- v v. -. ra,v . l.'Vr . I : - r-- v- ' H-.?-'- -- riT m 1 1 11 1 1 1 I I M I I II III 1 1 1 . THE GREENVILLE DAILY NEWS Published every afternoon except ounday by Greenville Publishing Co., Inc. J. CONRAD IIERTl'resideiitir JA& L. IAYOv Secretary & Manar Entered at the Posf Office at Greenville, N. C, as second-class matter June 15.JM7, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. v Subscription Bates: (Delivered by Carrier within specified'sections of the city or by Mail) 1 Year W-OO 3 Mpnths ". $100 r xfth .$2.00 1 Month 35c J i (Subscriptions Payable-In ..Advance). Subscribers desiring the Daily News discontinued will please notifly office, otherwise paper will be continued at regular subscription rates. To insure efficient delivery, complaints should be made promptly to the Circulation De partment, No. 315 Evans Street. Telephone No. 70. A TiH thfi Cf-reatest -success of all if thaCof the man who can "aid in. the success d thV ' largest Det us cease conferring office upon men merely as a triDute to tneir success, .mu uic nim. wxi the ability to perform the duties , required, : and then entrust them to him. : - : Success will be the result. Saturday Af ternoori, July 21, 1917. CONCERNING SUCCESS In 1898 the United States freed Cuba from the rule of Spam. Today, when we are at war witn Germany Cuba comes right to the front with an offer of her entire army of 25,000 officers and men, to be employed in any manner this 'government may desire. There is gratitude for you, and our hat is off. - V -o- The farmers are complaining about the cost of clothing and other city and town products, and town people are complammg about the cost of spuds and other farm products. Whatth 'heirs' thematter, anyway? o In the excitement of the moment, don't forget that the preacher will have a few words of cheer for you on Sunday. . It costs nothing and is worth much a "spiritual bargain," as it were. o We are all familiar wh the trite quotation, "Nothing succeeds ike success." It meets us oh all sides. It is the ne plus ultra of argument as to efficiency, arid is a literal illustration of the truth of the Master's assertion that "unto -him that hath, shall be given" except that it doesnt always exactly fulfill the Master's conception of the thought. . . Nowadays, when the sovereign votersof a mu- mVinnlitv arp fao.pd with the need of choosing ai Carranza assures us of his neutrality which corps of officials to safeguard the public interests j being correctly interpreted, means the old cuss is the voters immediately begin to question the fit- j plotting mischief again. . ness of each man proposed. The ability of the o candidate, which in most instances is his chief re- j No, hanging out the flag is not the only way of commendation (and in the RIGHT SENSE, should . displaying patriotism. The government needs re be) is discussed freely, and the whole industrial ! recruits. and business life of the man is laid bare to the : o public gaze. But the clinching argument is that; Spots on the sun, you sa? They are only the he has succeeded. Hs own affars have been pro-! marching hosts rushing to join the war of the secuted wth energy and vigor, and with intellj- j universe. erence and sound judgment. As a result, he is - . what the whole world pronounces a successful NEW jlVl IIM TO IvAISfci TAXES man. j Now we argue that if this man has been so sue- j NKW HKUX Two atmpts were n . . .. ' ' j: 1 "de at a meeting of the itoartl of al- cussiui witn nis own auairs, u nect;sciriiy iui- TONTROLS" DESTROYED; AIRMEN LAND SAFELY (By United Press) ! denuen. held last nisrht. to induce this ; I Alllh. One of the most remarkable lOWS that he Will be "equally SO With the affairS Of jlly to inen ase the lax levy on .UyifeMt in th history ot aviation was but the majority of the al- periormea oy a rrencn nyer working it opposed to the increase i with the American escadrille. . and held fast to their opinion, the vote j This aviator ran into a German shell leing r, against and 3 for. (hie increase j at'a hiKn altinule. IIis control wires asked for was r, -ver cent, and was for j were wulpletely cut away, his levers the purpose of paying interest on funds yere useless Ue was flving a wreck bonowei The opinion of the hoard at thousands of feet above the irround increase. The levy lina same as last year the people. So we rally and place him in power ; ,r'nIt1v;v), and m too many instances awake to the tact that