, her resources have been drained to the bottom by the exigencies of warf and by the wanton rule and extravagance of the; House of Romanoff . J But the Russians are a peasant folk in the main, and their virtue equals their patience. The rural population of the Slavic empire are sound, at the core, and have been accustomed to a degree of self-government, subject to the approval pf the Czar. If the leaders of the new. Republic, measure up to the standard set for them, and' if they make self-sacrifice their rule and democracy their ideal, then there is abundant hope for the new member of the world's republics. And the lesson of history teaches that humanity has raised up a big man for a big place in every crisis of the human race. Wednesday, June 20 Evening: 8:00 Drama "The Old Homestead" by Deiiiimn Tin .pson, the Kiea American play. Thursday, June 21 Afternoon: 3:30 Series Lecture by the Superintendent. Pnn.rt The Svmnhonic Orchestral Club and Madame Justine Shannon, contralto. Thursday, June 21 Evening: 8:00 Concert The Symphonic Orchestral Club and -Madame Shannon. Lecture Hon. Percy Alden, M. P. "The Feature of Europe." Friday, June 22 Afternoon: 3:30 Junior Chautauqua Play "Good Fairy Thrift." ."The Village of Dinar Done Bell" presented by the members ol the "Chime of Normandy" Co. Friday, June 22 Evening: 8 :00 Opera "The Chimes of Normandy," presented by a full cast, chor and orchestra. Children admitted to any session 25 cents. The Message from Golgotha By REV. B. B. SUTCUFFE Of Um Extension Dcpartamt, Moody Bible InatituU, Chicago TEXT They crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the rurht hand, and the other on the left. Luke 23:33. j Some time ago there was exhibited In the city of Chicago a large picture , called "Golgotha." , It was a represen tation of the scene when Jesus and the two thieves were crucified. In ' the midst of the crowd and rising from the brow of the hill there were to be seen the three crosses upon which w e re the forms of those cru cified. The wood en crosses have long since fallen into decay, but the messages given from them are still to be heard. The Center Cross. From the center cross there comes the message that provision has been made for the taking away of man's sin. This provision has been made by God alone. He needed no assistance from man. The prophet has said that It pleased the Lord to bruise him ; he has put him to grief (Isaiah 53:10). Peter has declared that our Lord was delivered by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God (Acts 2:23). Dr Dixon's plea last night that there should j ZXSS be no hoarding of money during the war was ! re yet sinners Christ died for us" straight to the point, and his condemnation otti'?i 7 what he termed "false economy'' was sound logic! through sacrifice, for jesus was the Business should go on as usual, as far as possible.! EJSTjFiSZ in order that the complex structure of modern ; fulfilment of the types of the oid TeS- NO FALSE ECONOMY civilization should retain its equilibrium. It is clear that if every one should cease to buy arti cles that are not absolutely necessary there would be famine and desolation in the land, and millions of people would become haunters of the bread line. Half the business in our town would be com pelled to close their doors inside six months, if the people of this community should practice this "false economy." -Money is going to be plentiful, times prosper ous, and-wages high during the war, and it be hooves the people of the country not to throw a monkey wrench into the works by hoarding every dollar that crosses their palms. VI "A, a The Fashion Specials This Week Ladies Dresses in all popular shades, materials and $2.98 to $17.98 sizes Ladies Waists A very beautiful line in Lawns, Voils v 98c Crepe de Chine & (Georgette $2.29 to $4.98 1 II Fine F. X Operatic Opulence. "You must love art to pay such enor mous salaries to grand opera singers." I'm not sure," replied Mis Cayenne, "whether it indicates a love for art or an Indifference to money." THE CLARION CALL OF THE RED CROSS we ve A. HATEM. Manager :: mi :: M "We've got to win this war. "If every other ally quits, got to see it through. "We will win; we dare not lose!' These ringing words of patriotism : were delivered in Washington, D. C, by Col. Theodore Roosevelt a few days ago. J And it is through the Red Cross, to a great extent, that the battles will be fought and won. and that peace will reign over the world once more. We little realize what is before us. Of course we know of the slaughter and the suffering and want across the sea, but it is only in a vague way that we feel it. But wait, wait just a little until our own brothers, husbands and friends are dying in the trenches. Then it will come home to us. We read that in many cases today the wounds of the soldiers in France must be tied up with newspajters for want of surgical bandages. When our men are among the wounded are we going to let theiu suf fer for want of necessary dressings to stanch their wounds. Will we not feed them and clothe them and succor them as an American soldier who gives his life for his flag should be fed and clothed and succor ed? Why the American people blush with shame at the thought. Still the Red Cross in Greenville is calling for members, it reaches out its hands and pleads to yon to come up and give your name, pay your money and become an annual member, if not an active one. Every man, woman and child should become a member. Greenville is be hind the surrounding towns in membership. The Red Cross has for its coal. 500 members. Send in your name and swell the list that much. Red Cross work is not an idle dream it is not just a means of amusement for society women. It is a crying need for your time, service and money. If you cannot give your time and service you can give your dollar and this is a time wnen every dollar talks. tament. The coat'of aklns wherewith Adam was clothed, the blood of the