- . "i-i- '.,1" t-: :- . : J--- ; -i V- St,- 'J"- 1TIIB 1 WEATHER.: X 7 i I this afternoon & t -.Thurider Showers CiDmorr;.!),- ah:. 'vfvx .rro"i 1 1 1 Mil YC r'--tv, r v i 7i-SA ?. . V' v- ' r ' l ' ' ' T - 1 Til ! - ! f II I .1 I II I - T 'l I , , -in, , -i - , , - , - 1 - - 1 I 2? 3 - v- ........... .4. i :f!r,o. 1 , 1 -'v GERMAN CUAWC ( By Uuited Pre) AMSTE RD AM. The ' German Im rial rhanc Hor Von Betjxman HolW jirtMKT to th principle of No annexH iiifn- uo Indemnities" in a speech ' X t- he illivereil "in the Reithgtag to il . 1 v a c r 1 1 n to reports reieixed In i t- The reiKrts indicate -that Ger man v liKks to the speech a affording an immediate opportunity for- -the iM'imiir - f )eHce aeRotiatious, . ' lLLLl5liiWMwifiO wiiiE8iisgrarof were tampering wfth," a shaft' at'' his father's,, mill, when, the clothing ofH the'Pierce-rhoy-'was caught winding T : r- rhlm fiiVkitAtf mafhtiuunr. U&KaMltt NEWS ITEMS from mm 1 Special to th Dally News) t- - -AYDKN. OurtoW ais filled ifith erehtroken -and he-was hadlyrMsed about' thef body lHit- h isdoingfine andrwfll recover, - :r-r ? : ; ' - Notice, Masons f ' ,You are hereby notified to jtneet at your Lodge No. 408, A. F. & A. 3dU i5unday"at- je to arrange for therT rruieraPoi Tiro Joynjcr -Wrogate.urT; ial : will - lake - place, a t . his farm thi-ee'' miswest of AydeJ at -I o'cknik. : J. H." CHEEK, 1L M. Totir : correspondent considers the Greenville Daily News- anJUthe- Stater- Journal -of Raleigh : twov rrofthe: 4est local; papers - coming ?ta-- this town. Long-jnay Jthejr live and grow. Just . tinloaded-another car of lhne, and a car of -cook stoves. 'See us for prices. J. B. Smith' & Bro. 7 7 6tp. 3r' - 1 TT , ... it-"'til t y; ' iFTSIlllfllLNI. Tl ---11 a i 1 11 lilf - -5 1. tof therenmy,, rd6dfInddhTImightatineiv ;;: thirty clock. PreViotistb tneir Caching 'Lort-r : V don. thev "were sisrhted astKv 'Crossed th Chan- riel, and Librd French; commalider 5f theHdmeli ueiense army, maae tne piuiic afniouncemenx- r that hostile air-fleet has-been; sfghted:6ff the-:C-: isle of Thane offthe east coast of Essex, ;ajhey : are : in considerable, jiumbers and are divided ' -X into two parties. : -: ; ; -r'-i . -Theextent of the damage Jias -'not " .been , l- ieamejd.' -' - 1-General Manglo's troops marching East,, the nrst American flag officially sent from the 3altediStateto "the .French front: - 2-j--Frepch engineers launching; bridge, the frame of which Is" filled;vlth cakt.Qr buoyancy. 8 Troop Qf Spahf caralry passing through ith old-gates of St -Bemy in the Marne dlstricfc r rBorli i.Batoet!n ! special envoy at the head of the Russian mission" ndw-in America y; Mia nrers this week from various parts of the State, the occasion being the Methodist District ponferencer Anions: the other visitors was Revr IL F. Tripp of I'.ethel, who hellajpa- torate at jl his 'place for -fourgyearaT and is still held - in - loving. memory 1 I'.v his many friends here. -Mr. iarnett Eakes tells your, cor respondent that his section was visit ed ly a rain last Wednesday thilt he would call a "frogsetrangler. ,-s 1 he recent rains, together with'the new --made roads, have made travel, af-f most impossible. Royce Alligood, a small loy li vini: near town, is report ed to have pulled 19 automoblies-out of the mire near his-home, with the assistance of his mule and cart. ITe "as liierally rewardeil by the tour ists. . - - Elevated Cars Go Mr. Joyner Wingate Dead.' Mr. Richard Wingate received a telegram last night announcing, the death of ins father, MiJoyner Win gate. at St. Luke's Hospital in' Rich mond. a.. where he had undergone an operation a few weeks -agot Mr. Wingate was one of Aydenjs most snlistantial farmers, heldin high es teem, loved and highly respected" by all who knew him. and was-a jnember "f the Masonic order. His 'remains will arrive hore Saturday night, and will lie in wait at his residence. Jintil Sunday at 4 o'clock, P."M -atr wHich time they will be taken to his -farm thrw miles west of town and Turlei with Masonic honors. f - - oung Boy Badly Hurt in itfilL - Last Tuesday a little son df Mr, f-evy Tierco. and a smalt colored -boy -it v '(By United Press)-! J XBW - YORK. Four people were seriously hurt and ten others were in jured when two cars on the Broadway elevated-road today plunged thru a trestles : There, were 50 persons on the carSt vbut .no one was killed- Asks Withdrawal FoolBffl "Anient - -ll By United Press) - WAsllINGTOX President Wilson i-has asked for J he withdrawal of the amendment of the" Food Bill which EiifflEOTiii mm (By United -Press) fiandling German affairs in this conn- late attached under 'Swiss protectioa WASHINGTON. In the hunt for try wil lhe. cleaned out and deported, to leave the country. Many pothers, German spies in this Country, at the ! Th flTst step was 4ake today jj German - eonsuls scattered suggestion of the American govern- when the State Dartmentmade ar- , v . hitsL German clerks". ment the Teuton employees in ' the rangements for Bern H. Chauffhau- . various, pomts, . uerman Clerks, service of neutrals, who have leen sen.-Jhe New- York German- Oonsu-. follow, 4 . , , .;. would; prevent the members of tlie Ad vlsory Commission, of the National Defene- Council frem selling their own manufactnr.es to the- government. -The president conveyed his position on She subject in -aTjette which has Invn Names Be Drawn in Big Glass Bowl WEBB MILLER . (United Press Staff Correspondent) WASHINGTON. The fate of 9,649. 938 men on-the national army regis tration rolls will be held in a huge glass bowl-Hilled . with little genatine capsules. - Enclosed in . each one of these capsules will-be numbers on pa- wilt received Ty .the ..-Senate .Agricultural! rfoefcm.ta fr.Pt. fn h drnffd fnr the army. TEUTON BY THE FRENCH Negroes Planned ffigUprisinginE. St. Louis for 4th liu v iucuu sua ? Wa : Troops from. "Subs" : L (ByUnited Press) PARIS. It was a providentially timely accident to the rudder of one of the transports of the first contingent of American Expeditionaiies that pro bably -saved the- vessel .from torpedo ing at hands of the German submar ines. "When the rudder suddenly . be- Drx L. N. liundy, the alleged brains I A M ' , of tlie pint is said to- have dissapeas- H""" uiauiu, isutp.. vwi suaiy- ed. - .-. - .' ' ly from the straight course, and the . . . submarines, who- were skulking near- "by like tigers after their prey, belie.: ing that; they were discovered, hasti ly; -discharged their torpedoes and -then' fled. (By United Press; - East St. Louis. The probe of the recent race riot by the -Grand Jury is expected here io develop sensation al testimony, establishing the - fact that a Conspiracy Twas brewing for a tiprisiug of. the negroes on July 4tn. GERALD IN E FARRER - as t - .