we have dropped pur candy. It fs true that "nothing, succeeds like success," but not in the sense in which we mostly accept it. Nothing so well succeeds in blinding us to the real defects of human character as a little success in a particular line. Who has not seen the disast rous failure of many men who have been success ful in the lines with which they were familiar, when they have undertaken work for which they had neither aptitude, knowledge nor training? It is discouraging indeed to the citizen possess ed of real civic pride to see the destines of his comunity committed to men who have nothing ; better to recommend them than the fact that they have accumulated money and property. This success, instead of being a recommendation, is too often a fatal barrier to their usefulness, in that it shows self interest to be their ruling pas sion. Many of earth's greatest benefactors have been men who never accumulated much wealth. In many instances the reverse be true they have spent and been spent n the service of humanitv. We are most forcibly reminded of the truth of this assertion ofT reading of the death of Coun c Zeppelin in Germany recently. Bom of a noble J ! 1 ' j 'i ... , - . - iamny, neir to princely estates, he early m life was imbued with the idea, to further the progress of the human race by developing air navigation. His Time, his energy, and the bulk of his vast fortune went into experiments until at his death he was what one might term a "successful fail ure." He had entirely lost sight of his own in terests, but he had conferred on humanity a boon which, in the arts of peace, time alone can esti mate, for the day will come when rapid transit in the air will be as common as the railroads today. In our municipal affairs let us lose the idea that the man who is successful with his own affairs will be thesame with the affairs of the people. Success i relative. The man who can construct a perfect street is pronounced a success, though he hasn't a dollar to his name. was that a program of retrenchment when has been mapied out. wll Ik suf ficent to take care of the intreest. Prof. Frank L. Ashley, principal of the high sch'ol. asked for a 5 per cent increase for the school funds. He read a reiort from Prof. II. R. Smith, superintend ent of the city schools, setting fortii j nonr needs of the schools and asking for the Keepng hs head1, he cleverly manipulat ed the speed shifts of his engine to allow his machine to fall slowly in a circling motion. He landed in safety. ,"Spads" now being used by the French alrtnen are forced to land at a minimum speed of 110 to 120 miles an It is for this reason especial ly that the aviator's stunt is regarded as one of the miracles o faviation. agreed upon was the $i.iu for all pur- es and $.'i.."M poll. THK DAILY NEWS $4.O0 PER Year The Pitt Lumber "o.. have just re ceived several cars of shingles and if you are in the market for any better sen. them at once before they are all sold. SBfi mow WAS Tfbur Patriotic Duty VWSPU ii I I I 1 1' I I il P I II Mill IIVTWr- 1 I If you wish to buy or sell anything try our Classified Column. It brings results. One cent per, word. LOTS FOR SALEU-Two desirable residence lots on "8th: St. 60 :x lfcd feet each. Between M. L.' Turnage and Prof. Austin. Price $4,000.00. (Four thousand). E. V. Smith, Ohancock, Va. 7-6-2 moc. JUST RECEIVED THREE CAR- loads extra clear Red Cedar Shingles all heart,- prices, $4.50 to $6.50. Pitt Lumber Co., 12th & R. R. St. 7 176tc DO YOU NEED ROOFTNQ? IF SO, we ha-re it. J ply 1.25, 2 ply $1.75, 3 ply, $2.25. Guaranteed ten years. We buyin carloads and. can save you money. Pitt Lumber Co. 12th - & R. R. Stt 7 17 6tc SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Pitt county, made' on the 27th day of June, 1917, by J. D. Cox, Clerk of the Superior Court of Pitt county, in that certain Special Proceeding entitled, W. S. Atkins, Ida M. House, widow of D. E. House, Ida M. House, executrix of the estate of D. E. House, G. T. House, Sue J House, D. Lahdouia House, Naomi Lawrence, by her guardian, David House, J. L. Little, Melissa Barnhill, Henry L. Thigpen, Frank Thigpen, R. J. House, S. Gordon House, R. Wiliner House, A. Roy House, E. Pearl Holmes, and A. Jefferson House, heirs at law of the late D. E. House, deceased, ex-parte, the undersigned Commissioner will, on Monday, the 6th day of August, 11)17, at 12 o'clock noon, expose to public sale before the Court