lamb which protected the people In Egypt on the Passever night, the offer ings of blood of Leviticus, and all the slain beasts offered In sacrifice, point to the fundamental truth that "without the shedding of bloc there Is no re mission" (Hebrews 9:22). Not only is this provision made by God alone and by sacrifice, but It Is made by the sacrifice of a substitute. Long before Christ came, the prophet had declared that "he was to be wounded for our transgressions and bruised for our In iquities. All-we like sheep have gone astray and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us air (Isaiah 53:5, 6). And when at last that substitute came, Peter declared that he "his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree" (I Peter 2:24). This one upon the center cross Is there in man's place, standing In man's stead, the sub stitute to whom is charged all of man's sin , the sacrifice, blotting out by his own blood, the iniquity of man. This one is God's provision for the taking away of man's transgression. The 8eeond Cross. The second cross brings us a mes sage of salvation received. It speaks to us first of all of a realization of the need for a substitute, and also convic tion of sin. When the thief cried, "Lord remember me," he was voicing the plea of the publican. "God be mer ciful to me the sinner." This is fol lowed by faith in hfan. It Is one thing to have faith, it is another to have faith in the proper object. Faith In deed saves us, but it is faith in Christ alone. One may have good faith in a bank, and yet lose his money, not because there was anything wrong with the faith, but because there was something wrong with the object .of the faith. One may have good faith In many things and lose his soul, not because there Is anything wrong with the faith, but because that faith has not been centered in the Lord Jesus Christ, who alone is God's provision for man's sin. This dying thief could not come down from the cross and go back over his record and undo the things which he had done. He could not make restitution ; he could not blot out his record, nor was he given time to come from the cross and live a good and upright life, but if he were saved at all, he had to be saved by what Christ did and not by anything which he could do added to what Christ had done. The Third Cross. The message from the third cross speaks of the Insanity of sin. There is a story told of a young man who had committed a crime for which he was tried and found guilty and sen tenced to a penitentiary. After he had been placed in the prison, his mother, at the expense of a great deal of time and care, and with many tears, finally succeeded In securing for him pardon from the governor of the state. With Joyous heart, feeling well repaid for Admission Free. Jack had a little party on his birth day. His mother had told one of the little boys not to buy a present. When this little boy arrived at the party Jack said: "What did you bring?" but quickly added, "that's all right if you didn't bring anything 'cause this par ty's for nothing." Moosier Kitchen Cabinet THE HOUSEWIVES FRIEND Come in and let us explain to you why Taft & VanOyke Phone 59 Everything for The Home Dickinson Ave H lllllllllllllliiiliiiiiiiiiw lllllllllllllllllliliniiiiiiiiiiiiiii THE aiagaii Track BE SURE AND SEE THE FLANAGAN TOBACCO TRUCK BE FORE BUYING. THE FIFTH WHEEL FEATURE MAKES IT TURN EASY. ENTIRE TRUCK MADE OF BEST HEART TIMBER AND THOROUGHLY DRIED AND THE TIRES ON WHEELS WILL NOT COME LOOSE. ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR WHO USES IT. WITHOUT A DOUBT THE BEST TOBACCO TRUCK IN THE WORLD. Prices Reasonable he anagan Buggy Co. '.' 'n'iji.iil!;;.:.;! the long weeks of ceaseless effort, she went to the penitentiary hearing the preciotis pardon which would liberate her boy. WTien at last she stood in his presence with tears of joy in hc-r eyes, sne handed to her boy his pra--don. Instead of being grateful, and in stead of accepting and making use of the pardon, the boy deliberately tore It Into pieces, throwing it upon 'he floor, and stamped upon It with Jisdain. It is thus that the sinner who ejects God's proffered salvation treats tfhat God has to offer. It is the in sanity ef sin leading on to suicide of the soul. All one has to do to commit soul suicide is to reject God's grace. Back-yard Fences in Boston. George Gibbs, special investigator ror the Boston city planning board, wants wooden back-yard fences abol ished in that city. He believes such fences are a nuisance in crowded dis tricts and an eyesore elsewhere, and should be replaced by metal it-aces of an ornamental type. For high-class residence districts Mr. Gibbs favors brick or concrete walls for dividing lines between brick yards. Any Per mm Great Political Questions. Great political questions stir the deepest nature of one-half the nation, but they pass far above and over the heads of the other half. "Wendell Phillips. I 1 i i DRINK COCA-COLA IN BOTTLES THE MOST SANITARY WAY 8 lliil till With a Dollar Can Open an Account Here j It is the straight road to the accum ulation of a competence for your old age. Better make the start today. Once the account is opened, it is an easy matter for you to keep it growing. CAN OPEN AN ACCOUNT at THIS BANK Tomorrow will never get here. The National Bank GREENVILLE, N. C. Coca-Cola Bottling Works JAMES M. HINES, Proprietor Hi Books ! Books I Buy any kind, every kind, all kinds of books here. Books for the- library, for the living room table, for every pur ose can be had here. School books, text books', Bibles, Testaments, they are all at this tore. . ' j Magazines and periodicals for light reading and for educational mrposes on current topics of the day. Good books add a refining influence to any home and we sell JienK STATIONERY for men, for women, for young ladies, for youn;; nen, for the school, for the office, for every occasion, for every purpose. A. B. Ellington & Company Mi iiiMistiiiiitM .2-.