- "JOAN OF ARC"- THE GREATESTPHOTOELAY EVER SCREENED r 5 v WHITES THEATRE VIED., JULY , 11 MATINEE ' AND-rf 3 O'clock - " NIGHT yt-f f .. - t 7:45 ADMISSION- ?5c, SOc, 75ei JLUr By United Press) , - ' PARlS-,Germany has-appjaretitly becptiie ronvinced of the.hotoeleBsnes&frd"'OtfcdlQun- frisrhtful losses has ceased her rattacksnn that rer gion:H-The official commnnique records a cesart tionofightm there: - - : v - BERLIN iBEtlEVESrBREAU : MITJIilDArMTiriF - I M Ml ihl iririi 1 mm NENT i - (ByUnited-Press)' ry - , AMSTERDAM. According to r dispatches! received here, idplomatfc circlesan Berlin believe that :a break betweeh' GermanyandArgentine is imnunentevenaf-it has riot already-occurred. ThAgenine3Iinister;conferfedal:-len Foreierri?Miriister;Zirhmer t with-Chan;cellorr BethmanniHollweg -United'Piessdispatch weefc as? seats Go on sale at BoV officewed- . AD-pnrJne-had disnatcheduanulti- mawmm (iermany. conceding" xne .sinKmgpt nesday Morning: STr , Many, Papers are 'Barred from Mails . (By TJfiited Press); WASH INGTON. It has been'learn ed - here that the igeverumenf-lias been barring numerous' publications from the mails" on account of their oposi tiou to the war. Tbe latest paper to Ikj barred under the recently passed espioange act is iThe Appeal to Jtea- sonr"altjflcialist4:weekly :. paper -Printed in Girard.-'Kansas' - , - . Musi Ascertain Jot Thethsetves zWMetheror Drafted ; , (United Press Staff Correspondent) - .WASHINGTON C,nien. Of ' military age 'will tAemselvesibe:re3pohsiBle d seriiniifehethei'M x;ne- Dig.rnuman' lottery tnauwin soon- oeginito, v grind outthe names. - Hence the War:DepartrC menT asksjthat- during the next f ew daVsievery;; " one be"alerifto read the newspapers knnouricet s; mentsijf the draft TequifemeritsWhen in;dQufet?l: v asK tneiocai ;xempton jBoaras. ; - U- '-?f briefly :this is "what the eligibles sVdp; w7 : '-First go-tq yourExemptiQix Boards hfinrJ-B"",. out what your red-ing serial number ip-aafgooiT;;'. as the Boards have finished numbering theards' : -for the. lottery. Then watch in the newspapers Vr for iherdrawingof the numbers in Washington. t Then find-out whether your number wa$aTOi,: and ijlt was,findout the order, in whicriyoUiistr appear. finally, learn .wnennd wnerethe pnysicai examination win ;e neia , To .seme: of .you who read this -arti cle, "if r will mean : the open ; gates to prosperity.- f. you--are devoid of- all - r . ; JJ . , trace ' of energy or ordinary ambition ' AU rercuLy w v, fa no -nse.'r Do -not read thisany PARIS,i(By Mail Information ie tatlv'Q ito. .Ihe: Individual members of the i-American" expeditionary - force, in France' will "not be -permitted in the news , cablese Theii j general- staff an- Inounced today that such -news must be transmitted to the. folks at iiome by; the . ogicers and. nien themselves, not - by the - newspapOTsr.- - - ; -i r The fighters will be encouraged to write fully, and often .to-those 'who are interested" in them; ,-This mall -will pass through -a lenient Cmllitary cen sorship and "npon its r arrival" - in -Am-" erica may- be giVenvtout -io the .news- paper$ by - the respective relatives -or friends. - - Tbe oUy exeeptioitr -toi-. the" general staffs" ruling - aecmlingv to plans out lined :tdday 'will - be in jeventof 'ex ceptional cases ' where individual acta! of-.bravery or :"devofiOn to" duty .'may possibiy-be'eommuicated to the, press tofQciaUy at-a later; time, -.yj : xmM-JKiiu aoc .happen,- noweverpim- tit American J:oop have been-aetual- LOSTAntlaue Cameo Pinv larce size between my5 home5mj'3rd St. & Van j--- lemmgs i: otore.-'on ,-. tiouse uoaa. ?o.00 . reward for,. -return toUtfre. Four s torpedoes Npassed harmlessly astern, an. eye wit ness who was-on the' transport -said today, The Boy Scouts . Hold a Meeting ed local idedde";: Upon; someUitgg- that ieveryone riTt enjoy. Z? , - tjy35ry.boy in tthetOw&r theTignt age should- be - ffiemi.tnis or ganixation.-? And everjrj parent shoud - . , i --T'-. v t4. -- . .-.:- i - . Vt - - - - 1 i S.