House door in Greenville, to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing described real property, to-wit: ,'Being Lot No. 8 in Block B ; Lots Nos3, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 in Block D; Lots Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1L 12, 13 and 14 in Block C ; also Lots Nos. 2 and 3 in Block I of he subdivision of the House & Atkins property, as shown by survey and map made by David C. James, Surveyor, in December, 1915, being in and near the Town of Greenville and known as a part oi tne Manning Land, lying South of the old-Plank Road or Dick inson Avenue. This sale is made for the purpose of making partition among the tenants in common. This the 7th day of July, 1917. F. C. HARDING, v Commissioner. HARDING & PIERCE, Attorneys. 7 7 ltaw 4wks p SMiigles I k&ep on hand at all times JUNIPER AND PINE SHINGLES Prices from $3.00 to $6.25 per M. If you need tobacco flues you should send in your order at once. enkins Phone367 Gorman's Warehouse Greenville, N. C. Join The Daily News Auto Contest I Nominate Address Nominated by 10,000 VOTES, Siven with the first nomination for each .new member The names of persons making nomina tions will not be divulged. Return this to Club Manager at the Daily News Office. in collars, out c f do The LEONARD CLE. preserve year tood J-Miger In the long run, it morn tli " and cutoi..at; 2 car "e;hL maintain- n !rr, i-rnnr. cold air circuLi io.i pr-:vvr white, porcelain lininfi edges of doors th- r v food-destroyig bac1- :r.' . Made by GRAND RAI : "Large 3i The food problem is one of the biggest that faces Uncle Sam today. Government experts have shown that we waste $700,000,000 worth of food annually. It i? your patriotic privilege to help stop his wa te. Bacteria, fostered by heat, are the real cauj z of food decay. Food must be kepi i a temperature below 50 degrees. 1 nis i 3 Impossible if you keep your food or i; . -!jer!y built refri?;eratorsv " TABLE REFRIGERATOR will ind better. it saves ice. too. 'odes ' empe ; odor fen cjayn if 3 c-st. Ten insulating Walls The Leonard Its fresh, iee- ut cut heat effectively, lure r.i ibf holiest days. Th - :ly rft iterator with superb, Dure ? c.Pz:r . tTCirnd door frame and around-irri-r . 7".,nt-not a crack or crevice for NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Attorney 7 12 ltavr6wc Having qualified as administra trix of )V. E. Nichols, deceased, late of Pitt pounty, North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate, of said W. E. Nich ols, to exhibit them to the ?indersign ed, on or before the 15th day of July, 1918, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery.- All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This July 11th, 1917. JULIA NICHOLS, JULIUS BROWN. Admrx. PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. E. P. SPENCE Dentist Office Formerly Occupied by Dr. D. I. James, Next Carolina Clnb. Phone 143 II. VV. CARTER, M. D. Specialist in Diseases of the Eye, Eai Nose and Throat, and in Fitting Glasses. Office with Dr. A. M. Schultz, Nation al Bank Building, EVERY MONDAY Phone 319 Home Office lllll ALL KINDS. WE do all kinds of ROOFING work-in SLATE, TILE, TIN NING. Sheet Metal Work. See us for an estimate before placing your job. S. T. Hicks Plumbing, Heating, Roofing and Electri cal Work. PHONE 60 'r - ; z DRINK COCA-COLA IN BOTTLES THE MOST SANITARY WAY ashinston. N. C. J. CONRAD LANIER Attorney at Law Greenville, North Carolina . P.EF ' ZUUkTOR CO., Grand Rapids, Michigan zfrigreor Factory in ths World" C 1 e a n a b 1 e Call anij see them. We have many stylea and sizes at prices to suit all purses. Like a Clean China Dish" QUINN-MILLER & CO. Phone 366, Near A. C. L. Depot. GitEIMi .HFC ca. Is now prepared to do House Paint ing, Paper Hanging and all grades of Carpenter Work. Estimates gladly furnished. Coca-Cola Bottling Works JAMES M. HINES. Proprietor TRY DAILY NEWS WANT ADS FOR RESULTS 1B1RAE Cotanch Street, Greenville, N. C. " " GREENVHJLE, N. C. 4 , The Undefeated CHAMPION of the Road 1MR BULL DOG NON-SKID TIRES challenge the worst you have around ' -' i ' Match them with any aspirant and you'll Hnd ?z pvxz to it C0M Braender Quality means speed, safety, and tire endurance, PLUS. Red and Gray Tubes Agents in Principal Cities HIKER Al LOCAL DEALERS ANTHONY GREENVILLE, : : NORTH CAROLINA TACTORY, RUTHBRFORD .N, J, 4 TELEPHONE No.- - x:

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