-IKI rewnrrt Tor -rpfnrn tr Mm 1 rT Tt Argentine s SmpS .DyOjerman; SUUmarmeS.; -J I- c. Ik- Whichara. or rto Ws-.ofSceJ encourage Ms-hoy oioin-r .; BROAD - CAST MESSAGE TOR Is this Axiicfe and iNoTOthers, Needmketithe lTrmhlp-nr KPnninfy It. PJnrA Yniir,NnitiflrV on the List of Workers Today ! Boy Scouts held a very enthusiastic meeting-at the High-School .building last night at 8 e'clock. - There were thirty-four- members, present, twelve. of them joining lastjuight, and alrxtf them were eager to begin" the scout work. The initiations fee is -one dol lar, and he weekly dues : are'. ten cents. Every one of the hoys has. jmid his.faeanai dues, f Tlris morniitg:lheQoys jireicf wort delivering the- lew, , telephone -direc tories to the "citizens" of the -town and-4 they expect -to - accomplish -4hls vicork within threcrhours-this morning. Ten of. them- reported prohiptly Jhls monij mgto begin the :worfc ana ny. eleven. o'clock had completed: 'the . task and thereby earned, about : fourteen.-dollars for tlie ordejv as the .Telephone- Com pany paid them two cents apiece,: for distributing theloeksT - 'C.'J" The boys ar? planning;torh4e. fa real- outing , some time this satbmer. The -details' have not fret been worked uV-but iiris .HJertala-ihat they " will t-XjjendS: anor reader ex tne-uawyjNews taK.ea parp-n .tne ciun. , xne large numberot folkjwbo east; fheiriivotea further.' There is nothing in it-for But if you are" interested and are a live wire, here is'-a broad' cast mes sage ; for fyou : witha personal mean- tog.- 'The -Auto-Club is an opportun ity ujreated- for - you and ,your kind: It - is rthe . sort of -opening you ene. getfe' ones r aret " looking for. The chance' to secure "all the happiness and prosperity without jone .4xmt of cost fooU." " - By': joining - the Daily News Auto Club and, becoming an. activel mem ber, you will he entitled to youy-share of the 12347.00 in cash and prizes .to be awarded oft August 11th, - Not only are you assured-whert you enter. the tion will I bet far: more generous than any ?preyjue mpaigi"Wrjconduct eTia this.. part of thV Btate"f'u iTheuuto 4Dluh aIiyolagtcampa6a and participate. JtaC theace, . make itl possible-for,- the :Daily vjfews to offer extraOTdinary- prizes of 7 great value. The -prizes wjlLbe : distributed to ' the best working members,-those who" se curethe most .rotes on- 'guhscfipftonT -r aavemsmg ana joo work. v If your name is now on the'BfiL;-alli you have toTdo is t6 start, the pall. rolling. Jf your-name is jxoTon-the list, .you should have it entered .at" once.,, '- . , - "yr-J ,yj -The patrpna of tepDaUx wfIapr ' preciale Uie "value of "the awajrd to'be" i v distribute and they are entering-the "iy race withs great .interest. Placejrdnr'",' H" name on the long lifefof active worfcV 1" ers and start in on thegrdTrhd floor- ' wuju iue outers,- - ' 3 , . 3 Partial List of -Clulr JlemWre v-l: V - Member-. J "r, Votes! . ' Louis Curryr"Cityt'r4,r T8,500- Mfss, Clara Jonea taty .V. , 69,000 Miss -Argent -Oulneicly,, Dity"3q,000 " Mrs. tofinle HexeeAJIktanif WKW iVri Miss MargaretMoore, City . . , T'45.000 1; I Qubj ofcertam'profit,lthe:comrens,h-lMiss Esther; Blount, Ayden .jtOOO-" Miss Fannie Smith, GrlftonT ,10.000 V Lee F. King, -Clty,V. tKf 10,000 ,k. - , Jaiss .Lottie -.-Baf berCity TT,00 Miss Rose-Myers,TCity -i; ,7.23,000 , , wherebyeveryone Miss- Ethel Bynum, Farm ville '40,000 v BA, Totmtain'jr; Fountain, 'l0tO0OV"'f Franks Patrick, City 1 A.-27,200, .V Miss Susie Sutton, Winervtry 10,000 Willie -HarrisStokes'f ..; . t 10r-V s Alfred J.' Flanagans 2. ' 10.000 - " - Miss Athleen Bullock, Uv- - 10,000 jstifjt f Tne -prizes wm.je aistnDutea to . me j Herman E. Harrlss, FarmvilleTLO.OOO "

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